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04/30/12(Mon)13:42 No.18921845 File: 1335807728.jpg-(50 KB, 608x467, establishment.jpg)
 This shot evaporated enough of the head that it was attached by a bare sliver, shortly before a rather enthusiastic NPC guardsman that the flayed one had moved into CQC with took out his combat knife and righteous furied twice with it, cutting the flayed one into some kind of Japanese fish based dish with the superior manufacture of Imperial steel.
I’m not fucking kidding, any effective means of roleplaying our characters by this point involved believing that necrons are made out of an incredibly fragile alloy, the natural result of the feeble xenos mind. Their only invention of any note with respect to the Imperial standard was gauss flayers from our perspective, a weapon which suffered from chronic inaccuracy despite its brutal effectiveness.
I guess it is worth mentioning that Fear (2) rolls were called for, but the fact that I was providing Iron Discipline meant that where the Guardsmen might have had WP30, their likelyhood of actually passing a fear test was more comparable to someone with WP55. Furthermore, given the Emperor protects, we rolled pretty well: Another new PC, a guardsman built as a scout, freaked out. Dwayne began vomiting. Only one NPC guardsmen freaked, and well, I’ll talk more about that later.
Meanwhile, Ivan, who had already been keeping an eye on one pile of bodies, pegged the other Flayed one with a krak, blowing out most of its torso, but, fragile as necrons are, they don’t give up easily, and Commissar Stern charged into close combat with it to keep it off the rest of the troops. |