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Hey guys, Wikifag here. I know it's been a long time, but I just did a bunch of stuff and I feel like I oughtta try and do that whole thing where I talk to my users some more, so it's time for the almost-annual 1d4chan status thread!

So today I got up to some server shenanigans which I've left a newspost about on the wiki's main page, but I'll summarise as follows:
>Old system setup was horrible, redid it from scratch and now it's beautiful and easy to maintain
>Updated mediawiki to latest release, has a new shiny skin and probably bugfixes and whatnot
>Have thoroughly optimised things so the site should have much better performance now
All in all I'm quite pleased with the results, although I wouldn't be surprised if I've cocked up something somewhere. At any rate it feels good to finally get that over and done with - I've been avoiding it for ages.

As always, I want to hear from you guys to know what needs fixing and what might be improved, all the suggestions and feedback you might have to offer. I'm also happy to answer questions about the site and operations if there's anything you've got a burning curiosity about. I'll also post numbers on the userbase and traffic, and they are numbers that astound me.
It would be incredibly awesome if the page addresses weren't case-sensitive.

I love you Wikifag!
Do you have storytimes archived? Like Coaster Nazi's horror stories? There was one about a guy's belly button I've been looking for.
Case sensitive page names are fairly inbuilt part of mediawiki and I'm not sure I can change that. However, I will scour the metawiki and see if there's anything I can do about it.

I'd like people to use 1d4chan to archive stories and there are quite a few on here, but the one you're looking for doesn't sound familiar to me (although I hardly know the database by heart). Try searching, I guess - and if you come across stories you like feel free to make pages on the wiki for them!
Was it like this? Please say it was like this.

Yes the story was like this.
Okay, inspection suggests that fixing things to have case-insensitive titles involves database manipulation and stuff of that nature at a level I'm not comfortable attempting. Plus it's nonstandard and would probably make upgrading a pain. Sorry. But I did install an extension that makes the search-autosuggest case insensitive, and that's just as good, right?
>Sorry. But I did install an extension that makes the search-autosuggest case insensitive, and that's just as good, right?
That is actually pretty great.

Thanks for all the awesome work you put into making 1d4chan excellent!
I really don't put that much work into it. If we're being honest, I've kind of neglected the site for a long time. Nonetheless it keeps chugging along, and it does make me happy to see so many people using it.

Speaking of which, Special:Statistics reports that the wiki's got almost 82 million pageviews under its belt. Unfortunately that doesn't look like a proper milestone and I feel like I have to wait for 100M before I'm allowed to get excited about it. Amusingly I did find a screencap from the end of 2009 which expressed my amazement at having almost 500k pageviews. I don't think I'd have believed you if you'd told me how much more traffic it was going to get.
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I've been directing a fair amount of traffic toward the site in the course of spamming game stores.
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I knew you were running that initiative but I didn't realise it was sending me traffic. Glad to be of service!

Speaking of which, this reminds me that I wanted to try and get back into the file hosting and host copies of all those homebrews you and others put out so they can be downloaded directly from the site rather than using filesharing places. I'll have to start hunting PDFs again.
Not really a complaint to you, wikifag, but I noticed there isn't even a page about the Rape Factory, or at least one I was able to find.
I-I just want to know what happened in those 284 posts and 57 images..
Do you support the site with ads? I'd like to know so I can turn off AdBlock if you do.
I do support the site with ads! Barely. I have a single Project Wonderful adbox that displays at the top of the page content. Historically it's just about broken even with the actual cost of hosting (PW's returns are pretty low unless you're a giant webcomic, but then again so are my hosting costs).

I also accept donations via paypal. They're not necessary to keep the site up and running but they do stop me thinking about putting more ads on it.
Here, I've just set up the wiki so it'll accept PDF uploads and there's an extension to thumbnail the pages so covers can be shown - it'll basically treat pdfs like images, and you can download the whole thing by doing what's normally the full-res view. Before I go ahead and start putting things in articles, is there any reason anyone would want these things left on the filesharing sites? I understand some of them have some sort of benefits to hosting files that have been often downloaded, and if they have download tracking it would be much harder to track download statistics on files hosted through the wiki. But I do think it would be really cool to host them locally. And whatever I do now, it's possible for people to upload their works to the site themselves, now.
You're doing the Emprah's work, Wikifag.
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I'd say I do my best but I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. Thanks for the support anyhow!
I love 1d4chan so much. So much.

