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You are a creature of darkness and shadows, and you suspect you may be in WAY over your head.

HP: 45/52
Mana: 13/20
EXP: 0
Humanity: 105
Temerity: 116
Shards of True Darkness: 2


You're not sticking around long enough to get destroyed by a clash of powers of this magnitude. It's time to get what you came for and get out.

You dive back down the mineshaft.

<Darkxis!> Magnock's voice echoes in your head. <What are you doing?!>


You land hard in front of the prison cells and sprint toward Abigail. You focus on the symbol in front of the cage.

Nothing happens.

You slam your limb against the bars. The spirit magic wavers, but holds firm.

What do you do?

>power your way through the cage
>use nightflare to disrupt the spell making the cages
>some other strategy

>>use nightflare to disrupt the spell making the cages

>power your way through the cage
I am so very glad part two for 30 was made
>power your way through the cage

dont want to fuck with anything potentially dangerous downstairs, like Auriels egg thingy, what would happen to that it caught by nightblaze?
Magic is precious and we are mighty strong. Use force.
Shit, I thought we commented in this thread to determine the actions. I wanted to Nightblaze, quickly eat Dicknock and then get the fuck out of dodge.
Rolled 393

>call the cage bad names until it opens
>use nightflare to disrupt the spell making the cages
If we have enough range on it to reach his lab max, otherwise just enough for this room.
Flare costs 2

Blaze costs 4-10
Quit the caps lock.
Let's use a low mana nightflare, and then take Abigail and look for Flint & crew.




Okay. Flare, then.
>power your way through the cage
OH GOD we have to get you out, we have to get you safe, i just went through the god damn deathlands and i am not letting your uncle, the angels, or god damn hyperion himself take you now
How did whats-his-face open the doors? Can we replicate it?
>>power your way through the cage
Try this first.

>>use nightflare to disrupt the spell making the cages

Try this second.
I agree, save mana, we're strong as fuck we can break this barrier, we might take a few hit points of damage but HP isn't going to be an issue of shit hits the fan because we'll be dead
Nightflare would be better against this singular entity.
Then we tell her to book it.
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>our face when
Indeed. Why not Nightflare?
NightFLARE should be sufficient, since we only need to disrupt the spirit cage temporarily, rather than permanently disjoin it.

Grab Abigail and her newfound prisoner friend GirlJoey incoming, and make a fucking break down into the lab proper so we can gather up the rest of our people before shit hits the fan from all possible directions.
>How did whats-his-face open the doors? Can we replicate it?

You just tried that in the post.


Roll 1d100 for your Nightflare
while in the lab make sure to eat all the magically delicious artifacts he is sure to have.
Rolled 81

CONSUME what is obviously a magically imbued item.
Rolled 16

Rolled 73

Rolled 33

Rolled 56

Rolled 55

Rolled 30

Rolled 53

well we made the DC at least
Rolled 26

Alright that's enough let's not roll a 1 now!
So, for future xp expenditure, I'm thinking to go for Oneness.

Assuming we don't clear the plot locks on the hydra prereqs frist.
Rolled 86


I agree with this anon wholeheartedly.
Personally I want the rest of the Stealth stuff first before we go for Oneness.
>1000 elite soldiers
>3 Angels
>What is probably a fragment of Hyperion

I don't feel so bad about not getting to punch Magnock in the dick now that I know what is about to happen to him.

His body isn't ready.
Now that I'm thinking about it, it might be a little callous of us, but we can probably tell Samantha
<You are sure to be rescued, of this I have no doubt. Surely, none here could stand against those that have come to strike down the forces that have seized your town from you. I wish I could be here to see you liberated from your prison, but there are others I must attend to most urgently.>

She might be a little distraught, as might Abby, but we need to get the people we came here for before we should worry about liberating others.
Agreed. And the 75% reduction on becoming a beacon with focus is good too..
Rolled 36

I think we should get Shadow Control next
You use Nightflare.

The world shocks to a negative of itself. The cages of Spirit flicker briefly, then vanish - the whole hall's worth. They must have been linked together.

"Shadow, what's going on?" Abigail asks. "I can feel so much magic!"

You don't pause to explain. You grab Abigail with one limb, Samantha in another, and sprint on.

...maybe, just maybe, you could make contact with Yi Fang. If his working with the angels is an alliance of necessity - he might just be your ticket out of there. As long as he doesn't find out who Abigail is.

But if you're wrong, you're in trouble.

But then, you're in trouble anyway.

What do you do?

>contact the presence on the way down to Magnock's laboratory
>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible
>some other strategy
I agree. I think we should max out our physical abilities before we invest in magic. It's always available, our magic can be disabled or we can run out of mana.
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Reposting this for the new thread.
>>contact the presence on the way down to Magnock's laboratory
>>contact the presence on the way down to Magnock's laboratory
Seconding telling her this. As it is the absolute truth to the best of our knowledge.
Friends. Fuck meeting Yi Fang. Yi Fang can suck a dick.
>contact the presence on the way down to Magnock's laboratory
we shall let the dice decide
>contact the nigger
Don't ask for help, just contact him. Have a friendly chat.
Nothing bad can come of it, r-right?
>contact the presence on the way down to Magnock's laboratory
I get the feeling the seer namedropped Yi Fang for a very good reason. And this is it.
Head straight to Adavan for council and support
contacting him is a bad idea. so

>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible
>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible
i with a maybe change our minds if we can get advice from our friends first. but we are still in full, get out of dodge mode
>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible
>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible
>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible
>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible
Try to escape under our own power for now; if we can't manage the Great Escape on our own, we can resort to bartering then.

We can't waste any time, considering that Magnock could possibly be sending one of his duplicates down to the lab in order to figure out what the fuck his traitor shadow is doing THIS time.
>>contact the presence on the way down to Magnock's laboratory
>>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible

Get the rest of our friends *first*, then contact Yi Fang.

>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible

FUCK contacting that guy. And fuck everyone who thinks thats a good idea
NOPE KEEP RUNNIN. We can deal with Yi Fang later when we're not so imbalanced in power he has nothing we need at this moment
we need Yi Fang for the Staff of Winds
so contact
Get our friends out first, we can try and contact after they are safe.

Also, can we try and destroy the connection with Magnock, maybe with nightflare? it really needs to go if we are to escape, especially if he escapes the battle.
>contact the presence on the way down to Magnock's laboratory

Contact him, but only after we've found Adavan.
We can always contact Yi Fang if our plan to get out of dodge gets fucked somehow. We shouldn't waste our options here.
Turns out that it didn't matter since the cages were connected.

Neat. Can't argue with a two-for-one.
say this
ask them where Addy is, find everyone else
>if we contact, make it simple we mean you no harm
>don't bother, just get your friends and get out as quickly as possible.
Friends. Time to run.
Ok I have an idea. The Angels will most definitely save our companions. Would it be better to go and take them anyway (Auriel will want to wait for them) or should we book it now and contact them later?

We do need to at least get Adavan. Magnock might want to use the others as hostages which might turn ugly.
>contact the presence on the way down to Magnock's laboratory
Fuck everything else.
Get our friends and RUN.
We need to talk to Yi Fang EVENTUALLY; while he is conducting a joint op with a metric fuckton of Angels and we're struggling to gather up our scattered party is NOT the time to start discussing how we need his help for our quest.
either way ask them where Adavan/the labs are
>we fight for our friends
I don't think we should contact him before consulting our friends. They know more than we do. We read one fucking book and have a lotta hints and assumptions.
We can contact him when he doesn't have ALL THE LIGHT behind him
>FUCK contacting that guy.

A fine opinion.

>And fuck everyone who thinks thats a good idea

And there's where you went too far with it.
We're leaving. Fuck making new friends.
No way are we getting a spirit mage out of here without Yi Fang knowing; let's get him on our side.
ya on the cusp of battle is not the time to feel out potential frenemies.
>contact the presence on the way down to Magnock's laboratory
At the very least we have to see if we can convince him not to vaporize us on sight.
THIS. I agree completely.
Friends first, gotta make sure they are safe before we take risks.
>Trying to get two Spirit mages out of here
>Without Li Fang knowing
>And one of them is his niece
Yeah I think we have to at least say hi.
But what if I said..
I want to FUCK /you/

seriously though, I'm not sure what thought process people are going through to reach that conclusion other than being idiots.

>15 mins since start of thread
>83 replies

Welp, everyone's had their say, I move the bill to the floor for a vote.


Vote 1:

Vote 2:
>no contact

Fuck contacting him.
Vote 2:
>no contact
Can we have a 3: contact after we find our friends, please?
Vote 1:
2: Get Adavan first
2. we might reconsider after we talk to adivan.

going to bed now. dont fuck this up guys
>3 contact after we find our friends
Vote 1:

No contacting until we have the group back together and can assess the situation.
He doesn't know she's here. He may still be entirely unaware of her existence. We shouldn't give up anything to someone who we already know is a massive manipulation that has rules for centuries.
But getting friends out has much more priority
No contact. If he obviously notices us, maybe contact.
I'd be more worried about trying to get two powerful LIGHT souls in Auriel and Flint out from under the watchful eye of four Angels (one of whom is probably the Hyperion-equivalent of us) as a powerful Shadow elemental.

Vote 2.

We can talk to Yi Fang at a later date, say... one that doesn't involve a clusterfuck of nested life-or-death struggles.
The very fact that he's cooperating in a fucking EMPIRE operation is telling as fuck.
1, there is no reason not to.
vote 2
Vote 2:
>no contact
wait til after we get to Adavan/friends
Because we can do 1 when we have more chances and information.
Vote 1
vote: 2
Vote 2:
>no contact
Very lol worthy.

