/tg/ is MtG worth getting into?How expensive is it to get some decent shit? Should I selectively buy single cards or is it viable to test my luck with random packs? What kind of decks do people play these days?
Yes, I'd presume. Thinking of getting back into MtG, but not sure myself.Depends on your luck and how you go about it.Don't start with singles, if you buy, buy packs. (best option is to go to drafts)People play anything. Competitively, mostly played is Delver of Secrets, Birthing Pod, Zombies...
>>20371355>ZombiesI like zambiestell me more
>>20371367No idea. I mostly play some jankier stuff on Cockatrice, and dislike the very competitive aspect of it...I guess you have lotsa zombies which you can sac for benefits and they come back with Undying or Perist and whatnot?
>>20371367Like Alice has friends
I sold my cards years ago and havn´t played since.Everything but drafts is expensive to some degree.Drafts are best.
>>20371387Alice cant even be friends with Trazyn the Infinite? Thats harsh dude!
>>20371339Google Magic Workstation, the trial version limitations aren't actually implemented at present. Every card ever, free, and online play.
Drafts are okay for starting out, but never depend on boosters to get what you want.Also, if you only buy boosters, you won't be able to get older cards. It might work for Standard, but probably not for Legacy or Modern, or even kitchen table stuff.70 dollars is enough to buy a viable combo deck on its own, and about right for some kind of weenie aggro. Tournament viable, I mean. So don't worry about prices that much.
aren't touhou games mostly about dodging lasers and shit? how did all the characters get so much personality/backstory/porn
I don't know about other folk here, but about 10 years ago I just up and quit. I keep all my cards to play friendly games here and there, and on occasion I pick up an old booster from a FLGS who still stocks them (Fallen empires, YES!). But with kids and the local economy in my area, I can't keep a hobby where I need to keep buying new shit every year to keep up.I've been slowly migrating over to playing older, more out of date pen and paper games because all the books are already out, and newer books don't necessarily make a character more powerful.
>>20371488Fandom.Not a fan of the touhouz myself, precisely because of said fandom.
>>20371453Trazyn would get along well with Marisa. They both love gifts after all.>>20371488The fans are amazing at these thing. They even have chart for each characters pantsu.
I used to play magic with my pals back in the daybut for some reason it always brought out the worst in us
>>20371339>/tg/ is MtG worth getting into?Depends on your situation. Do you have friends who play? Would you rather spend some and play casually, or are you willing to invest more for tournaments and shit?
>>20371453no one is friends with Trazyn.Trazyn only has gifters
Green decks are easy imo to build up, start there!
So like, to hijack this a bit, I have a box of M:tG cards lying around in the garage from when I played like 10+ years ago. I never played competetively so they're just random shit from boosters and premade decks, some are reprints from boxed sets etc. Altogether maybe a thousand cards or something including lands and stuff. Is that a significant enough collection so that I should bother trying to sell it? And if so then what's the best way to do that, do I need to comb through to figure out which cards might be worth something and then sell those seperately? What would be the best way to do that? Or may I just as well take the whole box down to my FLGS and give it away to someone who seems nice? (Might do that anyway, would be a lot less work)
>>20371642I could see Cirno using a green deck. "EYE HAVE THE STRONGEST CREATURES!". Then Marisa casts Worldfire.
>>20371667Find anything worth more than 10 dollars and sell it seperately, then sell the rest as one item.If you're going to take it to the FLGS, sell it for 20 dollars. They'll be getting a bargain.
>>20371488So, the guy who makes Touhou (pen name ZUN, after ZUNTATA, Taito's in-house music department he used to work for) is extraordinarily friendly with the fandom. Going so far as to include fan jokes in canon material. That's how the whole Cirno-9-baka thing got started. After a few comics portrayed her as everybody's retarded little sister, he marked her position on the "this is what's what" picture in a game's instruction manual as position 9, baka (idiot, for the weeaboo-disinclined). Many characters have been taken from literally no-named NPCs into full personalities and relationships by fanon.He's basically fully endorsed the fandom and their activities, and doesn't even ask for royalties. This has led to a massive self-sustaining phenomenon in which there is more fan material than there is canon stuff, which in turn draws even more people into the fandom. As this leads to a series with a massive collection of fans and totally embraced rights to create derivative works thereof, a lot of people take it upon themselves to get their names out by creating absolutely grade-A material, further inflating and inflaming the fanbase. The largest Touhou-only convention is called Reitaisai, and now has over 4,900 content-producing production groups, or 'circles'.
>>20371791It helps that he's also a totally humble guy with an everyday like, newly wed wife, and who dreams of someday opening his own bar/grill/brewery. His entire motivation for starting the series was that he wanted to write game music, so he figured he's just make a game to set the music to. He's even pretty impressive from a technical standpoint, and some would argue a musical genius. If a song for a game takes more than 4 hours to write, he starts over.tl;dr, a humble guy with a simple dream made something that blossomed into awesome and his ability to keep his head and not turn into EA over it let the fanbase flourish and turn into an all-inclusive creative jamboree. It's the ultimately scaled up version of /tg/ getting shit done.So I get to sit over here in Gaijinland and watch stuff like this.http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_940002&feature=iv&src_vid=2qLtwP6fPGE&v=2l6P4eKWFTIhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx3Tq0QLoOUhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMeDKLc1KRc&feature=player_detailpage#t=62shttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ9hpYYE_g0When the source material was this.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6nlNP14RCEhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RKUIrjRAcshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZs3inhpAY4And I like it that way.
>>20371801>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ9hpYYE_g0EVERYTIME. My sides keep running away.
>>20371840Hahaha. The best part is that the enemy mecha is Tokyo Big Sight, the location of Reitaisai.
>>20371791As fascinating as this is, we are straying from the original topic!
>>20371801Are you actually telling me those vids are all fan-made, because if yes I am so jelly I'm a ten-foot cube.
>>20371891See:>>20371626>>20371473>>20371465>>20371416>>20371355>>20371382Reply to some of those, and we'll get back on topic.
>>20371339>/tg/ is MtG worth getting into?MtG will stole all your money like Marisa
>>20371339This image looks like it was doodled in flash, and while I cede that it's pretty well drawn (It's touhou right? I'm behind the times) the most BASIC of photoshopan would've given the artist the "This 2d image is on a plane" look.Just makes me sad to see those cards distract the image so much.
