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12/02/11(Fri)14:10 No.17084844 File1322853048.jpg-(374 KB, 2152x1297, SpiderDwarf.jpg)
 >Str: 11, Con: 11 >Int: 12, MQu: 9 >Wis: 8, Ret: 8 >Dex: 10, Agi: 8 >Cha: 8, Mag: 1 >PStr: 6, PDef: 8 (10 with Ring)
>Race: Dwarf.
>Profession: Spy. (shhhh)
>Suggested Dual Class: Warrior.
>because my Stats are high (it is very, very easy to get high stats in this game, and equally easy to get abysmal ones, as my Magnetisim (Mag) score illustrates), I get +2 damage, +3 to each LP die, +4 languages, +25% on learning rolls, +10% diplomatic rolls, +1 to spell rolls, +25% reaction rolls, +10% pickpocket rolls, +20% to charm rolls, x2 Spell damage, and +55% to spell save rolls!
>5 Platinum Chips, 100 Gold Chips, 400 Silver Chips, 30,000 Copper Chips, 13,200 Gold Chips in Gems, 2,600 Gold Chips in Gems (none of which are magical), A Magic Ring Of Blocking, which, in spite of being more powerful than everything else this far acquired, has no cash value.
>64% left handed, 23% right handed: these rolls have *no other function* then to make me left handed.
>42% Base To-Hit (Augmented by Weapon Proficiency, soon.)
>30% Base Defense (augmented by armor: soon)
>Locate Traps: 1%, Locate Secret Doors: 1%, Extra Hearing: 10%, Climb Walls: 5% (35% with my bonus talent as a spider!), Hide in Shadows: 5%, Use Disguise: 10%
My Bonus talent as a spider has made me affectionately name my character "Pietri Unterparker". a Nice, Dorfy name if ever there was one.
>Born on the Second day, I'm sorry, "Cycle" of the "Water Season", 186 years, I'm sorry, "rebirths" ago. This *still* makes me think of my dishwasher.
>I have 11 Hit, er, Life points.
And now, I think I'm almost done rolling. It's time to visit the actual stores! I'm diving in to Realms of Atlantasia, Page 31. |