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Suptg Archive: (scroll to bottom)


Archive compiled using with only story posts for easier read-through (update status unknown):


Twitter (quest times, cancellations, updates):


Theme music:



Notes on Rolls and Voting:

When I request rolls, each set of three rolls counts for one action. For example, a two-step plan would take the first 6 linked rolls. A particularly bad failure can stop your plans early.

When rolling 1d100, I will consider criticals within the first ten linked rolls. Only criticals that occur in the first three rolls will be counted as "supercrits". This is still the case even if you'd have plan long enough to require more than ten rolls.

When I roll 1d20, the rules are the same, but I only consider criticals for the first five rolls, rather than ten. Criticals in the first three are still "supercrits".

When a plot choice results in extensive debate, I'll try to weed out the most popular trains of thought, and then call a vote on them. When voting, please respond with only a link back to the post and the number corresponding to your opinion. Other votes are discounted.

Finally, note that this is not a democracy; it is a benevolent dictatorship.
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Recent Events Summary:

Your friend, Abigail, and niece of the Archmage Yi Fang, was twisted into a complex political situation in Archon. As the Archmage's niece, she is expected by him and much of the city of be a prime candidate to succeed his seat - making her an obvious target for ambitious rivals. You decided to infiltrate her main opposition, the Cheung family, to assassinate their leaders - a merciful alternative to Yi Fang's plan to erase them in their entirety, women and children included. You killed and impersonated a high ranking member of the family, and discovered that the house was divided between an aggressive and moderate faction. You instigated a coup, and with the element of surprise, and your own efforts, managed to put the moderates into power.

With Abigail's immediate problems taken care of, you returned to help your new allies, refugees from the battle at the Ring City, establish themselves in the forest. After fighting off an attack by yet more constructs marked with "002" the teleportation was successful. You decided to explore the forest and scout out any possible dangers, and soon found that you weren't alone. The native elves, werewolves, and humans seem amiable enough, but you didn't exactly make friends with the orcs. Meeting the challenge of the orc leader, Vaz Grak, only seemed to antagonize them further, but for now, things are peaceful. Auriel is confident that, with the help of your neighbors, you will be established in record time.

good to see you again SM.
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You decided that one of the keys to the vault under Jacob's Field needs to be collected - the lightning key, possessed by the late Duke Vellik of Kelvere. You flew to Evinbrook, and found the castle city locked in a battle for survival. Kan-Abar's armies returned, with two demon lords in tow.

Duke Vellik made a plan to stall the demons with patched-up dwarven technology. You brought him to safety in exchange for the lightning key. You offered him further sanctuary, but he chose to remain with what forces he has left and make the Kanians pay for every inch they take.

In order to permanently resolve this situation, you need the rightful king back on the throne of Kan-Abar - Obis Vin. You decided to track him down, and you've followed him as far as Port Vanta, where he was looking for an old ally, a pirate captain named Blackwater who used to work as a privateer for Kan-Abar. Blackwater, however, made an enemy in a particular crime lord - Damian Vonnegut. You leanred that after he asked around too much for Blackwater, Obis has vanished, and you suspect Vonnegut is responsible.

You were able to locate Vonnegut's base of operations under the city, and as you snuck in, you encountered Freja Blackwater, the infamous pirate's daughter. After a brief confrontation, you figured out that your goals were the same, and joined forces to locate Obis.

Vonnegut, a powerful water mage, was expecting you, and you fought a fierce battle against him and his men. After a few rounds of combat, you managed to push him back somewhat, but the explosive arrival of the local law enforcment, headed by Captain Bradley, provided an opportunity for him to escape. While Freja deals with the captain, you move to pursue the crime lord...


A pleasure to write on /tg/, as always.
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Ability Tree

GREEN abilities have been unlocked and learned.

BLUE abilties are unlocked, but are not yet purchased.

RED abilities are revealed, but locked due to prerequisites.

UNDERLINED abilities are active-use, as opposed to passive. Not all active abilities require mana.

All Revealed Ability Descriptions:


Books the Main Character has read:


Character Sheet including learned abilities and other important information:

Its time...

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Current Statistics:

HP: 73/81
Mana: 4/34
EXP: 4
Humanity: 448
Temerity: 287

Shards of True Darkness: 3
(Isolation) - Normal
{Hunger} - Strong
(Silence) - Empowered


Wisp (1 mana per order, does not break control, stealths with you)


Earthen Construct (currently in Haven)


Utility belt with purse


Moonsong Shards x 2
Sun-Moon Key
Lightning Key
Succubus Reagents x 1

--Current Location--

Port Vanta
fuck yes, finally here on time
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>Last time...

You use nightflare!

>Mana: 4/34

A shock of anti-magic spins toward Vonnegut's enchanted top hat - but again, it slides off!

"Looks like you didn't learn the first - "

His smug quip is cut off, because you're barreling toward him at top speed. Your condensed punch slows - and that gives him enough time to put his hands together and focus on defense - but you slam into his icy shield so hard that pieces fly off the edges. He's driven back a good two feet, and breathing hard.

The room rumbles. You glance around, trying to figure out what he's doing now.

The roof explodes.

You and Vonnegut both duck away from the rain of stone. You Ink between the falling chunks of rock, while he dives, sliding along on a path of ice he creates as he goes.

Soldiers clad in green-tinged adamantium armor drop in through the ceiling and onto the balcony. A dozen fights break out as magic and swords clash.

A final man thuds to the ground between you and Vonnegut. He's huge - even bigger than Sir Flint - and he wears a full set of adamantium plate armor. Enchantments are carved deep into the metal. You sense that almost all of them focused on protection.

"We meet again, Captain Bradley," Vonnegut sneers.

"Vonnegut!" the man says. He points a gauntleted finger at your foe. "This time, I've caught you red hand - " He notices Freja. "Blackwater?! Ha!" He draws his sword in a smooth, well-practiced manner. "Today, I kill two birds with one stone!"

>note: you actually don't have Wisp summoned at the moment
It's CONSUME time!
>Succubus Reagents x 1
Huh... why do we still have those anyway? She knows not to trust us anymore.
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"You can try," Freja says. Her spell of Wind and Spirit completes itself - magic combined from a greater and lesser element.

A white bird appears at her shoulder.

A bird!

"But you won't succeed," she finishes.

"Well," Vonnegut says, "I wouldn't want to interrupt your fun. Ta-ta!" Vonnegut's figure freezes - and then evaporates into steam! It soars upward rapidly, up through the hole in the ceiling.

"Shadow, follow Vonnegut!" Freja shouts. "I'll deal with this idiot!"

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Dunno, you've just hung on to them the whole time.


"Dammit! I'm not letting the both of you slip through my fingers in one day!" Captain Bradley lunges for Freja, raising his sword.

Freja crosses her enchanted greaves, blocking the sword straight on. The small white bird dives and sweeps behind Bradley's leg, gouging the adamantium with its claws. Bradley breaks away and steps back, swinging at the summon, but it's long gone. It circles his head, and he eyes it warily.

"Shadow!" Freja shouts. "Go!"

What do you do?

>stay and help Freja fight Bradley
>pursue Vonnegut
>some other strategy
We still have it because RPG packrat behavior.

NEVER throw anything out of the inventory. What if we need it in the next room?
let's get vonnegut
>pursue Vonnegut
Give Bradley one punch in the dick then peruse Vonnegut.
Yup lets pursue Vonnie
Roll 1d100 to pursue!


Good idea. If it's a high enough roll you stand a chance of doing some damage on the way out.
Rolled 36

Rolled 66

Rolled 25

You dash past Bradley, swiping at his leg in hopes to trip him up on your way out.

To your surprise, your arm is repelled by a searing light, but you draw back before it can do any real damage.

>you've taken 1 damage (72/81)

Bradley growls and turns toward you, but Freja's bird forces him to keep his focus frontward. You leap up and spread your wings, soaring out above the chamber.

You're in the middle of a street. It's deserted - the guards must have cleared everyone away before their entrance. You keep moving up, landing on the nearest rooftop.

Vonnegut is resting with one hand on a brick chimney, catching his breath. He spins as you approach, then throws up his hands. A wall of ice crushes toward you!

Roll 1d100
Rolled 29

Oh great.
Wait, how many people are actually here? Is it really just SM+3?
Rolled 54

I'm lurking.
... i really want that hat.

Also I'm wondering if this guy is inspired by anyone

give us a roll!
Rolled 8

Where is everybody?
I just got here...
Rolled 81

alright what is with our dice today.
Rolled 71

make that +4
Rolled 97

I'm here too
I'm really glad we maxed the speed tree. we're Gonna need it to dodge with these rolls hah.
You try to dodge, but it was too sudden. The wall of ice smashes into you and drives you down over the edge of the rooftop. You try to slip away, but the ice shifts and pens you in, bringing you all the way down to the ground. The force of it crushing you into the pavement breaks the spell.

>you've taken 9 damage (63/81)

You stand, and shake off the blow. It hurt, but you're far from finished after one lucky blow.

You rapidly claw back up the windows and ledges to the rooftop. In the distance, Vonnegut is bounding across the buildings, using his ice to launch and slide through the air. He's heading for the docks.

What do you do?

>try to follow him stealthily
>pursue him directly
>some other strategy

taking short break for lunch (half hour-hour)
Rolled 86

>try to follow him stealthily
... and once we get a chance use Gaping Maw.
Rolled 90

I really wish the dice wouldn't taunt us so.
>try to follow him stealthily
Lets see where he is going. We might as well take advantage of his lucky shot to make him think he lost us.
I wonder why nobody had ever thought of trying to jump into a targets shadow while they're running. If they're running in the direction of the sun we could just connect with their shadow and slip into it, making the target think we're gone, right?
Jesus H Christ. I miss half a thread and suddenly were Batman?
we could also blink towards him. and I just noticed SM used the name of an author for the villian.
Lunch went faster than I expected!


I admit I'm enjoy it immensely.

Roll 1d100 for Schattenkrieg
Rolled 3

Rolled 75

let's do this
Rolled 45

We batman!
Rolled 20

Rolled 66

Rolled 99

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My shame knows no bounds
Rolled 46

go batman
Rolled 54

Rolled 51

It's not an average score, so don't worry about it.
Rolled 37

You spin your aura into a spear around your body and blast forward.


