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    File :1233217378.jpg-(85 KB, 636x422, Xcom, capture this asshole.jpg)
    85 KB MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)03:22 No.3551125  
    Okay, so a couple days ago /tg/ was host to an Xcom thread that finally got me on the bandwagon of wading through DOSbox to replay this gem of a game. And I'd just like to say... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-thanks maybe.
    Xcom general?
    Stun Roddan
    Psionic Attackan

    pic related, it took 3 reloads to get the outcome i wanted in order to capture this xeno scum leader in this crashed harvester.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:23 No.3551133
    No, reloading is for gays.
    You must IRON MAN the game.
    Or you are a gay.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:23 No.3551134
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)03:29 No.3551169
    I would, but I lost a sergeant and 2 squaddies and 2 rookies to an errant plasma blast that somehow chain exploded those navi tables. D:

    the leader was at 30 morale anyway because i mercilessly picked off all his soldiers, it wasn't even fair that his non-shot took out 6 men in the blink of an eye.

    Yeah, i only threw 2 canisters in... probably should've used more.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:33 No.3551197
    Welcome to /tg/, where the dice are king and random bad shit happens. Suck it up, you prissy fucking nancy-boy.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:33 No.3551203
    Some of my fondest memories of this game are terror missions where I did more damage to the town than the aliens ever did. That was so fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:35 No.3551210
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:36 No.3551213
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    I approve of this message.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:39 No.3551231

    This game is genuinely more fun when you play iron man. Even if you fuck up bad you must not reload.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:42 No.3551255

    Did they do that chorus of screams? That happened to me, when I once lost all of my men. At the same time. Stupid hidden aliens and their stupid rocket launchers or whatever it was it hit them with.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)03:43 No.3551257
    I guess so. I went through the the first 11ish missions letting nature take its course (but being as cautious a tactician as possible). I just kinda broke my coda when it came to the damned psionic warfare wrecking my shit up like 3 missions in a row.

    So damn cautious, in fact, that the chryssalid units in the snakeman base i raided kept jumbling back and forth out of sight to avoid a reactionfire barrage. Took care of their shit with a Rookie in a flanking maneuver. :]
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:46 No.3551280

    If the psionic warfare is wrecking your shit it means your men are weak in mind and deserve to die. Hire new and better soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:46 No.3551285
    I just tried attacking an alien base. Needless to say my squad had virtually no will at all and was mindfucked.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:49 No.3551301
    Easy way to avoid that is to have everyone disarm. Move one guy into line of sight of the badguys, and see who gets mind controlled. Leave that poor bastard to get mindfucked and roll out with the rest of your crew.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:50 No.3551307
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    FFFF yeaaarrrr, also: FUCKING BRAZIL, I DIDN'T DEFEND YOU ENOUGH OR WHAT?! goddamn asshole BRs.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)03:54 No.3551329
    I don't know which version your running, or if it matters, but the sectoids have always switched up targets for me, despite my current inability to do psi screenings. I even left the guy that was getting harassed in previous missions in the skyranger this mish, and they decided to pick on one of my sergs instead.

    And psi defense doesn't grow as a stat :| so i don't think psi attacks are static to the point that your suggestion is completely viable.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:55 No.3551335
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)03:59 No.3551355
    God damn funding nations! I am defending the whole world and I get less money than the smallest army in the world! An average lotto millionaire could fund me better than you!
    >> drunken marines 01/29/09(Thu)04:02 No.3551374
    I still have nightmares of these things creeping up on me and raping me with their zombie juices
    >> I apologized on 4chan 01/29/09(Thu)04:05 No.3551391
    >Some of my fondest memories of this game are terror missions where I did more damage to the town than the aliens ever did. That was so fucking crazy.

    Are you the guy who was here last night and suggested AC's with High Explosive Ammo and NOTHING ELSE?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:06 No.3551397
    I used to love the idea that the entire planet's all armed forces suddenly go for a vacation: "Hey, I'm sure a handful of men can save the world without us."
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:08 No.3551405
    Me too, but they're quickly followed by sweet, lovely dreams where I rape them back with my flying suits, constantly floating just our of their reach.
    >> I apologized on 4chan 01/29/09(Thu)04:10 No.3551418
    That and how the only radars in the world that can detect UFO's are the ones in our bases.