>>20371899Every. Single. One. All the music is fan-remixes and vocals, too.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALVUbBv1z4Ihttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pyAabJ1w5sLots are cute and :3, while other interpretations of the same characters are World of Darkness territory. The best part is that they rarely actually contradict, and you gain amazing insight into 3-dimensional personalities.Observe.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWiV6kks2eQhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YdSEWyPMscIt's not just movies, either. Fangames abound.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6NRHcd4ysQhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv4mhF74JSI&feature=player_detailpage#t=54shttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIzuOG3gsB4&feature=relatedI need to get off this topic or I'm going to get the thread 404'd, but yeah. Touhou has an awesome fanbase, and it's not for nothing.
>>20371855One of these day, I have to go to those events myself.>>20371899Yeah, those are all fanmade. This is also fanmade:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lNZ_Rnr7JcSo many remix from the original that it's not even funny. The Nyaa music collection torrent is about 2 TB.>>20371907Right then, I've heard about Magic Online. Would that serve as a test alternative?
>>20371971I believe Magic Online is one of the ones you have to pay for. According to >>20371465 Magic Workstation is free, and I know Cockatrice is. Use something like magiccards.info to look up cards, build a deck, and then try it out in one of those.If you are willing to pay money, Duels of the Planeswalkers is basically a simplified simulation of the games, with a pool of cards that is limited, as well as minor deck customisation. It isn't the best, obviously, but it'll teach you the rules very well, including how the stack works and so on.
>>20371971don't you mean gb?
>>20371995Ah, I see. My mistake then.>>20371998Nay, I mean TB as in Terabyte.1,000 gigabytes worth of music for just one series.
>>20371971Hey. You linked the one with the full version of the song that somebody brutalized the animation to match.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzEUeWnV73U
Just go play the PC game to find out if you really want to spend time and money on buying physical cards. I really enjoy playing with friends. We usually play EDH though, with decks we've scrounged from our old collections and vintage cards. So much fun to be had.Tournament level is way different though. In my opinion, it sucks out all the fun of the game and really isn't worthwhile unless you make it your primary hobby.
>>20371801>When the source material was this.>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6nlNP14RCE>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RKUIrjRAcs>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZs3inhpAY4Jesus Christ. Couldn't the guy leverage some of that fanpower to make games that look at least a tenth as good as some of those vids?
>>20372235A big part of what makes ZUN awesome is that he does everything by himself, with the exception of the side games such as the 2D fighter in the last link.Character art, programming, music, dialogue, story, everything.I think he wants to hold onto that, and I can't say I disagree. For what it's worth, the more recent games look better.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itt0BNGd1nk
Lessons for starting:1.) Don't playtest only on Cockatrice because 90% of players play shitty jank decks that have no relevance. Just use it to see if you like the deck you're planning on getting.2.) Don't play Legacy unless you want to pay out the ass.3.) Don't trust most of /tg/, 90% of people here are casual as fuck and the other 10% are mocked by the 90% for "lolnetdecking".4.) Don't straight-up netdeck IRL, but you should go through the 4-0 lists, see how they're played, try them on Cockatrice or Magic Online, and see what you like. Then start working on a decklist.
Get the Deckbuilder packHas crap tons of cards to fool around with
What the HELLthis thread isn't a Touhou Quest! you tricked me /tg/!
wait, that fantasy kaleidescope thing was fan made?holy shit is that a dedicated fanbase
Hey /tg/, I'm just gonna stop in and say that last night I went to a FNM after 10ish years of not playing. I bought the green/white event deck and entered the tournament on a whim. I went 1-3, had a blast, and made some friends in the process.This is worth getting back into, but only if you have a community to join.Question: all the cards I own are in that green/white event deck. It seems as though the consensus here is to buy packs so I'll pick up a box. Does /tg/ suggest M13 or Avacyn restored? Let it be known that I like playing green, white, and red the most.
>>20372318Yeah, but none of those cards are good, nor will he be able to construct a deck with any kind of uniting mechanic from them. Seriously, his money would be much better spent on an event deck which he can use to learn how to play and tweak to his liking once he knows a little more about the game. Also, building your own deck from scratch with little to no prior experience with the game is a daunting task.
Mokou>Kaguyadeal with it
>>20372143Ah, right then. Anyway, Touhou fanbase are quite amazing with the contents they created.Espically any PV created by this guy:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8IJLjfiR4w>>20372513Well, that's like, your opinion, man.Suika = Cirno = Tewi > Others
>>20371667Give it away to some kid who just bought an intro pack. He'll cherish it forever, trust me.
>>20372428Wouldn't you know it? I posted the trailers to the 2nd and 3rd ones without actually showing the original. Full TV-length episode voice-acted retelling (in incredibly dumbed down Saturday morning cartoon-o-vision) of Touhou 7: Perfect Cherry Blossomhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_940002&feature=iv&src_vid=2qLtwP6fPGE&v=2l6P4eKWFTIOne girl does every character's voice, and she dubbed the animation after it had already been released, voiceless, by the original producers.My only beef with this one is that it took a tragic character with best intentions gone terribly wrong and turned her into Skeletor with Flowers.
>>20371339Go to a prerelease I think it's the easiest way to get started as you get 6 boosters and are equal ground with everyone else when the set is released. (Well more equal ground)
Go to a pre release eventThose are fun if you got the right people
>>20372628>using spoilers in a context where they're actually expected to be spoilers, but they aren'tPlease, please don't do that.
did /tg/ ever stat up any more characters
>>20373027Wow, this is actually pretty awesome. I might take a crack at this at some point.Now to choose one character from the ~80.Whoever made that one forgot to mention that she reincarnates instantly when killed, making her effectively mini-Tarrasque. To kill a fairy permanently, you have to destroy everything that they draw their power from. As Cirno draws her power from cold, you have to remove the concept of temperature. The only way to permanently kill her is to return the universe to a state of singularity. Cirno really is the strongest.
>>20373113Eh, let's not overdo it with the "instant reincarnation". Sure, you can't kill a fairy. However, I am fairly certain it would take some time for a fairy to reform properly, a respawn timer, if you will, and probably some form of resurrection sickness on top of that.Just saying.
>>20373186Fair enough.Mokou, on the other hand...
>>20373027>incredibly clumsy>Small and Fey so has 20 DexOh, 3e.
>>20373113>permanently kill her is to return the universe to a state of singularity.Huh, I've always thought that you could kill her by melting her down.
