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  • File : 1251456490.jpg-(425 KB, 533x1066, Kasrkin1.jpg)
    425 KB YoungWritefag 08/28/09(Fri)06:48 No.5625588  
    Sergeant Major Ezekiel Echbar shifted his bulky frame uncomfortably in his jet black carapace armor. His light purple eyes wandered back and forth, pausing on some of the armored forms at the tables around him. He reached up with a gauntleted hand to scratch at his bald leathery scalp and sighed. He had sat amongst some of the great warriors of the Imperium for nearly three hours now, listening silently to the songs and sagas of the Astartes. They had been gathered by the Wolf Guard Varl Bloodfang of the Space Wolves, it was an ancient tradition of theirs, reaching back to the Great Halls of old Fenris. When the forces of Fenris gathered for Crusade, her warriors gathered to tell their tales, and they would invite their brethren. At first, he’d been surprised, honored even, that he would be amongst the tiny cadre of the Guard that would be invited. He quickly learned that they were merely here as a token representative, and not equals, as soon the Veteran Sergeant of the Imperial Fists on their left finished his long winded tale about the defeat of the Necrons on some God-Emperor forsaken world only for a Blood Angel Librarian to take up a story about the defeat of the forces of Chaos on another.
    >> YoungWritefag 08/28/09(Fri)06:48 No.5625593
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    So it went for fully three hours, story after story, including some about rushing to the rescue of the Imperial Guard (and some humored grunts and veiled snickers), passed over again and again. A faint smile passed Ezekiel’s lips as an Imperial Fist Captain ended a march song about the birth of his Chapter. As a Blood Angel rose, so did the Sergeant Major, and before the towering Astartes could speak, he began “I am Sergeant Major Ezekiel Echbar, Kasrkin of the Cadian 13th Shock Troops, and I have served the Imperium with honor for seventy-three years. I bring the tale of the holding of Sarlax pass against the Orks.”, mimicking the prologues of the warriors before him. The helmeted Blood Angel, quiet, but obviously perturbed by the interruption, turned to the Wolf Guard. The grey armored warrior just shrugged and waved Ezekiel on. With a quick nod of respect to the old wolf, Ezekiel continued.
    >> YoungWritefag 08/28/09(Fri)06:49 No.5625599
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    “The War had lasted three long years by the time we reached the pass at Sarlax, one of the secondary routes to the capital city of Forea. We had chased the Orks across that endless blasted continent, every inch stained with our own blood. They had taken this world from the Emperor, and he wanted it back. Intelligence kept telling us they were on the ropes, that any day now they would collapse, yet they never seemed to diminish in numbers.” The only other trooper of the 13th sitting next to him nodded solemnly. “We were within miles of the great capital, we could see it on the horizon, closing off one of the ways of escape. Tacticae told us not to worry, that this was a quiet sector!” Ezekiel laughed gruffly. “How wrong they were. Resistance slowly rose until we stopped dead and our Colonel realized we were facing down the barrel of a full blown Goffs war-horde. We were pitifully under strength, battered by the non-stop years of fighting. That’s why we’d been placed in the bloody sector after all. Our Colonel shouted, threatened, and begged for help, but there simply wasn’t troops enough available. The navy and the artillery corps promised they’d do what they could, but they couldn’t promise a miracle. Hopeless was the word they used, I believe. Our liaison did everything but offer fellatio to the Dark Angels accompanying the Guard, but they wouldn’t come. Too valuable to waste on a lost cause, they said.” Varl, seated on a huge wooden throne, let out a harsh grunt of a laugh. He half smiled at the Kasrkin, revealing a long canine that pushed past his lower lip.
    >> sage ssage 08/28/09(Fri)06:49 No.5625605
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    >> YoungWritefag 08/28/09(Fri)06:51 No.5625623
    “So we dug in and waited. The Orks didn’t take long to come for us. No more than a day for them to mob up. In the middle of the night there came a howl from their lines that will haunt me to my dying day. Even in the darkness we could seen an ocean of green rushing toward us. We let ‘em have it, every ounce of las and lead we had, we pumped it into them on the quick-step.” Ezekiel’s head dropped, and he shook it back and forth slowly for a moment. “It just wasn’t enough though. Our armored corps saved us the first time. We hit them with our tanks until they were all burning wrecks, blasted away at them until the barrels of our bolters ran red hot. Some of ‘em melted and warped, or fused right to the breach of the gun right there. We pulled the chain on every heavy gun within fifteen miles of our line, twice during the morning we had to drop shells on our own positions just to push them back. The navy came and strafed them, we had every aero-fighter in the theater of operations stacked up all the way to sub-orbital, and it still wasn’t enough. Eventually they had to call off runs because they couldn’t distinguish between our lines and the Orks. They said our lines were leaking like a sieve, if I recall. They just wouldn’t stop, when our solid ammo ran out, we gave em every las-round in the regiment, when our packs ran dry, we fought them with side arms, bayonets and rifle butts. When those were broken, we fought with swords, knives, Hell, even fists and teeth. I don’t know how we did it, must’ve been that miracle they were talking about up at Fleet. When morning broke the next day, so did the Orks.”
    >> YoungWritefag 08/28/09(Fri)06:52 No.5625632
    “Let me tell you, we sent for every bit of firepower we could get a hold of, and on the plain of Sarlax, those Orks burned, and we cheered. We cheered and cried and thanked our God-Emperor for his deliverance, but that was it.” Ezekiel paused for a moment, before turning slowly to look each of the previous speakers in the eye as he said, “No one wrote us any songs, or poems, nor made any great works for OUR victorious dead. No, we reloaded our weapons, buried our dead, and marched on. Because we’re the Guard, we do our duty. We hold the line.” Ezekiel stood silently for a moment, before returning to his seat amongst the assembled guardsmen. Some of them looked at him in disbelief, others off into space, one had his head in his hands, mumbling something to the Emperor about a quick death. Ezekiel just sat, facing the assembled Astartes. The silence only broken when the grey maned Varl grunted, pointed to the quiet Sergeant Major and said:

    “Haarkon, get that man some Ale.”
    >> YoungWritefag 08/28/09(Fri)06:53 No.5625637
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)06:53 No.5625639
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    How bout sum pizza?
    >> Alpharius 08/28/09(Fri)06:53 No.5625648
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    That was... Pretty fucking sweet, actually.
    >> YoungWritefag 08/28/09(Fri)06:54 No.5625660

    Your check is in the mail.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)06:55 No.5625664
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    >> YoungWritefag 08/28/09(Fri)06:57 No.5625677
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:00 No.5625717
    >Our liaison did everything but offer fellatio to the Dark Angels accompanying the Guard, but they wouldn’t come. Too valuable to waste on a lost cause, they said

    Holy shit that's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:02 No.5625742
    Haarkon, get that man some ale.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:05 No.5625766
    Fucking win. This is getting saved.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:07 No.5625791

    Haarkon getting men ale is now a meme.
    >> YoungWritefag 08/28/09(Fri)07:08 No.5625800

    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:10 No.5625814
    Edcellent wsell dome
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:12 No.5625835
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:17 No.5625874
    This storey is gay those space mariens would have killed that guy.
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:18 No.5625881
    The only one who's gay here is someone I just quoted. Get the hint?
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:25 No.5625927
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    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:27 No.5625940

    eh fuck you mean
    >> Anonymous 08/28/09(Fri)07:33 No.5625991
    Go back to preschool kiddie. Stop fagging up the thread
    >> Grifthin 08/28/09(Fri)07:36 No.5626021
    Win - That's what guard do. They hold the line. Love it.

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