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06/25/10(Fri)16:00 No.10738538>>10738531
17-18=The force of recoil was absorbed mostly by your arm. You stagger backward and take 2d4 damage to your arm.
19-20=The force of recoil was absorbed mostly by your arm. You thrown prone by the recoil and take 2d4 damage to your arm.
21=The recoil was too much for your skeletal structure to handle, your arm is amputated and you stagger backward.
22=The recoil was too much for your skeletal structure to handle, your arm is amputated. If a party member is behind you, you fall into their arms, causing you both to stagger. If not, you stagger.
23=The recoil was too much for your skeletal structure to handle, your arm is amputated and you are knocked prone. If there is a wall <1m behind you you impact it but receive no damage.
24=The recoil was too much for your skeletal structure to handle, your arm is amputated and strikes a party member standing behind you(if any) with enough force to cause them to stagger. You are thrown prone. If there is a wall <1m behind you impact it and receive 1 damage.
25=The recoil was too much for your skeletal structure to handle, your arm is amputated. If a party member is behind you, you are thrown into them and both of you are knocked prone. If there is a wall <1m behind you penetrate it, assuming that it is not megastructure or otherwise reinforced, and receive 1d2 damage.
26=The recoil was too much for your skeletal structure to handle, your arm is amputated and is thrown 14d meters away. You are thrown prone. If there is a wall behind you |