>>20373229You can. But fairies reincarnate wholesale until you destroy what they embody. Notice that every time you beat Cirno in the games, she explodes in a poof of energy. Then shows up again in the next game.>>20373222Ever since the opening stage of Hisoutensoku, I've always thought of this as Cirno's non-combat theme.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZyOb6L1GJc
>>20373204Oh, sure.Until you either bury her in a massive landfill, or just to be sure, put her into a container filled with concrete and launch her into space.Solid matter inside lungs - no consciousness. She might get back up every single time, after everything, but she still has to follow normal human rules for being alive. She doesn't get exempt from the need to eat, for example. She just keeps going until she drops dead and then gets back up.
Booster drafting MtG is both cheap and egalitarian.$15 to get to pick 45 cards from 8 packs, seeing a potential 276 cards. Plus you get packs if you win.Card-equity it absolute if you ignore random chance. Skill is another story.
>>20373204Stat her.
>>20373295Actually, the effect of the Hourai Elixer is that it makes you independent in the most wide-reaching literal application of the term. You exist as your own higher justification for existing, and your divine right to be cannot be challenged by anything, material or esoteric. Mokou will outlive all other things, people, ideas, concepts, gods, even the universe itself.This is why Yuyuko was shaken at the end of Imperishable Night. Her power over death had no effect on her.Aside from that, when Mokou's physical body dies, she explodes and the reincarnation process is actually quite violent. Her non-spellcards in her fight are actually that process; she's not even attacking. I don't think burying her will work.
I dont know about you, but there is something special about opening random packs...Where is the best place to get your mtg fix online anyways?
>>20373335>Skill is another story.When you start drafting, you will lose. A lot. And fairly, which is worse.But you'll learn tons.
>>20373027I rewrote the Okuu and Cirno images, and made builds for Marisa, Alice, Patchouli, Yukari, Sakuya, Remilia, Flandre, Meiling, Youmu.I'll see about digging them up - I didn't save them all.
>>20373250Ah, I see. Thanks for the explanation. 2hu setting is fun.
>>20373388It's one of my favorite parts of the whole thing. Reading about the characters' reasoning and means for getting to the moon in Silent Sinner in Blue was fascinating in an amazingly charming way.
>>20373346>>20373204That explosion-resurrection already exists in DnD in a few forms.Her having constant True Resurrection isn't a game-breaker - it just puts her at the CR where death is neither a solution or a concern.>>20373186Yeah, for Cirno - a nine day delay before her True Resurrection activates is good. For a character, as long as the personality of a fairy is played honestly it won't be a game-breaker. Anyone who was playing a Touhou character would be doing so for the character at any rate, so there's a lot of trust you can assume.
>>20373407>Silent Sinner in BlueStill have to read that, my backlog keep growing and growing.
Alright. I took ashot at this, but I'm out of time and there are still lots of holes/typos in it. If someone wants to finish it, that'd be fine with me.Name: Fujiwara no MokouSize/Type: Medium Humanoid [Fire, Unique]Hit Dice: 20d6Initiative: +5Speed: 40 ft., Fly 60ft (Perfect)Armor Class: 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10Base Attack/Grapple: +15/0Attack: Phoenix Fire (6d6) +15 Ranged TouchFull Attack: Phoenix Fire (6d6) +15 Ranged TouchSpace/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.Special Attacks: Phoenix Fire, ReincarnationSpecial Qualities: Fire Immunity, Graze, Involuntary Substitution, Hourai Ascendent, Valor, Fury Saves: Abilities: Str 12, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 20Skills: Move Silently 5 Listen 5 Survival 20 Track 20 Knowledge: History 20Feats: Die Hard, Precise Shot, Far Shot, Rapidshot, MultishotEnvironment: Bamboo Forest of the LostOrganization: SolitaryChallenge Rating: 20Treasure: NoneAlignment: Chaotic Good
Phoenix Fire (Su): Mokou can project a bird-shaped blast of fire up to 250' with no range increment. Resolve as a Ranged Touch attack. This attack may be substituted for any individual iterative attack in a Full Attack Action, up to Mokou's full amount of attacks allowed for her Base Attack Bonus.Graze (Ex): Mokou gains the benefit of the Evasion feat while flying.Involuntary Substitution (Ex): Mokou's magic is centically themed on the mythical Phoenix. If she casts a spell with any energy descriptor, (Fire, Acid, Electricity, Sonic), its subtype and energy damage is replaced with fire.Hourai Ascendent (Ex): Mokou is immune to Energy Drain, Negative Energy damage, Death Effects, Truenaming, and Reincarnation (Ex): When Mokou's HP is reduced to -10, her body disappears in a harmless explosion of flame and light. One round following, the Reincarnation takes effect, and all creatures within 100' must make continual Reflex saves (DC 10 +2 for each Reincarnation in the same day.) for the next 10 rounds to avoid the torrent of collecting cosmic energy or take 5d6 untyped damage per failed check. Upon completion of Reincarnation, Mokou returns to the location she died at with full health.Valor (Ex): Mokou's combat prowess is fuelled by per personal feelings. Every day, Mokou starts with a Valor score of 5. Mokou receives DR */--, Fast Healing *, and receives a bonus of * to all her abilities, where * is her present Valor score. Upon being reduced to -10 HP and the completion of Reincarnation, Mokou must make a Will save (DC10 +1 per Reincarnation in the same day.) or lose 1 point of Valor. Mokou's Reincarnation ceases to function until the dawn of the next day if her Valor reaches 0.Fury (Ex): If Mokou encounters Kaguya Houraisan at any time during the day, triple her existing Valor score.
My touhou OTP is mokouxkaguya
>>20373782Uhm. well AC is low, but that's it.I'm just not completely sure about those abilities.
>>20373847Me either. I was just kind of spitting ideas.AC was intentionally low, though. Aside from her powers, she's bog-standard human. Athletic human, but human.
>>20373812>>20373782Interesting...though I can see any D&D Wizard going 'So her Wisdom is +0...and she's unkillable? Come here Dominate Bait'
>>20373782>>20373812...what's Kaguya's alignment? CN?
>>20373869Good point. I'd throw Mind-Altering Effects into the list of things she's immune to.>>20373907Something Evil. She drove Mokou's father to suicide by giving him a series of impossibly difficult tasks to earn her hand in marriage, then shot him down anyways while accepting the benefits of his efforts. She feels no guilt and taunts Mokou over it.And sends the protagonists to harass Mokou for the hell of it, claiming she's the badguy.
