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  • File :1242243157.jpg-(349 KB, 798x600, 1242048473943.jpg)
    349 KB Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:32 No.4547078  
    Are there lesbians in Rokugan?

    Last thread failed due to being too late at night.
    >> sage 05/13/09(Wed)15:34 No.4547087
    Sure, why not.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:34 No.4547092
    Probably. Samurai-class women are still honor-bound to sleep with their arranged husbands and make more babies for the family, even if they don't enjoy it.
    >> sage 05/13/09(Wed)15:36 No.4547101
    Cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:49 No.4547178
    Actually, let's expand this thread somewhat. Anyone who's studied history will probably notice that, even in the most decadent-behind-the-scenes ancient realms (Greece, Rome, Japan) where male homosexuality appears a TON and is well-known, lesbians are virtually nonexistent in the historical record. Partially, this is attributed to the general suppression of women, and partially because if it didn't involve a penis, it wasn't considered sex.

    Rokugan, like most fantasy settings, has a "women can do anything a man can do" clause. Women suffer no -4 Str, can become Samurai and perform just as competently as their male peers, and generally kick as much ass as any man. While the setting admits to not being entirely egalitarian, it's a LOT moreso than Japan actually was.

    So, what effect would this have on lesbianism in Rokugan?

    Or, fuck, any fantasy setting?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:54 No.4547204
    Good question.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)15:58 No.4547230
    I think you answered your own question there. "Women can do anything a man can do."

    This includes Homosexuality. Unless I'm not correctly getting what you're asking.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:34 No.4547483
    It's a bad idea to have lesbians in any game. Too much drama. Lesbians are basically a drama MAGNET.

    Last one we had in our group was Exalted. She expected EVERY single female, PC or NPC, to be gay or at least bisexual, and hit on them all. When I tried to explain that most of them were straight, she called me a homophobe for "ruining her fun". Then she started using Solar mindfuck Charms to make them sleep with her, it was a real shitfuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:36 No.4547492
    That's just one bad player, shouldn't keep you from keeping them in the game
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:38 No.4547503

    You keep using words like 'she' and 'her', yet the character is played like a typcial neckbard playing a woman…
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:41 No.4547527

    I hit on everyone and everything but I don't expect them to like it. Its a subconcious social defense mechanism.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:42 No.4547534
    Some gamer girls have neckbeards too.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:44 No.4547538
    are you a carpetmunching gutterslut?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:49 No.4547561
    They tend to be fat, too.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:53 No.4547578

    The player herself was female. Fat and ugly as shit, but female. And HARD GAY.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)16:55 No.4547587
    Called it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)17:07 No.4547672

    Immaterial, because sexuality should generally not be the subject of an RP.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)17:45 No.4548011
    The sad thing is, this is what solars are likely to do.

    "Love me!...I said LOVE ME FAGGS" *dozens of motes are expended and people's brains run out their noses until they do, in fact, love her*
    >> Widget !!1UfPrzURoY4 05/13/09(Wed)17:53 No.4548096
    Shouldn't be an issue. Just be very discrete, fulfill your normal duties as a woman, and don't annoy your lord. Extramarital affairs in general are often ignore as long as they are out of sight and don't become a problem.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)17:55 No.4548116
    Adultery is punishable by death in premodern Japan. Adultery is also defined as a married woman having relations with another MAN.

    In Japan there have been a few "pillow books" and diaries where the women writing them have hinted at having very... intimate "friendships" with servants or other noblewomen.

    There are some canon L5R stories where some of the women depicted seem to have "very intimate friendships."

    Somehow I don't think it'd be too much of a stretch of the imagination for lesbianism in Rokugan to be one of the accepted-but-unspoken aspects of high society. As long as the women produce their husbands an heir who cares what she's doing with the neighbor's wife?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:06 No.4548791
    >There are some canon L5R stories where some of the women depicted seem to have "very intimate friendships."

    Do tell!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:28 No.4549016
    Now, if Wikipedia is to be believed (ha!) lesbianism is considered to be a 'teen' thing in Japan - women are expected to grow up and start liking men later on. There's a whole literature genre based on them:


    And there's always Marimite, of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:32 No.4549041
    >my personal experience with a small handful of lesbians reflects absolute objective truths
    The dyke in our group is a pretty cool, gal, seh causes no drama and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:37 No.4549081
    In MODERN Japan.

    We're not talking about modern Japan.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:41 No.4549110
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:43 No.4549129

    See? It's made of jade, so obviously female magistrates were lesbians who fought bravely against the Shadowlands
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:45 No.4549141
    As in accordance with most EVERYTHING in Rokugan, the actual activity is not 'punished' for being 'wrong' unless the participates are caught.

    But Im guessing that since women are treated on an equal footing with men in rokugan, the punishments are just as bloody harsh.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:49 No.4549173
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:51 No.4549179
    I figured it was more like the Dragonbloods.
    As long as you pop out the requisite number of heirs, no one gives two shits about what you do in your off time, or with whom.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:53 No.4549192
    >>So, what effect would this have on lesbianism in Rokugan?

    >>Or, fuck, any fantasy setting?

    I'd like to discuss the equal opportunity thing instead.

    In a good fantasy setting it's explained (or at least hinted) why females of a determinate class would have this "equal opportunity".
    In Exalted for example I'd say it pretty much is "whoever can kick ass whit charmes and shit can pretty much do whatever they want". This is the 99% of Exalted there, so DB.

    In DND there's no explanation. Disclaimer: i LIKE Dnd, at least some edition, but anyway I like the concept. A concept which proposes no social explanation whatever for itself, it's just "have fun in your dungeon crawl" so to speak, or maybe "have fun with some medieval concepts here and there".

