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  • File : 1270015887.jpg-(1.24 MB, 956x1348, zubat_zoologicalreport.jpg)
    1.24 MB Unknown Pokemon/40k Crossover Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)02:11 No.8889099  
    Continuing since >>8850201 autosaged...

    Pic related is what I think the AdMech's notes on Zubat would be like. Unfortunately, I have no idea where it came from, and TinEye was no help.

    So, shall we continue?
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)02:22 No.8889297
    Damn straight, we shall continue.

    Here is the archive holding all of the former writing.
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)02:24 No.8889330
    I'm nearly done with my story. Again, is any Giovanni story post-skip? He has a cameo, and I don't want that contradicting any other story.
    Also, will Red be wrote upon again? Or has original author abandoned him? I would love to write about him and Brock and Misty up to and after the skip.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)02:27 No.8889389
    Additionally, Inquisitor Cale, you have my wholehearted approval so far. I'll be sure to tell you if you err, however.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)02:33 No.8889519
    From the corner of the room, a tall, broad shouldered man rose from his seat. His uniform was black fatigues under red carapace armor, shoulders adorned with the silver Inquisitorial -][-. His backpack was half energy pack and half supply pack, the energy pack connecting to the Hellgun slung lightly on his shoulder. More than anything else, the various scars on his face and hands betrayed him as a life long soldier.

    He cleared his throat briefly as he approached, walking toward the table. "Is there anything that we can do to get back off world before the proverbial shit hits the fan?"

    The tension in the room was tangible. Everyone there already knew the answer, but none of them wanted to say it. The Tyranids had already drawn so near that their Astropath, Ewan, had to be locked away in their ship for his own safety. It was Cornelius that broke their tense silence. "No, Luis. There is no way that we would be able to escape the planet and outrun the Tyranid fleet."

    The words hung in the air as the moods in the room sank, all of them contemplating what they knew of the Tyranids. Entire sectors ripped out of contact, planets descending into orgies of violence and mayhem. They had all seen it before and too many times, the planets had become nothing more than a floating scrap of rock, picked clean of biomass.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)02:38 No.8889595
    As a reminder to folks, the story that I am working on is before the Tyranids have made it to the planet.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)02:39 No.8889607
    No, the Giovanni story is pre-skip, and I wrote Red, Brock, and Misty's bits myself-as well as Haunter's and Wilhelm's.

    In fact, Mithraw's story was the first in the thread that wasn't mine.

    Worry not, we'll get a bit more to do with them once my ideas for them solidify.
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)02:58 No.8889881
    I must now rest. Keep this thread alive. I shall post tomorrow. The story will be complete.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)03:13 No.8890121
    For the first time, the fourth man in the room spoke. "So why in the Warp are we so depressed?" He was clad in a long red flak coat over a flowing shirt and well tailored pants. Beneath them, he wore a set of mesh armor, all but the neck of it concealed beneath his clothing. Two long power knives were sheathed on his thighs and a stub automatic hung on his belt, hidden under his coat. Most prominent was his face, attractive and grinning beneath a mop of brown hair.

    He was laughing quietly as he walked up to the table and sat down on it, idly tossing a Pokeball between his hands. "If we're stuck here, doesn't it stand to reason that we make a stand here? Inform those that we can about what is going to happen, get the planetary population working with us, and stop this fleet like the bunch of suave gentlemen that we are."

    Again, the room went silent as all eyes went to the man that spoke. His cheerful mood was contagious, though. Within a few moments, all but Cornelius were smiling.

    Varen shook his head and exhaled slowly. "Are you sure you are the same Michael Sarte that I pulled out of the gutters of Alara Prime?"

    The former hive ganger shrugged, still giving a winning smile. "Let's just say I finally found a spine."
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:21 No.8890255
    Bumping, and requesting more Imperium on Pokeworld interaction.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:26 No.8890322
    so are you people still nerfing the pokemon so the nids don't get stomped?
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:26 No.8890323
    Two Avatar trollthreads above this one?

    This will not stand.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:27 No.8890341
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    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:28 No.8890354
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:28 No.8890357
    Thinking about writing a Lictor vs Scyther story.

    And maybe a story about the poor, poor carnifex that decided to melee a machamp.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:29 No.8890378
    I'm not exactly up on all my 'Nids fluff, but can't they integrate the traits of what they eat into themselves? Shouldn't we be seeing some of them with poke-powers at some point?

    Or is that just Kroot?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:29 No.8890381
    #068 Machamp
    It punches with its four arms at blinding speed. It can launch 1,000 punches in two seconds.
    It can knock a train flying with a punch. However, it is terrible at delicate work using its fingers.
    It uses its four powerful arms to pin the limbs of its foe, then throws the victim over the horizon.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:30 No.8890386
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    What would be the 40k equivalent of Missingno?
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)03:30 No.8890390
    Varen laid both of his hands on the table and sighed quietly before laughing. "And so I guess we all have. Luis, see what you can find out about the standing defenses they have on the planet. Cornelius, keep working with your colleagues to find out what you can about..." He looked down at the table, waving his hand at the things on it. "About all of this xenotech. I'll be contacting the planetary leaders to call them to action. All of you have all of my resources at your disposal. Luis, I suggest that you pressgang a few Skitarii into traveling with you. I'm still not set that the planetary inhabitants are peaceful." A few moments later, Sarte and Luis made the aquila across their breasts while Cornelius made the sign of the cog. They went their separate ways, leaving Varen to think.

    ((So...where should they have first landed? Saffron(?) city would make sense as far as population density goes, though it's been ages since I've played the games and I don't recall the maps all that well.))
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:30 No.8890401

    It's the same everywhere. In every universe.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:30 No.8890404
    the 5th chaos god
    >> Malal !!LxR1J/7EFPt 03/31/10(Wed)03:31 No.8890425
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:32 No.8890432
    Saffron makes sense.

    Keep going. I'm really interested to see how they work out how the Pokeworld's shit isn't heretek.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:32 No.8890439
    Missingno is Zuvassin The Undoer
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)03:32 No.8890441
    Eventually. They would have to eat a preposterous number of a single Pokemon to start absorbing their traits.
    Missingno would be either:
    1) A Pokemon that was able to see into the warp and was corrupted so far that it separated from our reality partially.
    2) A failed attempt in the Porygon project that became a piece of rogue code, destroying files as it encounters them. This would scare the shit out of the Ad Mech.

    DO IT.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:32 No.8890444
    in order to do that Machamp has to endure several g-forces everytime it punches.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)03:33 No.8890461
    The AdBio Tower is next to the Indigo Plateau, as it was determined to be the area of leadership.

    As for where they landed originally, I don't really know. Feel free to put it whereever.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:34 No.8890466
    Do not bring up physics when talking about pokemon. They are the hyperbolic imagination of a ten year old, made real.
    >> Sorain 03/31/10(Wed)03:34 No.8890467
    Machamp is clearly able to use the 100 crack fist. I want to read that discription on a tanked out Carnifex.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:36 No.8890500
    so? that is in universe info have some more
    #219 Magcargo
    Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell.

