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01/24/11(Mon)11:45 No.13640861 File1295887538.jpg-(36 KB, 350x350, disappointed.jpg)
 >>13604259 >The main thing that makes this game interesting/infuriating is that its GUI is kind of hard to get at first look, and 99% of the content is text.
Nah, the main thing that I found infuriating is that the character creation is completely retarded, there's a metric ass-ton of skills with not even a hint of what you're expected to do with most of them, that you'll suck at absolutely everything for most of the game unless you really focus on one aspect of it, that it's often completely unclear what a specific skill or subskill does, that the whole skill system doesn't make a lot of sense to begin with (for example, Courage is a subskill of Forge and Patience is a subskill of Malice), that a lot of skills are only used in one or two obscure situations while others are used almost every other encounter, that most of the bigger quests will suddenly require a very high score in a skill you don't have, rendering them impossible to complete, that there's a loading time after EVERYTHING YOU DO, and that the game doesn't even have a proper ending, it's just "ok the year is over, the end". Also the UI isn't just "hard to get at first look", it's goddamn uncooperative and awkward all the way through. Nothing you can't learn to live with, but a constant pain nonetheless.
Academagia surprised me in a positive way at first, because for what first looks like a kiddy Harry Potter ripoff it has a surprising amount of depth, but after a while it dawned on me that all it is is an exciting idea made by people who seem to love their work, but who lack the discipline and experience to tie their ideas together in a coherent and playable game.
tl;dr: Fun idea, terrible game. Don't waste your time. |