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10 - Yell Dead Cell
!!J5+vjygjQuK 11/27/11(Sun)21:53 No.17041360 File1322448794.jpg-(51 KB, 431x477, Gary Coleman.jpg)
The players have arrived on their Krooza, to find it being repaired by a number of happy looking people singing a strange song. These repair servitors all look like Gary Coleman and have the same dead look in their eyes as they sing their happy song.
"Dis iz kreepin' me out..." mutters Grakgut.
Out of the krooza bridge windows can be seen Studio 69, Flagship of the Korst'la lineage, its kilometers of neon lights highlighting the blue-black color scheme. "Tell ya what!" says Korst'la over the vox, "Why don't you come aboard and we can talk business?" "Bettah den bein' 'ere!" yells Grakgut, "Let'z go!" "Excellent!" says Korst'la, "I can assure you it'll be worth your while..." as the voxcaster cuts out.
"Deze gitz ain't roight..." stumbles Wazgor, "dey...kan't get in'ere, kan dey?" as he looks out the window straight at a Gary Coleman. "But dey'z so...weedy!" cackles Wurrza.
Arriving at the Launch Bay, the kill team sees the Last Danca being refueled. "Oy, Clarence?" asks Wazgor. "Yes, boss?" replies Clarence. "Whyz da 'umiez cleenin da ship so weird?" asks Wazgor. "Boss, I...don't know." mutters Clarence, "Perhaps it's best to just, uh...smile and nod. They'll be gone soon." "Dey'z got brained..." whispers Grakgut, "Dun'tcha see da spark plugz in dere 'eadz?!"
Wurrza picks up some of the franken-colemans with his mind and juggles them, but joins the rest in the Last Danca. Boldo flies in and lands on Kroz's head. Boldo is silent. |