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  • File : 1300324731.jpg-(120 KB, 562x800, Charcoal_Dragon_by_drakhenliche.jpg)
    120 KB Sorcerer Quest V VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/16/11(Wed)21:18 No.14268349  
    You are Melane Kiried, sorceress leader of a small group of revolutionaries out on the northern plains of the continent Mandral, a land of men and dragons.

    You stand before a metal-legged gnoll named Algers, who has somehow survived for 300 years. He is the leader of a confederacy of gnolls like him, known as the ripouse. Bred from different stock, they seek to combat gnolls for territory and honor, to someday be recognized as equals by the human city-states.

    But that is not what is on your mind right now.

    >>"Kiried..." Algers says, sniffling a bit. "Mistress, when you... were in my master's memories, did you by chance hear the name

    >>Darane Kiried?"

    Previous thread: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/14245154/
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/16/11(Wed)21:26 No.14268453
    The gnoll/ripouse was the servant of Alkenin Murejed, your ancient ancestor. You were never sure how until now. You knew only that you had some family in the northern cities from before the war.

    You have heard the name, in passing. A beautiful enchantress whom Alkenin apparently knew quite well. More well than you thought at first.

    But to think she was one of your ancestors... It's a bit shocking to you.

    Algers gives you a minute to think, the flames he conjured in the subterranean room still providing an orangy light. "My master and her were quite close. They never married, but I doubt she would have taken on his name. Or that he would have let her." He clears his throat a bit. "My position as his servant prevents me from saying any more."

    What will you do?
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/16/11(Wed)21:47 No.14268711
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/16/11(Wed)22:08 No.14268995
    Will be back in 30, hope people show up.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)22:16 No.14269104
    "Wow. I guess it was my turn to have my mind blown. Alkenin was pretty lively for his age."
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)22:21 No.14269180
    Let's have a walk. Explain our current scenario, as best we can.

    Also, as for what he said about having to be our servant, if he brings that up again, say something to the effect of "Well, now that's a problem. See, you are the leader of these people, and it would not do for such a leader to publicly say such things. I really came looking for allies, but I would not mind if I walked away from this with a new friend."
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)22:33 No.14269335

    These, pretty much.

    Also, Gargoyle quest?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)22:39 No.14269412
    I saw it, just look a couple pages back.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)22:40 No.14269427
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    Bumping OP. A gnoll for your troubles.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/16/11(Wed)22:55 No.14269598

    Here it is: >>14268986


    "Wow. I guess it was my turn to have my mind blown. Alkenin was pretty lively for his age."

    Algers laughs a bit. "The masters were not old at merely eighty. In most cases they were expected to live to around one hundred and fifty years. Expensive magical treatments. My master brought home quite a few ladies in his day." He sighs. "Shameful as it may have been, I felt attraction towards them as well. I channeled that youthful interest into chatter. None of them would have me, but I at least felt accepted." He shakes his head a bit. "I suppose I occupied a strange position. Not quite a slave or a master."


    "Can we go for a walk?" You ask.

    Algers chuckles a bit. "Certainly, certainly. Believe it or not, even muscles made from liquid metal need exercise, else I creak like a man of my age justly should." You hear the creak in his knee as he walks, and he grins, laughing at it.

    You walk up above ground, the old hyena-man raising his hand over his eyes as you get to the surface. His fur is a near white with a slight tannish-blonde color to it, save brunette spots down his neck, on his muzzle and on his arms. The ripouse guards he dismisses with a friendly nod. The two of you are regarded by all who you pass, some waving, others respectfully inclining their heads to him. "The air up here is much nicer." He says, taking in a deep breath.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)23:05 No.14269732

    So, let's ask him what his plans are now for his soon-to-be-city/tribesmen.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/16/11(Wed)23:06 No.14269746
    "What did you mean, you were my servant?" You ask, quietly.

    Algers stares off at a group of ripouse children playing, some playing singing games and others brawling with each other in a friendly manner, despite biting into one another neither yelps in anything but surprise.