In less than a second, you've reached Vonnegut's position.

But your spike in power must have alerted him, because he's managed to throw a defense together, a layer of ice a foot thick!

You crush through the ice. It deflects you enough that you don't hit Vonnegut directly, but the force sends him flying down to the edge of the wharfs. You crash into a nearby stone pier; it isn't a particularly soft landing.

>you've taken 2 damage (61/81)

You climb out of the crater you drove in the stone. Men and women are running from the battle, screaming. You can feel about a dozen guards and two city mages running toward you, but they'll be a minute, at least.

Vonnegut's figure is sprinting away through the debris. Now that he knows you can follow that quickly, he's already preparing more magic. Several mages fan out around him, dressed in that black leather armor - reinforcements. One is of water, one of light, and another, fire.

What do you do?

>try to dash around the mages; keep on Vonnegut's tail
>blink past the mages, getting as close to Vonnegut as possible
>tank through the mages, taking them down
>schattenkrieg a mage
>try to use Fear on the mages
>some other strategy
>blink past the mages, getting as close to Vonnegut as possible
>>blink past the mages, getting as close to Vonnegut as possible
Maybe throw up some shadow clones as a distraction as well?
let's go blink + gaping maw
Rolled 31

>>blink past the mages, getting as close to Vonnegut as possible

Lets catch this nigga and let him know that his goons are no concern to us!
Also I say once we kill this guy we wear his hat instead of eat it
So, Blink right into Gaping maw?

You still don't know where Obis is, fyi.
Rolled 68

just blink. we have to interogate this guy. or more likely have the girl interogate him
Fuck, ok eat e strongest mage. Maybe if we get him on the run again we can stealth him
forgot that, might not be wise to try to get ideas when i'm tired, let's go with
can we just eat a mage or two instead?
Just blink up to him then.
What? No. We cant loose sight of this prick and let him dig in somewhere else
Rolled 33

it would take to long. we grab the guy, knock him out, then come back and eat a mage or 2
Vote 1:
>Blink, attempt to restrain him

Vote 2:
>fight and consume the mages in front of you, then pick up his trail more stealthily in a moment
what we really should do is aim for that hat. And then wear it.
yeah you're right we can't lose sight of this bird changing my vote to blink
but dont be afraid to rough him up some. he seems hardy
Yes. this
Oh yeah of course. I say we try to break one of his legs, if not both
Roll 1d100 to restrain
Rolled 10

I hate my dice at this moment.
Rolled 15

Rolled 16

Rolled 34

oh wow, just wow.

We're gonna be at half health just because of shitty dice
Rolled 20

Rolled 38

this is going to be one of those days isnt it.
Rolled 2

we need a 100 right now
Rolled 7

wow, the dice gods sure are mocking us tonight!
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Rolled 88

SM can we change our dice out? I think these are rigged.
Rolled 92

Rolled 54

cmon 100
Rolled 78

Rolled 45

You Blink, flashing past the mages. In an instant, you're level with Vonnegut.

His eyes narrow sharply - and as your arms close around him, he vaporizes to steam! You thought he'd used too much mana to pull that off again...

A curling wave of water rises up from the ocean off the docks, powered by the water mage behind you! You're sure you could take the hit, but crowd of sailors in a nearby alley won't do as well if they get smashed against a building.

What do you do?

>fly over the water; follow that steam cloud
>protect the sailors from the magical wave
>try to kill the water mage
>some other strategy
Rolled 22

Shadow beam that mage as we follow the steam cloud.
>protect the sailors from the magical wave
im getting to righteous for this shit.
and we dont know if killing the mage will actually stop the spell
Shadow will do as Shadow does best
yes it does
>fly over the water; follow that steam cloud
some water wouldent hurt some sailor to much
if it could hurt i change my vote to save em
>protect the sailors from the magical wave
Oh man I wish we had some sort of ability that would let us summon some allies to save those guys while we keep chasing the penguin
Can we use earth forge to make a wall in front of the sailors while we chase this guy?
>Fly over the water, follow the steam cloud
Damn, wish we had gotten that water-freezing ability.

It will hurt them. The water not so much, but getting smashed against the stone, yes.

Killing the mage would steal the magical force from the water. It wouldn't just make the water evaporate, but it would fall and wash over the stone rather than slam forward like a wall.


not enough mana to shadow beam, costs you 5


alright voting 4 mana earthforge.
I support this action. Especially if we can keep after Vonneguy while we do it.
Man the earth magic doesnt get enough love from us
alright then, earthforge as we go after the penguin it is
Ok, roll 1d100 to earthforge and then give chase once more.

Two actions here.
Rolled 32

Rolled 44

Rolled 16

here's hoping for some GOOD luck
Rolled 51

Rolled 49

time for ones
Rolled 66

The Ride never ends
Rolled 3

at least we had a bit better luck actually chasing Vonnie
What the fuck is this bullshit?
dunno, the dice were like this last session too.
Rolled 89

have to try the dice for myself it cant be this bad right
Rolled 29

Does it amuse amused to see us fail
I like it how we stealthily entered the city. Avoided all the gaurds.

Then promptly blew it by doing a running battle.
In fairness the penguin started it
Rolled 28

well that is their fault, for not producing obis for us imediatly
You can't leave those innocents to die because of your battle. You stop, focusing your powers as the wall of water barrels toward you. The stone at the front of the alley and the side of the buildings melts, and reforms into a thick wall.

You jump into the air and flap as hard as you can to escape the onrushing wave. The light mage fires a beam of light!

The top of the wave catches you, spinning you end over end. But it actually throws your path off what the mage predicted, and the light magic just grazes you. You straighten yourself, and fly forward. The mages chase you, but you outpace them easily.

>you've taken 2 damage (59/81)

The water smashes into your wall, but the stone holds. The sailors are safe.

>you've gained 9 Humanity (457)

Ahead, Vonnegut has reformed into his normal self, and is running out on a long dock, one hand keeping his hat firmly affixed to his head, wheezing his breaths. Moored at the end of the stone pier is a long, black ship, dark wood reinforced with adamantium and bristling with cannons. Dozens of men, mages, and normal soldiers, move swiftly to protect him. You recognize Port Vanta's emblem on the soldiers' uniforms - clearly, Vonnegut has an in with the city guard, though apparently not with that captain you met earlier...

In any case, you've got your work cut out for you.

What do you do?

>full on attack
>berserk into them
>schattenkrieg right into the center of the dock
>compress, dive into the water
>Replicate a person, calmly walk along the docks
>some other strategy
>full on attack
fuck all fancy strategies. Lets go.
Can we try to fear them? If we can make them panic enough the chaos could slow Vonnegut down and/or cause the boat to leave before he arrives.
Rolled 52

schattenkrieg his fucking face
>compress, dive into the water
>>schattenkrieg right into vonnegut
no more mana, you wanna get fear gotta eat a mage first.
Rolled 33

>some other strategy
<is this man's money worth you life?> to all to assembled.
<if you stay i cannot assure your survival.
Rolled 12

They don't know us but they know him as the guy that owns everything they see. We aren't as scary as he is, not to these hicks.
I highly doubt that's going to work anon
Rolled 12

i know it wont work. but i feel the need to give them an chance to not die a grisly shadowy death
>Replicate a person, calmly walk along the docks
The shadow mage we saw earlier.
This. No matter how strong his anti-magic hat is, it doesn't cancel out the laws of physics.
We cant expect to kill that many people fast enough. They might use Obis as a hostage.
I would rather not waste the time and let fatso get even farther away from us that he already has
Roll 1d100 for Schattenkrieg aimed directly at Vonnegut
Rolled 48

rolling. our rolls suck tonight. really
Rolled 43

Rolled 63

Rolled 63

Rolled 57

Rolled 26

well, its better then the other rolls we've done.
were positively mediocre!
Rolled 97

inb4 he doesn't have any mana left and we kill him
Rolled 71

Rolled 87

this thread is bad when that is actually a compliment
Rolled 92

Rolled 20

All the wasted dice rolls

>worst myashoop
i agree captcha this is the worst myashoop
You gather you aura together...


Your target raises an icy barrier, but there's nowhere to deflect you, this time. You catch a glimpse of his horrified expression just before you slam into the stone directly at his feet.

The wharfs rumble as the force of your attack takes out a massive chunk of the dock. Bodies and debris fly in every direction. You crash into the water and bury yourself several feet in the mud below the docks.

>you've taken

You struggle to get out, but the wet mud sticks to you like a suction cup. You Ink your body thinner, and then you're free.

Vonnegut is already back at the ruined dock. Damn bastard is resilient...but then, you did knock a water mage into water.

You note a thick gash on his lower leg. His men pull him up and onto his ship, but he's taken some serious damage, and he's got to be exhausted. You swim to the edge of the dock as the survivors collect themselves and hurry up the gangway.

What do you do?

>explode out of the water and finish the battle directly
>sneak up and onto the ship, taking the form of the shadow mage you saw earlier
>some other strategy
Sheesh. Seems the dice gods want Vonnegut to escape. First recurring nemesis?
>sneak up and onto the ship, taking the form of the shadow mage you saw earlier
It's clear that a different sort of strategy is needed here.

Clearly my plotting has pleased the dice gods. Tonight I shall burn twenty bulls on the sacrificial altar to thank them for their gracious assistance!
>sneak up and onto the ship, taking the form of the shadow mage you saw earlier
>sneak up and onto the ship, taking the form of the shadow mage you saw earlier
Rolled 89

>explode out of the water

Ah, that one part should read

>you've taken 3 damage (56/81)
>>explode out of the water and finish the battle directly
Fuck it. We only need to knock him out and fly off
>sneak up and onto the ship, taking the form of the shadow mage you saw earlier
Rolled 18

>sneak up and onto the ship, taking the form of the shadow mage you saw earlier
>sneak up and onto the ship, taking the form of the shadow mage you saw earlier
We're not doing this right
Roll 1d100 to sneak
Rolled 72

Rolled 94

So, did any one die? because we could eat the bodies in the water first.
Rolled 36

The dice gods favor stealth.
Rolled 57

Rolled 91

hoping for a nat 1
Rolled 51


Yeah, four or five normal men died. About ten or so are injured. The mages helped protect the rest from serious damage.
Rolled 4

Rolled 9

Rolled 38

Can we go titanic in the ship?
You quietly float to the edge of the boat and climb up the side. The crew is scrambling to launch the ship. You wait for a moment, observing where activity is most infrequent, and then slip past the railing, fully transformed into the shadow mage you encountered earlier.

