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!ZHZKskBiOw 12/16/09(Wed)14:44 No.7162539The DM sends me a vindictive PM. She points out, smugly, that the Elves do not have prisons. Criminals are not put to death (like those mean, nasty Humans would do...in fact, she often harped on how barbaric the death sentence was) and actual CRIME is so rare among Elves that the few deviants are banished or magically imprisoned on palatial estates guarded by Elvish soldiers. The WORST criminals, for example (and yes, she did mean me if I get caught) Humans found guilty of war crimes, get turned into trees.
I point out that, as the semi-official ambassadors, and because this is a matter of national security and potentially stopping war, we do have the right to hold him.
We had a human-style manor in the forest, it had a cellar. Now, I'd like to thank /tg/ here. Long ago, you had a thread on how to imprison an Eladrin criminal when they can teleport (remember, the "Elvish" kingdom in this setting includes Eladrin and Elves). I took full advantage of what I learned from that thread.
To begin with, I had the Royal Guard blindfolded, and his hands bound together in a sort of iron sleeve or tube that kept him from being able to remove the blindfold. You cannot teleport to a location you lack Line of Sight to, in most circumstances.
Then I had the cellar cleared, the wine moved, and spent a substantial amount of time painstakingly constructing a Magic Circle (ritual in the PHB, one I highly recommend) against Fey that went along the entirety of the wall, and a secondary one inside the room he was kept in. I also used, and hid, an Eye of Alarm (another ritual, also in the PHB) in the "indefinite" mode in case Weeaboo has any ideas about freeing the Royal Guard. |