Because he totally knows we're here after that Deep Focus.
vote 3
wait til after find everyone, then contact
2 for Friends
2, find our friends first and then convfer.
>don't contact

There better be this many people upvoting the thread on suptg.
2. all the 2.
did everyone show up all of a sudden? i dont remember this many people being here at the start of the thread
Absolutely no samefagging here.
wait til we find our friends
3, but failing that
Rolled 66




That's just stupid.

Freeing Geb can wait until we actually have a negotiating position. Do you think Yi Fang will try to hand the damn staff of the winds while he's got airship cannons pointed at his ass?


cutting off voting

Jesus fucking CHRIST if some gentlemen would be so kind to check my counting, I'd greatly appreciate it.
I think we need a rule where you can only post the number by itself and anything that is not number only is ignored.

Because this is blatant samefagging.
Well, some dickwhistler keeps downvoting it by four votes...

also, 2.
>all dis samefaggin
guys, come on
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17 for 1 (plus 2-3 for people voting 3: contact after getting friends together)
28 for 2

Might be slightly off, but the gap's wide enough that it shouldn't matter.
I wonder if the samefags canceled each other out.
I normally just lurk but today y'all are being stupider than usual.
Contact: 18

No contact: 25

Alright, seems pretty clear.

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A fair many 2s may be wanting 3 as well; let's please have another opportunity after we find everyone.
Rolled 78


I think 2 wins with about 25 votes.
>I was off by one
18 1 >contact
28 2 >no contact
18 1s
28 2s
I get home and I get to catch the second thread.
Holy moses.

What the hell have you people been doing?
can we make this a
>3, wait til after we find our friends to contact
Making your job of doing a comic WAY HARDER, obviously.
We just learned that Mardock is about to get raped. And we don't want to be there.

We started at like 7 o'clock board time today. It's been ridiculous.
Magcock is about to get bum blasted by Yi Fang about 2 thousand admantium clad soldiers, an air ship 4 angels, and the biggest source of light we've ever seen
he learned that magnock is about to get fucked so hard, but so many people, it will rip the nearby area a new asshole. as such we dont want to be in the nearby area
Hey that only counted for that one thread and It's really hard to draw Flint in penne armor when I have zero art skills.
Maggy bout to get shitter shattered
You shoulder through the steel door at the end of the prison block, blowing it off its hinges.

A long, dark, square shaft rests below you. You dive down without hesitating. You fall straight down for a good ten seconds before the ground rushes up at you. You land softy, then burst forward again.

A steel door looms in front of you - heavily reinforced, with a magical barrier imprinted clearly on the front. You can't sense anything beyond it.

What do you do?

>juggernaut that bitch down
>use nightflare to be safe, then shoulder through
>some other strategy

>mana: 11/20
Happy Tuesday everybody.
>3 angels and a likely hyperion spawn
They're literally not going to have to do any mining anymore after this, since they will have blasted the entire mountain range into easily gathered chunks of ore and lich.
This whole fucking place is about to get the wrath of Hyperion called down on it.

We are grabbing our friends and getting the fuck out.
Night slam go go sanic item
nightsmash go
>>use nightflare to be safe, then shoulder through

Presto, no barrier.
Well, you know that comic you were writing? About Magnock vs. Shadow?

Three angels, the lich king, and a fragment of hyperion just arrived. They're allied. And they all want Magnock fucking dead.

Shadow is getting the fuck out of dodge before his shit is ruined.
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>>juggernaut that bitch down
Gotta conserve that mana for a full poer 10blaze should we need it.
I think Juggernaut is a reasonable option here; a magically re-enforced door should be easier to smash down manually than a cage made of pure magic.
Go Go Shadow Lockpick!
juggernaut that bitch down.
we need 10 mana in order to break auriels barrier when we get inside. we have no time for pussyfooting with that
>Must get away. Must get away.Must get away.
shield abby/sam
Rolled 47


No time to scry the door.

Nightflare and slam it open.
>Clear magical ward
Definitely nightblaze. we still have a good amount of mana left.
I'm the goddamn juggernaut
Technically we don't need 10. We could just spend 9 ad it would be *almost* as good.

But I'd still prefer to juggs it
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, our strength is probably at the point where it's more effective to smash the walls out from around the magically warded door than to try and bust down the door itself.

If it weren't a mine shaft that would likely collapse if we did so, I'd advocate trying that.
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>multithread buildup of Magnock and secret alliance of angel/lich/light us
first reaction is fuck all that and run
Alternate: Spend 10 mana to attempt to cancel any one spell in sight-range)
i want to be able to do that.
a greater dispel magic is to damn useful where we are going
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juggernaut has more votes at this time, and no other plans have been put forth. We gonna rip this door a new one!
I wonder if that dispell would work on the spell keeping an airship from being harmed by the Sky Sever.

>in the interest of time, you selected Juggernaut after I glanced at the discussion and called what appeared to be a rough tie


You smash through the magical barrier and blow open the door, but not without a scratch.

>you take 1 damage (44/52)

You glance around the new room as the dust clears. It's...gruesome. Corpses lay over tables, some disemboweled. Buckets of limbs and organs are arranged about the room in a twisted filing system of human parts.

You find yourself relatively unbothered by it, but you slide a nub of shadow over Abigail's eyes. <Don't look.>

You pause. Three doors lay around the room. You briefly extend your senses.

One room holds what is unmistakably a Spirit mana pool. The second holds an egg-shaped sphere of light. Your companions!

The third door leads to a hallway that extends up beyond your senses.

An explosion of Spirit erupts above you. The room shakes. The stone rumbles. You extend a few legs to keep your balance, then stand upright.

What do you do?
>I wonder if that dispell would work on the spell keeping an airship from being harmed by the Sky Sever.
maybe, but lets save something like that for later
>Spirit mana pool.
A mutilated lychee with it's parents crying over the body?
problem is that we have to see the spell. and i am pretty sure the spell is anchored on magic gyro thing.
Nightflare the egg. Then eat the pool.
Top off mana, blast 10 mana nightblaze while standing in the pool.
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>pic related
use night flare on 1st door take a sippie, then grab friends
Recharge, go get our friends, save our lich.
>open door with companions, tell them its you and get them out of egg
>go to mana pool to recharge
>find Addy
where is adivan? ohh crap he is in the pool. ohh crap. Get him out. now
Get mana then try to make contact with our companions
No Adavan? Then lets get our companions first and then briefly recharge from spirit mana pool.
Knock, tell Auriel we're here and that we need to leave, ASAP. Then we try to find Adavan.
Go to the egg room, nightblaze Auriel's barrier.

Grab companions, flee through the third door and hope to god that it's an escape route.
Find any artifacts. Eat them. Recharge in Pool.
And nightblaze.
Okay, mana pool, nightblaze egg, then find Adavan.

Then flee like a motherfucker through door number three.
Full-power Nightblaze to crack Auriel's barrier.
Refuel in the mana pool, and then make a break for the third room where he was probably keeping Adavan.

(If the mana pool is within sight range of the egg, sit in the mana pool and use the sight-range Nightblaze to crack it from within the pool to save time.)

No risking Focus to find Adavan, since the big guns above are watching.
quick recharge, then go to the egg.

We don't want them attacking us when we break them out.
defiantly this
full power nightblaze auriels egg. after trying to impression the egg to open. with the words
<now would be a very good time to run, yes it would, i think yi fang is here. get out now or i am breaking it open so i can carry you>
Recharge, and get Abigail to dip a hand in too. She'll get even more benefit out of it, being Spirit-elemental.
Isn't it caustic to most creatures?
Oh yes, talk to our friends first before using Night Blaze. Tell them its time to flee. We don't want to harm Auriel via backlash or anything.

nope, Mana Pools kill mortals that touch them
no. bad idea. mana pools are elemental food, not people food
>Abigail to dip a hand in too
It kills people.

Don't you remember? She'll die.
You should be reminded that we seem to be unique in our ability to contact with mana pools directly and live.

This would backfire in the saddest possible way.
no, it would kill her. no one is suppose to be able to survive a mana pool, we an exception
Magic pools are toxic to huumans mate.
They already know we are here.

We looked at it, it looked right the fuck back.
Yeah, in retrospect, cracking the egg right off the bat is probably worse than trying to impress on Auriel the urgency with which she needs to lower the barrier and get going with us before resorting to brute magical force.

I was entirely unaware of that.

In that case, explicitly warn her about it, since it'll probably seem alluring.

You rush into the egg-room.

Chained to a chair, welded to a wall, and bound in several thick barriers and ropes of spirit magic is none other than Adavan. His head is strapped upright, and his eyelids are pinned open. They widen slightly when they see you.

You set down Samantha; she falls to the floor, breathing hard. You keep Abigail on your 'shoulder' and keep her eyes covered. She doesn't need to see him like this.

Another explosion of Spirit rocks the room. Dust falls from the ceiling. Then, more Spirit, popping like fireworks, slamming against one another.

You notice a necklace on one wall. It's a gold chain set with an orange gemstone.

Roll 1d100 for your nightblaze. A 4 mana nightblaze is large enough to reach Auriel's egg and the shields around Adavan.
Just because they know we're here doesn't mean we want to give them another good look at us. For all they know, we Focused, saw the Giant Fuckoff Airforce and immediately ran for the hills.

