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  • File : 1266716876.jpg-(1.02 MB, 3000x2375, 1266290919202.jpg)
    1.02 MB Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:47 No.8195085  
    You want a horror story? I've got a horror story.

    My friend invites his roommate to play D&D with our group. He says that the guy knows the rules, wants to play, and should be fun to play with.

    I meet the guy a few days before we're supposed to play, and at first glance he doesn't seem like a D&D-kind-of-guy. Shaves his hair real short, rather muscular, orangey-tan, and has that "bathes in axe" aura. But he's amiable, we chat, and he seems like an okay person. He tells me he got into D&D because a girl he liked back in high school played it, and he wanted to spend time with her. They went out eventually, broke up, but he was addicted to D&D and wanted to play it again.

    I thought it an odd story, but we then started to talk about games we had played. He did prove to be fairly knowledgeable about 3.5, and role playing games in general, and we actually talked on the same level about things like alternative HP systems and how to maintain party balance. We disagreed on a lot of points, but he argued without backing down and delivered some excellent counterarguments.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:48 No.8195092
    this pasta is copied, no, out
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:49 No.8195100
    No not this damn lame story. Still mad at being trolled with it last time.

    Promised a damn horror story and get this shit...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:49 No.8195111
    What was the ending? I went to bed last time.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:53 No.8195167
    When we got together to play, he was great at the game. He played his character well, kept the rest of the group focused, and we had a blast. The DM really seemed to like him as well, and he was a welcomed addition to the party.

    After the game, he sent me an email, explaining things he thought I did well, and things I could improve on. He worded the criticisms a little harshly, but they were honest and somewhat correct. I did have a habit of rushing the non-combat parts and trying to get into combat as soon as possible, but I was a barbarian. That's what my barbarian liked to do. I didn't know how to reply, so I just said thanks.

    The next game, things changed dramatically.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:55 No.8195191
    As far as I know there's no ending, he just stops posting after a bit.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)20:59 No.8195249
    You found out he had a huge cock up his ass. Yours. He punches everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:05 No.8195339
    When we started, he seemed a lot more assertive. He took the leadership mantle, and though something on the instinctive level told me to protest, the rest of the group didn't really say anything. We had never played with a designated leader, and I think they wanted to see how well he would handle it.

    It turns out, I was wrong about their reasons, but I'll get to that later.

    So, the game continues on, with him as our leader. Once again, he surprises me, by not just making all the decisions himself, but just directing the decision making process. When there was a question of whether or not we should go to one district or another, he asked our wizard, who had the highest knowledge(local) modifier to make a choice. Our wizard made his knowledge roll, the DM told him a few things, and then he in-character explained why we should go to the particular district. This was the way things moved, and it seemed natural, smooth, and a little less awkward then everyone making knowledge checks and then arguing semi-pointlessly. Of course, I didn't really take part in the decision making process, but with an 8 int (half-orc barbarian), I guess it makes sense not to be asking me for my advice. Still, it was interesting seeing how the game moved, and we progressed through the plot fairly quickly.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:07 No.8195383
    There were multiple endings:

    A. Everyone gets stabbed to death by roommate.

    B. Big guy and friend beat the crap out of roommate who leaves with his tail between his legs.

    C. Roommate chews everybody out and is then told that he got himself killed with his own stupid houserules.

    D. Roommate is killed and everyone goes to Liberty City.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:14 No.8195481
    I was content, watching things progress, but I'll admit that after some time I was itching for a battle. It's what I like to do, and though I'm not on the same level as a touhoufag, I'm pretty good at the finer points of strategy. Though my barbarian isn't optimized to an exaggerated degree, I made him strong enough to rip and tear huge guts.

    So, when the party seemed to be dragging its feet a little inside the city hall when we knew there were bandits waiting to be slain, I thought it would be a good chance to have my battle-lovin' barbarian prompt everyone into action.

    After a quick, "We're wasting time here, let's go find those bandits and turn them upside down!" (remember, int 8), I turned to face the group with my award-winning "We're going to battle!" smile.

    I received glares not unlike that of a pit of vipers.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:25 No.8195641
    "Fuck, can't you not think about battle for one goddamn second?"
    "We finally get a chance to have fun roleplaying, and you just want to roll dice at monsters. What the hell is wrong with you?"
    "You're always like this. Can't you grow up a little?"

