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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File : 1303632688.jpg-(103 KB, 800x600, binary.jpg)
    103 KB Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)04:11 No.14701650  
    Well, midnight local time.

    Seems a good a time as any for a quick thread on BINARY WARFARE.

    >Previous thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14687423/

    Right, last time I dropped a lot of rules without a lot of explination.

    Thought I might tackle some more questions and comments.

    Feel free to ask me anything.

    >What is Binary Warfare?

    Binary Warfare is a Wargame. Sort of.

    The idea started with http://www.dystopia-game.com/. a friends asked me to play it with him, and although I had no real interest in the game itself, the concept of a war-game with a secondary battlefield intrigued me.

    The abstract representations that are a given in tabletop games also gives a lot of room to play with the concept.

    In the last couple of threads, I made a lot of progress, and I think just having an audience to rant at actually helps my creative drive.

    So this is all part of the process.

    Just one thing: if you have any interest in this project at all, please drop by and let me know. Just give me an idea of how many people care.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)04:26 No.14701754
    Right, thread needs a bump since my browser wasn't refreshing properly.

    Yesterday, I posted a short 'scenario' showing how the game would work around a simple skirmish.

    I'll provide an explanation of certain terms afterward. Or as asked for.

    Each type of action including: taking cover, attempting to 'heal' a squadie, shooting, stabbing, hacking, jacking, etc. Has a stat attached to it.

    Current list of stats:

    Ballistics, melee, repair, stealth, tactics, subterfuge, awareness, and morale (there are others, but they're not relevant to this example).

    Each stat represents a competency rating. Each point gives you an additional die in the dicepool when rolling for a particular thing, for example.

    Applied use of these stats are simple. You take the base competency rating, add the relevant modifiers, and roll. Here is an example scenario:

    >Player one is playing the Illuminati faction, while Player two is playing The Collective.

    On his turn, Player one has one of his units, A 'Knight Errant' move into a new room, attempting to ascertain the nature of the intruders.

    Player two has two combat drones in the room. Player two also has the Hero (working title) unit Xarn on the field.

    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)04:27 No.14701766

    Since it is player one's turn, he makes an awareness test. Since the Knight Errant's awareness is 2, and he has a special motion detecting visor in his helmet that gives a plus one bonus, he has a total of three dice.

    Rolling, he only gets one hit- not enough to notice the two Drones.

    On his turn Player Two takes advantage of Xarn's command ability 'Glory of the Swarm' giving each unit on his side a tactics rating bonus equal to the number of active units on his side.

    This gives the Drones an impressive tactics of 8.

    They decide to use the 'coordinated fire' ability to combine their dicepools in an attack against the Knight Errant.

    'Coordinated fire' allows the unit with the lower tactics rating to add more dice to the higher unit's ballistics dicepool up to their tactics rating.

    In this case, both units has the identical ballistics rating of 4, with a -1 to each because their guns are of an inferior quality. This allows a total of 6 dice to be rolled in the attack against the Knight Errant.

    The Knight Errant is crouched behind a wall waiting for some of his squad to catch up. Since he is behind partial cover, he gets a temporary shield bonus against the drones attack equal to one half his tactics rating (4) rounded down. Normally he would also get to subtract one die from their attack pool for being behind partial cover, but this is a Surprise Attack.

    With the Six dice scoring four hits, the Knight Errant takes two points of damage, the other two having been stopped by the shield bonus the cover provided.

    Since he has 8 armor points, he takes no wound damage, instead losing some armor integrity.

    The two drones abandon their hiding places and charge him, attempting to flank.

    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)04:29 No.14701788

    On Player One's turn the Knight Errant stands up and unleashes a full-auto burst on one of the Drones.

    With his Ballistics skill of 5 and the +2 bonus for using a Superior grade assault rifle and the, he rolls 7 dice. He scores five hits, with an addition of two points of damage for the auto. Since the Drone he was targeting only had an armor of 2 and possessed 2 wounds, he scored a rating 2 overkill (more on this later).

