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    File :1233712130.jpg-(112 KB, 300x200, Haus.jpg)
    112 KB Deadlands stories Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)20:48 No.3606600  
    Lets sit around the light of the fire and tell some Deadlands stories. I'll start
    My shop keeper character and his Harrowed friend fought a fake priest who wielded dark magic. He was a recurring villain but the characters he knew had either died or left the posse. He kicked the shit out of us and stuck us into a closet until a few hours later the rest of the group came and distracted him. At which point my friend tried the door and realized that it was unlocked . My character stood for a couple of rounds stunned while the fight went on. The rest of the group decided to retreat but my character, enraged that he had been duped charged the spellcaster and started to through punches left and right. The "priest" not phased at all by this, shoved a fireball into my face. I fell to the ground, almost dead from the blast stunned. He walked over me and began to follow my friends. As a last ditch effort to defeat him. I crawled over behind him and shot him in the foot. Twice. He turned around with the sawed off double barreled shotgun and fired. Twice. Both missed from me flinching out of the way. I laughed at his failure until he loaded to more into the barrel and blew my characters head off. Anti climactic I know, but Deadlands is fucking deadly.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)20:49 No.3606610
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)20:51 No.3606622
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)20:53 No.3606637
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)20:54 No.3606644
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)20:56 No.3606661
    Are mad scientist any good. I've heard mixed reviews.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)20:56 No.3606664
    I don't have any Deadlands stories... But I DID just get the complete Deadwood series for 65% off.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)20:58 No.3606676
    how the hell did you do that?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)20:59 No.3606682
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    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:01 No.3606693

    Fuck that's a good deal. You sir, must step away from the deranged OP and converse with me about my upcoming Aces & Eights campaign. (I'll let you be Swearangen)
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:04 No.3606722
    Amazon.ca had a daily special, and it emailed me with Deadwood as the first one. So, $212 went to, like, $75 after tax.

    Aces & Eights, eh? Is that a system in of itself? I AM INTRIGUED.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:05 No.3606733
    how so?
    >> hyperion !!LtgOgT0wJFN 02/03/09(Tue)21:06 No.3606743
    Deadlands is like Shadowrun on crack.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:07 No.3606749

    Tis' indeed, good sir, and with none of the frippery found rife in your typical game of Deadlands. Magic, monster you say? BAH!

    I could explain why Aces & Eights is great, or I could just show you the Shot Clock: http://www.kenzerco.com/aces_n_eights/gameplay/shotclock.html
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:08 No.3606765
    >>3606722 here

    So, yes, it's a system, but /rs/ doesn't have it.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:10 No.3606780
    That's a pretty canny way to deal with called shots, and accuracy.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:12 No.3606795

    Indeed it is. The only problem I've found is getting a silhouette for every firing position. Sometimes you've got to improvise a bit, or draw your own.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:34 No.3607009
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    Come on, kids, this is a Deadlands thread. Do not derail the awesome!

    A story of one of my PCs and her glorious death:

    Celia Brewer was a Confederate war widow. Her husband, William, died at the battle of Gettysburg, and she never quite recovered. She didn't leave the second stage of mourning, ever. Thanks to bad financial management by her assistants, her plantation went under, and she was forced to flee her debtors, and learn to take care of herself.

    End result? Purty lil' widow with a deathwish (why go on with William gone?), her husband's six shooters on her hips, and the skills (by necessity) to use them and how. She was one HELL of a gunslinger, with a pair of peacemakers. She even ended up with the nickname of Black Widow thanks to her clothing, and took to wearing a red hourglass design on her bodice.

    Fast forward through the campaign, the posse comes to Salt Lake City and Junkyard. While in the 'yard, Celia and another girl in the party were being followed. So, sensing danger, she turns and draws her irons. One of the fellers following them is someone she knows is out for their blood, so she pops a shot into his knee. The SLC law comes in, arrests the whole lot of 'em, and charges Celia and her buddy with discharging firearms within city limits. They sentence the girls to hang.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:35 No.3607031

    Of course, their equipment was confiscated, but along with all of that, what jewelry they wore was also taken. Including Celia's wedding ring. You don't take a widow's wedding ring.

