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  • File : 1291682897.jpg-(186 KB, 480x640, 1282672589141.jpg)
    186 KB Consider the Following Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)19:48 No.13056308  
    Hey does anyone remember this;


    Basically in which, in the group there was a female paladin acting up the whole chivalrous knight routine, but in reverse. That is, she viewed and treated men as weak and in need of defending, things like that.

    We went on to discuss how, she was being abused by a shitty noble taking advantage of her and getting showered in gifts. In the end, the general consensus was to oust him and his dickery by supplanting him as the paladin's object of affection.

    Anyone remember that?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)19:50 No.13056340
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    Yeah well you know what?

    I hate you, that was the worst advice ever.

    People said they wanted an update? Here's the update;

    I had to roll a new character because the old one got shotgun wedding forced into marrying the Paladin, and sent away to take care of the house and home while she's out adventuring.

    So yeah, the guy that said be tsundere and win her over can go to hell. The plan worked too well.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)19:51 No.13056362
    Well it WORKED. You never said you wanted it to work and then keep on adventuring.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)19:54 No.13056394
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    I said I was totally fine with the way things were going, and didn't care too much that the Paladin was being swindled by the royal.

    Everyone else said it was an outrage and I should step in.

    Well step in I did, and got fucked for it. And I liked that character too, now I've got some shitty loser fag instead.

    If it's any consolation though, the Paladin doesn't get swindled any more by the royal. So everyone won except for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)19:55 No.13056401
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    >the old one got shotgun wedding forced into marrying the Paladin, and sent away to take care of the house and home

    That's not our fault, nor is it her fault. It sounds like the fault of your own character, for being a spineless dick.

    He could have simply insisted on staying at her side, regardless of whatever she thought was best. Sure, she has the advantage of physical strength, but what could she seriously do? Chain you in the basement of your house and leave you there with what is hopefully enough food and water to survive until she can check up on you again? Whatever her feelings are about the supposed fragility and uselessness of men, that doesn't sound like particularly lawful OR Paladin-like behavior.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)19:58 No.13056446
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    Sure sure, adventuring was fine, and she was very much in love. Probably my guy too but whatever.

    And they were happy, and perhaps even equals for a time.

    Then the rest of the fuckers in the group went and did something, and fucked it all up, and then she had to get married.

    And then you know what? BAM, no more happiness. At least on my end. Once married, she just exercised all the control she wanted. We were no longer partners, my guy was just her subservient husband whom she had to protect and cloister.

    So god damn it.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)19:59 No.13056452

    You let her walk all over you. You proved her right.

    Don't get mad. Get even.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:01 No.13056473
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    Get even? How, she's my wife?
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:03 No.13056498

    What are you, five?

    Last time I checked, adults don't need to agree to anything their spouses wanted. She won't kill you for it - she's a paladin. Grow up and do what you want.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:05 No.13056528
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    >Once married, she just exercised all the control she wanted.
    >You let her walk all over you. You proved her right.

    This. At what point did you lose all your nerve and forget to plant your feet into the ground, fix her with an even stare, and declare with no measure of hesitation that you refused to leave her side under any circumstances whatsoever?

    Sure, she could have beaten you into submission, but being an abusive spouse is, again, not particularly lawful, good, or paladin-like.

    What you SHOULD do is go to your GM and talk about bringing your old character back. Play it off like you planned this from the start. Have your new, terrible character start mucking things up and doing more harm than good, until they all wind up in a desperate situation thanks to this one bumbling idiot's failures.

    Then have your old character, stubborn and unwilling to simply lay down at home by himself, pull off a Big Damn Hero moment, supplant the incompetent buffoon, and show his ignorant wife what a man can be capable of when he refuses to back down from his principles.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:07 No.13056551
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    Physical beatings are a certainty. If she even heard that my guy tried to sneak out or go about freely she'd hunt him down, drag him back, and punish him.

    I know, because I tried it already.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:08 No.13056569
    Your game is retarded.

    Also welcome to the traditional female role bro
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:10 No.13056598
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    My old dude's pretty shit though, or at least not good enough to save everyone.

    I think though that a solution like that is possible, if I work with it some, and make the current guy even more terribad.

    Which shouldn't be difficult, he's like total crap.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:11 No.13056601
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    Then she's not a very good Paladin.

    In fact, she's kind of an asshole.

    Refuse to obey her commands at every given opportunity. Try again, and again, and again, and AGAIN, never once listening to her demands for you to stay in your "proper place".

    And should she ask you why you cannot accept subservience, as all men dutifully should, say simply that you are not so weak as she claims, and no force in the world will ever be enough to keep him from returning to the side of his wife and fighting alongside her save death itself.

    Otherwise you can just hand in your Man Card right now and call it a life.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:12 No.13056617

    Normally I don't like to rag on traditional male and female values and what a person should or shouldn't have...but seriously. Grow a pair and take it like a man. Tell her the only way you're going home is if you're dead. Then back it up.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:15 No.13056649
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    It sucks so much. Like after the wedding, my guy didn't go away immediately, she took him with the group until she could find a suitable place to leave him.

    The whole time was abysmal, no talking out allowed, no acting out allowed, confined to the tent or room, having to tend to her armor and other stuff. It was so terrible.


    Eh, combined with the other advice that could work I believe. While the results would always be the same, I could keep at it until getting the chance to actually prove my dude's worth.

    Either that, or eventually she'll just have him locked/chained up, with guards to look over, but I doubt the DM would construct a situation like that from which escape or action was impossible.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:15 No.13056650
    So that's what it feels to be on the receiving end of chivalry. How interesting. It feels... insulting.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:16 No.13056656


    War were declared.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:21 No.13056711
    I have a plan for such an occasion.

    Then again, I have a plan for everything.

    A good wizard should.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:22 No.13056722
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    Actually having to roleplay it was the worst. The punishments that is.

    The rest was still pretty bad though.

    And all the other fuckers in the group had such shit eating grins the whole fucking time.


    Blarg I hope, it was a pretty shitty way to have a character "die".

    Plus even if he gets chained up and locked away save for occasional visits, my current guy can always go rescue him even though he sucks. He can do at least that.

    OR MAYBE the old guy can get in the goods with the group bard, but that might end badly for her as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:23 No.13056734
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    >Either that, or eventually she'll just have him locked/chained up, with guards to look over

    If that happened, I'm pretty sure it would constitute an alignment change. If she's currently Lawful Good, it would DEFINITELY be a drop to neutral. Normal Husband/Wife relationships are not nearly so extreme as that, even ones where the wife is in the traditionally submissive position. That sort of action is definitely edging away from proper Paladin conduct and into "I'm a controlling bitch, sit down and shut up."

    Where is the "to love and to cherish" part of this relationship? Your character isn't a spouse, they're a piece of property stuffed in a box to be taken out every once in awhile when she needs a good fucking.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:23 No.13056742
    Wait you got sent back to take care of the "home"? what home? Did your character and the Pally have kids? If not, you can just hire a servant to come clean the empty house every now and again.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:24 No.13056752
    I have a plan too. Regrettably, It would only work for a druid. Suffice to say, it involves Bear wildshape, a Rod of Lordly Might and the Spike Growth spell.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:25 No.13056760
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    >Actually having to roleplay it was the worst. The punishments that is.

    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:25 No.13056768
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    And for the record, I'd be giving this same advice to a female character in the same situation.
    >> 40Kfag from /m/ !!rthE8hgFXea 12/06/10(Mon)20:28 No.13056795
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    >ITT: marital abuse and spousal neglect
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:29 No.13056799
    Pah, you know nothing of subtlety. The smart play is not necessarily combat. As a wizard, Plan A is simple.

    >Get in a fight. Light battle, nothing too risky.
    >Cast Power Word: Orgasm on my wife.
    >Note that I'm loaded with bombs, scrolls, and spells.
    >Proceed to whoop ass.
    >Go over to my still-twitching spouse and smile.
    >"If I can protect you, I can certainly protect myself. I love you, but I'm not your slave."
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:29 No.13056803
    Yeah dude. Have a big RP moment. In public confront her. Tell her that you love her to much to let her put herself in danger without you there. Tell her that if she really loved you she wouldn't force you through the agony of sitting around wondering if she's alive or dead. Also you've said a couple of times that your character is fairly useless, what exactly does he do?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:30 No.13056811
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    The paladin's from a titled family, so she has an estate or chateau or whatever you want to call it. She waited until she could see my guy home before actually doing so.

    So yes, there are servants, and maid and shit, so I don't literally have to clean up the place and keep it proper, but that's all there really is to do. Occasionally my guy gets to meet husbands of other Paladins from her order, in similar situations.

    They tell me things get better over time, you get used to it, plus raising the children is rewarding.

    I don't want to become like them though.


    Well she's like still a Paladin and slaying evil and stuff, she just acts the way she does because of her beliefs/order. Plus she's like the whole Medieval knight stereotype, whereas my character doesn't fit the Medieval courtly lady stereotype, hence the problems.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:32 No.13056828

    Dude. your character was a fucking pussy. Like
    Said: Grow a fucking pair. So you get punished. So what? You should have given a speach along the lines of "I am your husband, not your slave. It is my duty to stand beside you, to guard you, and to share the weight of life. I will not be pushed aside and made to stay in in a home. So, punish me, if that is what you you think will make me obey you. But I will never bow." etc. etc.

    If you can't pull that off, then you are an even bigger pussy than your character.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:35 No.13056860
    If >>13056803 doesn't work, stay at home but use your newfound free time wisely. Pull a fucking Iroh and start working the hell out. Ask your GM if you can switch some of your class levels to fighter or something, basically start exercising so you can physically stand up to your wife. If you can't convince her to respect you force her to.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:35 No.13056865

    Huh. My plan involved less public humiliation.

    >Beat Wife over head with Rod
    >Use bear form to drag her armoured ass over to the nearest woodland, use spike growth to keep her there.
    >Use bear form to intimidate magistrates into annulling marriage, nice and lawfully, so she can't complain.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:35 No.13056866

    Then don't. You are responsible for your future. Fight for it.

    Posting manly shit in order to convince you of the right course of action.
    >> Sorain 12/06/10(Mon)20:36 No.13056880
    OK OP. this is a problem on your end. Why did you give up? The explicitely given advise was "When she pulls X" X being exactly what happened "On you, keep going. This forces her to either drop her chivalry, or paladin up and grow a little." You dropped the ball. now pick it back up, play it up as not being morally able to sit back knowing she is at risk and away from you. You are the one who has to pick your dignity back out of the gutter, wipe the mud off it, and GET THE FETH BACK TO YOUR WIFE! We said it would be hard, a long road to tread, and you stepped off when it got hard. You made the call to back down. We collectively advise you to get your dignaty back and do your husbandly duty to be with your love. You know all those idiotic 'deteminators' in animu? You need to be that guy, the one who refuses to stop short of being killed. Again, YOU CHOSE TO QUIT, DO NOT RAGE TO US.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:36 No.13056883
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:37 No.13056891
    OP, now you play along.

    Collaborate with your GM on this plan, because SHIT WILL GET REAL.

    Keep playing the new character, make them seem serious and put your work into making them someone you enjoy. But talk to the GM and play out a situation where your househusband is at home planning. He's practicing his own skills, he's getting allies, he's training soldiers, he's getting resources to equip his men.

    At some point in the future when shit has hit the fan and everyone is about to die, your character will ride over the hill at the head of a hundred horsemen, screaming the name of the Paladin as he saves her fucking life.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:37 No.13056903
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:38 No.13056913
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    I'm calling troll (albeit excellent troll) on this one. Too perfectly calculated to incite the maximum amount of rage.

    Yes, I know there were other threads about it before. Just means it's a dedicated troll lord rather than the low level fodder we usually get around here.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:38 No.13056915
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    >I don't want to become like them though.

    Then don't. Refuse with every fiber of your being. You say your man is useless? You say he isn't strong?

    Then MAKE him strong in her absence. Ask the DM if he would be willing to play this out with you in private sessions so as not to tip off the rest of the group. Becoming something more than what you are.

    Failing that, rebel in every way you can possibly think of. Never stop trying to escape the cage she's put you in until the day comes when she finally REALIZES that it's a cage. If she's constantly forced to come back and babysit/punish you, it will eventually begin to affect the group dynamic as well. She'll be constantly worrying about whether you've managed to get away again, and they will ALL have to waste time tracking you down again each and every attempt you make.

    In other words, wipe those shit-eating grins off all their faces once they realize that their fun adventures will have to keep getting put on the back burner just to chase your sorry ass down time and time again. Piss them off, irritate them, turn it into an endless game of cat and mouse until they start berating HER for being so blind as to not see the flaws in her system of beliefs.

    I've been lead to believe that this Paladin is an interesting and ultimately fun character, but she also seems like a pathetically STATIC one. She's so set in her ways that there is literally no change in her personality. She'll likely be the same character she is now by the end of the game, and I wager she was the same way at the beginning of it as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:39 No.13056922
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    Yeah I know, I said behind the scenes stuff like that weren't necessary, I get that my guy was in trouble, and whatnot.

    But no, she insisted it was all important characterization and plot development and shit. So roleplay it we did, or well she did, and I just sort of went along mortified.

    And everyone else in the group as per usual were all ears and smiles.