    "I was born a slave, in my master's laboratory. He asked me to serve him faithfully, and I did. I told myself that if I lived long enough, I would serve his children as well." He pauses. "He never did agree with his son, so I figured I would attend to the next of the line. Even after they declared all the slaves freed, I still knew that I was his servant, and that I belonged in his house. Perhaps it was my formative years, I have heard that these have a great impact on the attitude of a person. But I cannot change the way that I feel, even after three centuries."

    "Well, now that's a problem." You say, grinning mirthlessly. "See, you are the leader of these people, and it would not do for such a leader to publicly say such things. I really came looking for allies, but I would not mind if I walked away from this with a new friend."

    "I will serve you as I did my master." He says, smiling. "After all, he once told me-" He pauses, a great sadness overcoming him. He collects himself before speaking again. "-He once told me that we were friends. You being his offspring, I would consider you my friend through that as well, and do for you as I would for him." He chuckles a bit. "These people can do as they will. I have never forced them into anything, and even for you, I would not. However, I can tell them of your goals, ask if any would join you." He looks over to the children once more, smiling. "It's something they would understand far better than I, I think."
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)23:07 No.14269759
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/16/11(Wed)23:18 No.14269893

    "What of this confederacy? What do you hope to do with them?" You ask.

    "Make a place for them where they can learn new ways besides those taught to them by abandonment and the wilds." He says. "I know a few things about architecture. Perhaps after we build a city, the southerners will think of these men as people."

    "The Mandrans will listen to reason I'm sure." You say. "Have you tried diplomacy?"

    The two of you walk to the marketplace, bustling with ripouse from various tribes, trading furs and dyes, woven goods and beads. You see the confederate ripouse with fine woven blankets, precious metals, armor and weapons for trade, which the tribesmen look at longingly.

    "Of course. They thought we were a 'pack of gnolls in fine clothing'." He says, chuckling in a high pitch. "I suppose I am a gnoll, after all, but these people are different. Their bone structure, culture, and genes are all different. But of course all they see is the resemblance and assume we're the same."

    You remember Tukon's story. "I have heard that is the case."

    "Yes. It is a long road I play to finish journeying on before my time comes." Algers says, staring out into the crowd.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)23:26 No.14269967
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    Time to play 20 questions...

    "Has there been any friction with some of the more...feral gnolls?"

    "When would be the best opportunity to approach your people with request for aid?"

    "Are there any particular things I should keep an eye out for when I do ask from them?" I mean like customs-wise.

    Also, do we have any money/of worth to barter?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)23:30 No.14270021
    ALL of this.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/16/11(Wed)23:41 No.14270130

    "Has there been any friction with some of the more...feral gnolls?"

    He nods. "All the time. These people hate their cousins, and the feeling is mutual. Their raids are infrequent due to the great resistance, but we have many refugees from destroyed tribes. None of them are foolish enough to attack this camp, but that doesn't stop my advisors from insisting I should be careful."

    "When would be the best opportunity to approach your people with request for aid?" You ask, stopping to regard some of the finely dyed fabrics.

    "I can talk to them on your behalf, should you wish it." Algers says, sliding a silver piece to one of the stall vendors as he plucks a sackful of dates from it. "When they gather to worship would be a good time, I can arrange it. Though the ceremonies are quite late int he day." He munches on a date hungrily.

    "Are there any particular things I should keep an eye out for when I do ask from them?" You pause, trying to think of a good example. "Any customs I should be aware of?"

    Algers pauses. "Difficult to say. The tribal cultures are quite diverse. Few of them are receptive to human words though. I wouldn't refer to them as dogs or such things."

    "I wouldn't do such a thing." You say, surprised.

    "Best to be sure. I know none of them would like such a thing." Algers munches on another date.

    You have around 2000 gold coins in your possession, a decent haul. Each coin is worth 10 gp in D&D terms.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)23:46 No.14270213
    I guess we'll accept the offer to have him speak for us. As for our gold, let's just carry it around for now and window shop.

