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  • File : 1306457229.png-(237 KB, 2759x1404, 1304640142171.png)
    237 KB The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)20:47 No.15064147  
    All are welcome to join at any time.

    This is a game about resource management and empire management. Fast expansion will likely have negative consequences. Post all expansion in minimaps along with rolls for sucsess(or Op will no count it).

    Using a historic empire is prefered, for the Gm's ease(that lazy fuck), but is not required.

    Place nation In minimap Op will add it

    use name/trip

    post an aim next to your name

    Game will begin at 2100/2130 est.

    Games are every thursday same time same place
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)20:50 No.15064169
    Air divisions=1d30
    needs 18+ on a 1d20

    fleet/armies=1d20=3 divisions
    get this when combining 3 divisions

    Naval group/divisions=1d6
    needs a 13 in peace time

    regiments(base unit)=1d4
    when defending a country automatically has 1 regiment for very 2 divisions the enemy has

    war works the same way as risk, highest dice are compared the rest ate disregarded.

    fortifications give extra 1d20 to rolls(fortified areas are lands held for two sessions

    only way to completely annihilate an army in a single turn is by winning with more than 3x the ammount of forces
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)20:50 No.15064175
    Continued From:
    >> Confederate States of America !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)20:51 No.15064186
    Evening Pantheon.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)20:52 No.15064198
    also due to the kingdom of Hungary opening a portal from their game to this one Austria Hungary will loose 7 legions and can send whatever over.

    this will not be a common happening and I will only allow it this once.
    >> Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)20:53 No.15064205
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)20:58 No.15064256
         File1306457900.png-(3 KB, 169x139, ng.png)
    3 KB
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)20:58 No.15064257
         File1306457903.jpg-(15 KB, 150x150, th-6001-redcoat.jpg)
    15 KB
    The British have arrived, hopefully Rising Sun will be here this week too.
    >> Confederate States of America !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)20:58 No.15064264
         File1306457935.jpg-(17 KB, 500x344, f14_3.jpg)
    17 KB
    Highway to the Danger Zone.
    >> Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:01 No.15064278
    I am so invading you
    >> Confederate States of America !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:01 No.15064284

    I like the name. Lol.
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:01 No.15064286
         File1306458107.jpg-(5 KB, 253x199, adsas.jpg)
    5 KB
    South America will get to the stars this session. Allende wants it.
    >> Confederate States of America !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:02 No.15064302

    Mind if I shoot up the first satellite?
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)21:02 No.15064304
         File1306458174.png-(239 KB, 2759x1404, 1304640142171.png)
    239 KB
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)21:03 No.15064310
    guys post a aim or steam in your name please
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:03 No.15064313
    As long as I get to the moon
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:04 No.15064327

    Upload my steam.
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América (Che) !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:07 No.15064356
    I don't use steam that much so I don't know which name you need but my profile is Che.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)21:07 No.15064360

    by the way this is the coalition me and austria hungary started

    I wont be on much
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:09 No.15064378

    I might have to give that Afterwind a shot, it looks interesting.
    >> Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:11 No.15064401
    somebody will need to make a moon map
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)21:11 No.15064405
    You forgot last weeks thread in your list of earlier sessions:
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)21:12 No.15064417

    Not cool man.


    Thanks bro. We square.


    Err'body hating.


    AIM is PuppetRump, what do you need it for?
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América (Che) !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:18 No.15064476
    Just going to give my two cents before we begin. I think we need a cap on actions, maybe no military recruitment, but actions that could effect our country.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)21:19 No.15064482
         File1306459141.png-(80 KB, 2759x1404, 1302231108307.png)
    80 KB
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América (Che) !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:19 No.15064486
    not military recruitment*
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:20 No.15064498
    Here I am
    I'm on my laptop today so no pictures
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)21:20 No.15064502
    we already made that rule.

    four at a time and make good jugdement on when it is time you can roll again
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)21:22 No.15064523
         File1306459334.jpg-(59 KB, 527x681, its_on_chaps.jpg)
    59 KB
    Well then old chap, let's get this show on the road shall we. (As soon as the game starts)
    >> The Dual Monarchy of Austro-Hungarian Empire !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:24 No.15064543
         File1306459450.png-(66 KB, 197x168, h ck..png)
    66 KB
    time time kick some ass
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:24 No.15064544

    I am going to enjoy this, Heh.
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)21:25 No.15064560
         File1306459518.jpg-(3 KB, 126x101, 1300573625864s.jpg)
    3 KB

    I really hope you aren't gonna try and squish my humble little bronation, bro.

    That would be pretty delirious. In a bad way.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of Austro-Hungarian Empire !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:25 No.15064564
         File1306459551.png-(236 KB, 2759x1404, 1304640142171.png)
    236 KB
    game is a go
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:26 No.15064570
    well then my good friend besides the traitorous wu what else are we up against?
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:28 No.15064591
    rolled 2, 5, 4, 7 = 18

    Building up an army from the old empire!
    Last roll is to inspire revolt in the old lands.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:28 No.15064595
    and I still can't roll
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:29 No.15064599
         File1306459753.png-(39 KB, 1624x1192, 1302231108307.png)
    39 KB
    maybe I will have rome kick your ass.

    see that little dot.

    six divisions of imperial guard are stationed in that dot.

    i dare you to try something
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)21:29 No.15064608
         File1306459789.jpg-(33 KB, 577x762, kitchener.jpg)
    33 KB
    rolled 19, 14, 10, 20, 12, 4, 19, 11, 14, 13, 5, 11 = 152

    We spread the word that the old rule of the Rising Sun is back and more Redcoats are needed for the coming conflict. Two regiments are raised in every province, all to be sent to Hainan in preparation.

    Yang and Korea holds your old land as well do they not?
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:30 No.15064613
         File1306459828.jpg-(30 KB, 547x448, page10_1.jpg)
    30 KB
    rolled 11 = 11

    At the Nevada Test Site, the C.S.A. has been doing good with its rocketry testing, however, chief scientists are attempting to take it one step further by shooting up the first artificial satellite called "Confednik".

    Rolling for success.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:31 No.15064621
    we shall not let anyone impeach on hapsburg rule of korea
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América (Che) !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:33 No.15064638
         File1306460010.jpg-(268 KB, 2759x1404, worldmapherytj.jpg)
    268 KB
    rolled 17, 12, 13, 19 = 61

    1. Expand to map borders, Unido Sur America es la mejor Sur America
    2. We already have good rockets, rolling to advance those rockets to ICBM status.
    3. Begin development of space technologies such as a shuttle-pod and satellite
    4. Begin research into nuclear technology
    >> ??? 05/26/11(Thu)21:34 No.15064643
         File1306460049.jpg-(41 KB, 600x401, Strider.jpg)
    41 KB
    So, is anyone in need of my services today?
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)21:34 No.15064645
         File1306460055.png-(22 KB, 1624x1192, ng.png)
    22 KB
    rolled 1, 10, 8, 8 = 27


    Are you the GM? Shouldn't he be saying when it's go-time?


    >Begin to plunge the glorious Bromarchy into a sea of eternal '90's culture from which there will be no escape. Fucking bodacious.

    >Expand to the northwest, all of Europe will know of the Bosstria-Fungarians. Neato.

    >Attempt to invent a ballin' drink mix using high sugar syrup and crushed ice inported from the Bromarchy's infinite stash in the south pole. Cool.

    >Colonize those totally lame islands off of our western coast. Try not to beef it.