>>20373862Instead of:>Reincarnation (Ex): When Mokou's HP is reduced to -10, her body disappears in a harmless explosion of flame and light. One round following, the Reincarnation takes effect, and all creatures within 100' must make continual Reflex saves (DC 10 +2 for each Reincarnation in the same day.) for the next 10 rounds to avoid the torrent of collecting cosmic energy or take 5d6 untyped damage per failed check. Upon completion of Reincarnation, Mokou returns to the location she died at with full health.This would be better - and this is CR20, don't forget.Phoenix Death Throes (Ex)When killed, Mokou explodes in a blinding flash of light that deals 100 points of damage to anything within 100 feet (Reflex DC 30 half). The save DC is Constitution-based.On the next round, Mokou is restored as by True Resurrection.And add to the Hourai ability: Mokou is also immune to any effect that would alter her soul. If her form is changed by any Polymorph spell or similar, she returns to her original form after one round (if harmless) or must make a save against it each round until successful.That Valour ability is interesting. Add some abilities that burn her Valour pool, and there'd be a decent chassis for Cirno as well.
>>20373862>>20373869According to Lunatic Runagate the phoenix is actually a goddess essence melded with Mokou. this should grant her some really special qualities, I guess, like effect resistances
>>20374027...Or a Divinity score?
>>20374013>You're now imagining BDSM Mokou with a flaming whip
>>20374013Ah, sorry - I forgot to correct the save on her (totally not Balor) Death Throes.Now yes, a Balor is CR20 as well - but a Balor is much, much tougher than Mokou as she is right now. Insta-resurrection is just an irritating defensive ability - it's no true threat if she has no special movement modes or escape powers.There are also some abilities here you may like to look at: http://www.tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?p=40226#40226
>>20374061Dude, i played only 3.5 vanilla with homebrew setting.WTF does Divinity Score?
>>20374064Clearly how she'll punish Kayuga.
>>20374095It's how levels of Deity are measured.http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Divine_Ranks
>>20374066>it's no true threat if she has no special movement modes or escape powers.Mhm. That is exactly why I suggested burying her in a massive, massive landfill, or launching her into space. (If applicable, if not, some sort of quasi-elemental plane that'd keep her incapacitated would do.)
>Topic goes from mtg to touhoumission accomplished
>>20374155Blame the person who decided to OP with a picture of touhoes playing MTG. :P
>>20374155>Urza's SagaGood taste Patchy>starts imagining Urza having tea at the SDM
How's his look:Valor (Ex): Mokou's combat prowess is fuelled by per personal feelings. Every day, Mokou starts with a Valor score of 5. Mokou receives DR */--, Fast Healing *, and receives a bonus of * to all her abilities, where * is her present Valor score. Upon being reduced to -10 HP and the completion of Reincarnation, Mokou must make a Will save (DC10 +1 per Reincarnation in the same day.) or lose 1 point of Valor. Mokou's Reincarnation ceases to function until the dawn of the next day if her Valor reaches 0.Upon victory in any battle where her Valour Pool was reduced, she gains one point of Valour.Upon defeating an opponent she gains one point of Valour.Any points in excess of 5 are lost at the next sunset.By spending a point of Valour as a free action, Mokou may increase the damage done by her Phoenix Fire to 20d6 and gain the effects of Haste and Balor Nimbus until the end of her next round.
>>20374324This build is going places, people.Nice job, Anon.Random observation: If Mokou counts as her own little speck of her own little reality, then shouldn't she be [Extraplanar] no matter where she is?
>>20374324Involuntary Substitution (Ex): Mokou's magic is centically themed on the mythical Phoenix. If she casts a spell with any energy descriptor, its subtype and energy damage is replaced with Divine Fire. Half the damage is fire damage, but the other half results directly from quasi-divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to fire-based attacks.Hourai Ascendent (Ex): Mokou is immune to Energy Drain, [Mind Affecting], Negative Energy damage, [Death] Effects, Truenaming, and any effect that would target her soul. If her form is changed by any Polymorph spell or similar, she returns to her original form after one round (if harmless) or must make a save against it each round until successful. This ability functions regardless of her will (add this line to Death Throes) and may not be suppressed by anything.>>20374369Hmm... interesting idea. In that case an Anti/Genesis spell might have an unpredictable effect upon her. Likewise Banishment spells and Dimensional Anchor. I don't think it suits her, but it would be a very interesting character.
>>20374466>>20374466Maybe just make her qualify for any spell that uses the Extraplanar subtype to determine whether or not she's a valid target, but have the spells not actually do anything. Nice little WTF moment for the system-savvy.Also, it occurs to me that we haven't added any actual spellcasting. Her powers at present are shooting firebirds, getting better at fighting as she gets angrier, being really hard to kill, and self-destructing. So let's put that Involuntary Substitution ability to use.What class should she cast as? I'm not sure if she canonically learned to use her magic through centuries of having nothing to do, or all that fiery goodness was granted when she took the Hourai Elixer.And while she uses pretty much nothing but Evocation spells, her unique source of power suggest calling it Divinely sourced.
What's the source of the Valour skill?
I suddenly miss the glory days of touhoufagWonder if he still thinks of us
>>20374522For the class, something around ranger maybe?about the planar movement, shouldn't she appear again on her original plane everytime she dies on another one, considering that the immortality is binded to that same plane?
>>20374648Probably, yeah. I'm a bit sketchy on the rules for that one.
>>20374564Let's not start all that half-fae catboy shit.
>>20374541>What class should she cast as? I'm not sure if she canonically learned to use her magic through centuries of having nothing to do, or all that fiery goodness was granted when she took the Hourai Elixer.I think just grabbing all the appropriate Fire Mage abilities from that link above would work. Just because the Valour ability is interesting, I'd make some of them use it up, and remove the Mindfire.Adding some Spellcards would be useful.http://www.tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?p=40226#40226
>>20374564>get in /jp/.jpg
>>20374700Maybe have Spellcards burn Valor, as Valor serves as expy HP for Mokou under its relevance to Phoenix Death Throes, and getting through Spellcards is pretty core to the practice of defeating a Touhou character.Translating these to tabletop terms could be difficult, though.http://touhou.wikia.com/wiki/Imperishable_Night:_Extra_Spell_CardsMaybe just cherrypick the most iconic. [Forgiveness - "Honest Man's Death"] , [Hourai - "Fujiyama Volcano"], ["Possessed by Phoenix"], and ["Imperishable Shooting"] seem the most likely to me, flavor and mechanics-wise.