We should tell them that we've arrived BEFORE we bust down the door...
>Yeah, in retrospect, cracking the egg right off the bat is probably worse than trying to impress on Auriel the urgency with which she needs to lower the barrier and get going with us before resorting to brute magical force.

Yeah, no sense spending energy to break it and overpower Auriel when we can just knock and ask. Easy enough to identify ourselves via impressions. Darkxis wouldn't know what to say to embarrass her; we do.
Looking at our upgrade tree I had a thought. If we get multishade would it unlock a ability like that of the dick ass lich?
Rolled 22

Do 10.

We have a mana pool. Go for overkill.
Rolled 88

Rolled 35

Just nightflare on Adavan; we can ask Auriel nicely to open the shield and save the mana, please.
<i am getting both of you out>
Can we call out to them that it is us while doing this?
Rolled 24


Retcon: you briefly shout into the egg that it's you, you're breaking it open, and cross your fingers that they could hear you
agreed, we want to destroy any chance of Magcock escaping and wrecking every enchantment in the place will definately do that.
Is that his phylactery?

This please!
Rolled 95

Rolled 40

Rolled 70

it would help if i actually rolled.
<rise and shine friends. we are leaving.
Make DAMN SURE the necklace is out of Nightblaze range. It could be Magnock's phylactery; it could be ADAVAN'S. Should be careful.

Would like to see what happens if we consume a phylactery while its owner is still kicking, though. Should prove interesting.
any one ever thought about the potential of adavans soul gem phylactary or whatever the fuck being magic might be dispelled?

Fuck all magic in a 150ft circle
Rolled 58



I get the impression that there is a trap here.

if the nightblaze reaches the gem necklace, we should grab it first
I think it may actually be quite bad. Especially if that amulet is Adavans phylactery.
Rolled 6

>It could be Magnock's phylactery; it could be ADAVAN'S.

Good thinking, I vote we don't use a 10 mana nighblaze.
Rolled 71

supporting this. in fact, just nightflare adivan and get him to tell us what is going on. right the hell now
30-70 is average on magic
30>is bad
70<is great

We don't want to catch that phylactery, if it is a phylactery.
Rolled 13



Hit Adavan ONLY with the nightblaze.

Hopefully he's sane enough to relay some good intel.
If that is Adavan's phylactery, it'd be a pretty major dick move on SMs part to point it out to us upon entering the room and then have us make a roll that has a decent chance of breaking it.

One 88, one 35. We're good.
>implying our shit (comparatively) magic can unmake a LICH's phylactery.
alright changing my vote to minimum nightblaze. Pity, I wanted to see how much damage we could do.
Rolled 100


Guys, we shouldn't eat Magnock's phylactery.

Blackmailing a powerful lich would be a MUCH better political move than eating it outright.
We can't blackmail him.
Because he's dead.
12th roll and unlinked


The dice have spoken. We blackmail the lich
It was outside the 10 mark, but i'm still mad at you that you didn't link that 100 to SM
I know it wouldn't count anyway as the 12th roll, but still
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It just keeps happening.
Magnock is dead. And about to be destroyed. Hes facing the most pwoerful lich on the planet as well as 3 angels and a shard of hyperion
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>time to start the Un-Linked 100 Club
If it was linked it would've counted because of all the rolls that weren't linked, as those do not count.
We were perfectly happy to punch him in the dick until he turned inside out last time around; what the fuck is going to make us want to use him as a POLITICAL TOOL now? Especially considering that two even more dominant political powers have decided that he's worth stomping into dust?
>mana: 7/20

A sphere of negativity extends from you. Magic that touches it unravels...as if cut off from something vital.

It grows, then vanishes. But the spells it touched stay dead.

Adavan's chains and bindings fall off him and clatter to the floor. He collapses. You catch him before he hits the stone.

The white egg vanishes. Joey, Flint, Auriel, and Obis are all there, weapons drawn, breathless.

There's a moment of silence.

"By the Light, Shadow, you scared me half to death!" Flint shouts. He rungs over and grabs you in a bear hug. "I've never been - "

Spirit explodes, the greatest you've yet felt. Everyone glances up to the ceiling.

"What the hell is that?" Auriel asks. She closes her eyes.

Her face goes pale. "...Sandalphon is here. And...Yi Fang?" She nods. "...Palthair. Of course. It's too important."

<I thought that might be the case,> you say. <Adavan. Are you alright?>

Adavan raises his head. "Never better," he croaks. "Just one thing."


"Next time you want a favor...go fuck yourself."

You pause for a moment, but considering what he's been through, you suppose Adavan is entitled to a little namecalling. <I used a disguise to fool Magnock and get into the base. Magnock is fighting Yi Fang right now. We need to get out of here, now.>

"Get out of here?" Auriel says. "There's only one way out, and it's through that!" She jabs a finger at the ceiling.

Spirit crushes against spirit. You all look up again.

Rolled 8


Don't know that for sure. Don't you think he would surrender to Yi Fang if he could and that Yi Fang would prefer a powerful servant if he could get away with it?

Just saying, we shouldn't consume until we know either way.
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Which is why we should eat his soul. After asking addy what that necklace is.
He will have seen this coming and has preparations to escape. Come on guys.
What else do timeless wizards do? They scry all day erry day and plan for everything.
There's nothing left to blackmail. He's up there suiciding against the fucking lich king.
Jump in the damn pool. We need mana!
Rolled 4

either grab or eat the necklase
>"Next time you want a favor...go fuck yourself."
well he's not broken
Does Auriel know we can supersonic with everyone on us? She doesn't does she? Heh.
thats why we need to make another way
>mana pool, search other door
What would happen if we tried to CONSUME the mana pool? Literally consume the *whole* thing, so that it didn't exist anymore when we were done?
We tried to consume Adavan's mana pool, and it just sort of slipped through our jaws.

So mana is good for recharging; not so much for eating.

What is it with humans and copulation?
We have tried it before. We can't do it.
tried, nothing
We did once. Apparently it was like a normal person trying to eat a chunk of steel.
Yep, that is indeed the Adavan we know. I still think he gets to be the first servant.
we've tried that before... but we're a lot more powerful then we were.
we tried that already, didn't we? and it was basically like trying to eat an indestructible wall?
Rolled 41


Grab necklace.

Charge Mana in pool.

Stretch into giant winged bat and fly the shit out of there with the party on board.
>"Next time you want a favor...go fuck yourself."

<I'm not the one that decided you should travel near the giant worm's mating ground and through the turf of headless magic-using monsters buddy.>
Hey, I am new to this quest and I was wondering if there is a summary of the story and mechanics of the quest for newcomers?
No, we rebounded off of it like the thing was made out of steel. Let's dip our hand in and cheese it.
>Tell him what he's won!
>Well SM, for all his hard work Adavan gets to be a shadow angel
grab necklace
add this
You lose. You get NOTHING. GOOD DAY SIR.
That's what I was wondering, yeah.
One spirit is dominating the other.

"Magnock's losing," Auriel says.

The smaller spirit collapses, and is squashed like a rotten tomato.

"Correction," Adavan says. "He just lost."

"I don't need a lich to lecture me, thank you."

"I just spent two days being tortured to the point that my mind was about to break open," Adavan hisses. "Do not test me, or I'll tear out your soul and use it as an area rug."

<We do NOT have time for this,> you say firmly.

The necklace tucked in the corner of the room begins to glow. A foggy vision of Magnock begins to form around it.

Adavan shouts just one word. "Phylactery!"

What do you do?

>run over and smash it to bits
>nightblaze, burn all remaining mana
>some other strategy
check the archive, just read the "last time..." at the beginning of every thread.
Read the whole thing. It's more than worth it. Better written than some books I've read.
Someone could write a summary if they are feeling kind.
Otherwise, no, there is not.
Yes, it's all on suptg, go read it
not complete
><I'm not the one that decided you should travel near the giant worm's mating ground and through the turf of headless magic-using monsters buddy.>

There is a summary at the start of the thread.
Rolled 88

eat it. CONSUME
>>run over and smash it to bits
Consume the fucker.
No. He deserves to yell at us.

Adavan is a cool dude.
Let's say that to him when we can.
>some other strategy
When he materializes, consume him.
Then consume the necklace.
It's not going to be able to get smashed; we should know better than THAT.

I say we
>some other strategy
Consume his soul's essence that was bound to the necklace out from inside the phylactery as he is attempting to reconstitute himself.
Or CONSUME. That works too.
run over and eat it, say
<Now we see who really is stronger>

>nightblaze, burn all remaining mana

We can recharge at the spirit pool.
As dangerous as it sounds I wanna know what kind of xp a phylactery artifact can give.
Opting for consume.
Smash it and eat whatever comes out.
He just got flattened, he is in no position to resist being eaten now.
Rolled 2



I was advocating to just steal it beforehand, but if Ole MagDick is reforming directly in front of us, fuck it.
It's sipping the sweet nectar of the soul directly rather than having to sift it out from between all the meat and gristle.

Shit's gonna be delicious.

You know what you have to do.

It's obvious, of course.



Roll 1d100
He's a lich, this means they will be looking for it. Might as well throw it in the opposite direction of where we are heading to buy some time.
Eat it.
Why in the world haven't we recharged in the pool?
Rolled 35

As if you needed to present any other option than consume
Rolled 28

Rolled 47

Rolled 84

Nat 100
Rolled 16

Rolled 43

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>feed me papa
Rolled 77

you know how we should prove to the gigantic army above that we're not a crazy shadow demon from hell?

lets indiscriminately eat this orange bauble.
Rolled 100

Dice. Always with the dice.
Rolled 95

one more time for a nat 100
Rolled 9

Nat 1
Rolled 13

Rolled 48





Not entirely in character, but it gets the point across.
Rolled 36

Rolled 36

May the dice look down upon us
I love you
Not fuckin' bad.

