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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File : 1260435320.jpg-(40 KB, 520x613, kitty_genovese.jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:55 No.7073196  
    Those who beat up people for little to no reason, judged in DnD as chaotic evil, are no men at all: they're animals. Filthy, rabid beasts, far below men, that should be put down.

    On one hand, this would mean that all chaotic evils are in fact true neutral, so Detect/Smite Evil and other such things don't really work on them. But on the other hand, everyone can beat them up with no consenquences, other than maybe a fine for animal abuse. It's a small fine, and perfectly worth it.

    If you see a man pounding another on the streets, adjust your vision: it's just a big stupid monkey (except without the ridiculous STR bonuses those things often get), perfectly fine for you to step in and kick its stupid ugly face to the pavement.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:57 No.7073213
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    Don't be a cunt and take your D&D books to school bro.
    >> Trap 12/10/09(Thu)03:58 No.7073217
    But following the same principal if someone else comes along you'll appear to them to be the one pounding on another guy

    thus if everyone followed this approach the first time a fight breaks out the entire town would devolve into a melee
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:59 No.7073227
    Oh, but then it'd just be an animal beating up another. There's no reason for a human being to step in one of those. You just watch the rabid monkey biting the other rabid monkey to death: it's a good show.

    Bring in peanuts to snack upon and throw at the monkeys.
    >> ANGRY MARINE 12/10/09(Thu)04:00 No.7073233


    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:00 No.7073239
    But what if the man you saw beating another man in the street, was in fact a paladin meting out justice to some wretched villian?
    >> Tzeentch !!CivI27JY+Dp 12/10/09(Thu)04:01 No.7073241
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:01 No.7073243
    chaotic evil a wierd nihilism/anarchy mix, to the point where the bloody sourcebooks state that it makes no sense.

    Also, chaotic evil is not true neutral. True neutral will kill you for its own survival or that of it's friends. chaotic evil wants your stuff.

    Therefore all PCs are chaotic evil.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:02 No.7073245
    Q: If you could be any kind of animal what would you be?
    >>A: You already are an animal.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:02 No.7073246
    What if he was, what if he wasn't, what if the world was made of pudding?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:03 No.7073254
    The world is made of pudding? And here I am without a spoon, whatever to do?
    >> Trap 12/10/09(Thu)04:03 No.7073255
    ITT the reason we shouldn't post while high
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:04 No.7073259
    >Q: If you could be any kind of animal what would you be?
    A: Were-Tyrannosaurus
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:04 No.7073262
    Then his SACRED AURA would betray his identity! Move along, nothing to see here.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:05 No.7073266
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:05 No.7073267
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    >A is A, therefore the only reasonable assumption about life is greed is in our self interest.

    You have a very Ayn Rand argument. You start out with a reasonable premise, then segue into something that has nothing to do with your reasonable premise.

    Why are people of the CE beasts? You made one hell of a logical leap there.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:12 No.7073328
    At least someone here got it.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:26 No.7073436
    The OP's argument is fundamentally flawed because it assumes a thinking being can never actually choose to be evil. Congratulations, you have the same enabling idealistic faggot mindset as those who think mental illness is an excuse to get out of the death penalty.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)04:29 No.7073462
    So Kitty's killer was a black man, right?
    >> ANGRY MARINE 12/10/09(Thu)04:34 No.7073499

    IT'S NOT!?!?!

    >> A-Flat Minor ♪ 12/10/09(Thu)04:55 No.7073647
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    >Those who beat up people for little to no reason, judged in DnD as chaotic evil

    Here is the thing.

    Evil is having a reason. Oh they may not be good reason. A man beats his wife cause his dinner is cold. A young boy goes on a rampage, killing thirty people, because he just had enough of being pushed around. A man dies in agony in a ditch cause he just got in the way.

    But they are all reasons. Evil is reasonable.