    She took it as a personal offence far stronger than them actually wanting to hang her. When the hanging came, the rest of the party rode in, freed them, and retreated to the 'yard to hide out. That night, Celia left a note on the other girl's door, telling her goodbye and to keep her nose clean.

    Celia uses what money she has left to buy a pair of tricked-out peacemakers and a new gunbelt. She walks brazenly into SLC, a black nightmare of a woman scorned, and strolls right into the Sherriff's office. She slams her hand down on his desk, and tells him how he has slighted her. She challenges him to a duel, immediately.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:36 No.3607038

    The rest of the posse arrives in time to see Celia and the Sherriff (who, unbeknownst to them, is packing Brigham Young's gun) starin' eachother down. They draw. Celia's first, and fires off a shot that knocks him in the noggin, throwin' him for a loop. The second gun comes up and fires at the same time as the Sherriff. She scores another shot straight through his skull, killin' the bastard. His shot slams right into her chest, right between the tits, and turns inside of her, making a beeline right through her heart. (The gun is an automatic heart shot against any non-Mormons.)

    She stands there a moment after he falls, and smiles. "William." She then drops to her knees, then to the dirt, stone dead.

    The girl she'd been arrested with runs into the Sherriff's office and finds his evidence locker. She grabs Celia's ring, and goes to her corpse, where she slides it back onto her finger, while the whole party mourns.

    Her body was shipped back to her family in Georgia, where she was to be buried. On the train ride, lying in her coffin, however, Celia's eyes snapped open. She had come back Harrowed (She had like three grit, and I pulled the Joker on my first card.). Her reaction? "Well damn."
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:44 No.3607119
    awesome deadlands, and awesome story
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)21:57 No.3607240

    Does that mean basically that she was so badass Heaven/Hell wouldn't keep her?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:43 No.3607583
    essentially yes it does
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:47 No.3607614
    goddamn thats awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:48 No.3607617
    That's a pretty shitty character concept.
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:48 No.3607619
    fuck that was awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/03/09(Tue)22:49 No.3607632
    what did the rest of the party consist of?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:36 No.3608469
    You're a pretty shitty character

    Awesome story.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)00:58 No.3608658

    I bet you listen to evanescence too, you fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:05 No.3608713
    Hey Sam.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:41 No.3608971
    A brief tale of a fairly memorable episode of Deadlands:

    My character, a mad scientist taking his dirigible to California in an effort to get a more ready supply of ghost rock for his research (and conveniently accompanied by the rest of the party, heading west for their own reasons), stopped to resupply in a small town in Kansas. Food was purchased with no difficulty, and he was pleasantly surprised to be informed that a man living outside of town was known for his mechanical tendencies and might be able to provide certain gears, springs, and fittings which were needed to continue work on the armament under development for the dirigible, a focused energy cascade discharger whose blueprints unfortunately required a rather large and expensive power source. Its construction was an ongoing project.

    Optimistic, the scientist went about a mile out of town as directed, where he was delighted to discover that the man dwelling there was engaged in rather compelling research of his own. In an effort to create a more powerful means of transportation than the horses and wagons being commonly used around him without relying upon the rare and expensive ghost rock, the professor was engaged in the development of what he termed a "horse-power engine". It operated upon an ingenious methodology roughly consisting of taking an animal and hooking it up to a carefully arranged series of energy harnessing and storage devices, then enticing it to operate at maximum physical capability for as long as the device continued operation and the creature did not succumb (usually fatally) to the stress of the procedure. The results were quite promising, and after parts were purchased my scientist spoke with the man regarding the theory of energy storage and generally enjoyed himself.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:43 No.3608985
    Unfortunately, as he prepared to leave, things began to go horribly wrong. Certain people of the town had, it seemed, been somewhat unnerved by the number of animal research subjects which expired while under the good researcher's care, and upon examination of their bodies- and surreptitious infiltration of the barn-turned-laboratory in which the experiments were conducted- had somehow come to the conclusion that the animals were being deliberately sacrificed in exchange for power. While perhaps true in a literal sense, the appropriate response should probably have been something other than calling in a fire and brimstone preacher to "cleanse the madman and his Satanic works through purifying flame".