    Uh-huh. Not cool man.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:34 No.15064648
    I think we settle for China for now.
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)21:35 No.15064656
    rolled 19, 19, 7, 14 = 59


    I should really stop rolling D10's, what can I say? They're totally retro and what.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:36 No.15064669
         File1306460194.jpg-(9 KB, 352x198, Toldi.jpg)
    9 KB
    rolled 11 = 11

    In order to face the threat of the bromarchy to the south the Government of austria hungary will be investing in the heavy tank.

    we shall be the first to move out of world war one armor capablities
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:37 No.15064679
         File1306460276.png-(182 KB, 636x422, Landgrab.png)
    182 KB
    rolled 20, 3, 7 = 30

    OOC: My other three rolls

    1. Land expansion towards Cascadia

    2. Developing Jet Aircraft

    3. Advancement in chemical weapons.
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)21:39 No.15064695
         File1306460340.gif-(349 KB, 135x101, WAAAT.gif)
    349 KB

    Whoa whoa whoa take a chill pill man.

    We don't even have a standing force, all we wish is for the joy of the 1990's to spread in a totally laid back and nonviolent manner.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:39 No.15064704

    >mfw its 1940's
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América (Che) !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:39 No.15064705
         File1306460395.jpg-(13 KB, 294x171, ggfa.jpg)
    13 KB
    rolled 17, 20, 9, 15 = 61

    9 divisions of Air Craft in my various provinces.
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América (Che) !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:40 No.15064714
    rolled 5, 20, 19, 3, 7 = 54

    Five more
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:40 No.15064717
    >mfw last time I was here the cannons were impressive i'm a bit behind.
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)21:41 No.15064720
         File1306460487.jpg-(48 KB, 400x407, british-ship.jpg)
    48 KB
    Well then, shouldn't you get the armies ready then?

    We are currently busy building new fleets that will arrive in Hainan to aid our efforts shortly.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:41 No.15064722
    rolled 5 = 5

    also we will be using our fancy trans-dimentional teleprinter machine to try to steal secrets from the the other dimension
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)21:42 No.15064725

    The power and sheer awesome nostalgia of the 1990's transcends all time and reason. I say with confidence that I don't need to explain shit.

    You don't appear to even have a face, dude.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:42 No.15064732
    rolled 2, 14, 10, 4 = 30

    Well then trying to raise the largest army the Imperium has ever had
    soon war shall befall China and the traitors.
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)21:43 No.15064737
         File1306460588.jpg-(77 KB, 640x480, shipbuilding.jpg)
    77 KB
    >Stupid dice
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)21:44 No.15064750
         File1306460667.jpg-(123 KB, 1600x945, Old Table.jpg)
    123 KB
    rolled 18, 3, 12, 11, 19 = 63

    >Last die is for TABLE SMASH!
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:44 No.15064756
    alright still pretty bad
    bah I have England's support even with what little forces we have they shall still be crushed.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)21:45 No.15064762

    you have acheived basic comuters but you r amchine backfires and is not usable anymore.

    things can only be sent through and radio messages received
    your county has sank into economic depression due to the fat that it has never really had a stale government and now you are trying to force morality, concepts and culture of a completely different age on your people
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:46 No.15064769
         File1306460768.jpg-(27 KB, 500x311, hornerf5fb.jpg)
    27 KB
    rolled 14, 19, 9, 13, 9 = 64


    OOC: Very nice.

    3x Infantry
    2x Aircraft.
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América (Che) !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:46 No.15064771
    And me? :D
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)21:47 No.15064775
         File1306460831.jpg-(10 KB, 150x199, friediii.jpg)
    10 KB
    Ok I am here, and with time to get shit done too.

    How is Prussia this fine day?

    And our glorious Hungarian/Austrian neighbors?
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)21:47 No.15064779
         File1306460850.jpg-(39 KB, 330x462, British Red Coat 152.jpg)
    39 KB
    Do not worry, we will give you all the technology that the British Empire has to offer, consider it your welcome back gift.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:48 No.15064787
    stay close good friend I need you to help destabilize the government and make way for the invasion.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)21:48 No.15064790
    I am not your mother.

    You can make your own judgemnt s the only reason I called those two out is because bromarchy is well..

    and the action of austria hungary was somethign I needed to tend to.

    I will only make decisions on game altering shit or when people go too far
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:49 No.15064798

    We would be willing to send you supplies and other technology if needed, you were good friends to us in the past, we don't forget our friends.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:49 No.15064800
         File1306460994.jpg-(46 KB, 395x600, 395px-Pietzner,_Carl_(1853(...).jpg)
    46 KB
    weare well.

    notice some morons move in to the south.

    also it would appear many of our puppet states collapsed
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)21:50 No.15064807
         File1306461035.jpg-(51 KB, 717x480, Silk-Road-Caravan-Gohoto.jpg)
    51 KB
    rolled 2 = 2

    Bromarchy, would you be interested in some trade?
    We could help bring your economy back on its feet.

    We will send you a shipment of exotic goods from the East as a demonstration of what we can offer you.
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América (Che) !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)21:51 No.15064818
    Alright then I suppose I'm relatively close to archieving nuclear capabilities.
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)21:51 No.15064823
         File1306461102.gif-(1.63 MB, 314x226, 1305786487758.gif)
    1.63 MB

    Imperialistic hellholes and slavedriving empires exist, yet you're telling me that one nation united under the flag of the '90s cannot exist. I even rolled a 19 on that stuff.

    Do you not realize that the 90s were BAR NONE the greatest the greatest years in human history?

    Wait, bro. Are you biased or something? Austria rolled a 5 on some transdimensional bullshit and they get radios?

    That's fuckin' whack!
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)21:51 No.15064825
    >I not sure why I rolled but it seems it was a terrible mistake.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:52 No.15064829
    it is good to know you were with us but England has already volunteered.
    Alright England I am ready when you are to begin the invasion of the Eastern shore of Wu
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:52 No.15064831

    And I also take it that Confednik launched? If so, National Celebration!
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)21:52 No.15064836
         File1306461175.jpg-(80 KB, 600x450, steampunk.jpg)
    80 KB
    due to Austria-Hungaries Tampering with the fabric of the universe and mirror dimensions the fabric of time has ripped

    everything is now steampunk
    >> ??? 05/26/11(Thu)21:54 No.15064847
         File1306461250.gif-(15 KB, 271x166, strider_photo.gif)
    15 KB
    rolled 8 = 8

    Well then, I can do that.

    Now while you were gone I have been trying to get some ninja, could you maybe send me one while my men scout out a good landing site for your troops?
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)21:54 No.15064849
         File1306461257.jpg-(7 KB, 252x240, 1305170650256.jpg)
    7 KB
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)21:55 No.15064860
    dude your country has barely ever existed excet as a puppet state or a corner of an empire somewhere.

    it has no history no infrastructure and you suddenly turned it into 90's land

    everyone loves the nineties there I suppose but it still cant support incredibly bad decisions like focusing your whole government on the creation of a nineties culture
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)21:56 No.15064878
    I can give you a few as long as they will help in our invasion
    and now we are all steam punk.
    mite b cool
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)21:57 No.15064880
    Well time to catch shit up in the tech area. I assume we have access to everything the Hapsburgs have due to our open borders and close relations.