    And that is the true horror we face.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:01 No.7073687
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    Sad but true.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:05 No.7073720

    What.... What the fu... That image... What?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:05 No.7073724

    Oh god noble savage furry neutralfags
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:06 No.7073729
    hahah ow wow...that pic is great...souce?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:06 No.7073733
    It's a gnoll.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:06 No.7073735

    That's normal evil, not chaotic evil.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:07 No.7073743
    Both reasons. Bad ones, sure, but reasons.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:08 No.7073747

    Both types are, incidentally, considered irrational, insane, and self-destructive by definition.
    >> A-Flat Minor ♪ 12/10/09(Thu)05:08 No.7073750
    Actually, I take it as encouraging.

    No one really wants to be bad. No one sets out to be a terrible person. We are not given a manual to life when we are born. We try to honestly do what we feel is best. We just get lost along the way. Confused.

    It's the ultimate proof that humanity isn't inherently evil. We're all good folk just groping for answers.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:09 No.7073762

    Not reasons in the sense of the argument I was countering, which was claiming that evil was acting rationally in one's self-interest.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:09 No.7073766
    For a moment, irritated as I am by that blow to the back of the head earlier, I consider murdering her to quench the unceasing fire that burns within me. My hand, taught to war by Khorne and turned to slaughter by my hatred for the Imperium that would have held me back from my craft, twitches in anticipation of ripping her spine out.
    But it does not. For in the back of my mind, something is holding me back. Like the catch in a combination lock, finally pressed into the final alignment, an old part of my brain begins to whirr, and click. The howl of Khorne fades, and for the first time in ten thousand years, my mind is silent.
    And I begin to remember. So young I was, when first I held a weapon. My father had taught me to cut wood with an axe, a heavy maul with which to cleave logs in twain and stack cord upon cord behind our cottage. From the first winter I could walk, I was helping my father carry firewood to our home, to keep it warm in the frozen cold of winter. I was a good boy. A strong boy. But not strong enough to...
    I remember the sound of song, and the cheer and the laughter of the Holy-Day, when we would consume squash-pies, and eat the meat of the jowel-bird. I remember my mother. I remember my father, I remember... My sister. I remember when the beasts came, and took them from me. I remember...
    >> Gnollbard !aDIap4MeRg 12/10/09(Thu)05:09 No.7073770
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    And this is why I love Digger! It's actually got some thought behind it. Also, civilized Hyena people.

    And the thing is, what Ed says is right, too. Evil almost always HAS a reason. it may not be a good reason, and some of us may not consider it a reason at all. But that's not important. The perpetrator has a reason, and that's all that matters. That lets him do it.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:10 No.7073777

    I remember the doll I found in the remnants of our room, when I returned from slaying dragons with my wooden sword. I remember the tatters of cloth and the spattering of meat and gore underneath the bed, where she had hidden until the very end. I remember the beasts...
    I remember taking up my axe, I was no more than twelve winters, and walking to town to join the army. I remember being told to go home, that the men of my village would defeat this army of great beasts. I remember the hundreds leaving to fight an enemy I was too terrified to remember. I remember the ragtag few who returned. I remember the fire falling from the sky, and I remember the great golden warriors coming to save my people. I remember being taken, for I was a strong lad, to be changed... Made into what I am. I remember the pain... I remember the anger. I remember my master, who also lost everything. I remember his tales, of his family fleeing bondage, his warrior-brothers slaughtered to the last, in the name of freedom, denied their victory by the Emperor...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:10 No.7073779
    I remember entering my room through the window, and seeing the monsters as they left...
    I remember turning with my warrior-brothers, I remember slaughtering the weak loyalists with chainaxe and bolter...
    I remember seeing the red boots, that had stamped themselves from my mind...
    I remember watching the fields of elysium burn, and the fleet above Praxis collapse beneath our hatred...
    I remember the gauntlets, crimson with gore, and edged in gold, that I could not bear to remember.
    I remember Terra, the final battle, the fall of Horus, the death of the Emperor, our victory and our defeat...
    I remember that helmet... Horned, of brazen steel and demonic visage.
    I remember my fellow berserkers patting me on my armored back, and saying that he knew why I would not talk of my past.
    I remember... who slew my people, for resisting Imperial rule 'till the last. For I am one of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:11 No.7073784
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    I lower my axe, and stare. I hear the boots of my brothers behind me, as they seek more slaughter. I hear the howl again, but it is different. It is tempered. It is not Khorne's, it is *mine,* long overdue. I take the doll, and tell the girl to leave. I turn, as my brothers enter the square. No. Not my brothers. My makers. My monsters. They see me, and the child as she flees through her little crawlspace. They do not understand what is about to happen to them. They do not understand why my chest heaves, and my eyes bleed from ducts long atrophied. They do not understand, because they are not men. They are no more human than animals. No more human than trees. Wood.