Glad you could make it for thread two.
Okay. I'll make a comic of THIS battle too. But by god is it going to take a long time and be extremely shitty looking.
Don't be.
I'm going to waifu the Hyperion shard because "MUH ROMEO AND JULIET STYLE FORBIDDEN ROMANCE"
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Rolled 33


Darkxis would be proud.
Why does this shadow angel thing keep coming up? If we ever do empower someone, it certainly won't be an ages-old lich, who's already plenty powerful in Spirit magic, who has only the slightest ties to us.

It'd be more appropriate to grant that kind of power to the assassin-chick.
Natural 100 eating a Lich's phylactery, inherently a powerful magical artifact.

This is going to be good.
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Rolled 2

god damn it!
Or Abigail.
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Caw caw cawww, cawcaca caw.
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9th roll.

Magdick gets his just desserts.
Rolled 14


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Marry me, Bird-Anon.
say either
or <This is for Abby>
>implying Erebus and Hyperion didn't have that going already.
The guy just protected Abby and got tortured for his trouble. He deserves something special. It also doesn't matter what he does because he is stuck with us now.
<You're a fool Magnock. And now you are food.>
Because centuries old liches are really strong, and adavan could do with the boosted constitution.
Yeah, but remember we were told that making someone a Shadow Servant interferes with non-Shadow powers. He's a Spirit Lich. Let's find some other way to thank him.
If we make anybody into a shadow angel/servant it should be Joey. As it stands, Joey is almost completely useless. We need to change that.
<Hey Magcock. I ate your little shadow pet, and I'm eating you too!>
Servant works by reshaping their souls.

Ila's soul is removed from her body and guarded by angels.
Along with Fem-Joey... OH SHIT, WHERE'S JOEY?!
<This is for Adavan, this is for Abby, this is for being a giant cock!>
I hope we unlock a new spirit or summoning tree, or even get some freebie spirit spells!
It interferes with the "Greater" Elements.

It just gives the user shadow power otherwise. So he would be Shadow/Spirit lich.
Thank you, Erebus, for the XP we are about to receive...

Also, when we get it: Balance.
>The white egg vanishes. Joey, Flint, Auriel, and Obis are all there, weapons drawn, breathless
It interferes with the 'greater' elements. Fire Wind lightning and light.

It doesn't mess with spirit water earth or shadow.

jk: "The white egg vanishes. Joey, Flint, Auriel, and Obis are all there, weapons drawn, breathless."
Dude, I think Adavan has proved he's a good guy. He gave up a centuries old grudge, saved a young friend of ours, decided to become a teacher, refused to work with another centuries old lich with a grudge, and then didn't break after a day of torture.

All because we asked nicely.

He deserves our respect and friendship as much as Auriel, Obis and Flint do.
dude I don't even know why we bothered bringing that guy along. He has been a waste of space this whole time. Servant is for one of our spirit mages.
I'd say more than Obis and Auriel.
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>Bird-Anon has evolved
This is the first time everyone has been together, yes? So many possible interactions... The only one missing is the Duke.
>Shadow incarnate, an angel, a paladin, a little girl, and a Lich walk in to a bar
And a dethroned prince.
It's called investing. It's a good idea, both IC and in Real Life.
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Rolled 5


I always figured he could be a useful spy. After all, none of the other mages/elementals/angels would think that a bog-standard human who is kind of awkward and has zero combat ability would be in contact with us.

But honestly, he's our best option for Servanthood. Strong morals, has been with us for a long fucking time.
You forgot the exiled prince and the ancient magitech construct.
I think of it like this, Joey is like an experiment in the long term. He is an average nothing speacial human, the largest magority of people. We have changed his views of Shadow which will be the first step to changing others. Plus if he becomes a knight, he gets land and his own villages, those people learn to accept shadow, that mindset grows from there
>and two random kids
how horrifying
He's the everyman. It's good to have the perspective of somebody who has no special fate or destiny in store.
Speaking of which, where is it?

You lunge at the phylactery, latching tentacles onto the necklace.

Magnock's spirit flinches in surprise, then begins to throw as much power as it can muster at you. Whips of spirit roll over you.

But in his state, it's like a man throwing toothpicks at a wall.

You bury it under a wave of your Inky body, right to the core. The Shards of True Darkness resonate as you devour the necklace, bit by bit.

Magnock screams as the container holding his corrupted existence is chewed up and digested. You uncover his soul - exposed, weakened - and you show no mercy.

And right before it's totally subsumed...you punch him in the dick. It doubles over, gasping in pain, and then is dissolved into your being.

>you gain 20 EXP
>mana fully restored (20/20)
>you gain 23 Temerity (139)

You step back and glance at your companions. <He won't be bothering us again. Ever.>

Auriel seems shocked. She bites her lip. She blinks rapidly. But she says nothing.

The tiny sun of Spirit that is Yi Fang is dropping down the mineshaft leading to the prison block.

<We need to get out of here.>

Adavan takes a breath. "...teleportation spell. I can do it. Put us a few miles out from the town. That should do the trick. Assuming...everyone here wants to go."

Obis raises his hand with a grin. Flint nods; Joey nods with him. Abigail runs over and grabs Adavan in a hug; that's all the response she needs. Samantha appears to be mentally reeling, to out of depth to respond.

"What about you?" Adavan asks Auriel.

"...I..." Auriel frowns in confusion, in...pain. She's torn.

Do you say anything to her?

Wait....I DIDN'T steward on the list....please tell me he is here.
Either way, we can't servant anyone now.
It takes time and a shadow mana pool, and we have neither.
Is lamb.
Lamb chops.
Keep in mind he is Flints squire. We would speak to Flint first.
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>And right before it's totally subsumed...you punch him in the dick. It doubles over, gasping in pain, and then is dissolved into your being.
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>And right before it's totally subsumed...you punch him in the dick. It doubles over, gasping in pain, and then is dissolved into your being.
Rolled 78


<I will be your wings today, Angel.>
<If you want to stay, I understand. But I'm sure Flint would appreciate your continued presence.>
>And right before it's totally subsumed...you punch him in the dick. It doubles over, gasping in pain, and then is dissolved into your being.
I love you Shadow Master.

><Auriel, you can make up your mind after we're out of here. Its not like they're going to go anywhere in a hurry.>
Rolled 70

<Come on girl, do you really think your Angel friends and that....thing would be as understanding when they see me and Adavan?>
Hold out our hand and ask her to come with us.
That it wouldn't be the same without her.
<Auriel, I will not force you to do something you don't wish to do. Know only that I will not leave you behind to this fate>
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>Speaking of which, where is it?

>go three threads
>no one asks where Steward went after the tavern collapsed
>my fucking face
<You would give up your quest to 'get a taste of demonslayer' so soon?>
><If you want to stay, I understand. But I'm sure Flint would appreciate your continued presence.>

I know that you have strong feelings about that creep, but we need to go. Let's leave.
Oh you.
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......Dammit did we leave him behind? See now we HAVE to go back and get him.
Rolled 89

He is a big boy, he can take care of himself.
Rolled 98

all of my fucks
...oh fuck.

Rolled 68


I can only assume he shit his circuits and ran back to City 001 after he saw the eldritch horror from beyond time and space.

Tell Auriel to teleport everyone out and that we WILL fly her out of this situation.
I feel dumb, legitimately. Right-o SM.
Add in. <I would miss our arguments over morality as well.>
<This is your decision to make. We could be persuaded to make it for you, but I don't believe you would ever forgive yourself for letting it come to that.>

<You stand here on the precipice. But I believe that now, more than ever, you have learned the value of holding the weight of your own fate in your own two hands.>

Man, I dunno if it's worth getting this heavy over, or if we should just guilt her into it by talking about Flint a bunch.

Shit, I want her to choose because she's reached a crossroads where she can recognize that the choices you make are more important than the bits that make up your body.

It'd be about an hours walk back to the village after the teleport.

Buy balance so that we can deep focus sneakier and then DEEP FOCUS to find him!
If your duty as angel beckons you to return, I won't stop you. Just... Put in a good word for me with your superiors.
but if we could feel the angels with our deep focus, couldn't we sense him since he was also above us?
>Shit, I want her to choose because she's reached a crossroads
We're only teleporting a few miles out of the town. This isn't a crossroads, its whether she wants to decide now or later.

A combination of these.
He can handle himself.
Right now, our life takes priority.
So... let's leave with our lich.
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You know the more I think about it the harder time I have believing that Magnock took over this place. Wouldn't the largest source of Admantium be under a lot more protection? how the hell did a lich just stroll in and set all this up? it feels like someone would be helping him, and Yi Fang seems a prime candidate, I think there was more too this then it seems
<Auriel. I've come to possess a certain level of respect for you, over these last few [days/weeks]. I hope you've come to think of me as something of an associate, if not an ally, if not a friend, instead of being a thing that must be kept on a leash.

With this in mind, and while I would not hold it against you if you decided you wanted to return, I sincerely hope that the time you have spent with this group of misfits and outcasts has meant something. Would you follow us? Just to see how far we can go with our, as you put it, 'completely insane and utterly impossible ideas'?>
I'd rather not spend that much XP on someone who is likely alright.
><Auriel, you can make up your mind after we're out of here. Its not like they're going to go anywhere in a hurry.>

Best answer, I think. Now isn't the time for a prolonged monologue.