    #282 Gardevoir
    To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole.
    #099 Kingler
    The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim.
    #248 Tyranitar
    If it rampages, it knocks down mountains and buries rivers. Maps must be redrawn afterward.
    Its body can't be harmed by any sort of attack, so it is very eager to make challenges against enemies.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:38 No.8890524
    Unless it's made of solid tungsten or carbon, Magcargo is made of plasma.

    Even then, jesus shit.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)03:40 No.8890554
    Who do you guys want to hear about first?
    a) Luis Cardovan, the Guardaman
    b) Cornelius Hartnam, the Tech-Priest
    c) Michael Sarte, the Ganger Scum
    d) Rolf Varen, the Ordo Xenos Inquisitor
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:41 No.8890566
    Always thought Pokemon were bio engineered, part machine and part living animal. Which is how they're able to get elemental types into living animals, through sophisticated nanites that make up their cells.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:42 No.8890579
    Also, I'm calling it. Hive Fleet vs. Pokemon, the Pokemon win.

    The Imperium sees that and exploits the shit out of it.

    Pokemon are the only thing that could possibly put a light at the end of the tunnel that is 40k.

    Unless you want to bring in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann or something, and even then I doubt it, because the Orks are just gonna build one to fight it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:42 No.8890582
    plasma you say?
    #479 Rotom
    Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc.
    Its electric-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:43 No.8890607
    I'm gonna say "D".

    Curiosity begs to see how he can do anything but shout "HERESY" over and over and foam at the mouth.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:45 No.8890633

    See? Hyperbole is impossible in this world. If you try to imagine something utterly ridiculous, it'll just be canon in the next generation. If it isn't already.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:48 No.8890694
    Bump dammit.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:53 No.8890779
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    Kamina is a Diggaboy. That's all there is to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:56 No.8890807
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    i counter it with this
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:56 No.8890808
    I actually think they'd do it too.

    Upon seeing TTGL, every Ork in the galaxy would simultaneously want one thing: To Krump It.

    The collective WAAAAGH of every Ork in existence would manifest a Gargant big enough to do it.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)03:56 No.8890821
    OH SNAP.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:59 No.8890859
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    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:00 No.8890870
    Well yeah, but you've gotta be EXTRA-Radical to see a Nidoking or a Machamp and not immediately think "KILL IT WITH FIRE!"
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:01 No.8890889
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    Kamina's team:
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:02 No.8890896
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:02 No.8890899
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    here's the Beedrill
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:03 No.8890922

    Saffron City? Oh shit, they have a psyker there.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:05 No.8890932

    Saffron is Psyker City man.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:06 No.8890943
    who has one of these
    #065 Alakazam
    Its superb memory lets it recall everything it has experienced from birth. Its IQ exceeds 5,000.
    Its highly developed brain is on par with a supercomputer. It can use all forms of psychic abilities.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:08 No.8890974
    Just by the way, "An IQ of 5000" is an utterly meaningless statement, even moreso than any other given IQ.

    It is the same as saying "My Iq is Eleventy Gazillion."

    And yet Alakazam has one. To it, we must seem to be moving at a snail's pace.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)04:08 No.8890976
    Alright, I was going to make this a twist later in the story, but here goes.

    Pokemon Earth was originally a deathworld hellhole to which Hereteks were exiled, shortly after the Horus Heresy. The AdMech were low on trustable members, so they exiled people they didn't trust to various deathworlds and let them rot, taking any of the things they created if useful enough.

    The inhabitants of Poke-Earth didn't like that, so they built the Indigo Plateau and got to work secretly, while building Silph Company to provide the more obvious red herring.

    Sufficiently deep under Indigo Plateau is a machine called the Warp Filter. Everything from a thousand miles outside the atmosphere is cut off from the main Warp and pacified.

    An incidental to that was breaking off communication from the ship in orbit to Mars, and shortly after that, hijacking it and crashing it into the Moon, burying it under a million tons of rubble and locking it away until such time as it could be useful again.

    Problem is, times change. Genegeneering of the local fauna produced creatures that forcibly pacified everything else. Tech that could be freely and infinitely improved without fear of warp corruption did so, and the Pokemon world quite quickly reached a point where it was utopia because any other state would have actually involved effort to worsen it.

    Things calmed down, a lot. A whole lot. The former hereteks settled down and raised families, cloned independent abhuman species to maintain their technologies, and quietly, one after another, died happy and surrounded by children, leaving their world to continue on as it might.
    >> Ekoi !PpcsYfrVrw 03/31/10(Wed)04:08 No.8890980
    Missingno are best suited as greater demons of Malal.

    Black and white, parasitic, will corrupt and/or destroy anything, regardless of who it is.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)04:09 No.8890987

    Centuries passed, and little changed. The Moon was visited, seagoing ships were built, and the faked archeological sites the Hereteks built with technology laughably ahead of every other faction provided a plausible past for the world.

    And then, a young upstart with big dreams and few scruples found a laboratory somewhere. After the Indigo Plateau had served its purpose, all its technology and equipment had been moved elsewhere-an elsewhere found by a young Giovanni Rocket.

    Among the many technologies was a warp beacon he activated, eager to see the world beyond, before he began to read. He read of the Horus Heresy, of Orks and Chaos Gods and yes, Tyranids, and began to question the wisdom of his decision.

    But the Warp Beacon would not be shut down, and Giovanni lacked the knowledge to make it do so.

    So, with the good reason he'd been seeking, he began a little dissent against utopia, with the hope of strengthening the world against the horrors he might unleash.

    Time passed, and the clever boy became cleverer, less scrupled, and more worried. Things were not going as they might. The Pokemon League wasn't moving to improve themselves.

    So, he sired a son.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:10 No.8890999
    Awesome. I was thinking it had to be something like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:13 No.8891033
    i love how no matter when i randomly visit /tg/ pokemon is here. seriously. im not sageing. this is golden.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:14 No.8891036
    The grassies? Whatever for?
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:15 No.8891043
    The only people who sage these threads are people who don't understand what /tg/ is. It hasn't been "Traditional Games" for a LONG time.

    Now it's just where people go to post things they don't want shitted up by trolls and idiots.
    >> Ekoi !PpcsYfrVrw 03/31/10(Wed)04:15 No.8891051
    Also, what would be the best way to model a missingno for 40k?
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:16 No.8891055
    Black and white legos.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)04:17 No.8891067
    Celadon City is the "big" city of Kanto. Higher population density = most sensical place to land when you're trying to contact a local government.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:17 No.8891076
    Saffron is bigger and had the taller buildings. At least, I'm pretty sure.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)04:18 No.8891081
    Two sisters, both living in a sleepy little town that had been sleepy and little for decades. It was a simple task to seduce both, with a little effort at disguise and a manner of a dark, distant, but warm-hearted man.