    1. Investment to revamp the University of Munich, founded 1809.

    2. To sack most of the decaying Reichstag and replace them with young, fresh politicians.

    3. Build some armies to patrol our lands. I have no idea what Germany has anymore.

    4. Buy myself a nice thoroughbred horse. The Kaiser is a horse enthusiast you know.
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)21:57 No.15064881
         File1306461424.gif-(118 KB, 404x540, SteampunkKitchenercropped.gif)
    118 KB
    Is it now? I better update my images then.
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)21:57 No.15064886
         File1306461476.jpg-(267 KB, 2759x1404, Aztec expansion.jpg)
    267 KB
    rolled 16, 20, 18, 4, 7, 8 = 73

    Hello! Sorry I've been gone so long!

    4x Expansion
    2x Armies

    LET'S GET IT ON! What's been going on?
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)21:58 No.15064889
    rolled 12, 10, 8, 4 = 34

    Im a bit rusty as you can see.
    >> ??? 05/26/11(Thu)21:59 No.15064896
         File1306461540.jpg-(49 KB, 1024x768, striderW.jpg)
    49 KB
    rolled 7 = 7

    Excellent, my men are finishing up work on securing the landing area and will be sending you some maps with the troop deployments in the area as soon as they are done.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)21:59 No.15064898
    expnsion where?

    just general expanding in all directions?

    I think your neighboors will have something to say about that
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:00 No.15064910

    Sup brotha.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:00 No.15064913
         File1306461637.jpg-(40 KB, 550x410, 121957_1.jpg)
    40 KB
    a gift to our freinds the House of Hohenstaufen

    may our freindship be renewed
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)22:01 No.15064923
    OOC: It's in the map I posted.
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)22:01 No.15064929
         File1306461711.jpg-(129 KB, 300x405, np.jpg)
    129 KB

    I'm calling you out on this dude. Prepare for the smackdown.

    I NEVER so much as began to focus my entire move on the 90's, in fact half of the damn time I tried to expand. I even ended up rolling a 19 on the initial culture change. That being pretty high, and even coinciding with the '19' in one of my primary themes should have just given me my glorious nation's new outlook without a fuss. Speaking of turns, why did you only update mine and Austria's? Totally messed up, dude. All players should be kept informed.

    We in the 1990s have all the history we need, and magazine such as the crazy Nintendo Power keep our people carefree and chilled out.

    You should really just sort some of this out here and now bro.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:02 No.15064934
    OOC: Pantheon, mind if we get a map update?

    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:02 No.15064939
    >aztecs kill them all burn all the hungarians don't leave a single alive KILL THEM ALL.
    Oh my it seems a strange peasant is knocking on the aztecs capital please don't let him influence your decision.
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)22:03 No.15064943
    OOC: The Mayan Empire still there?
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:03 No.15064945
    Although we do not any longer fight wars of ideology we are preparing to fight a war to the south.

    we send them a demand.

    get with the program or be prepared to die.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:04 No.15064958

    Unless he's that green dot in the Gulf of Mexico, nope.
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)22:05 No.15064963
    While starting another war would be a fun way to test our warriors might, it is not honorable to go against the pact we have made as NATO.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:06 No.15064977
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)22:07 No.15064981
    rolled 7 = 7

    I'm sending a warship to finish them off right-quick-fast-in-a-hurry.
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)22:07 No.15064983
         File1306462072.gif-(3 KB, 90x104, 1305597945105.gif)
    3 KB

    We've posed no direct threat to you since our crazy inception and dramatic swap to the culture of the 90's, our people are laid the fuck back and remain docile.

    Seems like you're hella biased bro. Even the GM looks like he's on your side. Does it go deeper than that?

    Anyways, this is some major bullshit man.

    This is the Bosstrian Hungarian emissary calling out to every broworthy nation out there to allow us safe refuge across the oceans that surround us. Austria clearly isn't chill enough to handle us.

    I wonder if my name put him off? I'd almost feel bad. But not really.
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)22:08 No.15064984
    Oh how delightful! The Kaiser is thoroughly pleased!

    The Hungarians have always been known for their fine horsemanship and breeding expertise. This gift is graciously accepted.

    In other news, Germany has arisen from its dormant state with a new sense of nationalism. Our biggest asset at the moment is the coal from the Rurh valley powering the ribbons of steel that criss cross our country.

    Our biggest concern are the masses clamoring for this new ideology called 'constitutional democracy'. Apparently it is a British idea, and that was how we knew it was bad news. Have the people lost faith in their illustrious Kaiser?
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:08 No.15064987
    curses is Hungary allied with everyone and their grandmothers?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:08 No.15064990
    I updated hungaries becasue his actuion had to do with anbother game and it is hard to control how that dm runs his game so I have to try to keep AH contained.

    I updated yours because you dont know this worlds history or mechanics very well.

    I am sorry about wha happened but there is no going back. I will try to be less"baised" as ypu pu it but I never revoke my actions
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:09 No.15064997
         File1306462191.jpg-(37 KB, 616x353, t37_tweety_bird.jpg)
    37 KB
    rolled 20, 4, 16 = 40

    1. Developing jet aircraft, again.

    2. Developing pesticides

    3. Developing nuclear energy
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:10 No.15065004
    would you mine coming over to asia? I'm sure the chinese wouldn't mind being maid docile and "laid the fuck back"
    also England you ready for the invasion?
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:11 No.15065011
    oh god...
    I guess mayans are still in the game due to a clerical error
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:11 No.15065014

    OOC: NATO was my creation thanks to Russia wanted to jump into North America.

    So far, our members are me, Aztec, Holland, and Austria-Hungary.
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:11 No.15065015
         File1306462273.jpg-(98 KB, 700x545, Spanish Armada.jpg)
    98 KB
    How would you like Iceland? The previous rulers seems to have up an left and we could give you safe passage there onboard the British Armada.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:12 No.15065020
    stay our of korea and yang.

    those people are friends of the empire.

    they are also relatives
    >> ??? 05/26/11(Thu)22:12 No.15065029
         File1306462371.jpg-(34 KB, 464x608, striderC.jpg)
    34 KB
    rolled 14 = 14

    Trying again to secure the landing spot, Agent Captcha, do your best.

    >Hunt, ialist
    Sounds good, carry on.
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)22:13 No.15065035
         File1306462420.png-(564 KB, 1280x1024, deliriousbiznasty.png)
    564 KB

    Even with my rolls? Not cool man. That said, I accept your apology but still don't feel safe around our Austrian haters.

    If it wouldn't be too much of an issue I'll accept Britain and the Imperium's offers of refuge, mark me down in the specified locations if you could, man.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:13 No.15065036
    ah glad to see Hungary isn't in charge but a more level-headed-leader
    I'm watching you Hungary I remember you calling my people yellow.
    >> The State of Lakotah within the Confederacy 05/26/11(Thu)22:14 No.15065037
    Et Lakotah, though we are no longer a separate nation from the Americans
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:14 No.15065039
         File1306462479.jpg-(22 KB, 400x243, armsrace.jpg)
    22 KB
    We are ready, was busy redesigning the uniforms to fit with the times.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:15 No.15065042

    also the reaty of the hapsburgs

    (france, italy korea and ah)

    also the treaty of vienna

    greece, ah, germany
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)22:15 No.15065043
    What happened to you guys?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:15 No.15065045
    >implying you have the force projection to stop them if they do
    >implying the british and japanese can't blockade THE FUCK out of europe, causing you to lose ALL your colonies

    Don't make empty threats
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:16 No.15065058
    I'll let you go with England my map creators have all broken their hands in a drinking contest gone horribly wrong.
    OOC: My laptop lacks a quality mouse so I can't really give a specified area. SO just go to Greenland. One word of advice though bring a jacket.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:16 No.15065059

    OOC: Oh shi- What happen man?
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)22:18 No.15065067

    Alright man I appreciate the initial offer though.

