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The snow crunches below your feet as you continue marching through, the howling wind ripping at what little is exposed of your face. You got a reliable tip from a Prospector back in town. Apparently there’s some sort of Demonic Shrine in the area near here, predating even The Scouring. From what you know about that event it was pure chaos. Demons coming out in endless hordes in order to take over the old world, then built kingdoms upon its ruins. After that humans, such as yourself, were viewed as little more than intelligent animals.

Still, Finding an intact demonic shrine would net you a very healthy finders fee, enough to last you for the next few years at least. It’s something you’d stupid to pass up if it was true.

You pull out your small piece of paper with the list of directions. This place isn’t that far from where you live thankfully. You passed the slanted metal hulk about 10 minutes ago... You’re now surrounded by those odd metal frames that people in the old world used (“Cars” you think). You gaze upward at the massive rock and metal structure in front of you, bleached white and blue by the massive sheets of ice. You have no idea how tall it is due to the near white out conditions you’re in, but as you look inside of the door, you can see that the inside looks to be sealed from the outside.
You walk over to the door and go straight to kicking the metal doors open. The ice can be heard cracking before finally giving way, door swinging wide open. You quickly enter the room, shovelling some of the snow back outside before closing the door. You take a few deep breaths and rub your hands together in order to feel some blessed, blessed warmth. The inside is still chilly, but thankfully no where as bitter as the frozen hell that is outside.

Regaining your bearings, you look around the area to try and get a better understanding of where you are. It appears to be some sort of lobby of sorts. You can see an old wooden desk in front of you covered in frost with a monitor on top. A few ancient newspapers can be seen on a few nearby chairs. The stairwell is visible from there too, but the stairs going up appear to be blocked off by collapsed debris. The stairs down seem to be wide open going down into a black abyss.

>>Wat do?
First things first, check our equipment, see what tools we have available to us.

Check the date on the newspapers if they're still legible.

Then check out the desk, there might be something in it.

Checking over your equipment, you can see that most of your belongings are still intact. A bedroll, one of those old world lightsticks that work without magic or oil, some bread, water, and other minor rations, compass, rope, icepicks, and your weapon (Pick one). Most of it inside of your backpack. This place was fairly close to town, so you didn’t need to pack much.

You walk over to one of the chairs, grabbing the newspaper in order to see what’s on it. “PRIME MINISTER MATTHEW LANES SURRENDERS TO LORD DIO!” It shows a picture of a rather depressed looking man from the old world bowing down in front of a Demon Lord, sitting in the house of Parliament. The story goes on to mention many of the technical details about the surrender, but just by reading this it’s plainly obvious that even so soon after the surrender the demons already controlled whoever wrote these things nearly 350 years ago. The rest of the papers are too damaged to read.

You walk over to the desk, leery of traps or alarms as you look over it. One of the drawers is locked, but the other one appears to be open at least. Inside you find some rather useless papers, some of those old world pens where you don’t need to dip the pen constantly, a black rectangular shaped object, and a bottle of whiskey.

“Looks like this trip wasn’t a total loss.” you mutter as you take the whiskey. Whiskey like this could fetch a fair price.

Some loud crashes echo through the lobby floor. Your head jerks towards the source, only to see it was coming from the area down the stairs.
Cool, whisky, let's stow that in our pack. Ready our weapon, what tech level are we looking at for options? Be prepared for things coming up, and it might be worth forcing the locked drawer, we ought to have something we can lever in there and force it open.

The best you could probably have is a Revolver or a Handgun. It comes with the issue of bullets being rare this day and age, but you'll have enough for two reloads at least. Melee weapons are by far more popular, same with bows and arrows.

Magic isn't an option for you right now, as a very small percentage of humans can actually cast magic. Regrettably you're not in that small percent.
We need a battle axe, for maximum chopping.

Oh shit, tech level. Fairly low. Much of the old world tech still exists (which is above ours IRL), but is often rare and coveted. Simple weapons like revolvers are both durable and plentiful enough to be able to survive the long period of time. Common handguns such as 9mm are also possible to have due to the sheer number of them being made.
An axe would be nice, maybe even more than one. They're multipurpose, dangerous, can be thrown if they aren't too large.
an ax is very versatile so I agree.
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>your weapon (Pick one)
OTC anyone?
what about fuel to operate it?
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Can always just be used as a sort of crude bludgeoning, tearing weapon.

You whip out your Axe and look in the direction of the noise. You stare down the dark pit of the stairwell for nearly 10 seconds before you relax your breath.

“That better be a rat...” You mutter to yourself as you look back at the locked drawer. Your axe is one of those old world types. All metal from handle to head and rarely ever seems to go dull.

You stick the axe handle into the drawer, then press on the upper part in order to help pry it open. It takes a few seconds, but eventually it gives way. A few items scramble to the floor. One of the appearing to be an small old world medical kit, an ID card, and a reminder of the current password for the computer. However you’re fairly certain the computer is busted, it won’t turn on and you’re fairly sure that the frost damaged most of it. It does for most ‘Eelectronicks’.

You cautiously make your way over to the stairwell, taking out your light stick and pressing the activation rune. The light cuts through the darkness showing another stairwell heading down deeper into the basement area of this building. A thin layer of ice covers nearly all of the stairs and walls heading down, a yellow sign nearby saying “Slippery when wet.”
Cool, let's head down cautiously, it's slippery due to the ice so don't rush anything. Keep our axe ready to chop something.

You begin your descent down into the basement, making sure your spiked ice shoes have a firm grip on the current step before you head down. You’d really like to use the handrail, but since your hands have an axe and a light in them, you can’t. Hopefully you won’t be like your old pal Kenny who slipped down a flight of stairs and broke his neck when slamming head first into a wall. The fact the he thought he could riverdance better with oil on his shoes didn’t help much.

“Ah Kenny, you’ll be missed...” you sigh nostalgically as you round the first bend. You shine the light down the stairs at the end of the new hall. Peering down you can see that this place was under construction when it last closed, assuming if that’s what those orange triangles on the ground mean. The runic warding display appears to have been offline for many years as you walk by it. The sound of the wind howling outside and your own breath are the only sounds you can heard for the moment.


You quickly turn your flashlight in the direction of the sound and raise your axe, only to see a rather large rat knocking over a glass container to the ground.

You roll your eyes as you catch your breath. Looking in the room, it appears that this room was some sort of small kitchen or break room for the construction employees. Orange ‘hardhats’ of the old world line the walls. Far lighter than steel but nearly just as strong.
Sweet, free hat. Put on a hat, continue to explore. Don't let up our guard.


“Sweet, free hat.” you say as you enter the room and grab the hat. It fits a bit snugly on top of your hood, but still more comfortable than most other armour pieces you know of.

You continue on deeper into the basement construction labyrinth. Lots of unused old world construction materials can be seen all around you covered in a thin layer of frost. It is somewhat confusing to navigate, as there is only the wall scaffolding around you. It looks as if the only solid pieces you’ve seen so far are the break room and the stairwell. The air feels old and stale, but you continue to force yourself forward.

As you continue on, you stop for a second. Swearing that you felt the floor shake for a moment. You cautiously look around, noticing that some of the scaffolding near you is beginning to shake ever so slightly.

Alarm horns go off in your head. Before these things didn’t vibrate but now they are? You begin to very, very slowly move back away from your current position. But as you gently put your first foot back down, the entire floor around you seems to collapse as you tumble downwards. Picks of hard debris hit your body from every angle possible while the biting cold seems to seep into the new lacerations that quickly race across your body. After what seems like an eternity, you eventually reach the bottom with an audible thud.

Pain like never before races through your entire body from every which angle. “Damnit! Damnit!” you mutter out in a hoarse voice, reaching for your nearby flashlight. You grab your flashlight and shine it down at yourself, and for a moment wish you didn’t.

A piece of metal is clearly sticking out from your stomach, the growing red blotch coming from your clothing not being the best sign in the world. Even worse it feels as if your right arm is broken. You think so anyways. You can’t feel it at all.

But your injuries appear to be rather minor compared to the shock that awaits you in front. Shining your light back quickly to the source, you can only see what appears to be... some sort of altar. Black iron statues of winged and horned women dressed in regal clothing can be seen with spelling in Latin around each base. It’s a fairly massive monument, being nearly two stories tall from bottom to top. You’d be quite interested and ecstatic in trying to draw pictures of the runes to get them translated... if you weren't bleeding to death and not absolutely sure what you’re seeing is reality or something your pain ridden mind is forcing you to see.
Any canned food still inside? It still might be edible due to the cold.
Well damn, seems like something demonic and you being wounded and all. You are officially in deep shit son.

From what you saw, yes there was some food in the kitchen.
Ow, ow, ow.

First let's do what we can to fix ourself up so we don't bleed to death, apply pressure to the wound, if we can improvise a sling of some kind put our right arm in it.