    And I remember... that I am the son of a woodsman.
    >> Gnollbard !aDIap4MeRg 12/10/09(Thu)05:13 No.7073803
    Fucking shivers.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:15 No.7073819
    And so this thread, a thread that began as barely more than troll... was made worthwhile.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:17 No.7073840
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    Holy damn, this thread just got amazing.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:19 No.7073859
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    Fight on, brother...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:19 No.7073860
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:22 No.7073876
    Thread value restored with manly tears.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:24 No.7073887
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    >And I remember... that I am the son of a woodsman.

    I've read this three times now, and I get goosebumps every time I get to that part.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:24 No.7073892
    I know that I've read this before, but it never fails to inspire.

    I tip my hat to whoever wrote this passage.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:25 No.7073900
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:27 No.7073915
    The weirdest thing is, I am the son of a woodsman myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:28 No.7073921
    dude me too! More of a chainsaw and logsplitter woodsman, but I have cut down a tree with a single bit axe at his bidding.
    >> A-Flat Minor ♪ 12/10/09(Thu)05:33 No.7073957
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    ....Chop on, good woodsman.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:50 No.7074083

    At first this thread sucked. These posts made it truly memorable.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:54 No.7074112
    Men are measured by intelligence you tool, not alignment.

    Choatic Evil could also be selfish evil, thats how I view it.
    Kill all power because it is more powerful than I.
    Why climb the ladder when I can burn it down and make a new better one?
    Why listen to anyone else when I know best.
    Beating people for no reason? Well, he isn't amusing me by being in good health.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)05:58 No.7074135
    archive for posterity
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)06:01 No.7074158
    It's not really notable enough. A troll thread with a copypasta, awesome as it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)06:03 No.7074173
    >Truly epic and awesome threads; quantity =/= quality but preferably at least 100+ posts in length
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)06:07 No.7074195

    How do I have feeling the next archive purge is going to be of epic magnitude? If there ever is one, that is.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)06:43 No.7074472
    Damnit, this Bezerker needs more stories about his battles between when he turned from Chaos and when he finally fought the Sister the last time.
    I can imagine him doing all sorts of crazy and heroic shit in the meantime, butchering entire armies of Chaos and IG who are fighting over who gets to butcher/kill a planet filled with innocent people. Destroying beasts of epic magnitude to protect the people they put at risk, fighting while foaming at the mouth to guard a home filled with people from a Inquisitor who wants to kill them for Heresy.
    Fighting for people who can't fight for themselves in a world where they need protecting.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)06:46 No.7074501
    Well...fuck, I'm sold.
    This is why I love /tg/ it's the only place where a Khorne Bezerker could end up as the only Noblebright hero in the 40K universe.
    Any writefags out there willing to write up some epic people saving battles?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)06:57 No.7074574
    More stories about the Son of a Woodsman would be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)07:04 No.7074624
    Noblebright ? He considers chaos people as wood...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)07:09 No.7074659
    Having him turn up on the same battlefield as a member of the Legion of the damned would be interesting.
    "The Two Warriors looked at each other from across the bloodied land between them, then the Marine inclined his head slightly and moved into line with the Bezerker, ready for the fight to come, although they were not on the same side both could see something in the other they saw in themselves, a man fighting a one man war on the universe and all its injustices.
    Even though I fight for the Emperor no longer and despise those who do, for their ignorance, I wished the damned marine would one day find some peace, those who fight on when there is no hope I respect.
    I raised my axe and looked back to the oncoming army of my former bretherin, foaming, frothing and heaving with the same madness that still clouds the back of my mind on dark days. And I raised my Axe.
    There was wood to fell today."
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)07:14 No.7074701
    I'm guessing he means comparitivly Noblebright. Considering he's likely to protect ordinary people after remembering that what got him into this whole mess was ordinary people getting hurt.