    Me and you? Rather square yo.

    Same goes out to England.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:18 No.15065068
         File1306462694.png-(239 KB, 2759x1404, 1304640142171.png)
    239 KB
    you will have to find a way to move yourself.

    once on the map you can no longer suddenly get land.

    all moves must be completly legit.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:19 No.15065075

    OOC: Btw, what does the 20 and 16 give me Pantheon?
    >> ??? 05/26/11(Thu)22:19 No.15065078
         File1306462758.jpg-(46 KB, 800x600, raven.jpg)
    46 KB
    With that I believe I have secured you a landing site, the maps will be sent to you by raven, good luck Shogun.

    >eastern lissim
    Thank you for the report Agent Captcha, you have been most helpful.
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)22:20 No.15065092
    rolled 11, 5, 3, 2, 13, 5 = 39

    What the hell man? I had great rolls for land expansion!

    4x Land Expansion
    2x for the great city of Tenochtitlan, a true marvel to behold!
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:20 No.15065093
    rolled 9, 15, 7, 14 = 45

    All right time to roll we and England invade the eastern shore of china this place will lose everything.
    I have no idea how big my army is so ill just roll four d20.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:21 No.15065096
    austro hungarian colonies hae been self sustaining for a month and all"relatives" are actually just puppet stateswaiting for my freinds to return.

    also I never lifted the blockade around korea and the coustoms blockade still exists in europe since I never lifted that either

    the only vulnerable part of my empire is east africa but that is because i pay no attention to it
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:21 No.15065100
         File1306462890.jpg-(37 KB, 300x400, redcoat (2).jpg)
    37 KB
    He does have a way of moving himself, we offered to bring him there on the British Armada.

    Do you want a roll for it or are you going to recolour Iceland for him?
    >> Sixth German Empire !AxDyDkwND2 05/26/11(Thu)22:22 No.15065106
    Gentlemen, one of two rulers of the German Empire is here.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:22 No.15065107
    with slow progression rate you get the
    X-1 bell

    and basic nuclear knowledge
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)22:22 No.15065109
    rolled 19, 8, 1, 4 = 32


    We have the British at our backs, dude. But for this turn I'll throw in some effort anyways.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:22 No.15065112
         File1306462954.jpg-(98 KB, 620x724, 2nd-id-christine-texas-1940.jpg)
    98 KB

    Sending two infantry divisions to secure the loose lands to the north.
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)22:22 No.15065113
         File1306462957.png-(25 KB, 1015x526, newgermania.png)
    25 KB
    rolled 11 = 11

    It has come to the attention of the Kaiser that all real empires have colonies. Well, the Kaiser wants to be a real empire too, so he institutes an expedition and the founding of a colony here, in this far off land.

    We could also use this colony to deport those who clamor for this 'democracy'.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:23 No.15065123
         File1306463019.jpg-(60 KB, 347x582, 003.jpg)
    60 KB
    I remember when my empire had two rulers...
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:24 No.15065125
         File1306463041.jpg-(20 KB, 300x317, lorient.jpg)
    20 KB
    rolled 6, 4, 15, 6 = 31

    Indeed you do, assisting in the great migration.
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)22:26 No.15065141
    Greetings my friend.

    There is an unruly clamor for democracy you should attend to. Things have been going well. You can take over from here, chancellor.
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:26 No.15065142
         File1306463183.jpg-(91 KB, 425x640, Steamcoat1.jpg)
    91 KB
    rolled 1, 10, 1, 18 = 30

    Bringing in the Hainan armies, as well as one reinforcement from Australia and one from India to assist in the attack.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:26 No.15065143
    I donot approve of such cultures.

    thank god it is moving offshore.
    now for the reconquista de italia

    it being a lost hapsburg territory and all

    moving all six divisions from rome to the south to wipe out the remnants of their sickening and depraved culture.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:26 No.15065146
    alright Pantheon you want to tell me what was the result of this since it is player vs player with one missing or do I just get to steamroll?
    >> Sixth German Empire !AxDyDkwND2 05/26/11(Thu)22:27 No.15065153
    Are you leaving, then? Then I guess that I must take over for a while.
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:27 No.15065154
    Bloody hell, what happened to you Redcoats, didn't you use to be awesome?
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:28 No.15065158
    >two 1s
    >> The Cool Bromarchy of Bosstria Fungary !giLWsI6dSs 05/26/11(Thu)22:29 No.15065163

    That's about as lame as it gets bro. We'll be back one day to rekindle the 90s spark in our native Shitaly.
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)22:29 No.15065166
    rolled 12 = 12


    A German legion will be sent to aid you my friend.

    We would also like to negotiate the annexation of a section of northern Italy. The Italian peninsula was once a thriving German province but broke off during years of turmoil.

    There are some German speaking northern parts of it, mostly around the Alps. We would much like to annex these territories.

    With Regards,
    The Kaiser.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:29 No.15065167
    Must be the switch to steam-punk the men are confused
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:30 No.15065171
    eh id ont know I never thought of player vs absent player.

    lets go with you are regaining your territory but

    I will mark it on the map

    (bout to make another post)
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)22:31 No.15065180
    rolled 15 = 15


    OOC: I'm not leaving, I just like the role playing much more than the empire building. Thats why I think we make a good Kaiser-Chancellor pair up.
    >> Sixth German Empire !AxDyDkwND2 05/26/11(Thu)22:32 No.15065182
    Turns out I already have to leave myself, whop te doo.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:32 No.15065189
    have the whole thing

    I dont think the "bro's" realize I am stuck in a perpetual state of victorian idealism and his land looks like depravity and anarchy to my people.
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:33 No.15065191
    Probably, hopefully they will get used to it soon enough.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:34 No.15065194

    And we're in the 40's. Rock and Roll anyone?
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:34 No.15065195
    It's funny how you assume that self-sustaining colonies would even want to be part of a centralized empire, or that austria-hungary has the kind of navy that can naturally compete with britain and japan

    I can guarantee that your colonies would quickly declare themselves independent in the event your home continent is blockaded
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:35 No.15065198
         File1306463713.jpg-(16 KB, 326x326, 2141994132_4c9df62760_o.jpg)
    16 KB
    so apparently I have work in the morning at 4...

    yeah my new schedule is killer. is it possible we can move this game to friday night? I cant keep up with thursday.

    what night is best for everyone
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:36 No.15065202

    I think your logic is lost on this one.


    Already a game running Fridays.
    >> The State of Lakotah within the Confederacy 05/26/11(Thu)22:36 No.15065204
    Lots of things came up, anyway it looks like Russia pussied out of his belligerence
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:36 No.15065210
    his empire was actually base on Austro-hungarian colonits not the native people(except for vesoo)
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:37 No.15065212

    I got to close Friday nights, unless you want to do it later or a day earlier, I probably won't show.
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)22:37 No.15065218

    How generous of you, wow. The Mighty Prussian Empire that existed in days of yore is complete once again.

    We do however insist that you take the Island of Sicily. Please, it is always good to have as many Mediterranean ports as possible. Even if you just use it for a vacation spot. We wouldn't want your leader some day in the future to be a land-locked admiral would we? Hahaha.

