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05/17/11(Tue)17:24 No.14960470 File1305667444.jpg-(573 KB, 1400x1201, Realistic Sexy.jpg)
 rolled 8233 = 8233
Scout Mech (48P) [5x6x3] HP: 5. ARM: 2. SPD: 10(Ground). ACC: 2/6. DMG: 4. RNG: 0. Special: Storage Mode (2 Half Actions) May switch between storage mode and operational mode. While in storage units count as only 3/4th of their normal point cost and cannot act. While in storage mode: size is [6x6x2]
ALT: Instead of gaining a reduced size and point value from storage mode, the Scout Mech may instead gain SPD: 2(FLY).
The Scout Mech is a standard unit of the Kazka Empire, often deployed in groups of 3 or more they make short work of most other lightweight mechs.
Assault Mech (64P) [5x6x4] HP: 9. ARM: 4. SPD: 7(Ground). ACC: 2/6. DMG: 4. RNG: 0. Special: Storage Mode (2 Half Actions) May switch between storage mode and operational mode. While in storage units count as only 3/4th of their normal point cost and cannot act. While in storage mode: size is [6x6x3]
The Assault Mech is seen as an improvement over the Scout Mech in being able to take greater punishment than its lightweight counterpart, though at decreased speed and maneuverability. However, it shares the same weaknesses to the legs.
Elite Mech (80P) [6x8x4] HP: 10. ARM: 5. SPD: 8(Ground). ACC: 2/6. DMG: 6. RNG: 0. ACC: 2/6. DMG: 6. RNG: 0.
Larger and more impressive than the Assault Mech, the Elite Mech boasts even more powerful armor, greater firepower, and a higher movement speed at the cost of their storage mode.
Screamer (88P) [8x10x3] HP: 8. ARM: 0. SPD: 4(FLY). ACC: 1/6. DMG: 6. RNG: 19. Special: Storage Mode (2 Half Actions) May switch between storage mode and operational mode. While in storage units count as only 3/4th of their normal point cost and cannot act. While in storage mode: size is [6x6x3]
The Screamer is a premier air unit of the Kazka Empire. Capable of firing long range projectile, they are traditionally used for bombing runs. |