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  • File : 1259038722.jpg-(94 KB, 616x551, WFRP.jpg)
    94 KB Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)23:58 No.6841441  
    Time for some original content!
    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)23:59 No.6841445
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    >> Anonymous 11/23/09(Mon)23:59 No.6841452
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:00 No.6841462
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:01 No.6841474
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:01 No.6841478
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:03 No.6841493
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:04 No.6841507
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:10 No.6841544
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    Kaolla-Suu fields Cygnar? FUCK YES!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:12 No.6841566
         File1259039529.jpg-(57 KB, 800x584, 1221901752893.jpg)
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    I CAME
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:12 No.6841575
    What he spurted out.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:13 No.6841588
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:14 No.6841599
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:15 No.6841608
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:17 No.6841637
    oh shit
    mitsune rolls Sami from Advance Wars
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:20 No.6841669

    But... a Werewold dual-wielding SPAZ-12s would be awesome!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:21 No.6841686
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:22 No.6841694
    I loled.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:24 No.6841732
         File1259040296.jpg-(205 KB, 578x1297, Shinobu CoC1.jpg)
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    Something for the CoC fans, too.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:25 No.6841742
         File1259040339.jpg-(230 KB, 578x1419, Shinobu CoC2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:26 No.6841752
    This is a good thread and you should feel good
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:27 No.6841766
    Urge to reread Love Hina... RISING...
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:28 No.6841782
    I wouldn't go near that overhyped shit unless it were like this.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:30 No.6841806

    I don't know COC, what does 'IA! IA! SHUB NIGGURATH!' mean? Anyone?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:30 No.6841811
    give in to the darkside.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:32 No.6841823
    Call of Cthulu is about dark gods and stuff
    also invoking the name of the god of chaos on /tg/ leads to a bunch of retards fucking with the posts
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:32 No.6841831
         File1259040740.jpg-(315 KB, 702x1412, Motoko.jpg)
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    Keeping on rolling
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:35 No.6841860

    I was thinking of getting some boar meat and cooking it at a session ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:36 No.6841874
    OP, you are definitely a winner. Please continue.

    Also, moar 3.5.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:39 No.6841904
         File1259041177.jpg-(84 KB, 616x551, DnD 3.5.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:41 No.6841925

    Alright, I'm officially feeling bad for Naru now.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:42 No.6841938
    These amuse me way more than they should. MOAR!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:42 No.6841940
    I'm not contributing so I'm saging, but I'll point out this thread is about as related to /tg/ as touhoufag threads, and while I don't agree with whining metathreads, I do believe that this thread shouldn't be deleted: although it's animu stuff, the posts do contain /tg/ content, in either picture or post, and thus should stick.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:48 No.6842017
    Le bump
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:49 No.6842040
         File1259041762.jpg-(242 KB, 537x1572, Shinobu 2.jpg)
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    And we come to the end of what I've created so far. I have yet to touch on Mutsumi or Kanako, but these take a while. Still, enjoy what was completed today.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)00:57 No.6842146
         File1259042242.jpg-(29 KB, 714x478, ALART.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:01 No.6842207
    ... we have an ALART now?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:05 No.6842248

    Seriously, who DOES play Werewolf: the Forsaken? Anyone? Anyone at all?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:13 No.6842330

    I read the book, but my group always ends up rolling Changelings. >>6841445, >>6841452 and >>6841462 are about right.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:19 No.6842405
    I do, but only in an all Werewolf game. At least, it was, until I died last session and re-rolled a Changeling.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:41 No.6842639
    What happened in the original scene to make Naru baaw?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:43 No.6842666

    They both failed to get into Tokyo U, so went drinking. She said something a little bladed to Keitarou, so he slammed her. He told her that despite her studying until her eyes were fucked and she needed glasses, she still didn't pass the exam, so she was a failure.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:58 No.6842798
         File1259045927.jpg-(31 KB, 425x428, highfreakingfivejb1.jpg)
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    >He told her that despite her studying until her eyes were fucked and she needed glasses, she still didn't pass the exam, so she was a failure.

    Now THAT"S the way to tell a bitch off. Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:59 No.6842799

    They can drink in Love Hina? Aren't they kids?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)01:59 No.6842802
    fucking PWNT.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:00 No.6842819
    Tokyo U.