    I was simply shocked. I just stared at the group, my brain not even trying to figure out what the hell was happening. The rest of the group just moved back to dragging their feet, leaving me dumbstruck.

    Then, my gears started turning. No one in my group ever had a problem with me and my preference for battle, and up until that point I thought we all preferred the fighting aspect of D&D. But now, something had changed them. Something had altered the game.

    I stared at him. He stared at me. He smiled.

    Not in a pleasant, warm manner. But the biggest shit-eating grin I had ever seen in my life. At that moment, had I the knowledge I do now then, I would have taken the opportunity to beat the shit out of him then and there. But at the point, I only had a hunch, and nothing really explosive had happened just yet.

    I kept quiet, and the game continued on.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:28 No.8195675
    What's with this guy who keeps reposting archived threads?

    I mean, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:33 No.8195740
    Wait... Wait, this is a different story but with the same starting paragraph. And its being posted faster than usual... odd.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:41 No.8195858
    thats it?
    >> scared of shadows !!7tJvdfwxbH7 02/20/10(Sat)21:44 No.8195901
    anon does tend to be long-winded, yeah?
    >> COMMISSAR FORON !!y4krTe8P2kd 02/20/10(Sat)21:48 No.8195944
    then it ended in butt-fuckery!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)21:56 No.8196048
    We stayed in the town, and I now paid attention whenever he did anything. I started to understand what he was doing, and I was conflicted as to whether it was good or bad.

    He perfectly managed the spotlight. He kept all the other players rotating in and out, getting them involved and creating little "challenges" (make a decision about something or other) for them to accomplish and succeed at. In a sense, he was more of the DM than the DM was, who seemed content to finally let the players "sandbox". He never asked for my opinion, and after my group turning on me, I was more than keen on remaining mostly silent.

    But what the players were "accomplishing" was nothing more than a big circle. Not almost a circle, but a pure and simple endless loop.

    1. Wizard would point us to the Arcane tower.
    2. In the arcane tower, our "leader" would say we needed a clerical interpretation of something someone in the arcane tower said.
    3. Cleric suggests we go to the temple.
    4. At the temple, our "leader" wants us to get some "insert herbal ingredient".
    5. Rogue points us to the apothecary.
    6. At apothecary, leader decides that something is wrong with the arcane towers information.
    7. See step #1.

    Now, this was something he was doing with great skill, since he was using each character's backstory and stats(like the rogue having worked at an apothecary before) to continue the circle perfectly. It was the third time we went through it that I realized it, that he was basically just cycling us through the three places without actual purpose. The fourth time we cycled through, now knowing what he was doing, it was too obvious. There was no way he could hide it, and calling him out on it was now in my power.

    I thought. As I opened my mouth to speak, to explain that he was just leading us around in a literal circle, he interrupted me.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:03 No.8196155
    Stale copypasta is stale
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:06 No.8196188
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:06 No.8196192
    And yet unless someone wants to show me the old archived thread, I've not seen how this one goes.

    Though I'm going to eat my words if this ends with bel-air
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:07 No.8196205
    "Why would we want to attack the arcane tower?"

    Huh? I had said nothing even remotely suggesting that, in fact I had barely gotten two words out, but I was too slow to correct him. He was already turning towards our kind, thoughtful cleric who would never say a mean thing in his life and saying "I knew you told me he would ruin games with his bloodlust, but I didn't expect it to be THIS bad."

    To my shock, our cleric agreed.

    Suddenly, the rest of the group started to yell at me, for trying to convince them to attack the arcane tower. I didn't even try to explain myself, as my mind just swirled around, contorted by recent betrayal of the cleric I had always thought so caring and loyal.

    Then, things clicked. In a literal sense, as the gears in my head jumped out of place. A thought entered, one that was two steps ahead from the rest of my brain, and suddenly the steps in between became clear.

    Our cleric would never himself say I ruined a game. Our "leader" had just then, at that moment, suggested it. Why would the cleric agree to it? And so readily?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:10 No.8196249
    Unless it was AN IMPOSTOR!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:12 No.8196292
    A bear, in fact.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:12 No.8196303
    Post faster, OP. I'm tired of keeping this page on my tabroll without having shit happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:19 No.8196412
    My theory formed itself from that thought.