    When both were five months pregnant, he departed, returning to his duties as Boss of his team. He moved quietly, sending packages to them both-slightly more to one one month, and then the reverse the next. He stocked their bookcases with tales of great Trainers-many penned himself-and their games with adventure.

    And, for the first time, he began to move publicly.

    The uniforms were simple ones. Dark colors, to inspire fear in a world of bright and pastel. Large-brimmed hats, to obscure the eyes. Long-sleeved and long-legged, to hide one's familiarity. And a big, red R on every chest, to ensure they would be remembered.

    Their first public appearance was a startling one-a rough but effective bank heist, armed with Pokemon recently caught and trained over the course of a week.

    It succeeded better than Giovanni Rocket could ever have hoped.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:22 No.8891128
    A supervillain after my own heart.

    Also, "Red, I am your Father."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:23 No.8891133
    Actually, the largest city in Kanto is Saffron.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:26 No.8891174
    We've established this.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)04:27 No.8891182
    The Pokemon League quietly panicked, according to sleeper agents. No public moves were made against the newly dubbed Team Rocket, but Giovanni came to his office one day only to find the Champion standing before his desk, holding a heavy pistol.

    A pistol that Giovanni had only seen before in the laboratories.

    "What the HELL do you think you're doing, Giovanni?"

    And so, with a combination of shame and relief, Giovanni told the League Champion what he'd done-of the universe just outside their planet, of the Warp, of the aliens and monsters just waiting to devour a juicy planet such as theirs whole. He told of the chaos he'd fomented, the plans he'd made, even the sons he'd sired, certain that his time had come.

    Lance listened impassively, occasionally requesting clarification, for hours as the Rocket Boss expounded upon all he had done and planned.

    And come the finish, he hugged his old rival.

    "Don'cha recognize me, 'Vanni?"
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:27 No.8891189
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:29 No.8891200
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    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)04:30 No.8891210
    ((Fuck. I just realized that I messed up with my story in a serious way. God dammit. Ships landing from space when these people had no knowledge of the outside would warrant a shit-ton of attention...much more than I have portrayed. I will be deleting my posts thus far from Varen and will be re-writing.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:30 No.8891214
    Wait, "Vanni"?

    Should I get this?
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:31 No.8891220
    Oh wait, GIOvanni. I could facepalm.
    So wait, who's the other guy?
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)04:33 No.8891254
    Also, I'm going to wait for Adeptan Writefag to get his backstory stuff laid down so that I know where I stand.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)04:34 No.8891260
    Best thing? It's canon, according to Pokemon: The Musical!. The PC's (or at least Ash's) mother and Giovanni had a relationship.

    Also, now I want to make Blue Lance's son, but I won't retcon. Oh well.

    Lance had grown up alongside Giovanni-as Yin to his Yang-and the two of them had each taken their own paths to power. While Giovanni had gone searching on his own, Lance improved as a Trainer and eventually won his way into the Pokemon League, finding the dregs of that which Giovanni had tasted whole in the abandoned laboratories. He himself had been planning for the eventuality Giovanni had, albeit just as quietly, and with much smaller resources.

    It was both a relief, and a shock, for both.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:37 No.8891293
    For all their plans, Pokemon is still a marshmallow world with crazy death-creatures that happen to live on it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:43 No.8891359

    It's a marshmellow world full of ungodly powerful monsters, who are controlled at the whim of whoever has the balls to try and tame the fucker.

    Yes, you have your powder puff pokemon, good because "Awww, they're so cute" and they get collected as pets. Then you have the brutal combat pokemon. Imagine, a barrage of self destruction geodudes being dropped from 40000ft up by squads of fearows and pidgotoes. Or a swarm of digletts and digtrios undermining an entire field, causing it to just suddenly stop down fifty feet, and then get flooded by a couple well placed blastios.

    Seriously, pokemon wars would be FUCKED UP SHIT
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)04:44 No.8891375
    Over the course of several more hours, they continued to plan. Lance agreed not to send the League against Team Rocket outside a few bounties and a general campaign of propaganda, and in return, Giovanni agreed not to permanently harm League personnel or materiel, and handed over control of his second son, Blue.

    Several days later, an anonymous gift of research materials to Silph was accompanied by Lance, who had a quiet discussion with the President about letting any of it get out sooner than ordered.

    The next day, he met with Professor Oak and agreed to acquire a Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander for his research, on the caveat that two of them be given to Red and Blue come their eleventh birthday.

    Ten years passed.

    The Warp Beacon finally attracted attention-of two kinds. The mortally wounded Hive Fleet Hekatonchieres smelt a weak world rich in powerful DNA and harmless, delicious biomass, and dipped into the Warp, while the Adeptus Biologis frigate Omnissiah's Bounty received a transmission from a nearly pre-Heresy bioweapons design planet.

    The latter arrived shortly before the former, despite time to take on an Inquisitorial retinue, and upon awareness of the Hive Fleet, attempted to warn local officials.

    A week from that day, a protesting Red and Blue were pulled from their beds by worried mothers, bringing them, along with thousands of others-nearly all the citizens of their world-to the one place that could keep them all, the stronghold of hereteks long dead, the Indigo Plateau.

    And so, well, here we are.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:47 No.8891394
    i think i like Inquisitor Cale's version better
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)04:49 No.8891424
    I left room for it.

    He's a lot more solid than I am. I tend to leave things fairly open-ended so people can come to their own conclusions.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)04:50 No.8891432
    Thank you, but Adeptan Writefag has the ultimate right-of-way on this matter. I actually like the background, and I can re-tool what I've written to work.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)04:51 No.8891449
    Alright. Since I deleted the last run, I'll post this again.

    Who do you guys want to hear about first?
    a) Luis Cardovan, the Guardsman
    b) Cornelius Hartnam, the Tech-Priest
    c) Michael Sarte, the Ganger Scum
    d) Rolf Varen, the Ordo Xenos Inquisitor
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:53 No.8891467
    Neat background. I shall ponder writefaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:53 No.8891472

    I'd say go with the tech-priest, with his first encounter with a pokemon. Have it literally be "Walking in the tall grass" sort of encounter.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)04:58 No.8891519
    It randomly occurs to me that I kinda want to do one of these, but with Disgaea.

    Shit would be hilarious.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)05:01 No.8891568
    Off topic, I am now imagining Giovanni speaking in that voice he did in the "Team Rocket's Rocket" video that the show aired once.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)05:02 No.8891577
    "One of these" what? A 40k Crossover?

    It would be a hilarious stomp on the side of Disgaea. Seriously, look up some of the calcs for them.

    On the other hand, bolter item dungeon.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)05:03 No.8891590
    Yeah, that pretty much.

    I have this vague idea of a faction of Tau who begin to revere Flonne as their spiritual liege and adopt her love of Super-Sentai shows as part of their motif.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)05:05 No.8891611
    It'd be pure and utter crack, but I encourage you to try. I bet it'd be worth a few laughs.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)05:06 No.8891628
    Just for balance it might be a relatively low-level netherworld, like Veldime. But then again, by the end of D2, Adell was capable of punching anything, up to and including the sun.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)05:10 No.8891650
    But no, I'm still trying to come up with my ideas for my less-cracky but still entertaining FMA/40k crossover fic.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)05:12 No.8891665
    It's really late and most everyone is asleep. Do we postpone this?
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)05:14 No.8891697
    For now, I think.