    Rokugan? I don't think there's an explanation for the equal opportunity issue (execpt for shugenjas, kami do what the hell they want). I'd not go out and say Rokugan fails as a setting for this, but they should explain the equal opportunity thing (or "why women aren't supposed to be silent and obedient mares") better IMHO. At least hint it: it's a GREAT issue in a pre-industrial society.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:53 No.4549195
    On lesbianism proper:


    I concur with this anon about les yay in kimono IRL and so in Rokugan (I think gay men samurai is pretty much obvious of course, IRL and so in the setting).
    But there's an issue, the fact that most "ritualistic" homosexuality (I have ancient Greece in mind, correct me about Japan if it's the case) is caused by a great deal of segregation between the sexes. There are not many female (or male) only schools in Rokugan, so maybe this samurai kids just fuck straight...
    ... but that being said, anyhow, intimate "friendship" is in any case expected with samurais of the same sex, methinks. At the very least, it's easier to sneak in their rooms and say "we were just discussing who has the cutest obi/ we were just drinking some sake, N-dono!").

    Also, fuck. Now I want a Marimite equivalent in Rokugan.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:54 No.4549201

    It sort of is like that. Mostly, individuals involved with the courts typically did whatever they wanted in their free time. And if you were caught, it was merely a matter of giving bribes or offering favors for the captor to keep quiet, depending on your clan and how honorable you are.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:54 No.4549208


    as a nemuranai
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:58 No.4549233
    Why should there be unequal opportunity? It's a more unstable system.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:00 No.4549246
    The subject itself is failure. You just want to post that picture again.
    Go fap to it if you want, but the thread wasn't needed again.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:08 No.4549328

    Well, yes, it could be perfectly viable. But hell, I can't even think of ONE fantasy setting that does it out of my mind. Even fucking LOTR allows for females (and the GIRSA one was faithful to JRRT).

    RPG writers: not afraid of holocaust, raep, xenophobia and religious idiocy.
    But afraid of being accused of not supporting equal opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:10 No.4549346
    Go read some Mercedes Lackey.
    No lesbians.
    Insane amounts of gay.
    Not unfair at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:12 No.4549365
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    On the equal opportunity thing, two of the great clans were founded by women, the Crane (Lady Doji) and the Ki-Rin/Unicorn (Lady Shinjo) and a few families are matriarchal, notably the Matsu, O/Utaku, Moshi, and (possibly) Shosuro/Soshi. Harping on women being the weaker sex is likely to get an Utaku Battle Maiden or Matsu Berserker's attention and she will show you how the "gentle sex" fights. After you get your ass kicked, the pretty little Doji girls make sure EVERYONE hears about it.

    As other people have said, if you are discreet and fulfill your duty (an heir and a spare) no one cares who you do what with.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:20 No.4549416

    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:22 No.4549443
    <Rokugan? I don't think there's an explanation for the equal opportunity issue (execpt for shugenjas, kami do what the hell they want). I'd not go out and say Rokugan fails as a setting for this, but they should explain the equal opportunity thing (or "why women aren't supposed to be silent and obedient mares") better IMHO. At least hint it: it's a GREAT issue in a pre-industrial society.>

    Sorry dude but I must refute you here, in most of the core rule books it is stated SOMEWHERE that women are on par (and sometimes greater) then their male counterparts because the setting itself despite its cultural heritage is an equal opportunity environmen.

    E.G Page 25 of the 1st Edition Core Book of L5R states it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:23 No.4549445
    What clan is the woman with the sexy glowing green eyes and the woman in the back with her right boob hanging out (hidden)?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:25 No.4549471

    Spider and Crane, respectively.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:26 No.4549482
    >Rokugan? I don't think there's an explanation for the equal opportunity issue (execpt for shugenjas, kami do what the hell they want). I'd not go out and say Rokugan fails as a setting for this, but they should explain the equal opportunity thing (or "why women aren't supposed to be silent and obedient mares") better IMHO. At least hint it: it's a GREAT issue in a pre-industrial society.

    Samurai-ko are suppose to be celibate, and that's the reason they're treated as equals. Peasants are expected to be equal since they both have to work in the fields. If they do marry unless it's a clan who has a matriarchal head, they are suppose to be seen but not heard...etc. Assuming they're not Samurai-Ko.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:27 No.4549489
    From Left to Right:

    Crab, Unicorn, Spider, Scorpion, Crane (sitting), Dragon (reclining), Mantis, Lion (Background), Phoenix (Foreground).
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:27 No.4549491
    No the crane is the one with the her hair in what looks like a fan and is in blue.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:28 No.4549492
    Because about half of the diety-equivalents were women who were on par with their male counterparts because magic, and that kind of example can decide the course of an entire culture on gender roles.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:29 No.4549502

    In a setting I'm working on humans and orcs have pretty traditional views on gender relations (i.e. women as property). Between individual nations / villages, women may be treated better or worse comparatively, but the only way a woman is going to be seen as "equal" is if she's a mage or high ranking nobility.

    Elvers are entirely female because all the men were killed by a virus be virus also allows elves to reproduce via parthenogenesis.

    My Dwarves have gender equality because their men and women look the same. Intimate same-sex relationships are commonplace, but I also have dwarves as having sex solely for reproductive purposes.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:29 No.4549511
    >>Sorry dude but I must refute you here, in most of the core rule books it is stated SOMEWHERE that women are on par (and sometimes greater) then their male counterparts because the setting itself despite its cultural heritage is an equal opportunity environmen.

    E.G Page 25 of the 1st Edition Core Book of L5R states it.

    Well, stating that it's good, but I feel it needs an explanation (possibly in 3rd ed as that's my, but anyhow).
    I can't remember a single matriarchal society (in pre-industrial societies) with cities and shit (say, anything more than a shepered tribe of some hundred people... or at best some interconneted tribes like that), and Rokugan is supposedly a realistic pseudo-historical setting with cities, millions of people.
    Maybe there's a "magical" explanation, but I didn't catch it.
    I like L5R, I just feel they should've explained some things way better.