The ship is a bustle of activity. You move amongst the crew, staying out of the way, only offering a stiff nod when any make eye contact with you. They nod back, so you assume you're playing the part as well as you might.

A glimpse of movement catches your senses. You risk a quick glance upward. A white bird is sitting nestled between the ship's rigging above the crow's nest. Freja must have managed to get away from Bradley. You can't sense her position, though.

Vonnegut is leaning on the shoulder of one of his men, hobbling along on his broken ankle. They quickly escort him inside the top deck of the ship.

You can feel several mages. The three mages you left behind have reached the pier, and it looks like they're jogging to catch up before the ship leaves. Five mages are on the deck with you. Altogether, it's 2 light mages, 1 fire mage, 1 water mage, 2 wind mages, 1 lightning mage, and a spirit mage. The spirit mage and the light mage that is on board the ship feel the strongest, aside from Vonnegut, who outstrips them all substantially. None of them have noticed you, but it's probably best to keep your distance.

What do you do?

>follow Vonnegut
>go belowdecks through another door, see if they've stowed Obis in the brig
>take up a watch at the bow of the ship. Keep an eye out for Miss Blackwater
>some other strategy


Sure, but that requires 5 EXP; you only have 4.

It wouldn't be healthy for the ship.
The plan:
>impersonate shadow mage
>infiltrate Penguins group
>follow him until he leads us to Obis, since our assault will have unnerved him enough to doublecheck Ovis's status
>Rescue Ovis

You and you. Keep rolling
>follow Vonnegut
Follow the Penguin.
honestly we can't really impersonate the guy, hes good as a distance disguise but not much else.

We don't know anything about him, not even his name.
Rolled 42

Okay, lets find a mage, eat him for xp and mana so we can turn titanic, grab vogofuck and fly away. This is a really good plan.
Rolled 48

>follow Vonnegut
>following Vonnegut
I have the worst impulse ever just to get to the bottom of the ship and blow open as many holes as possible to make it sink...

anyone with me?
Rolled 6


That guy we need to put on a throne might be onboard, after we locate him we might need a distraction though. Keep this shit in mind.
You begin to move toward the door...then pause, as that stronger light mage is going in the same direction. He quickly marches through. You sense his soul close the gap to Vonnegut and stop near him.

This might be your chance - he's relatively isolated, and you don't care if you do damage to his ship. You walk forward as if you know exactly where you're going. The inside of the ship is built sturdily - there's plenty of adamantium everywhere. You wonder if the ship has any enchantments, or if it's just for physical reinforcement.

You follow the path the light mage took, and in a moment, you're outside carved, wooden double doors that clearly lead to the captain's quarters.

"Reldon, get in here!" Vonnegut's voice calls.

You don't see anyone else outside the doors. You gingerly turn the nob and push through.

Vonnegut is sitting on a plush leather chair in the center of the room, pulled in front of a neatly organized desk. A bit of his blood has stained the room's blue carpeting. Several soldiers are positioned close by. The light mage is kneeling on the ground, and a glowing white light is swirling around Vonnegut's ankle.

You hear a slight hissing as the flesh mends itself. The bone cracks and shifts back into position. "SHIT!" Vonnegut shouts. He sits back in the chair. "Damn the elements, that hurts." He looks at you. "Reldon. Whoever the hell that mage was, he's strong - damn strong. I haven't seen physical enhancement like that since that angel we took out a few years back. I want you down in the hull, watching our guest. If you sense anything, you give the signal."


"Good. Then get moving."

What do you do?

>follow your orders
>attack him immediately
>some other strategy
Rolled 9

>attack him immediately
It's not really productive given what our actual goal is here.
CONSUME the light mage and BIND Vonnie with the mana we gain.
oh wait, that hat. grab the hat after CONSUMING the light mage
Rolled 3

>follow your orders
Our guest, guys! That's Obis!
I think we know who our guest is.... and since he's in the hull, we can go down there, blast out way down below and swim out.

Logic here people!
I do not want Vonnie to escape. COMSUME!!!
>follow your orders

Come ON guys, we're here for Obis. WE CAN COME BACK TO EAT HIM IF WE WANT.

Dammit, SM they're gunning for the guy irrationally because you said you wanted him to be a reoccurring enemy.
>follow your orders

Our goal is Obis.
attack and CONSUME
>follow your orders
Second the escape with royal fag option. Also I like the villain.
Follow our orders.
There's stuff we need to follow up on before deciding to kill this guy. Like that angel he just mentioned killing, I want to know the details before committing.
>follow your orders
>>follow your orders
aww man just accidentally deleted what I'd typed

SIGH hold on
Y'know what I wanna do?

>Fly above ship
>Activate berserk
>Activate Hypersonic
>Schattenkrieg straight through the ship to sink it
>Pick off the survivors from below in the water, Jaws style
i think we're currently too busy being pansies.
I think we're currently too busy trying to recover from our earlier indiscretion.
If we'd bought Automaton, we could use it to pull a hunk of adamantium out of the hull and shape it into a terminator. Then, if we also had Disguise, we could make it look like this shadow mage so we could do other stuff.
if you have a persistent QR you can press control-z to undo deleted things.

You don't use notepad or something to compose posts before pasting to IE?
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"Understood," you tell Vonnegut. You quickly leave the room before the light mage turns his focus away from the man's injury.

You find a stairwell toward the center of the ship. You follow it down past several bunk rooms, a cargo hold, a kitchen and dining area, and reach the bottom of the ship. What sound like crying and sniffling reaches your ear. You push through the door at the bottom of the stairs.

The brig is dark and damp, and it smells like human excrement. Rusted iron cages line the walls. Inside them are people, stripped naked. There are a few men, but they're outnumbered by women and children. It's not a pleasing sight, but first things first. You walk by them, searching for your target.

In the very back of the room, apart from the others, a man rests at the back of his cage with his head between his legs. His back is marked by welts from a recent whipping, and his body is tattered with older scars - but you recognize him immediately.


He glances up sharply. His red eyes lock onto you. "...what..."

<It's me, Shadow. I'm just using this man's form as a disguise.>

"Shadow?!" Obis puts one hand down to help himself up, then stops. "...who's the leader of Refuge?"

<The orc shaman, Rogul.>

Obis gets up and stumbles over to the edge of the cage. He grips the bars tight. "Damn, it -is- you. Praise be to Logi. How the hell did you find me?"

You give him the short version of tracking him down and teaming up with Blackwater to take on Vonnegut.

Obis chuckles. "Freja? I haven't seen her in five, six years? She must have grown, if she's doing all this." He takes a long breath. "My cape and equipment is somewhere in the ship...I hope. And we can't just leave these people here. They're innocents. Abducted right off the streets to be sold as slaves. Do you have some kind of plan?"

<Punch a hole in the bottom of the ship, and ferry the innocents with me to the surface?>

I accidentally hotkeyed the back button several times, erasing all my work permanently. I love control-Z and control-Y, shit's for real, yo.


>year of our lord 2013


I keep the copypasta 'n such in notepad but I just compose in the Quick Reply box.
"I originally wanted to blow a hole in the ship so it would sink, but I don't know if everyone here can swim. I would need to get everyone out of their cages first anyway. Do you know who has them?
Do you think we could transform ourselves into a biiiiig bubble and transport them undersea that way?
I say we cut off the head of the snake and draw ALL the attention directly towards us.

Then the prisoners can escape, and Obis can go grab his stuff.
I think we should stealthconsume a bunch of the crew. Make it a ghost ship...

Yeah, you're big and strong enough to do this. However, you'd be relatively open to attack, and it wouldn't be very fast, so a distraction would really help.
<...How's delivering the entire ship by hand sound?>

The plan is to dive in underwater, then lift the ship up out of the water and Super Sanic it back to port. We stopped an airship with our strength, lifting the ship should be no problem.
Mmm. They might sense us undersea because of the mages as well. Also they might have magical tracking methods on the slaves we might want to check considering how "backup plan" the penguin is.
>Ink into large diving bell with handles
>Everyone get under the bell and hold on
>Sink ship, ferry people to shore underwater
Anyone that cant swim just has to hold onto us.
Yeah. Lets lure the mages into privet places one by one and eat them.
That's a risky plan. That would mean that Shadow has to depend on a man that was perhaps beaten and semi starved for a week to defend and lead several dozens of civilians who may or may not speak the same language to safety in a city that the Penguin controls.
Haven could use some children, right? It wouldn't be totally irresponsible or anything...
Rolled 43

alright. i am going to kill vonnegut. then come back here, but everyone out, and carry them to the surface. i dont need to breath so i can dredge the wrekage for you stuff

You idiots, Vonnegut is a fucking WATER mage. If we sink the ship he'll wreck our shit easily.
Well, if Vonnegut is a slaver, then we really do have to kill him, and everyone working for him as well. Better get started.
I have an idea! How about we pick off and consume the crew one by one. Lets go full on batman.
I don't think we plan on fighting Vonnegut, just getting everyone out.
This might work.

Do it.
problem... the mages on the ship are going to be attacking us.
Really? You want to leave such an influential criminal alone? I want penguin sticks.
If we can make a totally stealthy getaway, then air-bubble plan works. But if anyone sees us, water mages wreck our shit.

I think I favor the idea of stealthily consuming the crew. On the balance, it seems safest. Risks are fine, but not when innocents are on the line.
Hoh-k. Soh.

We stealth consume the crew and mages to stack our fight against vonnuggetcunt and then we carry (or push? propeller transformation like the ones we saw at archon), and then happily dance with Kurtobis and his waifu blackwater!
Seconding the shipping of Obis and Blackwater.
Before we leave we should break the locks on all the cages. So if we're discovered while stealthing we don't have to come back here to do so.
Vote 1:
>drill a hole in the ship and move everyone out in a bubble made out of yourself

Vote 2:
>slowly and stealthily consume the entire crew

Vote 3:
>lift and drag the ship onto land

Vote 4:
>go for Vonnegut directly
Agreed. Breaking all the cages and telling them to stay put is vital.
As Shadow, there can be no other option.