    I tried that a couple of times, although in public didn't work because if I didn't heed her telling me to be quiet, she just backhanded me.

    But with her, or with just the group, she brought out the reasoning that she could handle herself, in fact she was more apt to handle herself that I was, given the multitude of challenges we'd faced so far and enemies she'd defeated on her lonesome.

    Plus that she was acting the bruiser for the whole party, even more proof that she could do things just fine on her own.

    While conversely it was she that needed to step in and protect me from time to time, and me not her that had been beaten in combat before. Plus the whole, her being stronger than me thing besides.


    I said, my old guy was like a walking store, carried pretty much something of everything, and could do what everyone else could, just not nearly as well. In execution it was an awesome character to play, but again, he's not nearly as competent as anyone in their specialty, just generally competent.

    As such easily bested by his wife in things like strength, constitution and the like.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:39 No.13056923
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:39 No.13056925
    If this were Fantasy Craft you could still be making downtime checks to make money or raise your reputation, but damn, that's annoying.

    One option is that you keep playing your old character at the estate. If your GM's half decent he'll feel obligated to make SOMETHING for you to do, and thus you'll slow everything down and ruin everything for everyone until paladin check realizes she's being retarded...or the rest of the group makes her realize it.

    Sounds like it could easily go wrong, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:40 No.13056940
    The only issue is that it doesn't prove anything. It proves you can be a devious bastard and someone who can work the system.

    You want an ideological victory, not a legal one. Only the former will change her behavior.
    >> Belisaurius 12/06/10(Mon)20:41 No.13056950
    Dude, just run off after her. If she tells you to go home, tell her fuck no and keep following. Claim that you can't abandon her to face the BBEG alone. Her ability to actually stop you is limited by her alignment, so as long as you don't hurt her in any way or form, she can't stop you permenantly. Who knows, it could be what she actually wants, girls are weird like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:42 No.13056956

    Ask for a divorce.

    If only to see what the hell happens.
    >> Aloh'nan'el !!rXSyTQNlVvq 12/06/10(Mon)20:42 No.13056963
    Aren't you the Jack of All Trades character? You don't have something that you can pull out of nowhere to escape?
    I say you do this:

    I'm sure you can find some reason to get away, get an item, and show up with the other characters.
    Talk to your DM about it.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:43 No.13056970
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    Well, even I, perfect as I am, can be weak to the lure of trolling :V

    Still gonna post manly shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:44 No.13056975
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    Actually, that's true my guy has allot of free time now.

    At least in strength he could improve within their home.

    I'll definitely incorporate that into the few ideas suggested already.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:45 No.13056986
    Well at this point you can do either this >>13056860

    Or this>>13056891, If your stuck managing her estate start politicking and building a power base. Show her that you aren't incompetent.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:45 No.13056989
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    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:47 No.13057006
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:47 No.13057008

    You don't need to change her behaviour. You simply need to ensure that that behaviour no longer applies to you. If you were determined to force character development, a confrontation after such an event would surely prove quite effective, wouldn't it?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:47 No.13057011
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    >In other words, wipe those shit-eating grins off all their faces once they realize that their fun adventures will have to keep getting put on the back burner just to chase your sorry ass down time and time again. Piss them off, irritate them, turn it into an endless game of cat and mouse until they start berating HER for being so blind as to not see the flaws in her system of beliefs.

    This. In order to win, you need to get the others on your side.

    In fact, what were the CHARACTER'S reactions to all this? Were you not friends? Were you not comrades? How can they sit idly by and say nothing while your wife backhands you and inflicts bodily harm upon you (which I continue to insist is NOT Lawful Good Behavior, and her alignment should change to reflect that)?

    Show them that their beloved female bruiser is intrinsically flawed, and that it will ultimately only drag them down in the long run for as long as she insists on keeping you in proverbial chains.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:51 No.13057046
    This actually raises a good point. There's a certain point where the whole dominant wife thing stops being funny and that's at fucking physical abuse. I thought she was all chivalrous around the weaker sex, men? Since when did fucking KNIGHTS, beat women?
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)20:53 No.13057056
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    And the Goldion Hammer to top off my masculinity dump. In short, use your testicles and fight this shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)20:57 No.13057115
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    >Other party member are friends

    That's rich, they're the one's that orchestrated this whole mess. As I said, before things were actually really nice and my guy got along well with the Paladin and they were like partners.

    It was hard to get there, what with all that Tsundere shit I had to do, but it ended up working more or less.

    Then they went and pulled their fucking plan, and it worked and we ended up married, and that's when things went downhill.

    I suppose eventually things might get out of hand, and they'll find it too bothersome for her to keep putting my guy down (although she's already threatened chaining up if I continue to rebel, but ah fuck it), but for the moment they find it endlessly hilarious.

    Especially the royal who'd lost his source of income when the paladin married, he's made it like totally so that my guy is miserable now for messing up his plan.

    The only problem is there's like a window I have where if I don't act soon and return things to equilibrium, the Paladin will either a) become tired of a non-sexual relationship or b) required to have kids by her order. In either case, then it really is game over for my guy, I believe. Because when either of those options come about, then her order actually steps in to mediate things, obviously aligning with her.

    Also the whole thing about being locked up if I keep misbehaving, but I figure there will be ways out of that.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:01 No.13057150
    >>13057115 You,
    Answer this. >>13057046

    Also, after reading our responses, what are you planning to do now?
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)21:02 No.13057158

    Okay. No more complaining. Seriously. Cut it out.

    Gimme a plan to escape this utter faggotry right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:03 No.13057167
    Let your character crack. Leave her, just gather your worldly possessions and keep walking, refusing to return no matter what, and when she tries to hit you, even after you were hit, ignore it as much as you can and keep going. Resist only in self defense, and then only when you are in danger of being incapacitated and dragged back.

    Then demand, right there at the table, that it counts as spousal abuse and she should get an alignment shift.

    By the way, how is your relationship with the players and the other players IRL? We need to know this, to know how far it is okay to go in getting away.
    >> Aloh'nan'el !!rXSyTQNlVvq 12/06/10(Mon)21:05 No.13057187
    Then talk to DM, because I have an idea for you...

    Play the villain. I don't care how, but you will gain through study or training the power to best her and take revenge on both the paladin and your former teammates.
    Abuse, hurt pride, and self-defense will do that to a person. Get the DM to get you some wizard's book or such bullshit that you will go mad with power. Than destroy them.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:08 No.13057223
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    Sure she's chivalrous, good and all that. But to her own husband, a "misbehaving" and rebellious husband, she's within her rights to act how she pleases to make things right. At least that's her viewpoint, or what her order has her believe.

    It didn't start out like that, things have just gotten progressively worse over time as my guy's refused to be subservient to her, to the point where now it's at physical abuse.


    As for what I'll do now. I figure my new guy will shit things up fro the group so they want the old guy back. As well, potentially have the new guy plot to help the old guy if need be.

    As for the old guy, in his free time get better and stronger, plan to, if not able to stand up to her personally (within the time constraints), then at least to be in a position (either with outside help, or just good timing and planning) in which he can prove his worth and prove her wrong.

    By then, even if she still refuses to see the light, at least the others in the group will recognize the benefit of having my guy around.

    They figured it was a nice little prank to pull on my guy to get him ousted, but they'll soon be regretting it.
    >> Belisaurius 12/06/10(Mon)21:10 No.13057248
    Hmm...you said you were a druid? Does she recognize you when in wild shape?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:12 No.13057265
    God man that's fucking awful. Have you tried telling her that if she really loved you she wouldn't hit you? Christ that's fucked up. I was bemused by the situation before, it was interesting and different, but spousal abuse is carrying it way over the line.
    Are you playing online or IRL?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:14 No.13057296
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    I considered that, perhaps even declaring war on her order, rather than her specifically because of what they do and stand for.

    However, something glorious like that would probably take more time and much more effort than we are afforded in this game. Breaking out of her bonds though, and standing up to her, that is achievable.


    We're all good chums, and everyone's having a good laugh or else it wouldn't be allowed to progress this far.

    In turn while I am rather... mortified is the word? To have to play this role and the interactions and the resultant characterizations, I don't particularly feel too offended or angered by this turn of events. It's just a game after all.

    Only thing is, I particularly like the old guy for this game, and am willing to do mostly whatever to get him back to playing.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:14 No.13057298
    Okay, but wait. What is your relationship with the actual person, and can you risk hurting it?

    Because I've got some things, but I'm not too sure if okay.

    Because just make something with obscure alignment, take first watch, and coup de grace in her sleep. If the player gets pissy, tell her you weren't comfortable with it, and that if someone pushes you outside your comfort zone against your will, you will dig your way back into it through them with a rusty spoon.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:14 No.13057303
    I'll be honest, with how you talk about how it happened and just the wording your using, it seems like this guy should just turn on the party or something.

    I say you try to gut them all in their sleep!
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:15 No.13057316
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    >Play the villain.

    Wouldn't work, as she's already backhanded male villains before and basically turned them into her bitch. Which, now that I think of it, leads me to believe there might be a slight bit of favoritism going on here.


    >Since when did fucking KNIGHTS, beat women?

    Another excellent point. Beating your spouse is not a trait of a knight. It is not part of a system of beliefs. It is not a code of any religion.

    In other words, her abusive behavior is not coming from the ways of her Order, but from deep-seated character flaws that everyone, perhaps even her player, seems to be overlooking.

    It doesn't matter if she fights against evil.

    It doesn't matter if she fights for justice.

    It doesn't matter if she helps people.

    At the end of the day, when all is said and done, she still returns home to beat the shit out of the man she supposedly loves, then leave him bleeding in the dark before gallivanting off into the wilderness again. She may be lawful, but she SURE AS SHIT AIN'T GOOD.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:16 No.13057331
    >>She may be lawful, but she SURE AS SHIT AIN'T GOOD.

    Well then discuss that with the DM.

    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:17 No.13057344

    >and coup de grace in her sleep.

    Get out. Metagaming bullshit is not wanted here.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:18 No.13057359
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    I'm not the OP, just a concerned gentleman.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:19 No.13057366
    Lawful good =/= nice and happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:20 No.13057385

    Good implies some measure of compassion SOMEWHERE in that dank pit of a soul. Otherwise they wouldn't be good at heart, they would simply be a neutral force acting on behalf of Law.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:20 No.13057391
    Then stop posting female knight pics please, the OP isn't trip fagging so that's the only way we can tell if he's posting.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:21 No.13057398
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    IRL gaems.

    Apparently no one else has any problems with a scene being played out involving things like my guy being tossed across a room, or enduring beatings and yellings.

    Of course that's at the worst of times.

    She says if my guy loved her, then he wouldn't act out and behave as he ideally should. Just spouting off things her order's instilled into her I suppose.


    We're good friends, everyone pretty much is.

    If it gets to the point where I don't feel comfortable, or just don't like it enough to make a point of it, then things will be taken care of/fixed.

    Although probably not in the ideal way, probably the DM will just say that we won't focus on my old guy and the paladin, their interactions anymore, which would in effect wipe my guy out.

    Still though, I figure the ideas garnered in this thread should be a good way to getting what I want.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:23 No.13057422
    New to /tg/.
    Why would this be "bad"? It most certainly would make sense character and roleplay-wise.
    It also fits in with the "villain" idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:23 No.13057429
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    Consider this:

    There is a greatly admired and respected member of the police force in your home town. He is dutiful, strong, and ultimately a standard by which many other members of his unit hope to live by. He has an unshakable faith in the law, is extremely competent at his job, and acts as a force for good within his jurisdiction.

    And then, every night, he gets obscenely drunk in the comfort of his own home and savagely beats his wife.

    Would you label him as a Lawful Good individual, simply because he's an excellent police officer?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:24 No.13057451
    Just out of curiosity, how bad are the beatings? Is it the occasional shut up slap or is it more along the lines broken bones blacks eyes kind of beatings?
    >> Aloh'nan'el !!rXSyTQNlVvq 12/06/10(Mon)21:25 No.13057453
    It could work just fine if he ended up talking to the DM about the character either training up or gaining a powerful item or being possessed or...
    The list goes on.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:25 No.13057454

    His current character presumably knows nothing about the old one currently confined at home, so using him to get revenge is just cheesy and impossible to justify.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:25 No.13057455
    Wouldn't need obscure alignment if neutral, and a relative of the original character who knew of his relative's misery and took it upon himself to rid of said misery's source.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:25 No.13057458
    OP when someone tell you to make a stand please make sure you mention that you are a gigantic pussy that has no idea how to take control of a situation.

    Everything that happened to your character is your own fault for not manning the fuck up like we told you to.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:25 No.13057463
    OP, you're now running the fem-pally's estates.

    Do you have any idea how much power that potentially gives you? Especially if you can convince the rest of the group that the safest place to invest spare gp and favors is in expanding and improving those estates?

    I highly recommend that you go and read some L5R sourcebooks for ideas on how to roleplay a character in your situation. Or at the very least, have your DM read them so that they can effectively run your old character as the one pulling the strings for the rest of the party.

    And make your next character from a race that can freely change genders. Or that's nominally genderless but that you can install secondary sex characteristics onto (like warforged). Then troll the fuck out of the pally.