    I just hope I haven't neutered my writings by posting the backstory.

    I really should go to bed, but I'm probably going to stay up for another couple hours doing stuff until I get tired enough to roll over and fall asleep instantly.

    Anyway. I'm probably done here for the night unless something interesting gets posted.

    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)05:19 No.8891750
    -=Cornelius Hartnam=-
    A few hours after his meeting with Inquisitor Varen, Cornelius had assembled a small group and was preparing to set out. With him were a few Skitarii and two lesser ranking Tech-Adepts. One was carrying a censor, the other a bottle of sacred oil to bless the Pokeball that they were using.

    Varen had already procured a guide for them, though the Tech-priests were not ready for the guide that they received. Upon exiting, they were greeted by a young woman, no older than eighteen years Terran standard. As shocked as they were, she had a trio of pokeballs on her belt, showing her to be at least semi-competent.

    "My name is Elisa," she said after Cornelius introduced himself and his compatriots. "Your friend...Varen, right? He thought that one of us could help you out. If you'll come with me, I'll give you some firsthand experience with Pokemon and how the capturing process works." Smiling cheerfully, the young woman turned, striding confidently toward the imposing forest near them.

    The Tech-priests followed closely behind her, all of them scrawling on dataslates as they went. First and foremost, this was the first experience that the other Tech Adepts had with trees. All of their knowledge of them was entirely by rote, and they were fascinated that such things could actually exist.

    Seeing that they had slowed, Elisa turned to them and sighed. Cornelius approached her, a faint smile on the undamaged half of his mouth. The girl returned it and the two of them stood in silence, both enjoying the antics of the Tech Adepts for totally separate reasons.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)05:20 No.8891756
    Nah, you haven't neutered it. You've given it wings to develop with a bit more depth.

    Give me an email if/when you start a new thread up.

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)05:47 No.8892014

    You'd best be finishing that!
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)05:49 No.8892033
    Got distracted as my stomach suddenly decided that dinner didn't sit well. Ten hours after I ate it.

    Working on continuing now.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)05:52 No.8892074
    Heaven's to Betsy it hasn't died yet. Well then, I guess I'll be sticking around a bit longer.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)05:55 No.8892095
    Once the two Tech-adepts had partially slaked their curiosity, Cornelius cleared his throat: a sound that came across somewhere between static and feedback through his vox grill voice. Once again, the adepts fell in to follow him and Elisa.

    "So, tell me, Cornelius," Elisa said, brushing her chestnut hair back behind her ear. "What exactly is it that you and your friends do?"

    Cornelius laughed quietly and nodded. "I am a Tech Priest, an emissary of the Omnissiah." Seeing the puzzled look on the young woman's face, he continued. "We tend to machinery, ensure that the machine spirits are properly placated, and operate the manufactorum worlds of the Imperium."

    Nodding slightly, Elisa pretended to understand what he had said. "Oh...so...you're all a bunch of scientists?"

    Cornelius shrugged in a non-committal way. "Some look deeper into the secrets of the universe more than others. Once one has achieved a certain rank within our organization, he becomes privy to more...guarded secrets." The final words had a tone to them that suggested that the issue of those secrets not be pursued, and Elisa detected them even through the mechanical tones of his voice.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)05:57 No.8892120
    Excellent. Glad to see it is still alive, if barely.

    Come on /tg/ lets get some drawfags in here! Seriously, some of the stuff that has been posted here would make for some awesome drawings. The nidoking taking down the hive tyrant would be awesome, or just whatever crazy idea come up involving pokemon in a war against 'Nids.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)06:00 No.8892150
    The conversation lulled into a temporary silence, broken only by the scratchings of electro-quills and the occasional spat of birdsong. Recording devices hummed quietly from the packs of the Tech-adepts while Cornelius took the time to look around and absorb everything for himself. He had been on Paradise worlds before, but this planet had a certain charm above them. He was snapped out of his thought when Elisa spoke up again.

    "So...what is the rest of the Universe like?" Her words were hopeful, but tense. As desperately as she wanted to know what it was like outside of their world, a part of her was afraid of the answer.

    It was a long while before Cornelius responded. Immediately, images of warp tainted horrors jumped to his mind's eye. He saw cities burning as Ork hordes ransacked them. He saw Tyranid Biotitans tearing apart entire legions of soldiers at a time. He saw hives where the citizens of the lower levels had ceased to be human a long time ago. Before he spoke, though, he saw the glimmer of hope in Elisa's eye.

    "The universe is a wondrous, astonishing thing. There are troubles, but it is Mankind's destiny to overcome them."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)06:01 No.8892158
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)06:02 No.8892168

    132: Ditto
    It has the ability to reconstruct it's entire cellular structure to transform into whatever it sees.

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)06:03 No.8892179
    i did it's in the list i made
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)06:06 No.8892207


    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-Actually I am ok with this. Continue.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)06:08 No.8892220

    Well, that was the list I saw on it, but no one has flat out mentioned it to be used.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)06:09 No.8892228
    rotoms driving titans
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)06:14 No.8892269
    Elisa's green eyes disappeared as she smiled brightly. "I'm glad that you were able to find this planet, then, if the Universe is so big." Cornelius was about to speak, but she held a finger to her lips. "Ssh...I think we might have found one." Cornelius gestured to the Tech-adepts behind them, managing to get them to silence their equipment but for a single vid-recorder and its associated sound recorder.

    Continuing forward, they watched as Elisa shook the bush. In sudden agitation, a mid-sized being stepped from the bushes. It appeared vaguely humanoid, but had a trunk instead of a nose and two pointed ears. Its body was also primarily yellow and brown, split horizontally at the waist.

    Elisa smiled back at the tech-priests. "It's just a Drowzee. Nothing to be afraid of." Despite her nonchalance, the tech-priests were stunned. All of them watched intently to see how the events would unfold.

    She took one of the pokeballs from her belt and expanded it, tossing it out before her. All three of the tech-priests present gasped in awe as the ball opened and released a ball of blue light. This quickly spiraled and grew into a large avian form.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)06:27 No.8892377
    When the light faded, a large bird was left in the place. It spread its wings and flapped once into the air, rising swiftly with a mighty cry of "Pidgeotto!". The gust was enough to buffet the rust red robes of the tech-priest, all of whom were still staring at the scene in awe.

    Elisa grinned, setting herself in for the fight. "Pidgeotto, use Gust!" At her cry, the bird swooped lower to the being now known as Drowzee. It pulled its wings back as far as it could and, after a moment of hanging in the air, the wings clapped together. The Pidgeotto remained in place, but a visible whorl of air shot at the Drowzee, knocking it off of its feet and throwing it backward.