    One would think that the USA would launch a couple fighters when we tell them that we have a UFO flying over the Pentagon. But apparently not.

    I mean, at least UFO Aftermath had a pretty good excuse for this of every nation was largely fucked over by the alien super plague (was it a plague? I know they did something.)
    The other thing I liked was the fact that your Human Fighter Planes would be of a type depending on where your base is.

    Europe got the Typhoon, USA got the F-15 and Russia got the SU-27.
    No change in perfromance, just a nice touch.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:19 No.3551451
    its as if they DONT want to resist...
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:21 No.3551470
    Well, I always thought the different nations were kinda forced to non-action, since they were negotiating with the aliens at the same time(as can be seen when they make a deal). But they're also financing X-Com to see if they can actually do anything about the aliens, even though the chance is slim to none, since they'd rather live free than under a sinister conspiracy.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:22 No.3551474
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:23 No.3551479

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:24 No.3551487
    The military doens't want to deal with chryssalids any more than you do. You're paid to specially handle the alien horrors from beyond the stars, they're paid to shoot people.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)04:25 No.3551491
    Buy off steam for five bucks.

    or just use /rs/ for piracy It's what it's there for.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:26 No.3551496
    $5 on steam, or free if you want to google some abandonware sites.
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 01/29/09(Thu)04:31 No.3551523
    Pretty useful prog:
    It has a fix for the difficulty bug, and can save your squaddies' loadout so you don't have to redo it every mission.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:37 No.3551558
    which game should I get first?
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)04:38 No.3551562
    I think the aliens are trying to starve my funds dry by not attacking anywhere but places that are on the opposite hemisphere of my two strike bases D: burning up cash at a rate that'll have me begging the Brazilians for funding. Imagine that..

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:38 No.3551563

    Wouldn't that poor SOB get plugged full of plasma bolts first?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:38 No.3551568
    It makes more sense if X-COM is being covertly funded by the nations which are trying to stay nuetral.

    They slip you a few bucks under the table to deal with the pesky aliens, and when the aliens feel humanity is getting uppity they fly in and do terror raids to remind them why they shouldn't fight back.
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 01/29/09(Thu)04:38 No.3551570
    X-Com: UFO Defense/UFO: Enemy Unknown
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:38 No.3551571

    X-com: Interceptor
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:39 No.3551575
    >>and can save your squaddies' loadout so you don't have to redo it every mission.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:39 No.3551577
    xcom owns

    all turn based strategy games should look to xcom and realize that they will never surpass it
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:40 No.3551586
    That's why you use rookies.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:41 No.3551593
    UFO defense/enemy unknown. It has two names.

    The games get progressively worse as they become more recent. Each new game seemed to remove features as if that would improve a game acclaimed for its depth.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:41 No.3551595
    There is no game called X-COM: Interceptor.

    Any reports to the contrary are filthy xenos lies.
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 01/29/09(Thu)04:42 No.3551597
    I can just picture some poor asshole falling for that.

    I wanted to play a turned based strategy game, but got a flight sim?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:43 No.3551607
    Best tactic: suicide bombers.

    Have two guys with high explosives prime them and throw them in front of a rookie. Have the rookie pick them up and run into the middle of the alien horde.

    >> Ruler 01/29/09(Thu)04:49 No.3551641

    Here is X-Com 1+2 for whoever was wanting it, in the easy install fashion, just install DOSBox, drag a file over, and play!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:49 No.3551643
    third X-Com pretty much sucked.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:50 No.3551655
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)04:55 No.3551680
    So X-COM recruits sand niggers and promises them eternal bliss if they die in battle with unholy aliens?
    >> abra !3TVamQUQEw 01/29/09(Thu)04:55 No.3551682
    wait till you get stun grenades!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:00 No.3551718
    If it doesn't result in the fiery death of my troops, I won't use it.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)05:02 No.3551732
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    /tg/ should I research the Alien 'nades? they seem to be filling up in my storehouses and my INFERIOR TECHNOLOGY seems to be running low in supply. Any thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:05 No.3551745
    Alien grenades are like grenades, but explode larger.