Shh, don't tell HER that. Having her choose quickly under perceived duress is a good way of making her show her true feelings about the whole thing!
combo of these
can we do this?
He stated explicitely that he was not going to assist or join us in combat, just that he was going to observe.

I was assuming that he has been observing.
>Wouldn't the largest source of Admantium be under a lot more protection?
1. Neither side trusts the other enough to let the other guard the town.

2. Teleporting ships.
Remember Gerald, the rapist in the making?

Don't supose we can make Addy a servant before we leave can we?
Rolled 20

>Wouldn't the largest source of Admantium be under a lot more protection? how the hell did a lich just stroll in and set all this up? it feels like someone would be helping him, and Yi Fang seems a prime candidate, I think there was more too this then it seems

You are now entering the Shadowruns (fuck that fits so well, why) . Anyway, I think we should speculate after we get out of here.
It's not just spending it on the robot, it also gets us a valuable skill that lets us detect other things without being as easily detected.

And we need it for Oneness, and the odds are that one of those two opens up Magic Power 3. So it's a very, very good buy.
We'd need a SHADOW mana pool to do that, IIRC, not to mention the fact that a thing this symbolic wouldn't be the kind of thing we'd want to do in the five minutes before we run out the door.
That's convincing enough for me. Anyone else?
Rolled 35


Oh shit, this reminds me, guys.

The Keystone of Atlantis = The Enslaved Water Elemental.

This is way, way downstream, but after we free Geb, and Flint's parasite is removed, we can head there next.
I'm somewhat sure I did ask at some point. But I just gathered he would have run away or hid to rejoin us later
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Forgot my pic
thirding Balance
I'm convinced.
It just seems off there'd be so little protection a lich could just take it over, on top of that why are they bringing the hammer down so hard? it seems Yi Fang could of handled it on his own
>The Keystone of Atlantis = The Enslaved Water Elemental.

I have absolutely no idea what you just said and I feel terrible for that.
If we leave Auriel now Fang will most likely kill her and blame it on Magnock
if we get balance, we should gaping maw or analyze next
...Did you read the thread?
Eh. might as well.
>on top of that why are they bringing the hammer down so hard?
>Wouldn't the largest source of Admantium be under a lot more protection?
This IS the protection.

Noone fucks with the largest source of Adamantium. Ever.
Also, presumably the lightning guy we ate was at least some sort of a mover and shaker in the town who got too big for his britches and helped Magnock take over in exchange for power.

Right, we also didn't really do too well on the helping to save Sam's father (the mayor who was under some sort of threat of death/injury) front, did we.
You have my vote.

SM, make it happen.
Throwing in my vote for this as well.

Of course not.
And mine. Plus it'll help us stretch this pool's mana.
Well, I doubt that Fang is going to harm the normal villagers, not with the angels on his back, so he should be ok.
But if they had all this why let an entire town be massacred, it would be so much simpler to just have a guard, now they have to clean all of his necromancer shit up on top of repopulating a town, not too mention the production loss. it just doesn't add up to me
Rolled 91


Don't worry, I was reading the pastebin of plot background stuff earlier today before work and had some time to think about the world of Shadow Quest
It's plot locked

No anon, we cannot.
>magic power 3
Rolled 84


Magnock was just mindcontrolling the populace, they were still alive. Also don't forget the mages upstairs that weren't mindcontrolled.

Zombies don't exactly have the manual dexterity to forge armor, I'm guessing.
>But if they had all this why let an entire town be massacred, it would be so much simpler to just have a guard
1. Noone thought that anyone would be stupid enough to actually attack the city.
2. Who would guard the city? From what I've gathered both Yi Fang and the Empire value it highly. They both probably agreed to leave the town alone and independent to avoid political bullshit that could escalate to some retard blowing up the Adamantium.
Yes we can, aren't earth and wind resistance only 2 each? Once we get those we can buy darkness within.
Before you can say something to Auriel, Adavan interjects.

"I need time to cast the teleport," he says. "And it's a hack job, using Magnock's enchantments in this room - in reverse. I need time." He looks at you pointedly.

The immediate area is short on volunteers.

<Auriel,> you say, <for now...stay. You can make up your mind afterward.>

She thinks for a moment, then nods. "...alright."

<Good. I'd miss our arguments.> You walk toward the door.

"Shadow?" Flint says. "Where - "

<Someone needs to stall Yi Fang.> You look at Flint. <I've got the best chance of surviving if things turn sour.>

"We've got a better chance if we stick together," Flint says.

Abigail's eyes go round. "...are...you leaving?"

"He's not leaving," Flint says. "We're getting out of here together." He looks at you, a pained confusion on his face. "We are leaving together! Right, Obis, Joey?"

Joey nods firmly. Obis glances away. He knows how it is. Someone needs to delay Fang.

What do you do?

>You can't risk your companion's lives. If what you suspect about the connection between Abigail and Yi Fang is true, he might not hesitate. Someone has to go, and it should be you.
>...alright. We hold here, together. We'll be stronger as a team.
>some other strategy
We're already in autosage at over 500 posts. Dir guds.
No, they're pricier than that.
Magic Power 3 will be 15 EXP points, right?
hmmm makes sense I guess

I still don't trust SM to not be forming an almighty Ruse
You are the ones speculating on plot lock. Nothing we have seen supports that
I would like to max out our resistances and buy whatever else we can as far as HP upgrades go
>You can't risk your companion's lives. If what you suspect about the connection between Abigail and Yi Fang is true, he might not hesitate. Someone has to go, and it should be you.
Still a right bastard SM.
It seemed like he had imprisoned all the women and children in order to press the men into service doing manual labor and then transitioned into turning all the prisoners into meat golems in his grisly lab, while all the men were still working to "protect" their loved ones.

I'm genuinely hoping I've misinterpreted the situation here, but it seems awfully practical, and equally evil, so I'm guessing this is kind of what happened.
>>You can't risk your companion's lives. If what you suspect about the connection between Abigail and Yi Fang is true, he might not hesitate. Someone has to go, and it should be you.

hey SM we decided to buy balance and then deep Observe for the Robutt.
>>...alright. We hold here, together. We'll be stronger as a team.
>You can't risk your companion's lives. If what you suspect about the connection between Abigail and Yi Fang is true, he might not hesitate. Someone has to go, and it should be you.
Out of curiosity, how long can we extend a tendril?

Because I'm thinking we make a 'power cord' to the mana pool and just spam Nightflare if it comes to blows.
>>...alright. We hold here, together. We'll be stronger as a team.
We have infinite mana at the pool.

If shit goes down, here is better.
>You can't risk your companion's lives. If what you suspect about the connection between Abigail and Yi Fang is true, he might not hesitate. Someone has to go, and it should be you.

We go it lone ranger style
>Because I'm thinking we make a 'power cord' to the mana pool and just spam Nightflare if it comes to blows.


I like your style.
OKAY! If we're battling Yi Fang we meed some more attacks. I say we buy Shadow Beam, we will still have enough points for Balance if we want it.
thrust ourselves into pool of spirit for mana and possible upgrades
>We have infinite mana at the pool.
>If shit goes down, here is better.

This, this this this.
You're kidding, right? SM told us it was plot locked himself.
>>...alright. We hold here, together. We'll be stronger as a team.
mana pool=infi magic
>>...alright. We hold here, together. We'll be stronger as a team.
Seconding the power cord idea.

If we can't do it we'll all stay here.
Oh god those horrible choices.

Try and make contact with him?
>>You can't risk your companion's lives. If what you suspect about the connection between Abigail and Yi Fang is true, he might not hesitate. Someone has to go, and it should be you.
<So long, for now, Friends. And thank you...>
>...alright. We hold here, together. We'll be stronger as a team.
Stay here for unlimited magic spam if we need to.
>...alright. We hold here, together. We'll be stronger as a team.

Oh yes, infinite mana is good. Pity we don't have access to any lightning magic.
>You can't risk your companion's lives. If what you suspect about the connection between Abigail and Yi Fang is true, he might not hesitate. Someone has to go, and it should be you.

Self-sacrifice is the way to go here. Adios, amigos; hello imminent death. This also might help offset that giganto temerity surplus we've been getting from eating things we oughtn't.

Might also want to advise Auriel to avoid Yi Fang. If Yi and the angels are really at odds, Yi might just think frying her alive while nobody knows what's up would be a great idea.
>...alright. We hold here, together. We'll be stronger as a team.
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><So long, for now, Friends. And thank you...>
>implying implications.
No he did NOT. That is completely wrong. He told is that we need to unlock the ENTIRE trees to unlock the "supershadowabilities." Well he explicitly implied it.
>>...alright. We hold here, together. We'll be stronger as a team.
>>some other strategy
send everyone impression of graditude, pick up Abby and look at Flint
<No Abby, Flint's right. I'm not leaving you again, in fac I thin k i have a plan>
mana pool for infinite magic

NOT necessarily, we probably just need to unlock more shadow abilities before its open. I suggest shadow control, it looks like it leads in the right direction
You realize the mana pool is in a separate room behind a different door? We'd probably have a better chance of reaching it if we were outside.
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Behold, the Right Choice.

What did I say was plot-locked?

The dark-purple corner is plot stuff. I believe I said you already had the means to unlock Darkness Within.
>>You can't risk your companion's lives. If what you suspect about the connection between Abigail and Yi Fang is true, he might not hesitate. Someone has to go, and it should be you.
Maybe even more important than the Abigail connection, if Yi Fang recognizes that our Flint is THAT FAMILY of Flint, he's going to be VERY irate.