    Also, do we know anything about these religious ceremonies. While we may not do it, it may come in use to quote a god or deity in our speech, in a way to identify with our speakers.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)23:48 No.14270237
    Alright, now if we haven't already, give him a general picture of our goals and current situation. Probably mentioning the former boyfriend turned dragon knight would be a good idea. I wouldn't feel right bringing in newcomers who didn't know what they would be facing.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/16/11(Wed)23:55 No.14270326

    "I am afraid their ways are strange to me. I would be honored to have you speak for me." You say to the ancient gnoll.

    Algers nods. "As you wish, my lady."

    You sigh quietly. Perhaps this shows that the slave mentality your professor thought the slaves in Aldini had was plausible after all.

    You browse the shops with the Algers, seeing one shop that is headed by a tough-looking ripouse whose face is full of various piercings, curved metal bands taking the place of the bone shards most have. Some of the jewelry he has is for women, and is quite exquisite. Brass bands, thin as cloth, swirling around one another. He glares at you as you browse.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/11(Wed)23:59 No.14270378
    Make brief eye-contact; then break to his wears. We're not to be intimidated so easily! If he doesn't have anything, let's skedaddle till either the evening or till something interesting happens when walking around.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:00 No.14270393
    If there's a particular piece that catches our eye, let's see how much he wants for it.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)00:06 No.14270450

    You meet his gaze for a moment, and you feel a chill creep down your spine as you see the hatred in his eyes.

    A few are ivory ornaments, well carved and cased with brass bands. You pick them up, and look over to him. "How much?" You ask in ripouse.

    He raises part of his lip, a click coming from his mouth as his brow lowers. "What, you want something now? To show to your friends in high places and talk of how you walked amongst the poor ones, daringly?" The venom in his tone is unmistakable.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:07 No.14270465
    rolled 1 = 1

    "Well, I guess if you don't want my gold..."

    D20 for (hopeful) added effect.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:08 No.14270476
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    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:13 No.14270519
    Good question. Do we have any friends in high places? I wouldn't imagine there would be too many who would have anything to do with an outcast cult... leader?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:13 No.14270529
    "Can't a woman just like a well-crafted piece of jewelry?"
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:17 No.14270567


    I /want/ to say "yes, and then I'll ask why they don't get out more and then make snide comments about their weight," but I think it would be a really, /really/ bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:17 No.14270568
    I would hardly call a caravan of outcast cultists a high place.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)00:23 No.14270648

    "Well, I guess if you don't want my gold..." You say, matching his tone with your own.

    "You think I need your money to live? There are plenty of my fellows who would appreciate my work, wear it, not put it on display and mock me with patronizing comments." He snarls, somewhat literally.

    "Can't a woman just like a well-crafted piece of jewelry?" You ask, somewhat irritated.

    He stands up, hunched over a bit in the short tent. "You insult me with your feigned interest. You only think your people can produce art. Mine is to be pointed at with amazement, that a feral creature could make such a thing." He slams his fist down on his stand. "You do not know true beauty. You do not know passion. You short-nosed dragon lovers do not understand my art."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)00:25 No.14270676

    You left all your friends behind when you joined the order. You didn't want them to be knowing accessories to conspiracy.

    They are still your friends, but you have not spoken with them in quite some time.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:26 No.14270686
    There's two ways I see this going:

    We critically and academically analyze his products with the knowledge wells of our learned background. Either this will shut him up or piss him off.


    We buy something from him. Of course, he'll probably see us as a patronizing ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:27 No.14270710
    Yes, because the dragon I mugged yesterday felt so "loved" once I was through beating it in the head with a giant stone fist.

