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  • File :1239537991.jpg-(110 KB, 515x598, Iron_Warriors_Dreadnought.jpg)
    110 KB Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:06 No.4259103  
    An apocalypse of metal is upon us.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:09 No.4259127
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:10 No.4259131
    No one will be spared, not even the children. Especially not the children.
    >> aNOnymoUs 04/12/09(Sun)08:15 No.4259155
         File :1239538545.png-(122 KB, 272x272, 1238675868869.png)
    122 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:16 No.4259162
    fucking children
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:16 No.4259165
    Yes, There will be some of that.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:17 No.4259168
    You could say...Metalocalypse?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:19 No.4259177
         File :1239538765.jpg-(24 KB, 216x282, 1234884136569.jpg)
    24 KB
    Get 'im Ladz
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:19 No.4259180
    counts as dreadnought
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:21 No.4259189
         File :1239538875.png-(182 KB, 640x360, rpgklok0014.png)
    182 KB
    Fire-breathing trolls?! Who makes fire breathing trolls? That's just something you don't mess with!
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:22 No.4259196
         File :1239538939.jpg-(20 KB, 611x519, charlespodium.jpg)
    20 KB
    I am the dungeon master, and that does give me the power to do that. Now if we can just get on with the game...
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:23 No.4259198
         File :1239538991.jpg-(7 KB, 301x277, nathansheet.jpg)
    7 KB
    Murderface is right. That's a dick move right there.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:23 No.4259203
         File :1239539033.jpg-(26 KB, 356x269, pickles.jpg)
    26 KB
    Yeah, that's a TOTAL dick move. You shouldn't- shouldn't do that kind of stuff.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:24 No.4259210
         File :1239539090.png-(161 KB, 640x360, rpgklok0011.png)
    161 KB
    I knew he couldn't be trusted. I just knew it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:25 No.4259218
    This thread is blacker than the blackest black, times infinity.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:27 No.4259224
         File :1239539228.jpg-(48 KB, 807x704, dr.rockso.jpg)
    48 KB

    I do cooooooocaaaaaainnnneeeee.
    >> Dr Rockzo 04/12/09(Sun)08:28 No.4259234
         File :1239539286.jpg-(12 KB, 259x250, Doctor_Rockso1.jpg)
    12 KB
    hEY guys, can Doctor Rockzo puh-puh-puh play too?
    >> Dr Rockzo 04/12/09(Sun)08:28 No.4259238
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:30 No.4259249
         File :1239539444.jpg-(10 KB, 256x300, 151418_res5_Toki.jpg)
    10 KB
    You cans plays Doomrider.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:31 No.4259256
    Nathan / Black Legion
    Murderface / Death Guard
    Pickles / Alpha Legion
    Toki / World Eaters
    Skwisgar / Emperor's Children
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:32 No.4259259
         File :1239539521.jpg-(7 KB, 180x225, 180px-Senator_Stamp.jpg)
    7 KB
    Gentlemen, it seems that Dethklok is having DM issues. Here is our expert on player conflicts, Steve Jackson.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:34 No.4259272
         File :1239539652.jpg-(29 KB, 483x269, cro.jpg)
    29 KB
    But what could Dethklok be doing playing tabletop games?

    Sir I recommend a series of surgical strikes, We must take out Dethklok once, And for all!
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:34 No.4259273
         File :1239539670.jpg-(28 KB, 418x353, 000t01r2.jpg)
    28 KB
    Ok, imagine this: The players and the dungeon master. They are like two forces, constantly exchanging power, working together to create a beautiful storyline, something wonderful- something powerful. When there is friction, power begins to gather up between them, building and building into an explosion of rage that will no doubt become the most brutal ragequit the world has ever seen.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:37 No.4259289
         File :1239539850.jpg-(37 KB, 431x538, rockzo.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:39 No.4259300
         File :1239539971.jpg-(14 KB, 482x359, purple alert1.jpg)
    14 KB
    Thank you Mr. Jackson.