We may as well discuss with him the business we have that was scryed for us, and that, frankly, we are kind of glad he showed up to drop some nuclear meltdown on the Lich that was trying to harm us and our friends.

He's right.

Let them know that this is the case and that we plan to use the mana pool.

Oh shit.

We have 20 XP.

Now would be a crazy good time to buy summoning magic, guys. We need cannon fodder, and we have infinite mana to summon them with.
It's still Red though...
tank with mana pool
Or we could buy high level magics and spam them instead.
Is it like Summoning, we need to learn some kind of lesson or collect more Shards of Darkness before we can unlock it?
Oh, if unlocking the Grey requires the entire tree to be bought then that means in order to get hydra we HAVE to buy poison. Hah!
No sir.

He would just render them useless. We wouldn't be able to summon anything strong enough to delay him in the slightest. He just killed Adavan in like 1 turn
No, now would be a good time to buy Shadow Beam and Ray of Darkness.
Yeah. Shadow bomb looks pretty nasty.
>you have the means to unlock it
If we can fucking unlock it, it's not going to be collecting dark shards.
hey guys couldn't we summon

He killed Magnum Cock, not Adavan.
OH HEY, Can we sacrifice mana to get that spell going, or HP, or something?
Oh god you imbeciles... Once we unlock the complete the Earth and Wind trees, our physical trees, darkness within will be unlocked. STOP ARGUING. I'm right.
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Also lets just do this because I want full resistances against a powerful supermage.
You're being a colossal faggot right now actually
I mean Magcock. It's late as hell.
Guys, there seemed to be a reasonable number of people at the beginning of the thread that kind of wanted to make contact with Yi Fang even BEFORE our friends were all safe; now we have the option to do so and we're figuring out our battle plans?

Shit's silly.
Fine. Buy them.

If DW unlocks, I'm a big fat dummy and we can buy DW.

If it doesn't then we still buy balance.
like this
infiwisp shield after we buy summoning I
>5000000 wisps
Entire enemy forces defeated by wisps.
I agree, with what SM said its the most likely case. Of course it also means in order to get Mighty Regen we also have to get the entire water and poison\observe tree
That would make sense. Earth Resistance, Wind Resistance, and Shitin' Krieg.
We should summon a shittons of wisps and do the power cable thing first, we should always be prepared
Worth askin'! Any ruling against helping Adavan gather mana, SM?
I don't think we have enough points for all 3.
Better to be safe than sorry.

If he tries to attack us we can protect ourselves. If he's willing to talk, we talk.

We're hedging our bets.
I'm being colossally correct and trying to spend EXP on a potentially super fucking cool ability instead of on BALANCE which you THINK MIGHT lead to magic power.
the 'krieg is actually grey, we might not need it.
And the Wisp we summon is the same Wisp every time; I don't think we have access to more than one.

Also, relying on Summoning creatures when we're facing the greatest Spirit mage we know of seems like a terrible idea, seeing as he took over the forces Magnock had command over upon his arrival.

We don't want him stealing wispbro away from us if we can help it.
<Adavan,> you say. <I can use the mana pool directly. With that power, we might be able to hold him off until the spell is ready.>

Adavan considers your words for a moment, then shakes his head. "...this is already delicate. I can't have that kind of thing unbalancing the spell. If you want to use the pool...alright. But I need everyone in this room, standing in a small space, and if you're touching the pool, I can't bring you."

What do you do?

Vote 1:
>head to the outer lab, extend a tendril to the mana pool, hunker down, and then try to contact Yi Fang

Vote 2:
>the same, but don't try to contact Yi Fang

>QM's note: you can only control 1 direct summon at a time


Vote (A)
>Flint comes with you

Vote (B)
>you'd better stay here, Flint
Nthing Earth and Wind resistances, and Balance.

If we can't afford them all, Balance.
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>head to the outer lab, extend a tendril to the mana pool, hunker down, and then try to contact Yi Fang

Actually, that's a fair point. Time to load up on some magic powers then, boys.

It might be a good idea to compress before we start firing magical missiles at this asshole too. I mean, we're going to need every fucking advantage to stay alive here.
>head to the outer lab, extend a tendril to the mana pool, hunker down, and then try to contact Yi Fang
What will it cost us to buy earth and wind res?

1 - B

Voting to buy Earth and Wind resist
>QM note
Farewell Infinite Wisp Works
4 each I think.

So 8
Couldn't we just stop touching the pool when his spell is ready?
it'll cost us 12 for both.

Each one is 4 EXP each
Shadow Beam & Ray of Darkness.
>if you're touching the pool, I can't bring you."
Isn't the whole point of our stalling so we can all teleport out? Guess that rules out our pool strats.

Vote 1.
Contact Yi Fang, discuss that we are glad the offending Lich has been dealt with, and that we have received some prophecy that leads us to believe that we are going to need to discuss things with him at some point, so we would like to start off on good terms.

Vote B
>>you'd better stay here, Flint



It's 12 EXP. My bad.
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sigh, if we must go hero, lets do it right. Heartfelt speech, hug Abby, and turn towards Yi Fang
1 B
So we can't afford those two and darkness within yet. Okay. Do whatever then, but my vote is for saving it
>Isn't the whole point of our stalling so we can all teleport out? Guess that rules out our pool strats.
We cut off the tendril and rush back as the teleport fires off.

>holding off Yi Fang by spamming magic
>you stop touching the pool
>what happens

I won't stop you if you really want to try.
I vote to buy both. It'll be a good thing to have improved wind resist if we're going to make Shadow Supersonic Airlines after the teleport.
1b, but tell Adavan to warn us when it's nearly time to go.
Voting 1B.
It's still not worse than *not* touching the pool and trying to hold off Yi Fang.
Can we cast Heal on ourself?
I believe this is a hint. I am calling attention to this post because it is probably a hint. This may be a hint guys. It appears a random hint has been posted. Geeze look at this right here hint.
Wait, is Yi Fang completely unreasonable?
We shouldn't fire spells at him without giving him a chance to let us go.
That's just evil.
Yeah, not really in favor of trying to get split-second timing down or risk getting obliterated by a wall of offending spirit magic.

We're not going to be able to hold our own in magical combat too terribly effectively, so we should postpone it as long as we can.
no, that isn't a hint. Its just a worthless comment.
We're gonna talk to Yi Fang first right?
Blindfire effect. Spam bullets until their heads are down, then flee.
The spells we're going to fire off are probably going to be Nightflares to cancel out his magic. Lots and lots of Nightflares.

Wizards can't hurt you if they can't cast.

...Unless Yi Fang knows kung fu too.
I had assumed that the 20 mana we store within ourself would be enough to hold him of for some seconds at least. And that if our mana is not enough 1) Auriel uses her shield thingy and 2) we are pretty hardy and could survive one or two spells.
SM does that frequently, unless he flat out says we'll probably die he's usually just pointing something out
Are you all really not going to vote for a team effort? Is this the thread we finally die? You think a shadow with Magic Power 2 spamming water strike is going to hurt a Spirit Lich Emperor? Holy shit.
Dunno, looks suspiciously like he's alluding to the fact that if you cut off the source of your magical energy during a "spam everything you have en masse"-style magic duel, you're probably going to run dry and get blasted into oblivion.

Or maybe that's just following it too far to its logical conclusion, and we'll be JUUUUUUST fine.

It actually seems remarkably out of character to be perfectly honest. It's just as likely he came here to take care of the phylactery, being a very experienced lich himself.
But then there are many dangers with negotiation these days, things happen.
I'll take the risk.
>We hold off Yi Fang until he has to call Angels to assist.
>Angels rek us.
>Don't kill us, take us back to the Ring City to be enslaved.
>Meet up with Lia or Lea or whatever there.
>Prison break episode.
I'm putting my money on the table now.
>spamming water strike
No you fuck, Nightblaze.

10 mana Nightblaze fucks over magic hardcore.

We're not trying to KILL Yi Fang, or even hurt him. We just need to hold him off until Adavan is ready.
The goal is not to beat him, the goal is to hold him off while everyone else and hopefully us gets the fuck out of dodge
the instant our friends teleport we blink outta here and slink off.

Maybe we should buy spirit siphon in order to drain him of magic.
Now that I'm thinking about it, even if he's aggressive, initially, it's probably a reasonable plan to just try and contact him and spam Nightblazes until he goes "wait, my shit isn't working and this guy is trying to get my attention; what's the motherfuckin' deal."
>We're not trying to KILL Yi Fang, or even hurt him. We just need to hold him off until Adavan is ready.

Nightflare is fine, but Nightblaze is going to screw with Adavan something fierce.
Oh okay and how are we going to get back to the teleport spell? Are we just, not?
at least try to negotiate with Fang before going hog-wild, jesus christ

the guy did the leg work killing Magnock. Give him some credit.
That is a FUC-wait. He's a lich, he'll probably be crazy immune to spirit magic.
10 mana Nightblaze is single target.

nightblaze can cancel any spell we can see.
When you do 10mana you choose between the 150ft aoe or you pick 1 spell to fuck superhard.
Guuuys, what happens if Mr. Shadow dies? Is the Quest over? Do we follow Flint or Abigail? Take control of a different Shadow?

What this guy said. We just need to be careful not to cancel out Adavan's teleport spell.