Then investigate the altar some more, if we don't get anything out of this we'll have broken our arm for nothing.
Try to staunch the bleeding long enough to get a look at the lettering. Fuck, if we are going out, might as well see something cool first.
Agreed, die on whatever it is in an ultimate, "I WAS HERE." statement, or if possible survive.
Fuck, we are out in the (FutureFantasyTotallyNottheZoneSTALKER) without a buddy. We got impaled. As far as we know, we are dead as shit. Still saying go get a gawk in at the thing.
Wasn't there a medical kit in the locked drawer? We DID take that, right? Seems our best shot at patching ourselves up.
We should totally go bleed on the alter, I mean what could possibly go wrong?


“OwowowOW!” You mutter as you look at the wound. You’re unsure that you’ll be able to treat it completely. Having one arm really doesn’t help and yet you’re unsure whenever or not you don’t feel any pain from it is a bad thing.

You put your flashlight up on some nearby debris, flicking your backback to the ground in order to dig out the medical kit from earlier. You were going to sell this, but things have changed. You take a few labored breaths then begin to pull yourself off of the metal spike. You swear you nearly crack your teeth from gritting them so hard. You manage to pull yourself off, only to be paralyzed with pain for a few seconds. It is only when you feel the numbness in your body that you force yourself back to the medkit, crawling over to it and digging out the bandages. Skipping the alcohol as you fear that if you applied it now you’d just black out and never wake up.

You wrap the bandages around your wound as best as you can, which in a near state of shock and one arm, isn’t that good. You straighten your arm with the axe before carefully wrapping some bandages around your axe and arm, making some sort of straight brace for your arm. But while doing all this, you notice that the red blotch on your clothing only seems to have grown much larger.

“...Fuck it...” You mutter to yourself as you go over to the whiskey you found earlier and open the top. If you’re going out, then you sure as hell won’t be leaving before you have a chance at having whiskey this aged. You down a mouthful, the taste of the whiskey feeling like a kick to the head due to it’s icy cold temperature and sweet sweet bitterness.


You exhale as you walk over to the shrine bit by bit. You sit up on what appears to be a sacrificing table as you sit down and admire the shrine. If there’s one thing about demons, it’s that they at least have a good taste in art, or some of them anyways. The entire shrine appears to be a rather verbose saga of some sort. Probably written in an epic poem format with many exciting tales. If only you could read Latin, or whatever the hell this language is.

“...You want some too?” you ask one of the nearby women statues. “THEN BY ALL MEANS! GO AHEAD!”

You pour some whisky on each statues head, making about eight in total. Afterwards you head back to the sacrificial bed, laughing as you take another gulp of whiskey.

“On the bright side... I die while my bed is being surrounded by eight noble demon bitches...” You laugh as your world slowly becomes darker, and not from the flashlight going out.

Even as your body goes numb and your breathing becomes more and more laboured, you take another gulp of whiskey, intent on making it so that alcohol will replace your remaining blood. The sharp, sweet taste of whiskey is the last thing you feel before you black out.
Nothing. Demons have already taken over the whole world so it's not like it can get much worse with one little accidental ritual.

Your eyes begin to twitch as you slowly begin to stir. ...Was that that just a dream? You don’t seem to feel any sort of pain whatsoever.

As you further open your eyes however, you can see that you’re not in your room, a hospital, or anywhere else you know of. But rather in an infinite starry void.

“Hooray~! He’s up!” a rather chipper voice says behind you.

You turn around quickly, only to see eight women behind you. In regal costumes, horns, wings and... They look just like the demons on the statues. Shit.

“So... Do you mind explaining why you whiskey on the face of our shrine?” one of the women with pink hair asks, a slight hint of annoyance in her voice.

Fucking hell, I hate spelling errors.

“So... Do you mind explaining why you poured whiskey on the face of our shrine and referred to all of us as 'bitches'?” one of the women with pink hair asks, a slight hint of annoyance in her voice.
'I was drunk, and sharing the whiskey, those are both good things right?'
something like that
"Well, being nearly dead and half drunk means I don't give a shit about anything I suppose. Also I'm not really someone that talks to demon every five minutes, so pardon me if I don't use the proper etiquette
"NOBLE bitches. If you don't like the whiskey give it back."
"I was suffering from severe blood loss and I was pretty sure I was going to die in a rather painful fashion.

So I gave you some whiskey as I couldn't drink it myself and there wasn't anything else to share it with, and the word bitches was chosen poorly, I apologize and hope you forgive me due to the state I was in at the time.

So, mind telling me where I am? Because either there's magic involved or I'm having a rather strange pre-death hallucination."
Beat me to it. This.
"Well, I felt like sharing the whiskey, and the blood loss seems to have rendered me rather flippant." If we don't remember drinking all of the whiskey, we had ought to finish it off.
Shrug "I was dying.'


“NOBLE bitches. Which is most assuredly a sign of respect for some half dead, drunk, and nearly blind from pain.” You quickly reply to the pink haired demon. “If you don’t like it, then give it back. I was having quite a good time with it.”

“You arrogant little!” the pink haired demon reaches out to grab a sword at her side, but it stopped when a demon with long black hair raises a staff to block her path.

“Look I don’t talk to demons that often, so please excuse me if I don’t use the proper etiquette. Now, can you all do me a favor and tell me where I am right now? If this is Hell then it sure is a creative punishment to let me go insane from boredom until the end of time.” you reply.

“I’m sorely tempted.” The pink haired demon replies. Getting a better look at all of them, you can see that they all appear to be human aside from the demon wings, horns, and spade tails.

“Well... Yes you are technically dead.” A demon with short red hair and a scar cross her cheek says.

“Technically isn’t is the word. He died quite clearly of bloodloss, and perhaps alcohol poisoning considering how little was left.” A short brown haired woman in a doctors coat replies.

“...Hold up. Are you saying I’m dead?” You ask.
A young teenage demon seems to sigh. “Look, this is why we didn’t want to bring it up. Because if we did, you’d only make a big deal out of it.”

“...Of course I’d make a big deal out of it BECAUSE I’M DEAD!” you short out in anger.


A blue haired demon chuckles as she points at me. “This one has spunk, I like him!”

“No, well you see, we originally brought you here because we were going to devour your soul since we haven’t eaten in about... 352 years.” the demon with a staff says.

“And eight months.” the doctor corrects.

“How about we just do that instead.” The pink haired demon suggests.

“BUT considering you’re the only living thing we’ve seen since we’ve last eaten, we decided it would be better to offer you a deal instead.” the staff demon says.

“Which is?” You ask.

“Oh that’s simple my dear~. You become a Demon Lord under service to us.” a woman
with light blue hair happily suggests.

“Wait wait, what?” you ask, unsure of what you just heard.

“We, the Seven Succubus Demon Queens, are asking you if you want to become a demon lord in service to us.” The doctor says.

“In exchange, we’d allow to keep AAALLLLLL of the Earth as your own land! ...Or whatever’s left of it.” the young teenage demon says.

“You probably have some questions to be asking at this point, so we’ll let you ask them.” the woman with a scar across her face says.
"Sooooooo... What's the catch? Being a Demon lord looks tempting and all, but when a demon makes a deal there's usually a catch"
"Aren't there eight of you?

What's the catch? What's the downside for me? What does service under you entail? What are your names?

If I say no you're going to eat my soul aren't you?"
"Well, If I do become a Demon Lord, we will have our work cut out for us making a new kingdom. You ladies are a little late to the Demonic party. What are our names by the way."

"Let me think... Fuck no."

These things destroyed the world, enslaved humanity, and cast civilization into a Deadlands-style medieval wasteland with some leftover Old World tech. No fucking way are we letting them bring back their reign of terror.

Alternatively, we can accept so long as our mind and personality isn't tinkered with, then turn on them and bring back the Old World greater than it was before, but with MAGIC! Or, at least, get the ball rolling.
Bring back? Their reign never ended?
This next part is a bit long as I need to introduce each one, so it'll be a little longer than I thought.

The OP's posts implied that the Demon Reign had ended some time back. Note the past tense for everything demon-related. Also:

Humans have access to firearms unrestricted, which would likely be far more effective against demons than swords. Humans have magic users that are not being hunted down and killed for being potential effective insurgents.

Most importantly: Some random smuck just wandered across a Demonic Shrine with seven obviously powerful demons imprisoned within that are desperate enough to make a deal with a mortal for escape, and yet no other Demons have taken advantage of this, posted a token guard, or are present enough for the protagonist to have any fear of repercussions for looting it.

Also, the Demons plan on conquering the Entire. Planet. Occupied previously by multiple Demon kingdoms. They must be either very powerful or plan on encountering little resistance.
Whelp, guess thread is dead.