    Spider and Crane I suppose.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:29 No.4549514
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    I was looking at the wrong one in the back, it seems. Nevermind.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:30 No.4549520
    Oh Unicorn... I always forget them, maybe it's because they have such a gay symbol for a clan. Who seriously picks the damn unicorn to be their clan's name? Spider-Clan chick is very hot, the Lion Clan is 2nd imho.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:30 No.4549525
    Which clans are the upper two left ones? I can identify the clans of all the others. And which is crab?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:31 No.4549534

    And the point is that if I've seen matriarchal societies (GREAT societies) I can't remeber real equal opportunity ones before the industrial revolution (well, let's say ours is kinda equal).
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:32 No.4549546
    Headband chick. Unicorn has her hands on the Crab's leg, and the Spider is the sexy glowing green eyed chick.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:32 No.4549551
    Hhmm yes I do read that here in the book, but it seems to me every person in the damn game that plays a chick does not follow that norm, and I have not seen that particular take on the rule in any of the recent 3rd Ed books (which I hate for blitzing away from the culture so much) would you mind refering me to a page number that I may consult to validiate your statement please?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:33 No.4549563
    I like this.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:34 No.4549567
    Hold on let me find it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:34 No.4549573
    You have Crab and Unicorn switched, gray is a Crab color and purple is a Unicorn color.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:34 No.4549575
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    I propose that none of those women are from the Crab, because a Crab would be on the wall defending the Empire. And a Crab would find a tetsubo to be an adequate alternative to a pillow for the naked lesbian pillow fights, and let me tell you, after an incident like that you do not get invited back.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:36 No.4549588
    >>Samurai-ko are suppose to be celibate, and that's the reason they're treated as equals. Peasants are expected to be equal since they both have to work in the fields. If they do marry unless it's a clan who has a matriarchal head, they are suppose to be seen but not heard...etc. Assuming they're not Samurai-Ko.

    This sounds interesting. It's not perfect (why exactly shouldn't badass female bushi have a word in decisions with their husbands after they marry?) but it's something.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:38 No.4549599
    p. 34
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:40 No.4549628
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:40 No.4549632
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    Hey, Crabs can have fun too. Maybe using their tetsubos differently.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:41 No.4549635
    The rest the clans view them as a clan even if they are just a front for yet another evil from Shadowlands.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:42 No.4549648
    Not all Crab serve at the wall.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:42 No.4549649
    This is why everything after Clan War era is shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:42 No.4549652

    Ah, Blackbird stuff. Haven't seen those in a while.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:42 No.4549658

    At least they don't bullshit you like the Scorpion.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:43 No.4549662
    Thank you very much for the page number, but is that the main core book for 3rd Ed or one of its many supplements?.

    Plus yes you'll find that many a high Status wife can ignore her lesser husbands common suggestions (but not the baby making ones through she could have an affair and such to fake it) and a high glory wife will often go out and do courageous things and such when times are dire...but high glory wives generally lose glory quickly if they don't follow their new 'lords' will (MAKE BABIES) ...

    Man I just realised married life sucks ass for most chicks in Rokugan (go the Crab/Unicorn...and occasionally crane...but their more stuck up hoes)
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:43 No.4549663
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    What is this 'Spider Clan' you speak of? I've certainly never heard of it.

    I bet you believe in the Kolat and the Tooth Bakemono, too.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:44 No.4549678
    What museum is that in? I want to go see it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:44 No.4549681
    No they do not...The Empress has declared them traitors and ordered the Imperial Legions to burn them out of the Shinomen forest. Before that only the Unicorn acknowledged them, and even then they did not consider them as equals.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:45 No.4549694
    I agree, at least we got the kick-ass Mantis out the Clan War. If it was up to me I'd still have the Clan War going on. The Shadowlands all sudden shriveled up and disappear, there's a land rush. Every clan rushes to claim what remains of the shadowlands doubling the size of Rokugan.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:47 No.4549707
    3e. I don't have the 3e Revised.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:49 No.4549740
    The Empress??? Can someone please fill me in on WTF is happening in Rokugan right now? Because the Roleplaying books post what has HAPPENED but not how or the reasons behind it because that would require actual writing and not rule mechanics.

    ...plus I dont follow the CCG.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:50 No.4549759
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    We can all agree that the cancer that is affecting Rokugan is the metaplot.

    >> go the Crab/Unicorn...and occasionally crane...but their more stuck up hoes)

    This is how Cranes tease you. They act as moeblobs BUT...

    Pic crane-related.

    Also, Matsu bitches.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:54 No.4549798
    I have to agree with you...Lady Matsu is the BOMB, a mean a human woman fighting Akodo to a bloody stand still, no other human has ever come close to accomplishing such a task and BOOYAA talk about being faithful to her lord to the bitter end, becoming his wife would have trashed her ability to serve him as a warrior....

    Lady Matsu I cry manly tears for your memory.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:55 No.4549803
    That is a funny one, the Spider planted assassins through out the Empire and attempted to take over by creating a huge disruption in the chains of command of all the Great Clans. Fortunately they failed to get enough people to reach critical mass. The Spider are the latest group of failures who follow the God of Failure. Fu-Fu is such a retard he did not even see the thunders coming a second time, most of them even survived the fight, he only got Hoturi and Tadaka.
    >> Meow the Magnificent 05/13/09(Wed)20:55 No.4549804
    You guys talk like equality needs an explanation as if that isn't the natural way of things. Discrimination is only ever a power grab.. not based on any logical reasoning why a different gender/race/whatever can't do something.

    Equality isn't some new thing. It is going back to basics. Discrimination was what was invented by some brilliant guy that knew they could use hatred to divide people and give himself the advantage. We had to be convinced of it. Even generation to generation, this behavior only survives if it is passed on.

    Our natural mode of thinking is "well.. can the job be done? okay! do it!"

    That a setting doesn't give a shit as long as the person can do the job should be all the reasoning needed.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:57 No.4549829
    spider clan sucks you guys should rp as members of foot
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:57 No.4549830
    Don't bother, the storyline has gotten completely lame, incomprehensible, and is just overall shit.

    You're better off picking an era you like and making up your own history from there.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)20:58 No.4549837
    Kitsuki Iweko

    Basically Hantei Dynasty was killed off, after the Emperor became host to the BBEG of the time. Then came the Toturi Dynasty where Toturi III sacrificed himself so the 7 Legendary Artifacts of the Clans could be returned. His wife became Empress in till she committed suicide.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:03 No.4549898
    The L5R writers are completely incapable of coming up with an interesting story that doesn't involve killing the Emperor (not that anything they make these days is interesting at all).