    In other words, yes. Yes you should. Especially if you like grenades.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:06 No.3551750
    Just sell them. Hyper Wave Decoder and Alien Origins are infinitely more important.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:07 No.3551753
    yes, alien grenades are fucking awesome, just be motherfucking careful 'cause they explode ALOT
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)05:09 No.3551763
    Well I mean, of course I'm going to finish those first, but I just ordered an influx of new scientists to fill my lab space, so they should be done soon. Gotta plan ahead, y'know.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:10 No.3551768
    alien nades don't take long to research though.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:30 No.3551859
    I have never had problems with lids, even caught one, because I GOT THE FLYING SUIT. 100 scientists, alloys + power source + elerium > Personnel > Power Suit > FLYING FUCKING SUIT FUCK YEAH
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:32 No.3551872
    This sets my Dorf Sense tingling, What is this?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:34 No.3551883
    It's x-com. If your dorf sense was fully developed you'd already be playing it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:36 No.3551894
    I still believe over the number of people that go "WHAT IS THIS GAME??!!!"

    This game was one of the best strategy games of my childhood.

    Are people here really that young?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:38 No.3551899
    Some of us grew up with consoles or Amigas/Ataris instead of PCs
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:39 No.3551903
    I remember reading a review for this game when I was just a kid, praising it for being one of the best games the reviewer had ever tried.

    My only thought was "the graphics look terrible".

    Oh how I've changed. Did you guys know there's a multiplayer version of x-com available?

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:40 No.3551906

    > Amigas

    Don't give me that shit. I had A600 and there was UFO port for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:47 No.3551945
    Is Apocalypse really that bad? I can't find any gameplay footage, but it seems to me like it's a less real-time Syndicate with aliens, and this sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:49 No.3551955

    To be honest? Graphics aged badly. But the game is still digestable.

    Enforcer and Interceptor on the other hand...
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:50 No.3551961
    Terror from the Deep is worse. It's basically just a graphics mod for UFO Defense with added difficulty.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)05:50 No.3551963
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    Say what you will about my troops' weak minds and low bravery, their accuracy and combined fire is what makes me love them :3

    Did I mention I play as Imperial Guards in Dawn of War?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:51 No.3551970

    I liked TFTD. It was actually frightening.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:53 No.3551983
    Agreed. I couldn't play it further than when the lobstermen showed up when it originally came out. Then again, I was quite young back then.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:55 No.3551993
    So it's a tougher x-com in the ocean?

    Not seeing downsides here.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:56 No.3551999
    Cruise Terror Mission!
    Hooray, we succesfully defeated all the aliens... what do you mean, part 2?
    Hunting the last alien hidden in a storage cabinet somewhere in the 4 levels of claustrophobic corridors was hell. And then he killed your guys because overwatchlol!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:56 No.3552005

    When Tentaculants appeared I usually shut the game.

    Silent Chryssalids that can fly?

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:57 No.3552011
    MUCH tougher. And not just intentionally; there's the whole 'forgetting to swap in amphibious weapons when you move from land to underwater because the game is dumb and forgets to warn you about this' thing. It's still great though.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:57 No.3552013
    samefag here - reinstalling...
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)05:58 No.3552021
    I remember that. Why can't I shoot? oh...
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:01 No.3552039
    Navi-tables are MEANT to explode and a panicking alien is most likely to shot them. It's not a bad luck, it's certainty. The opposite is extreme good luck.

    Use Small Launcher next time, shoot the back wall behind the bastard. Stun rods are an emergency feature when you're short on TU, not an alien acquisition tool.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:04 No.3552053
    X-COM UFO Defense - Windows XP Edition[LarryKray]

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:05 No.3552059
    I didn't mind them.
    A typical recruitment run in TftD:
    - load the whole ship full of newly-recruited rookies with cheap but reasonable equipment.
    - Attack alien base.
    - Keep sweeping the surface map till I'm down to, like, half the soldiers.
    - Retreat back to ship, carrying as much loot as possible, alien corpses, weapons, grenades etc.
    - Survivors qualify for entering the ranks of X-COM proper.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:06 No.3552067
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    What's so scary about lobstermen... the fact, that only way to kill them is dtrilling several holes in their shell using extra-heated power drill!
    >> Gaow? 01/29/09(Thu)06:09 No.3552075

    Sort of fits with the fluff... "Fuck you humans, you might kill me but you aren't capturing an intact UFO navigation"
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:09 No.3552080

    Even worse are terror missions on ships... never finished one, because every map suffered from last hidden alien syndrome.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)06:12 No.3552084
    Only at late march, bro, was still pulling my hair out waiting for small launcher research to finish.