>>20374700I'm sure the fiery goodness is canonically given by phoenix possession, making it a spell-like ability of some sort.
>>20372456If you're going to pick up a box, use the packs to draft, don't just open them.
...Ex Keine history eating would be a legitimately meta ability?
>>20374782Yeah. Not all the abilities would burn it either - some should alter the save for her next Valour Loss Check.- This is getting complex, but could be applied to many more characters than just Mokou, such as (obviously) Kaguya, Cirno and unquantifiable characters like Yukari.>>20374861Yeeeaass. Yeah - but it has limitations, anything more powerful than her (or an order of magnitude more powerful) should be immune to it.In-game, varieties of "redo this round" and mind-affecting abilities might work.
>>20374949It sounds to me almost like we're teetering on creating our own derivative system.Also, this is totally unrelated to anything, but I just want to share.http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/374794/20120817/electronic-arts-ea-games-sale.htmmfwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7-y-A3D5bk
http://pastebin.com/EidYCeLfThis is what it looks like so far. I'm working through the Fire Mage abilities to pick the ones that are appropriate to how I'm looking at her.A few have a Valour cost, but I think the others could stand to have Valour Check modifiers.
>>20375660I would make Valor something other than a [Hourai] Skill. That way it could be applied to just about any character. It actually works very well for statting characters, as you can have it be burnt to use spellcards, or function as a "lives" system when on the offensive.
>>20375827You're right - I'll make it a [Valour] ability instead and add it to what is gained by the Hourai Immortal, that'll stop it being restricted to it. Oh, and I'm only namefagging because by using pastebin I'm doing it already.
>>20372143>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzEUeWnV73UI came to Touhou through porn. ...It appears I've been missing out on quite a bit. Jesus Christ.
>>20375986Tell me about it. Also, for your amusement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeEIteQmpHEThis is how CNN became known as the Cirno News Network.Also also, some people made a passable English version. It's important to remember that Japan never had an emo movement, so when they write depressing lyrics, they mean it. It's not an attention-grab.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owFulRTR1ScOne more for the "seriously?" factor.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dx76YPgZviE
>>20375961Valour actually seems to be pretty neat. Where'd the idea come from? Any plans on taking Valour beyond the touhous?
>>20376264Blathering Touhou fanboy here.I made it up on the spot. Literally as I was typing it.
>>20376295That's really a neat idea. good job.
>>20376295To second: >>20376364It's a great idea. I was just making Touhous with a "play nice or Yukarin will make you~" assumption, but this is much better.Anyway, is this still looking alright?http://pastebin.com/EidYCeLfIt is mostly based on your original ideas, so it's yours. I'm a fairly high-power GM, but I don't think I've let her be more powerful than a Balor.
>>20376295Well good for you. I think its a right dandy idea and possibly one that could be adapted to all sorts of different systems and what not, with a bit o' work.
>>20376063...Seriously? Ok, you got me. Although I can't say it's an improvement on the original. The instruments don't really fit.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tujga5JdP1M
>>20376443>>20376417>>20376364All your reactions to the Valour system have far exceeded any expectation I had for it. I'm glad you all like it so much.And yeah, Antumbra, that looks pretty good.(Actually, the Fuck-All thing under her possessions reminded me that those ofuda all over her pants are actually to keep them from burning up. So... Slacks of ... I dunno. Fire Resistance would be redundant.)
>>20376519Treasure: Mokopants (wondrous item, clothing)Mokopants are impervious to high temperatures. they grant to the wearer Polymorph Human Sausage Form at will.
>>20376794Added Mokopants and Charms.I think she's basically done. Now, to make it survive on the internet, it needs to be overlaid on an image...
>>20377097I'd help with this part, but I'm moving a couple hundred miles tonight, and I'm getting dragged out by the family for a goodbye dinner.I'll have to check back in in a couple hours, and failing that, tomorrow morning. Godspeed, Antumbra and all assisting Anons.
>>20377337That's quite alright - I'm going to pare it down into a list of effects, list of Valour effects type deal. As is, it's way too long.
/tg/, getting shit done in the weirdest of ways
>>20377337 hereBack already, though I have to pack the laptop now.I just wanted you all to know that in honor of this thread, I ordered the a house special drink at the hibachi joint we went to.A Fujiyama Volcano.
>>20378559That's a real drink? What's it made of?
>>20378579I don't remember exactly, as I am a newbie to drinking in general, but I remember it tasted of strong liquor and citrus. Was served with a slice of orange and a cherry skewered with one of those novelty plastic swords.
>>20378559Oh how appropriate!... I wonder what cocktails you could do based on the Touhou cast? Something with ice in it for Cirno, obviously, something based on that Fujiyama Volcano for Mokou...
>>20378609Black Velvet for Rumia
>>20378596Alright. I'm out. Laptop's going into the bag. See you all later, maybe.
>>20378632You are a man of excellent taste.
>>20371339>>/tg/ is MtG worth getting into?Do you have friends to play with?Know a local LGS not filled with neckbearded aspies? Are you not a huge douchenozzle when it comes to games?Then yes.>>How expensive is it to get some decent shit? Decent? Not much. A lot of newly returning players play EDH/commander because it's singleton, thus lowering cost somewhat by not having to have playsets.>>is it viable to test my luck with random packs?Packs are better for the random deck ideas/chance of expensive rare it gives you, plus always good non-rares. It's a debate that's pretty much personal preference, though some rares are so expensive it's better to just buy a box and hope you get one in a pack.>> What kind of decks do people play these days?A little bit of everything, though tournament wise everyone loves Blue, because blue is unfortunately the most viable color when you're playing super-competitive
Touhous also have just plain silly powers. Remilia can manipulate fate. Sakuya can stop time (she mostly uses this to clean...). Flandre can intuitively see and attack the weak point of any object (fanon has her confined to the basement for her toy-breaking tendancies). Yukari and Remilia both have control over borders, which has far-reaching implications.One of them - Okuu - is a borderline retard who got gifted control over fusion by a god.Some are more mundane, though. Marisa, Alice, and Patchouli are all just fairly vanilla magicians with their own quirks. Alice in particularly deliberately hamstrings herself by fighting below her power level because the ego impact of losing when going all-out would be unacceptable.
>>20378898Hence why they use Spellcard Duels. Mutually Assured Destruction is everyone went crazy.
>>20378934This after things nearly did go to shit when "a vampire" showed up and started shenanigans (implied to be Remi).