    You'd think that eventually the clans will do what Japan did, and just not give a shit about the imperial family for a few hundred years.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:04 No.4549911
    I'm actually as we speak writing up a module for L5r set 500 years before the clan war, it begins in the province of the crane as a group of young hopefuls are given a 'grading' before they are allowed to take their gempukku ceremony. The studants are seperated into groups A,B & C with the players being group A, the Gm is then given a choice of WHICH grading teacher to use out of five potentials each with their own attitudes and goals. The adventure then goes on little paths that lead towards the same goal (the characters gempukku) however the journey is riddeled with tests that challenge EVERY aspect of being a samurai not just combat (I have various Lore, Theology, Survival I threw in the works even a few naughty honour checks) for each test they pass they get a point, the team with the highest points at the end gains an edge during their gempukku as the graders have whispered words into the sensei's ears.

    ....what you guys think?

    (Whilst this module is set in a certain era and has certain characters and clans involved I have stated at the end of the module that Gms can feel free to move it to any era they like and which clans etc as long as the personalities are intact, because they make the game)
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:04 No.4549915

    >>Discrimination is only ever a power grab.. not based on any logical reasoning why a different gender/race/whatever can't do something.

    Substitute whatever with class: so it is money. (inb4 fuck you commie)
    If a fantasy setting provides (as it usually do, at least in RPGs) a pseudo-historical social setting or some derivations of, I'd say money has to be there... as all civilizations after a certain point used it.
    If all societies in history (after domestication and before the industrial age) seem to have been sexual-discriminating, I can be sad over the thing and ask me why it's been so, but a psuedo-historical setting who escapes this, especially a more "historical" than most as Rokugan, has to explain me why it is so. Or at least suggest something, as in >>4549482
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:06 No.4549928
    Recently the Race for the Throne mega-game ended and the Dragon won the throne, beating the Scorpion by one point. The Dragon canidate was Kitsuki Iweko and she is now Empress. The Shogun is Moto Jin-sahn. The Imperial Chancellor is Bayushi Hisoka. The Imperial Treasurer is Yoritomo Utemaro. The Voice of the Empress is Togashi Satsu. The Imperial Advisor is Daigotsu Susumu. The Scorpion won the Test of the Emerald Champion and Shosuro Jimen is the Emerald Champion.

    Recently the Dark Oracle of Fire has started an invasion using the Yojambin Tribes. He has them hopped up of super fire magic that makes them explode when they are killed.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:08 No.4549943
    hmm I've played that before, oh yeah, The Test of the Topaz Champion. Try something a bit more original...
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:08 No.4549946
    Cant help but see a Daigostu in there...

    What happened there?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:09 No.4549953
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    Easy. The first guy who decided "Hey women should stay in the kitchen, am I right guys?" was found brutally murdered the next day. The biggest, meanest hunter in the tribe (who happened to be female) was curiously smug for a few days after that. This happened every time the subject came up. The men learned to shut the fuck up about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:11 No.4549964

    ... well, fuck. I'd stick with the Hanteis, thankyouverymuch.

    This "WHAT A TWEEST" shit isn't good for a japan feeling, methinks, where the emperor is an ummovable demi-god.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:12 No.4549977
    ...As much as it is that the Topaz championship was a great game it did not capture the elements of the game I was hoping to capture with my module. My module is an attempt poor as it may be for a first time writer to force more focus oh what made Rokugan a unique setting, its culture.

    Plus I would prefer if you had any criticism to give me that you at least make it more then a single line and actually made it constructive thank you.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:12 No.4549979

    City of Honor's Sacrifice. Do you know it?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:12 No.4549981
    Please clear something up for me: I thought that Unicorn was the only clan to wear animal skins, and the one you have labeled as Lion certainly appears to have a garment including some sort of fur. Am I misinformed, or not interpreting the picture correctly, or what?
    >> Meow the Magnificent 05/13/09(Wed)21:13 No.4549982
    This is more of a case of there always haveing been plenty of female warriors. Not in the quantities of males.. but they are super special and rare.

    They just get "conveniently" forgotten and the non existence of females as fighters pushed as common knowledge when the gender pendulum swings one way.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:14 No.4549990

    Matsu are furries.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:15 No.4549999
    Think of it more like the Chinese imperial model, where sometimes the mandate just runs out.

    Storyline is still shit, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:15 No.4550002
         File :1242263757.jpg-(57 KB, 395x545, Domotai.jpg)
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    The Empress knows Susumu's nature and is using him for his insight into how the Spider think. Also he is untainted.

    There are lots of Lions that wear furs. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:18 No.4550016

    Uhm, well, in Rokugan equal opportunity means you can easily be a female general of a fuckin army. It's not some exceptions...

    ... still, probably the setting could withstand such modifications (bitches get back to the kitchen, no samurai-ko for ya EXECPT for the matriarchal clans were guys get back to whatever they get back to).
    >> Meow the Magnificent 05/13/09(Wed)21:18 No.4550018

    FUCK ME.


    Female fighters always existed in good quantities.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:19 No.4550023
    100 Years after the Clan Wars the rest of Rokugan is tired of having their Emperor die every few years. So all the clans split from the empire establishing their own Dynasties lead by a Shogun instead of a Daimyo.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:19 No.4550025

    >>The Empress knows Susumu's nature and is using him for his insight into how the Spider think. Also he is untainted.

    Alderac has left me in RAGE.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:20 No.4550030
    >The Dragon canidate was Kitsuki Iweko and she is now Empress.
    Hahahahaaha. I remember when the Kitsuki first popped up, with their silly ideas of "evidence" for criminal courts. Now one of 'em's the Empress? That's rich.

    Ah well, I've always been a big Dragon fan, so this pleases me, even if the metaplot is shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:21 No.4550035
    So let me get this straight...story sucks, setting rocks
    and developers still ignoring the roleplayers contributions
    to the game as if we were gnats to be swatted.

    ....still wont stop me from doing what I love and playing a damn good Scorpion/Dragon/Phoenix or Lion....I cant seem to rp the others so well thought.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:22 No.4550051
    Yeah, I fell for that shit TWICE from the same Crane. They are just really good at that trick.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:23 No.4550057

    ... and then, enter the Merenae East Indies Company and their divide et impera way.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:23 No.4550059
    By your own description your module sounds just like Test of the Topaz Champion, adding Lore or Theology tests does not make it any different. I just called it as I saw it. Your little twist of 500 years before the Clan War just means you have to explain who Doji Bishojo is and why he is important. A well run TotTC is exactly what you are trying to do.