Any updates on ways you intend on combating the perpetual spam? I hardly know anything regarding the behind-the-scenes part of the site, but it always feels like that's the most grating, annoying problem.
The spam's been an unerring thorn in my side for a long time. I've implemented various measures to try and cut it down over the years, ranging from anti-spam extensions to implementing DNS blacklists, but it's never had a considerable effect. I will say that the rare malicious attacks we've had were much worse than the constant background spam we get at the moment. At least background spam never made me accidentally wipe the DB. Thank god for backups!

Going forward I intend to try and do something about this spam. One thing that's been suggested to me is switching from ReCaptcha (which doesn't appear to be much good anymore) to QuestyCaptcha. QuestyCaptcha would let me define a set of questions and answers, from which a question would be randomly selected when the captcha is triggered (i.e. Q: Who is your spiritual liege? A: Matt Ward) but I worry about aggravating people by forcing them to look up answers - not everyone's into the warhams, after all.
Some more basic parameters could be set, such as "Magic the ???????", or knowledge that would be common-place among the lightest of neckbeards. I dunno.

I'd celebrate the day that spam is almost nonexistent though. While I can see how others would become annoyed at certain captchas, or ULTRA questions, I'm 100% supportive of similar measures.
Thanks for all the hard work wikifag! 1d4chan was what got me interested in /tg/ in the fist place.
You ever going to collect funds for the site again?
Seeing as how the site just about breaks even on ad revenue/hosting cost, I don't really need to do a donation drive for it. I personally need money a lot more than the site does - but I'm not going to pretend the site is in danger of financial collapse to get donations. I'd certainly be happy to see some donations come on, but I don't need or expect it.
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I hear that's the case for a lot of people. We do get an awful lot of referral traffic from tvtropes, for example - more than a fifth of all referrals originate from tvtropes. I'm glad to have been able to have some part to introducing you to the board, anyhow!
I've decided to put the QuestyCaptcha into operation with a couple of example questions that can be easily answered by looking at the main page. I guess we'll see how this fares. QuestyCaptcha will be great as long as nobody specifically wants to spam on our site - otherwise it's pretty trivial to code a bot around it, but that should hopefully be more trouble than it's worth.
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Here's to hoping that it helps somewhat.
I haven't made too many contributions, but I'm damn thankful for the lulz, information, and time-killing 1d4chan's given me.
Same here. 1d4chan is a great site to just look through and laugh and remember. And it can only get better.
I haven't made that many contributions either, in the actual content department. That's what users are for. Web 2.0! Glad you two enjoy the site, anyway.
>Before I go ahead and start putting things in articles, is there any reason anyone would want these things left on the filesharing sites?
I don't know, but there's no harm in leaving links to filesharing sites on pages as well as including the PDFs in 1d4chan directly.

Also, thanks very much for the great site!
>I will say that the rare malicious attacks we've had were much worse than the constant background spam we get at the moment.

Heh, I remember that one back in September 2011 when that guy changed all the pages to a picture of some biker guy, I spent most of the night reverting spam edits once it was all restored.
Thanks for all the good work, wikifag. 1d4chan has helped me quite a bit.

I am reminded I wanted to add another thing to the Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap. The stuff I wrote for that is some of my favorite blathering I have ever blathered
Like the broken record I am, I'm glad you like the site! This might sound cheesy but I do genuinely appreciate everyone who offers kind words. I mostly run this thing for the warm, fuzzy feeling it gives me.

One of the die-hards, eh? Things were exciting back then, for sure.
I can't say I looked into it all that much myself but it seemed like a neat concept. Edit away! It'd be nice to see some of the old stuff brought back from time to time.
>I do genuinely appreciate everyone who offers kind words. I mostly run this thing for the warm, fuzzy feeling it gives me.
D'aww. Now I'm determined to start adding new stuff, the best stories and the like, as I come across them.
I think Lexicanum got hit by the same attacker.

There was also the "Dzinch" guy (with lots of aliases), who kept messing around with all the 40K stuff.

Good times!
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the site used as I hoped it would be.

Okay, that's a lie, but it's way up there.
I keep telling myself I need to not go back to the 1d4chan wiki and clean things up, but I keep going back and seeing how messy it is, and I want to...
This post has been overminded by Dzinch.
would it be appropriate to split


into more than one piece? Its stupidly long.
No, just leave WHH as is. They get...touchy whenever anyone messes with their stuff.
I'm testing the wiki as we speak.