Was slightly railroady and in danger of being turned into Waifu Simulator #254417215517841, but the writing was good. Sad to see it die so young.
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“In theory, what would happen if I declined this offer?” you ask.

“We’ll devour your soul.” the doctor woman instantly replies.

“OK then I made up my mind! I’ll happily do so, but... doesn’t this come with some sort cons? I mean will I turn evil? Is there some sort of catch? I heard all sorts of disasters happen with demons when you make contracts with them.” you ask. You can swear you can see the doctor woman’s eyebrows twitch as you mention, ‘evil.’

“Well those aren’t really horror stories. I mean we tell of other stories where contracts are SSSOOO good that the demon caught in them are slaves for life! Forced to be some kind of familiar to some old fogey wizard!” the teenager replies.

“I swear to Pamille, if you don’t stop reading stupid books I’m going to curse you so that every medium with words you touch will burst into flame.” the staff demon warns.

“As if she doesn’t do that already...” the pink one mutters.

“Now now, everyone calm down...” the blue haired demon says in a calming voice, her trenchcoat opening open a bit as she walks forward to show her leather armor. “To answer your question my dear, yes there will be some catches. First of all, demons can only make Demon Lord’s from the same species they are.”

“...So you’re saying you want me to become an Incubus?” you ask.

“No, those are urban legends made by women. You’d become a Succubus.” the staff demon replies. “And technically I can make you into any demon, but that’s impossible for us right now.”

“Well... OK then. What are the names of my new Queen’s?” you ask.

“My name is Oksana, Queen of the Okarians. Our group mainly specializes in magic and we’re very good at it.” The staff demon with long black hair replies. Looking closely you can see she’s dressed up in some kind of elaborate robe from the old world.


“Too bad you’re not that good at the physical stuff~” the Teenager demon chuckles.

“...Like you’re one to talk!” The dark blue haired demon takes out a sword and knocks the flat end of it on her head.

“I don’t long flowery titles. Just call me Miyu, Queen of the Miyians. Our speciality is knowledge. All Miyians have the unique gift to understand scientific principles and use them like no one else can.” The woman with brown hair and in a doctor’s uniform says. She’s not even dressed up at all. Wearing a simple doctors coat, name tag, glasses, and jeans and sweater.

“And forsake nearly all of your magical gifts in the process...” Oksana mutters.

“That is a vulgar word. It is energy manipulation that I’ve yet to figure out how it functions. Besides, our mana can still power devices so that’s good enough for me.” Miyu replies.

“Wait a second, a ‘science’ focused Succubi race? How does that make sense? The demons suppressed nearly all old world technology.” you reply.

“The Pride Demons do that. They also threw us in here AND enslaved the entire Succubus race. Needless to say, we are NOT with them.” Miyu replies.

“Give me back my old power and personally behead every one of them... My name is Purple, Queen of the Belkarians. Our speciality is that when it comes to physical combat, we are unmatched. All of my subjects learn how to operate other weapons at a breakneck speed and are stronger and faster and most other demons.” the Pink haired woman in purple armour proudly states.

“Again, at the cost of nearly no magical power.” Oksana replies.

“You can blow up an island, I can cleave the entire island in two. We’re both equal.”

“My name is Lamia, Queen of the Laminians! Our speciality is that we’re REALLY good at hiding and other sorts of sneaky stuff!” the short green haired teenager says. You notice that she’s basically wearing a yellow sundress.

“Yes but your shapeshifting abilities are rather limited.” Miyu replies

“Pfft, overrated anyways. When I can phase out of reality or just ask rrreeeaaallllllllyyy nicely, who needs silly old shapeshifting!?” Lamia replies.

“My name is Janine, Queen of the Ayarians. Our race once held the title of being the leaders of the Succubi race. Our powers are... unique in that we’re the only Succubi race with psychic powers.” the light blue haired woman says in a polite tone. She even does a small curtsy with her trenchcoat. She appears a bit more... motherly compared to the other Succubi Queens.

“Even I have better magic power than you th-” Lamia stops mid sentence, clutching her throat as her face begins to turn red.

“I’ve made my point, haven’t I~?” Janine calmly asks. Lamia gives her a thumbs up, and then the invisible force around her neck is released.

“My name is Janette, Queen of the Aides.” the woman with short red hair and a scar on her face steps forward and salutes. Her clothing is that of an old world military uniform. “Our clan’s speciality is that we’re the perfect defenders and bodyguards. We are capable of in-combat regeneration and take far more punishment than most other demons can. This extends to nearly all of our defenses. Physical, mental, and mystical.”

“You get massive defense with -no- drawback? That sounds too good to be true.” you reply.

“Janette...” Oksana warns her.

Janette blushes and rolls her eyes. “Our... clan also breaks more easily than any other clan. We need to have a Master or else many of us have a ‘lost’ feeling.”

“...Breaking?” you ask.


“Our original Queen Pamille suffered a lot of punishment. She was tortured and beaten until she was forced to give herself, body and soul, to her captors. Granted she was saved by our predecessors, but this is something that has plagued the demon race since that day. If a Succubus truly surrenders her body and soul to someone, then that someone owns her. They can force he to do whatever he wants regardless of her feelings. Even reprogramming the Succubus themselves in order to happily accept any orders they issue.” Miyu replies.

“What!? That’s a massive fucking drawback!” you quickly reply.

“If Aides find someone trustworthy then there isn’t any need to worry. Even Janette herself is subject to this. I am technically Janette’s master, but I let her do whatever she wants.” Oksana replies.

Janette nods. “The others make sure of it. Master is very careful to make sure that no accidental reprogrammings take place.”

“My name is Carine, Queen of the Gemelli race. Like the Aides, our race is sorta a jack of all trades. But instead of increased defense we have increase awareness. We can detect magical, mental, name it and we find it. In addition we’re also the best at coordination and teamwork with our partners.” the woman with dark blue hair says. You notice she’s wearing Dark Blue fullplate armor and a large sword strapped across her back.


“...No cons? I won’t be sucked in by omission this time.” you reply.

“...At the cost of having a life partner. All Gemelli’s shortly after creation or soon in their life will feel an incredible urge to find and be with another Gemelli. Once they make any sort of skin contact, they’ll be considered partners for life. When you have your partner, you can make sort a mental communication with them, untraceable and unbreakable. You share your sensory perceptions, minus pain, and even knowledge. The problem is that if your partner dies then... you’ll go insane and most likely kill yourself shortly after.” Carine replies.

“So where’s your partner?” you ask her.

“Don’t have one.” she replies.

You’re confused by this. “But you sai-”

“I SAID I DON’T HAVE ONE.” Carine quickly replies.

“As Carine demonstrates, each Gemelli can still hate each other. Carine is only way from hers as being a Demon Queen she can resist the Gemelli clan urges for quite some time. In about five days, she’ll be running back to her partner.” Miyu explains. “That’s another con about Gemelli. The link with each other is strong that if both partners don’t remain in potential physical sight of one another, they become distracted. Their urge is to basically make sure they have some sort of potential visual range to their partner. They can’t even go that far away from each other.”

Oh yea, questions for the Queens or other actions welcome at this time.

I so could've found a better way to do this couldn't I? *sigh*
Ok, so what am race am I going to be?
"So........You'll be turning me into a female? And i get to choose which of the clans to join?"
>Being transformed into a Succubus.

....But that's (partially) my fetish.
Maybe, quests aren't easy, it took a bit but you needed to cover a lot so it was a large post.

"So it's Oksana, Miyu, Purple, Lamia, Janine, Janette, and Carine. Lovely to meet all of you.

You said Seven Queens, and seven of you have introduced yourself to me. I saw eight statues, and eight of you, an explanation would be nice.

What exactly does the process of turning me into a Succubus entail? Am I going to have to switch gender? Do I have to choose one of the seven races?

I'm guessing that I'll be in service to you, I'll work towards conquering it, but I can't bring all of you with me can I?

Could you tell me more about the Pride Demons? I'd like to know what I'm going to be up against."
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You still going?
I'm with these guys, if we develop lady bits I'm outta here.

Of course. I'll let people know when I'll be heading to bed.
Come on. What about the RP challenge?
Right, question. Nice to get the Monster Manual-lite for all of you, could be handy right about now, but *what* exactly is this deal.
im with this guy.

“So you’re planning to turn me into a female Succubus in exchange for being a Demon Lord. ...Sound fair. But what clan am I going to join?” you ask.

“Mine!” Lamia quickly replies.

“Whatever clan you desire of course.” Janine replies.

“Normally we’d have a duel to see who’d pick you in this case, but considering our power, we’d just have enough to convert you.” Purple replies.

“...And I can get control of the Earth?” you ask. “You won’t backstab me or anything like that?”

“You’d only answer to us and we’d leave you to rule Earth however you deem fit.” Janette replies.