    That better?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:25 No.4550068
    I'd thought that was purely biological. Silly me.

    Ah. My mistake, then. Never played the CCG, just the RPG.

    My take on this: Societies through history generally discriminate based upon gender because in the lower classes of an agriculturally based society, women are constantly pregnant and often everyone is malnourished, meaning that everyone's weaker and the women are dying young in childbirth all over the place. In all likelihood, Rokugani peasants are perfectly willing to discriminate based upon gender amongst themselves. However, Rokugan has both a heavy female presence in its warrior classes and gender-neutral magic, meaning that in the upper classes gender bias can't really get that much of a foothold.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:28 No.4550088
    Thank you actually that is alot better, now I can go back read up on the Topaz championship and do my best to revise things so that it isnt blatant copying (which I hate alot) ....damn and my work took up three entire days of writing so far, thought I had really gone about things a different way....sure it ends in gempukku, but it was about the journey not the destination.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:30 No.4550097
    Right on the money.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:33 No.4550120
    No, a Merenae ship crashes with a new technology. Flintlocks, previously illegal under Imperial Law the new Shogunates take these Firearms and a few began to use them and replicate them. Others tend to view them with disgust, these are the Crane, Crab, and Unicorn (mainly because it scares their horses). The Scorpions use it to enhance their warfare outside of stealth. Phoenixes & Dragons show no interest in it. Lions & Mantis really take it to heart, mostly because Lions have the largest military and always want a heads-up. The Lions use Eta Musketeers, since they have no rights it won't matter if they own "dishonorable" weapons. Mantis use them because it's cheap, easy to wear & use (with practice), and evens their disadvantage with calvary
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:35 No.4550132
    I like the cut of your gib mate.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:39 No.4550152
    I'd except a few Crab to use whatever they could get their hands on to defend the Wall though. Guns wouldn't be out of the question if a scene gets desperate enough.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:40 No.4550154
    I don't get what you're trying to say.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:41 No.4550165
    he means he wants to have anal sex with you
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:45 No.4550191
    >>I'd thought that was purely biological. Silly me.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it's ALSO biological... What's their relationships with nezumis btw?

    >>My take on this: Societies through history generally discriminate based upon gender because in the lower classes of an agriculturally based society, women are constantly pregnant and often everyone is malnourished, meaning that everyone's weaker and the women are dying young in childbirth all over the place. In all likelihood, Rokugani peasants are perfectly willing to discriminate based upon gender amongst themselves. However, Rokugan has both a heavy female presence in its warrior classes and gender-neutral magic, meaning that in the upper classes gender bias can't really get that much of a foothold.

    Point is, even higher classes of pre-industrial societies had their women "in check". Probably because of the mare-treatment as seen before.
    So, ok, no problem with the shugenjas, the kami did it. Courtiers? Sure, why not? Maybe with some more honor problems, but seems fine. It's probably not much of a a problem if a courtier is pregnant now and then. Imagine the female importance in intellectual circles in 1700 europe.
    But I don't see explanations about the female bushis. Sounds strange to me to have them on the battle and after expect they'll go back to the kitchen.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:48 No.4550213

    Guns? Why guns?

    Just grapeshot the onis. Epic lulz ensue.

    Well, before they mine the Wall.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)21:57 No.4550252
    Crab clan is reluctant of using guns because they don't want to waste their time with Gaijin weapons when a good sword or tetsubo does the trick. However when a band of musketeers from the Lion Clan arrived to help the Crab Clan at the wall the Crabs have a healthily respect for the weapon. The falcon clan uses the muskets the most, they were the ones to invent rifling even before the Gaijin did, as with the bow they have to aim carefully than shooting with luck.

    While muskets/rifles are new, the old crossbow has actually seen an increase. The crossbow easier than a bow to fire, and with more force they're heavily favored with the Scorpion clan. Assassins now are trained in the crossbow, as it has more stopping power than the shortbow, so that armor is no obstacle.
    >> Dorfaboo 05/13/09(Wed)22:02 No.4550280

    fuck off with your lack of knowlege. motherfucker.
    >> Meow the Magnificent 05/13/09(Wed)22:09 No.4550329
    still didn't stop there being plenty of actual historical female warriors in history. That there weren't is more a modern misconception.

    But yeah, that makes sense. It takes one man to make ten women pregnant. A woman can only have one kid at a time. It would be silly to send the entire hope for your next generation off to die. Also, someone has to keep the home front going. If everyone goes to fight then you just leave an empty town. But try not to exaggerate the dangerousness of pregnancy. You make it sound like everyone had no mothers. Most women didn't die.. the great majority survived having many kids.

    I'd say the women fighting were probably the ones that weren't having kids and weren't married anyway.. but battlefield babies were an actual phenomenon. Pop a kid out between fights. Go back to fighting.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)22:10 No.4550335
    Ok, as long he has protection and lube and I get to go top next.
    >> Meow the Magnificent 05/13/09(Wed)22:11 No.4550340
    Also, a woman in full battle gear looks no different from a man. So you wouldn't be able to tell if a woman was at your side anyway.

    You all look like men in the armor.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)22:13 No.4550348
    I would hit the Crane girl in a totally polite and courteous way, with the approval of both our families.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)22:22 No.4550386
    I participated in the thread last night, had a brief anecdote about L5R Lesbian.

    Shosuro Shinobi with a mad crush on Kachiko, who used her feelings to manipulate her into being a perfectly loyal henchwoman. ended up blowing her mission during the Coup to attempt to save Kachiko. Kachiko yelled at her for being a fuckup, Shinobi runs off and holds off a batallion of Lion with a combination of GAR Willpower combat, explosives, and shadow-brand coming up and giving horrible taint, while dying in the process.

