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08/04/09(Tue)12:11 No.5336678 File1249402271.jpg-(13 KB, 250x450, MCDJ1.jpg)
Haha, now come on, kid, your style is weak, you a freak, I think you're hidin' fear under your undead mystique, your future lookin' bleak and no question why, Justice in the house and there ain't no lie, I roll high, don't need no party to show up and crash yours, bring the minions from every dungeon floor, I'll straight show you up with Justice-class swagger, the rhymes I spit just about to make you stagger, you looked pretty haggard even before I got here, shoulda steered clear of me, I ain't got a peer, unequaled in the quality of how I hold it down, 'bout to serve you a flood of rhymes, kid, try not to drown, cuz I found, you strugglin' against some kids who ain't on my level, gonna revel, in the burns tha I lay on your ass, I'll take a pass on the free ones and approach it with class, you mass, your minions and hide behind 'em like big bad guy, but no lie, you lookin' more like a small fry, yo, I, got the fire to light up the place, but face, it, it's a-symptomatic you see, but you signed your own fate with Justice and S&B, feel free, to step yo game up, go on any day now, how, you gonna challenge this, yo, I feel like you better off goin' for low-bies, follow me and I'll give you the grand fuckin' tour, of my spit, my shit, my red-hot style, next time, you might wanna consider more guile, cuz I know you think you hot, but I thought, you could use, a wake-up call before you try to light Justice's fuse, I admire your devotion but I believe that it's safe, to say MC Justice got the upper hand on the faith, but yo, you lookin' like you need all the hope you can get, when you provoke a Justice-Sword-n-Board vendett-a, sit on down, mutant, you got nothin on us, have a seat before I reduce your Lich-ass phylactery to dust. |