    As the Drowzee rose, Cornelius's eyes snapped wide open in shock. A familiar coppery taste rose in his mouth and, as he looked at the Drowzee, he could tell that it was manipulating warp energies. It began to mutter quietly as it held its hands to its head before a visible beam of energy fired from its forehead into the Pidgeotto. The bird was knocked reeling, flapping madly at the air before catching itself.

    Elisa looked upset, but was determined to win. "Come on, Pidgeotto! Hit it with Razor Wind!" Again the bird swooped low toward the Drowzee. This time, as it pulled its wings back, Cornelius detected a faint distortion around its pinions. Energy buildup. When the wings snapped forward this time, the visible gust was much harsher. Tendrils of air slashed apart the bushes before hitting their target. The Drowzee was again hurled backward, its body sliced and bloodied by the attack.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)06:29 No.8892391
    I'm digging it.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)06:33 No.8892418
    This time, the Drowzee seemed to be struggling just to remain conscious. Elisa turned to the awed tech-priests and grinned. "Cornelius, I assume you want to capture it?"

    Slowly, Cornelius realized that he was clutching the pokeball between his hands and had been for the entire fight. "Oh...Yes, of course. Just a moment." He turned to the other tech-adepts and they hastily blessed the pokeball with the sacred oils that they had brought along. The familiarity of the ritual felt comforting to Cornelius after the near horror that he had just witnessed.

    Once they were done, he approached Elisa again. Her Pidgeotto had landed on the Drowzee's back, holding it down and in in place. "Alright. What comes next?"

    Elisa gestured for the Drowzee and, in response, her Pidgeotto flew to a new perch. "Just throw your pokeball at it. If it hits, the ball will try to capture the Drowzee."

    Slightly unsure, Cornelius took a step closer. As he held the orb, he found himself muttering the Blessing of Accuracy. With a last hope, he threw the orb. As it hit the Drowzee, it bounced back up and opened. The same blue light that had released the Pidgeotto enveloped the Drowzee and, within moments, the light disappeared back into the pokeball.

    It rocked once.

    Then it rocked again.

    With a final shake, the pokeball lay perfectly still and a small chime sounded.
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)06:35 No.8892434
    Techpriests take cover.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)06:39 No.8892462
    Slowly, Cornelius walked up and picked the now still pokeball out of the grass. Expecting much more weight, he lifted the ball much more quickly than he intended. "So, that...Drowzee, was it? That thing is...inside of this?"

    Forgetting who they were for a moment, Elisa raised an eyebrow, incredulous that someone would be unaware of the basic functions of one of their most important pieces of technology. "Yeah. He's in there, alright." The tech-adepts began to scribble frantic notes again, one muttering under his breath quietly.

    Cornelius found his gaze turning down toward the Pokeball, his eyes focused on the gleaming surface. "Absolutely astounding," he muttered, turning the orb over and over in his hands. After what seemed an eternity, Elisa again broke his focus.

    "If you'd like, I can show you to the Pokemon Center so that they can heal that Drowzee for you. Then you can start to train with him." Cornelius found his eyes snapping up to her again, but he nodded. The girl began walking and he followed, the other tech adepts close in tow.

    While remaining silent, Cornelius's head was exploding with thoughts. Unfortunately, the first and foremost among them was, "Heretek."
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 03/31/10(Wed)06:43 No.8892490
    Yeah, I kinda figured.

    Still, it's REALLY CONVENIENT Heretek.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)06:48 No.8892520
    Unfortunately convenient, even.

    I'm starting to run low on steam. Gonna archive what I've got thus far and call it a night.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)06:52 No.8892552

    And here it is. Be sure to let me know if/when Adeptan Writefag gets this going again.
    >> Inquisitor Cale !!b+iFaavctAj 03/31/10(Wed)06:58 No.8892593
    My email again.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)07:04 No.8892632
    Oooh I miss this, back when every Ork artwork would look like something straight out of Blaine or Lobo.
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)08:43 No.8893237
    Bump, mustn't let this die yet.
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    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)11:13 No.8894668
    Well, now for Blue's story. If anyone is interested, of course.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)11:13 No.8894676
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)11:14 No.8894684
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    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)11:22 No.8894788
    This is post-skip. Really the only note, other than to have read the previous stories.

    Blue coughed and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. Lance was late, and the gardens were hot enough, if it wasn’t for those Onix and Steelix wandering about randomly, throwing dirt up in the air. Despite the fact that Blue was only recently promoted to Gym Leader, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t have the same rights as the old guard. He glanced sideways at the other Leader standing next to him, also recently promoted, Koga’s daughter Janine. Despite the fact that her father had been a poison trainer, Janine had been all but forced into training Dark-Type also. They were the only Pokémon that had the ability to truly interfere with what the Adeptans have been calling ‘Daemons’. It was heartbreaking to Blue. He understood the need to drive the Tyranids from their home. To protect the innocents across the world. But he smiled, for joy was the last thing he would let those monsters take from him, as he shot Janine a side-long glance.

    His smile faded as remembered that the Adeptans had said that most likely no help would be arriving, due to the lack of communication equipment. They had to face down the Tyranids by themselves, and with the increasing Tyranid threat, the passage from Saffron was no longer as safe as it once had been.

    Finally, Blue saw Lance walking down the path talking to two characters, Giovanni, the leader of the pseudo-illegal entity Team Rocket, and some Adeptan with a Haunter floating next to him. As they neared, both of them walked away, Giovanni apparently pleased to judge by the way he walked, and the Adeptan frustrated and failing about with his arms to the Haunter. Lance approached them and extended his hand. “Good day to both of you.” Blue could see the years piling up on Lance, the grey that was prematurely flecking his hair, the worry lines around his eyes.
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)11:25 No.8894818
    On an unrelated side-note, am I the only one who is killing both Pokémon and their trainers?
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)11:27 No.8894843

    Blue quickly shook his hand and ended the contact. Janine had the grace to shake his hand and nod her thanks. Lance looked at Blue, “Despite the fact that you are now a Gym Leader,” Lance smirked, “And 16, the age of infallibility.” He sobered up. “You should be out adventuring with your Pokémon, or getting a girlfriend.” He flicked his eyes to Janine as he said that. “But what is cannot be changed. But you are a Gym Leader and you are to give the Elite Four Champion the respect I deserve. Despite your great prowess, and your power, you are not able to take on this world by yourself. But I did not call you here to lecture you.”