“Do you want us to take oaths in that if we go back on this agreement with you, we’d break ourselves to you?” Purple asks. “It demoralizes me to admit this, but we don’t know when then next person will be coming.”

“Considering it’s been nearly 326 years since the last person who came to this shrine, we’re not exactly patient to wait for another 326 years.” Miyu replies.

“But what about the eight statues? There are seven of you an-”

“Those statues are wrong. There are seven.” Carine replies.

“Carine had a bit of a spat with her partner Roselle. Roselle is here... somewhere in this abyss. She’s not missing much as she hears and sees everything Carine does.” Miyu adds.

“And the process of me becoming a Succubus would turn me female? No way out of that.” you ask.

“None. Actually this is sort of good for us. You see, Succubi feed off of spiritual energy. Yes we can kiss people and slowly drain their soul or have sex with them and drain it all instantly. But strong emotions come from spiritual energy, aether energy. Mana, Chi, whatever. Point being is one experiences strong emotions near a Succubus, you can feed off the energy. Being amidst a battle where soldiers on each side bitterly hate one another for example will yield far more aetheric energy than a single soul of a human would.” Oksana explains.

“...So you do feed off humans.” You reply.

“Technically anything with aetheric energy. Which is nearly everything.” Carine replies. “It’s part of the reason the Pride demons saw use as a threat originally. Out of all the demons and magic spells in the world, Succubi have the easiest time gather Aetheric energy.”

“Don’t make the mistake that we don’t care about humans. Oksana, Lamia, and I used to *be* humans. I always treated humans pretty well myself.” Miyu adds.

“And I guess I can’t take you all with me?” you ask.


“No. This ‘prison’ was actually built by us. It hides our energies from most forms of investigation. Powerful beings have a hard time getting or out safely. This is both ways. We cannot get out. So one of your main goals will for you to become powerful enough in order to shatter the seals on this gateway for us.” Miyu explains. “You’ll be starting off quite weak in comparison to other Demon Lords, but you’ll grow quickly in power.”

“What about the Pride Demons? If I’m going up against them I’d like to know more about them.” you ask.

“Perfect examples of why you should never let your instincts rule you.” Miyu mutters.

“Pride demons are closely associated with the vice known as, ‘Pride’. They came to be a major power player nearly 2200 years ago. They’re known for assaulting other worlds and lands simply because each and every one of the wants to prove something to himself or others.” Oksana replies.

“Earth was basically attacked because a Pride Demon saw it was there and wanted to conquer.” Lamia replies. “They’re also completely dead set in their own ways. They often forcefully convert others to the same standard of living as them, claiming that their ancestors were always right. They’re incredibly stagnant.”

“They’re incredibly leery of guns as they’re only 2000 years old compared to their other weapons which are 10000.” Janette replies exasperated. “They win mainly through numbers and numbers alone.”


“Tell me, they restrict the technology in your world too? We’re shut in here, but last time people visited us they said they were attacked by demons.” Miyu asks.

Your mind flashes back to the newspaper article and your entire life so far. “...Yea pretty safe to assume that.”

Miyu only takes off her glasses to rub her eyes. "We were doing so well too..."
Explain how tech still exists, it's just rare now.
Also, where HAVE the demons gone? I'm still not clear on that.
"Yeah, we kinda got our asses handed to us, human civilization isn't exactly doing well nowadays.

So, let's say that I choose one of you to turn me into your type of Succubus, I'm going to miss my dick by the way, am I naturally going to know how to use my abilities? If I want to use magic will I have to find ancient tomes to study, will I just happen to know it, or can any of you somehow teach me while you're stuck in here? Will I be able to communicate and confer with you while you're sealed?"

Oops. Yea demons still exist. They're not uncommon, where you grew up. In the bigger cities they tend to have a bigger presence. Still, their armies are no where near the power during The Scouring, where the numbers reach "THEY'RE COMING OUT OF THE DAMN WALLS!" level.

Humans still take marching orders from demons though. The leader of a community of often which one a demon likes the best, and then they do as they please.
Anybody else want to conquer the world with the power of SCIENCE.
I'm divided between Okarian and Miyian. Magic or Science, the problem with Science is that you need a tech base to support it, we can't just magic machines out of nothing and without infrastructure it might be hard to SCIENCE! effectively.
The SCIENCE lady said that mana can power machines. We can possibly use our limited mana to build that infrastructure.
Power them, but manufacturing complex parts might be difficult. I love SCIENCE as much as the next person, but using it in a world of broken technology ruled over by luddites might be difficult which is why I'm leaning towards Okarian. Besides, we get to wear a pointy hat if we go magic.

I say magic. If we are doing this, we are doing this in style. Pointy hat, broom, magic.
I still say science for luls. and also because SCIENCE-y demons is rare and entertaining. while magic demons are...well....just demons.


“Yea... I don’t know what happened during the Scouring exactly, but we got our asses kicked. The leaders of many communities are often based on who a demon likes the most. Then those crazy bastards often do everything possible to appease their their god or other things with their newfound power.” you reply.

“What about my powers? Will I have them as soon as I turn?” you ask.

“Some. Normally we’d make you much stronger starting off as a Demon Lord, but for now you’ll need to learn some things the hard way.” Oksana replies.

“Which is to say, most of it. Succubi do get a number of innate powers though. For example, cloaking is normally some sort of magic. But Laminians can do it without the spell.” Miyu replies.

“It’s also better AND takes far less effort too!” Lamia replies.

“Will I still be able to communicate with you?” you ask.

“Yes, but it strains us. However if you come to the shrine, you’ll be able to visit us here again.” Janine replies.

“If you visited us and give us some of your aetheric energy when you’re stronger, we’ll be able to remotely talk to you much more easily. Don’t worry about permanently losing Aetheric energy, as unless you take all of it out of someone it always comes back.” Oksana replies.

“I’ll be missing my dick though...” you lament.

“Eh, haven’t missed mine in years.” Oksana replies.

You blink and look at her blankly. “Well I admit it was jarring at first, but when I learned how to bend reality across my knee it hardly mattered.” she replies.
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Hell yes, Classic Witch. Always good to have a theme.
Let's get a more in-depth explanation of the Okarian's and .Miyian's powers. Let's ask how much a Miyian can do with out a tech base.
"Well, I guess we better get on this over with. I have one question first. Will it hurt?"
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thinking either Belkarians for fighting or Okarians for magic. would be interesting to go Gemelli after all if we are leading a revolution.also considering how fixed in there ways the demons of pride are it may be an advantage to be a jack of all trades and exploit the crap out of weaknesses.

Oh derp, as for tech, it's more rare than Fallout definately. Kinda like Mad Max where having something like a Shotgun is a big deal for normal folks. Seeing a weapon like that is probably once in a lifetime for casual folk. If you explore some old world ruins you could find some yes, but the majority have been broken down over the years or dismantled after The Scouring.

As for votes...

Miyian: 3
Okarian: 2

Close so far. I'll let the debate continue on a little more while I ask for power breakdown.
I say magic.

Eh, I don't like either of the Jack of All Trades downsides. Either Breaking or Binding.

I vote Witch Succubus
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Classic witch is best witch. I've already voted for Okarian so don't count this as a vote.

"So let's say I go Okarian, how much magic will I know naturally and how hard will it be to pick up more?

To cover any weak points I have as a Succubus of whatever type I pick would I be able to turn others into Succubi or bring them here to you? Because the choices I'm currently considering would both benefit greatly from having an Aide."

“...I’m still confused between magic and Science here. I mean isn’t magic somewhat better as you don’t need as big of a base?” you ask.

“If you’re going by yourself, then magic is probably better yes. Okarians can use a lot of magic spells as innate abilities. Elemental control for example comes very naturally to us. Most others need to use specific spells to shape elements to their will.” Oksana replies.

“I maintain that Science can do nearly everything magic can.” Miyu adamantly admits as she holds out her hand, a large bazooka like object materializing in front of her. The hole on the end is nearly as big as a man’s fist. “Very few humans can use magic. Everyone can use technology with mana battery technology. This Singularity Cannon before The Scouring? *You* could use it right now. Okarians can learn to throw black holes, but we make guns so anyone can shoot them. Secondly, Miyians are good at *all* science. Medical, Technological, Mathematical, Political, Economic, doesn’t matter.”

“You done masturbating Miyu?” Lamia bluntly asks.

“Ha ha, Miyu does have a point. It’s far easier to get people into technology than magic. However one shouldn’t discount magic. Being able to innately cast a lot of magic and make things up on the fly is it’s own reward, plus Okarians tend to have more Aetheric reserves than normal.” Oksana replies.
I've already voted for science. Name fagging so I don't cheat

My basis for tech is that you can teach it to humans. Not so with magic. It's stated the magic is inherent in this world, and EXTREMELY rare. Sure, you might get powerful, but you'll probably not be able to do it all by yourself. But with technology, you can arm the people with knowledge, and stage a revolution. Which will also serve to ingratiate yourself with the humans, and already be in a position of power. When the demon queens come onto the scene, depending how they portray it, it might go over pretty smoothly, since you "freed" the people.
I've already voted for Magic.

