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12/03/09(Thu)18:44 No.6988531 File1259883869.jpg-(213 KB, 800x900, 87c332fdcdc86081379ea9dd8d02b6(...).jpg)
 Specialties are things that your character is good at. Basically, they're things you can say about your character's abilities that grant a bonus to their use. While Strength tells you strong you are, the specialty "One Ton Punch" tells just what you know about using that strength. At their core, Specialties are things you can do better than everything else related to that Attribute. Specialties aren't necessarily tied to one attribute, though. They're things that can come up in any situation as long as they're applicable. "Craftsman" might be a Specialty that comes up when a character builds something, but it could also come up when they appraise an item they find, or in finding a flaw in something that they examine.
While Attributes are ranked from 1 to 5, Specialties are only ranked from 1 to 3. The more in depth the Specialty, the bigger it's bonus. Generic Specialties only give 1 point, while more specific things give 3 points. "Fighting" might give 1 point, "Kung Fu" might give 2, while a specific technique or power might give 3.
At any one time, a character can only benefit from one Specialty at a time.
Note: This is just one idea. The other is that Specialties will be ranked 1-3, and how specific they are doesn't matter. The Narrator will be the one to decide if a Specialty is too broad to be used. "Fighting" could potentially cover a wide range of actions, from archery, shuriken, swordfighting, and martial arts, for instance. That would be too broad to use.) |