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  • File : 1250030032.jpg-(182 KB, 651x1024, dumbjerks.jpg)
    182 KB Tomb of horror horror stories KTO 08/11/09(Tue)18:33 No.5420978  
    So me and four of my friends just beat tomb of horrors last Sunday. I gotta say, there was a whole crap-load of gay shit in there that made us rage, but overall shit was pretty cash. After a certain point, our characters got sick and tired of Asscrack's traps and just started wrecking his dungeon.

    Anyone got some great stories about this module? Shit that backfired, epic plans, hilarious antics?
    >> KTO 08/11/09(Tue)18:40 No.5421058
    My team consisted of a Rogue, a barbarian, and a binder, with me playing a half-elf bard. I figured i'm going to die anyways, why not play a weak race with a weak class. Here's a list of some of the shit we pulled off.

    -Awoke a super-broken gargoyle that tore our rogue in half with one shot. As everyone was fleeing I cast an illusion of us running away and jumping into the sphere of annihalation. The gargoyle followed through it, but not before tripping five or six traps along the way.

    -Found a sleeping mummy with a fat ass gem in its eye. We obviously see what's going to happen, so we all ready actions to attack the bitch. The binder uses a pact that allows him to crit undead, the barbarian gives him her adamantine battleaxe. It's both prone and helpless. We were laughing our asses off as the four of us started curb stomping it to dust as it was flailing and screaming. "Oh god! No! stop! So gay! Auughhh!"
    >> KTO 08/11/09(Tue)18:45 No.5421114

    -You know the old saying, take everything that isn't nailed down or on fire? Yeah, we took everything. Gold, silver, and jade chests that are bolted to the floor? Adamantine greataxe cuts the stone beneath them, we stash them in a bag of holding. Gold couch the fake lich is resting on? In the bag. the fucking throne with the crown? In the bag. The staircase made of precious metals? In the fucking bag. We took the gold tiled cieling, the ivory walls, the silver floors, everything. We even found a way to take the godamn mithril elevator.

    -We came up with a new verb in this dungeon. Gravell'd. The binder filled up the remaining space of his BoH with 200 lbs of gravel. We find a pit with tomb motes in it? We drop 200lbs of gravel on them for shit loads of falling damage. The big-bad fake lich? We gravel that bitch. A pit of spikes? Fill it with gravel.
    >> KTO 08/11/09(Tue)18:54 No.5421190

    By far the greatest feat we accomplished was against the demi-lich himself. So there's this room right? its completely empty save for a depression in the ground with a key hole. Me and the binder walk in, I ready an action to dimension door out the moment he turns the key. He turns it, and sure enough the floor rises up and smashes the cieling for 20d20 dmg. Luckily we dimension door away just in time. We see a mithril elevator that pops up and sinks again in one round. We decide, fuck it. We're not activating that again, so we use the barbarian's adamantine greataxe, the rogue's adamantine dagger, and two shovels to dig our way twenty feet down to the base of the elevator.

    Inside we find the demi-lich's skull on an alter. It starts casting ninth level spells at us while we ping off its 26 ac. Then the rogue gets an idea. He makes a touch attack and puts the bag of holding over the lich's skull. No line of sight? Can't cast spells. After much arguing, the dm agrees that the demi-lich's immunity to magic makes it so it's not in the pocket dimension of the boh, but it's still in a sack. We get another great idea. We place the sack in the room with the keyhole. The BoH is just a flat bag, but the skull still bulges out of it. When the ceiling smashes upwards, the bag is unharmed... but the skull isn't. We used the liches own trap against him. Poetic justice if I ever saw one.
    >> KTO 08/11/09(Tue)18:59 No.5421238
    Other awesome shit included beating a crypt chanter in a singing contest, the rogue using a bag of holding and a rope to avoid getting turned into a woman, and having an efreeti grant me immortality.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)19:03 No.5421278
    If you were immortal, why'd you have to worry about the litch.
    Or anything?
    >> KTO 08/11/09(Tue)19:06 No.5421300
    DM ruled that to be fair, i'm immortal in the sense that I don't age and won't die of natural causes. A sword to the throat will still kill me... not to mention a staff of the magi being broken.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)19:08 No.5421323
    immortality doesn't mean you can't die, depending on your definition. It just means you can't die of old age or natural means.
    >> Anonymous. 08/11/09(Tue)19:15 No.5421404
    >A pit of spikes? Fill it with gravel.