"Miyu, I do like Science, but it's been 300 years since there's been any technological advancement, in those 300 years infrastructure has utterly collapsed. I might learn how to make gunpowder, bullets, and medicine, but I don't have any resources to use that knowledge. I don't think I'll be able to just summon up the material needed, there just in't an industrial base to support me going full SCIENCE. There is barely even any electricity. If I'm right the Pride Demons aren't going to like me much so I won't have the luxury to rebuild everything yet and while I'm still setting things up due to you being less than skilled at magic I will be vulnerable as hell. Unless I actually can just summon up any technological creations out of thin air, that kinda changes everything."

While handy, I'd lean magic IF we can have other people turned into Succubi of other sorts. A second in command who can do science will get a revolution going well too...and magic will let us survive to start it.
I WANT SCIENCE, newcomer here, just caught up
That's certainly a fair compromise.
This confirms it. Use magic. There is no tech left in this world for us to use in combination with magic. Were are we going to get our singularity cannons from? So just make do with mana only.


“Let’s say I go Okarian, how much magic will I naturally know?” you ask.

“At the beginning, some. Okarians need magic so I’ll boost some of your magical affinities. After that it all comes down to learning to practice your innate magic and learning new magic from books. I will say the more powerful magic cannot be made up on the fly by us, but exploding fireballs is quite easy for us while other races need to use a specific spell for it. So we cast it far faster.” Oksana replies.

“Would I be able to turn other people into Succubus?” you ask.

“During people into Demons is a high level technique, even for a demon lord. You probably won’t be able to do it for quite some time.” Carine replies.

“Damn... I was hoping I’d be able to get others...” you mutter.


“Then ask them. Succubi are scattered, but it wasn’t like our race was rare. The Pride Demons swore to Pamille a long time ago that they’d wouldn’t genocide the Succubus race.” Janette replies.

“Then they found a way around that with enslaving the race. They’re quite nitpicky on details and love finding loopholes.” Purple replies.

“I’m fairly confident that you’ll find a few Succubi in nearly any major settlement not under anyone’s control.” Janine replies.

“Once we get our power up, we’d probably be able to turn others into Succubi as well.” Miyu replies. “Though even with your rapid advancement that may take some time.”

Well, if there are still others about...I say personal power and make locating a science succubus top priority.

Until then, we magic.
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keep in mind we are not limited to one type after all we could bring someone here to be turned into a demon of a different type. Just keep that in mind.

should ask to confirm this.

You probably posted before the update, but the short version is they can make more yes, but they'll need a lot more power before something like that could be pulled off.

How about: Locate Science Succubi ASAP and have them get some good human assistants. When we have the power? Succubi Science Team.
I'm okay with this now.
and I'm >>22021493
Personally I prefer the jack of all trades, because well, main character, c'mon.
Gotcha, so it'll be a bit, but eventually we can get more this way, for now we can find some but it'll be tough.

My highest priority in locating Succubi would be a Aide, it'll be tough as hell to get them from a Pride Demon with the Master and Breaking thing, but it covers our biggest weakness which is we're weak against physical attacks.
Pictures of this would get all my internets. Also I support this course of action.
Results are so far...

Miyian: 4
Okarian: 5
Belkarian: 1

Assuming I counted right. I'll wait 10 mintutes before typing up the confirmation assuming no other questions for the Queen's
Ok, Changing my vote to Okarian. First order of business is getting a Miyian Aide.
oh, also some butthurt fag archived this thread under a butthurt description in the sup/tg/ archive because he was butthurt.
Singularity Cannon and good at all types of Science count me in
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Oh we should ask about other kinds of demons and other types of supernatural beings just in case.
Final tally:

Miyian: 4
Okarian: 6
Belkarian: 1

Okarian is the winner. Typing now.
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Lets go magic.
is there some way to fix that?
I'd suggest sending an email to Lord Licorice asking him to fix it.
Writing to the guy that runs the archive. Or voting it so far down that it is deleted, then saving it under a new name. As far as i know. Of course, i dont know everything.
Do science!

Go for Myiu!
magic vote

"Miyu, I do like Science, but it's been 300 years since there's been any technological advancement, in those 300 years infrastructure has utterly collapsed. I might learn how to make gunpowder, bullets, and medicine, but I don't have any resources to use that knowledge. I don't think I'll be able to just summon up the material needed, there just in't an industrial base to support me going full SCIENCE. There is barely even any electricity. If I'm right the Pride Demons aren't going to like me much so I won't have the luxury to rebuild everything yet and while I'm still setting things up due to you being less than skilled at magic I will be vulnerable as hell. Unless I actually can just summon up any technological creations out of thin air, that kinda changes everything." you tell her.

Miyu drops the cannon and gets a look of desperation on her face. “But you don’t have! I’ll tell you how to make mana batteries! All you need to do is find some copper which is EVERYWHERE a-”

“Miyu dear, remember the agreement. We’d let him choose of his own free will and hold no ill will towards him for it.” Janine calmly informs her, Miyu can only be seen gritting her teeth and looking a bit sour.

“Join the club. No one ever willingly becomes an Aide either.” Janette replies, though from her tone it sounded as if she expected Aide’s not to be chosen.

“Then who’s your choice?” Purple asks you.


You take a deep breath before you finally exhale your answer. “I’m choosing Okarian.”

“Perfect!” Oksana says clapping her hands. “Now once we finished, you’ll be booted back to your own world. The ritual also takes a lot out of us, so we’ll be immediately going to take a small rest after this ritual.”

Oksana happily spins her staff around before slamming it into the ‘ground’. A large magic circle of arcane runes coming out from from the center of the staff. The other Succubi Queens quickly fly around so that all six of them are equally the same distance from each other.

“...Will this hurt?” You asks as you see the glowing green pentagram below your feet.

“We’re going to reformat and reshape your body and soul down on every level. So yes. Now please be quiet, this next part ” Oksana claps her hands together then slowly begins to pull them apart. Small wisps of purple energy can be seen along with small green flashes. Small images of an occult pentagram soon begin to flicker just long enough to notice, but not read them.

“In the name of our Empress Pamille, I declare this man known as Brooklyn Browning to be known as an Okarian Demon Lord. Lunatoris... Solatarin... TETRAGRAMMATON!” Oksana then violently opens her hands.
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would probably be a lot later but could maybe try to combined SCIENCE! with magic. thinking war casters from war machine.

not sure if it is possible however.


You expect the little wisp to come shooting at you top speed, but rather it seems to lazily float over to you. It begins to gently circle around you, but rapidly begins to pick up speed before it’s spinning so fast that it seems as you’re surrounded by a solid shell. The light sources go to nothing as you’re surrounding in inky darkness. You feel something grab onto your leg, followed by your arm. You try to pull back, but the darkness is too strong. You can feel yourself slowly being pulled into the darkness. Fear overcomes you as you scream. You can feel your flesh and bones warp around you, pressing your into a brand new shape.

Suddenly the shell seems to explode off and you’re sent tumbling to the ground. You quickly look around you in order to get your wits, and see that you’re no longer back in the Prison, but rather in front of the shrine. You look down to see that you still have all you clothing on you, even down to the hole and blood on your clothing. The next thing that catches your mind is that your body, your *dead* body is laying dead on the altar, whiskey in hand with a large smile on his face. Oddly enough he’s wearing the exact same clothing you’re wearing. ...You are you wearing his exact clothing? You don’t even know...




AETHER AFFINITY: You learned how to use Aether power for magic!

OKARIAN MAGIC EFFICIENCY: Spells cost less Aether for you to use AND you can hold more Aetheric power!



Fire control (Includes the generation of it)

Water Control (Includes water vapor and ice)

Earth Control (Includes Metal)

Wind Control (Includes Lightning)

Darkness Control

Light Control

Healing Magic

Enhanced Suggestion (Magical compulsion that people will follow so long as it sounds remotely feasible. Suicidal orders do not work.)

Enhanced Invisibility (Can turn invisible to most human eyes and can move slowly during invisibility)

I admit I've played DnD, so a lot magic spells are lost on me. If you know of a cool looking spell, link me to it on srd20. Keep in mind even through we're a demon lord, we're still low powered at the moment. If anything I wanted to give you guys more choices.

Healing Magic
Enhanced Suggestion
Enhanced Invisibility

Until we get some allies we'll need to stealthy and self-suffficient
We need at least some offense, we're sometimes going to have to fight.

Enhanced Suggestion, Earth Control, Darkness Control.