    Our efforts at reasonable discussion were in vain, and my scientist was taken captive alongside his newfound friend and quickly marched to the square, where a pyre was being prepared, as the barn full of expensive equipment burned behind them.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:43 No.3608986
    that is really cool actually.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:44 No.3608992
    Fortunately, the remainder of the party, who had mostly been left floating in the dirigible, determined that something was amiss through a mixture of observing the flames and perhaps hearing the pocket-sized screamer device which my scientist inexplicably activated as soon as his vessel was within auditory range. While his passengers had no particular fondness for the scientist, only one of them could fly the dirigible (poorly) and none could maintain it; as they were in the middle of nowhere, Kansas, they set out to rescue him.

    Unfortunately, my scientist was rendered unconscious shortly after his screamer activated for "calling upon demons", so he did not get to see the town get riddled with dirigible-mounted gatling fire. Or see the sticks of dynamite get dropped. Or watch one of the bolder members of the party descend on a rope ladder and extract his limp form from an already-burning stack of wood, then carry it up the now-flaming ladder to safety.

    Instead, he just woke up to discover that his newfound friend had died screaming, his dirigible needed repairs, the gatling gun was out of ammunition, none of the parts he had wanted had been recovered, and both he and his passengers were probably going to have something of a criminal reputation in the future.

    Alas, such is life in the Weird West.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:56 No.3609074
    lol the hell?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)01:58 No.3609092
    Come on man I rarely do this. This is my second in like 4 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:02 No.3609119
    That was an awesome story. How did the one guy die?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:09 No.3609170
    You mean the mad scientist who lived in town? The other party members either didn't realize that he was a friendly or didn't want an NPC who liked my character kicking around (I suspect those for whom the latter was true used the former to thinly disguise it), and so they left him to burn at the stake. Even after driving off the townies with superior firepower, with him screaming as he fried. My gaming group's full of bastards.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:16 No.3609219
    goddamn that is harsh. What did your party consist of?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:25 No.3609259
    My mad scientist, a very Confederate harrowed whose evil side kept trying to throw everyone else off the dirigible while we were in flight, a pair of fairly generic gunslingers, and a surgeon guy who couldn't stop mentioning his significant past specifically so that he could subsequently blatantly change the topic.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:31 No.3609295
    awesome posse is awesome
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:42 No.3609363
    I had a posse that included a 70 year old widow huckster whose husband who was a southern general who died early in the civil war, her 45 year old white supremacist Texas Ranger son, a freed black pinkerton, a black hills shaman, and me a 15 year old blessed with a very fiery passion for long speaches as smote those who i deemed unworthy. I thought i was a blessed, was actually possessed by a rather evil manitou that was trying to develop a large congregation of followers to corrupt, oh and my whole family was killed by indians...

    Guess how long that posse lasted?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:44 No.3609381

    Actually, I prefer They Might Be Giants. Just because I played a somewhat cliched despressy character doesn't mean I'm a faggot with no taste in music.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:47 No.3609401
    I imagine you died third right after the mother who died avenging her son after the Pinkerton killed him.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:48 No.3609414

    you are the true faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:48 No.3609415

    Nicolas Boon - A gentleman Agency member who was TERRIBLE at lying to cover things up. After our first encounter with Walkin' Dead he insisted they were crazed lepers. The "Attack Lepers" jokes didn't stop for the rest of the campaign.

    Natalia - The girl I mentioned in the story. She's former Circus-Folk, a sort of gypsy-type. She was a knife-thrower in the circus, and took up mad alchemy after we met up with a crazy Mad Scientist.

    and Father Patrick - an Irish Protestant blessed who mis-quoted the bible often.