    Finding some way to forcibly genderswap the pally would also be a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:27 No.13057484

    >And make your next character from a race that can freely change genders.

    The pally's head would explode. I love it.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:27 No.13057489
         File1291688873.jpg-(56 KB, 383x288, Hida O-Ushi.jpg)
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    Solve that problem with >>13057463. New character is one of the retainers attached to the pally's estates, sent by the "devoted" wife to keep an eye on his husband.

    Which reminds me, pic related; it's the pally.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:28 No.13057493
    I think the basic disrespect is the issue, not the severity of the injury.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:28 No.13057494

    Of course I would
    He's putting a bitch in her place.
    >> Aloh'nan'el !!rXSyTQNlVvq 12/06/10(Mon)21:28 No.13057497
    Would he even be lawful in that case?
    I understand that in OP's scenario the laws may not prevent this but IRL they do. That police officer would likely be Chaotic Neutral, right?
    He doesn't follow the law, and his stance on justice seems to shift.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:31 No.13057532

    That's exactly the point I'm trying to make.

    Can the paladin still truly call herself Lawful and Good if she is willing to chain a man she claims to love and inflict beatings on him for disobedience? Not only does that sound like Chaotic behavior, it is at best falling into neutral territory.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:31 No.13057535
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    Mostly it's just stern talking to, intimidate, or at worst a slap.

    On the off occasion that physical abuse plays out, either from pent up frustration or the severity of the act (running away), then worst it ever got, was beaten and bruised with difficulty moving about. But then she immediately knew she'd done wrong, and tried to make up for it in various ways.

    Otherwise, on the off chance it goes as far as beating, then it usually just grabbing/shaking with force, maybe hitting, and throwing and locking into a room.

    As said though, she usually regrets things going that far afterward and tries to make up for it. Usually.

    As you might be able to tell, it's happened enough times to notice a pattern/whatever. But then again, it's been quite awhile since the last thread, so things have come along way and allot has happened.

    >Domestic Abuse: The Game!
    >> Belisaurius 12/06/10(Mon)21:31 No.13057541
    If she's a paladin, then her powers are dependent on her alignment. If she actually commits violence against you, then she's violating her vows. Don't fight back if she beats you and her patron deity will be forced to strip her of her Paladin status.
    >> CosmicMuse 12/06/10(Mon)21:31 No.13057546
    Oh, for Christ's sake. Don't you people recognize a troll when you see one? Masterful commentary on gender roles, yes, but still a troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:33 No.13057570

    By any definition she is going directly by the code she's always lived with and is normal to where she comes from. She hasnt done anything chaotic.

    If you mean evil? That is fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:34 No.13057575
    >Why did you marry me?

    >Why are we still married?

    Crucial questions to ask Lady Massive-Cunt.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)21:34 No.13057586
    It does seem I rage the most when this kind of betrayal runs rampant.

    Unfortunately, unlike the Disarmed Policeman threads, you cannot respond with "FUCK OFF, I HAVE A STAND".


    Nah. You settle it your own way. But don't be a bitch.

    I'm out - I am raging far too much.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:35 No.13057597
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    God damnit, OP. I told you to BROmance the paladin's male love interest, not the paladin herself! You got yourself to blame for this!

    That would have been the only correct form of triangle drama applicable.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:35 No.13057602
    Even if a fake, even if the poster was a troll doing it to troll, they were providing a hypothetical argument that was rather consistent.

    Thanks, Troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:36 No.13057604
    OP, also consider this as an absolute last resort. If worse comes to worse, and everything you try fails. She never ever learns to respect you and keeps beating you every time you try convince her of that. When you can't think of anything new, have your character break. Have him die on the inside. He becomes listless and apathetic, he flinches and cowers every time she makes a sudden movement. He rarely ever speaks and if he does it's almost monosyllabic. When she has sex with him he just lies there. He simply wanders around the estate with a sad expression on his face. He never takes initiative for anything and in fact sometimes hides from her. Have him drop morbid turns of phrase, hinting to the fact that he's suicidal. Make her realize that the person that she fell in love with is effectively dead and it's all her fault. If she doesn't see the error of her ways after this don't feel bad because there was nothing you could do to change her in the first place and you as a player tried your best.

    Obviously this is a last resort scheme since you've said that you like this character.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:36 No.13057605
    Eight easy steps to troll her:

    1. Druid right? Wildshape into some local fauna, preferably a bear.
    2. Stalk the pally.
    3. Wait until they sleep.
    4. Unwildshape and sneak into her bed.
    5. "Good morning honey."
    6. Generally annoy her, act clingy and slightly confused/out of it. Make yourself noticed and a nuisance to her, while helping the party.
    7. Do this a few times if she tries to ditch you.
    8. One night, don't unwildshape.

    Bears solve everything.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:36 No.13057610
    >Playing a misogynistic jerk is cool if you turn the genders around!

    >You know what Guys? I'm really not having fun with this. From where I'm sitting, this game downright sucks. If you're really going to muscle out my character like this, then I'm done. I see no reason why I should be playing in a game that simply not enjoyable At all.

    >Give me a call when you're ready to start the next game

    As good as doing something to 'get even' with her in game would be, it won't work. You'd just be playing along with her bullshit. I wouldn't play in a game with this jerk even if I wasn't directly involved in this bullshit situation.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:36 No.13057616
    Protip: Trying to make up for evil deeds DO NOT MAKE EVIL DEEDS LESS EVIL

    Beatings = Paladin falls

    Damn you're such a massive pussy I am wondering how the universe can support your theoretical size and mass
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:37 No.13057629
    Then the troll sucks. I for one, find this interesting.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:38 No.13057651
    That paladin should fall. Physical violence against somebody you consider weak is not in any code of chivalry, especially in fantasy depictions of knightly orders.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:38 No.13057652

    >By any definition she is going directly by the code she's always lived with

    If her Paladin Code specifically states that it's perfectly within her right to beat the ever loving shit out of her husband to keep him in line, then I retract my statement.

    Instead, I will say that her Order is SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP, because even a male Paladin Order would never come up with such an insane idea. It would be considered dishonorable and shameful, and would probably draw the stigma of his fellow knights.

    Unless her deity also happens to be Neutral, in which case all that goes out the window.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:40 No.13057683
    >>Lawful neutral deity.

    >>First one I thought of was St. Cuthbert.

    >>St. Cuthbert is a deity of divine vengeance.

    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:41 No.13057692
    Its not chaotic, you dumb fuck. Its evil.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:41 No.13057702
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    >Why did you marry me?

    >Why are we still married?


    Wait, let me rephrase that.


    Seriously. Press her on it. Dig the knife in. Show her in no uncertain terms that you regret ever falling in love with her, now that she has shown her true colors as a violent and abusive spouse. Tell her that you want a divorce, a permanent separation under the laws of the nation itself.

    If she refuses and slaps you in chains, she is not Good, and deserves a new alignment to reflect this undeniable fact.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:42 No.13057709
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    No my guy isn't a druid, I'm not sure how that got started.


    True, that does sound like a last resort, conforming too much to the ideal she wants.

    However, that's some wonderful poetic justice if ever there was any.


    I agree, that was the idea I entertained most, however it was just unfeasible given the royal's disposition. Plus the tone of the game.

    Still though, it makes me laugh every time I think of that, and how it could have gone.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:42 No.13057717

    Obeying the law one moment and then throwing your husband around the room until he can't move the next seems pretty Chaotic to me, but I concede your point.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:43 No.13057735
    Protip: This is exactly what the player of the paladin wants.

    You are both completely retarded.
    >> 40Kfag from /m/ !!rthE8hgFXea 12/06/10(Mon)21:45 No.13057754
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    >Why did you marry me?
    >Why are we still married?

    I'm sorry, I still can't wrap my mind around the idea of /tg/ offering marriage counseling.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:45 No.13057756
    That's because you are a dumb fuck that doesnt know shit about context
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:47 No.13057781
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    True, very true.

    While our characters may have been very much in love at one point, and the paladin still feels the same way, my guy is definitely not feeling the same. Probably bordering hating her.

    Forcing that down her throat should prove interesting.

    Just in context of the game, it's a shame that something so wonderful devolved into the ugly thing it is now. The rest of the group are real fuckers for causing it.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:48 No.13057793
    No, she doesnt' want that. She wants a Stepford wife. She wants him to be happy to stay at home and manage the estates and bake cookies and take care of future children. She want's him to be alive and personable (albeit subservient), not a listless doll of a human being who's terrified of his spouse and is contemplating suicide..
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:49 No.13057806
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    You want to show her the worth of a man? Show her.

    Show her that the worth of a man need not be in raw strength, but in his inherent determination. Show her that the worth of a man is in his steadfast and unyielding resoluteness. Show her that the worth of a man is in the refusal to back down from any force if it goes against the principles and laws that YOU stand for, even if that force is a woman you thought you could love.

    And show her that the weakness of a woman is that they do not possess the emotional strength required to fight alongside their own husband, because THEY are too afraid of what might befall him.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:49 No.13057812
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    Bah. Yet another chance to manipulate people into homosex foiled. Ah, well. C'est la vie.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:50 No.13057820
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    I tried being polite about it, but it seems you simply cannot be assuaged.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:50 No.13057825
    OP, an hero
    no srysly
    your character has lost the love of his live and lives only in torment. this is perfectly within charater
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:50 No.13057828
    Did you even read the fucking posts in context?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:52 No.13057849
    Also, the moment it finally crosses the line, have your character freak out and try to kill her. If success, kill yourself, if fail, you're probably dead which gives you a, 40% chance to make her go nuts, and the other 59.9% to just make her depressed and angry, possibly falling. The 00.1% chance is not caring at all and moving on instantly, because from what I've heard, that is highly, HIGHLY unlikely.

    If you fail to kill her but you don't die, she is either going to find a way to separate the two of you without leaving you to die, or she will feel guilt ridden, or she will just try to continue to keep you even after that, showing how fragile her mind is and how much reinforcement from self-created circular logic is required to keep her relatively sane.

    Either way, something interesting plays out.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:53 No.13057870
    Oh sorry. Didn't see you say player. My bad. But still how do you know what the Player of the pally wants? OP agreed with me saying it would be the ultimate poetic justice, he actually knows the person playing the paladin.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:55 No.13057890
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    Either way, it's good literature or IRL trolling an undesirable person.

    pic related.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:56 No.13057903
    meant to say roleplaying
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:56 No.13057909

    I doubt that the player wants that to happen. In fact, I honestly think she's just playing the character as she always has, completely oblivious to all the uncomfortable implications that are arising as a result.

    She set out to make a "chivalrous woman", but ended up making a case for domestic abuse.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:57 No.13057923
    Because I know the context from the last thread and the other guy either isn't OP, is looking for a way to end this whole charade and just giving up or he is simply too buttfuck stupid to realize that this is what the player wanted from the beginning.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:58 No.13057936
    I'm sorry. Women COMPLAIN that chivalry is dead?

    If I were a woman at this point I'd be considering it a fucking blessing that a man has the right to insult and belittle me as he would other men rather than insulting and belittling me based secularly on my gender.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:58 No.13057942
    >last resort
    Not necessarily. Sure, if you end up going catatonic like that it'll make your guy be totally out of the picture for awhile after.

    But then you can leave the house. You slowly start to recover some of your previous self. You're still prolly horrifically mentally scarred, true, but hey it's roleplaying. And it'll make being "back" all the sweeter.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:58 No.13057945
    The cycle is complete. No ca/tg/irl, you are the oppressor who sets the opposite sex on a pedistal until reality sets in.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:59 No.13057950

    I think your understanding of the female player in this scenario is flawed. She doesn't seem actively vindictive enough to want to totally crush the OP's character, and he's even said that they're all on friendly terms.

    This isn't One-Armed Policeman for christ's sake.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)21:59 No.13057955
    What the player wanted to make from DAY ONE was social commentary and showing how women can be the same as men.

    You really are that buttfuck stupid not to notice aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:00 No.13057977
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    The only reason I'd contemplate the whole "guy turning into a living zombie" is because of this, and the effect it would have on her and the rest of the party.

    As stated, before this they loved each other and were like partners in crime. They fought together, the laughed together, they ate together, did damn near everything together and loved it.

    She still loves him because of that, my guy hasn't changed, she just wants him to fix his mannerisms and percieved role.

    But to have his character break altogether, that's something else altogether.

    As an aside, the main reason she's keeping him at home, despite not yet having children, is because of her current situation adventuring and tackling threats. If it were just him and her, then she could take less dangerous work and keep him safe with her.

    At least, that's how I think it works, I'm not her or a member of her order.


    Otherwise though, I'm wholly for the whole revenge/prove worth plot. Simply because the end result is more in tune with what I want, even if it isn't as rich in terms of mindfuckery.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:01 No.13057995
    Why don't we let OP, who actually knows the chick tell us.

    OP! Is this guy right in saying that the chick actively wanted her husband to turn into a crushed shell his former self?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:02 No.13057999

    I'm sorry, but I'm having difficulties plowing past all the pointless hostility in every single one of your posts to respond to you seriously.