    Something tells me you don't know how much 200lb of gravel is.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)19:15 No.5421407
    Hell, in my group the only person in the bast radius of the staff was the cleric, and he was planeshifted to to the elemental plane of water, he might show up in another campaign after an epic journey through the multiverse.

    We killed the skull by double-teaming it with monks.

    The cleric ended up female, then male but naked, then dead, all within about 15 minutes.

    The fake lich was killed by fireballs from one of those necklaces.

    The frenzied berserker killed the fighter with a single crit after killing the gargoyle.

    Another fighter(?) later caused my rogue to die temporarily due to being dominated. I ran away and got critted by an arrow trap after he knocked be down to 8hp.
    >> KTO 08/11/09(Tue)19:17 No.5421438
    Oh, by far the most hilarious moment was when we entered the sarcophagus room. There are two chests. Inside each was another chest, trapped. Inside those were another chest, also trapped. Inside those were yet another trapped chest. Inside those, were 20,000 gems each worth 50gp. 1,000,000 gold total. We started cheering and celebrating, my treasure-obsessed bard fell to his knees and cried. Or rather her knees, earlier on I triggered the trap that teleports me outside the dungeon naked, and a woman. I instantly start talking about how i'm gonna use my money to buy an airship and a remove curse. I'll be an immortal sky pirate, plundering the skies for eternity. We decided we didn't need asscrack's lame traps and tomb and just packed up and headed out.

    At town we go to the local money lender, much talk of buying castles and kingdoms ensued along the way, and when we got to the shop and opened the bag... we found the gems were really 5cp stones of quartz. My bard blows a fuse. He slams his fists on the counter. "Gimme an airship." "W-what?" "I said i'm buying a fucking airship!" "W-we don't sell those!"
    I cast silent image on the rocks, I make them gems." "Okay, now what?" "I make it hail!" "What?" I start throwing gems at the shopkeeper, then walk outside and throw them at peasents in a rage. They start scrabbling over eachother to get the gems while I give them concussions. Once they're all suitably distracted, I sneak into their shops and steal all the gear I need back.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)19:17 No.5421441

    I mean the fighter was dominated, and started hitting me when we were alone. I fled into the trap rooms figuring my AC was stupidly high enough to be okay.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)19:18 No.5421452
    >Luckily we dimension door away just in time.

    Dimension Door is a standard action. I'm pretty sure shit does not work that way.

    >the bag is unharmed... but the skull isn't

    Technically the bag has to make an unattended reflex save or take the same damage, which would sever the link to your bag and make you lose all the treasure. Also the lich can fly. Also it can teleport.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)19:20 No.5421466

    Not very much at all. A half-ton of gravel only fills the bed of a full sized pick up truck.
    >> KTO 08/11/09(Tue)19:21 No.5421486
    Set a prepared action to DD the moment he turned the key.

    Seems the DM forgot about its teleport and fly abilities. Probably distracted by the shit we just pulled.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)19:22 No.5421495

    Something tells me your campaign wasn't very realistic.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)19:29 No.5421595

    Something tells me you're a troll.
    >> kay 08/11/09(Tue)19:43 No.5421774
    I ran a ToH variant a while ago, based off the 3.5 edition -- my players got as far as the "chapel", and did a decent job in general. What's REALLY interesting is that they had hired goblin sappers beforehand, and went through half the Tomb hauling a demolition charge.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)19:45 No.5421808
    Dude that's fucking great. Did you send in a wave or two to trip the traps for you?
    >> Kitty-Moogle-Chan 08/11/09(Tue)21:39 No.5423000
    Somehow I think leather bags are immune to crushing damage.
    >> Beergut !bgXjHelLKI 08/11/09(Tue)21:45 No.5423051
    Ours involved my monk feeding our mage into the sphere of annihilation; palladin and monk killing the fake lich before it can act; and a naked man riding a giant hornet.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:45 No.5423062
    Are there any pdfs for Return to the Tomb of Horrors?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)21:53 No.5423140

    Flight means little when the room is smashing you, and the Lich would have to make concentration checks (it should easily pass... but) to cast anything while being grappled.