    And for your information, your race's creator loved his cat-dragon.
    Meta: (might be better not to say that bit, but hey. I can't let that stand unchallenged.)
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:29 No.14270724
    "You know, if you really hated me, you would have jumped at the chance to rip me off. And I probably wouldn't have cared either way. I do not wish for any more of a scene, so I will simply bid you good day."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:31 No.14270747
    I like this. We very subtly insult his intelligence as a merchant and end a potentially very bad event.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)00:41 No.14270863

    You stand, hands on your hips, head high and with a confident tone, you contrast his outburst. "You know, if you really hated me, you would have jumped at the chance to rip me off. And I probably wouldn't have cared either way. I do not wish for any more of a scene, so I will simply bid you good day."

    He glares over at you, some of his temper waning. "Where are your mocking words? Your condescension at my wares?" He seems a bit confused, coming out from the side of his stand as you walk away. "You pretend not to know me? In my home?"

    You don't recall ever having seen this man. But considering...
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:44 No.14270896
    [ ] Told
    [ ] Live-and-Let-Told
    [X] Knights of the Told-Republic
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:45 No.14270899
    "I've had some severe memory loss lately, so I'm afraid I can't recall ever having met you, no."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)00:53 No.14270980

    "I've had some severe memory loss lately, so I'm afraid I can't recall ever having met you, no." You say, turning back to him in a final effort to stop him from following you.

    He looks you over for the first time, snorting a bit. "I... But you looked so much..." The anger is gone from his voice. "Damn, I... I thought you were someone else." He looks off to one side, embarrassed.

    "Father!" A higher voice calls out, and a young ripouse woman jogs towards you from down the street, a few blankets clutched in her arms. "Oh, not again! Father, why must you be so rude!" She rushes over to you, inclining her head as the people do in the city-states when greeting one another. "I'm sorry ma'am, he really should know better. Can we make it up to you?"
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)00:57 No.14271042
    "Maybe you could explain to me what that was about?"
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)01:14 No.14271237

    She nods. "My father and I went to one of the city states some time ago to peddle his art. My brother hunts, I treat the furs, and he makes jewelry with the bones and with metal, more recently." She pauses, looking down at the fabrics as she remembers. "We went with a caravan to the city-state Dulshad. I was so excited! My brother and I had practiced our Mandran so often, hoping to meet-" She shrugs. "Well, some of you, I suppose."

    "Things went well, I thought. But, a noblewoman was..." She hesitates a bit.

    "She called my work 'Remarkable', 'Interesting', but always she compared it to works she thought were greater." Her father scoffs.

    "He sold it to her anyway, it was a hairpiece." She says, tracing a line about eight inches long with her hand. "Detailed engravings of hunts, religious ceremonies. We got good money for it."

    "But then," She says, looking you square in the face. "We were walking through the city, taking in the beautiful sights. The houses you have are fantastic!" She grins a bit. "We saw the hairpiece on a wall. When I told my father, he asked me a few times where it was. He stormed into the house, shouting that it should be worn, and that-" She sighs.

    "That my art is not something to be gawked at like a child's work." He says, his eyes drifting away from your face.

    "Needless to say, we had had a few other customers saying the same things. The guards weren't happy with us, but we were just asked to leave."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)01:19 No.14271297
    "Well, I can clear this up right away. What was this customer's name? Do you know?"
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)01:28 No.14271387

    She looks over to you, her ears tilted downward. "Lady Ghedana."

    You know lady Ghedana. You met her at your parent's party once. Unless she has lost a lot of weight, you look little like her.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)01:29 No.14271392
    ...How are we supposed to be able to clear this up?

    But I might point out the cultural difference, and that great works of art are often displayed prominently, where they will not be damaged or lost, so that everyone who passes by can see them and admire them.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)01:32 No.14271420
    "Ah, I know this na-HEY! You just mistook me for that fat cow?"
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)01:39 No.14271479
    I really doubt that saying that would impress them. At all.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)01:42 No.14271505
    >>14271420 PLEASE not this!

    "I haven't really gotten THAT fat, have I? She was practically the size of a house last time I saw her. My name is Melane Kiried. I'm a sorceress."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)01:42 No.14271512

    "Ah, I know this na-HEY! You just mistook me for that fat cow?" You shout, suddenly much angrier at the explanation.