    There were more, but the joined after the story above.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:51 No.3609434
    Nah I actually lived, that character turned out to be our BBEG in the next campaign too (I got to kill him too, very odd to shoot your previous character in the head) but that is almost exactly how it went down.

    Our next time drawin up characters we had to do it together at the table at the same time, to prevent so many clashing backstories.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:51 No.3609437

    Much to her chagrin. She ended up getting buried before she could get out of her coffin. Eventually clawed her way out of the grave in Hell on Earth.


    Thanks much.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:53 No.3609453
    that sounds like a pretty cool group.
    Did you have a lot of deaths occur during your campaign?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:56 No.3609462

    Awesome story. Gotta love how parties tend to chafe against each other in Deadlands. Poor Scientist and even poorer Scientist Buddy.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)02:59 No.3609471
    Yeah I have died so many times the marshal for our group rolled up a character with me so he could be more familiar with him and it be more personal for him. In all seriousness most of the deaths were my fault.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:00 No.3609477
    You ever play hell on earth? The chafing is even worse. You try to play cyborg whose prewar programming forces him to attack the color purple and there's two doomies in the group....
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:03 No.3609490
    Is Hell On Earth as good as Deadlands original?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:09 No.3609520

    Oddly, only two. Celia and Boon both died. The amusing part? BOTH came back as Harrowed.

    Boon's happened in-game, though.

    We were in Canada, taking care of what I think was the adventure in the Great White North book, dealing with a werewolf that was up there whom we'd found out was a local mountie.

    We end up going to a farm to take out some walkin' dead there, and are approached by a creature that had been roaming the area: The White Widow, an incarnation of the cold winter itself. (It's her name that led to the Black Widow jokes with Celia.) Boon tried to approach her and talk, and she blew him across the forest with a gust, sending him through the trees for quite a distance.

    When Natalia and Celia (there were only 3 in the party at the time) caught up with him, they found him laying against a tree on the ground, a branch stuck through his guts, a big pool of blood growing on the ground. He was still alive, but none of us had the medicine skill to heal a Critical wound, so the women knelt by his side and cried as he bled quietly to death. It was actually a pretty emotional and impressive roleplay moment.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:09 No.3609523
    Hell on earth is basically fallout mixed with classic deadlands. So it's so much fuckwin you almost cant play it in fear of forever ruining all future gaming.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:09 No.3609528
    Hopefully he'll live long enough to gain a point of grit. I swear, I'm tired of being the only character who lives more than several sessions.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:11 No.3609532

    The next day was the funeral, and the girls and several townsfolk came to mourn the passing of such a nice man. Attending the funeral was the weremountie. Well, before the casket was lowered, the local doc came up to the corpse, and cut Boon open in a Y-incision, for some reason I forget now. He was satisfied with what he found.

    Just as we were about to lower the casket however, the lid slammed open, and Boon sat up, looking pissed. He looks up to see the mountie there, and climbs out of his casket, his innards falling out of the incision and dragging. Thorougly ticked off, he grabs his intestines, rips them out so they'll stop dragging, and proceeds to punch the werewolf so hard he brings him down to 1 wind.

    He almost punched out a werewolf.

    Needless to say, the crowd freaked, our PCs had to make some serious guts checks, and a fight ensued.

    Boon was soon after taken by the Pinkertons for study, and was put to work for The Ghost.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:14 No.3609547

    I admit, at times the only thing keeping me alive in that campaign was the fact that no one else could fly the dirigible, and none of the players were willing to give it up for mere horses. Eventually it was so incredibly tricked out it's a wonder that we ever did anything but sit around admiring it. Of course, there was so much mad science packed into the thing that when the energy projection cannons finally critically malfunctioned, everything went boom and it was campaign over, TPK. Not one of our finer moments.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:15 No.3609552

    Oh hells yeah. Our group generally plays HoE more than Classic, somewhat to my chagrin. I LOVE HoE, but I have so many ideas for Classic!