    But that's just crazy.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:37 No.15065220
    Friday works
    I assume not this Friday though?
    Next Thursday you may want to set up a thread to tell the people who weren't here today that we moved.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:37 No.15065223
    yeah but nineball is a prick.

    if I can get my game out of the middle of the week I bet it will improve drastically

    anyone for saturday?
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)22:38 No.15065225
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:38 No.15065230
    Cool, because colonists never decide that the distant motherland no longer has their best interests at heart, despite their common language and culture

    I guess the USA doesn't exist then, and neither do any of the nations of latin america
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)22:38 No.15065231

    I'm down with Tuesday / Wednesday
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:38 No.15065234

    That's no excuse to simply occupy Nineball's timeslot. You'll likely get hell if you do.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:39 No.15065242
    >yeah but nineball is a prick.

    It's more like you pissed him off, so he decided to shit in your cereal
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:40 No.15065251
    I'm up for any day actually just tell me when
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:41 No.15065254
    I would say it's more likely that other /tg/ers will complain that the board is being overrun by nations game threads and will demand that they be moved somewhere else

    It's also likely that nineball's game will eclipse pantheon's as a result
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:41 No.15065262
    Saturday works for me, Friday is booked though.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:41 No.15065263


    Not cool man, not cool
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:43 No.15065270
         File1306464192.jpg-(40 KB, 400x540, metz.jpg)
    40 KB
    central america was founded by colnists originally then joined with mayan nationalistsin the north who fought alongside austria-hungary against the communists

    vesoo was an ally during the original treaty of vienna and austria hungary defended it seven tiems from invasions by the theocrcy, bolivia and the communists

    korea is ruled by the Emperores brother

    yang is a sttate korea is currently protecting

    south africa was a trade and we dont really controll east africa

    the empire is rather self sustaining besides the african conquests.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)22:44 No.15065280
    a nuclear armed world war with fucking robots and shit is going on in nineballs thread so if you interupt that shit i will find you and kick you in the teeth
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:45 No.15065285
         File1306464327.jpg-(37 KB, 400x320, The Gentlemens Club.jpg)
    37 KB
    Since you aren't really paying attention to your African Colonies, would you mind if we took control of them?

    Regaining South Africa would be just grand and offers such a perfect set up for uniting the land down there.
    >> Repúblicas Unidas de Sur América (Che) !TO6kLwDPgU 05/26/11(Thu)22:46 No.15065298
    I love being nuclear armed in that game. Too bad I'll never get anything close to 'the bomb' in this one.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:47 No.15065311
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:49 No.15065330
         File1306464554.gif-(13 KB, 633x758, that-feel.gif)
    13 KB
    that feel when I revived nations game on /tg/ but that was so long ago I am now the outdated old man Gm
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:49 No.15065333
         File1306464562.jpg-(174 KB, 640x428, BORG.jpg)
    174 KB
    Well it was worth asking, if you ever change your mind you know where to find us.

    And now for a message to all those uncolonised lands out there.
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/26/11(Thu)22:50 No.15065343

    Time is a funny thing.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:50 No.15065346
    you know this game was originally supposed to never move beyond age of exploration-Victorian age
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)22:51 No.15065349
    oh hey i have a pair of goggles from that store
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)22:51 No.15065354
         File1306464695.png-(6 KB, 432x637, 1306250416001.png)
    6 KB
    go away
    >> Belka's Fan !EPKUmfWUD6 05/26/11(Thu)22:53 No.15065373
         File1306464813.png-(147 KB, 412x439, 1302246313142.png)
    147 KB
    It is indeed Belka dearest.~
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:54 No.15065384
    you know what?

    this has became boring.

    my collective 16 legions set sail for budapest.

    we have a date with history.
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)22:55 No.15065392
    Play nice you too, I'm saying this before we get another argument of whose nations game/builder is better.
    >> Radmire !Ls0QbhK90s 05/26/11(Thu)22:56 No.15065400
    If you wouldn't be so resistant to changing the game a bit maybe you wouldn't be catching so much flak.

    To be fair that happened long before today.
    >> Carthaginian Empire !1WkzxXeGjo 05/26/11(Thu)22:57 No.15065408
         File1306465046.png-(3 KB, 231x114, map1.png)
    3 KB
    Add me, assuming it doesn't conflict (and you're still actually playing).
    >> Radmire !Ls0QbhK90s 05/26/11(Thu)22:58 No.15065419
    Diesel? I miss you brah.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)22:59 No.15065431
         File1306465162.jpg-(36 KB, 411x599, 411px-Horthy_the_regent.jpg)
    36 KB
    Under the catacombs of the imperial house lies a machine of alien construction.

    it bares strange symbols of swastikas and Eagles and a glowing ball of energy is situated on top.

    A man who is not known to any of the people of the kingdom sits waiting in the room below.

    he bears the royal seal of St. stephen and none know his name in this land but the emperor and some high nobles.

    he stares at the glowing machine knowing that once he steps into it he shall not be coming back.
    >> Carthaginian Empire !1WkzxXeGjo 05/26/11(Thu)22:59 No.15065439
    I'm not Diesel. Sorry, man.
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)23:01 No.15065453
    ...Oh no.....dear god no.....


    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:02 No.15065466
    What is that peasant from the Aztecs doing in Germany?
    >> Radmire !Ls0QbhK90s 05/26/11(Thu)23:02 No.15065469
    Oh. Well then. If i knew you I'm sure I'd miss you too.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)23:05 No.15065488

    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)23:05 No.15065491
         File1306465505.jpg-(109 KB, 692x1063, Wilhelm_II_in_hussar_uniform_o(...).jpg)
    109 KB
    His name is Miklos Horthy, exiled King of the Time Kingdom of Hungary. He is met by a man known through the empire, Kaiser Tomas VII. Horthy is not exiled from any country or land, he is exiled from an entire universe.

    Tomas says a simple phrase which brings joy to the regents heart.

    "This land is growing tired of us my freind. it is time to move on.

    it is time, for you to go home.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:06 No.15065506
         File1306465579.png-(240 KB, 2759x1404, 1304640142171.png)
    240 KB
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:07 No.15065520
    you said I was gaining some land
    I kinda don't see it
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)23:12 No.15065542
    Please include New Germania

    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)23:12 No.15065546
    as the machine is moved into an enclosed facility in central translyvania the 26 foreign legions of hungary begin to make encampment around the base. the time has almost come.

    The machine buzzes with enthusiasm as th emen line up tanks, planes armies of hundresds of thousands wait to move to the other side with eager anticipation.

    the machine bears a small inscription right below the teleportation platform. Für Deutschland, wo immer, wann immer. It reminds all men who step through what its actual purpose was.
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)23:12 No.15065548
         File1306465956.jpg-(268 KB, 2759x1404, EXPANSION.jpg)
    268 KB
    rolled 5, 19, 11, 18, 6, 3 = 62


    Expansion x6
    >> Atlas !FSFtUFwwTQ 05/26/11(Thu)23:13 No.15065558
         File1306465984.jpg-(41 KB, 819x659, minimap.jpg)
    41 KB
    No clue how to play. But I'd like to try!
    Aim is cruoremamor
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:13 No.15065563
         File1306466013.png-(240 KB, 2759x1404, 1304640142171.png)
    240 KB
    new germania was a failed colony.

    an 11? righttt
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)23:17 No.15065584
         File1306466259.jpg-(8 KB, 225x200, _data_images_ns_cms_dn9293_dn9(...).jpg)
    8 KB
    The signal is given and the armies of ausria hungary march through.

    never to return again.

    they come out in a destroyed Hungarian outpost approximately 127 miles away from a place called the "impact site"

    they have been given one mission.

    Return and recapture Hungary.
    >> Carthaginian Empire !1WkzxXeGjo 05/26/11(Thu)23:17 No.15065589
         File1306466276.jpg-(16 KB, 214x235, carthage.jpg)
    16 KB
    The Cult of Ba'al, having fought local warlords for supremacy in Northern Africa for seventeen years, has finally succeeded.