    As in Tokyo University. They're college-aged, bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:02 No.6842831

    Wow. Still, that's pretty crushing what he said.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:04 No.6842846
         File1259046247.jpg-(50 KB, 565x900, Page_001.jpg)
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    Say what you want, the series had some good art when it wanted to.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:07 No.6842871
    And now you know why so many people go to US Universities. Because if you try to get into Tokyo U and inevitably fail, your soul will be crushed by a geek in glasses.

    Come to America. It's better here.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:08 No.6842884
    If you'd believe, I always thought the comic was actually pretty good, and I read it before even knowing there was an anime.

    The anime made my brain hemorrhage.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:10 No.6842910
    And nobody expects you to succeed! Come to America, where mediocrity is praised and rewarded!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:13 No.6842931


    >bill gates was a college dropout

    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:14 No.6842938
    Guy who founded Wall-Mart or whatever? Made bazillions? Didn't finish High School.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:15 No.6842945

    Amazing, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:17 No.6842973
    Sam Walton was fucking old-school though. A lot of people didn't finish high school back in the day.

    Nowadays, though high school is the new grade school, and college is fast becoming the new high school. In fifty years, you're going to need a PhD just to get a job in middle management.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:19 No.6842993

    Why was Kanako made into a horrible bitch who ruined Shinobu for CoC? Why?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:22 No.6843021
         File1259047320.png-(748 KB, 658x446, riddlemethis.png)
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    I want a girl like Suu. [spoilersdon'twork]Underage, constantly flaunting skin, and with the energy and attention span of a fruit fly with ADHD.[/spoilersstilldon'twork]

    Also, pic related.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:26 No.6843066

    God, I would marry perma-wizard Shinobu. Reading that reminded me how desperately lonely I really am.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:26 No.6843068

    Such a woman I would find insanely attractive. She'd also likely be the death of me. I'm so passive and lazy it's unimaginable.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:27 No.6843078
    She is a horrible bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:28 No.6843085
    Japan is worst for it though. Ironically, it's also a totally retarded system over there. You work your ass off to study, get into a good school, go to a good college, then once you're at college you do fuck all because you have no idea what you want to do, then college ends and you get a generic office job that consists of 10% work and 90% bowing.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:28 No.6843086
    >I'm so passive and lazy it's unimaginable.
    Well duh, you're on /tg/.

    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:28 No.6843088
    Can we just go back to the old content?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:31 No.6843110

    What old content?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:32 No.6843123

    >that consists of 10% work and 90% bowing.

    I LOL'ed.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:33 No.6843132

    The progression of Elsie's deaths was fuckwin. Cheers OP, I did laugh. A lot.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:40 No.6843197
         File1259048434.jpg-(176 KB, 578x900, Page_009.jpg)
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    Find a way to work this into the script.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:44 No.6843246

    I don't get it. What do personal issues have to do with fucking a girl or not? She's willing and hot, go spelunking.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:50 No.6843319
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)02:58 No.6843424

    It made me laugh that he keeps trying to push his Werewolf.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:15 No.6843609
         File1259050555.jpg-(114 KB, 640x480, 1236370985099.jpg)
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    >go spelunking
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:17 No.6843632
    This touched me in ways I thought a secret to priests. Thank you, OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:46 No.6843924

    Fuck that drunk bitch! Stick to Naru. Despite everything, she's the most level one in there.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:51 No.6843968
         File1259052663.png-(19 KB, 400x262, mushroomhunting.png)
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    Sorry, deleted my post due to a grievously misplaced comma. I stand by my conviction, though:




    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)03:57 No.6844054

    She cries sometimes.

    Yeah, have fun with that.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:02 No.6844102

    That only makes it better. We take these broken wings, and learn to fly again, learn to live so free.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:03 No.6844108
         File1259053381.jpg-(19 KB, 350x232, Being An Asshole Is All Part O(...).jpg)
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    Before? That only makes me harder.
    During? That only makes me harder.
    After? I'm not there.

