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!ZaiyoM.Dpk 07/06/09(Mon)11:46 No.5110718 File1246895168.jpg-(86 KB, 544x650, Wen.jpg)
 >I have a brilliant idea.
Your two comrades look up with you while you smile confidently. You reach in your pocket and whip something dark, first swinging it to your side to allow it to gleam in the afternoon sun and then sticking it on your face.
They just look at you with awe and give no response to your actions, eventually just ignoring you and speaking among the two of them. You scoff at them and take off toward the city on your own, neither of them realizing until you’re a few yards from the soldiers. They begin to panic, but calm down to see you shooting the breeze with their potential enemy; your finger curled the hair around the ends of the fake mustache as you nodded to what the men said, proceeding to bid them good day before you went inside the city.
Selene and Kuhn glanced at one another before proceeding to run after you – however, they wasted no time with those who guarded the city, which said people found rude. Once inside, you smirked at them as you tore off your mustache and put it in your pocket.
When you first take notice to the city, you can see it is military controlled. You see soldiers walk around with one another, weaponless, while the civilians simply cower in their homes. You, Selene, and Kuhn stare at one another for a few moments before walking further inside the city.
[ ] Find a place to stay for the night (It’s early afternoon) [ ] Train (may raise soldier suspicion) [ ] Fuck shit up [ ] Investigate the City [ ] Other |