>>20378934And afterwards they all have a picnic
>>20378981>Patchy>sniperWorst idea ever.
>>20378981Never bought Yuyuko as heavy. I'd say it's more Marisa's bag.Okuu would make an acceptable alternative for pyro.
>>20379012Whats wrong with itYou just sit in one spot allllllll day long
>>20379012Well, at least she's not having to be moving about.
>Wake up>Thread derail fully into TouhouAmazing.>>20376063>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeEIteQmpHEI...what. They cannot be that stupid.
Do you believe in magic...
>>20379082There is a VERY good reason they got called the 'Cirno News Network'
>>20379090I fear no man!But that thing, it scares me
Do you guys really enjoy derailing things? It's little wonder not many people think highly of touhou fans.
So is /tg/ safe for /tg/ to get shit done and make a Touhou RPG?
Stat the best Touhou, /tg/
>>20379198Bitch, please. As if this is the only derail to ever happen on /tg/. And besides, there's a fucking Touhou picture in the OP.Its like posting a picture of a Space Marine while asking about dragons then getting pissy when people start talking a bout Eldar.
>>20379198Its OP who derailed it.
>>20379161I can see that now.>>20379201Well there's already a Touhou RPG>[東方TRPG] Danmaku Yuugi -flowers-Is the name.
>>20379198OP's question was answered. /tg/ always wants to talk about Touhou but rarely gets a chance to.
>>20379198If I had the picture about OP making one of the two biggest mistakes, I'd post it. Besides, /tg/ derails into greater and greater things.
>>20379235>>[東方TRPG] Danmaku Yuugi -flowers-Doesn't count, its shit. Has nice art but otherwise unreadable.I've got the makings of one (by which I mean a lot of disnjointed ideas but no solid mechanics).
Wouldnt Exalted or something work well for this crazy world?
>>20379277>ExaltedHell no.
>>20379267Then how about a modification of Legend of the Wulin? There was a plan to run a crossover setting between the Three Kingdom and Touhou a long time ago, but the guy who said he'll run it is missing.
>>20379267Honestly? I'd go with a LotW mod. As their combat system and it's Ripples Focus is GREAT for the not-really-lethal combat Touhou has.
>>20379298>>20379304I was thinking hacking apart 3:16. Touhou's all about blasting hordes of anonymous mooks for points then blasting a named chump until the problem stops.3:16 is all about blasting hordes of anonymous aliens for points then glassing a planet just to be sure.
Draft a whole bunch, amass a collection, build a deck you like from there. Want to play more casual, build a commander deck. Find a few buds who play and ask for advice. You will probably get free cards if you are a cool guy.
>>20379347Could work. I favor LotW for it's 'Beat people up and then go out for tea' ability...but that's quite viable.
Since this got turned into a mini-touhou thread:What is ZUN's opinion's on the foreign fanbase? Does he care about people pirating the games?I ask this because I'd rather not bother with buying and importing the games if he just makes them with limited runs for a semi-japanese exclusive convention.
>>20379618>What is ZUN's opinion's on the foreign fanbase?What the fuck is a "foreign fanbase?" Are you telling me there's things that aren't Japan out there?I think you can import the games if you really want to but they're kind of shit.
So if I was curious about Touhou, what's the proper entry point into the setting? Not the games themselves apparently.
>>20379731That is...hard to work out at times. A good fanwork + the wiki open helps...but it's something that takes a bit of soaking in, just due to how big it is (While also being largely fan controlled in areas)
>>20379731Start reading doujinsALL OF THEMyou'll eventually find which character interpretations/OTP's you like while getting the basic outline of the lore
>>20379752They get translated, right? I'm afraid I do not moonspeak.
>>20379752I can't fucking believe the japs did something on this
>>20379773Yeah. A lot do.http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/touhou-miko-miko-suika-doujinshi-r3249I'm a fan of this one...but I'm not sure how easy it is to get into for new people. The wiki likely IS required.
>>20379773Shit tons are translatedI get mine from E-HentaiThey actually have a Non-H tab at the topso I type in "Touhou Eng"So many pages on just that site!
>>20379731"Yukkuri shittete ne" is your password to a wonderful world of touhoes.
>>20379789Remember, japs can force anything with touhou
>>20379815You'll also see a lot of these thing.
>>20379823Or, in another sense, TF2 can be forced onto anything.
What the fuck happened to this thread?
I'm a force of nature!
>>20379879>Sniper GarrusAwesome>>20379882Touhou happened
>>20379882Touhou hijack, lol.Also, I've wanted to see what interest there is in L5R: Gensokyo.
>>20379928Mite b cool
>>20379902Ghost blow job?>>20379928>Legend of the Five Ring: GensokyoTouhou is bleeding into everything. 40k is hit with this as well, with catgirl now canon, I have a starting point to create the Mayohiga Armoured Regiment. This regiment is known for its loud battle speaker.
>>20379928I think L5R might be a bit...lethal. But could be cool.
>>20379928There's definitely interest here. A LOT of interest.Now, this thread needs to be fluffier.
>>20380005Just replace "dead" with "lost at danmaku".Unless you're into grimdark.
>>20380034Glorious Fluffy Tails.
>>20380076[x] Touch fluffy tail
>>20380114MY HEART.
>>20380005>>20380034>>20379979I guess I'll get on that, then.But first, I need to play a Diablo 2 mod long enough to get it out of my system for the next three months. I guess I'll be on the suptg irc #L5Rgensokyo starting next week, if anyone wants to drop in.
>>20380148There is nothing cuter than Ran and Chen.
>>20380170Have you tried MedianXL?
>>20380188What about Ran, Chen, and Yukari?>>20380170Good luck on your work, might have to start studying L5R system since I've been wanting to play a Touhou PnP for a while now.
>>20380199That's what I'll be doing.Darkpally all day, erry day.
>>20380170Why no do both?http://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php?topic=9465.0
Coming soonOr maybe never
>>20380237My brain is full of little girls.
>>20380221Dammit, you're right.But what could possibly be cuter than Ran, Chen, and Yukari?
>>20380221Cuter than Meiling, I think notAlso here's a band singing a Touhou fan song to a hugeass crowd.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJEmcaqkETI
>>20380297Such an adorable family.>>20380299OPPAI! OPPAI! Beat Mario is very brave to do something like that. Then again, you're doing it infront of people who's a fan of the samething as you afterall.
>>20380299Okuu is best. End of question.