    My guess was that I wasn't the only one who had received an e-mail. Originally, I would have thought that if he sent an e-mail to everyone, it would be about their play habits. Now, I suspected it was mostly an e-mail about mine.

    He had exaggerated my love of battle, and had worked the group until they were convinced I was all that was wrong with D&D. When he spoke to the cleric just then, he had made it appear as if the cleric himself had come up with the idea, further cementing it into his beliefs. He was manipulating the group with almost puppet master perfection. As this and similar thoughts and theories bounced in my mind, a saner, more realistic thought took prevalence.

    I was acting like a high school girl, and coming up with bullshit conspiracy theories to throw away the blame from my own poor roleplaying. There was no reason for the guy to do anything so taxing like create a complex scenario just to mess with a guy he just met. This thought took hold for a solid minute, until I took a look at his face.

    I knew then. I just didn't know what I could do.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:31 No.8196630
    The minutes dragged on, and soon it became clear that the entire session would be nothing more than going to and from the three areas. The rest of the group seemed happy, and I grew to wonder if being "left out" was really a reason to resent the guy. Perhaps that was the entire reason I wanted to change what was happening in the game.

    Once again, my brain took a jump. As I thought about that, I thought that might be what he wanted me to think. Then, I realized the purpose of him sending me the email. I didn't particularly "love" battle. I enjoyed all parts of roleplaying. He criticizing me was a way of falsely planting the idea that I was a battle-frenzy maniac in _my own mind_. Before this campaign, playing low-level spellcasters mostly, I had not particularly enjoyed combat, and I wondered how I could possibly forget that. It was the fact that I was a barbarian now that had made him decide to use me as the cornerstone of his tightly-written scenario, not because of who I was. He used my class as the deciding factor in using me as the fall guy to his little rise in popularity.

    Still, there was the nagging thought that all of this was just my delusion, and that my ego was just creating all this. But the more I realized that that was exactly what anyone would think, I came to realize that that was what _he_ wanted me to think.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:32 No.8196654
    Oh this is that one story, where that one thing happens. And then something else happens. And then There's a prince of Bel-air
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:33 No.8196669
    This is copypasta if you haven't noticed. Give credit where credit is due. Visit suptg!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:47 No.8196917
    I decided that even if it came to a point where some part of my theory was proven wrong, I was going to stick with it. However, that never came to pass. Every word he said, action he took, gesture he performed, and expression he made supported my idea. Finally, I managed to figure out why he was doing all this.

    He was having fun.

    Not fun playing the game, but fun leading a group around, by the nose, in a goddamn literal circle. He seemed proud of his accomplishment, proving his superiority over weak-willed nerds. The fact that he was actually going to get away with this, like some cheesy 1950's super villian, boiled my blood.

    If you recall, I had played spell casters in my earlier games. I thought they suited me, since I'm more of a quiet, background sort of person. I spoke when spoken to, and I tried to avoid confrontation. But I was now playing a barbarian, and some of that flowed into me. I was now feeling rage. Not simply anger, but the burning flames of rage that is a goddamn class feature that gives you +4 to str and con.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:51 No.8196963
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:53 No.8197002
    I can't find where this is originally from, does anyone know? I didn't see it on sup/tg/ nor any results from google for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:55 No.8197015
    can we archive this version too? im going out and id like to read it
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:55 No.8197021
    I opened my mouth to speak again. He was on the ball this time as well, and I guess my expression was more then enough of a giveaway that my next words would not help him out. He interrupted again, and even better than what I expected, he did an exact repeat.

    "Stop it with telling us to go and attack the Arcane tower!"


    The group exploded, but this time I was ready, focused, and with plan and purpose. Within seconds, the rest of the group grew quiet, sensing something from my tone that had an untold gravity behind it. The only person who remained to argue was our "leader", who had not known me long enough to know that I had never been like this before.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:58 No.8197075
    cmon! hurry up, I aint heard this pasta before, Im keen on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)22:59 No.8197093
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:01 No.8197117
    Is this archived anywhere?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:01 No.8197128
    How many times has a story with this beginning showed up here? I'm only familiar with the one that took 3 hours and ended up at various points with
    as endings
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:04 No.8197164
    This is the second time I've seen it. Seems to be going a little faster, but not by much.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:07 No.8197196
    "I want to attack the arcane tower, because it's the only way to save our souls."
    "What kind of bullshit are you-"
    "Let me finish. Don't interrupt. It's for your benefit as well."