    I understand that she was making a blatant social commentary, but that doesn't preclude the idea that she actually set out to consciously turn the OP's character into a catatonic, suicidal wreck.
    >> Ted 12/06/10(Mon)22:03 No.13058013
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:03 No.13058024
    if you got a problem with aggressive attitudes then then you are in the wrong place
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:06 No.13058057

    It's funny, because I've had plenty of perfectly reasonable discussions on /tg/ and elsewhere on 4chan without everyone resorting to calling each other "bumfuck stupid", like that adds anything at all to the debate.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:06 No.13058058
    As long as you know you'll be acting like a massive pussy going "yeah you're right" to everything she is trying to say with her character then feel free to do that. Then you can hand your ballsack in because you sure as hell dont need it.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:07 No.13058070
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    What's One-Armed Policeman?


    Well the way I see it panning out assuming my character dies inside, is that when she sees what she's done because of what her order's forced her to be/do, then she'd at worst reject it's ways, at best actually declare war on it.

    Which would be fucking crazy and take the game to a whole 'nother level.

    Still though that's all assumption, so I'm skeptical to try it.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:07 No.13058076
         File1291691254.jpg-(8 KB, 259x194, Coxface..jpg)
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    >this thread

    I'm afraid I'm going to have to confiscate everyone's Man Cards.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:08 No.13058089
    I actually kinda envy you OP. This is a really interesting situation which in turn makes for some pretty damn interesting RPing. Just for kicks, once the dust settles and the campaign is over, you should go alpha male and sex up the chick playing the pally if only for some delicious irony.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:09 No.13058103

    >What's One-Armed Policeman?

    On on-going game someone posts about every few sessions. In short, one character who's got a rotating staff of GM's all sucking her proverbial cock has this huge vendetta against some of the other PCs, kills all but one of them, who is left crippled and with only one arm.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:10 No.13058117
    You have the no grounds on which to field test ideas before implication, and you will never have the character back the way they were, and you only have a very low chance getting the character back in a way you like it.

    Stop being skeptical, and go ahead with whatever seems most logically sound.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:10 No.13058121
    Huh. I thought it was a band.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:11 No.13058122
    You should probably be more skeptical of it because its exactly what the player wants, not because of what the character would do.

    And if you really think her character would do any more than go "i knew men were weak willed like this" or "i would have expected more from him" then you are a goddamned sad little thing
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:11 No.13058126
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    >Well the way I see it panning out assuming my character dies inside, is that when she sees what she's done because of what her order's forced her to be

    Better yet: Work on your Bluff skill. Raise it to ludicrously high levels.

    Then PRETEND to be a hollow wreck inside. This way you can get what you want WITHOUT permanently ruining your character.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:14 No.13058164
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    Here's how I see it;

    The Paladin wants, or more actually her order wants her to have a subservient husband that fits all the roles of a house spouse.

    However it's not her intention that the process destroys the man she loves. While inversely, her order doesn't care. For them, a functioning member (the Paladin) capable of bearing children is what matters. The state of said husband doesn't matter.

    Usually for them in most cases said husbands are happy, or at least learn to fit the role expected of them. Also are often Elves, ironically enough. Most aren't like my character though who is just a typical bro trying to make a living for himself and see the world, not one to be imprisoned and chained beneath a woman, even if it's the one he loves, or loved.

    All speculation of course, and wholly sticky business. Much easier just to take the more proactive route and seize control of the day.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:15 No.13058175
    Keep in mind OP, when I first suggested the "dies inside" roleplalying I said it was as a last resort. First try the other things we suggested like having your character train as a fighter at home or start politicking his way into power. If all this fails then the poor guy breaks.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:15 No.13058180
    _ O
    ______ O

    I measured it. That's how wide my grin was.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:21 No.13058261

    >However it's not her intention that the process destroys the man she loves. While inversely, her order doesn't care.

    Don't you see? You've been handed a way to not only develop your own character, but help the Paladin's player develop HERS. She's no doubt obeyed the tenants of her Order faithfully without any doubt or questioning her entire life.

    Now that she's come face to face with what can only be a flaw with their reasoning, how will she react? If the player is a roleplayer worth her salt, she'll take the hint and realize an opportunity when it smacks her in the face.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:22 No.13058276
    "I love you, and I married you. Not the order. I never made myself subject to their rules. Make a choice."

    And if she stays with the order and tries to keep you at the same time, if her order's codes and laws actually allow her to beat you for simply trying to live your on life, break down, cry, obey, and tomorrow morning, go into town and buy some things to make her a "special" breakfast.

    All her favorite foods, and as many poisons as you can hide.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:23 No.13058290
    That's what most of us have been saying except for that one guy saying "No! That's what the player wants! She want's your character to die."
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:26 No.13058325
    8/10 almost fooled me.

    Your "want's" and other instances of 's is what revealed you. Work on that.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:26 No.13058327
    Pray to her god alone whenever you can, but halfway through turn it into a cursing of the god's name.

    Her own god smites you down.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:26 No.13058332
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    And if she survives or realizes the trick and asks why you even contemplated such a deed:

    "You are not the woman I married. You are not the woman who fought at my side for many long months against impossible odds. You are not the woman that I could share an innocent drink with. You are not the woman who I once laughed with over jokes or old stories. You are not the woman I admired and respect. The moment we were wed, you ceased to be a woman in my eyes and become nothing more than a cold extension of the Order that binds you in its rigid tenants.

    And I am not the man that you fell in love with, for there is no affection left in my heart to give to someone such as you."
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:27 No.13058338
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    The question is, sooner or later, and to what extent?

    Breaking down sooner results in the characterization now, whereas dragging it out might make more an impact.

    However dragging it out, my guy may end up succeeding in proving his worth and then the whole problem is done away with.

    I guess, the main question is, how should things turn out; a return to the way things were and the orders intact, or maybe a shadow of what they were (or hey, a return over time) but the order is taken down.

    Both seem good to me, their methods though are radically different.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:27 No.13058342
    Yeah, those definitely are big assumptions to be riding on. I agree with the assessment that the paladin's player is purposely driving for this spousal abuse thing as a deeply-rooted flaw to her character, not necessarily a problem with the order, and doesn't care about making your character a casualty to it. The divorce idea seems most ideal, as I imagine that your character is flatout afraid of the paladin, at this point, but I would definitely talk to your DM about organizing a way to turn the tables, such as having the paladin fall if the behavior continues for too long. The paladin's player has just been able to walk all over your fun, and that ain't right. If you want, maybe you can have the DM ask the paladin's player about what her plans are with your character to confirm whether or not your theories are correct.

    Say what does your DM think of this whole situation, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:27 No.13058351
    So OP, when is the next time the group is getting together? You piqued my interest in the first thread. I was one guy who said he couldn't go to sleep cause the whole concept of the chicks pally was bugging me. I actually am interested in seeing how this all turns out.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:28 No.13058354
    Okay, okay, you're getting a lot of ideas here OP, so let me help you out
    The Paladin character loves you- that much is certain. She wants you to be safe, she wants you to be taken care of, and she wants you to be, above all else, happy. Show her that the current situation is making you very unhappy. That you are unable to live in the manner forced upon you. That it is not a question of philosophy but rather the difference between the man she loves and her orders ideals. She is harming you, physically harming you, which definitely should have made her drop to neutral at this point. She KNOWS this isn't what either of you want. In her hearts of hearts, she must face a chioce- either her current world view, or keeping the person she loves.
    Secondly, talk to your group. Tell them that this current direction isn't fun for you, and that them engineering a situation that removed your character from play was a very high level of dickishness
    Point out that the paladin should have fallen at this point, or at least dropped to Neutral
    Talk to the paladins player, and try to point out that, by now, her character should have changed
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:28 No.13058363

    Are you implying those posts are from the same person? Because I assure you, they are not.

    I am:


    And so on.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:30 No.13058387
    What happened to the douchebag assassin that caused all of this?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:31 No.13058405

    He's probably laughing his ass off as we speak.
    >> OP here Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:32 No.13058415
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    I have to head out for a bite to eat, but I'll be back shortly (fast food). I might be able to answer one or two before I go.

    I'll continue to read and change my plans accordingly. It's nice to see people still remember this though and are interested still.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:32 No.13058418
    Fuck long read

    I would just have trained the nephews and cousins of age to make random appearances to either help the party or play the whole "political piece" role.

    The replacement character could be a guy/servant from the band pretty much being an offhand secretary that only informs, can't be ordered around since he has duties
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:32 No.13058427
    I feel bad about this because I suggested and helped plan out the Tsundereness
    Why is the rest of your party being such a bag of dicks?
    Why are they forcing you to drop your character like this?
    Why hasn't the pally changed at all? Weren't you subtly influencing her views? Why did you and her marry?

    I recommend against killing her character or your own, or acting like a douchebag in your new one. This situation is still salvageable.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:33 No.13058429
    Suuuure they aren't. That's why only one person is saying that.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:33 No.13058434
    Umm thanks? Are you saying I was samefagging? I'm the guy who posted >>13058290 and oh god please don't point out my misuse of apostrophes. I do indeed use "want's" fucking often. It happens when I start typing fast.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:35 No.13058460
    Could someone summarize what exactly is going on? I got the female paladin protects men bit, then something about a tsundere, then apparently OP is married to paladin and now we're talking about domestic abuse, and I'm too lazy to read through 150+ posts.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:37 No.13058488
    Paladin player wants to make a statement about how horrible men were to women by locking them in their homes after marriage. OP complains on /tg/ and /tg/ provides an answer. OP fucks up and blames /tg/.

    Then cue millions of posts telling OP to just give in.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:39 No.13058514
    dear OP,
    you are looking at this in the wrong way
    there are four ways this can go down

    1:your character submits, the paladin wins/ your character loses, the other player wins, and you lose

    2:you make peace everyone is happy, pally wins, your char wins, players are neutral(who feels better depends on how it happens)

    3:you fuck over the paladin in some way and come out on top, paladin loses, your character win, the other player loses, and you win

    4:you fuck over the pally at the cost of also fucking over yourself, pally loses, your char loses, the other player wins,you win

    notice that more options point towards you wining(not necessarily your character). you have the upperhand
    you have said you dont want option 1. option 2 would be the hardest to achieve, but would be the best roleplay. you have stated that 3 would be hard and against your character, but is still a possiblity if you want to meta.4 is quite easy, you stated that the pally was still in love with your char, any damage you take,ie death or becoming an emotionless zombie or running away, will also hurt her.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:39 No.13058516

    >Guy falls in love with Female Feminazi Paladin
    >Suddenly he's forced to stay at home because that's where men belong, in the kitchen.
    >He rebels and tries to escape, she comes back and beats the ever loving shit out of him, then "regrets" it and tries to make it up to him. Sometimes.
    >Guy no longer loves her, and even is beginning to hate his wife.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:40 No.13058521
    suicide would not be out of character from what you have said. your char is in despare, however you dont seem to want to do that.
    running away would be rediculasly easy if you are druid. buy a horse and ride as fast as posible. when your horse dies from exhastion, shapeshift and keep going, you should be able to get away as i dont think she would be abile to track better that you can cover your tracks(if you are a druid). if you realy want to go far, burn your face off, youll be unreconizable.
    another option would be to cheat on her. pay a tavern whore to pretend to have a romance with you. when confronted say you dont feel loved in your current relationship, and had to get affection with money. this could backfire and she will beat the shit out of you in which case, suicide, she might dump you, or she might see the error of her ways and you live happily ever after. there are of more options but im too lazy to think of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:41 No.13058528
    It all started when one dude was exploiting the Pally by having her give him courtly favors cause she was attracted to him. We suggested to OP in the first thread that he should go tsundere on the Pally and change her focus so the first dude would stop being an ass. Anyhoo, they somehow got hitched and due to the pally's beliefs she's dumped her husband at her estate and won't let him continue on whatever their adventure is. Any attempts to rejoin have been staunchly opposed by the paladin with the most extreme cases (the dude running away from the house) being met with violence. She's slapped him multiple times and a couple of times tossed him around a bit. OP is asking us what he should do. So far we've suggested he use his sudden free time to train and become a fighter so he can stand up to her, use free time to build a powerbase at the estate or if all else fails have his character die on the inside and try to guilt the pally into changing her ways.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:41 No.13058531

    >Then cue millions of posts telling OP to just give in.

    Are we reading the same thread? Most of us are telling the OP to MAN THE FUCK UP
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:42 No.13058546
    Ah, okay, thanks, was missing everything pre-marriage.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:43 No.13058554
    I'd say that simply talking things out with all of the players is actually the least fun way to deal with the situation. Roleplaying it out while keeping the DM informed of your intentions on the side, would make for some much cooler development. Do tell the DM about not having fun with the way things are, though. Having to roll a new character because the old guy is in spouse hell is definitely a major, major bummer, so the DM ought to be on your side for this.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:44 No.13058567
    Becoming an emotional wreck is not "manning the fuck up" and the thread is definitely not going that direction.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:44 No.13058569


    By what you said about her, she won't make a fuss about you not wanting to be a submissive husband, but doesn't want your character getting in trouble. Show her that you're not as weak as she thinks you are. She also thinks men are weak of mind: proving her wrong, at least to some extent, will help too.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:49 No.13058625
    Everytime the dieing on the inside bit has been suggested it's with the caveat "as a last resort." What do you suggest. We've already told him to use the time to train physically. Keep in mind that he can't stand up to the woman physically and every time he's tried to persuade her it's either been ignored or he's been (violently) put back down into place.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:53 No.13058671
    Final alternative - utterly destroy her reputation from the inside. Rack up incredible debts using the estates as collateral amongst several competing bankers - use the full estate for each loan, so when everything falls to shit shes not just left with nothing, but with far less than that - incredible debts owed to every merchant and banker you can trick into giving a loan.