>>20380335Yeah, she's the best AT BEING SECOND BEST TO HONG MEILING>>20380330I love how the crowd knows the words. It's pretty cool some game made by a guy on a crappy computer can become such a huge thing
So, I'm actually working on a Touhou RPG myself, since I saw the Danmaku Yuugi -Flowers- RPG and found it... extremely lacking, although I really liked the aesthetic sense of it.I don't think I have anything near close to release yet, but I've got like... an extremely early alpha version that can actually create a functional character sheet, at least. Granted, I dunno if anyone but me could create a character sheet off of it, but...I may try to create a cleaner version of the design document to post on here, possibly, if there's interest.
>>20380434If you want, share. We'll look over it and flame you to death/offer constructive advice. One of the two.
>>20380391This isn't even her final form!
>>20380449Alrighty, lemme just clean things up. It'll still be a rambling mess, but at the very least all the important stuff should be in there.
>>20380391Indeed, the fanbase is quite dedicated as well. Amazing thing can happen from a small start.>>20380434Post it, mite b cool.
>>20380391I :3 HongIn the fandom she tends to get so much shit, but she takes it like a man anyways!
Alrighty, got it.Read at your own risk, while I tried to make it relatively organised, it's still something of a clusterfuck, and it's also extremely unfinished/unpolished.http://www.mediafire.com/?8kqnt9hat92mtzqA note about XP values, Power values etc: These are mostly placeholders. I haven't really done any work on balancing out the math yet, aside from deciding that 1000 XP in TDC is alike to 1 XP in something like Storyteller.
>>20380499THough at times she can be a badass!
>>20380818All Touhous can be badass and scary at times. Or the cutest things ever. It's one of the reasons Touhou is so popular.
>>20380732Reading it now. Wouldn't it be better to merge Whimsy and Temperance? It look like the samething just in reverse.
>>20380888Personally I'm against the idea of boiling down personality traits to numbers. Things like that are too complex for that sort of thing. But that's just me.
>>20380888Yeah, the "soft" stats are... much, much less solidly designed than the hard ones. I didn't just throw them in there haphazardly but they don't fit as well into the system/have much use at this point in time.That said, I was trying to use the soft stats as a way to sneak references in to the central spiritual powers of Gensokyo (Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto). I just could've done a better job. Will look at replacing Temperance with something less redundant.
>>20380818Hong Meiling is a shoto?
>>20380881cute man eating beasties doing cute things
Too lazy to go to the restroom?Summon some jars!
>>20381131She isn't lazy, she just made CON her dump stat, to the extent that moving around is too strenuous/ But Gensokyo runs on Caster Edition so its not a problem
Thread needs more of this picture, because Koakuma's rapeface is always relevant.And honestly, there's no need for a completely new rules system for a Touhou RPG. I GUESS L5R would work, but personally, I'm all in the favor of LOTW, because of its flexibility and inherently non-lethal consequences.I've actually statted out a few characters, notably Momiji, and a few Mountain of Faith lesser legends as non-unique specialist warriors, complete with useful abilities, utilizing even the homebrew from wulinlegends.pbworks.comHurr's what I made:Momiji: http://pastebin.com/Nb3wt7YzHere's also a Legendary Weapon I made for Nitori. Not sure how well I did on that one. I like the concept, but not sure if I did OK on the numbers: http://pastebin.com/GS41r19bOh for fuck's sake... I lost the lesser legends. Okay, here's what I remember, I'm not statting them up right now.-Wolf Tengu Guard had the same external setup as Momiji, nothing really special about them. 4th rank Lesser Legends.-Crow Tengu Skirmishers had the Soaring Spider-Monkey external, and a spear, and a custom ability that lets them cross two zones, as if they were using that one internal technique I can't remember the name of right now. 3rd Rank lesser legends.-Kappa Engineers had the Patient Mason external and a flexible/massive weapon combo (Extendo-arms). 4th Rank lesser legends.-Kappa Predators had the Murderous Shadows external and a Ranged/Massive weapon (Oh fuck, that's an anti-tank rifle). Pretty ridiculous Stealth. 3rd Rank lesser legends.
>>20381604> (Oh fuck, that's an anti-tank rifle).Bitches Love Cannons.
>>20381604That's pretty damn cool. And the Thunderbringer is TERRIFYING.
>>20372307This. Yes, Magic is worth playing. I suggest you first learn about the color pie and consider colors that match your gaming style, then find a preconstructed deck in those colors.
>>20371339you can by an infect deck for 304a genesis wave deck for 50$ maxtrading post for like 60$>i even bought my entire edh for under 300$
>>20381902Thanks. :P And yeah, the Thunderbringer is really powerful. I was kinda worried about making it too OP, but hey, nobody says that even Nitori has to start with full 50 Glory in the gun. I was thinking maybe start at 20 and let it build up if the players let the progress of TECHNOLOGY march on.Anyway, gotta run now. Hopefully this will still be here by the time I come back.
>>20381837Cannons you say?
>>20382381Yep. Bitches Love Them.
My collection of 500+ Magic cards were primarily stolen from Target. It can be as cheap as you want.
I recommend drafting. Least "pay2win" of all the formats.
whoa...still alive?!
>>20382878Nothing can stop this level of cute!
>>20382912Please stay cute forever Okuu
>>20383663Needs more badass.
>>20379207Now that I've woken up... Okuu should be fairly easy to do after Mokou. Much more straightforward.Mokou. Still haven't condensed her power list into a "build an effect" style deal. (So, here are effects you can spend a Standard Action on, in brackets is what changes if you spend Valour etc, here's the Valour Check modifier)http://pastebin.com/EidYCeLfAnyone have any ideas for making the Spellcards?They should probably all be optionally non-lethal,
I'll get a lot of hate from crazy nerds but being objective: No.I'm not going to complain about old MtG was better before or something like that, but nowadays most TCG are pretty much shit, and even worse, the same shit.So, instead of getting into a "mainstream" game that is pretty expensive i'd recommend you to get into another TCG with more decent prices and not a hungry company that keeps forcing you to get a lot of new stuff all the time.
>>20384416I have 198 MB of Mokou pics, but my internet today is so shit I can't even finish uploading...geez.
>>20384416Spellcards...I'm not sure. They are more or less a sustainable attack spell.I think you could write an entire system trying to deal with how to make them.
