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  • File : 1265487136.jpg-(478 KB, 1395x983, adventurer.jpg)
    478 KB Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:12 No.7951509  
    I thought that the only people I knew who would appreciate the following would be you, /tg/. Bear with me if it's a little slow, I'm just writing it now.

    The year was 1979. I was a sophomore in high school, and I was close friends with a guy named Eddie Callahan. We had both grown up together and were pretty much into the same shit. We were also geeks, so our type of crowd was the stereotypical glasses-wearing, inhaler-using dickwads that would grow up to be accountants or some shit like that.

    The year is significant because that was the year Eddie scrounged up enough money from his mall job to go out and buy the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual for AD&D.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:18 No.7951603
    We fell in love with that stuff right form the start. We had two other friends named James and Marshall who also found it pretty interesting so they joined us in Eddie's living room while we messed around with the game.

    I remember enjoying it a lot because Eddie's mom always baked these apple pies that I would seriously stick my dick into they're so good. I didn't come from a well-off family so I enjoyed Eddie's circumstances. But this isn't about me, this story's about Eddie.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:18 No.7951612
    this better end with some gay sex
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:27 No.7951739
    Since I was the writer of the group (I was writing for the school newspaper at the time), they saw fit to assign me as Dungeon Master after a couple of fuck-around sessions. And it was pretty damn fun, I thought. I'd create adventures for them to pal around in. And I'm not going to lie, I was a railroading DM, before I even knew what that was.

    But anyway, Eddie had an older brother who was a sports jock and he'd always make fun of us for sitting around at home and not enjoying what was "out there waiting." But what did he know? We loved doing what we did.

    Our party was as generic party as you could get. James would run a halfling thief named Seamus or something like that, Marshall would go with an elven magic-user named Ark'tur or something with as many apostrophes, and Eddie went with a human paladin. Not so much creativity in the name though. Edward the Paladin. Blatant self-insert but I never faulted him for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:37 No.7951861
    Someone's going to be disappointed...

    We did this throughout the rest of high school, gaming, apple-pieing, remaining the socially awkward teens who had never kissed a girl before in their lives. But I don't know, we had our gold and our armor, and our stories. We did grow up in the suburbs of California. We didn't have too much adventure to speak of. I don't think we enjoyed it as much as Eddie though. After a session he'd go on about how someday he'd go off on an adventure of his own. But we talked a lot back in the day. We'd make fun of him and tell him that the only one doing all that was Edward and his horse Kelmora (which was what he named his mount).

    Adventure did come, in a way. As soon as high school ended, we went our separate ways. We tried to keep in touch with each other, but things happen, life gets in the way, and eventually we lost track somehow. I had gone on to a university here and majored in English. I teach at a local high school now. Happily married. James joined the military. Either the navy or the marines, I forget which. Marshall started working at his dad's pizza place. I don't know where he is now.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:38 No.7951873
    then get off this board, you fucking retard
    >> NG Pally !!UB9AXCUn8mL 02/06/10(Sat)15:39 No.7951894
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    Let the man tell his story Chucklefuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:45 No.7951962
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:48 No.7952020
    About three years ago though, I got a letter form Eddie. He had become an accountant for some small business. Tax auditing, book-keeping, that sort of stuff. Still unmarried, but he had gone through several girlfriends. Or so he'd said. He was a scrawny little bastard in any case. He said that he saved up as much money as he needed. In fact, I have the letter here.


    How are you, you bastard? It was a hell of a hassle trying to find you and the guys. But this internet shit makes everything so much easier. English teacher at [name of high school here], huh? You always did have a thing for words. And I think it was James who had the thing for the ladies. Not that I didn't have my way with a couple of broads with you three idiots out of my way. I kid! Damn, I'm just blabbering here. We have so much to catch up on. I turned out to make a great accountant. Are you married? I didn't get an invitation in the mail but then again we sort of stopped communicating. But I thought this would be important. I have some good news for you, buddy. I DID IT! Did what, you may be asking? I have saved up enough money to get out of here and go out on that adventure. You remember all that shit we used to talk, don't you? I sent you a picture so you know what I mean. Just know that I'll keep in touch with you and the other guys. I might even stop by where you all live when this is all done. There's too much to say. I can barely stay sitting down and keep writing this damn thing. WE NEED TO DO SOME CATCHING UP.


    Along with the letter came a picture of a motorcycle. Painted onto its side was the name "Kelmora." Fucking A.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:51 No.7952053
    hahah either this guy is completely off his rocker... or he has a good sense of humor
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:57 No.7952147
    Sorry it's taking so damn long. I didn't transcribe the whole letter. It'd take too long.

    He'd send more letters in the coming months. Apparently, the guy had left home, quit his job, and emptied his bank account. He was going across the whole goddamn United States on Kelmora, the paladin on his fucking mount. I tried talking him out of it at first, but damned if I didn't find his dedication a little admirable. He didn't really have much back home in any case. No wife, Mama Callahan had fallen to lung cancer in the mid-90's, he didn't have any father to speak of as far as he was concerned...