    Gentlemen, I feel that it is once again time for the Purple Alert.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:41 No.4259311
         File :1239540093.jpg-(15 KB, 477x269, purple3.jpg)
    15 KB
    Not this [riff] again.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:48 No.4259352
         File :1239540484.png-(237 KB, 640x360, rpgklok0010.png)
    237 KB
    After defeating the trolls, you proceed further into the temple. You come across a dark-armoured knight kneeling in front of a blasphemous holy symbol that stands upon a pedestal. The wizard did mention that the portal may be guarded by things other than wandering monsters. What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)08:52 No.4259374
         File :1239540759.jpg-(97 KB, 322x300, skwisgaar_black.jpg)
    97 KB
    I, uh, plays a solo at hims?
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)08:56 No.4259397
         File :1239541003.jpg-(16 KB, 445x433, skwisolo.jpg)
    16 KB
    [DM] Alright, I assume you're using Curse Song. Roll damage.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)09:01 No.4259421
         File :1239541264.jpg-(13 KB, 288x360, skwisgaar.jpg)
    13 KB
    rolled 4, 10, 1 = 15

    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:01 No.4259426
         File :1239541307.jpg-(13 KB, 442x265, bloodrocution.jpg)
    13 KB
    [DM] Your curse song is very effective and the knight seems terribly wounded, but has not yet fallen. Roll initiative.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:03 No.4259433
         File :1239541401.jpg-(16 KB, 482x359, dethtable3.jpg)
    16 KB
    [Some rolls happen, etc.]
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:04 No.4259439
         File :1239541483.jpg-(23 KB, 720x416, mace belt.jpg)
    23 KB
    I casts acid ray!
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:05 No.4259442
         File :1239541516.jpg-(73 KB, 476x264, metal02b.jpg)
    73 KB
    'ts pretty obvious what I want to do.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)09:07 No.4259451
    >get on with the game...
    >with the game...
    >the game...
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:10 No.4259466
         File :1239541802.jpg-(7 KB, 233x229, charles.jpg)
    7 KB
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:18 No.4259510
         File :1239542316.png-(262 KB, 720x416, rpgklok0019.png)
    262 KB
    Wow...I...must admit that I wasn't expecting so many 20's in a row. Here's what happens.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:21 No.4259531
         File :1239542494.png-(311 KB, 884x510, rpgklok0034.png)
    311 KB
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:22 No.4259539
         File :1239542535.png-(312 KB, 884x510, rpgklok0035.png)
    312 KB
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:23 No.4259551
         File :1239542634.png-(345 KB, 992x558, rpgklok0032.png)
    345 KB
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:26 No.4259562
         File :1239542777.png-(216 KB, 640x360, rpgklok0036.png)
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    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:27 No.4259570
    [That's it for now I'm afraid. Please archive if you think it's worthy. Here's a link to the previous thread a while ago: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/4102739/ ]
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)09:29 No.4259588
    metalocalypse D&D - nice

    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)09:31 No.4259598
    No! I order you to keep going! Your Dark Lord COMMANDS it!!
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)09:36 No.4259625
         File :1239543367.png-(193 KB, 640x360, rpgklok0037.png)
    193 KB
    And make me a sandwich!

    I'd like to but I just got back home from my night shift job and today's game day...I gotta get at least a few hours of shuteye. But who knows, if I have trouble sleeping I might just come back on and pull and all-nighter (morninger?)
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)09:37 No.4259637
    I call it a "dayer", myself.
    >> Agouri !!Q+SCob6iFc6 04/12/09(Sun)10:06 No.4259853