>>20384557Yeah. Right now, I was thinking of them as a kind of automated attack. Similar to a Storm of Vengeance. It trades power for being locked into the sequence.Example Fujiwara VolcanoRound 1: Shatterfloor hits every square in range. Barrage of fire bolts from Mokou.Round 2: Ground explodes under X targets, fireballs rise up to hit flyers. Stinking Cloud covers the area.Round 3: Eruption of lava from the exploded ground. Pillars of fire and Cometfalls.While a Spellcard is in effect, the caster is protected by XXXX and XXXX, but is Dazed for the duration (bypassing Daze immunity).That looks rather nice, though of course it's on the weak side level 20.
>>20384616Makes sense. Those with weaknesses could get more power for the same level. Cirno's Icicle Fall -Easy-? It's VERY efficient... because it has a blatant weakness.
>>20381837I like you. I like that Abridged Series. I'm going for a walk.(I cannot wait for Haloween.)
>>20384843> I'm going for a walk.No, no walks.
>>20384877>mfw he was watching Adventure Time
>>20384877Then you need to hurry up and hook up some god damn DLS in here!
>>20384974Look...what do I need to give you?
>>20384997a 70 inch plasma widescreen tvwith netflix
>>20385053Should it also be 3D?
Okay, I think this is the final version.http://pastebin.com/EidYCeLfOnly one spellcard, but I think that's fine - no need to have a half-dozen of them when they're all variations on a theme of "EVERYTHING IS FIRE".I abandoned the list of effects and just cleaned them up. I wanted to keep it mostly self-contained, so I didn't give out many "refer to this spell" effects.I'm working on making it an image. It's still a pretty hefty length, but we'll see.
>>20385590All the flat damage is a little odd. No rolling?
>>20385636It's a compromise based on a few things:For Evocation to matter at a high level, it needs to do more than 20d6 damage. Fire Damage, even when it bypasses half of any protection, is still easy to resist. Most of her Fire damage is actually halved in play.Rolling 20d6 damage, multiple times a round is annoying and slow. Dice are better for players (and saying "you take 100 damage" with no rolling is pretty intimidating).She has a decent ability to draw fights out, just from her Hourai Template - and one of the most annoying things in DnD is a 60-minute round.I didn't want to do "50+10d6" or "2d6*10" damage formats. I just don't think it's as neat, and doesn't scale as obviously as 10 damage per HD.
/tg/, /touhou games/
>>20384902Hell yeah
And here it is. I had to crush it down a fair bit to fit in the upload, so here's a link to the full quality version:http://i.imgbox.com/adcHOKjd.jpgIt's not perfect, but it isn't that bad either. If there was one change I would have made, it would be to lower her CR to about 14 - immortality and firepower is good, but it's not CR20 worthy. Luckily it's rather easy to do - all her abilities are clearly HD dependant. However it would be a lot of reworking and I was already done when I realised this.
>>20380881I like fan art that pays attention to the spell cards themselves. The EWI flashes you see made by winn feature several spell card patterns along side the characters team each time. I particularly liked the reference to the Malice Cannon during Mystia's flash. Another time there is attention to detail on dodging Parsee's trick spellcard from a different perspective.Fanon aside, ZUN has written for plenty of Touhou manga lately, most of it is pretty good. Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth is a long series of 4koma featuring Reisen and Tewi with guest appearances from most of the cast at one point or another.Strange and Bright Nature Deity is a light hearted slice of life series about the three mischievous fairies that regularly features Reimu and Marisa. Mostly it revolves around all of them being dicks to one another.Oriental Sacred Place is the continuation of the above again featuring the shrine and guest characters they fuck with. Really the lesson to learn from these is that almost every Touhou character is a bit of a jerk to one another.Wild and Horned Hermit is a new series featuring Reimu, Marisa and some mysterious human hermit girl they are getting bugged by. Often features plots around Sanae's shrine and their continued efforts to bring the mountain youkai into the future.Of course, wouldn't be complete if I didn't mention Silent Sinner in the Blue seeing as it enraged a lot of people at the time, but it's not that bad. The moon bitches are just hella bullshit and Sakuya doesn't get space.
>>20389954Lunarian (Ex): You make all saves. All your save DC's are 10 point higher than possible for anyone rolling against them (the 9 extra points are because Lunarians are extra-pure). If you are not allowed a save, you make one anyway. All your saves outright negate effects.
>>20389525Saved. I sleep now...
More fluffiness!
>>20393462Oh god damnit this is going to be like the whole "assassins at the princess' tea party" thing all over again, isn't it?
>>20393462It's a legitimate combat tactic!
>>20371339>/tg/ is MtG worth getting into?No.>How expensive is it to get some decent shit?Very.>Should I selectively buy single cards or is it viable to test my luck with random packs?It's cheaper to buy singles, but only because you won't actually develop a collection that way, you develop a deck that has no room for growth and will be out of format in a couple months anyway.>What kind of decks do people play these days?Netdecks only in every format, final destination.
Also the new Magic weekly league is fucking full of win. It starts with 6 packs, and you build a small deck with JUST THOSE CARDS, and you can only add one new pack a week for 5 weeks. That means everyone is pretty much shit and playing for lulz, but you might pop a rare and be happy. No trading, no outside cards, its like a super long sealed event. It.is.awesome.
Since /jp/ is a crapshoot. What does /tg/ think about osana reimu?
my honest advice is to never ask /tg/ for mtg advice.not only is /tg/ notoriously bad at rules comprehension and gameplay mechanics, most on here believe that every single competitive deck has a flatout $2000 price tag attached to it.mtg isn't at all expensive if you're actually good (or at least TRY to be...) and selectively buy cards to reduce costs as opposed to buying packs and literally throwing your money down the drain.and i'm sure the main reason why /tg/ is so embittered towards magic is because they think they can bring their super casual mill deck to a tournament and crush everyone, then get butthurt when they realize they wasted their money and get roflstomped all night.
I'm amazed people are still going to reply to the OP
>>20393850It's not a traditional game
>>20394012Most of this thread isn't a traditional game.
i've ran a 20$ deck at an fnm and topped with it, as long as you get enough practice and build a semi-decent deck you can have fun at fnm without paying out the ass, as long as you're not going to try to be super competitive, it wont cost you that much
>>20394032I know.
>>20394138why don't you cry elsewhere then? no ones stopping you from reporting the thread if you wan't but you annoying fucks only come out to bitch when it's something 'weeaboo'. Go be an elitist asshole somewhere else.
>ctrl+f "galvanicAutogenitor">0 hitsWait, what?