    He decides to then retreat back through the door and arm a mine on the way by. Unfortunately, since he has a rifle (and therefore avoided the -1 die for full auto) he has to holster it. This takes the rest of his turn.

    Going back to Player Two: He decides to make his Drone fire while continuing to move towards the Knight Errant, hitting with exploding dice, causing a total of 7 damage. Since the Knight Errant has already taken damage knocking him down to six armor, he loses all armor bonuses and takes one wound. The Drone doesn't quite make it close enough to go into a melee when the turn ends.

    On Player One's turn, he moves two more Knight Errant into the hallway outside, clearly drawn by the gunfire. The original (from our perspective) Knight sets the bomb on the door and runs.

    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)04:30 No.14701803

    The Drone chooses to charge at the retreating Knight. He takes the blast, losing his armor and taking one of his two wounds in damage. He activates his Rampage skill to add twice his remaining wounds to his armor score until the end of the next round at the cost of being able to use anything other than an 'unarmed' melee attack.

    He catches up to the wounded Knight and attacks. Since the Drone's melee stat is 5, and it's boosted by both the 'feral claws' upgrade (+2) and the Rampage (+1) against a flatfooted (running away, back turned) target (+1) he gets a staggering 9 dice for this next attack. He gets six hits, and only needed two. Not only is the Knight now dead, he's been brutally dismembered. Having watched a rateing four overkill, the two Knights have to make a morale check at a difficulty four.

    One of the two has only a morale stat of three, so he auto-fails and runs. The other one has Nerves of Steel, halving the difficulty, and allows him to barely pass with his 3 dice. On Player One's turn he calmly lines up the shot at the rampaging Drone with a dicepool of 7, and drops him easily having needed only three hits.

    Having survived a skirmish with the enemy unit, he radios back the information to the squad's commander. Since this 'Hero' has the quality "Tactical Genius" he grants a +1 bonus to all attacks from his side and gives a 'shield' bonus of 1 to all units under his direct command.

    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)04:39 No.14701874
    Right then, this might have gone before that example, but to give an idea for how the game works in term of unit organization...

    UNIT: Term for an individual on the battlefield. Technically Unit can refer to vehicles, drones, Heroes, or mooks. It's a universal term, with no implied value.

    SQUAD: A group sized for skirmishes. Currently the size is set at 100 points for the standard baseline, but this is as much a place-holder as anything else.

    Each squad has at least one Hero unit, one of whom is the designated 'commander'. You cannot change commanders mid-battle, but in the case where there is more than one allied squad on the field, units from a squad without a commander can be merged into another squad.

    FIRE-TEAM: Much more a case-by case basis than the other two classifications, fire-teams are any allied units within a certain range of each-other.

    As an example: Both of the Attack Drones from the collective were part of the same fire-team. This allowed them to use a fire-team tactic: coordinated fire.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)04:53 No.14701980
    You'll note that the Knight Errant in the example choose to take cover, and that gave him a sheild bonus.

    The reason for this is because there's a difference between 'personal' shields, and 'environmental' shields.

    The difference is this: personal shields overload when you hit their threshold. Environmental shields are much harder to destroy, but they also don't come back the following round.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:05 No.14702044
    Questions? Comments?

    Hell, at this point I'd take a sagefag troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:09 No.14702068
    when do I get to hack the gibson
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)05:12 No.14702089
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:13 No.14702093

    >when do I get to hack the gibson

    I have no idea what you mean by this.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:14 No.14702098

    >dosen't know how to sage

    s'up Soul Bro?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:18 No.14702120

    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)05:19 No.14702129
    What's up man. How's the generation of intrest?
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:22 No.14702140

    You'll notice the total lack of interest other than you and the guy making 'Hackers' references.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:24 No.14702147
    I'm interested. Feel free to continue while I get caught up. Any new solid crunch sense the last thread, or are you just going to be elaborating more on what's been posted before? Either way I'm interested.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:24 No.14702150
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    IT'S. NOT. A. TUMOR.