We have offense with Earth, utility with Suggestion, and Darkness Control seems like a broad useful talent to me.
Seconding this.
I like how you think, but not having any offensive magic will bite us in the ass later. I counter-propose:

Enhanced Suggestion
Healing Magic
Light Control (With Light Control we can make us invisible anyways, also illusions and LAZORS for offense)

Depending on how the GM runs it we may be able to gain levels before fighting anything dangerous (suggestion and invisibility will go a long way).

I think the beginning of this story demonstrates the need for healing.


If Light Control has offensive options then I'll go with this instead of my first, I suppose offense is a neccesity
Ok, first thing to do: Check out new body.
Second: Try not to freak out about your dead body
Third: Take anything useful from dead body.
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We need at least one combat spell remember we are physically a push over.

i really don't want to drop any of those three but invisibility probably is the one we should drop i think.

i suggest fire but any offensively useful spell would be good.
I'm confused how light and darkness control are two separate powers.
>Check out new body.

We're female now. The first thing we need to do is unstrap the twins and find a mirror.


I expect that darkness control is probably shadow control, like the Lasombra (IIRC) in VtM
I think I'll call it for the night here. I want to get up tomorrow and it's 7:00 for me.

I'll be running this after my game tomorrow though. ...Same start time I reckon. Give or take a half hour for me to make food.

Apologies if this seemed a little railroady, but I really suck hard at beginnings >>. You're technically off the rails at this point and can do anything you want. I'll use this thread for tomorrow, assuming it is still alive. If not I'll make a new one


All the controls will have offensive options. Light control is basically used for lasers, illusions, and nearly anything but suppressing light. Darkness Control allows gravity shennigans (Like Black Holes) and darkness tentacles.

There are more X Controls, but right now these are the most basic and you'll need to learn some of these before handling the advanced ones.
Darkness tentacles and gravity stuff sound awesome, and I've already voted for them.

Lasombra stuff and Darkness from Scion are good examples yea.
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in that case take light because that can double as invisibility. with heal and suggestion
I prefer light control. I love illusions, and combined with healing and suggestion magic we could really play being the savior angel of the masses. But i too voted already.
>darkness allows gravity shenanigans
Great. Now I'm even more confused.

Could we conceivable use gravity manipulation to fly (albeit in a different way than if we used air control)?

In any case, I have to say
Darkness, Suggestion, Healing

...unless those we use Suggestion on are actually aware of it.

The old conundrum, darkness or light?
I think people will notice that we aren't an angel if we try for that. And the Pridemons will notice us no matter what. Unless we are invisible, of course.

Some controls can overlap somewhat yes. Gravity can let you fly, but probably not nearly as fast or as nimbly as air.

As for Light control and invisibility. Light control can do invisibility yes, but innate Invisibility will have its own little perks.
What do we actually START with for light and darkness control? What level would shadowjumping be, for instance?

I assume that natural invisibility would allow us to eventually negate magical detection, or whatever sounds we make and so on?
Well, but even if not it makes for a nice reputation! All magic we use is associated with benevolence, we are an awesome healer, smite evil with pure light and we have supernatural charisma.
Air seem pretty much one of the most useful options.

Flight for Mobility and Lightning for Offense as well as several handy little things. It's very versatile. And hey...when we get some science about...Wind Power AND Directly Causing Lightning? It's got plenty of options.
Actually, shouldn't we be able to fly without needing Air magic? I mean, we demon lord now, that should come with functional wings.

I'm just a fan of zzzaapp. I'll support lightning just because of the ability to zap stuff.

Invisibility right now still makes you seen by magical and any sight spectum that isn't normal human visual wavelength. The Invisibility we could learn via power can let us do things eventually such as mute all sounds, move at full speed with cloak, let any sneak attack hit like an atomic bomb, and even partially phase out of existance (If you picked Laminian for example, you'd get a racial ability to hit harder for sneak attacks, which would stack with later stealth. People underestimate Laminians but they're the best assassain's Succubi have.)

For Darkness/Light? At the start you'd be able to shoot lasers and visual illusions with light. Darkness will allow you to make solid objects out of darkness, let you see in pitch black darkness, and darkness tentacles. High level Light would be Master Spark and high level Darkness control would be throwing small black holes.

You wouldn't be able to shadowjump yet, but you'd be able to learn very quickly with training. Probably a day's worth.

>High level Light would be Master Spark.

Well, I guess we are pretty much required to get that if we are considering the 'witch' idea from before.
What about that we start with darkness and light?
dark light and healing sounds good
Suggestion, not healing. We need some noncombat options.
second this
I am uncomfortable about not choosing healing. Every solo character should have healing magic. If we had healing magic we would be still alive and non demonlordy. I still support light, healing, suggestion.

Either of those sounds good. Dark and Light, with either Suggestion or Healing as our Third.
if anything we would drop light or dark for suggestion not having healing as a someone currently solo is asking for bad shit to go down

Oh shit, I forgot one more ability.

DEMONIC RESILIENCE: You can heal from nearly any wound and heal much faster than a human! Note that if you're near death, it'll still take some time to come back to life, but you'll recover much faster than any human. (Basically for every month a human needs recovery for, you'll need only a week roughly)

I'm not trying to say healing magic will be useless, just pointing out an ability I forgot to add.
with dark light and healing we have strong direct offense with the dark tentacles and strong ranged attacks with LAZORS, good (though not best) invisibility, illusions, the ability to fix wounds we may inccur and can create a small shelter out of darkness to keep from freezing to death. starting out alone, we need to have singular power and flexiblilty because its all for #1 right now. useful powers like persuasion for minions and earth control to equip them with best quality arms and armor can come later when we have more power and aether reserves to back it up.
How quickly would we be able to pick up a new school? Say, if we started with Darkness, Healing and Suggestion, but wanted to quickly learn Light?

Alternatively, we could take Resilience, Darkness and Light and be EX-Rumia, shooting lasers while we shoot darkness.
On the contrary, noncombat powers are more important when we have LESS power.
healing sounds kinda better especially if we raise an army and can aoe heal eventually
Okay, with that in mind change my vote changes from >>22022005

to Suggestion, Resilience, Darkness Control. It has utility, it has offense, and we don't die.
Don't we have resilience anyways? Do we have to buy it?
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I say Light, Healing, Enhanced Suggestion.
Hence the healing (who said it was reserved for use on ourself only?), illusions, invisibilty, shelter, etc. etc.

Those aren't the only options we can think of for those powers; just what others stated and I extrapolated.
Wait, fuck. I read it as being Resilience being an additional option. We have it by default, don't we?

Then I say drop healing. Light, Darkness and Suggestion.
So did I.

It's useful, it gets us good healing without having to burn a spell slot on it and spend mana on it. I'm good with Suggestion, Darkness, Light, or honestly Suggestion, Darkness and anything else, I'm not that picky.
Light, Darkness, Suggestion

Resilience is one of the powers that you get automatically. It doesn't level up, since Okarians are more physically frail than other Succubi.

Do we get any starting flight? Or could we make a magic item to grant flight?

Well, if we pick up healing later, we should hopefully be fine. Just less of a need to do it now I think. So I'm voting Light, Darkness and Suggestion.

Out of curiosity, which categories do wood manipulation and personal shapeshifting fall under?
Light, Dark, Healing
It's a sacrifice we made for SUPREME COSMIC POWER, or at least potentially getting there.

That's why I've been saying that we really could use an Aide as an aide, we really need a body guard to cover us while we unleash magical death upon our foes.
dark, light, suggestion

I was going to save it until next thread, but ATM you have no wings, horns, or tail. You are a Succubi and you will get this, but you don't have them at the moments. The wings will be fully functional yes. Air control will be useful for flying hella fast.
Would it be possible for us to forgo those and instead maintain a human guise as an eccentric but otherwise ordinary witch?

Dammaku is power, da ze~!
oh my. in that case dark, air, suggestion. was this originally>>22022453

Light, Air, Suggestion.
Going to put a new vote in for Light and Suggestion, I don't really like the idea for dark and would instead love to see Ice control considering we seem to live in a fairly frozen area.
Actually, changing my mind.

Light, Suggestion and Healing
Light, Air, Healing
Yea I definitely want Light and Healing

other than that if we could have ice I want that if not suggestion

Basically this. Ice or Suggestion, whichever has a chance of actually going through.
The tl;dr version of demons having ruled the world and then done over is that we're going to be sucking hard at convincing people directly.

I say we live with surviving, and granting healing, in the cover of darkness.

Darkness and healing and wind works better for long term survival.
I suppose it depends on whether we can convince people we're actually a human.

Also, why the sudden support for air? Flight?

I think people want flight, yeah.
Flight and lightning.


All Succubi get shapechanging...

Fuck I forgot to add that didn't I? I didn't think Okarian would be picked and originally was going to start 6 out of the 7 with not enough mana to transform, but as an Okarian you should be able to do that off the bat.