    I exchanged a glance with him. He dropped his guard, and gave a look of confusion, wondering exactly what I meant by that. I only need to say something that would get him to shut up, and thankfully, those were the key words.

    I then began to explain things, as best as a half-orc could. I recounted what had happened so far, but with a different emphasis. Rather than it being our "leader's" pushing that began the circle, I painted the picture to make it look like it was the DM's plan all along. As soon as I pointed out the existence of the loop, the rest of the group's gears finally began to spin. With careful, deliberate word choice, I did everything I could to make it seem as if the DM was a genius for creating such an obvious loop and only now had someone noticed.

    The DM, of course, simply sat silent throughout my explanation, with the silliest "JUST AS PLANNED" look on his face, more than willing to take the credit for our "leader's" work.

    But our "leader" was getting more and more confused, not knowing where I was going with this explanation. He did not interrupt me, nor did he even make a single sound as he watched me carefully, forcing me to keep my expression in check.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:10 No.8197250
    brace for mediocre
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:14 No.8197304
    Obvious troll is obvious but I can't help myself....
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:17 No.8197361
    This is taking too Goddamn long. This ending will be utterly disappointing if it's anything less than the most epic pasta I've ever read.

    tl;dr: lern2buildup
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:18 No.8197391

    Technically, it's a spectacular buildup. It has you wanting the ending to appear and be as fantastic as the rest of the story. If anything, he's doing buildup right.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:21 No.8197431
    Nah, it's more like "Take a long, but interesting story like something you get from Wasteland Warrior or any of the other threads about gaming stories but steadfastly refuse to type out the whole fucking thing beforehand and also make sure it's not a very good story"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:23 No.8197484

    OP printed this out the last time this was posted and is now typing it up from paper?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:23 No.8197490

    Yet you're sticking around to see the ending.

    OP wins as long as you stay here.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:25 No.8197528
    That is until some fag gets antsy and starts making up his own endings like last time.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:27 No.8197557

    New guy was a bear?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:29 No.8197586
    If you can write it in a style that sounds like OP, go for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:31 No.8197609
    revelation is that OP is a bear and has now started hibernating

    so we gotta keep the thread bumped until spring
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:32 No.8197642

    Wait a minute... OP WAS THE LEADER GUY ALL ALONG! We've all been tricked!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:34 No.8197676
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:34 No.8197677

    M-m-m-m-m-m-meta thread!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:36 No.8197698

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:38 No.8197733
    That's when I made my move. The rest of the group was more than willing to hear the rest of my ideas, as the endless circle had been proven right. Our DM's expression had "given it away" that it was just as he had scripted, and now I was going to provide the key to everything. No matter what I said next, the group had more then enough reason to believe it.

    I accused our "leader" of being one of the bandits, and that he was the one that had been guiding us in circle.

    It was audible. The mass "click" sound, as everyone suddenly realized something I had figured out hours before. It was no longer an "in-game" thought. Even the DM stopped pretending that he had been the one in charge as he realized even he had been led around.

    Now, the guy is smart. Very smart. We came to an understanding very quickly. His options were limited, and there was really only one chance that let him win on "his" terms.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:38 No.8197735

    Mind blown.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:38 No.8197738

    No Anonymous, you are the half-orc barbarian player.

    And then the thread was derailed.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:38 No.8197744
    He announced that he had been working for the bandits. Then, just before he could run his mouth and try to explain some bullshit reason, to use his manipulative skills once again to control the group, it happened. I thanked Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams each individually for giving barbarians rage. I raged. I announced it, went into it, performed a partial charge, and attacked. The rest of the group, at this point thinking I was in on something with the DM, jumped in on the attack, slaying our "leader" with just three attacks and without a chance for protest. Saving face, he just let the character die, with a level of grace that simply said "I planned for this to happen."

    As the game concluded (everyone else thinking it went awesome), he asked if he could talk to me in private.

