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12/07/09(Mon)12:24 No.7040596 File1260206641.png-(158 KB, 480x360, vlcsnap-4888311.png)
 Sword of the Storm Price: 50,000gp Body Slot: Held (Weapon) Caster Level: 9th Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Transmutation Activation:: Standard (Command) Weight: 2lbs
The Sword of the Storms is a powerful Wind element Shen Gong Wu, and allows its wielder to command the very air. While the blade of the Sword of Storms is immaterial and will deal no damage(it is technically a Scimitar), it will allow its wielder to produce a Gust of Wind or Wind Wall effect at will as a standard action. Up to three times per day, as a standard action, its wielder can generate a single powerful gust of Hurricane Force winds in a 60ft cone(See DMG for Details on the effects of such strong wind, pg 95).
Shen Gong Wu Combination; Eye of Dashi: By combining the Eye of Dashi with the Sword of the Storms, they grant the wielder the ability to Fly (60ft, good maneuverability) at will as a standard action. Additionally, as a Swift action each round, the wielder can manipulate the winds around them, directing them as a Control Winds spell. This combination drains the powers of the Shen Gong Wu, however, and after no more than ten minutes of such activity both Shen Gong Wu are temporarily exhausted of powers, and are inert for 24 hours. They Eye of Dashi cannot activate this ability if it is currently inert from from activating the Xiaolin Element(Wind) special ability above.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Shen Gong Wu, Craft Wondrous Items, Gust of Wind, Control Wind, Wind Wall. Cost to Create:: 25,000gp, 2,000xp |