    For some reason, the best party clash I can personally remember in HoE was the gun-running road warrior in our group. Nobody liked him to begin with, but then a 13 year old mutie squire and a 16 year old junker joined the party, and he began to hit on them often. People went from dislike to hate in a second.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:18 No.3609570
    You ever play through the Unity adventure? Easily the best gaming experience i've EVER had, and I was the one who had the surprise happen too.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:19 No.3609572

    If you don't mind a heavier dose of goofiness and pop culture fantastic thrown in, it's just as good. But a different kind of good. Like comparing pie to cake. They're both good, but in their own special ways.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:23 No.3609594
    I thought that it was you drew. I'm trying man. This one wont have a terrible anger problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:25 No.3609600
    wow did he last long?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:26 No.3609607
    Really? That's a first.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:27 No.3609612
    What a baddass.
    That sounds like a guy in my group. He kneecapped a werewolf. Multiple times. He beat it until it was pretty much dead if I remember correctly.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:29 No.3609620
    fuck you dude. lol
    none of the others did either.
    The monk was trying to stop to many guys at once and the first guy was bad luck.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:31 No.3609628
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    Ha! Ouch, yeah I've gone through Unity. The pedo and lolis were part of that party, actually. I ended up being the first one to attack someone else, and another party member's manitou finished the job (said party member was offerent to sacrifice himself in the first place, too).

    Pic related: It's our posse from the lead in adventures through Unity. Out of them, two died beforehand, three stayed behind, and of the rest, only five survived. Jenny Quaid came with us and got killed, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:31 No.3609630
    Goofiness can lead to the stuff legends are made out of.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:33 No.3609635
    I want to see Wall-E and the Mech face off.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:33 No.3609638

    The entire campaign, right until we found the Boss in Unity. Mind you, the pedo tendencies didn't show up until about the beginning of the Unity module, though, so it wasn't too many sessions we had to deal with it. He was never aggressive about it, either, just creepy.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:35 No.3609647
    Whatever you say, champ. I just think it's kinda funny how my character is the only one who has been around since the beginning, especially since I figured I'd be the first to die.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:36 No.3609653
    I was a Templar who was next to invulnerable due to my various powers, I offered myself to the group. The junker who was played by my little brother and was my little brother in game, said he'd be the one to kill me, he cried a bit as he rolled his targeted attack roll to my head. He hit, but I was so tough it took him like 4 solid rounds of shooting to drop me...lol
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:36 No.3609654

    The mech would lose hard. REX didn't have a single weapon system. He was loaded for bear with commo stuff, though.

    The Wall-E bot was great, because he was named Johnny 5, despite the fact that that junker's player had never seen Short Circuit. Or heard of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:38 No.3609667

    Nice! Werewolf-related violence is always awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:40 No.3609675
    Why did you think that you would be the first to die? Hey look at it this way, I have never dragged a fellow posse member to their death with me. All of my antics have been my own.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:42 No.3609685
    Bad rolls or just pure win?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:45 No.3609706
    There were three of them I think but our huckster got a Royal Flush and Blew off one of their legs.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:46 No.3609713
    Bad rolls, it turned this touching moment between two brothers into a horrifying oh god missed with my executioners axe have to swing again and again and again kind of situation.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:47 No.3609718
    Not sure, maybe it has something to do with the thousand greycoats who have been hounding us since I blew up that hotel in Kansas City, and who have wanted to see me hang since the game started.

    Also, the session before last when my character nearly died trying to save your mangy ass. Fucking Black Joker.

    Seriously though, I'm just busting your chops. Does your girlfriend still want to join the group? Maybe she could take over the job of avenging your deaths.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:48 No.3609724
    poor guy
    *lowers hat*
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:52 No.3609749
    I'm with a new group, this thread has really got me thinking of dusting off my old books and running my new group through HoE....
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:54 No.3609757
    lol Yeah no I know.
    Yeah I'm surprised that they haven't brought the rain down on your ass yet. How many of those fuckers are left?
    It would be great to finally join the story line and stay there for an extended amount of time.
    Yes she is coming Saturday. I'm going to help her come up with some ideas for a character. Any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:58 No.3609778