    Take the money.


    Never, ever look back, except maybe on your way out the door to laugh like a madman.

    Maybe leave a note. If you're feeling charitable.
    >> Sorain 12/06/10(Mon)22:56 No.13058716
    well if he cant stand up to her physically, WTF can he do better then her? What is his role in the party? I know for sure that if this was a scorcerer he wouldent have to take that abuse, few people can survive a lightning bolt or two, and they tend to get attention. Wizard dropping something like Hold Person would allow for some chatting about who wears the pauldrons in the relationship. Hell a rouge waking her up in the middle of the night and explaining that 'You rest eventually. I can kill you then, lets talk about this treating me like crap business honey." would work. OP has avoided speaking about what his charicter CAN do this entire two threads, which I suspect is the source of the troll warnings. So OP, WTF is it your charicter brings to the party?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:58 No.13058735
    Also, use the stolen money to hire the best men you can get to smuggle you out of the country and establish an alter ego for you to live your new life under.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)22:59 No.13058754
    What Class was Op's Character? People keep saying Druid... Aren't druids supposed to be way, way, way overpowered? Couldn't he wildshape into a dire bear or something, then just Smack her around while casting shit all over the place?

    Otherwise, keep trying to escape, and if you can't, light the place on fire. Burn the estate to the ground.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:01 No.13058780

    The problem is, his character was the "Utility" member of the group. If the team needed a useful item, he probably had it. He was a "Jack of All Trades, Master of None", only the "Better than a Master of One" part never came into the equation.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:02 No.13058805
    He still had to have some skills and abilities though. He wasn't a commoner or anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:04 No.13058826
    He's said that his character was the jack of all trades character. Also he's said that she was the only fighter/tank the group. We don't even know what system he's playing. I think he also said it's a low magic campaign in the first thread, but that was awhile ago so I can't remember.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:06 No.13058862
    If OP won't actually show his stats and abilities and such, then he is obviously a troll who hates justice and deserves what he gets. Enjoy your pegging, op.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:08 No.13058895
    Well, he said he's eating dinner right now so we'll ask what system he's playing when he gets back.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:10 No.13058928
    Bu resolving such a unique situation via plain ol' pvp brawl is probably the most dull way to go about it.
    >> Sorain 12/06/10(Mon)23:12 No.13058951
    then all he needs is the chance to bring a ton of those abilitys into play at once. The key to turning a jack of all trades into death incarnate is combinding the many things rather then trying to rely on one or match a challange stregnth to stregnth.

    I cant wait for OP to get back so we can find out some info to work with. This is /tg/ devious minds dwell here.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:15 No.13058983
    it seems that most people are suggesting story and role play routes because frankly, they'd be more interesting to see happen.

    Just having him literally fight her to leave, while exciting for the short term, makes for less interesting of a story then say, showing her that her order is fucking nuts or something.

    Did we ever learn why she hasn't had an alignment shift, even after beating his character?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:16 No.13059012
    PRetend to play the part of the good husband, invite her back to the home because you are lonely and miss her, get her to spend the night. Then Coup her. Then, unless you can get away with it, kill yourself too. IF you kill yourself, I recomend doing it with her weapon so it looks like she killed you.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:16 No.13059018
    Maybe the DM is a fellow feminazi.
    >> OP here Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:19 No.13059052
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    I'm back, but oh my God things took off.

    I'll try and answer and respond in intervals.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:25 No.13059147
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    Waiting on OP
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:27 No.13059183
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    Hey man gimme a sec.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:29 No.13059195
    You can bring back your character in a way. Have him become a cohort, following the party, but always staying in town as backup. It can be a great RP reason for why your characters go straight to the inn and all the healers are ready for them. Then, have the DM endanger the city. You can get some RP out of the paladin girl as she rushes to be by his side, and you can RP him getting the town prepared, thanks to his previous adventuring.

    This way, if the Paladin dies, she can RP your old character as the grieving widow, who mans up to beat whatever killed her. If your old character dies, have him get a manly death. Just as your party reaches him, he is in the middle of battle, cutting a swath through the invaders to protect the innocent, but is cut down at the end, to die in the arms of the Paladin.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:29 No.13059202
    I have only read the first few posts by OP and this is the funniest thing I read all day.

    >Paladin: I shall go out adventuring and protect the fairer sex.
    >OP:She is being taken advantage of and I have feelings for her, let me step in and court her and we shall be happy together.
    >Paladin: Oh fair lord, I will wed you!
    >OP: How splendid, now we can go off adventuring tog-
    >Paladin: Bitch did I say you could talk?
    >OP: But I thought you lov-
    >Paladin: Get back to the kitchen where you belong man.
    >OP: Yes ma'am. [starts to cry as she walks off into the sunset]
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:29 No.13059207
    Just give us your character and abilities and all that. The actual list. That way, we can formulate while you read.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:31 No.13059248
    Fuck, had a huge post written then lost it to "field too long". Re-writing

    OP just needs to be more of a cunning bastard. When she returns, she finds his wedding ring left behind. Presumably she has some way to track him, otherwise he could just get a fast horse and get the fuck out of dodge. When she tracks him down she finds him in a small clearing under a forest canopy. His sword (or weapon of choice) is drawn. She'll probably try to talk to him first, and he is NOT to appear like a whinging little bitch. "I am not going back there" delivered in a calm, even tone is the mantra to follow. It is a statement, not a plea. A few sample answers to things she'll likely say:

    "Stop all this nonsense and go/come home." -> "You call it nonsense, I call it saving my own life."
    "You're being irrational" -> "You swear to protect the weak, then assault me for not following your whim. Who is irrational?"
    "Put the sword down" -> "If you want to take me back, I will fight you. With a sword to the gut or forcing me back to that house, you'll kill me either way"

    Eventually (or perhaps at the very beginning) she'll approach to try and drag him home with strength. Then you spring the trap.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:32 No.13059255
    Transcribing all of that will take time as well.

    Just forget about his character sheet since it's not important.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:33 No.13059259
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:33 No.13059263
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    The DM entertains what's going on. The other players enjoy it, and it makes the game more interesting/humorous, at least currently.

    If at any point I go out of my way though to tell him I don't like it, then he'd fix things pronto.


    We play about once a week usually. Things don't happen all that fast though, so things won't radically progress in the plot I imagine for a few weeks.


    He's a rogue, but yeah he's laughing his ass off. In fact he's mainly the one who orchestrated the whole ordeal to happen.

    I cut him out of his shower of gifts from the Paladin with romance, so he made it come to fruition and now I'm paying for it.

    Payback I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:35 No.13059288
    "If you want to take me back, I will fight you. With a sword to the gut or forcing me back to that house, you'll kill me either way" Oooh, that's a good line. Use it in the eventual ULTIMATE confrontation.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:38 No.13059315
    It's your call how lethal it is. My personal preference would be a net trap that springs, catches her underfoot and holds her about 20 feet off the ground. At which point you say: "This is how hard I've been pushed. Are you willing to see how much harder I'll push back?"

    If the rest of the party are there, lay out in no uncertain terms they have two options.
    1. Kill you, since you won't go peacefully.
    2. Let you go.
    Are they willing to attempt to capture and potentially kill an old teammate to force him back into a marriage he wants to avoid?

    And before leaving, be sure to say to the Paladin: "I did love who you are, you know. Now I just can't love what you are."
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:38 No.13059325

    Went through the thread, going to echo what some of the other fa/tguys here have said- use this as an opportunity to push not just her character, but yours too. There's the whole thing about how she's been blindly following her Order's ideals. Well, now those are hurting your character, and you can push that contradiction in her face. Even though you might be less able to take care of yourself than she is, does that mean she has the right to lock you away in her house? And for your character as well, he can figure out that it's possible to prove his worth, create a base, get more people on his side (if he could get her, he can surely get a few more followers) to support his position and still have time for, eh, romance or love or figuring out his feelings for her.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:43 No.13059384
    Thing his his character truly did love her at one point and he doesn't want to "get back" at her. He just wants to prove to her that he isn't a fragile flower that must be locked away forever. He just want's to continue the adventure he was having with his comrades. He doesn't even necessarily want out of the marriage.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:45 No.13059413
    Modify it a bit. Change it from one trap into a bulk of traps that capture her and the others. Show that he can - and will - hold his own. Have a shit-eating grin as he singlehanded "just as planned"s the entire party.

    Then when it's over, he waks over to the Paladin (hopefully still caught in the net, and not having cut her way free), kisses her through the netting and says "This, dear, is why you want me around. And why you love me. Can you really condone locking this away?"
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:46 No.13059418

    >Just forget about his character sheet since it's not important.

    Are you shitting me? OF COURSE IT'S IMPORTANT!


    I mean hell, we don't even know what fucking system he's playing here.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:46 No.13059422
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:49 No.13059461
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    The rest of the party are being dicks, mostly because the Rogue Royal tricked them into it. Some of them did it for drama as well, while a few did it unknowingly.

    They're not forcing me to drop my character, but we simply can't focus in-game on a character in such a distant location from the party in every game.

    The pally has changed, for the worse. I tried convincing her, as stated, but most if not all attempts were unsuccessful, especially with the goading of the Rogue and party. Any degrees of success were offset when I tried to stand up against her.

    We were wed when she was in danger of being kicked out of the order. Like I said beforehand, we were happy and in love, and probably not too far away from getting married normally.

    But without my knowledge the Rogue and I think the Bard overtime convinced the Pally that I wanted her on a physical level as well, but was too afraid to show it. Then after boozing (and maybe drugging) her up, convinced her to make the move. Of course this was against her rules, but she was heavily inebriated.

    So when I tried to resist her, she just took it as me still being coy and trying to remain proper. That's when the Rogue grabbed ahold of the Pally's squire, and basically shoved her into the room when it was happening.

    The squire called her out, and once the pally regained her senses later she knew she fucked up big time, and could only salvage the situation if she married. I was opposed, but between death threats from the Squire and by extent the order, as well as imploring by the Paladin and other convincing of the party, we ended up married.

    I say ended up, because they basically forced my guy into it.

    >tl;dr the party convinced the pally to attempt what appeared to be rape, which the only way she could make up for through marriage


    Yeah I think you spelled it out quite right.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:50 No.13059474
    Guy has a point, OP. It'd be nice to know what your character is capable of. What about magic in the setting? What is the setting? What system are you using?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:53 No.13059524
    Oh. Well as
    then your plan changes.

    You have three objectives.
    1. Convince the Paladin to let you back into the group.
    2. Show the group what they did was not cool.
    3. Show the Rogue that when you mess with the warrior, you get motherfucking RAPED.

    Give me a brief overview of the rest of the party, then ten minutes.
    >> Titanium Man 12/06/10(Mon)23:54 No.13059539

    >tl;dr the party convinced the pally to attempt what appeared to be rape, which the only way she could make up for through marriage

    Why is it that these threads always have the other party members act like gigantic faggots?

    Kill 'em too.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:54 No.13059551

    Is the rest of your party Neutral Evil?

    Because it sounds like the rest of your party is Neutral Evil.
    >> Sorain 12/06/10(Mon)23:55 No.13059558
    Your enemy is not just her then. Its the party. That said, metagaming bad, working out relationship issues and turning their 'lol lets ruin their relationship' into the kind of thing you expect Love-Love Tenkioken's out of, GOOD.

    Suggestions have been made.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:56 No.13059577
    Well, yes the party are dicks. We've established that. But lets not get off topic. This is a thread about how your character is going to get her character to respect you. You probably would've ended up married anyway so despite the unfortunate circumstances of the marriage it really doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:58 No.13059589
    Get your new character killed, then bring in another new character. An EXTREMELY optomized and powerful Grey Guard. If the assassin in the party even shows the slightest hint of any evil, kill the fucker in a way that makes him stay dead. And kill anyone else in the party who sides with him.

    Making a super-optomized Cleric, Druid or Wizard would work too. At the slightest hint of something wrong, blow them all to hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:58 No.13059597
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    My guy isn't a druid dammit!

    The only problem with cheating on her (which I contemplated doing so, with the Bard), is that a) she'd very likely just kill the other woman without second thought for "corrupting her husband" and b) she'd only make things harder for me to be free


    Yeah the DM will probably help out if need be.


    That's just rather dickish. Plus it still resolves with my character being removed from the game, because he successfully ran away.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/10(Mon)23:59 No.13059610
    Well, I take that back. After fixing your relationship with the pally and getting back in the group. Try to get some totally justifiable revenge. They really hurt the reputation of your wife and that's not fucking acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:00 No.13059619

    >a) she'd very likely just kill the other woman without second thought for "corrupting her husband"

    And then the rest of the party would be forced to turn on her, because they finally realize how batshit insane her Order actually is.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:02 No.13059635
    >Since when did fucking KNIGHTS, beat women?
    Did you think the code of chivalry was invented cause the King thought all his knights were upstanding people who used their power in a reasoned and female respecting manner?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:04 No.13059659
    Well, for a fun for the whole party situation, move under the assumption that your character is an emotional wreck and fears his wife's return. Use all available funds to turn the manor into a party specific death trap. Steal and borrow enough money to hire lackeys, and trap the place to hell. At a certain point, the wife will here about this change, most likely from members of her order and have to rush back to deal with the situation. The party gets to navigate a manor against troops and traps- fun for the party. The climax is when your character, a broken down shell of your former self goes on tangent after tangent of fear and anger at the wife and party, either resulting in behavioral change, or a dramatic death.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:05 No.13059669

    That's not the point. The point is that her Order basically condones this behavior outright, whereas I don't think any ACTUAL order of knights would have even brought the topic up in the first place.