    Tunis is renamed New Carthage. Wayward war-tribes are brought into the empire or destroyed. Mosques and Churches are converted to the old religion or destroyed. Industrialization and militarization commences.
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/26/11(Thu)23:18 No.15065600
         File1306466295.png-(5 KB, 217x213, 1305489025036.png)
    5 KB

    Panth I was a little disappointed when you tried to shoehorn your little time machine from one completely separate game to the other without any sort of go ahead from me. It really seems like something one would ask about prior to doing.

    I don't know if you're trying to pull that shit again here, or just setting up another DMPC for your next little nations game, but whatever you tried to accomplish with relation to mine was totally and utterly moot. If you want to play you have to play fair~
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:18 No.15065602
    Thank you
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)23:18 No.15065606
         File1306466298.png-(5 KB, 165x147, spain.png)
    5 KB
    The Spanish seek an audience.
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)23:18 No.15065610

    The Kaiser is most displeased with this.

    Public tax has increased 17%, to pay for his failed expenditures.
    >> canadia! 05/26/11(Thu)23:19 No.15065616
    rolled 11, 11, 1, 11 = 34

    Sorry im so late eh, my snowmobile broke down so i had to hunt a seal, slit it open and use its fat to keep me warm while getting back to my igloo eh.
    Roll 1: FARMAN
    roll 2: expand west eh.
    roll 3: build an divison eh
    roll 4: public relations eh.
    (on a moble, cant post expantiokn in a minimap eh.)
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:21 No.15065625
         File1306466461.png-(233 KB, 2759x1404, 1304640142171.png)
    233 KB
    >> canadia 05/26/11(Thu)23:22 No.15065631
    11s, 11s everywhere!
    >> The Bourbon Kingdom of España 05/26/11(Thu)23:22 No.15065634
    Here we are.
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)23:22 No.15065637
    dude we established my backstory with the whole himler thing a long time ago

    shit is legit
    >> Carthaginian Empire !1WkzxXeGjo 05/26/11(Thu)23:22 No.15065638
    rolled 1, 4, 9, 6, 3 = 23

    Roll 1: Assimilation of remaining tribes to the Empire
    Roll 2: Adoption of the Old Religion
    Roll 3: Attempts to bring technology up to par with most nations
    Roll 4: Fishing and farming industry
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)23:23 No.15065643
    rolled 11, 11, 6, 14, 11, 10 = 63

    Continued Expansion x6

    We will have these lands.
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/26/11(Thu)23:23 No.15065646


    No it's not.
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)23:23 No.15065648
    >11, 11, 1, 11

    Prussia commences construction of a massive bronze statue to commemorate our new Canadian overlords.
    >> Carthaginian Empire !1WkzxXeGjo 05/26/11(Thu)23:25 No.15065673
    Ignore extra roll.

    The remaining tribes refuse to commit, and are cut down.
    Muslims, led by community Imams, enraged by the sudden adoption of a new religion, revolt.
    Stability decreases.
    Despite this, technological advances do commence, with plans for the widespread modernization of rifling and the navy on the table.
    Fishing and farming commence with success, though not spectacularly so.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:25 No.15065680
         File1306466756.jpg-(758 KB, 2550x3300, wright_brothers1.jpg)
    758 KB
    oh yeah I remember that.

    himler disapeard, to where we didnt know.

    well I know where he came out.

    right over germany 1942, just the wrong universe....

    The invasion was a catastrophe the entire earth is overtaken by the nazi with his army of future robots.

    how horrible!

    each player roll 1d20 for result
    >> The Dual Monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire(forkoffire) !r83Vjfl8CQ 05/26/11(Thu)23:27 No.15065694
    rolled 15 = 15

    Oh I am sorry you just retconned the entire story of my entire countries existance.

    we established it in the first thread. if you didnt like it then you should have changed it then.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:28 No.15065698
    rolled 8 = 8

    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)23:28 No.15065702
         File1306466914.jpg-(21 KB, 300x300, all become upset.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)23:28 No.15065707
    rolled 4 = 4

    We will survive the onslaught and become the leaders of the western hemisphere. The original NATO leaders shall continue the fight to overthrow the Nazis.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:28 No.15065708
    looks like we faultered
    >> canadia 05/26/11(Thu)23:29 No.15065711
    Aw gee thanks eh, but we dont need any statues, we just want to be friends eh.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)23:29 No.15065715

    Diplomats have been sent out to establish relations and build a C.S.A. embassy
    >> Carthaginian Empire !1WkzxXeGjo 05/26/11(Thu)23:29 No.15065716
    rolled 17 = 17

    What means this 'robot'?
    >> The Bourbon Kingdom of España 05/26/11(Thu)23:29 No.15065721
    rolled 12, 7, 12, 20 = 51

    No Balearic Isles? This disappoints the King. Very well, useless little specks of dust, really. Also, the King would like to establish diplomatic relations with it's neighbors.

    1) A massive push for industrialization, primarily in the Catalonian region, near Barcelona.
    2) We must reclaim our French holdings! We start by expanding to encompass the entirety of the Pyrenees. So North a little.
    3) Build a division.
    4. Make the area around Madrid more arable and irrigate the area.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:29 No.15065726

    note anyone who doesnt roll automatically fails
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)23:30 No.15065729
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)23:31 No.15065741
    rolled 1 = 1

    I happen to have good relations with the Germans you know.

    Do I get a bye?
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)23:31 No.15065743
         File1306467109.jpg-(119 KB, 938x1200, tophat2.jpg)
    119 KB
    rolled 6 = 6

    What is this all about?
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/26/11(Thu)23:31 No.15065745
         File1306467117.jpg-(76 KB, 768x757, 1306301911725.jpg)
    76 KB

    Your blatant self insertion isn't funny, witty, or anything even remotely respectable.

    It's sad.

    You honestly seem to forget that regardless of what is said and done, the ultimate authority to every action and every roll is the GM. I don't give a fuck if you allegedly set up some universe spanning subplot ages ago. To me you're pulling bullshit out of your ass and trying to force it on to another person's game. This is hardly what a grown man should be doing.

    Please reconsider your actions. You're more than welcome to join in on Nation Builder, this invitation goes out to all players in this thread and across /tg/.
    >> ??? 05/26/11(Thu)23:32 No.15065755
         File1306467169.jpg-(90 KB, 800x764, StriderP.jpg)
    90 KB
    One roll you say?
    >> Kaiser Franz Josef I 05/26/11(Thu)23:33 No.15065758
    See, we refused to fight our own brethren. Let it be done with.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:33 No.15065759
    >> ??? 05/26/11(Thu)23:33 No.15065761
    rolled 10 = 10

    Well here it is.
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)23:34 No.15065769
    rolled 11 = 11


    Here I go. inb4leaderofthefreeworld
    >> The Bourbon Kingdom of España 05/26/11(Thu)23:35 No.15065791
    rolled 8, 5, 5, 17 = 35

    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)23:36 No.15065792
    90's Bros, where are you?

    Only your chillness can defeat TimeLich-Horthy
    >> Canadia 05/26/11(Thu)23:36 No.15065794
    rolled 20, 16, 15, 17 = 68

    Well gee eh, gotta go warm up the igloo via burning blubber, guess ill post my rolls now eh.
    roll 2: expand northwest (cant minimap cause moblie.)
    roll 3: be a nice guy
    roll 4: education eh.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:41 No.15065812
    is anyone else here to roll?
    >> Carthaginian Empire !1WkzxXeGjo 05/26/11(Thu)23:41 No.15065824
    rolled 17, 8, 20, 10 = 55

    The Empire does not yet have the stability for permanent outsider embassies. Your diplomats may find accommodation in the harbor, on our flagship- the Throne of Ba'al- though it is by no means luxury. The choices are yours.