Geeze. It's almost as bad as the italian "elections" of last century.
1, but break the locks first
Now that we are going to consume the crew, who is going to sail the ship?
I'm not sure SM but I think number two won by majority vote.
Obis and us. If need be we can get in the water and push the ship.
2 does include vonnegut doesn't it?

Should have been there for the German Parliament with 7 different votes when we were spending a shittone of EXP
The white bird summon
I kind of wanted to suggest cutting the ship in half at a couple feet above the waterline, and then lifting and tossing at the ground the upper half. But that would be crazy!
It's not like it's going to crash and kill everyone from not being steered for thirty minutes.

hold on let me count

ok guys it was close but 2 won


Alright, one moment.
Your right that would be crazy. It would ruin that sweet hat that we are going to loot
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Should we use the stealth shard for this?
not yet, not until we get to the mages
Nah. Maybe for ambushing the stronger mages though.

<First mate wispbro, set course for adventure!>
I think we should stop using them so much. Keep them for real emergencies. For plot.

It's tempting to use them to boost general actions for kickass results, but it effectively weakens us because we're deprived of the passive bonuses. I also suspect there's more PLOT hidden inside of them, and they need to be healthy to squeeze it out.
SM I have a question about the world and the map, now that we are on a boat.

Are their other continents? Or is there only one big one?
I just thought the entire crew included the mages as well. I suppose it would be silly to kill everyone on the ship in one go though
Then we will never end up using them. It will be a too good to use situation
Well you don't really need to suspect at all, the fact that the last meditative boost bonus on the shards is labelled "Resonant - (special)" basically means that some form of plot or power will be made known to us once we actually save an empowered shard for meditation.
>Tfw SM makes a thread everytime you decide to nap
i see through your ruse
We get passive bonuses from empowered shards, so if we never use them, that would actually benefit us more in the long run.
<The plan?> You let your gaze fall over the cages of women and children locked in the diseased conditions, then you reach up and snap the lock on Obis's cage. You slowly walk down the hall, shadow limbs extending from your body to snap the locks one after another. Obis follows behind you, opening cages and ushering the people forward.

You get to the head of the room, then reach up to a cage a few rows back and snap off several metal bars. You hand one to Obis, then distribute the others to the remaining men. <Listen carefully,> you tell the people. <I'm working with the city guard to set you free.> Whispers run through the crowd. <But it's going to be some time before reinforcements show up. These criminals aren't street thugs - they're organized, and they have mages on board the ship. Until our side gets here, you need to play the part of caged slaves so as not to raise suspicion. Everyone, please return to your cages.>

You look at Obis, and speak so only he can hear. <Position yourself and the men near the entrance to the brig. If anyone comes in, beat them down.>

"Wait," Obis says, "you haven't told me what you're going to do yet?

<I am going to kill them all, Obis. One by one.>

Obis swallows, then nods.

You walk through the door.

Standing at the bottom of the stairs is the shadow mage you are currently impersonating.

You stare at each other for a long moment.

Roll 1d100



I'm afraid I can't answer that, Dave.
Rolled 55

Cupcakes and supercrits
I forgot about that. Now that I check the character sheet...

Damn SM what do you have planned with resonant shards?
That robot speak from before about power cores was mightily suspect.
We do get a passive boost from not using them. So even if there isn't some special juicy reward from conserving their use, we still benefit,
Rolled 76

rolling to kill doplganger
Rolled 26

Rolled 63

Can we shout "BROTHER!" and go for a hug?
Rolled 97


Gaping Maw!
Rolled 51

><I am going to kill them all, Obis. One by one.>
That line gave me goosebumps. I like it.
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Kill them, Shadow. Kill them all.
Rolled 100

Rolled 26

Rolled 11

No reason not to try again!
Maybe not the best idea while we are trying for stealth mode.
That being said how loud can we shout telepathically? It might be a good way to throw people off
Rolled 1

Go anonymous to re-roll

Rolled 2

excelent. kill them all. one. by. one.

Damn it, I need to get a damn 4chan pass, fucking Moot giving me the option to give him money to make my life easier.
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Rolled 73

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No! I am VoidBearer.
That wasn't even linked, it doesn't matter.
That one almost counted. I just about shit my pants.
What. You usually don't post that picture unless you're screwing US over!
It is I who am the bear of void!
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True, but you're out for blood...it's less a "screw you over time" and more a "muahaha, this will be fun to write" time.
I liked voidshaper and voidwalker better. Because they stopped using stupid names.
You sir, are an incorporeal grizzly, nightmare of the interplanar lumberjacks.
I can shop like that in half the time and damn man you didn't even tone up the vibrance and contrast check out this newbie!
Ah, they're void avoiders.
Lets capture him and interrogate him.
Do you know what that picture is from now? I seem to remember you stating that you didn't.
someone told him a while back

I do.
We've long since educated him.
We aint got the time. All he has to do is shout and we are screwed
Ah, must have missed that.

You pervert.
Let's shove our shadowy appendage down his throat. That'll keep him quiet.
Shhh. No tears now, only shadows.
Yes it will. It also defeats the purpose of capturing him because he wont be able to tell us anything
The mage opens his mouth and inhales.

Your arm grabs his throat and chokes the air out of him. His hands scrape and claw at your arm.

You squeeze harder. His hands slap at your limb uselessly. His eyes bulge out of their sockets.

You squeeze harder, and your arm slowly crushes his neck all the way to the spine. You envelope him and consume him, and his soul, and not a drop of blood is spilled.

>you've gained 2 EXP (total: 6)
>you've gained 2 HP (58/81)
>you've gained 7 Humanity (464)
>you've gained 12 Temerity (299)
>you've gained 2 mana (2/34)

You walk up the stairs.

Five crew members are in the hold. None of them have any magical talent. You sneak up and consume each one of them easily.

>you've gained 1 EXP (7)
>you've gained 1 HP (59/81)

You look around briefly, and you quickly find Obis's equipment and pack - but his enchanted cape isn't there. Vonnegut must have recognized its value and stored it somewhere safer.

The door to the hold opens. You duck behind a few crates. It's one of the wind mages. "Hey, Jenkins. There's - " He stops, and frowns. "Anyone there?"

What do you do?

>blink behind him and consume him
>assume Reldon's form again, casually walk up toward the mage. Jump him before he can realize what's wrong.
>some other strategy
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Bitch nigga let me tell you somthin bout photoshop you jingo hussy, check the piece with a middle click mrs. paint bitch.
You got your vibrance, your stylin constast and su-per-reme motherfucking film grain with cyan variations and text shadows.
Bitch get real about image editing or make like used car and sell out ya fancyless numpterbuewl.
I was just thinking of using puppet master. We can eat him before anyone gets down here even if he shouts, and then eat whoever comes looking for him.
>>blink behind him and consume him
I admit it. I don't have photoshop, and used Paint to take the screenshot. Please don't punish me for my insolence.

In other news >blink behind him and consume him
>>assume Reldon's form again, casually walk up toward the mage. Jump him before he can realize what's wrong.
>blink behind him and consume him
>blink behind him and consume him
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>>blink behind him and consume him

Close around his head fast enough.
>assume Reldon's form again, casually walk up toward the mage. Jump him before he can realize what's wrong.
Try to make it panicky too, saying that people are vanishing etc...
blink and consume
>assume Reldon's form again, casually walk up toward the mage. Jump him before he can realize what's wrong.
Someone might be behind him in the other room
Actually I change to >blink behind him and consume him
blink behind him, snap neck, then consume. Gotta be careful eating the mage flavored snacks

Roll for your Blink-headsnap-consume

Just one set of three.
This is /tg/ bro. when people start talking about shadowy appendages who knows if their joking or not
Rolled 82

Rolled 14

Rolled 100

Awwww yeeeeeaaah
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>100 rolled for necksnap
Oh, SM. This truly is the best quest ever.
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NOBODY Roll WE got this

Oh snap! We are batman.
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Rolled 1

From now on i think we might just need to stick with stealth

that best be a 1d1
This totally seems legit guys.
I don't think batman kills people, much less eating them whole.
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>I suggest necksnap
>SM takes suggestion
>anon rolls 20
>Snapple is pleased
I am a happy man tonight
It's not properly linked anyways. Don't worry about it.

Btw, to anyone that can answer my question, how do you see what type of die is rolled? I still haven't been able to figure it out.
Was there a DC or Marvel hero that did? Or a villain? We can be that one.
*cough* Venom *cough*
Maybe we're AzzBats, then.
Move your cursor over the name/Anonymous. It will show you what they have in their email field.
Mouse over the email field.
Rolled 55

hover over the name
You blink behind the mage. Your arm is already reaching out for his head as he turns around. His head bends at a sharp angle it is not supposed to go, and he drops into your arms. You swiftly consume him, absorbing his soul and his corpse one chunk at a time. And then, he's gone.

You shift your gaze to the door.

Standing there are both light mages - but they don't move. They don't scream. Locked onto their faces are looks of pure, silent terror.

You shoot your limbs forward. A harpoon of darkness catches each one in the eye, pinning them to the wooden wall of the stairwell behind you. You hear a panicked scraping, and your third limb catches a soldier that was trying to escape back up the stairs. You consume them all.

>you've gained 7 exp (14 total)
>you've gained 5 HP (64/81)
>you've gained 7 mana (9/34)
>you've gained 11 Temerity (310)

You walk up the stairs to the crew quarters...

Throw another 100
Doesn't work
Rolled 50

Rolled 53

No problem!
Rolled 84

Rolled 63

Rolled 75

It doesn't appear next to the name, you have to look at the bottom left of your screen.
Thank you based Anon
Rolled 10

Checking something.
Rolled 54

Rolled 1

Rolled 45

when a person rolls their name will look like a link, underlines and all that, hovering over it will show you the dice they rolled whereever it does for your browser just like normal links
Rolled 95

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Rolled 4

please... stop that


I knew there was going to be people behind him. That 100 couldn't have come at a more convenient time.
Cut that shit out.
Rolled 86

really dude? dont you have better things to do than artificially create ones in quests?
Sneaky git
I see what you did.
not 1d100
That isn't a d100 SM it is a d1OO.
>Using OO
>Not using zalgo text
It's like you don't even know what you're doing.
We have enough xp to titanic hypersonic schattenkrieg the ship now.
Rolled 1

I hope thats the bad dudes perception check
Rolled 1

lel I trold all u guise



Oh that reminds me!