    Although, I still think it would be more interesting if it turned out that the Paladin herself is just naturally abusive, and that she's just using the Order's tenants as an excuse to get away with beating the shit out of her husband without admonishment.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:07 No.13059701
    >>13059524 again
    Have to head off. Here's phase 2 of my plan. You may be able to use it once you get back into the group.

    >>Have pieces of the Paladins undergarments go missing (presumably you have access, being her husband and all that). Before going into a city or town, sneak them into the Rogue/Assassin's stuff. Bribe some of the local guard to claim there's an accusation he's smuggling illegal [insert shit here] and will be searched right then and there. He can try to escape, but chances are he won't be able to take his supplies with him, so they search it in front of the party. Paladin sees her undergarments in the possession of the Assassin (throw some of your own undergarments in for good measure).
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:07 No.13059706
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    Traps, huh? If OP wants, I can offer up some pretty much undectectable death traps for him.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:08 No.13059715
    >Things aren't going well so I'll bring in a new character optimized for enacting a petty revenge fantasy
    I don't think this is a good plan. I think this is a very bad and very juvenile plan.

    You need to bring her around by clearly showing her just how much of a jerk she is being to someone she not only has obligations to but is supped to deeply care about. Angling one of those 'oh god what I have done?' kind of moments is the right course of action here. Also some revenge for the rest of your party being a horde of assholes might be in order too, but that's secondary to the whole abusive-wife issue. And the DM could solve that (and the problem of your absence) with a few rounds of "...but this would of all been so much simpler if only Dave, our general talents practitioner, had been with us on this quest. Where is Dave anyway?"
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:08 No.13059720
    That certainly is a possible scenario, but I think this thread and OP are trying to go for a "good end." If it all goes to hell and OP gets really pissed at the other players that's a hell of a way to end however.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:11 No.13059761
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    Nah nah the party are good guys.

    It's just the Rogue who's legit fucker, and the Bard who likes drama.

    Anyone else were either under the pretext that things were good and normal, that we both wanted it, or that they have some inkling of what is really going on but either don't want to get involved or simply value the pally too much to do anything.


    We're doing D&D, and this game was intended to be a one/two shot game, hence the experimental nature of many of our group's characters and several aspects of this game particular. Although, it turned out to be fun and we're run with it for awhile now.

    My guy's a fighter, but with skills in mostly everything except magic. So he can do most anything anyone else can do, just not nearly as well. It's fun playing a walking store.

    The pally's physical traits though are all higher overall.


    Because she's said that the abusive nature is only in an aspect of her personal life, and is dictated by her order as a reaction to me not conforming. Elsewhere in all other aspects she acts the lawful good to the letter.

    The DM seemed ok with this, but I bet if I made a point of it, I could get him to do something.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:12 No.13059771
    How is killing the entire party/yourself not a "Good end"?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:14 No.13059818
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    >Because she's said that the abusive nature is only in an aspect of her personal life, and is dictated by her order as a reaction to me not conforming
    >dictated by her order as a reaction to me not conforming

    So if an oppressive government tells its honorary citizen Death Korps to beat the shit out of people for not conforming to the roles they've been assigned, it's all Good because they're just obeying the laws of their Order, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:16 No.13059847
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    What kind of weapon does the rogue use, btw?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:17 No.13059857
    It's an "awesome end" not a "good end" I'm defining good end as they kept on adventuran and fightan and lived hapily ever after.

    If you're a fighter you should be able to put up a decent fight. Are you the same level? I don't understand how she can physically dominate you so completely.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:19 No.13059890

    He sacrificed pure strength for utility.

    She has the highest STR modifier out of the entire group. Barring some amazingly lucky rolls, I'm not sure if he could ever stand a chance in one-on-one combat.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:22 No.13059931

    Because she's said that the abusive nature is only in an aspect of her personal life, and is dictated by her order as a reaction to me not conforming. Elsewhere in all other aspects she acts the lawful good to the letter.

    No. You do not get to do this. This is what it means to be lawful fucking EVIL- to obey laws and a code of honour most of the time but then in aspects of your personal life, abuse and hurt other people. While her character may be rationalising it in her head, your fighter needs to snap her out of it and make her realise that if she really wants to be a proper paladin that actually behaves according to her alignment, she needs to face her own weaknesses and bad traits head on instead of pretending that personal is not the same as important. Personal IS important, damn it.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:24 No.13059958
    What about your BAB? Is it the same? Cause if it is that means that you're an equally skilled swordsman as her.

    But that doesn't matter we're trying to RP your way out of this mess. I still say that you tell the DM that your character starts rigorously training while he's trapped at her estate. Meanwhile play a fucking useless character that everyone hates. Eventually you make a comeback with your improved old character. She tries to force you back you say "No". Prove to her that you aren't a fragile flower. Tell her that she fell in love with an adventurer, not a glass figurine. If she truly loves you she won't try to keep you in her estate. The only cage that's big enough for you is the world. Anything smaller and you'll die of misery.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:26 No.13059982
    I'm a huge, wimpy wimp wimp. I mean, I'm the biggest wimp in my circle of friends by far, the one who stood in back and went "I'm not sure if we should do this..."

    And even *I* think you are a huge wimp. Jeez.
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)00:27 No.13059998
    Part of me honestly wishes I get into this situation one of these days. Not as one involved with the conflict directly, but someone on the sidelines. Because I often play Jacob Conroy, a mean altrustic motherfucker who would not just sit there and let this shit go on.

    He'd confront the offender. Real direct. "Stop what you're doing. It's wrong. You're wrong."

    "No, I'm right and let me tell you why. First off -"

    SMACK! Jacob gives 'em the ol' backhand.

    "Shut your mouth. You're hurting innocent people and you justify it as getting off to your morals. At least evil men who like to torture others can honestly admit they're doing it for fun. But you're worse than them. You're the worst kind of evil. Evil that's in self-denial.

    And you're going to reap what you sowed."
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:29 No.13060006
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    Yes, it is.
    She's doing it for the benefit of others, not for herself. It benefits others by being an act required for upright social order and both personal and public virtue, which benefits everyone; lack of proper discipline and lack of basic social virtues in turn damages everyone. She knows that it benefits others properly because she has been told so by righteous and proper moral authorities who have formed a pillar of good ethics that have time and again proven to be so correct that they have become all but unquestionable, and their righteousness is reaffirmed by the power of that righteousness as demonstrated by her Paladinly powers.
    Acting out of self-interest is Evil in D&D terms, acting for the social good and for the good of others is Good. Maintaining proper discipline for good and virtuous conduct even in familial affairs benefits society and keeps everything running smoothly.
    Spanking your children is not immoral; on the contrary, it is often morally necessary. Men and children alike need discipline and structure; were he to be denied that discipline and socially proper, civilized structure, both he and society at large would be done a great disservice.
    On the other hand comes the question of self-interest and self-benefit; for her, maintaining a proper household in this manner is of no selfish benefit nor gain. He is kept safe and healthy far away from her, and bringing to her no benefit. It would be the very height of selfishness for her to keep him with her, to allow him to put himself through terrible danger that she might have the pleasure of his company. That, surely, would be Evil.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:32 No.13060044
    At least, that's what the pally would say.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:34 No.13060062
    Hmm... well I did say >>13058342 and >>13058554, but after hearing more about the situation, I kinda think maybe a divorce isn't the right direction. I fear that party would just end up falling back into the same conundrum that began with the first thread.

    Concerning the Paladin, it does seem like she has some troubling issues with the spouse abuse and yandere reaction to you getting fancy with other women. If it's the fault of some brainwashing by her order, though, then perhaps she can be "saved", and that rescue would surely be a grand adventure in itself! Just propose this idea to the DM, and have him discreetly discuss the matter to the Paladin's player, in turn. As long as she's compensated in some manner for losing her character's order, I'm sure she would be on board with the idea because 1) it's a plot heavily centering on her character, and 2) it's great character development.

    As for the Bard and the Rogue, see if you can have the DM punish them in some way for causing that whole attempted-rape-to-wedding ordeal. They were definitely bad men for pulling that off, and the DM ought to enforce that crime doesn't pay. I'm not thinking of anything too harsh and crippling, though. Perhaps some way can be found to just humiliate them.

    And finally, if everything goes well and the order is defeated (in the sense of getting the Paladin out of it, not necessarily burning the place to the ground), your character and the Paladin can have a REAL wedding.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:34 No.13060065
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    Well it's not like the Order has a stance on husband beating.

    It's more like, during their occational meet and greets the Order has, the pally brings up trouble she's having with her husband. He keeps misbehaving and trying to rebel and run away.

    Well what do the majority of the other knights suggest, whom husband's may have acted up once or twice but they took the same approach "Just smack/beat some sense into him, that ought to keep him in line!"


    Yes I'm her husband. We haven't slept together yet, but I at least have access to her underwear.

    The problem is, getting it to the Rogue's luggage, if I can never get to them on my own schedule. I'd probably have to wait until, if ever, she decides to bring them or they want to visit.

    Which is probably not likely anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:37 No.13060091
    God, what the fuck happened? For the record, I stated you should have killed her the first time around.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:37 No.13060099
    Apparently, things got more interesting!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:37 No.13060101
    Doesn't work out, even by the definition of good posted in that response.
    Having him there isn't necessarily good for him, especially if it is causing him pain.
    Hitting and beating him is by its nature for HER and not for anyone else. She is venting her feelings.
    The beating of an innocent who does not fight back is not good, it is evil. She can rationalize that she is protecting him, but if that is her logic than she and her order should have sieged and overtaken the country already, squashing freedoms to ensure "safety".

    She may be following her Order's rules, but she is certainly performing Evil actions.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:40 No.13060128
    I think he was suggesting that as a way of getting back at the rogue after you've convinced the pally to let you start adventuring again. Or should I say convinced the pally not to try and stop you from adventuring again.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:41 No.13060136
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    >We haven't slept together yet

    Wait, back this up a bit.

    You're married. You are chained to these abusive demon bitch who has so deluded herself that she actually thinks she's in the moral right (see: >>13060006), forced into a marriage prematurely due to the machinations of two assholes on a lark, and you STILL HAVEN'T EVEN CONSUMMATED THE MARRIAGE?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:41 No.13060137
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    Except it doesn't benefit the two people at the heart of the matter. It was the group that tricked or fooled her into taking advantage of him and marrying him, and now she can't be close to the person she thinks she loves and he's stuck away from her, increasingly frustrated and upset.

    She thinks it's 'right' because she's been 'told' that it's right, but somewhere inside her there's got to be a moral compass and a brain that can put together something like, hey, if she's unhappy and he's unhappy, something is not quite right here. Who defines what good is, anyway? Society? Or individuals? Laws exist for the benefit of everyone, that's true, but the wise paladin will realise that they can't solve problems all by themselves. People are inherently more complicated than that, which is why you need to think about thinks instead of simply enforcing everything and just telling other people to do as they're told. You may be able to do that. Not everyone is you, though, and it's the differences in people and their abilities to choose the kinds of lives they want to lead that make them worth protecting.

    Right now, she believes she's keeping him safe and healthy, to his benefit and that she's being self-sacrificial. But this isn't how the other character is seeing it. Instead of simply telling him to understand her, she ought to try to understand him, and in doing so, examine her beliefs a little more closely.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:43 No.13060166
    This is why when most of my paladins fall, it is because they stop being lawful.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:43 No.13060167
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    >Haven't slept with her yet
    See picture.
    As you could have used this as an opportunity to plant a ticking timebomb you doofus.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:44 No.13060173
    Having a really deep philosophical discussion like >>13060137 with her might help to. Just out of curiosity OP, what stats do you have that DO beat hers. I'm assuming that she automatically wins on STR, and CHA but what about INT and WIS?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:46 No.13060198
    That's probably not a good idea. One of his main arguments is that he is literally sitting around doing nothing at the estate. If she got preggers, well then he'd be totally fucked cause then she could argue that he's staying behind to take care of the children which is a pretty legitimate argument.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:47 No.13060207
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    >what about INT and WIS?

    Going by what little we know about her personality, I'd say her Wisdom is cripplingly low.

    And she's also a woman, so we can assume the Intelligence score isn't exactly stellar either.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:48 No.13060211
    Look up book of erotic arts.

    Take a few wizard levels.

    Barbed Penis (Conjuration)
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:48 No.13060223

    >he's staying behind to take care of the children

    You mean as opposed to the legion of loyal maids and retainers she has on hand that are perfectly well trained for handling children?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:48 No.13060224
    You're right, I am a derp.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:49 No.13060227
    You're an item master?