    ITS. A. LAZOR.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)05:27 No.14702164
    Well, best I can tell you to do is have some fun with it. That, and bring at least a alpha version for us to rip apart.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:28 No.14702172
    I'm interested too, but I need to be catching a train in about 10 minutes. Bookmarked, keep it alive until I get back?
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:28 No.14702175

    >Any new solid crunch sense the last thread, or are you just going to be elaborating more on what's been posted before?

    Mostly the latter.

    I noticed that in the example I posted (also in the last thread) I threw out new words like I was thumbing through a dictionary, and never got around to explaining half the terms.

    I'm rather optimistically projecting that by this time next week I'll have a playable skirmish module for play-testing.

    I'm thinking that if things continue at this rate, I'll have the core rules BETA done in a month, and then I'll flesh out the faction Codices while play-testing.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:29 No.14702183

    How long will you be gone for?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:29 No.14702185
    I think it would be a good idea to define "successes" in your example as well as what modifiers apply to the target numbers in addition to what modifiers apply to dice pools.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:32 No.14702203

    A good 9 hours, reckon this'll be archived? If not, don't worry, I'll catch the next one.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:34 No.14702218
    there did seem to be a lot of progress in the last thread already. if you can mock up some unit/terrain models in paint or something you could probably run a skirmish on /tg/
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)05:36 No.14702226
    I second this. Props, motherrfucker. It's time to make them.

    I say? Go with wood, carve them out, paint them up.

    Baller as fuck.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:36 No.14702228

    >I think it would be a good idea to define "successes" in your example

    I plan on sticking this particular example right in the middle of the combat rules section, so this would be something already explained.

    For reference, a 'success' is when you roll within a certain range on an individual die, and the total is how many of these you get. these are compared to what you're rolling for to get the result.

    Feel free to tell me if this isn't what you meant.

    >as well as what modifiers apply to the target numbers in addition to what modifiers apply to dice pools.

    I'd have to say that these all depend on the situation. Care to clarify what you mean?

    Sorry, I have a habit of understanding something really complex and fucked up and then failing to get something simple right in front of me.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:41 No.14702252

    Like I said, I plan to have a playable skirmish module or two ready by next week.

    Maybe I'll post one on /tg/?

    Hell, maybe grab somebody else and play against them like we did in the old connect four threads.


    >I second this. Props, motherrfucker. It's time to make them.

    Yeah I'll have to have something in order to play-test properly. Maybe tokens-

    >I say? Go with wood, carve them out, paint them up.

    I... I have no wood, or wood-carving skills. Or paint.

    Besides, how would this work with the internet?

    >Baller as fuck.

    Wait, are you Black?

    Not that it matters, but- ah fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:42 No.14702255
    In the last thread you explained that the target number starts at 9-10 and that there would be certain modifiers that would be present often enough that the average success range would be 7-10. I just thought it would be a good idea to include in the examples "[unit] gets [modifier] for [reason], so any die that land on [success range] is considered a succes. [Unit] rolls [example rolls] giving him [example number of successes]" at least once.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:46 No.14702273

    Yeah, I see what you mean. I'll have to work something like that into a future version of The Example.

    Or an earlier one or something.

    I figured that this one would be more focused on the interaction between the units rather than an in-depth look at success ranges.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:47 No.14702280
    if you have any skill with blender you can get your models 3d printed here
    the quality isn't great, but it's not horrible either
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)05:48 No.14702287
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    >Wait, are you Black?

    Yes, I am. Picture related.

    I'm more stavivng of boredom than anything. That, and bumping your thread.

    Tokens are good. Recomend washers or metal blanks. They work well.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)05:50 No.14702296
    For Wargames, your Success ranges are your bread and butter of your core rules. You need to at least take a hard look at them before you really start working on fluff.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:50 No.14702299
    you scary
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:50 No.14702303


    Should I get far enough that such a thing is needed, I'll be sure to keep this site in mind. Only one problem:

    >if you have any skill with blender

    I have no skill in blender.

    Or anything resembling an art-thingy.

    My plan was to spam draw-threads for concept art, and then hand those off to someone who wants to make models.