    The daughter tries as best she can to console you. "I'm sorry, ma'am. It's not to do with your appearance. You look nothing like her." She looks back over her shoulder at her father. "Father, you really leave me no choice with her. She's quite pretty."

    He looks over at her, cross. "Shahira, that's enough. I've apologized, and she knows why I was angry."

    Shahira sighs. "Father, come on!"
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)01:47 No.14271576
    Ah. I think he may be blind/nearly blind. Probably best to be tactful and just say it's alright.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)01:49 No.14271597
    Alright. Take a breath. Calm down. Relax.

    We're cool. We're cool.

    Very calmly "How in the world could you mistake me for her? She was the size of a house last time I saw her" Smile. Laugh.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)02:01 No.14271701

    You try and act calmly. "How in-"

    "My father's blind." Shahira says quickly.

    "Shahira!" He shouts.

    "Well, mostly blind." She says, leaning a bit away from him. "He can see shapes, but they're great blurs to him."

    He crosses his arms, fuming.

    "Father, it's nothing to be ashamed of." Shahira says, trying to get back on his good side.

    "Be quiet Shahira. You have said enough." The craftsman says sternly, looking over to one of the nearby tents.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)02:02 No.14271715
    He can create small, detailed works of art with little effective vision? Impressive.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)02:07 No.14271761
    ... I don't suppose he's shortsighted?
    Do we have the knowledge to create glasses?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)02:08 No.14271769
    FUCK. You were right.

    "Alright, shopkeep. I am a paying customer. I will pretend none of our previous exchange ever happened, but I will also conveniently forget you are blind" Say the last part more quietly, walk back to the storefront, and pick out that piece we had our eye on before "So, how much for this piece sir?"
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)02:14 No.14271820

    "I'm sorry. There are others who have vision problems where I come from. Maybe if we knew more about it, we could solve the problem."

    Shahira speaks up again. "Well, that was my reason for going to the city-states. I read up on his condition. It's..."

    "Shahira." The ripouse says more calmly. "My vision has been going for a long time. Getting darker and darker, and everything's been fuzzier."

    "It's inherited from grandmother." Shahira says. "Only thing that can treat it is a priest."

    "I'm fine, Shahira. I can work just as well, this isn't something you need trouble this human with any longer." Her father snaps.

    (Back in 30, feel free to suggest stuff, feel bad, point and laugh etc.)
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)02:21 No.14271882
    >"Only thing that can treat it is a priest."

    ...Don't we have one of those in our caravan?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)02:29 No.14271979
    We could offer an exchange of our priest's service for the piece we wanted.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)03:04 No.14272281

    "I know a priest." You say. "In my caravan-"

    "Don't get my hopes up." The ripouse barks at you. "...Ma'am. The fee for such a thing is too much."

    "Please, listen." You say, calmly. "He can let you see again. I'd ask him to do it without cost, but..." You point back over to the stand. "I really do like that piece. Could we trade for it?"

    Shahira grins. "That's great! Let me get that for you-"

    "With all due respect, ma'am, the concern isn't with condescension." The ripouse says, holding up a hand to stop his daughter. "I'm not sure you would appreciate it as I intended it."

    Shahira rolls her eyes. "Father why are you doing this?"

    "My vision doesn't matter, Shahira. My eyes will rot in my skull with the rest of me when I die. She needs to know how to appreciate it so that my art can live on. She needs to wear it." He says plainly. "I will do this deal only if you promise to wear it."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)03:07 No.14272310
    "I wouldn't have asked, if I was not intending to."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)03:10 No.14272334

    "But, I want a promise from you as well. A promise that the next time I come through this place you'll have artwork so wonderful, I'll want to buy half your stock in awe."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)03:22 No.14272430

    "I wouldn't have asked, if I was not intending to." You say, smiling. "But, I want a promise from you as well. A promise that the next time I come through this place you'll have artwork so wonderful, I'll want to buy half your stock in awe."