So far, I like what I see. The new search feature is far faster, while still allowing us to crawl through the old search interface if needed. (As a reference desk guy, I appreciate being able to do things The Old Way as well as using newer methods. More choices tends to be a good thing, IMO).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is pretty much another means of preserving /tg/'s culture, right? So /tg/ memes, /tg/ storytimes, and info on /tg/ hobbies are all acceptable?

I know you want to avoid tripfaggot circlejerks (and I heartily approve), but do things like logs for quest threads or speculahalso belong there? I feel as though this could turn into an echo-chamber like keeping entries on tripfags would be, but IIRC RubyQuest had its own entry there.

What is your vision for 1d4chan, other than just a cool project for you to hone your web administrator skills on?
One complaint about the new layout -- the bar at the top is at least twice as thick as it used to be, which, combined with the adbox, the browser toolbar, the page title, and so on, means that the article's actual content doesn't start until we get almost halfway down my monitor, and it only gets worse once the templates start stacking up.

I get that it only matters when I'm at the top of the page, but it is still somewhat frustrating to me.

(I'm generally very happy with 1d4chan, so don't feel too bad about this issue, but as long as you're taking feedback, I might as well raise it.)

Nah, break it up. I know SE was thinking about it, but never got around to it.

I really want to see more of the Emprasque added to 1d4chan. Not enough is on there.

Also why is there so much hate around WHH? I understand that it's not some people's cup of tea, but why should others spoil our fun? They never did so before.
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Let me add my thanks for all your hard work. I haven't really added any new stubs for a while (my favourite contribution, and it WORKED in a couple cases) but I check in every day to make sure no one is ruining my favourite articles, smileyfacedotjpg.
I think a lot of the 1d4chan pages need to be expanded upon. they're short and incomplete.
1d4chan is a great resource, keep up the good work!

Some people can't stand the idea of other people having fun? There is nothing particularly wrong with the stories.
>I've just set up the wiki so it'll accept PDF uploads
Thank you based Wikifag.

Also thanks for being a cool guy and letting things like the board-tan stuff hang out there too, even if I've neglected it for years.
Some questions for the question captcha:
"The smallest polyhedral die, also known as a caltrop, has _ sides."
"Magic the _. (Lowercase)"
"This site is a wiki for what board on 4chan? /_/ (Two letters, no slashes.)"
"Dungeons and _ (Lowercase)"
"Warhammer __K"

Then you can do that!
You never read it before the archive deleted it? It was just the sort of thing you'd expect really, people discussing how to make a rape factory commercially viable.
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>Oh hey, 1d4chan
>I should check the VeloCITY page and see if its upda-
>last modified on 6 July 2012
Question: Are quests allowed on the wiki? And if so, should they use the Campaign namespace or what?
I really seriously hope not.

They already took over suptg- all complaints about this are responded to with "LOL YOU HAVE FOOLZ QUESTS NEED SUPTG." It would be depressing to see the awful sprawling shit stain of pages that Blatant Fetish Quest alone would take up.
The new layout has a great place for ads on the sidebar, since the content is more compact.
Yes, we should stop making more web pages, because they are in short supply! What if we run out?
It deters people from making content other than Quests. Look at suptg- filter out quests, you lose probably 80% of the threads in the archive recently, but then you move further back in time, you see more threads which aren't text based hand jobs. Also, funnily enough, freaking Lord Licorice deletes other threads to make room for those sacred quest threads, so yes, space is actually an issue.

I'd much rather 1d4chan stay as it is now, rather then let it be flooded with the same crowd that has turned suptg in to a parody.
That's why I asked about namespaces. Seems to me it would be ideal if there was a namespace for quests so questers could have pages but people who don't want to see it wouldn't have to.

Of course, people could also use the tgchan wiki if Wikifag decides not to allow them, it's just a bit more awkward for tying things together.

As for the sup/tg/ archive... I don't really like it either, the way you have a bunch of epic-rated quest threads and not so much other stuff. But it's easy enough to hide them, and there is a valid reason for questers to use it - with a unique tag you can easily find all of a quest's threads, which you can't on foolz.
No one else can utilize that search function.

