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12/03/09(Thu)02:06 No.6978943 File1259823963.jpg-(209 KB, 792x628, 239c24767bd71d5b75628eddaef3a9(...).jpg)
 >-The D&D spread for abilities may not be what you want here. Charisma, in particular, doesn’t fit the genre; I think that you want for all characters to be vibrant, and for the ability to lead to be based more on things like personal convictions, acquired skills, and relationships with other characters. I AM BORN TO LEAD AND MY VOICE COMPELS YOU is more a feature of western fiction (without getting into how accurate/inaccurate it is). However, even strength, dex and con are often more based on skill, physical training, or energy/ki/chi/chakra in manga (i.e, prodigal children punching adult warriors’ lights out, by “giving it all they’ve got”). Well, the Intellect, Wits, Strength, Agility, Tenacity, Charisma owes more to White Wolf than Gygax. Intellect, Strength, and Tenacity are about pushing things you way. They're the Power attributes. Wits, Agility, and Charisma are all about pulling things where you want. Finesse attributes. In a fight, Strength would be punching someone, while Agility would be throwing them with their own force. The concept of Pushing and Pulling is taken from Mistborn, which is completely unrelated to the conversation at hand. Each power (emotion control, buffing, and throwing metal around) is divided into a pushing and pulling category. Pushing on someone's emotions makes them weaker, pulling on them makes them stronger. Pushing on yourself makes you stronger, pulling on yourself gives you better senses. Pushing on metal... well, throws it. Pulling it makes it come towards you. I could be mixing that all up, but you get the point. Still unrelated.
>Your basic fight mechanic (attack penalized by defense, then toughness or evasion penalized by damage) is actually pretty smooth and has a nice back-and-forth feel to it. It should, I mostly stole that from MnM with a few tweaks. In MnM you're just trying to beat the Toughness and Defense, though, not subtracting it. |