    The ripouse walks back over to his stand, putting a hand on the counter for support. He feels around the mass of jewelry until he picks up your piece. He walks back over to you and takes your hand in his, gently putting the hairpiece in your hand. "I don't know about your women, but ripouse women braid each other's hair." He runs his fingers across the bone and the engraved metal. "That means they have to touch this. To feel the pictures in their hands. Each one tells a story that they can relive over and over again without having to see it." He leaves the piece in your hand, stepping back. "That is why you cannot simply leave it out for others to look at. They must feel the work I put into it, smoothness, roughness, small divots and bumps. You must feel this as well." He rubs his fingers on one hand together.

    "If you learn this, when you come back, you will be able to feel the stories of me, of my people, and then you will understand my art."

    Shahira shakes your hand. "Thank you for doing this for us- I mean, for him, ma'am. It means so much. We'll come by the caravan later."

    She leads her father back to the tent, where she helps him pack things up.

    "You do well in averse conditions." Algers says. "Mostly well, anyway."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)03:28 No.14272484
    "I'll be the first to admit I am not perfect, but I do try to make up for mistakes.

    Besides, I'm certain our priest Marred will be happy to work on someone who ISN'T a burn victim for the first time in a few days."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)03:40 No.14272583

    "I'll be the first to admit I am not perfect, but I do try to make up for mistakes.

    Besides, I'm certain our priest Marred will be happy to work on someone who ISN'T a burn victim for the first time in a few days."

    Algers chuckles. "Well, he got you mad, like he wanted to in the beginning. Just for a different reason." He smiles at you. "Jethar may seem distant, but he's very devoted. We've talked several times. He has what you'd call an 'artistic soul'."

    "If you're having problems with fire, perhaps I can help." Algers says, smiling a bit. "I am partially made of the stuff, after all."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)03:46 No.14272636
    "We had a recent run-in with a former lover of mine. Which wouldn't be so bad, except he wants me dead and is knighted to a dragon. And the dragon wants me dead too.

    It's a really long story that I'm afraid I will have to tell you. I won't have allies of mine running into this sort of thing blindly."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)04:00 No.14272741

    "We had a recent run-in with a former lover of mine. Which wouldn't be so bad, except he is bound with a dragon. And the dragon wants me dead." You say, turning the hairpiece over in your hand.

    "It's a really long story that I'm afraid I will have to tell you. I won't have allies of mine running into this sort of thing blindly."

    "There is a conspiracy within the Mandran councils." You say. "Something between the dragons and their riders."

    Algers remains quiet, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

    "The ritual that dragon and rider go through, the Bonding-" You start, hoping your mind can fill in the blanks.

    "I have heard of it. They still undergo it, do they?" Algers asks, his expression grave.

    You lower your gaze slightly. "They do. It supposedly allows the two to synchronize their minds, for flight. But-"

    You feel the memories come flooding back.

    *** Two years ago ***

    You smile, the ale mugs you and your beloved hold clinking together. He is so handsome in your memories. Deep brown skin, eyes you got lost in many times, and the physique of a soldier. He was forgetful, irreverent, and said things you would expect to hear out of the mouth of a child. But that night, your last night together, he was everything you wanted.

    "Melane, I'll have to get bound to a dragon more often if we get to spend nights like this." He says, his eyes warm, smiling.

    You embrace, flowing over each other through instinct, warm passion that the following day was replaced with cold disquiet. He stopped seeing you. You spent quite some time trying to track him down. You saw him with the dragon in a marketplace, him clad in familiar armor.

    "Rufen!" You called out.

    He turned slowly, his face expressionless, cold. That same cold expression has burned its way into your memories.

    "Leave me alone, Melane. I do not wish to see you."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)04:03 No.14272755
    *** Present day ***

    You feel your head swim. "I have strong evidence that the bond lets dragons control their human partners."