    “I have a job for you. We have little contact with Johto. We would like to reestablish communications with them. However, they have been showing…” He rubbed his chin before continuing on. “They do not appear to want to cooperate over-much with us. They apparently feel as though we abandoned them to the ravages of the Tyranids during the original years.” His voice began to gain heat. “We could hardly hold our own ground, we lost so many during the initial conflicts. Even now it isn’t easy. It isn’t like we have the entire region back under control.” He shook his head and turned his back to them. “Sorry for that, but… We just can’t make them understand that. They claim independence from any of the Plateau’s ordinances and laws, but say that it is our duty to protect them.” Lance turned around with a wry expression on his face. “I need you two to go and explain to them that they cannot have the best of both worlds. That they are independent of us, and therefore we have no obligation to protect them, or they are part of us and follow our rules while we guard them.”
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)11:29 No.8894870

    Lance began walking and waved his hand for them to follow him. “But of course, you don’t have to actually hand them that ultimatum if you don’t think that your proposal would be met with anything but peace. If you think that the situation is… untenable, I will understand and the Plateau’s policy will be altered accordingly. I will leave all of the on-site decisions to you two.” He held up one finger. “A few rules, however, no outside help, no one can come with you, and this mission must forever remain a secret until I or the following Champions decide that this act should be brought into the light.” Lance gave Blue and Janine a level look. “Is this understood?”

    Janine quickly accepted, telling Lance that she would be honored. Blue thought for a moment more. “We will have to cross Tyranid territory correct? The Johtos have holed up in Goldenrod and Olivine, have they not? That means a good four or five month hike just to get there, we can’t risk flying over that territory, if the Tyranids saw us, they would have so many of their bleeding Carnifexes and Tyrants and god-only-knows what else. We’ll have to hoof it. That means, on a good day, a year round trip. Not to be rude, but why bother promoting us, just to send us off?”

    Lance looked Blue and raised one eyebrow. Blue cursed when he realized the reason. “So if we need to negotiate with Johto, we will have the necessary clout to successfully convince them. We are nothing more than pawns to you.”
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)11:31 No.8894897

    Lance shook his head. “No. You wouldn’t be a Gym Leader if we didn’t think you could handle the stress of the job, or if you weren’t skilled enough. You two are just the most junior of the Leaders, and naturally you will be assigned the jobs that need to be done, but that no one wants.” He looked disgusted. “And we can’t give you a large escort, the ‘Nids have learned. They see a group of more than two or three, and they will just tear you to shreds. So you two have to go alone. Take as many Pokémon as you feel, as obviously there aren’t any Pokécenters from here to Goldenrod, so take potions, and revives. However, both of you know the right berries to gather, and you both have the Adeptus updated Pokégear?” Both Blue and Janine nodded. “Good. I wish both of you luck.” With that, Lance turned around and strode away, out of the forest.

    Blue looked at Janine. “I suppose we had better get going tomorrow morning if we want to make it by next year.” He flashed a smile at her. Janine glanced at him and nodded.

    “I guess. See you tomorrow Blue.” Janine said as she walked away. Blue knew that this journey would be taxing. Not just because of the Tyranids though.
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)11:33 No.8894924

    “I guess. See you tomorrow Blue.” Janine said as she walked away. Blue knew that this journey would be taxing. Not just because of the Tyranids though.

    The following morning Blue woke up to the sounds of a Charizard cooking his morning meal. After rubbing his eyes to clear them, Blue sat up. “Char? Already up?” He looked around and noticed that all of his Pokémon who could be, were up and about. Squirt, Sauruman, Don, and Eggs. He had only recently acquired Eggs the Exeggutor. It was apparently immune to the effects of the Tyranids, as somehow the three heads keep it sane in the ‘Static’ of the Hive Mind. “Why you guys all up so early?”

    They all looked at him and began to make Tyranid noises and mime that they were them. It was really humorous to watch them stop about acting like their enemies. Blue nodded, stood, and stretched. “All right guys, let’s get out of here. He returned the six of them to their balls around his waist; then felt the extra three balls that dangled from his waist. It just seemed wrong somehow, that he had that many Pokéballs hanging from his belt, he should have only six. Blue once again wiped his eyes and headed out the door.
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)11:36 No.8894968

    He entered the gardens, and cast about looking for Janine. He saw her, and moved off towards her, raising his hand to say hey. She waved back at him. “Hey Blue! Ready to go?”

    “Always!” Blue responded. “I just can’t wait to start crossing Tyranid and Daemon territory. Oh joy.” He finished with a wan look on his face, but one that quickly turned to pain when Janine punched him in the shoulder.

    “Quit whining. It doesn’t fit you.” She smiled at him, then put her arm through his. “Let’s go.”

    Blue looked around. “Yeah. We need to hurry, ‘cause I don’t wanna wait a year to be a real Gym Leader.”
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)11:39 No.8894998
    Why is this so good? My immediate reaction to crossover is *ick* but, what the hell this is actually good
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)12:00 No.8895254

    Done as of now. I'm going to start scribing on Blue and Janine's journey soon though.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:05 No.8895317
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)12:09 No.8895358

    His Venusaur. Its a pun. GET IT?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:11 No.8895391
    Oh I got the pun. I just don't see why there's a LotR pun in a 40k/pokemon setting.
    Whilst we're talking about it, I'm assuming Don is a Rhydon?
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)12:13 No.8895415

    Yeah. And I'm laying the jokes on thick today. Even my GET IT was a reference. Shee. I gotta stop that.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)12:25 No.8895597
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:20 No.8896351
    Mithraw, Adeptus, Inquisitor... this shit rocks. keep it up dudes
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:28 No.8896467
    The lictor was scouting ahead of the main force. It was deep in a heavily wooded area. The air was thick and the whole of wood looked as though sun had not pierced through the trees in ages. All this suited it well. The dark served to hide as well as the thick undergrowth many trees. The buzzing of the Hivemind intesified as it relayed it's data back to the Tyrant responsible for the area. A quarter of an hour later it picked up a scent, sweet and organic. Advancing silently through the underbrush it stalked it soon to be meal.

    A small dell opened up before its eyes and fruit bearing trees grew within. A lone creature stood there using large blades that comprised it's forearms to cut the falling berries and eat them.

    It circled around closer to the scyther taking excruciating pains to make not a sound. Looking up from it's meal the scyther flexed it wings and stretched. It then extended it's right arm and brought it down while moving it's foot forward. It scraped it claw through the dirt and moved to the left slightly. It's movements becoming more intricate and complicated as it went.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:28 No.8896476
    Now you see pokemon are smart. They learn quickly and are able to adapt to most situations very quickly. Often times the adaptions are behavioral. For instanceDuring the initial attacks from the tyranids many solitary predator's met their end at the claws of lictors and genestealer scout packs. They quickly found that there is safety in numbers.

    The lictor watched with interest. It should have been watching to the left and right where two more scyther were doing the same hidden in the same shadows and flora it had used to creep up on it.

    Suddenly it stopped and snapped into a offensive position. Body low slung and scythes raised, growled it's name, and sprang forward so fast it's form blurred. The other two sprang for on the unsuspecting lictor almost simultaneously. Realizing it was under attack it sprang to the trees. Though outnumbered it was easily twice as big as the bladed mantises below. From it's perch it lunged forward attempting to spear one and crush it. The scyther parried it talon and leaped back as the other two rushed in blades swinging. Talon meat scythe as one was pushed back and slammed into a tree, though the third slipped under the lictor's guard and dealt a wicked blow. Roaring in pain at it's wound it did not have time to avoid the double quick attack from the remaining two and was borne to the ground where blinding slashes made quick work of it.