It's just awesome seeing all the 20+ threads of "TONIGHT THE PROTAGONIST HAD SEX WITH A WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!EPIC!!!!!!!!!!" and seeing homebrews in 4s and 6s getting deleted.
Well, LordLicorice being a faggot is part of why 1d4chan is needed.
Hey Wikifag, I notice there's no [citation needed] template on 1d4chan... or a lot of other templates, really. Is it okay to add stuff like that for a throwaway joke?
There's already a fair few quests on 1d4chan.
There's just not a ton because not a ton need a wiki, I guess.
Just found a link to TFS Hellsing Abridged on the vampire class page. Doing the work of the gods, OP.

I went to the most recent WHH thread and found it crawling with haters, which really turned me off.
>Blatant Fetish Quest
Hey at least it's not centaur dicks! there is still time

suptg has indexing, text descriptions and tags to organize related threads, foolz doesn't. Foolz will let you find just about anything but only if you already know what you are looking for. Quests are arguably the most valid use of suptg because they have a continuity.

>It deters people from making content other than Quests.
People don't give two shits about web pages they don't even know exist.

>Also, funnily enough, freaking Lord Licorice deletes other threads
Actually Lord Licorice doesn't have the time to screen threads himself. He eliminates things based on the feedback of volunteers who don't even read the threads and just make knee jerk judgments based on titles and vote counts. Being volunteers however I would not expect them to be fully impartial. So no, he is very much not a faggot. (unless he swings that way, I wouldn't know)

>and seeing homebrews in 4s and 6s getting deleted.
See above regarding volunteers. There seems to be an attitude of "lower than 10 votes? BETTER PURGE IT", regardless of what a thread is. In a lot of ways suptg is a museum and it badly needs a curator who has an

The problem isn't that there are too many quests. It's that people don't bother to archive everything else. I've seen many funny and original threads over the past year that make a splash and immediately slip under the radar because no one bothers to record them. Probably the biggest issue is simple lack of awareness. We've been getting a lot of new blood these past few months and not everyone even knows that the two archives exist, let alone what they do and how to use them properly.

If you want to see more than quests on suptg, then make something and put it there yourself. Lack of content that you enjoy is going to remain a problem until you get off your ass and do something about it.
Part of the problem is that you guys don't know how to deal with trolls. It was a problem in the emprahsque threads too. Just ignore em, and hide their posts. Don't even waste the braincells needed to acknowledge their existence. Your time is more valuable than that.

1. Give no fucks
2. Not a single fuck was given
3. Don't turn this into fight club
Thanks for working on the wiki. I waste tons of time on there.
Cheers for all your work on the wiki, Wikifag! It's a brilliant resource for us all.
>Here, I've just set up the wiki so it'll accept PDF uploads and there's an extension to thumbnail the pages so covers can be shown

Hey, sweet!
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>They already took over suptg

Delicious butthurt tears
Hey, just wanted to say that your site helped me get a handle on a few different games that I don't play, but are popular on the board. Also, "just as planned" makes me laugh every time I see it. Thanks for putting the work in!
Because 1d4chan, home of the Harem Knights - the ultimate form of the text-based handjob, is just oh so sacred. And quests are already on 1d4, hon, you just didn't notice them.
>It deters people from making content other than Quests
What... how does that even...

>Also, funnily enough, freaking Lord Licorice deletes other threads to make room for those sacred quest threads
I take it you haven't volunteered to be part of the massive culling effort that deletes quests and non-quest alike? In fact, it seems like you only know about the suptg archive second- or third-hand. Or are you the guy who decided to "teach everyone a lesson" by downvote-spamming a bunch of quests on the archive and got called out on it because they were all obviously from the same IP range?
Please calm down. You are trying to argue against two hour old posts from somebody that probably isn't even here any more.
That's actually how I found 1d4chan, which is what led to me finding /tg/, back in 2008.

Thanks for keeping it up, wikifag. Still some great memories on there.
>two hour old posts
In /tg/ terms, that's about five minutes.

I found /tg/ through 1d4chan when I was looking up a 40k thing. I confused 1d4chan for Lexicanum, but burst into laughter upon reading the artile and never left. Now I write (unpopular) shit for /tg/ and feel right at home here.
I agree, thank you very much Wikifag for maintaining our very own wiki of awesomness.
I had to sleep because I'm British and it was five in the morning but I'm back now, rested and ready to ruin everything!

Quests are fine. Maybe I'm just old, but I remember back when weaver was doing Ruby Quest, and it was kind of a big deal, as well as one of the earliest things the wiki was ever used for. In my opinion, they're a relevant part of /tg/'s culture and they should be documented by whoever cares enough about them to do so.

