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02/02/10(Tue)21:44 No.7895998 File1265165083.jpg-(77 KB, 844x1054, 1259898499684.jpg)
 The summoning circle behind Thazimmar made a soft popping sound of displaced air. He whirled about, finger raised to annihilate whichever interloper had appeard unsummoned-
"Oh! Ow! Aww, that hurts every time!" A different succubus, sitting flat on her rounded backside, wincing. She got to her feet a bit unsteadily, brushing off her meager kilt. She pushed her...spectacles?...up on her nose, peered through the hazy smoke at Thazimmar. "Oh! It's the client! I mean, uh, you! I mean, boss!" She gnawed her lip, stammering. "Howzitgo...uh...FOR WHAT FOUL PORPOISE HAVE YOU SUMMONED ME, MOR--wait. Did I say 'porpoise' again? Oh hells, I'm sorry, please don'tsendmebackdon'tsendmeback-"
If Thazimmar were capable of finding anything humorous anymore, this might have done the trick. As it was, he was merely suprised and a bit confused, which both fell under 'annoyed.' "Who are you, demon slut, and how did you come here unbidden?"
The succubus cringed. "Look, there's no need for that sort of...er, sorry. I am Petravazzidurramar. Um, but 'Petra' is fine. If you prefer brevity. Sir."
"Well, uh...so Valla came storming back... bitch....and she kicked up a big fuss about she's too important blah blah blah, but since you're a favored client and all, Sir, Miss Malcanthet decided you should be provided with someone more agreeable. Er, with a 40% discount. So...um...here I am." |