I'll add that at the beginning of next time we begin.

Really? What were you thinking would be picked?

Also: Air and Light. I don't honestly care what the last is.
make the last darkness, start flinging gravity wells errywhere

You thought people wouldn't pick magic?
If we took magic cant we turn ourself into a guy again?

The clans are not new. I used them for a vampire game before. It was a landslide vote for Gemelli last time. The fact knowledge skills could be shared across two character was abused to high hell and beyond.

I was expecting Ayarian or Miyian. It is kinda nice though as when I made the first version of this game eons ago, the main character was Oksana and the story of how she became a Demon Lord.

It was also incredibly horrible, in where looking back I want to stab my eyes out with a spork.
So are we not going with Suggestion?

So far Air, Light, Darkness, Healing and Suggestion seem the top ones. Though, Air seems to be overtaking Darkness.

Still, decently consistent pics.
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dammit. Picks. Stupid failure to brain.
no idea, all i care about is flinging gravity wells errywhere

Hold up now, we are clearly not logical creatures.

There are seven demon queens, with an eighth lurking around in the ether. All of them promised us FANTASTIC COSMIC POWERS.

Why not choose them all? C'mon now, think like a demon! Promises of power? DEMAND IT ALL. You are going to be the instrument of the Succubi race's return. We could USE all that power.

>aithr deepening

Damn straight captcha, we need to deepen our connection to the Aether. Kamina this shit.

Also, damn me for not appearing in this thread originally. Stalker + Demons + Fuck Logic I Have Magic? You win OP. You win.
I don't think they have enough power for that one.

Then we need to find a way to give them that power. We're a gigantic walking Aetherial battery right? We need to get on board with how to start harnessing celestial cosmic power.

Also, in case no one noticed, it's a feezing wasteland. Water, fire, and suggestion are going to serve us a good bit better, simply because of the environment. Impressing people with functional magic (building ice homes, creating continual sources of heat) is going to serve us much better than being able to fire lazers.
Uh, looks like this has kinda stalled. Should we recall voting or something?
sandact went to sleep , if we keep using this thread when he gets back we will probably vote after he posts if not then in whatever new thread he makes

So what do people think of my plan to create ourselves as the combination of all eight clans? The other plus is we have every one of the Queens backing us up, as they have a direct personal stake in our development?
It's not a great idea. Jack of all trades, master of none. Besides, you can ask but if they didn't offer it it's probably not on the table. Each giving a fragment of power instead of empowering a single succubus to power you might not work out so well.

Besides, it's done already.
it's an interesting idea but can we do it ? that is the biggest question here, before trying to do that I think we'll need at the very least a small power base of if at all possible 2-3 succubusses
>eatupple second
what are you trying to say captcha?

That was our mistake! NOT ASKING. We only received a fragment of power from our current patron, why couldn't we nab one from each?!?

If it's an issue of power, all we need is to get on board with creating and nomming off of strong emotions.
Well our bosses promised that under certian conditions we gain control of them. A long term goal should be to trick them into fulfilling those conditions.
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That's the type of demonic thinking I'm looking for. I approve of you.
My vote is still for healing, suggestion and an offensive power, I think earth control will probably be the most useful offensive power.

Even with our resilience healing is essential and can be lucrative as well.

We presently don't have any allies so suggestion is important to be able to manipulate people into getting what we want/need.

Earth control should give us the ability to attack people (spikes, rock throwing etc), along with ability to create shelters and incapacitate people. Also, at high level the floor is now lava.

Well, considering that our boss' powers remain unique from each other, at a guess I'd say that this suggestion was not possible whatever reason. It might be that their powers, above a certain level, are simply incompatible, or the Queens would (wisely) refuse such a request. There could be a number of other reasons as well, but these seem the most obvious to me given what we know.

Also, considering some of the Sandacts world building, I'm not sure Succubi in this setting are after unnnnnlimited POWAH. That seems to be more the Pride demons' thing.

In general. Just enjoy it.


Healing is good, but it's develop-able. And as Sandact said, we're already pretty freaky resilient as a demon as is. Doubling up at this point when we have an ability to develop a toolbox is silly.


Could be, and you are indeed probably right. But if we're going up against unlimited POWAH, can't we get off to a good start with unlimited potential?

As we saw, we're not getting a huge amount aside from the basic demon traits. Everything seems to be developmentally based.
You may want to check suptg. as some troll archived this quest as 'shitquest'...
may want to apeal to the admin.
All 8 clans is all 8 drawbacks. Our magic will be completely awful as the Okarian's boost is cancelled out three times over. We won't be able to function without a boss we can't disobey AND a bonded mate we can't ever be away from. Basically, hell no.
well if it still counts, I vote for
suggestion, light and healing.
sounds like a good base.
Oh, and I vote for Air, Light and Suggestion if the vote's still going.
Voting for Darkness, Healing, and Suggestion

Seconding this one. Air, Light, Suggestion.
I say, go for Suggestion and Water.

One gives us an invaluable social advantage, and the other is both one of the most helpful in combat, and should allow us some half-assed healing soon enough.

Which leaves one ability free for whatever else you want - like Light, Darkness or whatever.
I vote for darkness, fire and healing

You're making the assumption that we won't manage to find a way to peel away from our drawbacks! It's MAGIC. Internal logic only exists for those unable to understand the concept of 'reality altering powers'.


Reduced Physical Ability
Magic into Science
Magic into Power
Reduced Shapeshifting Capability
Magic into Mind Bullets
Single Target Social Obligation
Need to have a Partner

The way I see it, we have increased magic then funnels into using all of the other abilities. The reduction in shapeshifting ability can be counteracted by extra sneakiness. The bond aspect is easy to work around in that our partner and 'Master' can be the same person. We could fluff it as insurance we're not simply going to off our demonic patrons at the first opportunity.

Plus, it'd be cool. And isn't that the entire point?

Or we can simply create ourselves a Gemali, and make them our waifu. Bitches love waifus.

My vote is fire, water, suggestion.

>succate succession

Yes captcha, we are the sucessor
Lord is a lower rank than Queen, we're meant to be less powerful than any of them not better than all of them put together. You've gone past cool and into Mary Sue.

Gemelli's will bond with only other Gemelli's. Sorry if I forgot to clarify that. Secondly Gemelli's shouldn't be confused with Aides. Gemelli partners still have their own free will and are not broken to each other. Aides do not.

I'll be reading/lurking the thread, but I won't be doing any *real* updates until tonight.

*will NOT bond with any other Succubi except another Gemelli.

Ack, I need some caffine

Healing is useful for us, because healing 4 times faster than a human is nice, but it doesn't help when our ass in is the fire NOW. Also Healing can be lucrative and good for gaining allies as well. Offense is nice, but we aren't going to be taking on armies or gods in the first week, but we may be faced with a crippling injury on day 1.
oh yea OP, I saw your earlier post (way back) where you talked how you are considering making a succubi quest, where succubi feed on the emotion, instead of just sex.
Even said the same premise (dude gets killed in a shrine, gets resurrected by elder succubi).
I have been thinking of that idea ever since, glad you started it.

Think of it like being a Champion. They rule, we do the ass-kicking grunt work. How many rulers do you see out there in the trenches?


No, I got that. So a Gemali who is partnered up couldn't be the Aide to that individual? Guess those magic bits just don't work together (or they've never been tested).

Looking forward to tonight, hope you rested well.


So pointing out an exception to the rule is proof? I'd also point out Frederick and Vlad, but they're still exceptions.
look at this as a subrace, we cant pick all 8 subraces at once. Besides, thats not fun.
And even if that is a possibility, it cant be feasible until MUCH later.

No, any Succubi can be broken. Even though you're a demon lord, you can still be broken if you're not careful.

As for what other people think of this in game? I'll leave that until it comes up
Am I correct in saying that a weak demon lord such as us is still more powerful than the average non demon?

I see the reason of your point. And while I accept it, I still hold out for getting some extra mojo out the gate. Especially as we are supernaturally weak on the physical side. I can totally see that biting us straight in the ass at one point.


Oh, I have no illusions about our frailties. If this is STALKER level lethal, we are in severe danger from near everything.

By the way, given that we know that the rule of the demon's is past tense, what kind of 'background knowledge' do we possess? State of human settlements, state of the planet, etc.

Just stuff we'd know before demonic uplifting. It'd be nice to know the world before we go stir cray with magic power selection.
> ...Same start time I reckon
Is there a chance to start earlier than this?
As the OP post reads as 5am for me...

Lord's are more powerful yes, but right now the Queen's barely had power to turn you into a Demon Lord. Normally you'd start off much stronger, but they couldn't do that.

You'd be able to learn magic and your other abilities faster compared to other demons though.