    Although in the summer of 2007, the letters had stopped coming in.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)15:58 No.7952156
    lovers gonna love
    I don't even want
    none of the above I want to pee on youuuuuuu
    >> NG Pally !!UB9AXCUn8mL 02/06/10(Sat)16:01 No.7952207

    He was born in the wrong time period :/
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:02 No.7952229

    If he'd been born in roman times they would have thrown him girls like Nancy.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:06 No.7952266
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:08 No.7952288
    At first, I wasn't so worried. I mean you can only afford so much paper, envelopes, motel rooms, and gasoline after so many years of work. I had believed that he was going back home and trying to get his job back, the poor bastard. I would have wrote back, but I figured it would be a moot point since the return addresses would always be different. But I was still worried. I even went as far as trying to track down James and Marshall but I don't even remember their last names to be honest. Which is terrible of me, I know.

    A few days ago I received a phone call from the Police Department of Newport, Maine. They had discovered a wreck off the highway. The victim was a white male, and he looked like he had died after losing control of his bike on the slippery roads they had up there in the north. Scrawny little bastard, wasn't carrying much. Bike had the word "Kelly" or "Kelmdor" painted on the side, in orange. It was faded out, tough to tell. My name was mentioned in a journal that was kept in the rider's leather jacket. Had to go through a couple dozen of people with my name though, before they even managed to reach me, on the other side of the United States. I don't now how they did it, but I'm sort of glad I don't have such a common last name as Smith or Johnson.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:09 No.7952298
    >> NG Pally !!UB9AXCUn8mL 02/06/10(Sat)16:12 No.7952340

    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:12 No.7952349
    And me, I'm going to the funeral next Saturday. His brother hadn't even known he was gone, but he was willing to pay for the funeral. He seemed pretty torn up about it. I haven't talked to that guy in ages, but I still remember how he made fun of us and everything. We'll have a nice laugh about it, I'm sure.

    I don't know, /tg/. I haven't picked up a Player's Handbook in ages, but I just want to play again all of a sudden. That's the story. Thanks for reading.
    >> NG Pally !!UB9AXCUn8mL 02/06/10(Sat)16:14 No.7952377
    At least he died doing what he wanted. It's good to get something like this off your mind.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:14 No.7952381
    I'm going to make Edward my next Pally. Damn you, OP. That made me cry manly tears.
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 02/06/10(Sat)16:16 No.7952398
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    Even though he was a paladin, I guess you could say...

    ...he really failed his ride check.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:17 No.7952415
    aaand the moment is ruined. thank you, /tg/. thank you.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:18 No.7952428
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:19 No.7952436
    I'm speechless, dude. My condolences.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:19 No.7952440
    Never change Shas.

    Regardless, my best wishes go to sir. May you find a new group soon.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:22 No.7952487
    It is a sad story. But man, what a way to go out. Riding a bike & following your dream. I think I too shall make a paladin in my next game to commemorate his noble quest.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)16:22 No.7952489
    OP here. I'll admit I laughed. Shas, you bastard. Thanks to the rest of you. I think I'm going to try to find a copy of the AD&D handbook and have it buried with him.
    >> NG Pally !!UB9AXCUn8mL 02/06/10(Sat)16:25 No.7952540
    I am surprised Shas didn't make a paladin falling joke.
    >> The Immaculate Doctrine 02/06/10(Sat)16:58 No.7953083
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    I was going to be sad.. but..

    Thinking on it, I'm not. This guy did what no one else would have done. So many people have passing thoughts about just going out and doing something crazy, but how many really do it? Hell, most people get in their rut and don't venture beyond the city limits they've settled down in. He didn't just go out on an adventure. No no. He did much more than that. He changed his life. He took control and lived the life he wanted. The life he desired.

    He died living his dream. He died happier than any of us could imagine being.

    A salute. For Edward.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:04 No.7953167
    A book and a set of dice, OP. A really nice set of dice.
    >> Salamanders Fanbro !!IkBm+qsTaW7 02/06/10(Sat)17:10 No.7953261
    Did he actually do any paladining?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:16 No.7953341
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:33 No.7953586
    A salute indeed. If I had a rifle I would fire it off to the east.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:40 No.7953669
    Hot damn, OP. This is the kind of stuff you never think would happen.

    Eddie was a tribute to his fellow man. He's my hero. Damn.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:44 No.7953713
    fucking manly tears, bro.

    Do it. Play some D&D for his memory. Remember the good times. Hell, maybe even try to convince his brother to play for once.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:44 No.7953717
    Huh. My family name is Callahan, and I'm from California, but I don't have and Eddies in the family... I was sort of hoping for a connection here.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:50 No.7953795

    I was hoping it wasnt gonna end up with him dying. shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:54 No.7953842
    Eddie was right, he did what all men should do. Why are we to be tied to some dead in job, doing what we do not like over and over again, just to satisfy some false sense of "belonging" into a group that does not care for us? Seize happiness by the balls, demand what you want from life and make it happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:58 No.7953893
    For the rest of us, maybe we got some things to work at the dead-end job for. Some of us, it's a family, parents, maybe kids. But god damn, this guy is incredible. A lot of people talk shit all the damn time, but he actually up and fucking left. I mean wow. What blatant disregard for societal norms. I mean, there's so much uncertainty out there. He left a stable job! Lots of Americans would kill for something like that!

    This man was an adventurer, true and true.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)17:59 No.7953904
    that man also might have been fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:02 No.7953967
    Most great men are.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:03 No.7953973

    After I graduated I drove across the country before going to college, but nothing on par with Eddie here. Also didn't name my car after my Paladin's mount. Actually didn't get into /tg/-related stuff until I started college.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/10(Sat)18:12 No.7954133

    eddie's the man
    >> The Immaculate Doctrine 02/06/10(Sat)18:14 No.7954148

    Nothing wrong with being crazy.

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