    Luck shines on my troops in abundance anyway. Most of my nighttime terror missions have skyranger spawn in a quiet corner and there are an abundance of streetlights for my perusal.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:14 No.3552097
    There was a better part of the fluff. Remember the tiny 3x3 rooms on Supply Ship's middle level? 2 of them were lifts, 2 were just rooms.
    So, my soldier, in power suit, detects alien on motion detector. He primes Alien Grenade to 0, opens the door of the tiny room, throws the grenade in, and steps aside.
    End of turn. The door closes. Boom, the door get obliterated in the explosion, several tiles of the floor outside damaged, the inside of the room, a hell. Then, the mutton walks out from the room and shoots my soldier's back. Killing him instantly.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:14 No.3552099
    I was an Amiga owner and played X-Com: UFO Defense AGA (The graphics looked MUCH better than the PC/non-AGA versions) but because the platform basicaly died before the sequel, I never got a chance to play it (though sadly, I played Apocalypse when I got my first PC).

    I tried the (first) game again a few years back on the PC and was really disapointed about the night missions (They were cut from the Amiga version).

    Basicaly what I'm saying is the best version of the game was the Amiga AGA version and I have an Amiga emulator. Does anyone have a source of the AGA version?
    >> Gaow? 01/29/09(Thu)06:15 No.3552106
    Fuck Muttons. Those guys are assholes.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:17 No.3552111
    the aliuns always utterly decimate my squad, and I'm on easiest setting. Fuckall I'm bad at this.
    Why does the xeno scum have a higher line of sight and range than I do?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:19 No.3552120
    With terror missions, if it's still night, you might wait a few hours (not too long) for sunrise. As soon as the ship is en route, the terror will not finish - as long as you keep going, you can't come too late - and terror unattended lasts 4-5 hours. So, say, there's midnight where terror happened. If you go now, you're arrive at 4AM, still dark. But wait some 3h, then launch the mission, so you will arrive at 7AM. Normally the terror would end about 4AM if unattended, but since you launched your ship, the aliens will wait for you.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:20 No.3552124
    They don't.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:20 No.3552128
    Cause they remain immobile in their hideouts most of the time, being hard to spot, while you move all the time, becoming more visible to them.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:21 No.3552131

    Actually they do. That's why you should lurk behind corners.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)06:31 No.3552180
    I could always just outwait the nighttime for terror missions, but part of me just plays for the moments where I'm searching a gas station and moving my squad when one of my other squaddies discovers a crysallid at my flank, and I'm left praying that 75% TU capacity will do the job.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:35 No.3552196
    These are both reasons why this game is gay.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:36 No.3552202
    1) rain of grenades from behind the buildings.
    2) if there is line of sight, the alien gets shot. If there is no line of sight, one will be made.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)06:39 No.3552218
    Tactical warfare is gay because you have to learn to check your flanks and not rush your squaddies in like some Gears of War skirmish? sure. uh huh.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:41 No.3552228

    This is the best downloadable version
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:42 No.3552230
    I was NEVER any good at this game. It's hard as piss and I never got the hang of it; I only ever got up to the first terror mission and then OH GOD THERE ARE GODDAMN TANKS? WHY DO THEY HAVE TANKS! OH FUCK DID THAT GUY JUST GET MIND CONTROH FUCK THIS SHIT I'M GOING TO PLAY SCORCHED EARTH

    Mind you I did only realise that laser weapons were really fucking useful last time I played. Also, I am seriously anal about losing mans. Like, it freaks me the fuck out and makes me think I'M LOSING THE GAME because one of my rookies just took a pistol shot to the face and died. I always kept fighting to the last man, too, inevitably meaning that I lost the Skyranger and ended up with no way to move my mans into terror zones. BAD END.