    It's alright I guess. Not the best writing I've seen.

    If we're taking this interpretation then having him come up against the Marines Malevolent would be an awesome bit to do.
    SoW: "Wait...you kill ordinary people, don't even try to save them?"
    MM: "Whatever it takes."
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)07:26 No.7074782
    This is 40K; I guess anyone who actually tries even remotely to protect the normal people is at least less Grimdark, hell, not killing the little girl makes him less Grimdark than about 95% of the population of 40K.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)07:27 No.7074794
    Sounds pretty Noblebright to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)07:50 No.7074948
    Bump for more Son of the Woodsman writefagging.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)07:56 No.7074997
    ITT the first good thing to come out of an alignment thread
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)08:22 No.7075138
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)08:47 No.7075323
    I stare out over the barren wastelands, probably this land was once fresh and green, now that is gone. All that remains is the vile creatures that destroyed this land before me and the line of Guardsmen desperatly trying to hold them back behind me. I do not know how long these men have held this position against the neverending tide of monsters. Nor does it matter, relife has come and I am it.
    I watch as the Tyranids seem to finally notice me walking towards the place where they are most concentrated, in the middle stands a massive creature of nightmares, the sort of creature my father once used to scare my sister into sleep with and that I would have to stand guard over her to dispell into the night while she fell to sleep.
    They are beasts, nightmares, nothing more.
    And the humans behind me are, for a given measure of the word, innocent.
    And once again I find myself standing as a vanguard, between the innocent and the monster, Aeons later and planets away, having been a monster of legend myself, having been a hero, having been a priest and a warrior and an angel and a demon and everything inbetween.
    I am still simply a big brother to a little sister, a guardian watching over the sleeping form of the innocent, to keep the monsters away.
    And so I prepare to fight off the creatures of Darkness, so that humanity can rest well once more.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:00 No.7075424
    >I am still simply a big brother to a little sister, a guardian watching over the sleeping form of the innocent, to keep the monsters away.

    What is it with stories about this guy and awesome memorable lines? Seriously?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:04 No.7075447
    >I am still simply a big brother to a little sister, a guardian watching over the sleeping form of the innocent, to keep the monsters away.
    Cool heteronormative patriarchal paradigm, bro.
    >> Misdirected Scholar 12/10/09(Thu)09:04 No.7075452

    The woodsman's son started off from a story that ended with an awesome line. It's part of his character, and he's going to bring it out of anyone else who writes something with him.

    S'what I think anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:06 No.7075469

    And this, conveniently, reminds me to turn off that name from days ago.
    >> loladept !!ezyv3PIu+MM 12/10/09(Thu)09:11 No.7075505

    Did the writefag's words hurt your pussy? Want me to kiss it and make it better?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:13 No.7075518
    >I'm getting trolled like a little bitch
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:14 No.7075528
    Writer of >>7075323 here, anyone got any scenarios that I could writefag about for the Woodman's son?
    Because I'm useless at concepts.
    Also, any other writefags out there? This is my first time so as soon as someone better comes by I'll happily step down.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:16 No.7075546

    No need to step down, IMO. That was a pretty good post, at least to me.