    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:04 No.6844125
    On one hand, I must admit, this thread inspires a strange unearthly glee in me for combining both Love Hina and /tg/ two of my favorite things, but on the other hand, what the hell inspired all this?
    Also, post time-skip Shinobu is mai waifu...
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:17 No.6844254

    Why did I do it? I don't know. Seemed like a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:27 No.6844337
         File1259054828.jpg-(60 KB, 1068x1006, Cover_02.jpg)
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    So, if you knew a girl was clingy and had issues (bad enough that she cried sometimes), and you knew she would consider you both in a relationship instead of the previous friendship if you slept together, and it was Mitsuni, would you hit it anyway?

    Pic related, although she doesn't play tennis.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:29 No.6844359
    >would you hit it anyway?
    I don't see the need for "anyway", what's not to like?

    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:39 No.6844433
         File1259055561.jpg-(183 KB, 716x494, koiwaifacepalm.jpg)
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    hnnnnngh, this thread is making me want to do lots of things I can't do at work

    - play some pen & paper
    - browse for Love Hina dojins
    - touch myself in shameful places to said dojins
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)04:52 No.6844532
         File1259056378.jpg-(405 KB, 1254x997, Page_036-037.jpg)
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    This one? Fine, but it wasn't as fitting.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)05:03 No.6844615
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    >wasn't as fitting
    Does not compute.
    >> /a/ 11/24/09(Tue)06:13 No.6845141
    olev hina
    >> Grey Knight !!PB01ZuIKDc/ 11/24/09(Tue)06:34 No.6845267
    Love Hina is and will always be my favorite manga.
    Grats on giving it a /tg/ spin, guys.

    ...Fuck. Now I want to read it all again, but don't have it anymore =(
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)06:40 No.6845308

    It's on onemanga.

    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)06:43 No.6845333
    Much love! (hina)
    >> Grey Knight !!PB01ZuIKDc/ 11/24/09(Tue)06:58 No.6845435
    Bless you.
    I'd offer tits, but there's no spoiler image box on this board...
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:05 No.6845500
    We don't mind. Everything is worksafe on /tg/ because we have no jobs to lose.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:14 No.6845570
    Speak for yourself, knave!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)07:30 No.6845684

    Apologies, my lord. What I was meant to say was we ordinary folk have no jobs to ourselves, and then these folks above us, they have these fancy noble titles which are theirs by birthright and, uh, cannot be lost through the viewing of *ahem* indecent materials. Of course it would still be unpleasant if the pastor did find out.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:46 No.6848847
         File1259084766.png-(23 KB, 665x556, gentlemarine.png)
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    ...are you implying such base materials are exchanged within the nobility?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:53 No.6848972

    No not at all milord, just us common folk who can't always afford to purchase our own.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)12:57 No.6849017
         File1259085452.png-(743 KB, 1000x850, kaollasuu.png)
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    Help yourself to these nobility-approved delights!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)13:17 No.6849250
         File1259086676.jpg-(39 KB, 306x410, ragemrbump.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)13:29 No.6849368
         File1259087392.png-(190 KB, 300x360, garybuseyjoker2.png)
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    FUCKIN BEE!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)13:29 No.6849369


    learn it, love it.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)13:35 No.6849438
         File1259087743.png-(112 KB, 277x401, yessssss.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)13:38 No.6849462
    Damn you /tg/ now I can't stop laughting at least nobody's here to think I'm stupid... ;_;.
    >> Stranger 11/24/09(Tue)13:51 No.6849595
    >if you knew a girl was clingy and had issues (bad enough that she cried sometimes)
    You can stop right there, cause those are my fetishes. If the issues stem from sexual assault at a young age, I'll put a ring on her.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)14:00 No.6849698
         File1259089256.png-(782 KB, 871x806, garybuseyjoker3.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)14:11 No.6849821
    And once more, /tg/ is proven to be scum.
    >> I apologized on 4chan 11/24/09(Tue)14:18 No.6849909

    I think we'd actually have to have a chance of having sex with a member of the opposing gender first to count for that.

    As is, all we have are bad intentions.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)14:26 No.6850004
    >You can stop right there, cause those are my fetishes.

    You are a horrible human being. Not that that would mean much on the internet, but I sort of had to get that out.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/09(Tue)15:16 No.6850626
    So... how about more ?

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