At the moment there are no special considerations on the wiki about quests. I could, as I did with the Campaign and Setting stuff, create a new namespace specifically for quests which would sort of logically separate them, as well as enable subpages for that namespace - but I'd keep the namespace in the actual content list, since it is still actual content. For comparison the Campaign namespace is delisted so it doesn't show up in content pagecounts or when you randomly browse, because that's all stuff for a specific few people. Would this be something people would like to see?
To be honest I think maybe I ought to make a Story: namespace as well, allow subpages in that, and then anything that's really long/has multiple chapters can be split up more neatly. If there's a page that's massively giant and there are neat ways to split it up then go ahead and do so.
Allow me to sum up the next thirty-odd posts:


Your idea about namespaces for quests is pretty good.
I see your concern. If you have an account you should be able to change the skin back to the old monobook, which may make you feel better (and I only bother putting the ads into the default skin, so you'd avoid those too). I have been thinking about moving the ads around a bit. As pointed out, the sidebar in the vector skin has a decent width for vertical banner ads.
I already uploaded Engine Heart as a test - you can see it at http://1d4chan.org/wiki/File:Engine_Heart_Deluxe_form-fillable.pdf
Haven't embedded that in any pages yet, but it should work just like images, with the added functionality of specifying which page you want displayed in the preview using |page=X directives in the embed.
Thanks guys! I'm glad so many people like the site. It's been frustrating sometimes but seeing people use and enjoy the place makes it worthwhile.
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>What is your vision for 1d4chan, other than just a cool project for you to hone your web administrator skills on?
To be honest, I don't really have any sort of vision for the future for 1d4chan. It's doing what I set out to do with it - being a wiki for /tg/, that is. I've got no desire to diversify or expand beyond that except where I can make the place more convenient and easy to use, and all I'd like to see is even more people taking advantage of the site.

For a bit of history: I was around back when our board here was first created, although I didn't immediately come to it (strictly I was a 4channer for a long time before that, but that's not really relevant). At around there time there existed wikichan, before it turned into the Well Cultured Anonymous, and it was heavily used by the early browsers of /tg/ to record their stories and whatnot. I was actually an admin on wikichan, which should tell you something about how poorly it was run. When wikichan died and ceased to wiki, /tg/ went a while without anywhere to put their things - but I figured hey, I'm best friends with a professional sysadmin and I have spare money, how hard could it be to run a site?

That was almost five years ago. It's been a wonderful adventure since then, one where I have learned to shun apache and venerate the glorious nginx, how to administrate ubuntu servers, how to bugger up firewalling rules and lock myself out of my own server, etc.
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Remove ponyshit and furfaggotry from the premises
Actually, answers get reduced to lowercase before getting compared anyway, so they are case-insensitive.

Also, we really should avoid answers that are common words, because spambots will be more likely to guess those.
That sounds a lot like effort.

I'm going to leave it with the questions it has right now. If the bots are adapted to overcome them than frankly there's not much Questy Captcha can do - all that's required is an actual human to solve each question once and save the answer so their bots know how to respond in future. The hope is that as a target of generic spambottery, whoever runs them won't bother to fix their bots for our specific site.
I've made new namespaces, Story and Quest (and associated talk pages) and as an initial test moved the Ruby Quest and Love Can Bloom pages into their new namespacey homes. It all seems to be working, subpages setup and all, so we could start moving other pages into those namespaces if we want to segregate things a bit.
>that sounds a lot like effort
Get bunch of people you can trust
Give them specific moderating rights
Tell them to go purge everything

There, your own personal inquisition.

Or just give me the rights and I'll go purging with fanatical effort
Or, to make things clearer: I might be from /b/ but I gave up the whole furry-hatred thing a long time ago. It just stresses you out. Some of the art that's on the wiki is kind of furry, sure, but it's not like /tg/ doesn't love their monstergirls, sometimes. The ponies specifically had a large enough impact on the entirety of 4chan that I think they deserve a bit of documenting here. Ponified/crossover art is still related to whatever it was crossed with, also.

Remember that I'm very lax about what is and isn't considered /tg/-related. An inquisition isn't needed; just ignore that which does not interest you. It's not like they're using up valuable disk space you needed for quest threads, or something.
>The ponies specifically had a large enough impact on the entirety of 4chan that I think they deserve a bit of documenting here.
I disagree entirely, but I'm not you so whatever. More on the point, I feel like ponies had very little noteworthy impact on /tg/ aside from the general 4chan-wide impact they had and are not really noteworthy enough to warrant their shit being saved on 1d4chan.