    Brilliant performance, once again Xom

    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)10:14 No.4259919
         File :1239545658.png-(253 KB, 640x360, rpgklok0028.png)
    253 KB
    [It seems I can't fall asleep. Shit...well, this means I'll go on for a bit. Too bad a whole chunk of the...err...'story' in between this session and the first is missing. It seems it happened at a time when no anon who was interested in it was online. It involved the gang getting their quest and Pickles slipping into a drunken stupor filled with hallucinations. Ah well. Brb, breakfast.]
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)10:32 No.4260030
         File :1239546755.jpg-(71 KB, 1280x722, picklespaper.jpg)
    71 KB
    Woah! Hold on now there! 'Invisibility'? That's on my spells list? How come nobody ever told me?
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)10:44 No.4260075
         File :1239547497.jpg-(45 KB, 1280x722, charleschair.jpg)
    45 KB
    Well pickles, you are an illusionist. That's the sort of thing they do...illusions. And might I note that you should really keep track of your own spells and what they are capable-
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)10:52 No.4260110
         File :1239547953.png-(274 KB, 784x441, rpgklok0038.png)
    274 KB
    Can I cast it now? I want to cast it now. I'm casting it!
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:00 No.4260147
         File :1239548446.png-(138 KB, 640x360, rpgklok0009.png)
    138 KB
    After a brief incantation, Pickles fades out of sight completely.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:09 No.4260191
         File :1239548961.jpg-(7 KB, 216x289, nathan.jpg)
    7 KB
    Wait, Pickles! You're invisible! I totally can't see you!
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:11 No.4260199
         File :1239549087.png-(193 KB, 784x441, rpgklok0039.png)
    193 KB
    Yeah! I know! It totally rocks! See I didn't even know I could do that!
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:14 No.4260220
         File :1239549245.png-(251 KB, 640x360, rpgklok0022.png)
    251 KB
    I wants to becomes invisibles too!
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:25 No.4260278
         File :1239549942.jpg-(5 KB, 257x261, charlesdm.jpg)
    5 KB
    Well, Toki, you didn't take the spell, and your racial spell-like abilities don't consist of anything like that...
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:26 No.4260283
         File :1239549974.jpg-(24 KB, 840x473, murderface3.jpg)
    24 KB
    It's always the rules with you, isn't it? Robot.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:29 No.4260298
         File :1239550181.png-(354 KB, 720x416, rpgklok0042.png)
    354 KB
    Skwisgaar: Yeah, it doesn'ts allows for immersive gameplay of any kinds.

    Pickles: Can we just get on with the game?
    >> Agouri !!Q+SCob6iFc6 04/12/09(Sun)11:36 No.4260325
    Im so imagining all this
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)11:41 No.4260356
         File :1239550884.jpg-(2 KB, 90x89, s_48cee90f66984c3d9941ca7ab36f(...).jpg)
    2 KB
    I see. Well, since you haven't used any of your spells yet, I could allow you to take invisibility in place of one of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)11:41 No.4260357
         File :1239550901.jpg-(48 KB, 444x366, 1174849865629.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)11:42 No.4260362
         File :1239550931.jpg-(7 KB, 277x251, murderface2.jpg)
    7 KB
    That's right...

    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:45 No.4260376
         File :1239551125.jpg-(33 KB, 522x346, x26hhz.jpg)
    33 KB
    [Shit, stopped namefagging for a few moments there.]

    Hey! It says I have a familiar! I know what I'm pickin'. Only the most metal animal ever!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)11:47 No.4260387
    That's not a pangolin. Your argument is invalid.
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:47 No.4260388
         File :1239551264.jpg-(4 KB, 170x177, m_2b19cde1b447f5eee6710dff6076(...).jpg)
    4 KB
    That's not really in the...


    Alright. A lobster familiar. You got it.

    [I must go now gents. I have sum homebrew to play. If this thing's still not dead by the time I'm back, I'll totally continue.]
    >> Xom 04/12/09(Sun)11:51 No.4260411
         File :1239551471.png-(305 KB, 640x360, rpgklok0024.png)
    305 KB
    Thanks for hanging on for the ride. I hope you guys like reading these as much as I like making this shit up as I go along. Also can someone update the archive? Xommers does not an archivist make. I rolled one up once, but never got to play him.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)12:02 No.4260508
    sir...this just made my day

    god I could hear it all being said in there voices too....
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)12:03 No.4260513
    this is a truly great thread
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)12:04 No.4260522
    lets archive this
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)14:23 No.4261437
    Awesomeness abounds.
    >> Agouri !!Q+SCob6iFc6 04/12/09(Sun)15:43 No.4261937
    No, let's just keep this alive until Xom comes back
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)15:47 No.4261958
    Off topic but this reminds me
    I have this FW Dreadnought for my iron warriors
    Lost the head somewhere...anyone have any good ideas for something I can use as a replacement?
    Let a friend have it so they could spray it down with boltgun metal and the fuck lost the head
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)16:06 No.4262066
    Try some heads off of the possessed sprue
    Or better yet, find a badass helmet from A Warriors of Chaos Fantasy sprue
    Might look better than the regular head

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