    Thank you Anon.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)05:51 No.14702307
    Really? Hold on, I'll go take a less intimimdating picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:55 No.14702331
    it's not your expression, it's just your size. the crossed arms probably don't help though.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)05:56 No.14702336
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    You could feed a whole white suburban family with just one of those forearms...

    And kill them all with that stare. The typical white reaction to be expected is included.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:57 No.14702340

    Best stand-in for wargames I've seen are, not surprisingly, chess pieces.


    The fluff literally took me about 30 seconds to create the entire world this would take place in.

    Longer to write it but, there you go.

    Success ranges... yeah, I can see how they would be important. They're also dynamic.

    Just one more thing you can use to redefine the battlefield.

    They're the way they are on purpose. I'd have to play-test to see how much adjusting they need.


    Right up until you realize that he's standing in front of what looks like a Gurren Langan poster, meaning his pose might be copying an anime character.

    That, and I'm in Alaska. Things look less scary thousands of miles away.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)05:58 No.14702349
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    Well, damn. I sometimes forget how big I am.

    Personally, I think the hat makes a very big difference.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)05:59 No.14702364

    Look on the bright side: He's ONE OF US, and therefore more likely to turn against someone else.

    Then again, his size compared with his seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of fire-arms...


    I have nothing to say about this post.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:01 No.14702371

    That's the same expression that cartoon moose gave me when I tried to tell him I wasn't high.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:01 No.14702373
    >I'd have to play-test to see how much adjusting they need.
    well let's get on it
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:01 No.14702374
    I'm a law-abiding, firearm-owning, productive member of society.

    ...who likes to roll dice on the weekends(And weekdays), pretending to be a Psion or a Artificer.

    Take of that what you will.


    Protip: Most gangbangers dont' know shit about guns.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:03 No.14702387

    Nice as progress has been, rules aren't quite that done yet.

    Next week I promise.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:05 No.14702400
    Is there a place where you can just order a shitload of chess pieces?

    I think I want to troll the shit out of some WH40k players.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:05 No.14702401
    so what are you lacking in the rules department exactly?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:05 No.14702403
    Now you just look adorable, that is so weird.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:05 No.14702404

    protip: You don't have to be a gangbanger to shoot people.

    I just hit me how little support there is for homebrew on /tg/ these days. I remember the first half-dozen RPGs I made /tg/ was all over that shit.

    Now look.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:06 No.14702406
    I told you. The hat makes a big difference.

    And the newsboy cap? Best ten bucks I ever spent.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:08 No.14702412
    I fucking love newsboy caps
    ...and black guys always seem to be able to pull it off so much better than I could ever hope to
    stupid elongated face and giant forehead
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:08 No.14702417
    Market's become somewhat flooded, but I've noticed that /tg/ works best when you've got rules, and shit to show/improve on.

    Ideas are nice, but solid rules are the shit they thrive on.

    That, and fluff.

    Personally, I think they've been friendly, at least to me. Sure, you'll get some trolls who'll say "Such and such does it better." But that's to be expected.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:09 No.14702421

    Dude, go into any hobby-shop in America. They'll have at least a dozen cheap chess-sets for about five bucks.

    Be sure to make one a dread-knight from me.


    Some of the framework.

    Most of the unit listings.

    And uh.... about 95% of the cyberspace rules.

    Starting to see why nobody else has it.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:10 No.14702424
    >You don't have to be a gangbanger to shoot people.
    Protip: People who aren't gangbangers and shoot people usualy don't use the whole magazine to hit their target.


    Hey, you gotta work with what you've got. Have you tried long blonde hair?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:14 No.14702450
    not even if I was blond and not balding

    seems like pounding out some unit listings might help with the framework problem (not that I know what the fuck I'm talking about). the defending player gets to buy terrain elements, right? is the point pool for terrain elements the same as the point pool for his units, or is it separate?
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:15 No.14702453

    >Protip: People who aren't gangbangers and shoot people usualy don't use the whole magazine to hit their target.

    I don't see how increased accuracy helps when I'm the one being theoretically shot at.