    Jesus christ looking back over that paragraph I was fucking shitty at this game.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:43 No.3552235
    also... know structural resistance of materials in the game.
    Like, Alien Alloys are enough to stop the Blaster Launcher but get obliterated in the process.

    One soldier goes to explore a site under command center in alien base. I had detonated a Blaster Bomb there earlier. No support, no cover, not much spare TU, bad tactic. He goes from behind the end of wall, turns around, and sees an alien just on the other side.

    So I turn back behind the wall, but I'm fully aware the next round the alien will kill me.
    So, a blaster launcher half the base away. Hitting the alien, not the wall, because that would end bad.
    The alien gets killed. The wall vanishes. The soldier, one square from the epicenter of the explosion, survives unscathed. And I just pray no more aliens ride down the lift.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:45 No.3552247
    The interceptor music is my ringtone. So cash.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:48 No.3552255
    EXPLOITATIVE BRO TIP: I'm sure almost everyone knows this, but for those who are new: If you hire a fuckload of workers (Scientists or engineers or whatever) and then fire them before their first paycheck, they will not need to be paid. Also, if you move people from one base to another so that they're still moving by the time payday comes around, they count as being 'in transit' and don't need to be paid either.
    This potentially gives you a massive workforce for literally no money.
    >> Gaow? 01/29/09(Thu)06:50 No.3552261
    At that point, why not just use a save game editor to give yourself a fuckton of cash?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:50 No.3552262
    1, being flanked was never my problem
    2, I've never played gears of war
    3, you're bad at trolling
    lastly, 4, you're a tripfaggot so I just automatically dislike you.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:52 No.3552276
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)06:55 No.3552292
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:06 No.3552333
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    X-Com: UFO & TFTD Total Pack


    This is the best version out there PERIOD runs on windows at normal speed has graphical enhancments and you can play the game in widescreen :-)
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:14 No.3552365
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:14 No.3552366
    How the heck do I change the resolution of the DOSBox window? :(

    Otherwise, brings back the bloody good memories of me childhood.

    I love you /tg/
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:15 No.3552367
    its free nigga
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:15 No.3552370

    Use this negro >>3552333
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:24 No.3552414
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:25 No.3552420
    link plz.
    Agreed the interceptor muzzak iz dah shit
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:34 No.3552453
         File :1233232475.jpg-(32 KB, 629x532, fuckingawesome.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:39 No.3552477
    Why exactly is this version of the game lagging like a small nigger on ice? All the other ones work just great.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:42 No.3552489
    turn off the graphical enchancment?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:45 No.3552501
    How do i make dosbox full screen :(
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:51 No.3552517
    Going to post a mirror of this. For some reason /rs/ isn't picking this link up, even if I manually submit it, but hopefully it'll take kindly to rapidshare ones.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:52 No.3552521
    I like everything about X-Com except the tactical combat. It is fucking tedious managing time units, trawling all over the map just to get reaction shot to death. Just a massive burden to me.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:52 No.3552524
    Up the CPU processes it uses in the launcher. I set mine to 20000 and it runs fine. Setting it to Max made it run at super-speed.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:52 No.3552526
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    As a side note, OP, have you ever tried small launchers? Makes capturing aliens 100x easier than with taser sticks. Just fire in the general area of the alien and everything in there is going to be knocked unconscious. My storm troopers dual wield small launchers so they don't have to waste time reloading.

    My research invariably is laser pistol, rifle, alien metals, personal armor, heavy laser, laser cannon, small launcher, stun bomb.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:53 No.3552530

    Should be Alt+Enter, methinks.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:56 No.3552544
    THANK YOU ANON! been trying to play this game for ages. Ended up going into my brothers room and playing it on his pc, cos he has xp. Cant do the whole playing a game for 48 hours solid in someone elses room tho. At one point lol i made a fiendish den in a caravan and just played this game for weeks and smoked weed. fuck yeah!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:58 No.3552556
    One of the best games EVER, after MASTER OF MAGIC (Simtex 1995)
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)07:59 No.3552558
    Just a quick question because I remember someone mentioning something like this earlier; when your troops are disembarking from the plane, does leaving them on the landing ramp count as being in cover? Just shot down my first UFO and am now marching a shitload of troops (11 of them, slight overkill..) out to take down a couple of concussed greys. I would therefore obviously prefer this to be a glorious victory rather than lose someone to OMG I SHOOT U dickery on the first turn.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:01 No.3552568
    You are going to lose people. Deal with it.