    Had it faced a lone scyther like it planned the lictor likely would've won. Using it strength and larger size to overpower and consume it's prey. But nature more often than not doesn't take the plans of other's into consideration.

    The scythers would eat well for a week.

    How did you like it /tg/? It's my first bit of write fagging ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)13:29 No.8896496
    Bleah. I need to proofread more. So many mistakes in that first paragraph.
    >> Mithraw !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)13:33 No.8896547

    Good. I don't want to feel like a hypocrite, but slightly crude. Definately a good first go however.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:22 No.8898138
    bump for awesome. moar please.
    >> Adeptan Writefag 03/31/10(Wed)17:35 No.8899965
    Good afternoon, everyone!

    I'm back, but for now I'm mostly lurking. Just keeping this on the up-and-up.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:15 No.8900652
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:57 No.8901403
    bump! come on writefags
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)19:55 No.8902412
    Aight guys. I'll get Blue's journey to Johto up soon. DMing 3.5 right now. Be up soon though. Hold on!
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:56 No.8905449
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    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 03/31/10(Wed)23:00 No.8905508

    Ditto can't hold its form forever. Also: I've started the tale.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:26 No.8905899
    bump for awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:30 No.8905972
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    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)00:41 No.8907183
    The mountains were finally beginning to thin out, and Blue began to grow more nervous. The amount of Tyranids that they had run into was small, no more than a dozen or so groups, however soon they would enter a non-protected zone. That meant that the Tyranids would both increase in number and danger. Despite the fact that with the Adeptus Mechanus’s advances allowed Blue to carry an unprecedented number of potions, and an unparalleled capacity to heal, Blue still wondered if it would be possible to make it to Goldenrod with his whole team, or even more worrisome, alive. He looked at Janine and swore to himself that he would not let her die, no matter what.

    Janine looked over at him as he was swearing the oath to himself, “What are you doing?”

    “Promising to make sure that you don’t die on this expedition,” Blue said as Janine’s expression changed from a smirk to a slightly horrified one. Janine looked around, acting worried. “I don’t think that there are any Tyranids around right now that could dispose of us, however, I am worried about this journey. Why do you think that we are the first ones to try it?”

    “Lance said it was because we were the youngest and most junior of all the Gym Leaders.” Janine said.

    “But why are we the first to try it?” Blue stressed.

    Janine pondered for a moment before responding. “Because they weren’t sure if anyone could do it, and they didn’t want to risk losing anyone… important?”
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)00:50 No.8907304

    Blue nodded. “Right. We are expendable. If we die, they lose some strong trainers, but nothing vital. Even more, if we die, they can use our deaths. If the Tyranids kills us, we can be the ‘Rallying Cry of the Month to Exterminate the Tyranid Threat!’ How old are you? I’m sixteen and you are?”

    Janine gave him a look. “You never ask a lady her age.” She replied huffily. “But I’m fifteen.”

    “So we are old enough to take care of ourselves, but young enough for anger and sympathy to result from our deaths. Think about it, if the Johtos kill us, then they have killed children, not Gym Leaders. But if we succeed, then Gym Leaders did it, not children. See the politics behind this? If we fail we can be used to rally support, and if we succeed, then everything is great too. Either way, Lance can use this to his advantage. I’m sure there are deeper politics than what I’ve managed to figure out, but those reasons seem like enough to send us on this mission.”
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)00:56 No.8907399

    Janine kept walking, but had a more thoughtful expression on her face. “So win or lose for us, it’s a win-win for Lance. That seems hardly fair.”

    Blue laughed. “If that is the most unfair thing this whole trip, it was a good trip. My grandfather was trying to release Pokémon out into the wild when the Tyranids found him and killed him and his lab assistants. That is unfair. What we got sent on was a political maneuver, it wasn’t mean or nice, just a move of a pawn on the board.”

    Janine laughed. “Of course, how could I miss the difference?” She pointed forward, “Look, the mountains are ending. I haven’t been this far in years! It’s so exciting!” Janine barely managed to contain her giggling. She looked at Blue and realized what she was saying. “I’m sorry, I just… its… I wasn’t out when the attacks started. Me and my dad were visiting Bruno when they started. I was just nine when everything was happening, and I can barely remember what it was like living outside of the Plateau. Can you?”

    “Barely. I don’t really remember much about the outside world, other than my gramps. He was a famous Professor before the attacks. I’m not a ranger after all, how would I know that much about the outside world. We get training in the sims and on the variable terrain platforms, but according to my friend Red, who is a Ranger, it’s nothing like the outside really is.” Blue said.

    “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we!” Janine chimed.
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)00:57 No.8907408


    Weeks later, Blue woke up to the sound of nothing. Which, as he and Janine learned, means nothing good. The Tyranids had been adapting and incorporating Pokémon genes into their own, meaning that they were also able to gain power as they grew older and more experienced, and in this terrain where not even the rangers went, there were some powerful Tyranids. Their first encounter with one the Pokémon-gene incorporated Tyranids nearly cost Janine’s Houndoom his life.

    The changed Lichtor had leapt out of the trees, using its camouflage to blend into the surrounds, avoiding Sauruman’s and Weezing’s notice, hitting Weezing and knocking it to the ground. The average Lichtor was powerful, maybe enough to knock out a Weezing, but child’s play for Sauruman, who turned around and attempted to catch it in a Vine Whip. However, the Lichtor managed to dodge the blow and closed the distance to Sauruman and began to cut him. Janine quickly drug out her Houndoom who leapt onto the back of the Lichtor.

    It turned around and began slashing at the Houndoom, but without the thick hide of a Venusaur, the Houndoom had little chance against the cutting talons. However, the distraction was long enough for Sauruman to take the initiative and Vine Whip the offending Lichtor against the trees until its broken body stopped moving.

    They learned, and Blue and Janine adapted. They now kept a minimum of four Pokémon each out at all times, and with the extra Pokéballs they had been granted, they could catch new ones to fuel the screen. Rattata normally would just scatter and head underground, but by now they had developed a fine Tyranids sense, and would alert Blue and Janine by starting to get twitchy. This behavior would eventually culminate in the compulsive need to hide, telling the two Gym Leaders that they needed to be ready to do battle.
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)01:01 No.8907455

    However, now, the Rattatas seemed calm, but they had also learned to trust their own senses. After a few more tense minutes of travelling, they burst out into a clearing dotted with ruined houses and a large white building. Blue frowned at it, for some reason it seemed too familiar.

    “Stop there now. We don’t have time to argue. Give us all of your Pokémon and we will let you leave. You will be turned out into the wilderness with only one Pokéball, but that is all we can spare.” Said a voice echoing out of the ruins.

    Blue raised his eyebrows. “You would deny the rights of a Gym Leader of the Indigo Plateau? You will initiate hostilities with the only functioning government that you know of?”