    Anyway - read but never played ToH, but the solutions I've heard of involved an endless legion of summons/thralls to trapspring.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:08 No.5423323
    Can we get a continuation of this thread for Return to the Tomb of Horrors? I've got the module, but haven't ever ran it and it seems like there's more room for hilarity in the return.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)22:42 No.5423653
    Our guest DM said he had tried the Tomb of Horrors with three other gaming groups. None of them apparently made it past page 12. I don't know which room that is, but our group took it as a challenge.

    We warned him we were an experienced group. We were used to rolling Dark Sun and Planescape, where thinking inside the box gets you killed pretty fast. He didn't think that effected our chances.

    We left the Tomb of Horrors with all the loot, a defeated demilich in our wake, and with a FULL PARTY.

    It took three sessions, but caution and intelligence won the day. Though I must say that green slime is bullshit. I only got out of that alive due to immediate action short range teleport. God bless you, Montebank!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)23:20 No.5424055
    Yeah, it's on the wizard site
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)23:22 No.5424077
    Problem is Return to the tomb of horrors is second ed, hasn't been transferred to 3rd yet. Only people who've played it are 2nd ed veterans.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)23:29 No.5424144
    That shit was just retarded. Fail your save and you die. You don't take damage, you just instantly die. So gay.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)02:30 No.5426239

    I'm sorry the reality you want to live in doesn't have save vs death effects. Maybe if you'd have grown up with 2nd ed instead of WoW this wouldn't be a shock to you
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)02:37 No.5426323
    havent read anything yet, but totally running my friends through this on sat.... still dont have the adnd rules yet for saves vs poison and such
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)02:42 No.5426392
    transferring from 2e to 3e isn't that horrible.

    i mean, its not easy, but by far the easiest system transfer i can think of
    >> Nine Inch Mel 08/12/09(Wed)02:45 No.5426451
    Holy shit I am so running this shit now. Only problem is, I've only got 2 players.

    They're either going to be very delighted, or very pissed.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)03:09 No.5426777
    God damn Tomb of Horrors.

    We tried to run Return to the Tomb of Horrors once.


    We got to the entrance. Not even inside the entrance. Outside. Two party members died, and the rest of us just yelled "Fuck it!" and left, split up, and went their separate ways.

    End of campaign. The DM thought that shit was hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)04:47 No.5427826

    >The DM thought that shit was hilarious

    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)09:35 No.5429431
    Can you tell us about the final battle against Acecerak?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)09:50 No.5429492
    >Tomb of Horrors
    >D&D 3.5
    Oh fuck off
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)10:01 No.5429534
    Party: Dweomer Cheater of Mystra, Incantatar, Counter Spelling Scorcerer, Bard, Druid and a Blastificer. Spent most of the adventure using Passwall, Fly, and Sanctuary to avoid most problems. If the trap was magical, the Dweomer Cheater would walk up in her antimagic field and open it casually. The Bard would just disable the standard traps. The few times the bard failed our Counter Speller would cast Celerity and regroup pulling his ass out of harms way. All in all, we avoided all problems until the demilich.

    DM decides to let him give some grandeous speach while we all (through DC giving us her spells via class feat) buff up. DC then walks up to Demiliches skull, shoves her 2nd amulet of anti-magic aura onto its head and glues it with sovereign glue. We then start playing a game of cricket. After we're done (arcane team won by 5 runs, the Blastificer makes a good deep mid wicket) the Druid grinds the skull up into a fine powder and the DC pours it into a milkshake and drinks it. Two days later she poops it out and the Blastificer and the counterspeller disjunction the poop for good measure. We then procede to fill the place with about 5tons of smoke powered, light a fuse then travel to Sigil for good measure.