    DO IT.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:49 No.13060231
    Get her to leave the children with him. Then murder them, framing the household staff! Everyone wins!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:49 No.13060233

    I've played a paladin once or twice, actually. Normally I go for druids (cannot resist the lure of wildshape and call lighting hurr durr) but paladins are really fun for the roleplaying challenge. The way I usually did it was to have my paladin be more of a realist. Yes, a well governed society with laws that provided for every eventuality would be the ideal, and he was actively working towards that. However, the current situation- well, it wasn't ideal. It didn't mean that proper rule of law for the benefit of everyone couldn't be achieved, but that if he was going to get there, he'd need to work with what he had. If that meant lending a cloak and giving a few gold coins to the prostitute walking the street instead of arresting her and helping her to find another job instead of turning her in to the authorities, then that's what he'd do. He'd still go on quests, obey orders from his superiors and not break the law, but he'd also try to understand what circumstances might have been behind other people doing as such. The law, after all, isn't absolute and can be changed.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:49 No.13060241
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    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:50 No.13060252
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    It's my character that's been opposed to them sleeping together. Solely on the grounds that before now, we could absolutely not get married. I could play the tsundere, and we could have our little love games, but marriage was out of the question.

    Now that we're married, we can absolutely not have children. Or more simply she can absolutely not get pregnant. Hence why my guy isn't going to risk sleeping with her, even if she doesn't want to have children yet and just want's to express our love.

    Because once we start sleeping together, her Order takes an active role in the marriage. If she gets pregnant, doubly so. At that point, then there really is no hope for my character and I might as well just write him off as dead.

    As long as he can just spurn her advances, then the possibility of returning to the party, or reforming her is still an option.

    As previously mentioned in the thread though, therein lies the problem of time constraint, that I don't know how long it will be before she grows tired of a marriage without sex, or her Order simply requires her to have children. So I have this window to prepare and act, basically.


    Oh well that makes more sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:52 No.13060265
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    >Hitting and beating him is by its nature for HER and not for anyone else
    >She is venting her feelings.
    On the contrary, she is defying her personal feelings of male protectionism and affection as well as her obvious desire to allow him to resume adventuring with her (obvious because it was that very thing which led to her falling in love with him) solely because she has been invested with the responsibility of ensuring his safety as her paramount concern, through the laws, ethics, and morals of her society which state that a male MUST be kept safe, and a husband MUST be housebound. It is a moral imperative that forms the very core of her chivalrous worldview.
    Nor is she venting her feelings, but rather giving him discipline commensurate with his trespasses. Men, like children, are simple and naturally innocent creatures, and their unsophisticated minds alike make unsophisticated methods a necessity. This is the same reason men are by nature unfit for the business of politics. To maintain virtuous conduct and teach a rebellious man or child right from wrong sometimes necessitates corporal punishment because it is, sadly, all that they can understand--it is not as if men could lose or gain political status, or understand the concept of knightly honor, after all--and since a man's greatest personal asset is his person rather than lands, wealth, or honor, then it is only against his person that disciplinary methods CAN be directed.
    If you love your male, you MUST beat him when he rebels, else he will never learn better. It is entirely for his own good; violence against males is a naturally repulsive and distasteful thing that no honorable woman actually enjoys, but on occasion and in moderation a woman must overcome her natural desires for the greater good of both man and society at large.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:54 No.13060288

    If it's okay for a wife to beat her husband, it's okay for a husband to beat his wife.
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)00:55 No.13060292
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    When I get home I'm gonna punch that woman in the mouth.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:56 No.13060307
    Fuck the marriage advice, OP. If you want to play the character again soon, then you can go with it, sure. But for maximum fun, you want to an Villain.

    First off, you're in control of the estate. Come up with some pretext to fire or otherwise get rid of the current guards, and hire some that are loyal to you. Use it to finance the entire operation, and buy yourself some teachers, etc. that you can use to increase your power and skill. Finally, leave. Don't run off back to the party, though. Head elsewhere, somewhere nice and dangerous, where you can live the good life, but it will be hell to get to you. Send a messanger to the Paladin advising her that you've been kidnapped - tell your loyal guardsmen not to let her into the castle, and lay a trail of clues that will take her to hell and back, while you send your loyal minions to torment them along the way. And finally, when they find you... Well, that's going to be a fight to see. Or maybe she'll finally realize what a douche she's been. Or maybe the two of you will hook up again. Doesn't matter, really. You'll be her equal now, and she'll have to respect you. Or die. Either way.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:57 No.13060315
    Stopped reading here, because this is where I felt a reply was necessary.

    I don't know what class you play, but find a way to keep up those skills without having to adventure. For example - Hunt for sport. Do not let your skills fade.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:57 No.13060318
    Mph, it's actually frightening how well you've adopted the fem pally's stance. UNLESS! You're the chick playing the pally! DUNH DUUUUH!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)00:58 No.13060340

    Oh, sure, she may believe this to be true. But the fact that not all men are housebound already- that there's a rogue running around with the party, for one, and that her own husband was, although not as physically capable as her, also a decent adventurer in his own right rather invalidates that. The only proof she has that men are like children and need to be protected is the proof she's built up in her own head to justify her actions... most likely, the fear she has that she'll be unable to save them if they get in trouble.

    What she needs to realise is that locking them away is not a solution, any more than killing all the poor people in a city is a fix for the problem of poverty. So her husband is weaker than her. Well then, she should help him fight and train. She should make sure that he can stand on his own two feet, and be proud of the person that he is rather than push that aside. It's that simple.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:01 No.13060374
    >Because once we start sleeping together, her Order takes an active role in the marriage. If she gets pregnant, doubly so. At that point, then there really is no hope for my character and I might as well just write him off as dead.

    The hell?
    I recommend arson on a massive scale.
    Burn everything related to her while she's away, say that you both don't need any material possesions while you have your love.

    On a more serious note do a few things:
    1. Get back to adventuring.
    2. Take the abuse, but don't let her take you back.
    3. Goad her into causing you more extreme harm.
    4. ???
    5. Paladin falls, fuck the order.

    The last three steps can be replaced with:
    3. Tell the DM and get her to lay off because you like your character and don't want to stop playing them.

    Like seriously, talk to the PERSON behind the character and the DM damnit.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:02 No.13060380
    Ok here's the plan. Start training your characters ass off while she's away. Become a warrior capable of taking her down. Naturally this'll take a little while. Hopefully you'll be in shape before she gets back but if not, go out and buy some sort of mild poison or numbing agent. If she comes back and wants sex and you're not ready to challenge her, apply it to your crotch. She can't fuck you if you can't get it up.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:02 No.13060382
    Merely threatening suicide should be enough for any character supposedly lawful good. Even if she chains you down (which should be enough to make her fall in itself) bite your tongue and choke on your blood.

    Don't inform them of that route of suicide.

    If not, call bullshit on her entire character and the entire campaign.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:03 No.13060397
    >On the off occasion that physical abuse plays out, either from pent up frustration or the severity of the act (running away),
    > either from pent up frustration or the severity of the act (running away),
    > from pent up frustration
    She is venting.
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:03 No.13060398
    Inspiration has struck me. I feel the need...for writefaggotry. Continued in next post:
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:04 No.13060407

    >What she needs to realise is that locking them away is not a solution, any more than killing all the poor people in a city is a fix for the problem of poverty.


    telling a "problem" to go away or hitting it to make it stop is not lawful good, its very much lawful stupid

    actually the paladin's entire attitude towards her husband reeks of lawful stupid: OH I WAS SEEN HAVING SEX WITH HIM -> MUST NOW MARRY AND PUT HIM ASIDE AND NOT LET HIM TRAVEL WITH ME...

    AND NOT GIVE A SHIT HOW HE FEELS ABOUT IT, because men are children and cannot think!!

    seriously if men said this about women, whiteknights and moralfags everywhere would be calling them out, someone needs to call her out too okay
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:05 No.13060416
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    The Bard is actually female as well.

    But everything else you said, yeah I like and agree with.


    Also this. After bearing children, then my guy has literally no reason to leave the house, because the children are there and need taking care of.


    Her CHA is actually pretty low, and character-wise she's a terse, seasoned soldier, slow to open up to people and get on friendly terms with.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:07 No.13060449
    What about Int and Wis?
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:09 No.13060469

    I gave the servants the day off. Dropped a couple hundred shiny pieces of gold into their clean little fingers and told them the town was that-a-way. Go wild. When they asked why, I just fed them a smile and told them they deserved it for all of their hard work and that, no worries, I would field all complaints with the lady of the house.

    When they had left, I got ready. I didn't draw the curtains as I dressed. Only a crack of light shone past them, filtering into the room and reflecting on me. It felt...right. For a long time now, I had sat alone in dark rooms, thinking about what had happened, thinking about what had to be done.

    When I had finished, I trudged downstairs. From the dining room, I dragged a chair out into the open foyer, spun it until it faced the door.

    I sat down and folded my arms.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:09 No.13060472
    Cheat on her with Bard, get the bard party member's character killed by the pally. The Bard did fuck you over, remember. Also, as someone else said, burn the house down and murder any kids if she ends up having any at any point. If you two sleep together, coup her then kill yourself. Maybe animating her corpse first so it is harder to bring back, if you can find a way to do that.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:10 No.13060476

    If you really do have kids, ask them what they learned in Paladin school that day, and undermine it, but make sure to tell them not to blab, threatening them.

    Make both your kids incredibly needy for your attention, and turn them into blackguards via faustian deal.

    If the character is away, but the player tries to stop you in any way before finding out in character, or tries to return to find out, returns normally but gets snoopy for no reason, call metagaming.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:10 No.13060478
    >severity of the act
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:11 No.13060492

    She's a paladin, wisdom is a very important stat for them. I'd expect that to be pretty high- although I'm surprised her charisma is low, though, that's quite a strange build. Normally paladins are high on wisdom and charisma, decent constitution and strength, then dexterity and intelligence as sort of averagish compared to the others. It's really their determination that's sort of their main characteristic. In contrast to this, Fighters tend go for str -> con -> dex -> int -> wis -> cha, but it really depends on the sort of Fighter that you're building.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:14 No.13060523

    Brilliant. Get kids, raise them to be unrepentantly evil. Big Momma Paladin is away too much to have any hand in how they're taught.

    Best End: You send them on a pillaging streak and the Order forces your wife to kill her own progeny with her own blade. Whoever loses, you win.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:14 No.13060527
    >Fuastian deal
    >Killing her and animating her corpse

    Jesus Christ guys. He's not out for vengeance. He just want's to get her to respect him. They're in fucking love, despite going through a rough patch. He just wants to go adventuring with the party again, not go all murder happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:15 No.13060543
    You guys make Medea look sane.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:16 No.13060546
    Okay, so, if I understand you, you've been taken to a life of wealth and luxury in a sizeable chateau which is probably stocked with all manner of magical artifacts both good and evil taken as trophies and relics by her glorious noble family's long line of female adventurers and paladins. Like many High Middle Ages long-time noble family residences it probably has its own family crypts and graveyards. And you have nothing but time on your hands.

    Is there some REASON you haven't studied the dread arts of necromancy and infused the bones of her honored ancestors with eldritch and unholy power yet?
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:16 No.13060550

    I felt like overflowing when the door to our home cracked open and she appeared in the doorway. The midday sunlight played over her golden locks, danced down the glistening armor of her order. A squarish travelling pack burdened her shoulders.

    She did not look pleased as she peeled it off.

    "What are you doing in that get up?" she asked.

    "Anticipating the worst," I replied. I'd never forget her temper.

    "Take it off right now," she said. She dangled the pack by one strap and lay it down next to the door frame. "We're going to talk about what you did."

    "You're welcome, by the way."

    The paladin pointed at me. "Do not test me. You know where your responsibilities lie. They are here at home. You do not belong in the battlefield."
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:18 No.13060571
    Glad you like my idea, but man, the Order is sounding more and more like the evil overlords of your love life that take away your children to indoctrinate into their cult as soon as they are born. All the more fitting as antagonists, really.

    Of course, the hardest part to starting off this path will be getting the Paladin to doubt the Order in some way, although it could just be very big. For starters, perhaps she could reluctantly let you come back to adventuring, which would cause murmurs among her peers at the Order when she admits to them that she gave in on this one thing. If getting through this step is impossible without player communication, as things seems to have gone thus far, then perhaps the DM can give the Paladin's player a nudge.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:19 No.13060576

    Presumably because he's a Fighter.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:20 No.13060600
    OP, who came up with the idea of this order?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:22 No.13060629
    ... keep going. I'm just hoping that you remember that they do love each other.
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:23 No.13060644

    "That's funny," I said. "I seemed to do a pretty good job saving you and the others from that ambush. I'm surprised you figured out it was me, though."

    "I recognized your fighting style. No thought, no planning. Just run in there and try to hack it to pieces. It's no wonder you could never beat me in a fight. I actually have skill."

    I tilted my head back a bit. "Then why don't you just fight for all the other men? They're clearly ill-equipped to deal with battle as well."

    The paladin glowered at me. "Would that I could, but THEY are not my husband. THEY do not already have a place."

    In the knife went. "And they don't have a fanatic assualt them when they try to step out of bounds."

    She sighed. "How ELSE will you learn? Without me there, you'd probably have gone and got yourself killed months ago. You don't know any better."