    “You are no Gym Leader. Gym Leaders are a myth. I was too young to remember any of them, and they might have been tales made up by the Adults to pacify us. I don’t really know, and the last Adult has been dead for years now. You are nothing more than two roving scavengers. Now turn over your Pokémon or we will have to fight. And fighting draws the Tyranids close. They know better than to come close, because we will kill them, but it will bring them close enough to kill you.” The voice finally came into view. It was a boy, not much younger than them.
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)01:02 No.8907461

    “Are you the leader of this town?” Janine asked.

    The boy shrugged. “I guess. No one really made me that way, I just the strongest Pokémon. Why Professor Elm –”

    “AHA!” Blue yelled. “That’s what that building is, it’s a Pokémon lab! It looks just like my gramps’s!”

    The boy gave Blue a look. “Right. You knew that before then, huh? Then who was the Prof. over in Kanto, if you know so much, Mr. Gym Leader?”

    Blue frowned. “It was Professor Oak. He is my grandfather, but he died in the initial invasion.”

    The boy looked shocked. “Fine, you might be from Kanto. Come in then. But I still don’t trust you. The only reason that I’m letting you in is because Pointy seems to like you.” The boy leveled a finger at a Typhlosion who appeared around a corner.
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)01:04 No.8907488

    Anyone still lurking?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)01:07 No.8907528
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)01:13 No.8907594
    Well one lurker is enough I guess!


    “So you are saying that what Elm said was true, that the Gym Leaders and the Elite Four are real?” the boy asked hours later, as a crowd of children had gathered around Blue and Janine.

    “Yes. But one question, why didn’t any of you try to get through Victory Road to the Plateau when the invasion started?”

    The boy looked sad. “We did. Plenty of adults tried to push through to it, but the Pokémon were too powerful, and I guess The Bugs got them. All we had here were some women, a few men, and Professor Elm. He started giving us kids Pokémon and teaching us how to use them, but most of the time we were too young to understand how to really fight, so it was up to the few adults left to guard us and provide food.
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)01:14 No.8907607

    “They tried their best, but in the first year it was bad. Soon all we had were injured adults, a few women still able to work, and the Professor Elm.” The boy began to cry at this point. “Elm said that the injured adults were too much trouble. So he took them and a few of his Pokémon and left. We assume they died. That left only a few adults. And over the next two years we lost all but one old woman. She was getting sick, and told us to not stop her. She took her only Pokémon, a Psyduck as old as her, and tottered off into the woods after telling me, the oldest here, to watch after the children. She wrote me a list of things to do. I put it in that picture frame over there.” He pointed at a note hung on the wall.

    Janine stood to look at it, and after a moment looked back at the boy. “Don’t worry Gold. We’re here.”
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)01:15 No.8907619
    me too, fuck yeah
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)01:19 No.8907668

    Not gonna lie. That was the most intense part to write. I nearly teared up watching 13 year old Gold explain how he has had to raise kids for like 4 years, the whole time fighting off 'Nids and gangs and scavengers.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)01:23 No.8907714

    Still here.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)01:28 No.8907812
    I'm the guy from the 1st thread who posted"mewtwo and other psychics fighting off Nids, Fund It!"

    Been following the whole time =D
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)01:30 No.8907836
    Still lurking too. Lots of quality writing itt! (fukkin saved)!
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)01:30 No.8907845

    Shee man. I hope we are worth it. I can't decide if I want to go on from here, or stop for the night. I'm torn.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)01:34 No.8907917
    Sure you guise are

    Though I'd like to read a few more fights between pokemain and the Nids

    Not saying reading about the trainers are boring obviously. I love reading about how the Adepts
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)01:39 No.8907996

    Well, I'm not the guy to talk to, and I don't know where the other two writefags vanished off to...
    >> Comrade Chairman Ivan 04/01/10(Thu)02:11 No.8908496
    I'm still here too.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)02:29 No.8908765
    Another anon lurker here enjoying this thread. Also enjoyed the first thread to.
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)02:30 No.8908780
    So problem here, should I send Gold and the town back to the Plateau, or have Gold go with Blue and Janine, or have him wait until(if) they get back from Goldenrod?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)02:33 No.8908824
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)03:05 No.8909248

    Blue just looked at the poor child while Janine walked back around to Gold and put her hands on his back. “We have some strong Pokémon that you can use here, that should help you.” She gave him an encouraging smile.

    Gold looked up at her. “You would really help us? There are a few others in this town nearly as old as I am. We recently had this girl named Kris move in. But I don’t really trust her.” A squawk of protest came from the back of the group.

    A girl about Gold’s age pushed through the crowd of children and stood in front of the still seated Blue. “I want to go with you! I have a powerful Pokémon too, and I don’t want to sit here and take this abuse.” Blue noticed that unlike the rest of the children here, Kris kept herself clean and groomed. It was disconcerting to see. She reached into her pocket, withdrew a Pokéball, and threw it. A Meganium, all the while saying, “Mega! Go!”

    Blue idly noted that Gold had been showing a greater amount of interest in Kris, and when she announced she was leaving, his face took on an odd aspect. He stepped forward. “I’m going too! I’m not going to be left behind.” He gave Janine and Blue a look. “If you think that these ‘Gym Leaders’ can handle the Johto Bugs, he is crazy. You all can handle yourselves without me here, right?”

    A boy only a little younger than Gold stepped forward, “Right! Especially with the nice lady’s Pokémon!”

    Gold gave everyone in the room a level look. “Good. Then tomorrow we will head out.”
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)03:08 No.8909277
    I leave it here for tonight. Tomorrow I continue the tale of Blue, Janine, Kris, and Gold
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)07:55 No.8912174
    Out of all the threads I was watching last night, this is the best, and the only one that still exists. Good show, /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)11:44 No.8914906
    Went to bed expecting this thread to be long gone, so excited to have it here still. Moar please.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)12:54 No.8915857

    Bumping decent writefaggotry forwards.
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)14:39 No.8917037

    Where did this guy run off to? Did I scare him away?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)18:36 No.8920658
    Hello? Anyone? It's cold in here waiting for writefags...
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)19:38 No.8921489

    Well, looks like I'm the only writefag left. I'll throw some more up here later. Gotta eat now.
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/01/10(Thu)22:19 No.8923975

    Starting the write up. All lurkers report in.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)23:13 No.8924831
    >> Adeptan Writefag 04/02/10(Fri)00:48 No.8926507

    But I'm going to go play some DF 31_01 pretty soon here, so I must decline. Sorry, man.

    My dorfs are building a bridge across a bay. Thankfully the aquifer is something I can probably bypass through use of the Shale walls next to the sea, and there's granite under there I want at.

    It also means I'm going to be trying to build underwater, so I can make the pylons that lead up to the bridge so the whole thing doesn't collapse.

    Most ambitious megaproject yet!
    >> mithrawnudo !uI4oigtzX2 04/02/10(Fri)01:56 No.8927635

    Sad day. You must continue on. However, tonight my juices are flowing slow. The muses are angered.

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