    Roll 1: Attempt to investigate these robots. See how they tick.
    Roll 2: Preparations for westward expansion.
    Roll 3: Quell Muslim uprisings.
    Roll 4: Further civilian industrialization.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:42 No.15065833
         File1306467749.png-(651 KB, 4504x2237, 130193142577.png)
    651 KB
    the new world
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/26/11(Thu)23:42 No.15065835

    Bro I've been snooping the hell out of this thread and think that a lot of these latest actions are absolutely out of whack. Pantheon should probably be taking this better, and to Nine-Ball's credit, the level of diplomacy displayed tonight is near staggering.

    I'd be happy to continue playing in this quest if we were all to become just a little more chill and not have petty differences such as bias and similarity of names separate us.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)23:42 No.15065836
    It would probably be in your best interests to ask America not to take Canadian lands, especially the oil in Alberta as that is needed for Canadia to be relevant

    America is a Confederacy, so I would assume he wouldn't make much of a fuss if the Cascadians voted to leave in a plebiscite, unlike another well known America
    >> canadia 05/26/11(Thu)23:43 No.15065843
    rolled 6 = 6

    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/26/11(Thu)23:43 No.15065848

    And 4chan plus fails me once again. The cat's out of the bag!
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)23:44 No.15065857
    I like the way you think, broseph.
    >> Aztec !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)23:45 No.15065864
    So is this a whole new game?
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:46 No.15065872
    >to nine-balls credit
    on another not I'm strangely glad for the map wipe.
    >> Anonymous 05/26/11(Thu)23:46 No.15065873
         File1306467986.jpg-(19 KB, 475x317, 1305367024986.jpg)
    19 KB
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)23:46 No.15065875
         File1306468006.jpg-(100 KB, 472x676, redcoats.jpg)
    100 KB
    Interesting, guess we are back to where we started, only with Norse as our religion.

    Are Armies and Fleets reset to zero or do we get a few to start with?
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:47 No.15065881
    nazis conquered the world but then unleashed a doomsday device which sent the world back to 1077

    welcome to the middle ages, sword and horse anyone?
    >> Confederate States of America(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)23:48 No.15065886
    rolled 11 = 11


    OOC: My eyes?

    Is this a new start? If so, I'm going to rename myself "Republic of Emmeria"
    >> British Empire 05/26/11(Thu)23:48 No.15065889
         File1306468104.jpg-(49 KB, 305x400, mindblown.jpg)
    49 KB
    Wait... so you were Iceland and I put your new nation on... Iceland...
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:48 No.15065892
    Looks like the old shogun is dead welp time for a new one.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:48 No.15065895
    actually no.

    religions go back to the same levels also

    actually I have an idea....
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/26/11(Thu)23:49 No.15065904
         File1306468175.jpg-(761 KB, 3000x2272, 1226015562957.jpg)
    761 KB

    You've fucked up again, bro. Unless you fully intend on allowing rather fast technological advancement to quickly step past the monotony of medieval crap.

    Players need nukes, chief.
    >> Kingdom of Emmeria(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)23:50 No.15065912
         File1306468245.jpg-(5 KB, 162x108, Emmeria.jpg)
    5 KB
    OOC: C.S.A. here, since we're all blown black to the 9th century, I figure it would be appropriate to change my name.
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/26/11(Thu)23:51 No.15065916
         File1306468275.jpg-(240 KB, 1280x1024, 1304737976354.jpg)
    240 KB

    Players need mechs, powerswords, superhumans, magic, and crazy fucking events.

    They want Sci-fi.

    They want sonic weaponry mounted on tanks.
    >> Canadia 05/26/11(Thu)23:51 No.15065917
    Hello down there! America? How aboot we use the generaly realistic borderlines for our countries eh?
    >> Kingdom of Saxony 05/26/11(Thu)23:52 No.15065930
    rolled 9 = 9

    Well, not sure how to go about this.

    The Germans at this point are a wandering tribe of horsemen ready to settle down in the Prussian plains. They build a fortress at modern day Dresden, and thus begins the reign of the Saxon kingdoms.

    Rolling to spread our influence to the German speaking lands in Poland to get ourselves a decent foothold in this new world.
    >> Ace !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)23:52 No.15065932
    Yes. Fantastic idea. The Aztecs could only find three letters of their namesake to go bye, A, C, and E. Thus, Ace was born.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:54 No.15065948
    alright stop criticizing Pantheon.
    He DMs his way you your way.
    I like this wipe and I don't like nukes.
    I would prefer it if we keep the supernatural and divine forces out. SO your game of giant robots with nukes don't appeal to me. Now like a bad traveling salesman I credit you with an unprecedented tenacity but I honestly wish your snide comments to a close now leave.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:54 No.15065961
         File1306468492.png-(216 KB, 2107x1192, adadad.png)
    216 KB
    this is a game of the exploratory age.

    stepp off

    being the exploratory age this is the new map(unless aztecs really want to aztec)

    let it be considered that anything outside of your borders is unkown
    >> British Empire !zNG0wOI/xI 05/26/11(Thu)23:55 No.15065966
    rolled 1 = 1

    I think I will name change as well, and add a trip, namechange randomiser go!

    1 Britannia
    2 Albion
    3 England
    >> Fatimid Caliphate !1WkzxXeGjo 05/26/11(Thu)23:55 No.15065971
         File1306468545.png-(1 KB, 500x333, 500px-Fatimid_flag.svg.png)
    1 KB
    The Carthaginian Empire is now the Fatimid Caliphate. Allahu ackbar! Allahu ackbar!
    >> Ace !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)23:56 No.15065974
    Is Spain taken already? I'm Aztecs.
    >> Mindaugas !1gogse3A9Y 05/26/11(Thu)23:56 No.15065976
    We can all be friends here

    Pantheon and Nineball just need to learn to get along, maybe give a little ground to the other and chill out

    Otherwise maybe I should DM an impartial game where neither is GM (DM obviously being higher on the food chain) and let them find friendship or animosity on the bloodstained field of war
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/26/11(Thu)23:56 No.15065978

    Criticism? I was offering suggestion based on past experience. Depth makes and breaks these games.


    Glad to see you've decided to simply start up a new game, I suppose. Just avoid stagnation and DMPCs like Austria.
    >> Britannia !zNG0wOI/xI 05/26/11(Thu)23:56 No.15065983
    Ah the good old days of exploration, this should be fun.

    Britannia is a go.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:57 No.15065988
    we can reasonable assume everything is the exact same way i was in 10 77

    lets say the plauge has cripled all nations and everyone is fucking small

    also I need to devide up england...
    >> Kingdom of Emmeria(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/26/11(Thu)23:57 No.15065990
         File1306468630.jpg-(6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)
    6 KB
    The Emmerian's, once a proud nomad people, decided to settle down along the coast in a city which they call "Washington".