That and pony crossover fanart really doesn't need yet another dumping ground.
>being a spineless sympathetic faggot

Now that's not very nice
Thanks for hosting my homebrew game, Wikifag.

What I'd like to see more of is:

1. Better content organization (less editorializing/intro on front page).
2. Featured popular content prominent on the front page.
3. Quick-access categories for things like Tropes, Homebrews, Funny Threads, Quests.

Personally I think things that had a general 4chan-wide impact are noteworthy enough for 1d4chan. It's a site about /tg/, after all, and if something affected 4chan as a whole then it affected /tg/, too. Besides, it's not like it's a major blight on all our content. There's an article and some pony crossover art about - really a trivial amount, in the grand scheme of things. It's not worth getting worked up over.

We have a bit of a problem with the underutilising of categories at the moment - some things, like the 40K-related pages, tend to be well categorised, but other things are completely uncategorised or new categories need to be used to help order them. The quickstart section on the main page does have links to plenty of categories to get people started - we could reorganise the main page to put those links above the news section. Also, if anyone is learned in the ways of wiki markup and fancies taking a crack at redoing the main page, have at it! Just make a new page at Main_Page/test or whatever. If someone designs a shiny improved new one I'll sub it in for the current page at some point.

And while I'm on the topic of user contribution, I'll point out that the majority of the random site logos were contributed by posters in one of the early threads when I was kicking this thing off. I'd still love to throw more logos in that rotation, if there are any budding drawfags or whatever who have ideas.
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You're my hero wikifag.
Are you the only one doing all this?
>It's not worth getting worked up over.
Oh, Im not. I didnt even really know it was there until this thread, to be honest. But still, I figure I would throw my two cents in the mix since it got brought to my attention. Im not the guy who brought it up, by the way.
I'd love to see a few templates, like custom Imperial Guard regiment ones etc.

I reckon you should throw your hat in on the next drawfag thread. A few people will probably back you up.
You could offer a tutorial section for people to learn how to implement categories.
I'm the only person with full administrative control over the site and server. AssistantWikifag, my trust deputy, has admin powers on the wiki itself, so he can delete spam, ban spammers, etc. Most of the content is, of course, contributed and organised by the users.

Make the templates, and people will use them. Hopefully. There's actually a surprising variety already, and I remember someone a while ago trying to make some generic info-box style templates relevant to specific subjects, but I'm not sure what happened with that.

Yeah, the help pages could probably do with significant expansion. It's easy to forget that not everyone knows how to wiki.

I must be off for an hour or two, but I'll be back later to respond more if this thread is still alive.
Now that 1d4chan is forbidden to them, the spambots are moving on -- they desire the source of 1d4chan's content!

Wikifag, what have you done?!
thx op i cum on cat she hiss at penis

(Are these faggots jumping over from the thread link on the wiki, or is this just a really unfortunate coincidence?)
Thread is archived for posterity. It's not often Wikifag shows up around here, or at least makes his presence known.
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You're awesome.
Thank you Wikifag, you've given me hours apoun hours of reading.
>the default skin has changed from good old monobook to the new, shiny "vector"
Black-and-white is boring. Any chance of adding a drop-down list for style options? I miss having [normal/NSFW] articles in their respective *chan color schemes.

Additional nitpicks:
- The site's favicon doesn't show up anymore. Ditto for the Firefox search bar icon.
- The search bar lists the site as "1d4chan (en)". We multilingual now?

Does MediaWiki have a thing to sort the Special:Categories page by member count?

You could have a "Shit that needs done" box to the right of the News section. It would serve basically the same purpose as the Contributors column below it does now, but bumping it up a section and turning it into a sidebar would improve visibility. Might be helpful to give each bullet point a blurb, too; bare links aren't exactly inviting. Hell, pretty much everything under the Quickstart header could stand to be expounded upon a little.
I was almost crying for the high rate of spam -- in ten hours, 2/3rds of the updates to the wiki were spam or spam-related.

And then ... silence. Updates are still happening, but no spam in the past twelve hours. I check the updates log, and Wikifag mentions implementing something called "questy" that asks dumbass but site-specific questions.

