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10/01/09(Thu)06:32 No.6086373 File1254393138.jpg-(252 KB, 550x822, flashshaded.jpg)
 WS 35 BS 25 S 30 T 32 Agi 40 Per 37 Int 31 Wp 30 Fel 45
Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int) Awareness (per) Dodge (ag) Speak Language (high gothic) (int)
Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Primitive) Ambidexterious, Pistol Training (las) Basic Weapon Training (SP) Pistol Training (sp), Etiquette, Supremely Connected, Peer (nobility), Peer (Merchantile)
Starting Gear: Hunting Rifle, Sword, Compact Laspistol, 3 Doses of Stimm, Charm (corpse hair) Black Bodyglove (common quality clothing)
EXP expendatures:
Elite Advance: Basic Weapon Training (flamer) (300) Inquiry (100)
Thrones: 300. Purchased Gear: Poor Quality Flamer 3 Flamer Canisters 5 Inferno Grenades Fire Selector (for rifle) Laser Targeter (for rifle)
Fate Points: 2 Wounds: 9 Divination 69: Men must Die so Man Endures: +3 Toughness
Born to a Noble Family under investigation for pronographic distribution throughout an entire sector, Flash (whose true name is unknown) searches in vain for a man named Nicolas. Victim of his mothers strange eccentricities, he was molded from birth into the perfect young lady, made to wear dresses, skirts, corsettes and high heels. At the age of Sixteen, the already slender and effemenate Flash was transformed via surgery into a female, however, for unknown reasons was allowed to keep his male genitalia. it is uncertain, as Flash seems to avoid talking about her past entirely, as to what exactly transpired and why, but there are many thoughts on the subject. Being an efficient and loyal if not slightly disturbed killer, she prefers the flamer of all things, using her femenine and submisive ways to get close to her enemy before incinerating them mercilessly.
About her throat she wears a pink sash tied in a bow behind her head, her hair is a mousy brown, sandy color, not blond, but more on the tan side. her lips are thick and she keeps a perpetual pout on her face. |