SM check this: http://eeemo.net/
If you ever want an easier more fluid way of doing Dave's dialogue.
Rolled 15

Testing a different version.
What the dick?
Titanic hypersonic schattenkrieg sounds like the scariest thing this side of the titanomac-elementomachy.
yeah but at this point we dont need to

Already use that anon, but I appreciate the thought.
And kill everyone we are trying to save.
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Well now I know how to do it, and can make my very own quest thread; complete with waterslide.
Excuse me, I mean complete with mindfuckery.
Once we eat 1 more dude, let's buy pocket so we have a place to keep the fancy hat and other assorted things.
You can feel the ship rock heavily as you move up the stairs to the next level. You take an extra step to steady yourself. Looks like the ship's heading out...

You pass through the kitchen. The other wind mage and the fire mage are there, along with two chefs. They're chatting. The two mages are snacking on hard biscuits.

You casually walk up between them.

"Oh, Reldon..." The fire mage trails off. He frowns at you.

"Shh!" You bring a finger sharply to your lips,mimicking Reldon's voice as best you can. "There's someone I need to tell you."

The fire mage seems confused by your sudden words, and says nothing. The wind mage and the two chefs lean in. "What?"

Your limbs spike out from you in four directions, impaling each of them through the head. You consume them, and the soup the chefs were making, and put out the fire in the oven. Going by what you sensed earlier, there's a lightning mage, spirit mage, and water mage remaining.

The crew quarters is much more crowded than it was when you first passed it. With the ship set, a lot of them are tending to their things. How do you approach it?

>hide under the bunks, drag them under and silently consume them one by one
>try to move fast enough to kill them all before they can raise an alarm
>make noise outside the room to lure them out; kill them as they come
>some other strategy
We'll wait till everyone else is off the ship before we shattenkrieg piledrive the ship up Vonnegut's asshole.
>hide under the bunks, drag them under and silently consume them one by one
>>hide under the bunks, drag them under and silently consume them one by one

>hide under the bunks, drag them under and silently consume them one by one

we sandman now
>some other strategy
The Bed Method


Love that fucking movie.


From the last consumption here
You gain

3 EXP (17 total)
2 mana (11/34)
3 HP (67/81)
5 Temerity (315)
>>hide under the bunks, drag them under and silently consume them one by one

The bed method adapted to sea vessels.
Haha we ate their soup
>hide under the bunks, drag them under and silently consume them one by one
You had to remember the bed method, didn't you?
>hide under the bunks, drag them under and silently consume them one by one
if we must do the bed method, do it quickly. preferably starting near the doors.
>"Shh!" "There's someone I need to tell you."
>Your limbs spike out from you in four directions, impaling each of them through the head.

Thread is now 10/10 it's been forever since we've killed something so satisfyingly.

Yeah, if i ever run a quest, 1's are going to be rerolls and 2s are going to be critfails
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I was thinking we could launch him into orbit so hard that he bursts into flame from the air friction.

He can join Kihara as a shooting star.
Rolled 1

Rolled 16

Ok, roll 1d100

six rolls required

Also, my roll is to check something.
Why not just have 50 be a crit fail and 51 be a crit success?
Man, Shadow gets pretty indiscriminate when it comes to killing for Justice. It's like sending Godzilla to stop a rampaging monster.
Rolled 3

Rolled 77

Oh boy!
Rolled 31

Rolled 57

Rolled 69

>Once we eat 1 more dude, let's buy pocket so we have a place to keep the fancy hat and other assorted things.

Not only that, but its a fantastic way to evacuate everyone on this ship. Pocket troop transport.

If they're only in there for a little bit, they should have enough air to survive a supersonic trip back to the mainland. Just saying.

Totally support Pocket.
Rolled 22

Rolled 64

Rolled 86

Rolled 65

And once more!
Rolled 100

Rolled 65

Rolled 59

Rolled 82

Pocket goes to the Nether. They'd die.
Rolled 8

Its not fun anymore
Hey man they are bad guys.
What else are we going to do, wait until they tell us their sympathetic back stories?
Rolled 23

tenth. were good
It's the tenth roll.

But it's a double action. So how does this go down?
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10th roll
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>10th roll
Haha, just squeakin' in the the door
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Rolled 7

10th roll!
SM it appears your players have sacrificed their virgins tonight.
I'm saying the chefs probably never did anything beyond serve food to bad guys. It's like saying every employee of a company is evil because of a corrupt CEO.
>Why not just have 50 be a crit fail and 51 be a crit success?

Easier to remember, and keeps the 1d1 fags out. 1d2s are way easier to spot, and when 1's aren't super important or reliable anymore, the 'oh shit point it out lololol don't count it' impact is way less

also, crits on the middle of the pool aren't nearly as satisfying
All this good luck is totally going to bite us in the ass when we need to fight the Penguin.
I also support pocket. Even though I dont think it can have living people in it
Quit your bitching

The virgins have indeed been sacrificed.
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>tfw SM only called for 6 rolls
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The chefs were probably the most evil of all
Rolled 9

He was cooking up trouble
Crits within the first 10 (First 5 for d20s) always count.
it still counts as a mini crit
Eesh, what's with all these 100's.

I'm kind of hoping we roll low when we get to Vonnegut.

I'd actually like to have a reoccurring villain, but all the previous possibilities have either been too powerful to face or too imminently dangerous/assholeish to let live.

That and SM has apparently planned to have him reoccur, so i want to see what it in store

Also, just realized that those rolls are probably for Freja and her fight.

Pocket can store people, and they can survive, but it would probably cause them to roll a SAN check.
Normal rolls call for the first 3.

Calling for 6 means it was a double action.

The 100 counts.
>Pocket goes to the Nether. They'd die.

>The pocket has no gravity, but starts filled with air, so living creatures could survive there. However, long periods in the nether are not good for the health of living things. You cannot transport yourself to your pocket.


Also, we can store constructs there no problem.
SM, I find out our new name.
Astraeus; in mythology he was the titan of dusk (bringing about the night) and father of... wait for it... Justice
>Not taking the ship for ourselves

think of all the booty
no not penguin butt you sick fucks
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>tfw when the people in SQ don't know how the dice system works
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Well, thank sweet shadowy Jesus my 100 doesn't go to waste.
If SM wanted to have us actually have a recurring villain, he wouldn't have pushed the "out down all threats immediately and permanently" mentality so hard.
I support it! Just kidding it sounds kind of gay. I like it but, it's really, really gay.
>>Not taking the ship for ourselves

This may be the right move.
Oh shit! that means we can go all Lifestealer with construct-o-bro? I support getting pocket
What the fuck is that from?
Yeah I don't like the sound of it, but it's the closest fitting to the greek theme, and the symbolism of it fits really really well.

Also testing
He also wouldn't have put women and children slaves in here unless the boat is just one big snack. He has to have realized that we wouldn't let that slide.
In all fairness we did roll pretty poorly when the chase scene was happening.
Hmm not bad but its kinda I don't know it just doesn't sound right somehow
It's not crisp and it doesn't roll off the tongue
Don't know, sadly.
Motherfuckers always trying to change our name. Our name is shadow God Damn it.
We dont need to change it
Wait a second, I've got it!
Oberon, King of Shadows.
Except that we have so much leeway that it barely mattered to the goal we were pursuing.

I kind of wish we just grabbed Obis and ran.
I want a real name. Something that's our own, not what Abigail gave us, we've got to mature past that. And find some kind of name..
Why did you link to my post?
Its like you didn't even read what I said.

Yeah its shadow.
I honestly think it's hilarious how every single npc mocks us for our name.
I read it. I just disagreed with it on these >>26038328 grounds.
Feels too much like a descriptor rather than a name.
de whole point of shadow is it's not for the lime light

we're the un-acclaimed avenger, the dark hand in the night that protects all.

Let Flint and the other meatbags get the glory
These humans and their obsession with names. So odd.

Most of them comment on it, but few of them mock it
we don't necessarily need a new name that doesn't mean we can't have an alias. still i like shadow as our name or we could make shadow our last name
why not erebus?
Anon normally I'm not very argumentative on this quest, except when I try to get people to buy summoning, but I will fight you on this subject for as long as I have access to the internet
that's gay and you should feel gay.
We should be named slim shady
I like Shadow\Mr. Shadow. Its who we are.
At this point, we've been Shadow too long for anyone to ever agree on anything else. Unless we become Erebus or SM just hands us a name it's pretty much destined to stick.

We are not Erebus.

Everyone we have talked to about this who would know has told us as such.

Erebus fucked up, we're going to do it right this time, and we don't need to be saddled with his name.
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Because Erebus made mistakes. Erebus was flawed in his lack of humanity. We have to grow, and change. We have to do... better.
This is the only name other than Shadow that has my support
pls no.
by that logic we should name ourself Tartarus or Hades
por que?
>He also wouldn't have put women and children slaves in here unless the boat is just one big snack. He has to have realized that we wouldn't let that slide.

Which leaves me wondering what the stinger is.

We've got to be pissing off SOMEone doing this.
You sneak under the nearest bunk.

"...so George."


"Remember that girl back in that one bar?"


"That's the one." The man lays a card down on a little brown crate. He's seated opposite his gaming partner, and you linger in the shadows just behind him. "You ever get with her?"

"Heh. All I had to do was say I was with the boss. She was all over me after that. Pretty good fuck. She actually gave me a little somethin', too, told me to come see her again next time we were in port."

"Really? Like what?"

The other man puts his hand down, turns, and rummages in his bag. "...one sec."

You grab the man next to you, wrapping your limb around his head and sealing it off at his neck. You drag him under the bunk, break his neck, and consume him.

The man turns back with a small locket in his hand. "...Jerry?"

You grab George and consume him next.

Another man walks over and eyes the table. He glances around the room. "...where'd those idiots get off to..."

You wait until no one is looking. Just before the man steps away, you drag him under the bunk and consume his soul. And then you slip to the next bunk, and the next.

When you're finished, there's only one man left. He's sitting in the middle of the room on a trunk, reading a book. As you creep toward him, he glances up. "...huh. Dinner already?"