    >Hey, you gotta work with what you've got. Have you tried long blonde hair?

    If you do, spike it straight up like that guy from tekken.

    Then put the cap on that.

    Make sure you have the aviator shade and your pimp walk down, 'cause HATERS GONNA HATE.

    >Market's become somewhat flooded, but I've noticed that /tg/ works best when you've got rules, and shit to show/improve on.

    Then in a week or so I should get more responses.

    Well, that's something to hope for.

    >That, and fluff.


    I'm currently fighting the urge to toss the game itself aside and write like a million books.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:17 No.14702464
    >I'm currently fighting the urge to toss the game itself aside
    I'm glad you're not quite serious about that.
    You're not really serious about that, are you?
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:17 No.14702466
    >I don't see how increased accuracy helps when I'm the one being theoretically shot at.

    It's called a buddy. You're the distraction. They shoot at you so I can shoot them.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:18 No.14702472

    >seems like pounding out some unit listings might help with the framework problem

    Maybe. Won't know until I do it.

    >the defending player gets to buy terrain elements, right?

    In theory. I think I'm going to set that aside for now, until I get some more solid rules for how actual base mechanics work.

    >is the point pool for terrain elements the same as the point pool for his units, or is it separate?

    Leaning heavily towards separate, but I haven't made up my mind yet.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:18 No.14702476
    >I'm currently fighting the urge to toss the game itself aside and write like a million books.


    That said. I do want to see how this plays out. It looks intreasting. So if you're going to drop it, release your doccuments first.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:19 No.14702482
    what about movement? will it be measured in inches? I'm guessing each unit will have different movement rates.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:20 No.14702484

    I'm both serious about the urge and my desire to keep working on the rules anyway.

    This would be a lot easier if i had someone helping me since I'm much better at fluff anyway.


    The part I'm having problems with continues to be the part where I'm getting shot.

    Speaking from experience, bullets fucking hurt.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:22 No.14702497
    >bullets fucking hurt.
    So I've been told. But hell, can you pull moa .5 with a Jennings 9mm? at 1000 yards? I don't think so sir, that's why I'm the gunman, and you're the distraction.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:25 No.14702507
    you said you were working on an action point system. any details on that yet?
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:28 No.14702516

    >what about movement? will it be measured in inches?

    Yes. I'm also thinking on adding some variant rules for grid based combat.

    >I'm guessing each unit will have different movement rates.

    More or less. A lot will have similar rates, with faster and slower for certain units.



    Not sure I agree with you on that. Shit, I've read more books than some libraries have period, and I'm only 20.

    Besides, they'd be good. I'm planning to write some as an aside to doing this and other shit.


    Alaska's a big place man. Even if I said 'South Central' you'd have an area almost as big as your state to search.

    >That said. I do want to see how this plays out. It looks interesting. So if you're going to drop it, release your documents first.

    Thanks for the interest.



    Not a single word has been written down outside these threads. When it's done it'll be committed to paper.

    Or I'll get high, forget about all this, and have an angry black man kick my ass in about six months when he finishes the trek north.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:30 No.14702526

    Have you played either of the first two fallout games?

    You now have a rough idea of how that would work.


    I'm good with a long-arm, and solid with revolvers.

    That said, I prefer high-explosives. When you leave a crater a mile wide, accuracy isn't a huge concern.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:34 No.14702546
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    >Not a single word has been written down outside these threads. When it's done it'll be committed to paper.


    Notepad++ , and a small notebook is your best fucking friend. Picture related. It's the Notebook I used when I got ideas on the fly.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:35 No.14702552
    I swear, what is it with Alaskans and explosives..

    Personally, i'm a Shotgun and Autoloader man myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:39 No.14702574
    so what's in a turn?
    jacking in
    jacking out
    jacking off
    anything else will probably fall under one of those categories
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:39 No.14702577

    No really, it's better off in my head until it's done for three reasons:

    1: Nobody is going to steal it. (bigger concern than you might think)
    2: When I write it down, I forget it.
    3: My brain works funny. I can carry like 15 different trains of thought at once. If I had to write everything down, I'd lose interest in the project and it would also be going a lot slower.