    With the belief of their "Golden King" by their side, they are ready to build a civilization.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:57 No.15065991
    we the rising sun imperium remain the way we are
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/26/11(Thu)23:58 No.15066005
    note that I moved the American countries to the old world.

    this game will pick up on Saturday at 9pm sharp

    goodnight all see you saturday
    >> Tiger of Wu !1MOzOjRAAg 05/26/11(Thu)23:58 No.15066006
         File1306468727.jpg-(411 KB, 2107x1192, The Tiger of Wu.jpg)
    411 KB
    Never mind, I'll be Wu.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/26/11(Thu)23:59 No.15066016
    see ya guys i'm out
    >> Canadia 05/27/11(Fri)00:00 No.15066021
    what aboot the american nations?
    >> Mindaugas !1gogse3A9Y 05/27/11(Fri)00:00 No.15066023
    I'd like to point out by this time I am reasonably sure the Emperor Otto of Saxony had already established the German Holy Roman empire, and the fact that Germany is covered in forest and not open plains would probably discourage too much "nomad horsemen" being out and about, but carry on as you see fit, though it may make more sense if you try for the German speaking German lands.
    >> Kingdom of Emmeria(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/27/11(Fri)00:00 No.15066024

    I'm in Sweden?
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/27/11(Fri)00:00 No.15066026
    die in a fucking fire nine-ball.
    >> Britannia !zNG0wOI/xI 05/27/11(Fri)00:00 No.15066030
         File1306468850.jpg-(43 KB, 393x501, Steamcoat2.jpg)
    43 KB
    Very well, I'll be there, hopefully I can find some longbow pictures to use until I invent muskets.

    Until then.
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/27/11(Fri)00:01 No.15066034

    Your hostility isn't getting you places.
    >> The "Pantheon"(shakomatic0fdk) !AXnsfQqEjA 05/27/11(Fri)00:01 No.15066035
    yeah where do you want to be?
    >> The Bourbon Kingdom of España 05/27/11(Fri)00:01 No.15066040
    rolled 8, 11, 12, 6 = 37

    Very well. Just without Moors.
    >> Fatimid Caliphate !1WkzxXeGjo 05/27/11(Fri)00:01 No.15066041
    rolled 1, 9, 9, 10 = 29

    Roll 1: Construction of naval ships.
    Roll 2: Recruitment of Berber cavalry.
    Roll 3: Stance on other religions (under ten is BURN THE WITCH, over ten is tolerance)
    Roll 4: Farming and fishing.

    Oh goddamn it. I was just getting into it, too. Fuck. At least Nine Ball's got his thing tomorrow.

    Mole People, away!
    >> Kingdom of Emmeria(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/27/11(Fri)00:02 No.15066046

    Sweden is fine, but I was thinking more like Finland but close enough.
    >> Mindaugas !1gogse3A9Y 05/27/11(Fri)00:02 No.15066047
    Well if you want to be truly historical you probably wouldn't see much islamic fundamentalism ala allahu akbar chanting back in the 1000s AD

    Certainly people were willing to kill for religion, but modern fundamentalism is a different beast from the zealotry of the middle ages
    >> Fatimid Caliphate !1WkzxXeGjo 05/27/11(Fri)00:04 No.15066070
    To be fair, 'Allahu ackbar' isn't all that fundamental. They're just saying their god is great.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/27/11(Fri)00:06 No.15066087
    You're denial of your actions don't help much either.
    Giving what you call helpful advice is what we define as constructive criticism now that is all fine and dandy but i have now and pantheon has stated repeatedly that we don't care for it. So it would be appreciated if you either rolled a nation or just stayed out of the thread or play the game. Can't we just get along?
    >> Mindaugas !1gogse3A9Y 05/27/11(Fri)00:07 No.15066096
    But using it as a warcry seems like something a modern terrorist would do

    Since Saladin was a fatimid general, maybe you should use him as your exemplar and lead from the front, as a pillar of Islamic chivalry (or as close to European chivalry as you can get anyway)
    >> Kingdom of Saxony 05/27/11(Fri)00:10 No.15066130
    Well as you can see I have no HRE I only have a small slot of land in central Germany.

    Southern and western Germany are indeed very forested. But Prussia and the Ukraine are very forested and known for being the site of many horse driven cultures. My people are of Scythian descent, from the Crimea. And as we all know, the Scythians were expert horse nomads.
    >> Kingdom of Emmeria(rebelbaron) !aYZGf3TFAE 05/27/11(Fri)00:11 No.15066140
    Good news is that I'll be able to show up for Saturday's game. Woohoo, Gonna create me some Emmerian Knight Order.
    >> Nine-Ball !nkH4yr2niY 05/27/11(Fri)00:11 No.15066141

    Denial of what? It's clear to me now that attempts to try and suggest better alternatives for this form of game are futile, I'll step off and watch it roll on by.

    Remember folks, Pregame thread tomorrow at 7:00PM PST with game start at 7:30PM PST likely running for the majority of the night for Nation Builder. Hop in if you so desire.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)00:15 No.15066178
    Hmm, perhaps you mean of Sarmatian descent? Or maybe of some other horse tribe?

    I mean at this point it's been about a thousand years since the Scythians/Saka were a distinct identity. Also I'm pretty sure the Crimea was still inhabited by Greeks and Goths at this point in time.
    >> Mindaugas !1gogse3A9Y 05/27/11(Fri)00:16 No.15066195
    Anyway, enough history

    Lithuania or Samogitia

    Baltic paganism

    add me to the map, please, it's time for the Balts to shine for once
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/27/11(Fri)00:16 No.15066196
    Thank you that was all we wanted.
    You can will DM your way and we will stick with Pantheon.
    I didn't mean any harm but I prefer the way Pantheon DMs just like you prefer the way you DM.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)00:17 No.15066204
    I find it odd that Pantheon has disappeared but the long-lost Japanese empire has risen to his defense
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)00:19 No.15066214
         File1306469945.png-(166 KB, 413x230, 1304977700678.png)
    166 KB

    Misplaced his scrote, perhaps?
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/27/11(Fri)00:19 No.15066221
    Ya but we're not being too realistic here.
    I could be feudal communistic cowboys in Japan if I wanted as long as the tech matches what everyone else has.
    >> Britannia !zNG0wOI/xI 05/27/11(Fri)00:20 No.15066226
    I highly doubt they are the same person, give your conspiracy theories a rest.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/27/11(Fri)00:21 No.15066236
    or at least I think so since we had aztecs in spain a minute ago.
    >> Rising Sun Imperium 05/27/11(Fri)00:27 No.15066282
    no i'm not pantheon i'm one of his players.
    his game isn't sunshine and rainbows either.
    but at least he doesn't go and muck up others games (at least I don't think he does. If he does then this message is moot)
    anyway you already proved that you're samefagging
    Now all I want is you to leave the thread or play the game. I'm not trying to insult or be mean to everyone. I'm just getting a bit tired of you.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)00:32 No.15066339

    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)00:34 No.15066365
    >but at least he doesn't go and muck up others games (at least I don't think he does. If he does then this message is moot)
    anyway you already proved that you're samefagging

    He does muck up other games, and has done so MANY times, and that is one reason he annoys me so

    >play the game

    I am sure you would like to do this since you haven't been here in months, but the fact you don't use a trip and the fact that you suddenly reappeared has made me cast suspicion on whether you are the real Japan
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)00:36 No.15066376
    The year is 1077, assuming all history before is more or less similar I think being the descendants of the long dead Sarmatians instead of the even longer dead Scythians is probably reasonable.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)00:39 No.15066394
    And so the cowards flee before my written onslaught

    Truly I am a god
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)00:40 No.15066406
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    >> Minotaur 05/27/11(Fri)01:55 No.15067020
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    The Minoan League lifts it's head out of obscurity demanding to be recognized.
    >> Anonymous 05/27/11(Fri)03:16 No.15067696
    My ass.

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