    Also... hm. Sorry, not much for concepts rattling around in my head today.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:22 No.7075584
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    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:27 No.7075616
    No, I Greatly disaGree, whilE youR Beliefs Are Largely personaL, Some people will see this as you attempting to force them on others.

    also your a faget
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:39 No.7075708
    Wait, so he's protecting a line of Guardsmen from Tyranids?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)09:49 No.7075814
    Next Peice:

    Finding a ship had been easy, the harbour of the city had not yet been destroyed and it was filled with ships.
    And the corpses of civillians.
    Acidic Bile rose in my throat, I had been part of this. There was no honour to be had here, in this.
    The little girl unconsious over my shoulder sittred as we entered the ship. As we left, something caught my eye, I carefully removed it from the hands of an old man, his body frozen by Rigor Mortis.
    Then I set down for a long flight in the Cockpit of the small 10 person ship, hopefully the girl would remain unconsious until we were in Orbit and I could send her on her way.
    I drew the knife, it was obvious the old man had spent much time working with it, the wooden handle with a golden inlay was well worn to say the least of it. But the blade was sharp, suprising considering how many he had killed trying to protect his family with it, there had been a impressive pile of dead cultists on the doorstep of the home before him. Even if he had failed, he was a great warrior and this was a blade that showed it.
    I took the wooden block I had taken from the home, a good sturdy thing a good half meter each way and removed a bit with precision. A cube only a 6 or 7 inches each way.
    I sat back in my chair and started to whittle as my father had taught me. I was thinking maybe a Dog, or some other creature.
    Maybe after so long destroying, it would do me good to create something of beauty.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)10:02 No.7075906
    We need a drawfag to draw a picture of a massive hulking Khornate Bezerker whittling a little wooden dog now.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)10:10 No.7075974
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    While unrelated and way too late but i thought OP's image was a young Carl Sagan
    >> Sorborne !HiR1KLw7Ow 12/10/09(Thu)10:12 No.7075985
    I actually laughed in real life.

    OP's idea is stupid because it creates a false dichotomy between 'rational humans' and 'animal humans'. All humans are animals that are also rational.

    I like the story about berzerkers.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)10:38 No.7076219
    We arrived in Orbit, the Dog was done.
    Maybe next I would do a horse. I remember vaugly that I had been good at Horses. That we had kept a horse. That my little sister had been pleased by the carved wooden horse I had given her on her 8th birthday as a present and that it had been the one she had been carrying when...
    I left the trail of thought there for a second, there was no use dwelling in the past I thought. Then I realized there was, dwelling in the present was what had brought me this far down this path and the past had saved me.
    So I remembered.
    I remembered my fallen bretherin on countless worlds, aeons ago before Horus had led us down the path of insanity. And I remembered those I had just felled hours ago, like the wood they were.
    I remembered the Joy in mens eyes when they had seen us come to save them, headed by the Emperor himself. And I remembered the despair in other mens eyes as they saw the forces of Chaos advance on them, knowing there would be no mercy as it was beyond us.
    I remembered who I had been and who I was.
    And I looked over into the corner, where the little girl lay and remembered my Sister, and how her death had led me down this path just as this girls life had yanked me, like a rabid dog on a chain forged from memories, off it.
    I walk over to the little girl and place the toy horse between her arms, in place of the Doll, I needed that myself to remember what had brought me here.
    They...did look so similar...I wonder...if this had never occoured.
    Would I have been a father?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)10:46 No.7076282
    >Would I have been a father?
    Shit gets epic.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)10:55 No.7076346
    Implying that the "animalistic" behavior described isn't part of humanity. Further implying that humans are somehow that much different.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)12:14 No.7077003

    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:14 No.7078203
    I have not yet forgotten the face of my father. I am a rock that breaks the tide of Chaos sweeping over the lands. I fear not their armies nor their corruption. I was born of the earth itself, unyielding and I would bring light into the darkness.