    Note that this idea was conceived less than a week ago and it's half-way to Alpha with a lot of fluff content already. If I were writing shit down I'd be about six month from where I am.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:40 No.14702583
    >Jacking off
    I lol'd. You all now have a picture of a Star general jacking off to the battle that he is commanding.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:41 No.14702593
    this obviously is only concerned with basic core rules and not with cyber space. we can worry about cyber space when we know how characters will act outside of cyberspace
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:42 No.14702594
    Eh, to each his own then. I prefer to write an idea down, so I can revise it and come back to it at any time.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:43 No.14702606

    >I swear, what is it with Alaskans and explosives.

    Lots of empty space up here. Empty space= no collateral damage. Lots of boom, little risk.


    A turn you have each unit take actions pertaining to either movement or their skills.

    You buy each action with AP (action points).


    >jacking off

    Clearly you've read Black Hawk Down.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:46 No.14702623
    is AP per unit or is it one pool you have to allocate to units? does it reset at max at the start of each turn or is there an AP regen rate?
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:46 No.14702624

    I do take notes, but they make no sense to anybody else because I cipher automatically and generally my notes act as an index for my brain.

    Even translated They read out three or four seemingly random words and maybe a doodle.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:48 No.14702634

    >is AP per unit or is it one pool you have to allocate to units?

    Per unit.

    Otherwise thing would get silly.

    >does it reset at max at the start of each turn or is there an AP regen rate?

    You get X amount per turn, with a cap of how much you can have at a time.

    Regen rate can change depending on circumstances.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:48 No.14702635
    Sounds like what I do.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:49 No.14702642

    Man, if your brain works anything like mine does, I feel really sorry for you.

    My brain is not a fun place to be.
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)06:51 No.14702651
    I mean with the key words. Not so much with the doodling.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:53 No.14702666

    >this obviously is only concerned with basic core rules and not with cyber space.

    Cyberspace IS core, but I see what you're getting at.

    >we can worry about cyber space when we know how characters will act outside of cyberspace

    I'm always worried about cyberspace.

    That said, cyberspace rules will be fairly simple.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)06:54 No.14702676
    it seems like the bulk of the work you have to do is setting values for all of your variables
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)06:59 No.14702705
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)07:00 No.14702709
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    >See thread
    >"Binary Warfare"
    >Actual game is just a typical skirmish game with very little about binary
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)07:02 No.14702721

    The name both refers to the cyberspcae aspect, AND the fact it takes place on two battlefields.

    Bi = two. So Binary Warfare....

    You know what? Forget it.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)07:07 No.14702748
         File1303643225.jpg-(179 KB, 589x564, At least you tried.jpg)
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    That's pretty lame, especially when your opening picture included binary.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)07:08 No.14702755
    how bout we set an average stat value and then pick a faction and start brainstorming some units?

    fuckoff, faggot
    >> Sweet Soul Bro !!H5XdMKmBv5G 04/24/11(Sun)07:12 No.14702777
    Haters gonna hate, man.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)07:15 No.14702792

    >how bout we set an average stat value and then pick a faction and start brainstorming some units?

    We could do that, except for two small problems.

    First off, It's like three am where I'm at and I have to be up at something resembling a decent hour.

    Secondly, I kinda want this to by my game.

    I mean, I like feedback and advice, that's why I came to /tg/ in the first place. However, as soon as somebody gets involved past questions and criticisms it sorta becomes their thing too.

    Thanks for the support though.
    >> Binary Warfare 04/24/11(Sun)07:17 No.14702802
    Anyway, thanks to the people who contributed.

    Better friedns and fans than I deserve.

    Feel free to post whatever, I'll give it a read before i start up the next thread.

    Adios guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)07:17 No.14702808
    it was more of a suggestion for you to do yourself anyway, honestly. it's past 6 am here and i'm getting pretty tired. I'm just trying to do what I can to keep you moving forward. would hate you see you stagnate and give up altogether

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