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07/27/09(Mon)02:25 No.5268973 File1248675953.png-(170 KB, 480x640, dsc00064.png)
This was last years commissar uniform, i have a greatcoat, i also have an interest in not dieing of heatstroke, so the coat was left at home. i will do a shoot of the uniform with the coat sometime soon however.
i've been talked to by a few people involved with various 40k products at the con>>5267408 about doing some kind of representation.. that's all i will say for now.
yes, i will be supplying some, check out http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b112/kaikaiAA/battlearmor/ for the majority of them.
I lol'ed, hard.
>>5267963 mostly sheet styrene and pvc expanded foam, (no not craft foam or foamboard, this stuff really isnt foamlike at all) i plan to do a member of the priesthood of mars some time, but i need to make a custom melta, flamer pistol and a full sized bolter first, not to mention a combi bolter for an eversor friend.
>>5268295 Patience, Practice and alot of careful sanding. i made all of this stuff by hand, no vacuforming or anything, just a dremmel, xacto blade and a few hand tools. oh and a heatgun. heat a small arena, move it a tiny bit, heat the next area, bend tiny amount, repeat. don't attempt unless your patient and dedicated to the emperor.
>>5268650 i feel bad to tell you that that SoB costume is my second costume i've made. the first being my commissar in this pic, and obviously the SoB armor for the waifu being the second. i've just been examining costumes pretty carefully and thinking about how best to do something. my prototypes are like a frigging mass grave.
Everyone, thank you so much for the epic responses, i'll post a whole bunch more of our con goings with her in costume very shortly. |