    Kachiko is a bitch. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)22:28 No.4550427

    It really isn't how it works. Female samurai have just as much sex as male samurai. Women in positions of power and badass are respected because nobody wants to get MATSU CRUSH'd.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:01 No.4550618
    bump for more rokugani lesbians.

    in before someone has a story about "Matsu Daiko"
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:16 No.4550726
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:19 No.4550752
    I assume it's a name pun.
    Not as good as Matsu Huzyodadi, however.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:20 No.4550758
    >Say it out loud a few times
    >Drop the o
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:22 No.4550778

    What about Otaku Beru?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:24 No.4550785

    More by this artist?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:25 No.4550794
    Oh, god, that's bad.
    But not as bad as this.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:25 No.4550799

    Fuckin degenerate
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:28 No.4550809
    name pun discussion what not what I had in mind with bumping. where are the lesbians in kimonos?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:29 No.4550814

    Or lesbians OUT of kimonos!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:30 No.4550817
    Oh, like YOUR kink is any better.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:30 No.4550819

    I've had six people try to play Moto Yugi, Unicorn Clan Master of Games
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:46 No.4550913
    Matsu Kenji and Hoketuhime had a behind-the-scenes affair. Kenji was trying to cover up her Otemi Lost Love.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:53 No.4550956
         File :1242273200.jpg-(185 KB, 800x593, 12hitoe-peony_la-sera.jpg)
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    There is nothing pseudo-realistic about L5R. It is total fantasy with very deep roots in East Asian history and mythology, primarily Japanese and Chinese.

    1st edition was NOT as equal opportunity and sexist (i.e. more realistic) as 2nd and 3rd edition. That's when samurai-ko were required to be celibate.

    Pretty sure 3rd Edition is 100% equal opportunity though.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:55 No.4550966
    Missionary position for child procreation?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:01 No.4551001
    What games we talking about? Game involving shadow creatures and using them against each other in form of playing cards?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:02 No.4551009
    One could say that they are children's card games.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:03 No.4551013
    Unicorn clan was originally the Ki-rin clan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ki-rin

    The Matsu family would like to have a word with you. Don't forget, Matsu women pretty much never go to their husband's clan. The husband of a Matsu takes his wife's name.

    Fur and leather are okay but it's never the main part of clothing unless SILK ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU YOU FILTHY GAIJIN etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:07 No.4551039
    Ok, only if Bayushi Kiba can join.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:10 No.4551048
         File :1242274238.jpg-(358 KB, 1000x1450, okama_-_hanafuda_-_012.jpg)
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    Dragon ended up winning position of emperor because of how out of character shit with the Race for the Throne metagame played out. Scorpion players were cheating all over the place and saying they were behaving in character. The further they got ahead, the more people started to give up on their own clan and throw their support to the Dragon. It's a long story and it was kind of shitty.

    The story isn't as good as it used to but that's because it seems like they're down to only one really good writer. So many of the really good people have left. John WIck is self-important asshole but damn he was an amazing writer.

    Have a kitsune pretending to be a loli out of a kimono.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:12 No.4551054
         File :1242274323.jpg-(70 KB, 301x450, ken-akamatsu-love-hina-i.jpg)
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    I once played Matsu Kenaka. Started rank 1 with an Earth ring of 4 and max ranks of strength of the earth.

    Basically, all he could do is absorb hits that would shatter rock with no visible damage.

    Then he got XP, and ended up with a kenjutsu and iaijutsu of 6.

    He kharmic strike'd Bayushi Shoju.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:18 No.4551081
         File :1242274722.jpg-(187 KB, 842x595, onmyouji_by_feimo.jpg)
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    Anyway, back to the ghey.

    Basically, any sort of crazy wild sexual hijinks are allowed in Rokugan because as long as nobody finds out about it, it basically didn't happen.

    Rokugan's roots are primarily in China and Japan, which had no qualms with male or female homosexuality -- to the point where Japan is frequently compared to Greece because of the similar pedagogic homosexual relationships. Nobody had any moral hang-ups about homosexual/bisexual behavior.

    It's the same in Rokugan.

    So Marimite L5R is totally feasible, especially in Utaku and Matsu schools.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:39 No.4551193
    >>There is nothing pseudo-realistic about L5R. It is total fantasy with very deep roots in East Asian history and mythology, primarily Japanese and Chinese.

    So I guess the steal from japan part is just not enough creativity?
    >> Correct Infoz Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:44 No.4551219
    Regarding lesbianism in Rokugan:
    L5R has one open homosexual and one very blatant closet case in the canon NPC's. Both of them are male. Ignoring the matter beyond that is intentional as the game must still be marketed to "the masses" and homophobes spend money, too. It exists, and the above posters that reference "discretion" are spot on.

    Adultery is actually extremely common in Rokugan on both ends of the spectrum. Husbands that spend great lengths of time away from home will find someone to spend their idle hours with, frequently in highly sexual manners. Wives whose husbands spend great lengths of time away from home will do the same.

    - No Children = No problem
    - Husband has illegitimate children = Ignore them, Quietly pay mistress for care, have them killed, or mysteriously adopt child into household while giving some bullshit story about how it is to repay an obligation.
    - Wife has illegitimate children = Lie about it. Now they are legitimate.

    Case in point: Bayushi Dairu. He was the illegitimate son of Bayushi Kachiko and Doji Hoturi. Bayushi Kachiko's husband, Bayushi Shoju (then Champion of the Scorpion) knew that Dairu was not his, knew who fathered him, and never said a word about it to anyone, including the wife that bore him. Shoju not only treated Dairu like a trueborn legitimate son in public, but adored him like his own flesh and blood.

    Exception: The Spider punish Adultery with death.

    Regarding Rokugan and Politely Ignoring: Based on Japan, where if a billionaire businessman farts in an important meeting, it doesn't matter unless someone giggles -- Then it causes a tremendous loss of face. Rokugani are very good at "looking the other way" when things happen that might embarrass someone, and infidelity is one of those matters unless their are underlying motivations otherwise (spouse is family, blackmail urges, problematic lack of subtlety, etc.).
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:47 No.4551235
    Could you rephrase this in the form of some kind of troll comment that is more specific?

    I'm saying that L5R is not "pseudo-historical." It borrows from a bunch of East Asian shit, just mostly Japan and China (spoiler alert: 75% Japanese culture etc. was imported from China).