Sadly, no. I need to head out to the store in a bit, then I run an RPG game on thursday nights. By the time it's over it'd be the same start time as last night.

I plan on doing this on Friday night too. After that I'll begin on Monday, as I'm on a jet on Sunday and will probably be jet lagged to hell on arrival for the day.

Time to get up early! I'm headed to bed in a bit in order to be up in time.
Tallied the votes so far, the results are this:

Fire Control: 2
Water Control: 2
Earth Control: 1
Wind Control: 7
Darkness Control: 13
Light Control: 15
Healing: 12
Suggestion: 17
Invisibility: 1

Voting will continue until later tonight. In the meantime, let's add another layer of complexity. What job would the character reasonably have? He's in his early-mid 20's, so he most likely has some skill behind his belt. I tried to leave the beginning Brooklyn as vague as possible so you could decide what his job would be. He could either be a doctor, carpenter, thief, Butler, Survivalist, Prospector, almost anything you want. Each job will grant skills which would be appropriate to the job. This isn't like an RPG 'class' per say, but rather 'what Brooklyn learned while growing up'. If it helps, Brooklyn grew up and does live in a town

As for skills, they'll be basically handled in a word like fashion. Due to earlier choices, Brooklyn has a BASIC level in Axe weaponry and NEETery.

Though the job can wait until after the next update if you all wish. I mainly want to nail down starting magic now.

I'd say Alchemist. Herb knowledge and some basic healing.

Throwing in a vote for Wind Control, Light Control and Suggestion.
Darkness, Healing, and Invisibility

I want to say survivalist, but he demonstrated that he is terrible at it.
hm maybe an explorer?

Thief. Light, Wind, Invisibility
You know, I wanted to ask if we are going to change our name "Brooklyn Browning".
But, than I realized that Brooklyn is usually a name for girls...

...It is? Well fuck I didn't know that...
Then again, we may want to get more Demonic sounding name.

Fuck it. I say we just go full elementalist. Fire, Water, Air...Grab Earth Later.
but..suggestion will be SO useful!
well its wikipedia but.

I like this one.

>Going full offense when you don't have any backup

Village Idiot. We went wandering in ruins without ANYONE? Did the buddy system evaporate in the future?
I say we were likely a scholar.

Air, Light, Suggestion has been my favorite combo mentioned so far.

Hm... We're autosaging and that thread on sup/tg/ is still there and no word back from the site owner.

Is there way to downvote it enough so it gets deleted and purged or must it be manual?
So we had a reliable tip from a prospector that there was an extremely valuable shrine. The prospector knew this even though the last person to find the shrine was over 300 years ago and that person got eaten and never came back to tell anyone. And despite the finder's fee for shrines being so good that it "would be stupid to pass up" nobody else has investigated in all that time despite the knowledge being kept alive and it being really close to the town, and the prospector was happy to tell us instead of going looking for it.
This looks totally legit, let's walk in alone.
Autosage is 300 posts, we're on 260.
And I'm pretty sure it's manual, I've seen threads at like -50 that have been there for months.

We absolutely need to get a skill related to our retarded luck and complete lack of common sense or safety.

Well shit. Hope the email gets back soon. If not? ...Well I'll just zip the thread and throw it up on mediafire or something.

I support being the Succubus Avatar.

It's manual, unfortunately. We just need to make this Quest awesome, and then the next few threads can make up for it. I assume someone here is screencap handy enough to turn the actual quest content into something that can be added into the second thread when it starts off.

Oddly enough, I do have one explanation for this that I was going to address when/if we ever go back to the character's town.

Fuck Suggestion. You, you there. You wanna get burned? Good. Build me a fucking house.

Also tits. Otherwise known as improved suggestion.
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>Succubus Quest
>Not given a choice of body magic/transmutation

I hope we aren't allowed to go around intimidating people with no consequences.

We get it, just giving you a hard time Sandact.

Although wouldn't it be hilarious if our motivation was simply not thinking this plan through fully before setting out?

"Yea, I used to be an adventurer like you... until I get impaled, turned into a chick and learned how to shoot mind lazers. Best career move I ever made, except for those period cramps. Ever had a magical period? Shit son, you don't want to even IMAGINE."
Scavenger makes the most sense.
its innate to all the succubi, we get it eventually.

It's sarcasm. Improved suggestion is an excellent option. Then again, it does put us in the mindset of using mental coercion at all times, rather than try and build up contacts through legitimate effort.

By the way, aside from magic, are there any costs to using magic? We need to be much better informed about how our magic works - presuming it has an ordered structure of any sort.


I forgot to add shapechanging. I'll bullshit an explanation about it later. Needless to say it's not magic, but rather something all Succubi can do (Except Laminians who are limited with it)

^mana. Fuck me and my inability to proofread.
The solution is to file for an archive as soon as you start a new thread.

As someone who has been voting suggestion from the beginning I hope we aren't allowed to Suggestion our way through everything either. I see suggestion as something like Obi-Wan to the Stormtroopers on Tatooine, it'll get us out of suspicious circumstances, but it won't let us turn enemies into best buddies with a wave of our hand.
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Previous witch suggestion looks good.

Light for Lasers, Air for Flight, Suggestion for getting us what we want.

Well, no until we get REALLY good at it.

Nearly all Okarian abilities and Succubus abilities cost Mana except for the Succubus Drain/Emotion Feed.

As for magic... Well you'll need to find out in game. I will say with the level you're at you're unable to do super flashy things like Stoner Sunshine (Which would cost A LOT of Aetheric power).

Okarians are not the only people where they worry about Mana. ALL demons do. Without mana you wouldn't be able to use your best attacks. Belkarians and Rage demons can fight well without using magic, but when they pour mana into their attacks it's no contest (Remember Purple claimed she was able to cleave a landmass in two. This would not be possible without her pouring mana into her attack).

As for "What a second Sandact, isn't this still magic?" I tend to think of Physical focused demons on weapon magic and Matrix style stuff with their abilities compared to blasto mage.

Okarians can also learn weapon magic yes. Not nearly as well as a Belkarian (Who basically treats themselves as Dante when they get a new weapon) but you'll be able to learn weapon magic nonetheless.
The only thing I can think of at the moment is that the prospector's a succubus sending people to the ruins for the Queens to eat. But then that would make her pretty shit at her job if she hadn't managed to persuade anyone in 300 years.

Agreed. Going with the laser spewing witch.
Why is the rogue class the only one without shapeshifting? Things like mages being worse physically seem pretty logical but the sneaky ones are fine at everything except disguising themselves?

Probably why the Queens are in such bad shape int he first place, if their subordinate is that inherently incompetent.

"You mean I can just SUGGEST people go there? So thats what that mana I have is for!"

Lamia, the Queen, lived by basically hiding herself rather than blending in. Laminians can shapechange themselves as teenagers, but not an adult. More information will have to be discovered in game.

That information I just posted will be on the shrine anywho. You'll be able to read it because you know Latin now.

Laser spewing witch is best witch.

Adding a copy of >>22028783
>meanwhile at sup/tg/
>quest runner wants to be girl,op is fagget (also a girl being a 'lord' what is this shit, should be Lady?)
>(also a girl being a 'lord' what is this shit, should be Lady?)
>should be Lady
Sounds like a good idea. Although, I'd be surprised if Brooklyn decides to instantly go full-on-female mode.
Lord sounds good actually.
I see it like a Knight or Sir title.
Which probably means Demon Lord is a general term for all boss like demons, regardless of gender. Something like an Overlord title in Disgaea games.
Doesn't mean we can't get the Queen title later on...
wait..if we conquer Earth, and we technically get Earth as our domain (like the Queens promised us).
This quest is going to turn into Makai Kingdom, isn't it?

We get the Queen title by tricking the queens into giving us an order that violates their oath. We do this by generally obeying the orders they give, so they get overconfident, and overstep their bounds.
I am >>22027915
changing my vote/suggestion to>>22028676
As that sounds better and is more in line for what I had in mind.
I vote that you give us some Baleful Polymorph spells.
Whats the fun in having magic if you can't turn people into stuff?

If Baleful Polymorph is the only spell you can have fun with I pity you.
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Hmm...a much shorter Kimono. Probably down to 'miniskirt' levels. She's a very active Shugenja.

She'd probably end up looking like an anime ninja more than a Shugenja.

I think her only real issue with that would be cold winds. And the high chance of being drawn by Genzoman.

And...wrong thread.

Not as wrong as you'd think.
fyi, some silly went and got this thread archived under a false title on suptg.

We know, the GM's already e-mailed them about it. Since I'm lazy does someone have a link to the archive page so we can vote it up in the meantime?

Yea I'm trying to get that fixed, but at this point I doubt it.
Alright then. I'm going to split to get some food, as I realized there is none left in my fucking house. When I come back I'll make a new thread and we'll begin there.
New thread here:

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