    Whole session took about 8hours.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)10:07 No.5429554
    Your party FAILS for playing cricket
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)10:39 No.5429683

    Ok, wanna try it agane, without being cheezey as hell?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)10:46 No.5429711
    Heya its 5429534 here. We were asked for stories. I gave a story. Its not MY fault that plot in a can be easily surpassed by a sixpack and douchbaggery.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)11:36 No.5429918
    You want a story about ToH? Okay.
    A while back, I was working for Adobe, and I got a call asking for some help. Turned out to be Gary Gygax himself working on the Legendary Adventures RPG. Long story short, we talked, I offered my services and you'll find my name in the front cover of "Legendary Adventures" core rules (under the heading "who rocks") Long story not quite so short. I got invited to his home during the next Gencon. So I went. I met all sorts of people there, and got into Gencon for free. Gary decides to run (at the con) ToH. I proceed to play the best game of my life. Mind you this is the AD&D 1st edition version of ToH. In it you'll find that in one room there is a scepter and crown. If the crown is put on something and the end tapped with the scepter it will annihilate anything wearing the crown. I stow this treat.

    We proceed through the dungeon and it's me and one other person that have survived. We walk into the room, the thief (the other survivor) disturbs the skull and get's his soul sucked out while I beat feet out of that room. The skull settles back down. I run in, put the crown on the skull, it starts rising, I tap it. Poof. Demi-lich destroyed.
    Gary looks stunned. Then starts laughing. Noone had ever beaten ToH in this way... using one of his own traps to win.

    Shortly after that, ToH was revised, with Gary specifically revising the crown room so that the crown cannot be removed.

    Not only did I beat the most infamous death trap dungeon of all time, by the man who designed it, but it ended up requiring that the module be changed so my solution could not be exploited in the future.

    How's that for a story?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)11:40 No.5429933
    If only it were true. But kudos if it was
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)11:43 No.5429940
    I want to believe... but internet... skepticism is choking... me.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)11:48 No.5429957
    >>5429933If only it were true. But kudos if it was

    Well... let's see, I suppose I could post the credits and intro page of Legendary Adventures core rules, that are negatively numbered (there are only like 25 or 50 copies of negatively numbered versions of these that were given to people that worked on the project) signed by Gary himself, with his note thanking me for my work.

    I think I still have the original cover art for LA cover on a CD somewhere since I did the layout and the logo work for Hekaforge. Be happy to post that. I'm pretty sure that's something that noone else has, since it was never released to the public without the game logo and cover text all over it.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)11:48 No.5429961
    I don't care if it's fake or not. It's fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)11:51 No.5429974
    Please post it.

    Thank you in advance.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)11:52 No.5429979
    I was the DM, when my party encountered the Gargoyle with extra arms, it hit several times the cleric in one round and made it cleric pulp... the party run away and never came back to the tomb... they never knew it was the tomb of horror
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)12:06 No.5430049
    No way, no how, nice try, no refund.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)12:10 No.5430069
         File1250093403.gif-(57 KB, 230x306, hfp1001.gif)
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    >>5429974Please post it.

    Will do.
    pic on the side here is related. It's the author's edition. (limited to a run of 1000) In reality I think it was 1100 with 100 of them reserved for the negative numbers.

    I just tried loading the disk in my new pute, and it's refusing to read it. Its an old blue dye writable CD. So my blueray disc seems to be having problems reading it. I'll try it at work and see if I get better luck there. If I remember right it's in TGA format... so I'll need to convert to .jpg to post here. Plus it's fucking fuck huge if I remember... like 600 DPI from the original oil painting.

    Funny story about the spelling, Lejendary vs Legendary. At the time he was trying to get it to print, the people responsible for the Hercules TV show had a real problem with Legendary Adventures for a title and threatened to sue. So Gary decided to use J instead. *rolls eyes* It was at that moment I knew it was going to be a huge failure of a product. You don't misspell your game name. It'd be like printing a book called Rouge Trager instead of Rogue Trader
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)12:21 No.5430145
    One guy in my DH group has a scum named Rouge Trager.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)12:25 No.5430163
    That seems legit.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)12:26 No.5430171
    Fuck, I figured out why I can't read it at home. The disk was written by a mac using the old os 9 mac os. OS 9 can read PC cd's but wrote mac cd's which are unreadable by PC's, fortunately I have two guys at work with macs. I'll have the image up shortly. I'll just get them to read the cd for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)12:45 No.5430306
    A good while ago we had a ToH thread. This very guy here (who posted his copy of the ToH, signed by Gygax, in that thread) told the same story, and I was actually the one who pointed out that in modern versions of the Tomb, the crown and scepter can't be removed.