    He explained that it had all been a test, a test to see if I was capable of not only figuring everything out, but stopping it. He revealed then what he thought I didn't know, about the e-mails he had sent before and his plans with them. He then told me that I was the first person to ever pass one of his tests, and that I should feel proud.

    I told him I didn't believe a word he said, and that I'd kill him every chance I got.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:41 No.8197783

    I had to reread the paragraph to see if the party kileld the guy irl.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:42 No.8197814
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:44 No.8197830
    This story was not worth the payoff.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:44 No.8197834
    Thats the end? Say it ain't so.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:45 No.8197852
    so this guy goes around to d&d parties "testing" random ass people he figures are worth his time?

    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:47 No.8197891
    >so this guy goes around to d&d parties "testing" random ass people he figures are worth his time?

    must be a PUA/NLP kind of thing
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:49 No.8197916
    Thanks, OP, the story was awesome, even if it took way too long.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:50 No.8197938
         File1266727842.jpg-(56 KB, 853x480, last-starfighter-robert-presto(...).jpg)
    56 KB
    The 'leader' was Centauri and was trying to conscript OP for the tactical groundpounder troops against the Kodan drop troopers?
    >> Totally the OP 02/20/10(Sat)23:55 No.8198022
    When we had our first thread, he was a great troll. He posted his story slowly, kept the rest of /tg/ interested and we had an epic 500 post thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:55 No.8198034
    After all the stuff the guy pulled, you think it all being a test wouldn't just be more bullshit?
    >> Totally the OP 02/20/10(Sat)23:55 No.8198038
    After the game, he sent me an email, explaining things he thought I did well, and things I could improve on. He worded the criticisms a little harshly, but they were honest and somewhat correct. I did end up posting almost as slowly as he, and sounding more like a namefag than a troll, but I had been posting with an identifier - it's what I had come to the thread for. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing.

    The next thread, things changed dramatically.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/10(Sat)23:59 No.8198086

    This is the troll thread that will spawn a million troll threads.
    >> Totally the OP 02/21/10(Sun)00:03 No.8198178
    When we started, he seemed a lot more assertive. He posted the same first post, and though something on the instinctive level told me to sage, I knew the rest of /tg/ would take care of that for me. We don't have a lot of surreal threads, and I think we all wanted to see how well it would end.

    It turns out, I was wrong about their reasons, but I'll get to that later.

    So, the thread continues on, with him as our leader. Once again, he surprises me, by not just posting a reasonably good story, but posting it readably fast. Sometimes he even got two or three consecutive posts in. A few posters mentioned the archived previous thread, but no-one actually posted a link. This was the way things moved, and it seemed natural, smooth, and a little less awkward then everyone posting memes and then arguing semi-pointlessly. Of course, I didn't really take part in the decision making process, I was playing borderlands. Still, it was interesting seeing how the thread moved, and we progressed through the plot fairly quickly.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:04 No.8198185
    Hey stop that! no recursion!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:15 No.8198356
    Well, that story was pretty obviously better than the one at
    but I can't see this thread ever reaching 400 posts.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:25 No.8198521
    We can do it if we keep bitching about this crappy thread enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:28 No.8198564
    This story is pretty obviously a complete fiction, but if you can't enjoy it you're fucking broke in the head
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:34 No.8198647
    Some say Titanic/Avatar/Gone With The Wind/Citizen Kane/Alien/Twilight/Kill Bill/Braindead/Evil Dead/whatnot is the most bestest film in the current and future history of the universe, but seriously, it too can be kinda boring. Like this story.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)00:49 No.8198869
    this shit is pathetic.
    it proofs we are low life nerds with no social skills whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:09 No.8199183
    ooooooooooooh. so its a guy posting a story about a guy controlling others. but by posting the story he gets to feel like he's controlling others.

    sounds like someone needs to play the sims.

    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)01:28 No.8199439
    Also, op's picture was originally named 1266290919202.jpg,
    but it would have been just 1266290919.jpg if he'd saved it directly from the other thread (the original name in that thread was Frenchmanweeps1940.jpg)

    I guess what I was trying to say is that op from this thread apparently was in that previous thread and thought he could outdo it but while he's clearly a better writefag, he's a pretty shitty troll.

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