    I needed no men, no gods, no commanders. I was a warrior of strength and steel, who felled those that humanity by the dozen. The survivors told stories of me, a grim dreadnought of destruction striding through the fields of ash, laying waste to the ranks of the enemies. In hushed tones, they spread tales by the fireside of a Berserker who took on a Carnifex with naught but a bolter and axe in his hand. How he plunged the blade deep into its eyes and with a strength born of a thousand dying worlds, ripped it from limb to limb. How the brood swarmed over him, but he made a pyre of their bodies and refused to burn.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:21 No.7078284

    Even the Guardsman and Marine have begun to hear of the one man army, a lone Berserker who fought against the enemies of Man. And despite the heresy, they secretly cheered for him. For this showed humanity was indomitable. The Warp could corrupt, but it could not control. Even motionless on his throne, the Emperor would guide the worthy to greater destinies and each soldier fought harder still to gain his favor.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:29 No.7078388
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    I took my D&D books to school many times. im also 260 IBs and bench press 500 so mabye thats why i never had a problem.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:31 No.7078412
    I'd have taken the piss out of you regardless.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:33 No.7078436
    No OP, you are the animals.

    And then OP was a squirrel
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:36 No.7078470
         File1260473778.jpg-(15 KB, 235x288, Animals_ABKCO.jpg)
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    holy shit OP is eric burdon
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:40 No.7078524
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    tell yourself that my friend
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:42 No.7078547
    It's like I'm really listening to Rorschach!
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:44 No.7078583
    The worlds I visited and the ground I fought on became too numerous to remember. Their names swirled together into a sea of memories until all I remember was the sounds of battle and the joy of killing.

    I began to hear stories of the launching of a great campaign against the Imperium, of the massacre of a dozen cities near the Eye of Terror. There were rumors of another Black Crusade, even larger than any of the preceding ones.

    I step onto a blue-green world filled with cities and fortresses dedicated to the glory of Man. I can smell my enemies now, so much closer than they usually are. And I am correct. For just beyond the lush scenery is the theater of war. There must be millions of Guardsman mobilized to the field, in great lines that span trenches horizons wide and mile deep. But even more dauntingly is the array of Chaos they face. Fallen creatures each more twisted than the next, corrupted by the energies of the Warp. I can see my former brethren marching and I feel an unholy anger fill my soul. There is just me between the two great camps, but I know that nothing can stop me from joining them in battle. There will be blood for the blood god today, aye, but not that of his enemies.

    As the two armies close the distance, I find myself charging towards them, roaring a battlecry that carries over the din of battle. The nearest of them turn and attempt to fire their weapons, but I am on them, slashing and hacking away. My sword knows no mercy, my hands no restraint. They fall before behind me like wood before an axe. I will show them. I will teach them our god is a vengeful, spiteful one, and that we are made in his image.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)14:47 No.7078617
    Then I see him. A Champion of Khorne, towering above me, smashing through the ranks of his own men to reach me. I lunge forward with chainsword, embedding it deeply in his shoulder. He barely notices and drives me to the floor. My axe buries itself into his helmet. I get no response except for a wrenching sound as he tries to tear me apart. He is much stronger than I, both of us at our peak rage and exhausting our bodies as much as possible. If I am to die here, then I die doing something I believed in. The Warp may have corrupted me, but they had never taken me. I will die the son of a woodsman and will have made my father proud. The Champion opens his mouth for one final roar of triumph. Smoke begins drifting out of his helmet.

    I look closer. Suddenly, his hold relaxes and I am barely able to dodge aside as a Leman Russ roars out of the Champion. Despite my surprise, I am quick. I get to my feet and stumble backwards as two more tanks follow the first, plowing into the enemy ranks with treads and cannon.

    I turn around to look and I see him standing on a cliff far behind me. An old heavyset man, with a cigar clamped in his jaws, cloak fluttering in the wind. As the Leman Russ's continue their joyride through the ranks of Chaos, I give one triumphant shout.

    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)15:31 No.7079243
    Alright, I ha'd.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)16:52 No.7080288
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)18:42 No.7081543
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    holy shit, this thread is made of manly tears and noble blood. try reading it while listening to the gladiator soundtrack like I just did ;-;


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