    Go for it! More people should be exposed to the awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:58 No.3609782
    Agency monster hunter? Haven't seen one of those yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)03:59 No.3609783
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    Back to Back!
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:01 No.3609797
    That's a good one but I'm not sure how many monsters we are going to have to deal with.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:02 No.3609802
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:14 No.3609856
    I believe I am your marshall, op

    The session before op's story, a different character (a 7+ foot tall blessed priest with a penchant for dynamite and a hatred for railroads) blew up a godd distance of the iron dragon's new rail line. Naturally, a heavy hitter or two representing the lines interest rolls into town to access the damage and kick some ass. Two random mooks find and question op's character (a hotheaded former marshall and hardware store owner [wonder where he got that idea]). After seeing through his LIES they begin "forcefull" questioning, enticing op to draw his gun.

    Shots are fired. As per deadlands suggestions, I draw the stats for the unstatted mooks as i go. Unluckily for the posse, I draw the Ace of Spades for their shooting stat (thats 4d12, and the max possible with this method). Chaos ensues as op's character and another character drawn into the fight are wrecked by super mooks (who also draw 2 more aces a joker and a queen for the other stats they need in the fight). The rest of the posse (including dynamite priest) rushes from the other side of town, and somehow the priest ends up blowing up an occupied building, killing a good 10-20 people.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:19 No.3609872
    This is the same group that a session before super mooks. after a tense mexican standoff involving 2 recurring enemies and a room full of mooks, they gain an opening, run out the front door, throw in a bundle of dynamite, and then with a miraculous shootin roll, the gunslinger shoots the bundle, igniting it and taking out most of the hotel, and a good deal of the occupying villians.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:20 No.3609877
    How many of you guys have had your characters meet their end to smoking barrel of Stone's sixshooter? I've had 2 so far last long enough to draw his attention...
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:22 No.3609884
    Hey man, I tried. I shot the guys spur off to try to make a point. Then when they went in the train station I killed one and would have gotten the other if it hadn't been for that goddamned black joker.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:22 No.3609887
    Are you fucking serious?
    a guy can't lay low on the internet anymore.
    hey if you hadn't watched Deadwood then you wouldn't have known. But yeah that pretty much sums up that battle. I would have killed them to if it hadn't been for that meddlesome drew.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:23 No.3609892
    Yeah, that was a good session. I fear I will never again do anything so badass.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:24 No.3609896

    just messing you drew. fucking Black Joker, not to mention falling down those stairs on your way to save me.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:24 No.3609899
    three of us
    in the same thread
    at the same time
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:26 No.3609907
    shit was so cash.
    I was expecting those fuckers to come racing after us in swarms.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:26 No.3609912
    also the crazy priest did not blow off your head to kill you, he shoved fire down your throat
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:28 No.3609920
    none. so far are the guy who lasted the longest is coming up on 5 grit though.
    Now all we need to do is call up Pete and brad and we can play right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:29 No.3609924
    make it happen
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:31 No.3609931
    oh fuck that's right. my bad. the point is he died because off injuries to his head. It was drew who blew off the priests head.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:32 No.3609934
    It's my favorite part of Deadlands, the fact that you can't escape alive. Stone will eventually find you and put a bullet between your eyes. If you did it right though, you might get a nice obituary in the Epitaph....
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:33 No.3609936
         File :1233740011.jpg-(83 KB, 540x853, Jefferson-Davis.jpg)
    83 KB
    also, has anyone noticed that jefferson davis looks like a warlock
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:34 No.3609941
    Well that's rude. Why in the hell would he do that.
    Also Brads actually a sleep now. At this hour! The nerve.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:36 No.3609951
    he should be a side boss at some point.
    The fuck am I saying, I'll probably get killed again by Jefferson "The Warlock" Davis.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:36 No.3609952
    I'm telling you man, he's going to be the BBEG.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:37 No.3609954
    since your here sma, the tickets were 42 after tax
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:37 No.3609957
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:38 No.3609959
    ah sweet when is it?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:41 No.3609969
    may 13th
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:42 No.3609973
    So you can't come back to fight the Reckoners as a Harrowed.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:43 No.3609980
    he wont be the BBEG.
    of this campaign, atleast
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:44 No.3609982
    Yeah I can do that.
    Shit pete better watch his back.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:45 No.3609992
    that gives me no relief whatsoever
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:48 No.3610003
    just earlier i was thinking about ending this campaign in a few sessions so we could take a break and focus on MaM and other stuff