"That's one way of putting it," you say. Your body slams shut around the man, breaking him in two, and then consuming him.

>you've gained 5 HP (72/81)
>you've gained 1 EXP (18)

"Oh, holy fuck!"

You glance up. The lightning mage is standing at the entrace to the crew quarters, mouth agape. He raises his hands, and crackling lightning forms in his hands -

Well we will get through this patch of good luck together, k m8?
Perhaps an acronym-name.

Shadow-Something-Something. Forms a three letter name that can identify us while not being a name in the traditional sense.
Good for you. No amount of argument is going to make "Shadow" any more meaningful of a name.
Like >>26038367 says, he apparently wants us to be some kind of force of nature. Which is cool, but can still happen with a name.
>I want a real name. Something that's our own, not what Abigail gave us, we've got to mature past that. And find some kind of name..

What we really need is a LAST name. Something we can rally a family, cause, or kingdom around. Something that shows what we stand for, beyond just.... mister shadow.
>"...huh. Dinner already?"
>"That's one way of putting it,"
10/10 sides in orbit
I can get behind a last naame.

Shadow Oberon?
We don't need a name
Mr. Shadow is ambiguous enough to keep us threatening and mysterious.

Plus Abby said so and she's da boss
Aint no name better for a force of nature than shadow. Its simple and Its descriptive
I remember suggesting a long, long time ago, the pseudonym "The Ebon Wanderer." How about that?
must be a force of nature hmmmm
how about dusk? shade?
The Dawn of Dusk? The Dawn of Darkness? The kingdom of ???
>No amount of argument is going to make "Shadow" any more meaningful of a name.
Not the guy you linked to, but I don't think we need a meaningful name. It's just unnecessary
It's a cool name, but it just don't fit
That sounds like a metal gear boss. Besides shadow is our last name. Mr is our first name
>The Dawn of Dusk?

I like the symbology of this actually. "Dusk. Somewhere between Light and Dark."
why do we need a name that means anything?

most of them, if not ALL of them, sound like shit. they're stilted, or flowery, or boring, or just plain hideous. no one in any thread I've ever been in has ever had anything even approaching decent taste when it comes to names. its always special snowflake tier shit. every time. nothing mentioned so far is even decent and every last one is going to cause a hue fucking shitstorm. christ. just shut up about it already. we're shadow. that's simple enough.
I am the guy he linked to, And I think Shadow is a meaningful enough name already
Sure, most naming conventions are completely unnecessary, just like the Mr. for Shadow.
I really just want something that makes us more relatable to the people around us and the characters we meet and shadow has always had a silly touch to it.
I still approve of Slim Shady
A red-hot sword explodes out of his torso. He gasps and splutters. Blood runs down the corner of his mouth.

You hear a grunt of effort, and then Miss Blackwater kicks him free of her sword, nearly tearing him in half in the process. She flicks the sword down to rid it of the majority of the blood, then wipes it on the mage's clothing.

<Nice timing.>

"The hero of justice always arrives right on time," she says. Her bird lands on her shoulder as she says the words, adding to the dramatic effect. You feel rather impressed.

<...is that from something?>

She smirks. "Something Obis said to me, once, when I was younger. I'll tell you the story later. Did you find him?"

<I did. He's down in the brig.>

Something in Blackwater's face relaxes. Her shoulders slump. "...thank the elements."

<I've freed him, but told him to stay put until I took care of things. His equipment is in the hold, but his cape is missing. Vonnegut is probably holding it somewhere.>

"Sounds likely." She frowns. "...you know, I could have sworn I heard a lot of voices from this room. I backed off when the mage came by, but I felt your magic, so..."


"Where are the bodies?"

<You're rather observant,> you say. <They way I kill doesn't leave bodies.>

"See," she says, "this is why people are freaked out by shadow mages. You're creepier than sea monsters, tell you what."

<Let's save it for later. We still have work to do.>

What do you do now?

>continue onward alone; have Freja go and guard the brig
>go up together. Only the spirit mage is left, and the vast majority of the crew is dead. It's time to end this.
>some other strategy
>shadow has always had a silly touch to it.
I'm not feeling it

Nobody's said as much yet, what gives you that impression?

Even if it just originally was Abby's term for us, we've appropriated it, and everyone uses it as our name already, what sense is there in changing it now?
those are names weeaboos give to their cats.

consume the lightning mage
>go up together. Only the spirit mage is left, and the vast majority of the crew is dead. It's time to end this.
Its no more silly than any other name suggested. besides we dont seem to have any problems relating to people, apart from the whole being a sentient elemental thing
>continue onward alone; have Freja go and guard the brig
we're doing fine by ourselves, she just needs to make sure everyone else is doing alright.
>those are names weeaboos give to their cats.
That is funnier than it has any right to be
>continue onward alone; have Freja go and guard the brig

No need to freak her out.

Go together.

The 100 train has no brakes.
what about Umbra??? Shit man I can't think of anything more relevant as a force of nature

I don't see you contributing

Never met a weeaboo who would name their cat something like that but then again I don't know any weeaboos or anyone who owns cats
>>go up together. Only the spirit mage is left, and the vast majority of the crew is dead. It's time to end this.

And the light mage? Also eat the body before someone sees it.

and lets move on.
A bit more dramatic than seems appropriate.

If we take a name, it would be something either reflecting an accomplishment of ours, or a plain and simple name that wouldn't go beyond shadow in complexity.

Actually, if you can find a suitable phrase to acronym into it, Sam would work as a name. Shadow-Across/Around/Among/-Man/???

Just throwing out thoughts.

We can still use the name Shadow, and it might even be appropriate to have many names.

>continue onward alone; have Freja go and guard the brig
Ask her to get Obis out of here if she can.
I say from now on we call wisp this
>tell you what

My name is Christopher. It means "bearer of Christ" or some such thing. I am not even Christian. My name has less meaning to me than Shadow's does to him.
>go up together. Only the spirit mage is left, and the vast majority of the crew is dead. It's time to end this.
vote passed

SM make it happen
>simple name
>pick one
What are we, The Kids Next Door?
>go up together. Only the spirit mage is left, and the vast majority of the crew is dead. It's time to end this

>go up together. Only the spirit mage is left, and the vast majority of the crew is dead. It's time to end this.
Rolled 100

giver her the option.
<right now there is a very hungry, thirsty, and tired obis and the only guard on the brig>
<you can go defend them while i finish up, or you can come with. if you deside to come with, then know this will not be pretty.
>continue onward alone; have Freja go and guard the brig
Actually I was thinking of TOE from rice boy.
>Rolled 100

The dice gods have spoken.
>then know this will not be pretty
She just cut a dude in half. I don't think she gives a fuck about violence.
I'm pretty sure >>26038590 is saying we don't need a new name

My 2 most recent cats are named Apollo and Ares, but I'm not really a weeaboo, I just like some good anime
Do people want to consume the corpse of the lightning mage? Might be simpler if you sent her downstairs, then did it. Preventing all that shock and horror, you know.

Include that opinion separate from your vote, otherwise it won't be counted.

Vote 1:

Vote 2:

Vote 3:
>her choice
It looks like it's from https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8NnqM7Ojcz8#t=173s.

I feel like Shadow would postpone choosing a more meaningful name for himself until he's retired and the cause of Justice no longer needs his help.
You're absolutely right about that. This isn't going to be pretty.
Go alone, tell her to watch over Obis and the civilians

Consume when she's away
that was my contribution.
Shadow is fine, most of the other names in this thread blow dogs for quarters, there's no reason to change it, etc.
The dice gods have stored their fucks for the winter early this year.
Consume it. Just tell her that we need to get rid of it.

We can form a little circle of shadow and make it look like a portal to the nether, sort of how Abby did fake summoning sigils for us.
Don't consume it yet.
Wait, did you actually pronounce his name like the word 'toe'? I always said it as 'tee-oh-ee'.

Also, thumbs up for excellent taste
Big difference between cutting dudes and CONSUMING dudes
This is good
<You gonna eat that?>
if we can consume while holding our human shape, like having a wave of shadow go out from our feet to eat it while we look on disinterested
Consume the body. If she stays, just say she might want to look away while we get rid of it. <It's not exactly pretty.>
"You may want to look away..."

What little magic the mage had is draining away as we speak!
Seconding this. Make it look like our way of disposing of bodies.
>having a wave of shadow go out from our feet to eat it while we look on disinterested
I like that.

>her choice
>consume the body

We could buy pocket and hide the body there
Either of these, or some kind of combo, sounds good.

We aren't really eating it to hide it, we want the xp.
...Enough people in setting have pointed it out. As well as the posters of the first threads when it was being considered for what we tell others, like the duke. I'm not really feeling the need to change the name but somehow make it more.
I guess I'm very alone in this but it doesn't sound like a name someone who has gained an actual identity and has tried to distance itself from the prejudices of the world while numerically becoming more of a person would keep.
Like that would do anything to help the soul stay within the body.
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If we still look like the doll-o-mancer, we could have our freaky tooth coat eat him.
>those are names weeaboos give to their cats.

Lol. Well done.

However, Dusk Shadow both rolls off the tongue and is an injoke for anyone who understands the founding forces of Haven.

I also don't like using Shakespeare or earth god references because it points to a mythology that doesn't exist in this world.
>earth god
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>i have.. many names
>I also don't like using Shakespeare or earth god references because it points to a mythology that doesn't exist in this world.
The names of all the elementals point to Greek stuff.

Angels almost all have a Christian thing going.

Archon is China.

Other places are other things.
The angels use names of actual Christian angels. Erebus and Hecate are also from different mythologys.
I still don't like it enough. It.. bounces on the tongue.
YHWH presumably
I don't thin that shadows really a two name sort of person.
I mean none of them have the same impact as shadow on its own
If we're going to be named anything it's going to be blobby

solely because I can then say
How about "Twilight City"?
I dunno, but I just got a really amusing image of Shadow asking "You gonna eat that?" and then absent mindedly picking the body up and starting to chew on it's shoulder like it's the most normal thing in the world.
as in, for a name? you smokin something?
>Erebus and Hecate are also from different mythologys.
They are both Greek deities.