    So... come again?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:54 No.4551272

    If a game copies (twisting it or not) an actual historical setting, it's pseudo-historical to me.
    I guess you feel L5R doesn't copy feudal Japan, but the lack of originality in its setting solutions make me think it does.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:01 No.4551311
    I know a guy who was one of the playtesters of the RPG in the early stages. HUGE weeaboo. like "lived in japan for 10 years, married a Japanese woman and took HER name, and named their kid Kenji" weeaboo.

    He was, however, possessing a great deal of knowledge for stuff regarding actual Japanese Historical stuff. And during the playtest, tried repeatedly to correct "mistakes"

    Until the devteam said, flatly. "Rokugan is not Japan." which means the differences are not them being ignorant gaijin, but describing the setting.

    It's pseudo-historical the way the Hyborian Age is Pseudo-historical. Which is not at all.

    It's Pocky-Flavored DnD, really.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:05 No.4551327
         File :1242277518.jpg-(88 KB, 477x358, kabutogirl-clean.jpg)
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    Okay, I inferred "pseudo-historical" to mean it was actually somewhat historically accurate or something.

    Regarding L5R and originality, of course it wasn't the first RPG to do a bunch of oriental shit and yeah, it's largely an idealized take on feudal Japan but... that's what I like about it. It's "oriental RPG setting" done RIGHT and done really well, for me.

    I am a samurai show-watching feudal Japan weaboo faggot. L5R is exactly what I want, basically.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:07 No.4551337

    Alternately, it could mean that the developers didn't have time to constantly re-write everything to suit the tastes of one person during the writing process, nor spend a decade to research the culture and history of Japan to make it match better.

    There is even the odd chance that the writers simply had different priorities, and that the most important thing was telling a good story, and accuracy falls by the wayside.

    Hell, I heard this strange rumor that Rokugan isn't actually based on Japan at all, but is actually based on Japan's romanticized self-image as portrayed in their own literature of the period.

    All of the previous prefacing were me being a facetious cock. All three of them are actually just "correct."
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:10 No.4551354
         File :1242277841.jpg-(96 KB, 357x500, biito_gohatto.jpg)
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    >>Hell, I heard this strange rumor that Rokugan isn't actually based on Japan at all, but is actually based on Japan's romanticized self-image as portrayed in their own literature of the period.


    Japan wasn't nearly as interesting as Rokugan. I don't want a perfectly accurate setting, but I want more than some kind of badly-researched Oriental Adventures chop-sockey.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:11 No.4551356

    You DON'T expect them to go back to the kitchen. Female samurai don't cook, that's what you have SERVANTS for.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:13 No.4551369
    No, you tell them to...

    Fuck, what did aristocratic women in japan do?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:14 No.4551375

    What? Really? Tell us more!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:15 No.4551381

    facetious cock is successful
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:15 No.4551386

    Write and have sex, mostly. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:17 No.4551398

    According to most of the literature of Japan's history, they lounged about and waited to get raped while they talked about who was raping who.

    The first "novel" acknowledged by most historians is the Tale of Genji, and even in the modern era he is considered heroic despite the fact that he is a blatant serial rapist that. Fun Fact: It was written by an aristocratic woman of court.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:18 No.4551401
    /tg/, you're doing yourself no wonders for escaping the stereotype that you're all pathetic nerds of a most virginal nature.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:18 No.4551404
         File :1242278334.jpg-(86 KB, 640x480, 1938book_mother-seppukuprevent.jpg)
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    Make babies and get fought over by men. Order servants around (to do the cleaning etc.). Possibly manage finances. Play games, write poetry, go to the theatre. Raise all the children.

    That's what jidaigeki have taught me, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:20 No.4551411
    Actually no it doesnt not in the context I was using it in, but oh well some people have their little games to play, sorry about my late response the wife called me to do a few chores, but yes Rokugan is a very fun setting whose Plot is somewhat lack luster but whose Background...like most systems works wonders if you can get your players agreeing to and roleplaying it to the best of their ability.

    *thumbs up*
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:21 No.4551413
         File :1242278461.jpg-(95 KB, 800x533, archerygirls02.jpg)
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    Funny you should mention that since two people trolling this thread are a married couple.

    Can we get back to the gay?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:21 No.4551415
    Matriarchal Japan was awesome, Buddhist japan is not.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:23 No.4551426
         File :1242278619.jpg-(91 KB, 640x480, 1938book_entertainers.jpg)
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    So true, and so very disturbing.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:25 No.4551439
    >married couple

    The fact you bothered to post an unprovable statement about yourself to disprove the unprovable statement of another anonymous speaks volumes about your own level of personal insecurity.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:26 No.4551445
    Please tell me more, you have instigated my curiosity and I wish to understand the cultural facts that lurk within your minds recesses.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:28 No.4551459
         File :1242278906.jpg-(117 KB, 800x787, 4chan-telephone.jpg)
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    Unprovable? All it takes is a pic with a time stamp (which you are tempting me to do) but this is /tg/ you jackass troll. This is neckbeard land. Who the fuck gives a shit? Go bawwww about weaboos somewhere else. Try /a/.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:30 No.4551468
         File :1242279004.jpg-(1.34 MB, 1920x1200, 1208534956310.jpg)
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    Could we have slightly less debating feudal era Japan and slightly more lesbians?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:31 No.4551473
    Oh gods man if your going to post something as hilarious as that would you mind terribly making it female, naked or half naked and vaguely Rokugani in style.

    Pretty please
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:33 No.4551484
         File :1242279218.jpg-(810 KB, 1434x1024, 62d65a10265b7fa26088212a6226f6(...).jpg)
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    Less /b/ more lesbians in kimonos.

    Well I was close.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:35 No.4551491
         File :1242279310.jpg-(62 KB, 640x699, 1161678185405.jpg)
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    Actually on-topic for once, it occurs to me to suggest that Kannazuki no Miko might actually work in this setting. If you change a few details.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:36 No.4551493
    You have inspired me good sir, let me see what I can find...even if it isnt girl on girl :(
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:39 No.4551503
         File :1242279546.jpg-(242 KB, 1200x927, 1190564541572.jpg)
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    I don't know how much Rokugan is open to the whole god-slaying shenanigans.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:39 No.4551506
    Why would I bawww about weeaboos? I'm bawwwing about the fact that /tg/ has had a constant obsession with lesbians that smacks of juvenile male fantasy and nothing more. There is no genuine curiousity about the history of human culture and its acceptance of sexuality, it's just "hurr hurr, I want to fap".
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:40 No.4551508
         File :1242279621.jpg-(178 KB, 1000x1445, 1223202651918.jpg)
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    Heres one of my fav, enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:40 No.4551510
    >The first "novel" acknowledged by most historians is the Tale of Genji, and even in the modern era he is considered heroic despite the fact that he is a blatant serial rapist that. Fun Fact: It was written by an aristocratic woman of court.