    Really, it adds this whole extra dimension of paranoia to everything I've ever read in any D&D book. You look at the rules, and you wonder if maybe the odder things are that way because of some trickster making a developer mad at some point. It's very intruiging.

    Anyway, I wholly support this tripfag's account as being true.
    >> Gentleman 08/12/09(Wed)12:49 No.5430344
    My own groups playthrough through the Tomb of Horrors was not very exciting, to be honest.

    Everyone was so cautious, so paranoid, they kept trying the safe options hundreds upon hundred of times, planning everything into the smallest detail. Some of our groupmembers had spread the rumour that Tomb of Horrors was the deadliest module ever concieved in D&D, so the players were TERRIFIED of everything.

    Every button, every suspicious corridor, search checks after search checks.

    The adventure ended with them defeating the false lich, and then escaping as the illusion of the dungeon falling together started. They did not think to check the rubble, and followed the false treassure map.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)12:56 No.5430383
    So happy I found this thread, very related.

    Last night our group was missing three members, which meant we were down to three. I get the call one hour before the game that I need to "think on my feet." So I pull out the 3.5 ToH and tell the players to roll up 9th level characters.

    I arrive at the game to see the group: a half-ogre barbarian, a dwarven vampire fighter, and a Savage Species eladrin cheeze (I can't recall his class choices, but it was something he'd been working on).

    Surprisingly, the players didn't do too poorly, save for the barbarian with an odd rape fixation. He looked at the green devil-sphere of annihilation and said, "Thokk rape green mouth." Then promptly stuck his dick in.

    The other players couldn't stop laughing when I told him that the barbarian was dead.

    We ended in the room with three chests, who knows if it will be brought out again. My players didn't seem to like their odds of survival.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)13:02 No.5430417
         File1250096522.jpg-(188 KB, 1083x711, Lizardfolk Ghostpunchin.jpg)
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    Hi Ben.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)13:15 No.5430492
         File1250097331.jpg-(63 KB, 949x712, Nile-275.jpg)
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    Thanks for the shout out on this. I remember you mentioning that. That they'd changed the book.

    So yeah. I knew that everyone here likely would be saying "Ah That's bullshit." and expect it to be a lie. All I can say is, no, I'm genuinely being truthful here. Of course because this is the interweb everyone has learned that people lie, a lot.

    That said, yeah, I agree, I too get the impression that a lot of the wonky stuff in games and revisions are only there because some play tester or game writer has run into someone that cleverly exploits what they thought was a good rule.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)13:21 No.5430524
    As an addendum: Xombli Ghostpuncher was one of the two monks to kick the lich's ass.
    He never had a chance to punch a ghost, but he got a mummy and a lich. I'll count it as a win.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)13:36 No.5430630

    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)13:57 No.5430759
         File1250099851.png-(5 KB, 382x284, OH BAWWWWWWWWWW.png)
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    >This thread
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)14:22 No.5430935
         File1250101327.jpg-(1.38 MB, 2500x1874, Legendary Adventures scan2.jpg)
    1.38 MB
    Here we go. This is the original artwork for the lejendary adventures game system by Gary. I added the watermark so that someone else can't just take it and start making their own claims to having the pic.

    i had to scale it down also because the original was like 4798x3596 and 65.8 megs and even as a 85% jpeg it was like 4.5 megs (too big for 4chan)
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)14:29 No.5430996
    Okay, namefag just got a lot more credible.

    That's definitely the same cover art, only without all the cover art and titles and garbage.

    Sheesh. Seriously, you actually worked with him and he genuinely ran you through the Tomb?

    That's just messed up!

    But in a good way.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)14:32 No.5431016
    Holy shit, the old wizard IS Gary.

    Are the other adventurers based on real people too?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)14:40 No.5431065
    Well, it is one of the greatest stories ever. That's how it is.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)14:40 No.5431069
    >>5431016Holy shit, the old wizard IS Gary.Are the other adventurers based on real people too?

    Yeah, they are.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)14:46 No.5431108

    Just dug out my 3.5 and old AD&D version of the module.

    Holy shit.
    Bricks being shat right now. They did change it.