So far most of the Elemental Lords have had greek mythological names. Aeolus, Erebus, Hecate, and Hyperion. Logi, Leviathan, and Geb were all ventures into other mythologies.
You callin' Mr. Shadow fat?
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as opposed to space god, lime with the mormons
A thought.

We're on a ship. Why don't we buy water recovery? It's also needed to go towards operation HYDRA.
I just pictured that with the cadis etrama doll face image.
Oh god.
Titanomachy anyone?
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Well, I just want to see what Darkness Within unlocks so badly.
We could, but lets wait till we actually need one of these upgrades before we actually buy anything.
Read >>26037887
> the titanomac-elementomachy
Eh, we're at nearly full health
<Alright. I can go on alone and consume our enemies, as I have been doing - that would free you to guard the prisoners, and rearm Obis. Or you could come with me.>

"Obis can handle himself. Vonnegut is harder to hold than water. I don't want to pass up a shot at killing him."

<As you would,> you state. <I need to remove this body. You might want to avert your eyes.>

"I've seen worse than you can dish out, I'm sure."

<I seriously doubt that.> You spread part of yourself out from your foot, Inking it around the body in a circle, as if it is the sigil from a spell. Little tendrils like a hundred shadow proboscis reach out and stab the body. You dissolve his corpse, and his soul, and then drink it back into yourself. In a few moments, the body is gone.

"...shit," Freja says. "You weren't kidding."

<I'm not really the kidding sort.>

"Sure glad you're on my side."

>you've gained 2 EXP
>you've gained 2 mana
>HP: 74/81
>Mana: 13/34

Something flickers in your senses. Spirit magic. The mage is in the hall outside, along with several crewmen. You quickly motion to Freja, and you press yourselves to the wall on either side of the door. She glances at you, waiting on your direction.

What do you do?

As the guy who came up with Dusk for a name, I wasn't really envisioning it as "Dusk Shadow" just 'Dusk" to replace Shadow since we were going for some kind of nature affiliation that didn't sound shitty.. like how
I don't think we can name ourselves after something nature related other Shadow since most of the other anons don't like it.
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>dusk shadow

It must be a full moonblood out tonight.
>Not sir flint and shadow make a plan.gif
Both of us walk out in front of him, we blink behind him and deliver snapped necks unto him.
Ink tendril under door to see whats on the other side.

Then stab the mage through the wall.
Can we see his shadow?
Dusk doesn't really have the same gravitas as shadow anyway, besides it sounds sort of girly
Well we can try another ambush tactic by pretending to be that shadow mage again, it seems to have worked very well so far.
> 3 100's in this thread.

The dice gods are out for blood tonight.
>Then stab the mage through the wall.

I was hoping someone would think of that. I almost wrote it as an option, then was like "eh, that's too easy. Let them flex the creative muscle."


No, he's on the other side of the wall. Freja closed the door behind her.


You can't Blink through solid objects.
Ink a tendril under the wall
and use Shadow Domination on everyone, but especially the mage.
That gives me an idea, how about ████████?



>>you've gained 2 EXP
20 xp.

Just a few more and we could buy Tao and zerk all day without worrying about our allies.
I say shadow dominate the non mages but gaping maw the mage, since he may have a method of casting even when paralyzed.
Except the thing is, the way we eat isn't actually the "numnumnum" kind but rather the way the most horrifying insects etc eat.

Imagine seeing someone's soul being ripped out of their body. Ripping apart, trying to not be destroyed, coming off like you were flaying off pieces of the person's body, except you could tell this is final, and the person will truly stop existing. There won't be an afterlife for him.

The flesh itself is just an appetizer. That's terrifying enough to behold even if they can't scream.
Eh I think there are a lot more useful powers we can be getting for that exp than tao
I definitely want Tao. Since Darkness Within exaggerates ALL aspects of zerk and is uncancellable I have feeling it'll be really, really bad for innocent bystanders and allies.
But then we can defend our friends while being really mad about it!
Clearly this is what we must do.
Berserk is the only way to get more physically strong without titanic. And we can't even use it because of allies and innocents most of the time.

Tao would be very good.
Or we could put it into magic until we can finally start regening mana
I don't see it but I am not too attached to the name... I think we need a name that sounds crisp and isn't silly despite how much I like Slim Shady
supporting this
And that strength could be used for things other than fighting, like... suplexing an airship.
Sure thing captain, frostbite or surge or perhaps something from the earth tree? Or maybe darkness within.
Well I'm just saying how many guys have you ever heard of named dusk? Then compare it to how many girls
Roll 1d100 to shank them through the wall
Finally someone thought about this. We need to advance on the water magic tree. Either that or Darkness Within.
Rolled 82

Rolled 59

Rolled 63

Hoping for more high rolls so as to hear Blackwater get mildly disturbed
Rolled 68

Rolled 17

What about Max as a name? Max is a good name. Or Luke.
Rolled 31

Rolled 60

I don't want Darkness WIthin without Tao. See >>26039333
You know, this is really hard, I've been searching on the online thesaurus for things similar to dusk, darkness, shadow, and a few mythological things as well and I can't find many things are fitting and also sound like something we would choose IC.
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Rolled 83

Rolled 7

Rolled 82

Do we know if we get a magic power upgrade from every magic tree?
Did we get a magic power boost from water magic?
Because if not I say we get something from the earth tree
I prefer jeff.
I got an idea, we'll call ourselves...

Snuffy! An abridgement of Snapple and Scruffy, obviously.
Fuck no
I think we should get a mana pool for haven first.
Let's go with completing the Water tree as OPERATION: HYDRA is so close to being finished. Once we have the water tree all that is left is a few more upgrades.
We haven't finished the water tree so we don't know, but all the other magic trees so far have had a power upgrade.
I just don't see us as having a gender so I can't really see it that way I see us as more of an entity. I can't see your point of view because I can't imagine us with a gender... is what I'm saying.

>As the guy who came up with Dusk for a name, I wasn't really envisioning it as "Dusk Shadow" just 'Dusk" to replace Shadow since we were going for some kind of nature affiliation that didn't sound shitty.. like how

This is why i suggested we come up with a LAST name.

Because we obviously want to keep mister shadow, but have something... new, to mark our growing up and maturing as we (re?)discover feeling. And for others to refer to us by.
Something our own, not just what we are/look like.
Last name is a nice compromise.
Rolled 55

Shadow would obviously be our last name. You don't say Mr. Robert. or Mr. Dave.
Well then, we would just remember to use it only when we are away from allies, and It lasts four turns minimum, so it wouldn't be like we would be raging all day.

That and tao only has value when in combination with three skills, of which we only have one.

We can save up for tao next after getting Darkness within, and still have DW to use if we get into a fight away from allies and innocents, which does happen.
Well I'm just saying how many guys have you ever heard of named dusk? Then compare it to how many girls

Dawn is waaay more girly than dusk. Perhaps we should go with that instead :p
Then I say full steam ahead with some water spells then.I say we get surge
I suppose I get what you are saying but Shadow just has more of a kick to it to me then dusk
We're shadow to some.
Mr. Shadow to others.
end of story
"Shadow... Mister Shadow."

How cheesy can we get?
Quit fagging around about names.
All this name shit is stupid.

What are we going to say "Hey Auriel I know you called me Shadow for the past month but now I've decided my name is Dusk/Austarkjnfsa/some word from bloody Germany!"

Our name is set, basically. They call us Shadow, we introduce ourselves as Shadow. It's just a tiny point of semantics that doesn't matter.

If you really want to have some identity thing use a title, not a name. Make yourself Shadow, Lord of the Dusk or Shadow of Austasserseu or something.

Same effect, less stupid.
>670 replies

new thred?
we're only on page 7
Oh god so we're going for a first name?

Like some anon has said it's really hard to find a non-edgy first name if your last name is shadow.

Midnight Shadow? Pfft.
Dusk Shadow? Ugh.
Dawn Shadow? U wot m8 u b8'n me?
Brunch Shadow?

Hey... that's not bad.
"Swiss.....Mister Swiss Cheese."
I don't know you tell me
Not until we're on page 10. Some busier threads reach 1.2k posts or so.
>Dusk/Austarkjnfsa/some word from bloody Germany
I could throw my support behind this name.
I don't necessarily understand why they need to follow a theme like that. Why not just use a normal fuckin' name? Legion's real name is Dave fachrisake.
Bruce L. Shadow? Butch Shadow?

Butch is alright, kinda.
I could dig it.
Oh faff off.

Alright, this is why I don't like you, you are an asshole who is extremely passive aggressive and has extreme entitled opinion issues but you actually raise a good point here.

A title would be better.
How about Slim for the first name?
Oh god.

He wasn't known as Dave when he got famous though, was he?
>Chewing knobs this hard
>Naming shadow a lesbian or cop

stop this
<Don't move,> you tell Freja. She nods at you.

You create four long, sharp projections from your body. You align them with the wall, and wait for just the right moment.


You thrust your tendrils through the wall, through their skulls, and pin the four men to the opposite side of the hallway. And from your current position, you tendrils begin to devour them. It's like sucking a soul down a straw.

>you've gained 3 EXP (23)
>you've gained 2 mana (15/34)
>you've gained 1 HP (75/81)
>you've gained 4 Temerity (319)

You withdraw your tentacles back through the wall. <It's safe now.>

Freja opens the door. Her eyes take in the small bloodstains circling four holes on the opposite side of the hallway. "I don't want to ask what you did with the bodies, do I?"

<Probably not.>

"Right. Well, fuck 'em. Let's move." You lead the way up the stairs. "That whole telepathy thing is pretty useful, by the way. I thought it that was spirit magic."

<It is. I have a bit of that as well. So do you, it seems.>

She glances at her bird, still perched on her shoulder. "Guess so. Never learned that kind of thing, though. Could be useful."

<I'm not sure I'd make the best teacher, but I know a handful of Spirit mages that could help you with that.>

"We can talk about it later."


You reach the top deck. A storm door is thrown over the top of the stairwell. You raise a hand to stop Freja, then Ink a projection out through the cracks to take a look at the deck.

Comparatively speaking, it's deserted. Five men work the rigging; a sixth sits in the crow's nest. You can see the buildings of Port Vanta to the north along the coastline. This ship is sticking near the shore, and heading south, fast.

The water mage is near the railing; he's steering the ship. He's channeling a stream of magic into the bow, as well - splitting the water ahead of the wood. That probably helps with travel time.