My tears of frustration may turn into tears of relief.
>Are these faggots jumping over from the thread link on the wiki

Just report them.

Thanks for adding more namespaces. Regarding the addition of more templates and whatever, now that 1d4chan's upgraded the backend, anyone wanting to blatantly steal templates from other sites could probably do so without much issue.
Yeah, I liked the CSS inclusion on the promotions template but it was an awfully hacky way of doing it. I still mean to try and see if I can muck about with the colour scheme on this and put a Yotsuba B variant together again. I'm going to look at what I can do about the favicon now. I'm not sure where you're seeing the (en), but whatever it is it's probably to do with wiki's localisation settings, whatever they are. I haven't touched them.

I'm afraid as far as I know there isn't a way to sort the Special:Categories list.

A front-page redesign would be good - the current is pretty old and could be more streamlined and useful.

I have answered your prayers, my child. And it seems to be working! For now, at least.

Yeah, should work. Now people just need to, y'know, use them.
>You could have a "Shit that needs done" box to the right of the News section.
See specifically:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Special:LonelyPages (most of these should be moved to the new namespaces, actually)

For extra fun-times, hit "Random Page" and "what links here"

I just got "Giant space hamster" http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Giant_space_hamster

Only two pages link to Giant Space Hamster, one of which is a userpage, so nobody's going to find this page. Add more links to it! When you go to edit the wiki, anything that you think should be a thing 1d4chan talks about should be put into [[double brackets]]. Don't worry if you make red links, maybe the page is there but under another name, and we need to make a ##REDIRECT page. If nothing else, it will get added automagically to the WantedPages list.
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Man, I seem to have lost the original favicon I made out of this thing. Does anyone want to make one? I'll use almost anything.
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"shit that needs done"
isn't there already a link to [[:Categories:Stubs|Article Stubs]] on the front page?
I wrote the "quickstart" table a while ago, but SOMEbody keeps putting big news items above it so newcomers don't see it when they first arrive.

> neckbeard haet ponies
My opinion is: if you're willing to be a fa/tg/uy or a ca/tg/irl first, and you're willing to help /tg/ Get Shit Done™, you can stay.
"I wanna play a poney in D&D--" stop. "I have a Monopoly but the properties are places in Esquestria--" get the fuck out.
"Here's my splatbook for pony-races in Pathfinder." tell me more. "I wrote a new pantheon for the clerics in my campaign with domain spells and abstinence vows; the players don't know each god is one of the Mane Six." that could be hilarious. "It's a horror game about the existential dread of being characters in children's cartoons." Show me.
>Would this be something people would like to see?
It would work well, I think. Especially having sub-pages. On which note, I notice there's a lot of pages in the main namespace set up as though it had sub-pages, despite the fact that it doesn't.
>I'd like to see is even more people taking advantage of the site.
I get the feeling a lot of newer folks don't even know about it. There's a lot of times when, in a thread, something deserves an article but doesn't get one.
I've already put the extra namespaces for Quest: and Story: in.

I get that impression too, but I don't really want to start trying to advertise myself. It's always nice to see someone link to a 1d4chan article, though.
Kind of biased asking you, but would a sticky with links to /tg/ resources (sup/tg/, grognard booru, and 1d4chan) be helpful?
Hey, if the powers that be saw fit to let people know about the services we offer I wouldn't complain - I made the site to be used, after all, and it's specifically aimed at the browsers of this very board - but I wouldn't ask for or expect anything like such a thing.

Okay, getting favicon thing to work is tricky.
The favicon seems to be working to me now though.
Not showing up on my end, but I understand favicons being very slow to update is a common problem. If it's appeared for someone else I'll assume it'll percolate its way over the rest of the internet eventually.
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This thingy. I don't know if it's even something you can change. Also, the new favicon's working.

Yeah, but it could be more effective than it is now. If users can be encouraged to help the wiki and taught how to do it right even if they don't RTFM (which, in all likelihood, they won't) it'll make the community that much better.
> this thingy
ha ha! "Why bother asking Google to search the web, when you can search 1d4chan directly?"