ONCE THE PARTY IS GONE, we can then supersonic fly in compressed form and maybe lose the angels over Tarun Garkh.
You know, after we finish buying those two resistances, we can still afford Shadow Blast, Shadow Beam, Shadow Bomb, or Ice Strike.

Plus Poison or Robust Immunity.
Blink requires line of sight.
can we just touch the pool and refill our mana (and maybe get some new plot magics) before we do anything
>When you do 10mana you choose between the 150ft aoe or you pick 1 spell to fuck superhard.

Oh, fair enough.
You fool, don't jinx us like that!
We still have our tendril going to the mana pool.

If we can get line of sight from that tendril we can make it.
<Flint. You're staying. I'm going.>

"But - "

<Do you value our friendship?>

"...that isn't fair, you fucking bastard."

<Life isn't fair. If you die, Arland loses its greatest knight. And if I die, then a strange creature of darkness that consumes souls has been lost to the world.> You look at Auriel. <Isn't that right?>

Auriel just looks back at you. Her face says much...but she doesn't speak.

<I'm relying on you to keep him here,> you tell her. You glance at Adavan. <Let me know when the spell is ready. I'll try to make it back.>


You head into the other room and throw open the door to the mana pool. You dip a tendril in and stretch back into the laboratory. You can just manage to do it, though you can move around much. The power pulses through you, ready to be unleashed.

You focus on the sun of Spirit energy walking slowly down the hall toward your position. <...can you here me?>

The presence stops. <I can,> says a voice. It's like death grating on steel. <What are you?>

<A Shadow Elemental, and no friend of Magnock,> you say.

The presence starts forward again. <Was that his name? I didn't bother to ask. If you're no friend of his, stand aside. I've a phylactery to crush into dust.>

<I've already destroyed it. He was vulnerable when you killed his body.>

<Saved me some trouble, then.>

The door opens.

If we have a tendril leading back, presumably we will have line of sight by virtue of being amorphous in our initial form, meaning we can probably just change what bit of ourself we're looking out of.

No, it would be a jinx if I said stuff like:
>What could possibly go wrong?
>We'll be fine!
>At least it's not raining!
And other such phrases.
This guy is going to have some swagger, calling it.
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This... doesn't seem terrible so far...
Nooo! now its like quadra jinxed fuck.
Wait, can't we just break a hole in the wall and blink through it if Yi gives us trouble?
Wait, we didn't bring up to Flint that we probably don't want him out front by virtue of the fact that Yi Feng is probably still holding the mother of all grudges against his ancestor for rebelling against him?

And instead chose to browbeat him with the fact that he's our friend and if he REALLY LOVED US, he'd do what we said?

That seems kind of silly.
>The door opens.

Are you lubed up?
They're still up top. We'd have sensed them if they came.
>I'm always lubed up
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Initiating Paulometer.
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In walks a creature in black armor. Horns protrude from the helmet. Spirit energy exudes from its form; it mouth glows with power every time it exhales.

"Allow me to introduce myself. Archmage Yi Fang, of Archon."

<...I am Shadow.>

The lich smirks. "Shadow. Simple. I like it." The lich cocks his head. "My niece is in the other room, there, and after spending two decades looking for her father, and taking great pains to make sure they are unaware of her existence, I'm about out of patience. I'll need you to stand aside."

What do you do?

>try to negotiate (write-in)
>attack immediately
>some other strategy
Okay. We can say oh shit now.
UH, UH, negotiate?
<SO you do know. What do you plan to do with her?>
>try to negotiate (write-in)

"You seem to be allied with the Angels, at least at the moment. You are aware of what they would do to a young girl with Spirit training? I will *not* allow harm to come to her; I will protect her with my life."

He'll either be really happy or really angry with that.
<Yes, I suspected as much. If I stand aside, will you guarantee safe passage for the rest of my companions? Also, [SEER NAME] told me that you were the one to ask if I sought the Staff of Winds.>
Well... fuck me sideways..
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>try to negotiate (write-in)
<I cannot allow any harm to come to the girl. Your request is not unreasonable, but I need to know your intentions.>
><Yes, I suspected as much. If I stand aside, will you guarantee safe passage for the rest of my companions? Also, [SEER NAME] told me that you were the one to ask if I sought the Staff of Winds.>

We're not giving her up until we know his intentions. He might not mean well, and we're going to make sure she's safe. We'll go with her, if we have to go that route.

But do ask him about the seer.
I have a feeling we shouldn't fight someone with a theme song like that.
Negotiate: <If you are taking pains to stop your neice from usrping your throne, why not keep her from knowing about it by not telling her?>
<And if you act now while they are watching? While -he- is watching. Will she be safe from them?>

<She is under my protection. Do you know what she is?>
I bet you're gonna make us roll for the diplomacy, aren'tcha?
>>try to negotiate (write-in)
<I'm afraid I can't do that just yet, though I believed that much was true. You see, right now she wishes to leave with myself companions and after my interactions with your allies above I am willing to stay as long as is needed for her to escape them>

>Saying this to one of the most powerful Spirit mages in the world
>try to negotiate (write-in)

<First I would like to know how did you know that. The girl is one of my companions so please excuse me if I appear to be too protective of her.>
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>I bet you're gonna make us roll for the diplomacy, aren'tcha?
Like I said, if he's not here to hurt her then he'll be interested, and if he is here to hurt her we're still going to try to kick his ass long enough for them to get away.

Don't mention the Staff of the Winds just yet. He's not immediately hostile, which is a good sign, and even better.
<I know she is your niece, as she has been under my protection for quite some time, something your allies above would never condone. Tell me, what would happen if an old ally were to whisk her safely away without them knowing and you free of any doubt?>
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>roll 1d1 for diplomacy

this sounds pretty solid

Replace compainion with "few friends" and I'd go for it.
>You are aware of what they would do to a young girl with Spirit training?
>Do you know what she is?
I was specifically referring to these parts.
>Shadow Master and Player.gif
Ehh. Better than anything Im gonna come up with .
A combination of those would be great.
Time to distract him with delicious knowledge:

"But they were aware of it. I found a diary one of them wrote."

Tell him some stuff but do NOT tell him anything regarding where they hid or other things that will definitely bite us in the back later.

Dude, we're trying to hold him in conversation while Adavan charges his teleport spell.

You don't think that a Shadow Elemental claiming protection over his niece and implying we know she's not entirely human isn't something he'd be curious about?
This is all fine, but we should also mention that she, herself, is unaware of her parentage, and that we only came upon the knowledge after stumbling upon a very well-hidden cache of journals, and that her parents are no longer among the living.

And that we have taken it upon ourselves to be her protector in their stead.

See how that affects his opinion on the situation.
>This is all fine, but we should also mention that she, herself, is unaware of her parentage, and that we only came upon the knowledge after stumbling upon a very well-hidden cache of journals, and that her parents are no longer among the living.
Too much info for the moment.
toss in this
Fair enough. I figured that telling him his decades-long search could be over would've restored at least a little bit of his patience.
As I said, for the moment. We should hold it in reserve until we've felt out the situation.
Definitely still in favor of telling him that she, herself, doesn't know of her parentage, though.

He'll not be as antsy to keep her quiet about the whole deal if he knows she doesn't have anything to tell.
Do we actually know that she doesn't know? We've never asked her such things.
I think by 'them' he was referring to the Angels directly above us.

He was looking for her without letting anyone know that she exists, because otherwise she could be used as a hostage.
I'm pretty sure the diary said as much.
It did.
<Who is they?>

Yi Fang merely points upwards. "They."

<...I have been protecting the girl for some time, with the understanding that -they- are not tolerant of spirit mages...or existences such as myself. Your request is not unreasonable, but I would know your intentions.>

Yi Fang smiles.

You feel very afraid.

"My intentions?" he says. "I intend her no harm. She needs protection, and training." He folds his hands behind his back. "We can do this one of two ways. One. I squash you underfoot like a cockroach, annihilate the souls of all the rest of the motley crew in the room behind you, and take the girl where she belongs."

<...and two?>

"Two. The girl comes with me. You do not stop me, you do not hinder me. As far as I'm concerned, you were never here in the first place - and what you do afterward is quite your business." The lich gives you a look. "I know what you're doing. But if you can't use it well enough, it matters not if you had a whole world of mana at your finger tips."

<...might I consult with my...associates?>

Fang shrugs. "I've allowed the other lich to listen in on our conversation. They're aware of the situation."

What is your response?

>...alright. But I'm coming with you.
>something else
RIGHT BASTARD. Every time.
Another option based on posts I read:

>reveal Jen Fang's Diary, and that you are aware of Abigail's parentage
Ask him about the Staff of Winds. Namedrop the seer.
Alright guys, no big hero moment, I'm pretty sure he can kill us with a snap of his fingers. I think the best possible thing to do in this situation is see if he'll take us and adavan with himor do this

I'm really not happy giving Abigal to Yi Fang, but at the same time I'm not happy with dying.

And I get the feeling trying to fight here will result in a very quick end.
>something else

Talk to Adavan, see how much time he needs for the teleport.
>reveal Jen Fang's Diary, and that you are aware of Abigail's parentage
I feel like he'd kill us because we know.
Is that in our fannypack or is it in the vog cavein?
I don't think he's in a very helpful mood
These two. Keep playing for time!
>...alright. But I'm coming with you.

"I have sworn to protect her. The first and only time I left her alone, she was captured and caged by that lich. I will not leave her again. If you wish to take her, I will follow."
Do all those.
It'd catch his interest, at least.


Miraculously, it has survived your journey nearly untouched.