    "You wouldn't believe how tired I am of that phrase," I spat. "'You don't know any better.' You don't know a damn thing about me. You never did. All you want to see is what you think is right, without taking anyone else's feelings into consideration. You don't care."

    "I DO care about you!" the paladin said. She took a step inside, spread her gauntleted hands. "Do you have any idea how much I care about you? I don't want you hurt! Why won't you understand that? Why can't you understand my feelings?"
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:24 No.13060658
    Not anymore he's not. Fighters fight. That is their defining trait.
    Since he can't be an adventurer anymore, his best option for reentering the campaign seems to be becoming the BBEG.

    > And therefore, — since I cannot prove a lover,
    > To entertain these fair well-spoken days, —
    > I am determined to prove a villain,
    >And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:27 No.13060684
    Or just proving to her that he can travel alongside her. That actually seems much easier then dropping all his training and suddenly learning necromancy and all that jazz you suggested.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:28 No.13060688
    This is a key question here.

    On the side: the fact you haven't spoken to your DM/group about this shows you really don't care as much as you say you do. I'm sorry to say that but that's the simple truth. If you really wished to fix the situation you would bring it up instead of whining here about it.
    Or even as a middle ground, you'd try some of the suggestions within this thread instead of worrying about what might happen, or what could or would happen. This is a situation where you either act, or deal with the fact your character is gone.

    However, in your shoes all I can say is I would simply speak to her calmly about it, refusal to listen or see another argument would lead pretty much to what was said before in that saying you did not marry her order, you did not marry the cold-hearted beast that stands before you now, and quite frankly from how it seems the woman you married is long since dead.
    If she cannot see that, if she cannot get beyond that, the next step is simple, next time she's home take her gear, especially her holy symbol, burn the fucker down and take the alignment shift to NE.
    If the party has a problem with that tell them too fucking bad because you've gone through this abuse far too long.

    In short: cut it out with being passive-aggressive nonsense, and take action even if you know it's the wrong course of actions.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:29 No.13060699
    >Convince a Paladin that she's been wrong all along
    Never gonna happen.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:31 No.13060726
    Actually, it does.

    They have to fall, keep being crazy, and then die by being exploded in half, before being consoled while dying by the positive energy spirit of the first member of their order.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:31 No.13060727
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    I should like to imagine the average of the pally and my guy's arguments are something akin to this;


    Except that my guy already knows what going about the world is like.


    And my guy isn't fucking having any kids either!


    The Paladin's player did. In the same way as the Rogue's player came up with his fallen kingdom, and the Bard's player came up with her band guild.

    Just aspects of backstory integrated into the game.


    Her skills, if I remember correct go;

    STR>WIS>CON> and then the other stuff in a cascading order
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:31 No.13060729

    "Why can't you understand mine?!" I shot back. Now my hands were resting on my knees - I leaned forward, body trembling underneath my garb. "I love you. Even despite...THIS, I love you. But I hate living like this. I hate being treated like I'm ineffectual, like I'm some pet who needs to be coddled. I am my OWN man. Capable of making my OWN decisions. Capable of living my OWN life. But every time I try to assert that, you see the need to swoop in and PUNISH me!"

    The paladin sighed again, looking up to the roof, like praying to her deities. "We've gone over this, husband. I am protecting you because you don't know any better. That is what is right."

    "Is that so."

    I stood up, reached down to the metal, horned helmet between my ankles. "Then let me tell you what I think is right. What's right is allowing others to live their lives as they see fit. What's right is the kind of love shared between equals, between a man and a woman who sacrifice for each other on both sides. Both people must share that responsibility. Not just you. And no matter how many times I've tried to convince you to do so, you won't listen. Because you say you love me.

    And I still love you. But..."
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:32 No.13060747
    What's with the sudden influx of "LOL kill her, give children to devils, burn house down!"?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:34 No.13060765
    Alternatively make a pact with a demon or devil, Pazuzu especially loves making pacts that will lead to the eventual corruption/fall of a paladin. Which if she truly loves the OP's char isn't too far away with some subtle corruption plots going on.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:34 No.13060768
    /tg/ darkside.

    We have paladins and blackguards here.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:35 No.13060774
    Fuck, this isn't bad. Keep going.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:35 No.13060775
    The OP has refused to consider anything else, it's late, so everyone is being very direct in the only ways to really handle the situation directly.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:36 No.13060791
    He's said that he's going to try and keep convincing her. He's approved of several of the things we've suggested.
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:36 No.13060792
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    "You won't listen to me out of love."

    I slid the helmet over my head, protecting me in darkness.

    "So now you will listen to me out of something you oppose."

    I picked up the blades leaning against the chair. First the one on my right side, heavier and larger than the left. I checked them ahead of time. They were as viciously curved and threatening as I requested them to be.

    "If you truly are the paladin you claim to be, try to convince me to release the hate building in my heart. The hate threatening to swallow my dwindling love for you. The hate for all you have done for me, and the twisted ideals your order stands for."

    I spread out my arms, hands tightly clenched around both of my swords. My wife's eyes widened, and as she took a step back, her hand fell to the handle of her own blade.

    "Stop the hatred that drives me now."
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:38 No.13060802
    I will pay you in ten imagedumps if you give us multiple endings.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:38 No.13060804
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:40 No.13060824
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    I've not refused everything.

    We've just already, by now, established what I plan to do to rectify this situation. Now people are branching out to any and all options, just to see if we might have missed something or might be able to add to the plan.


    God damned, I ain't having kids.

    If we do have kids, my guy would only be coming back as a villain, not as the guy I like to play.
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:41 No.13060829

    That kinda was the ending :V I know it's inconclusive, but I like leaving these little scenes off on awesome cliffhangers. Really, the whole point was to make a cool Gabranth reference.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:42 No.13060843

    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:42 No.13060847
    Xiombarg would approve.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:42 No.13060851
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:43 No.13060865
    One question though. How did he save the party from an ambush and then make it back to the house ahead of them?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:44 No.13060866
    Ooh, I heard Tangled's good. And I find it funny how your character is the cute girl.

    In other news, why are there still people insisting to screw the party, go evil, and destroy any hope of returning OP's character to the game as normal? Stop that! It's clearly not what OP wants.

    Also, this thread's about to head to the purge! If you want to continue this discussion, OP, you better make an new thread.
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:44 No.13060869

    Make a new thread and I'll write some endings, I guess
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:44 No.13060872
    Correction: Thread's heading to the purge NOW.
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:45 No.13060883

    These two events are some time apart. I didn't stress that cause I was kinda just farting this real fast :V
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:47 No.13060898
    OP, just to make sure. You will update us when shit happens correct?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:50 No.13060923
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    That's what I said, I'd like to paint the Order up as the BBEGs at some point in the campaign.

    The only way I see that as possible though for the Pally to be shocked by something enough to shake her roots. I figure the more drastic the action the more likely it is to have an affect. Somewhere between convincing her of my guys worth, and becoming a broken down husk, or maybe at either end of the spectrum. The question is, where?


    Oh I've talked to the others and asked of their opinions. I just haven't made clear yet that I don't like this turn of events and want it to stop.

    Then again, given the possibilities alighted in this thread, I may not want to if it can spruce up the game.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)01:52 No.13060949
    So what's your planned course of action now that the thread is on auto-sage?
    >> Titanium Man 12/07/10(Tue)01:53 No.13060953
    If there's a new thread when I wake up tomorrow, I'll continue the story. Okay, guys? Cause I can't stay up forever, I got stuff to do :V

    >maximum Carbiter

    This is actually my day job.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:00 No.13061024
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    With the shit character, be shit and useless, and make everyone in the party miss me.

    With the old character, train train train, then find a chance to be the Big Damn Hero and save everyone, or at least prove my worth. With that it's back to adventuring and lovey dovey, and if the Order steps in then figure something out.

    Alternatively, if the training doesn't work out, or the big return, then simply rot away from the inside and let her break me. That should snap her out of her delusion eventually, and from there declare war on the Order. Either way it's back to adventuring.


    Tangled was good, really good.


    If there's going to be another thread, someone can make it but I'm not sure what else there is to talk about, besides the writefagging that could be expanded on, and maybe if people wanted to know more about the characters or the game, or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:05 No.13061071
    thread archived?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:06 No.13061089
    WIth the dieing on the inside bit, be careful. She might not realize that it's her doing that to you. She might think that you're falling ill or something. The problem is, is that she's not evil, she's just incredibly self-righteous. She doesn't even entertain the notion of herself being wrong, hence it won't cross her mind that her imprisonment of you is what's killing you. You might need an ally to drive that point into her thick skull for you because at this point your character won't care anymore.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:13 No.13061154
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    Yeah I'll see if I can't get the DM to help.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:14 No.13061156
    It should ultimately be you for making a new thread, but I suppose we have reached a consensus and just ought to wait for further development from your game.

    Personally, I like the more gradual approach to having the Paladin question and turn against her Order rather than suddenly dropping a big "OH MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE!" moment. Ultimately, though, I think much responsibility for figuring this out will be on the DM, who will have the input from you and be able to gather a few thoughts from the Paladin's player. You are correct, though, about reconsidering open OOC discussion between players, as the roleplaying won't be quite as fun if everyone already knows what's going on and what the end result will be.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:21 No.13061223
    Just remember to keep us informed :)
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:25 No.13061254
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    Well it depends how updated people want to be.

    Whether it's every game or so, or give it time like I did between these last two threads until some sizable things have happened.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:25 No.13061255
    Shit, hopefully you're still here.
    Can you give us basic descriptions of your character an the pally? Age, height, what they look like etc?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:27 No.13061265
    It'd probably be more dramatic if you wait untill the whole thing plays out. However it bothers me that I might miss the thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:31 No.13061307
    Well, it's not like there's harm done if you update us after every game, but I do think a month's a bit long to wait. Us fa/tg/uys do like hearing about good roleplaying romance, if you recall.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:34 No.13061336
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    My guy is 21, average height build, tousled brown hair and dashing good looks. Originally he was going to be a rogue, but then the other player made a rogue, so I decided to make a walking shop when I saw that pic of the character literally bristling with loads of weapons. No fancy backstory, he just picks up things he fancies and sees if they work as weapons or armor. Although now that he's stuck at home all the time, he just wears average clothes.

    The paladin is 24-25, rather tall and firm build (she's a soldier after all). Much of her body is scarred although not her face really (actually sought magic to heal that) and she's got medium length blond hair. I guess she's sort of Germanic in decent, or the equivalent in the setting. Although you couldn't tell by looking; far and few between are the times when she's not clad head to toe in bulky armor looking like a walking tank. You wouldn't be able to tell she was a woman unless she talked. That said though, I believe my character and the squire are the only ones of the group, or anyone in the game really to have seen her with more than just her helmet off.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:36 No.13061360
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    Well maybe two weeks at a time?

    That gives between 2-3 games to happen.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:40 No.13061399
    Sooo... she's Agrias with shorter hair? Coo' coo'. What are the characters names?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)02:42 No.13061414
    Remember to keep the DM informed of your other characters training. Work it out with him what the end result of the training is. The goal is to be able to match blades with the pally equally if not totally surpassing her.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)03:04 No.13061562
    Haven't consumated the marriage? ANNULMENT!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)03:10 No.13061609
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    Well except the whole covered in armor thing.

    My guy - Martin
    Her girl - Elizabeth


    Well she keeps trying, but my guy just says he's not ready or some other bullshit excuse.


    Yes, that's the idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)03:55 No.13061916
    Hey man, as easy as it is to go "LOL I VILLIAN NOW" don't
    You can salvage this relationship- you just need to Communicate with Elizabeth better
    Also, fuck that asshole Rogue
    Fuck him so hard that he won't be able to walk straight for the rest of his life.
    Perhaps with your new character create something that will deliberatly fuck him over? Or that will replace him/render him horribly horribly unnecessary in comparison
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)03:55 No.13061923
    New thread plz OP?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)04:00 No.13061951
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    About what?

    I'm going to bed, so not being there for the thread seems kind of counter productive...


    The trick is finding what kind of communication will get through to her.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)04:01 No.13061958
    Well, you fell in love with the girl and vice versa
    What did your relationship used to be like?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)04:04 No.13061986
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    I said earlier in the thread.

    Our characters were very much in love, and very close. They did everything together and had the times of their lives, as much friends as they were lovers.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)04:07 No.13062007
    Well that's all well and good, but details man, details
    What did you do together?
    Did you share any interests? Likes or dislikes? What made you attracted to her? What made her attracted to you? It sounds like you had a good relationship before the marriage and the rogue fucked everything up
    Try to recapture it
    Tell us about it
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)04:10 No.13062026
         File1291713034.jpg-(211 KB, 663x1000, 1290359143083.jpg)
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    I'm supposed to be asleep an hour ago, and the thread's auto saging.

    Is now the right time for it?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)04:17 No.13062073
    Alright alright
    Still something to keep in mind.
    You'll need to romance as much as you'll need to berate to get the love and affection you deserve and your place on the battlefield assured
    >> Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)04:19 No.13062087
    You know what you could do? Her belief of men need protecting is because men can't control themselves or whatever, right? Point out the fact that SHE tried to rape YOU. Who's out of control?

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