The relevant bit is this in the front page's HTML:
> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="/opensearch_desc.php" title="1d4chan (en)" />
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> //siteaddress/favicon.ico

Works for me.
>what needs fixing and what might be improved
Jettison all the tvtropes-lite hurf-durfin' and stick to actually useful content.
Some folks like that though.
Sorry. Our mission goals here at 1d4chan are to be informative and to be funny, not necessarily in that order.
>I've decided to put the QuestyCaptcha into operation
Hooray! Thanks, Wikifag. I've been wanting better anti-bot measures forever.
Well, you say "better". Strictly speaking QuestyCaptcha is much, much weaker than ReCaptcha from a security standpoint - it's much easier to circumvent by anyone who is specifically targeting our site. If we're not being specifically targeted, it'll fix the problem (and it seems to be working so far). If we are, it's a temporary reprieve at best.
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Ehmehgerd there's been no spam posts for ages, looks like QuestyCaptcha is working, fingers crossed!
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>3 years ago
>search for 4oK fanfic
>google gods direct me to 1d4chan
>what is this "/tg/" it keeps mentioning?
>follow link
>haven't left since.

Based Wikifag, please have all of my love. All these happy times because of you.
Fingers crossed indeed!

Glad to be of service.
Browsers tend to cache favicons and never let go, because we still live in a world where 16x16 bitmaps are huge, apparently.
There's nothing like the feeling of finding a horribly written page and cleaning it up.
I always have a tendency to be obsessively verbose when I edit. Why use two words when you can use twelve? It makes me sound clever.
Oh wait, the favicon is broken for me now and was working before.
And now it's back. Fuck if I know what just happened.
Holy shit, Wikifag, rock on!

Wow, you're still around? I thought the haters had driven you off. Good to see you still around man.
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I made this.
It's already on the wiki.
And I love you for it, guy from way back then.

Favicons work in mysterious ways, apparently. I can't get the thing to show up on my end despite attempting to flush my entire browser cache.
The favicon works fine for me.
gentle bump

Glad it's working for some people. Best I can do, really.
I was just checking some of the pages I contribute to and saw the site updates, then followed the news update to here.

Glad to hear things are going well for you.
Things are going great for the site, what with the updates and the tweaks and things, which is great news for everyone. I personally, on the other hand, am having a pretty shitty time of real life lately - got depression and anxiety issues and a bunch of other crap on my plate.

But fixing up the wiki gives me something to feel good about, as does getting all the positive feedback from people in this thread, so things could always be worse.

You do us all a great service. It was thanks to 1d4chan that I found the WHH stories, and got interested in them. I still don;t get why it's become so upopular as of late.
Hey Wikifag, hey Wikifag!
Are you going to post those userbase/traffic number?
Hey Wikifag, I just made a (basic, crappy) article for /tg/booru. Any chance you could stick that on the front page or something? They need some help too.
Do they just need people to be aware of them? Or do they need money?
Me too! Except I was looking for a picture of a graviton beamer, couldn't find a good one at Lexicanum. Still don't remember how I ended up at 1d4chan.
The former mostly.
Oh right, sure. Let me just fire up Analytics and see what we've got here. So...

At the moment we see approximately 100,000 pageviews a day (but that's counting all page loads - the wiki's internal counter only tracks views of proper articles, not the special pages or edit pages or anything). Those 100k views are made by approximately 10,000 unique visitors on any given day. (The number of these views and visitors that are actually spambots is unknown, but I hope it's trivial).

Almost two thirds of all traffic is by returning visitors who have been on the site before. The majority of all traffic originates from the USA, with the UK and then Canada coming second and third - following up with Australia, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Poland, (Not Set), and Finland.

The most popular browser of 1d4channers is Chrome, followed by Firefox, Safari, and then IE (but IE is closely followed by goddamn Android Browser, of all things).

Right this very second there are approximately 130 people currently browsing, loading up around eighty pages a minute. Was there any specific sort of demographics you were interested in?
Nah, that's enough. Thanks for posting. Since moot doesn't release his quantserv statistics, it's impossible to know just how many people are on here at a given time and estimate the size of /tg/ (not just 4chan).
Hey Wikifag.

A friend and I regularly go to 1d4chan for ideas on 40K tactics; it has to be one of the best sections you guys have.

What would be cool is to encourage a WHFB tatics section as well. It's a growing game at my LGS and it would be useful to send people to it for help.
I'm proud that if you search for "Changeling Homebrew" the first thing that comes up is 1d4chan.
We do have such pages under "Warhammer/Tactics" (though, a search tells me that we have no primary landing page at Warhammer/Tactics... we'll have to fix that).
1d4chan is on the first page for a LOT of 40k things too, right below Lexicanum.
I mean on Google results

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