    Dude, that's fucking epic!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)14:50 No.5431139
    Post the 85% jpeg version on /hr/. That board can handle up to 8 megs.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)14:50 No.5431145
    That image is awesome. It smells of everything that made old style fantasy great.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)14:58 No.5431197
    As you wish.

    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:01 No.5431214
    Wow, thanks.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)15:04 No.5431244
    Aww... what the hell... go to the same thread I just linked to ... I just posted the dewatermarked version.

    Either people will believe me, or they won't. I don't wanna be a faggot and just post the watermarked version.

    If you wanna use it for a wallpaper or something, at least this way you won't have to put up with my craptastic watermark fagging up the picture.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:07 No.5431267

    Dude, that's cool of you. I mean it. I'm pretty much sold by that right there. You're not trying to control the pic like a jerk, so that's a good indication that you're being for real.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:08 No.5431275
    That's really cool of you, man. Again, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:22 No.5431371
    Just read the thread.

    Fuck, now I've seen it all.

    As improbable as the story looks, I think I remember someone actually telling me about it. That someone at a Gencon did use that solution... but the way I heard it the players and DM ended up calling Gygax for a ruling on whether or not it would work.

    But now that I think about it, this makes a LOT more sense. How would some D&D players just "happen" to have Gygax's number? Sounds like the story mutated at some point.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:25 No.5431402
    Can't we just, you know, call Gygax and ask him to confirm the story? I seem to recall his is listed in the phone-books, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:26 No.5431408
    All right, who wants to tell him?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:28 No.5431423
         File1250105284.png-(43 KB, 275x300, Slowpoke+Psyduck.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:28 No.5431425

    Tell me what?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:30 No.5431450

    Aww fuck, guys seriously, what the fuck did I miss?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:33 No.5431471

    Gary Gygax is fuckin' dead, yo.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:34 No.5431490
    How the hell does one beat Acecerak in Return to the Tomb of Horrors?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:34 No.5431491
    All right, let's see if there aren't any listed Necromancers.
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)15:35 No.5431503

    Can't really speak to that, but I suppose it's possible someone else came up with the same solution. It's really pretty obvious when you think about it. At the time I had intended to use it on something if we encountered a regenerating monster rather than requiring the mage to use his fireballs up to deal with such things. I didn't really think of using it on the demi lich until I was right there.

    But honestly if you want a real killer Dungeon... check out Necropolis by Gary as well.

    It's quite possibly the single hardest/killyest dungeon/overland adventure of all time.

    The bad guy is so well hidden and nearly unkillable and has 2 badguys in it that are there to let you THINK you killed him .

    The first one you encounter, you kill him and are like... got him. Then you eventually figure out... no that wasn't him. Then you go back and hunt deeper and you're supposed to think AHA! it wasn't him at all, it was a fake, this must be the REAL one. Only it isn't it's an even tougher fake.

    Then the real badguy makes a phantom appearance and tries to convince you he's actually Dispater.

    Jesus fuck! Tough Tough TOUGH adventure. Mindbendingly difficult.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:46 No.5431611
    Just googled it. 288 pages?!

    A single adventure that's almost 300 pages long?
    You gotta be kidding me.

    Found a review... sounds fuck awesome
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)15:59 No.5431753
    bump for more stories
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)16:04 No.5431807

    thats supposed to be the original Mordenkainen then?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)16:09 No.5431848
    dem pdfs
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)16:22 No.5431976
    Dude, yer teh Awesome. Downloading Necropolis right now!

    Read the review, sounds awesome.
    >> Arcbound 08/12/09(Wed)16:25 No.5432012
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    >free ice cream

    ICE CREAM!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)16:33 No.5432081

    Pretty chill Bro. Major thx!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)16:42 No.5432198
    Ima readin' through it.. Jesus. This thing is HUGE!

    Had to laugh when I read the "Who is Rahotep" part at the way he described Set ("The ass headed one") It just created a strange picture in my head of some very literal minded priests getting things very wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)16:48 No.5432261
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    Set and his wife.

    Damn it.. now I can't get the picture out of my head
    >> Anonymous 08/12/09(Wed)16:49 No.5432282

    Mr. Affleck?
    >> Ifuritasfan !!v09L1F0F0uU 08/12/09(Wed)17:17 No.5432593
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    This thread has delivered

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