    then we could return to it a coupple more time like some star wars trilogy shit
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:48 No.3610006
    That's be cause he's lying, man. That's just what he wants us to think. Then, when our guard is down, BAM.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)04:52 No.3610022
    Your right we got to tread carefully here.

    >> Mediocrates !!tG3QhWVtE/n 02/04/09(Wed)05:02 No.3610062
    /tg/ : circle jerk chatlogs

    nah, I'm just bitter that none of my groups lurk on /tg/, I'm so *sob* happy for you.

    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:03 No.3610067
    that would be a tragedy just because maria would join and it would end, but i like the idea of the trilogy or what have you.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:04 No.3610072
    Hah we are superior to your group, except not anymore because we are apparently about to end a game of pure win.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:11 No.3610097
    i said in a few sessions (probably about 6+) which is a long time
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:12 No.3610102
    i'm just bustin your chops dog. It's all good man.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:12 No.3610109
    Come on man, butch up. People are staring.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:14 No.3610114
    well stop it, we dont need 2 people crying in here
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)05:19 No.3610132
    Your right that was wrong of me.
    Never again.
    Think about it though. It means your doing a good job is all.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)06:16 No.3610331
    I recently rolled a up a character concept tapping the alternate history aspect of Deadlands.
    I played an alternate version of Eugene Franklin Skinner (founded my hometown) who was born later then our world's version, and grew up a rancher.
    Turns out his father immigrated across the Oregon Trail out of disgrace: his old partner, an Agent called Wallace O'Day (wonder if anyone will get that reference....) had gone rouge, mostly from an addiction to the black arts of sorcery.
    One day Wallace comes up to Eugene's pappy's ranch, and gives the old "join the dark side speech". Pappy says no, Wallace kills his wife, and asks again, promising to teach him how to raise his wife from the dead.
    Pappy says no, again, and Wallace, just about out of patience, shoots him.
    Eugene comes home to find his parents dead, and also zombies. He manages to kill them both with his father's Sharps .50, and hunts down O'Day, murdering the black magician by a miracle of luck: the magician's entire gun jammed up, and backfired BADLY, taking half of his face off, whereupon Eugene shot him.
    Eugene can't go back to the ranch for what appeared to be simple murder to the locals, so he rides off, and becomes a hunter of man and monsters, only to discover that that miracle that let him win was only his FIRST miracle: he'd somehow become blessed, and haunted by terrible, semi-prophetic night terrors.
    He sparingly uses his powers (which he still has yet to fully understand, he's not even particularly devout), but they let him kill things he normally couldn't, and his overall nice-guy manner lent him a nickname: Eugene the Saint, in the Oregon Territories.
    Eventually, it just got shortened into his current name: Eugene Saint, monster-and-man hunter.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)13:16 No.3612082
    good story sir
    Did he live long?
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)14:07 No.3612436

    Hah, that sounds surprisingly similar to a concept I played, cattle baron turned big-game hunter turned monster hunter.

    Only he liked exhibiting the remains of the monsters he shot, and the Texas Rangers weren't too keen on that. So they sent a Ranger to babysit him, which happened to be another player's character, who was a Irish Catholic priest with the saintly powers that such types can get. Both of us had the Veteran o' th' Weird West feat, so our PCs had been doing their thing for quite a while. (And my characters drawback was being haunted by the spirit of his dead second wife, trampled to her death in an Abomination Stampede.)

    We were the fucking ghostbuster squad of the Weird West.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/09(Wed)15:39 No.3613195
    Hello, Bryce....

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