I had to through you at least one bone.
>"I have sworn to protect her. The first and only time I left her alone, she was captured and caged by that lich. I will not leave her again. If you wish to take her, I will follow."

This, and

>Ask him about the Staff of Winds. Namedrop the seer.

this and

>>reveal Jen Fang's Diary, and that you are aware of Abigail's parentage

This. In whatever order makes the most sense.
<Is there any end to this scenario that ends with us walking away with Abigal? I have a certain fondness for the first creature that accepted me as something other than a monster. You do not seem unreasonable.>
I think Abby should have it.
...I don't think an emotional appeal is going to work here.
I'm really worried he's not going to be very talkative with all those angels above him, and to be honest it would be easier for him to just kill us and everyone except Abigail. I think we should just try to go with him, letting him know we know all this might put him in a bind as well
I like asking if he would allow us to accompany her. We do have business with him after all.
And yeah. If she has to go, I'd like to go with her.
Oh come on, I don't think we'd be cockroach tier... we'd at least put up a fight...Right?
Also, request that he take on a less...intimidating form when he goes to meet Abigail.

Because she's just a kid, after all.
Tell you what. If I agree to this, I would appreciate three things. First, we ALL come with you. Everyone. Safely, and without any harm on my friends. Two. I tell her her lineage. Not you. And three. Adavan remains her teacher.
This is the first time we've felt afraid of someone i think.
He doesn't know about Nightblaze. He thinks we're going to fight a magic battle with him, not force it into a physical fight.
throw this in with>>25255220
finis with>>25255253
Wait guys, why not ask if we might "all" come with him? Surely he is a master of teleportation.
the first guy we met on the same level as this guy nearly crushed us till we went Eclipse on his ass... and we still didn't kill him.
>reveal Jen Fang's Diary, and that you are aware of Abigail's parentage
We're really not in a position to demand things
Considering the enemies in this setting? I don't think that diamond shield of ours would last with one turn of our rolls. We'd be dead the next turn.

We'd probably put up a slightly better fight than Yi Fang thinks kind of like how a mosquito bite can really hurt right before you squish that fucker
Well, we DID kill him, just later.
<It is not the other lich's opinion on the matter I would have sought. All people deserve the right to choose their own fate.>

>>reveal Jen Fang's Diary, and that you are aware of Abigail's parentage
<And so, even, do those who are not entirely people at all.>
>just fuckin pull out diary and start reading aloud
This is a good option as well
Show him the Diary and mention the Humanization process.
I think we might make him doubletake. We know we were probably stronger than Magnock, and it took him a few minutes to wreck his shit.
That... that sounds like a provocation. A bit.
This is a GOOD idea.
Yup, this.

Both of these

Look, guys.

We need to keep spewing garbage if we want to hold onto Abigail and keep using her as a bargaining chip for the Staff of Winds

Anything we can say that would keep stalling Yi Fang is a win.
What was that again?

If it makes her less useful to his plans, then YES, YES OH DEAR GOD YES.
<I have my doubts. Seeing as she might be more then just a little girl.> (start's reading)
(sigh) "I would like to talk with her before proceeding further, however you should be aware that your brother raised her under the name Abigail. I don't think she will respond favorably to <insert Abby's real name from the diary/journal thingy here> right off the bat."

Did the journal say why Abby's family was hiding from her uncle? Can't for the life of me remember...
If things go bad, cone of destruction would be absolutely nasty at this range.

Nightblaze him and then Cone em.
>If it makes her less useful to his plans
I think his plan is 'take my niece home and raise her'
Her real name IS Abigail.
>If it's a boy, we've both agreed to Jonathan. If a girl, I want Laura, but she wants Abigail. That's a name for old witches, but she's really twisting my arm about it.
I like this, covers all the bases.
Tsun, I don't think he would be too bothered by it
This one goes out to Abigail.
You want to ask Adavan how the spell is coming...but you're pretty sure Fang would know you asked.

"His spell is coming along," Fang says casually. "I won't stand here and let him complete it."

<You do not seem unreasonable,> you say quickly. <Is there any scenario which involves Abigail coming with us?>

"No." The lich purses his lips. "Abigail, is it? A little stuffy...but proper enough, if not Archonian. In fact, it might give her an exotic flair in the Scholomance."

He lowers his arms to his sides, and looks ready to move. You need to buy more time.

<...I have her father's diary. Jen Fang.>

Fang smiles. "Do you? I'd like to see that. Very much so."

You raise the diary in the air. Magic burns at the end of your arm, ready to devour the aged paper. <...how badly?>

Fang gives you a condescending look. "Let's not make hasty decisions we'll regret later."

<My companions go free,> you say. <And...if Abigail goes with you...so do I.>

Fang lowers his brow in thought.

Roll 1d100
Rolled 25

Rolled 86


Good fucking Lord, this could backfire.
Rolled 62

Rolled 8

Oh you asshole
Rolled 95

Rolled 38

Rolled 95

Start prayin' folks.
Rolled 23



I love myself.
Rolled 23

>Two 95s
Surely this counts for something?
We might just have pulled this off.
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Rolled 34

Rolled 61

well, not a complete failure. But we might not have convinced him.
Rolled 50


natural 0 incoming
Rolled 52

Only a critical can save us from this evil
So is Abby a dickgirl now or what?
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>double 95 after first 3 rolls
I don't get it, what's Scholomance?
ALL OF US. EVERYONE. Not just us, but the whole party as well. And Adavan needs to be her teacher.
This is not Ogre Civilization Quest.

This is helpful, though.
A setting. That Blatant Fetish Quest used and is now forever associated with dickgirls.
If by ray of hope you mean he essentially soul binds us and takes us as Abby's guard dog, then sure.
Scholomance is an actual fixture in folklore, y'know. It was supposedly a school for black magic run by the Devil in Romania.
I propose we buy more Spirit resistance, right now.
Murder Hogwarts

Blatant Fetish Quest used it for a setting. The MC was a dickgirl.
can we buy analyze incase this goes bad
The music for the inevitable of this situation.
There isn't any more to buy. Maybe if we buy all the spirit things available one will show up. But I kinda doubt it.
Dick. Girls.
Meant to link to >>25255502
Our only real hope here is that he admires how much we'll do to protect his niece.
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Great idea, where is it available to buy?
>I like you small shadow creature, come live in my castle
His expression doesn't change. "...and you say...you are invested in protecting her?"

<I am.>


<...it is...sentimental,> you admit. <...after coming into being...I was alone. Lost. No memories. No understanding of what I was. She...I found her in a graveyard. She accidentally summoned an undead creature.>

Fang chuckles. "At 9? We're certainly related, then."

<I protected her on instinct,> you say. <...she...has accepted me, more fully, more immediately than anyone else I've met.>

"A young mage...very young...with a strong familiar under her command. Abnormally strong." Fang grins with orange fire. "Just the start she needs. I like it, Shadow." He smiles at you. "If you betray my trust, I won't do something mundane, like put you in the nether, or rip you up with my magic. I'll hand you over to the angels."

What is your response?

>Understood. We have an accord.
>add more terms to the arrangement
>something else

What are you, four?
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I'm on the edge of my goddamn seat.
Ok, we have a deal here, do we want to push for everyone to come with us?
"If I ever betray *her* trust, I'll hand *myself* over to the Angels. And I'm her friend and her protector, not her familiar."

But yeah, we have an accord.
>Understood. We have an accord.
<My companions come too.>

Please say this before Flint spaghetti's his way through the door saying "shadow no!"
One last conditon, Archon. We all come with her. All of us.
>Understood. We have an accord.


>add more terms to the arrangement
<Finally, a seer told me that you were the one to ask about the Staff of Winds.>
>add more terms to the arrangement
would my companions be able to visit her?
jesus fuck no, why the hell would we want to?
No, not going to work. Let's settle for what we've got.


Say this.
I need it SM, I want my setting back
Well, if we're leaving the party, what about everyone else?

Adavan will probably leave. Auriel, Flint, Joey and Obis will stick together and keep working on getting rid of the parasite.

We'll be able to pursue our goal of freeing Geb by learning shit at scholomance, and maybe finding information about the keys. We might also be able to swing on by Ring City and say hello to assassin-girl. I forget her name.
<You have my consent but I need to hear what Abigail herself has to say about this too.>
>add more terms to the arrangement
<I'll happily agree to your terms, but I would like to ask a small favor. Would you be able to banish a Shel'kath from someone's soul?>
Well, that's going to make putting her life in horrible danger by taking her along to free Geb a bit difficult...
Some people wanted it and tbh I'd rather not split the party
Not a bad idea. Can't hurt to ask.
Oh shit, why didn't I think of this? The only reason we were looking for Adavan was to see if he could banish that Shel'kath.
What the fuck? I seriously doubt Obis, Auriel, and Adavan will agree to this
That might be pushing it, but I guess it couldn't hurt to ask how hard it would be for him.
Agreed. I want to have everything.
Why not ask the party themselves? They are just there you know.
True. Actually. Shit.
>>add more terms to the arrangement
<May we say goodbye to our companions, I would hate to leave friends without answers>
Ask if he can look a bit more presentable for young Abigail
Ask him if it's possible for the other to come or if it's not possible for him to would they be welcome if they made the journey to the city.
Oh shit right, we came to Adavan to see if he could do anything about it right? And since Fang is Adavan on steroids then it might be even better.
Oooooh, decade long time skip while civilization crumbles, Joey dies for lack of our protection, the parasite gets the better of Flint, Auri returns to the angels, and the lost prince fails to retake his kingdom? Excellent!