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03/19/11(Sat)11:02 No.14296433 File1300546930.jpg-(154 KB, 548x518, 1271353333466.jpg)
 >>14296220 Ever consider inviting people over to your place? It might cool your temper a little. Sure, you can't into souls or anything, but one of the big six could send you some physical company in the form of a follower.
Heck, considering how bad it is out here, some normal folks might just want to hunker down in the megastructure with you while the galaxy burns.
>>14296305 Look, one of your dudes had been prepping humanity for a millennium to join you folks, hell, a tenth of humanity is practically cosplaying as you guys as your welcome wagon.
Me, I'd be happy to wake up finding out some hot fleshy bitches are idolizing me so fanatically they'd hack off limbs to be more compatible with me.
Pic fucking related. |