The doors to the captain's quarters open. Vonnegut, now healed, marches out onto the deck. "Where the hell are those idiotic blowhards? We should be moving twice this speed!"

"Don't know, boss!" the water mage calls. "They all went belowdecks."

"Lazy imbeciles going to the rum already. Don't they appreciate the hell we're running from?" Vonnegut puts his fingers to his temples and concentrates.

Roll 1d100
You dont just come up with your own title though.
Not unless your a ponce
I was about to make a comment about how we could probably wait a little while to pick a new name, seeing as Shadow will naturally want a real name once he gains more humanity and becomes even more human.
Maybe the name should just wait until the right moment?
Rolled 74

Rolled 54


Shadow. Lord of Luncheon....
Get it luncheon since we CONSUME everything?
that gives me an even better idea
Shadow, Lord of CONSUMPTION
I vote against any and all name changes.

We'd have to go around telling everyone "oh hey I decided yo be called DarkShadowDuskFaggot from now on" and other characters would think it is dumb and rightly mock you for it.
Rolled 19

>If you really want to have some identity thing use a title, not a name. Make yourself Shadow, Lord of the Dusk or Shadow of Austasserseu or something.

This is precisely what I was getting at when i mentioned it the first time, except perhaps more clearly stated

>Something we can rally a family, cause, or kingdom around.

Because, you know, that's what haven is going to be.

>How cheesy can we get?

"The names Shadow. Your Shadow.":

What you mean to say is "let's drop the argument now and resume another time for when it is more relevant to the situation in the quest."
Which I second.
Rolled 7


Rolled 64

Rolled 57

Rolled 11

Another 100 will no happen; the dice are angered over everyone's faggotry about names.
Rolled 58

Rolled 70

All these exps. what should we get lads surge or frostbite?
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(A multi-element dynamo. Mute the sound.)

Seems I've missed most of the thread! Been gathering different dynamo-looking pictures and videos, will share them drop by drop.

Does someone know how to set up twitter to behave more like RSS feeds, now that they no longer offer RSS? Checking it a few times per day doesn't seem to be good enough with SM announcing new threads a mere half an hour beforehand.
I'm looking at you.
It's okay Anon. I hear that a lot, that being "you're an asshole but I agree with you".

Well it's better than Midnight Dusk Shadow the Fourth of the Eternal Night

I mean think about it. When we're broing it up with Flint and Vellik do you think they want to say "oh Mignight that's hilarious haha" when we tell a joke? No. Names that are cool are rarely actually good at being names. We know enough about humans to understand this.

Anyway it looks like people agree with the title thing if we're gonna do anything at all so let's talk about that instead.
Rolled 40

Vonnegut opens his eyes. "Odd. I can't feel anything." He walks toward the storm door leading to the stairs. "You stay here, I'm going to look myself."

Roll 1d100
Rolled 48

Shadow attacks didn't work very well on the penguin last time.

So what about trying out Mind Crush or Spirit Siphon?
Rolled 42

Rolled 8

Didn't even count seconds from last high roll
Rolled 65

Rolled 23

Or nightflare and then hulk smash.

Strength is our strength.
Rolled 58

Rolled 58

Rolled 37

rollan' for CONSUME
Rolled 65

Rolled 63


Nightflare doesn't work on him due to his pimp hat. We already hit him with it like three times to no effect
Rolled 84


Up yours, vonnegut!
Nightflare slid off last time. He's got his hat set to anti shadow magic, and nightflare is still shadow magic.

And we want to steal the hat, so 420NIGHTBLAZIN' it isn't a good idea since that might permanently destroy it.
Rolled 64

>Maybe the name should just wait until the right moment?

I would agree with this, and, frankly, is something that should be chosen with the advice and support of our peers and friends
Ah, I thought I remembered something like that happening.

Oh well. Let's just sneak up to him, grab him with a giant hand and crush his torso. Engage from point blank.

We have enough xp to complete the poison tree.

That would get us one of those purple completionist unlocks and it would bring us closer to HYDRA.
Rolled 69


All these sixties. Someone's gotta buck the trend
>Oh well. Let's just sneak up to him, grab him with a giant hand and crush his torso. Engage from point blank.
His hat is anti shadow, not just anti shadow magic. We tried physical attacks and they all got deflected. Also, he can morph into steam.
Not you
You don't feel the massive spear of ice until the last second.

You have enough time to shove Freja down the stairs. She takes an ungraceful tumble, but she'll be fine.


>you take 17 damage (57/81)

You wake up in the ship's hold. Shattered ice is scattered around your body. Your vision seems foggy. That hurt. A lot.

A hole in the deck lets in a stream of light to your current position. You get to your feet. Vonnegut must have had something already prepared, because you didn't feel any obvious spell.

"Elements! Shadow, are you alright!?"


You spot the man crouched behind crates. Shards of ice are embedded in the wood, but his cover seems to have held. He's dressed in his adamantium armor, and he has his sword in hand. "It was quiet for so long...what the hell was that?"

Vonnegut leaps down through the hole, more ice bristling on his arms!

1d100 to dodge
I say we get frost bite. I got a feeling there's a magic power upgrade behind frostbite
I'd rather get fast blink and see if we could gain a teleport.
Or pocket to keep our valuable stuff much safer instead of losing it to cave ins or long-lost uncles.

Damn it SM there are too many choices.
Rolled 97

I think you mean CONSUME
Rolled 82

Rolled 23

Rolled 34

Hmmm. And he's a water mage so we can't drown him.

Can we take him into the air and get him cut up by the skysever? Bind and then take him for a ride?
Rolled 65

>Gaping Maw
>Hunger shard
Rolled 61

well, fuck.
Rolled 24

Rolled 20

>Vonnegut leaps down through the hole, more ice bristling on his arms!

>A hole in the deck lets in a stream of light to your current position.

Its dark out and he's jumping into a shadowey hold. Hoist him into the air with shadow tendrils - whatever flavor we can afford to do.

Then hit him very, very hard. Possibly use the Isolation shard to seperate him from his hat's protection while we knock it off.
I advising engaging no more magic for you mode with a 10 mana nightflare. The penguin will be out of tricks, and will have to sit down and have a talk with Mr. Pain and his friend Die N. Motherfucker
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Rolled 60

Oh right. I forgot.

But I want is hat.
But we want his hat. Nightblaze might permanently wreck it,
>Warranty void
Well played sir
Fucking hat waifuers ruining the damn quest.
We already hit him with several nightflares man, They dont bloody work.
His pimp hat is too strong
Doesn't work cuz of the hat, I'm told.
We should just Gaping Maw and CONSUME
the damn hat for exp instead of trying to nightflare or blaze it.
Team Hat
>they dont bloody work.

then perhaps we should use a different flavor of magic? its apparently geared towards anti-shadow stuff, from the results we've seen

Gaben has trained you well.
Rolled 51


Lets use the shadow shotgun at close range.
Sir, it appears you are mixing up Vanity with Waifus. Please recognize the difference and act accordingly.
No you fucker! Think about how much of a bitch fighting this guy has been because of that hat.
Now imagine just how much of a bitch we will be to fight when we own the hat.
NightBLAZE not nightFLARE.
You throw yourself sideways, barely escaping being skewered by a dozen stalactites of ice. They thunk into the wood in rapid succession. Vonnegut lands between them, then lifts them back into the air.

"I'm really getting tired of this, Shadow," Vonnegut says. "I don't care how strong you are. You can't beat me on the open ocean."

<We'll see about that.>

Obis peeks out from behind the crates for a moment, getting a better grip on his sword. A tiny shard of ice thunks into the corner of the crates, sending him back down into cover.

"You can stay right there," Vonnegut says over his shoulder.

You feel more magic higher up in the ship. Freja is fighting the last water mage. You can't tell much from where you are.

"I'll cut you a deal, Shadow," Vonnegut says. "I'm a pragmatic sort of man. Fighting you is more trouble than it's worth. How much do you need to...go away?"

Your response?

>I want the slaves and Obis freed, I want his cape, and I want to leave in peace
>all of the above + his hat
>I'm not cutting any deal with you
>some other response (write-in)
There is no difference! An emotional connection to vanity is a direct link to an emotional connection with the magic bird hat! Waifuing apologist.
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>"I'll cut you a deal, Shadow."
>I need JUSTICE!
Can we please 420 blaze it fgt 10 mana nightflare?
>>all of the above + his hat
What if, and this seems really stupid, what if he is the hat and the hat is controlling the meatbag human?
Rolled 82

NO, not nightblaze. With nightflare we might get the leftover magic shit the dude has on him, but nightblaze will destroy it.
>all of the above + his hat
As cool as he is, we are the harbinger of justice.

It's hypocritical to basically take a bribe
Rolled 26


I have to disagree, Gaping Maw could be a better solution to our current problem, this guy doesn't pull punches and is slippery as fuck. Lets not give him the chance to escape.
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>>all of the above + his hat
>>some other response (write-in)
10 mana nightblaze focused on absolutely dispelling the enchantment on his hat.
>>I want the slaves and Obis freed, I want his cape, and I want to leave in peace
>>all of the above + his hat

negotiations often start by stating EVERYthing you want, and backing down.
And don't forget to mention Freya.
If we get obis's cape back, and everyone freed, I'll count that as a win.

So start with a strong opening bargian, and negotiate down to Obis+Cape, freya, and the slaves
>>all of the above + his hat

>all of the above + his hat

And since the deal is only to go away, CONSUME him and then go away.

That would be pretty cool, actually.
>>all of the above + his hat
>all of the above + his hat
Good. Why do we even want it so bad?
>all of the above + his hat
Guys the hat really isn't all that in-character. We can use it if we get it, but we aren't letting him go free for everyone and the hat.

Because that hat is bitching, yo.
>>all of the above + his hat
>judgment hatvarib
Because it's a really powerful magic thing apparently.
honestly I'm against letting him go. He'll just get more slaves.
You're outnumbered bud.
Wait... Are you implying that liking a hat is waifuing?

>All these asshats letting a powerful enemy go free for headware.
Your hat, and all the magical trinkets you have on you.

Optional: If that doesn't please you, your head will do.
Well he's not going to let us take the hat anyways. Unless we diplomacy with a 100.