    It's also arguable self-insertion, since after writing it, the author began to be called by the name of Genji's love interest (well, one of the MAIN ones) by her peers.

    She's the one who gets carried off and raped by Genji as a little girl. Not ALL the women he sleeps with are rape cases though.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:42 No.4551514
         File :1242279721.jpg-(149 KB, 600x863, 1219282146612.jpg)
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    And another
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:42 No.4551517
         File :1242279766.gif-(106 KB, 465x317, p723ws.gif)
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    Hi there, trolling treating you well? I've read Genji in the original Japanese. Stop pretending that you know what's in the text or what ancient Japanese sexuality was like, okay? There are several examples of sexually aggressive older women, sexually dominant young women and a whole lot of competitive box-blocking in order to secure exclusive sex with with the best men and have the inheriting sons. You basically know shit and should shut-up.

    Also, those of this thread should google "lesbian shunga." Pic related, it is from the mid 18th century. The real question is: was sakoku era Japanese pornography any more of a legitimate depiction of sex between women than modern lesbian pornography? Probably not. Nevertheless, homoerotic behavior of both sorts has existed in every society in every time period of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:44 No.4551521
         File :1242279855.png-(190 KB, 408x957, clever.png)
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    Then I owe you an apology, sir. I'm not really a regular but whenever I see L5R brought up on /tg/, people usually just disregard it as being for weaboos and nothing ever really gets discussed. I thought >>4551401 was in reference to the Japanese fixation.

    It turns out we were on the same track all along. I wanted to discuss culture etc.

    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:45 No.4551524
         File :1242279902.jpg-(174 KB, 866x921, 1220137752774.jpg)
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    And another
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:45 No.4551528
         File :1242279944.jpg-(20 KB, 445x333, 1184552210647.jpg)
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    Man, those are the ugliest faces ever. Good to see even back then Japan couldn't draw.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:47 No.4551534
    Welcome to 4chan, you must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:47 No.4551536
    Actually wanted to know if anyone has a RS or anything that I could Dl Genji's Tale from, Im interested in a read of a copy that isnt tamed by stupid censors in australia.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:48 No.4551540
         File :1242280093.png-(60 KB, 320x320, 1234125599310.png)
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    >Implying that Japanese can't draw.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:48 No.4551544

    Oh PS: Genji was likely mid-teens and the girl was likely a tween in the first chapter that is getting called "rape" here.

    Bitches need to shut up.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:49 No.4551548
    God, I hope so.

    Plus, OP wins for making an L5R thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:50 No.4551553
    the trolling is treating us very well, and thank you.

    also, masterwork katanas: can they neatly bisect two tanks, or just one? discuss.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:50 No.4551555
    Man did I pic a perfect time to go to bed.
    INB4 shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:51 No.4551557
    Fucking retards, what the hell is with you /tg/?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:51 No.4551558
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:51 No.4551562
         File :1242280315.jpg-(213 KB, 1280x1024, 1185021853678.jpg)
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    Swords are for pussies.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:52 No.4551564
         File :1242280331.jpg-(52 KB, 525x371, hokusai_octopus.jpg)
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    I'll just leave this here...
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:53 No.4551568
    The word you're looking for is tribadism.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:56 No.4551579
         File :1242280589.png-(21 KB, 1024x960, coolstorybro-mario.png)
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    Of course the following is true
    >>There are several examples of sexually aggressive older women, sexually dominant young women and a whole lot of competitive box-blocking in order to secure exclusive sex with with the best men and have the inheriting sons.

    But that doesn't change the fact that Genji Monogatari has a lot of rape, and that rape and taking whatever woman you wanted was common.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:59 No.4551589
    So no one has a copy of this book they can upload or know where to download a copy from?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)02:00 No.4551593
         File :1242280810.jpg-(407 KB, 800x700, 1228726152668.jpg)
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    >sexually aggressive older women
    >sexually dominant young women

    I don't know which I prefer the sound of, a lesbian pedophile or a teenage dyke. How about both?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)02:01 No.4551601
         File :1242280913.jpg-(117 KB, 550x368, wakashudo-nervous.jpg)
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    P.S. Shudo was here, calm the fuck down you angry dyke.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)02:03 No.4551606
    a teenaged lesbian dyke pedophile?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)02:03 No.4551609
         File :1242281011.jpg-(42 KB, 350x283, wakashudo-threesome.jpg)
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    For fuck's sake it's "Genji Monogatari" or "Tale of Genji," it's one of the oldest novels in the world. Find it yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)02:03 No.4551613
    Can you technically be a pedophile if you're underage yourself?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)02:04 No.4551614
    >191 posts and 32 image replies
    Why do I even come here?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)02:10 No.4551645
    this is the internet and you are very bored.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)02:11 No.4551651
    Because its an amazing love hate relationship.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)05:00 No.4552572
    What the fuck, /tg/, a mature and sociological conversation on the subject of gender relations?

    I'd like to point out, though, that for all the extra attention and prominence lesbians in Rokugan would gain from egalitarianism, the lack of gender segregation would also quite possibly mush the existence of homosexual culture and romanticization. So, military or dojo pederasty might not just be man-on-boy and woman-on-girl, it might be a hot MILF samurai molesting her shota students.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)06:06 No.4552927
         File :1242295561.jpg-(111 KB, 422x600, bayushi_kachiko_exp.jpg)
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    Bayushi Kachiko: Great Scorpion or Greatest Scorpion?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)06:19 No.4553007
         File :1242296369.jpg-(94 KB, 700x515, Chuda_Ruri_Reflecting_Pool.jpg)
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    This thread isn't bumping anymore, is it? Should we start another?

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