    "Interesting." Algers says, you think to himself. "So, you plan on revealing this fact?"

    "In hopes of having the practice abolished." You finish.

    "Quite a strong change. You seem sure enough of it." Algers finishes. "I shall tell these people of your goal. We are no friends to the dragons, and I have never met one I have liked."

    "Thank you." You say.

    "Not at all. It's the least I could do for what you said." He smiles. "I haven't felt so happy thinking about the old days in a long time. Even the sad times seem so beautiful, now that I'm not living them." He looks off to the setting sun.

    "It was a great and terrible place. Aldini was full of such vigor, and yet so much oppression. I miss it sometimes."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)04:14 No.14272811
    "What eventually happened, if you don't mind me asking? I can't imagine Alkenin stood by while the city burned."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)04:16 No.14272817
    >"I have strong evidence that the bond lets dragons control their human partners."

    *Remembers the cat-dragon*
    Did we unintentionally give dragons the power of cats?
    Did they already have that power, and we fused the two into the perfect manipulation machine?
    WHY AREN'T WE PETTING YET?![/Beserker]
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)04:17 No.14272821
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)04:18 No.14272824
    Hold it everyone.

    Weren't we a male sorceror that was going to kill out bastard of a son?

    I missed out a bit, would someone care to summarize what's going on?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)04:23 No.14272848
    VKO pulled a semi Plato's Cave scenario. We are actually Melane Kiried, Alkenin's descendant by his mistress Darane Kiried, 300 years later.

    We were just surfing Alkenin's memory trying to get information we needed to convince the leader of these not quite gnolls to aid us in our quest to fuck up the dragons' shit.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)04:31 No.14272874

    "What eventually happened, if you don't mind me asking? I can't imagine Alkenin stood by while the city burned."

    Algers sighs. "When the dragons came, it was to a hopeless city. Some had already killed one another. Most of the city wasn't organized enough to fight back, for what little good it would have done. My master shielded a few in his tower, and we did exactly that. We surrendered."

    "I wasn't expecting that." You say.

    "In the end, my master almost hoped that the city would fall, I think. We were let go. As was he. The king was exiled." Algers looks back off to the sunset. "I was scared, but it was exhilarating. To be so close to such destructive creatures was an amazing feeling."
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)04:42 No.14272909
    "Things seem to have only gotten worse for the world since. Well, except for you. Look at yourself! You're the spryest 300 year old man I've ever heard of."
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)05:05 No.14273004

    Algers grins. "Some things have changed. The city states I don't think are bad." He laughs. "I suppose I've kept busy enough to stay involved though. Not bad for 322, indeed.

    "If you think I'm active, you should see Kresis. He's still taking wives, last I heard." He says, grinning.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)05:09 No.14273025
    The lizardman? Of course, he would still have to be alive for you to be able to walk. I assume he has his own large clan as well?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/11(Thu)05:16 No.14273056
    also, fuck it is late. Sorry, but I'm gonna have to call it here.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)05:20 No.14273069
    "The lizardman? Of course, he would still have to be alive for you to be able to walk. I assume he has his own large clan as well?"

    "Oh yes. He's something of a warlord, I hear." He shrugs. "He doesn't keep up with me, can't imagine why. Once we stopped getting annoyed at each other because of him maiming me, and me causing him to be maimed, he was really a fairly nice fellow." He snaps his fingers. "Oh yes, the chills on the plains. That might be why. I should send a messenger instead then."

    "The two of us were involved in a second ritual during a Critical Moment. Neither of us know how long we're going to live, but that didn't stop us from aging like we were going to die." Algers looks away, reminiscing. "He was an interesting fellow, that one."

    "Come, my lady. I will buy us lunch." Algers says, heading for a large tent bustling with activity.
    >> VKO !qw2cdBTZAc 03/17/11(Thu)05:22 No.14273074
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    No problem. See you on Friday at 21:00 for the next chapter!

    Until then, look to the horizon!

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