    Even better, have rookies run at the enemy while carrying flares so they're lit up like fucking Christmas.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:01 No.3552570
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    if you guys like UFO/TFTD, you should try Jagged Alliance 2.

    (picture related)
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:03 No.3552576
    Ramp doesn't provide much cover. Personally, I just toss a smoke grenade down the ramp. Wait a turn. Then disembark.

    In the first few turns, nobody moves more than half their AP so they can do reaction shots. I use teams of 3, 2 riflemen and 1 heavy weapons (area effect weapons, like grenades or heavy cannon or autocannon, small launcher)
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:03 No.3552577
    gahhhh now its missing out on the right hand of the screen :(
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:03 No.3552579
    This thread is why /tg/ is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:03 No.3552580
    Also holy shit, all that's left of the UFO is a single, solitary piece of wall and a MASSIVE FIRESTORM. There appears to be only one grey left, and he just took a pot shot at my troops then ran.

    Whoever that fighter pilot is, he's getting a medal.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:17 No.3552656
    1.13 mod is king. Especially if you use the Wildfire maps with it. Fuck yeah, actual towns instead of two shacks and a civillian.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:17 No.3552659
    I've installed this, but my keys are a bit fucked up. Shift seems to be permanently stuck on and can't be toggled. It also keeps renaming my soldiers - something to do with indicating what they're good at, but I'd rather it didn't. Is there a way to disable this?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:18 No.3552669
    Wow ok ive made it big enough to play without squinting and without bits going off the edge, DIE XENO SCUM
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:21 No.3552685
    and now its lagging >.<
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:33 No.3552742
    Okay so 'NEVER' turned out to be 'almost immediately, three times'. Little bastards were lurking WAY out in the middle of nowhere, exploiting the fact that it is fucking impossible to see shit at night in this game. Plus side, I got two sergeants and 3 squaddies out of it, not to mention three Sectoid corpses.
    Dissect one, sell the rest, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:35 No.3552744
    /k/ has a massive hardon for this.

    I swear it almost feels like a computer version of necromunda, with even more detail layered in.
    has anyone got any recommendations for that kinda thing in a miniatures game? Me and my usual guys are used to far more 'casual' small scale games like the aforementioned Necromunda and Gutshot. Something a bit more sim-like could be a bit of a laugh.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:40 No.3552768

    JA2 is the perfect game for both /k/ and /tg/:
    /k/ gets a shitton of weapons, especially with mods, /tg/ gets a really great traditional turn-based tactics game with some very nice RPG elements.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:42 No.3552777
    Plus awesome over the top characters.
    Buzz is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:48 No.3552803
    what does shift do ? and my characters get keep getting renamed wierd characters
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:55 No.3552828
    Do I have to order my troops to use reaction fire, or will they do so automatically if they have enough TUs left?
    fucking hell it's been too long since I played this game.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)08:59 No.3552843
    For anyone who didn't catch the thread yesterday, here's a link to the iron man playthrough on Superhuman with only one base in the antarctic
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:04 No.3552862

    Current Reaction Score = (Reactions Stat) × (Current Time Units / Max TUs)

    Your reaction score, also known as your initiative, is your reaction stat multiplied by the percentage of your remaining TUs.

    As you spend time units on any actions, your initiative weakens by a percentage of how many remaining time units you have left.

    For example, if you have 50 Reactions and have spent 50% of your TUs, you will only be able to use 25 points out of your 50 Reaction points to defend against reaction fire.

    A soldier who decides to end the turn without spending any time units will often have a much higher initiative level than one that has run out of time units running across the field. This means the less time units spent, the higher your initiave will remain.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)09:06 No.3552867
    well you "can" use the little interface to manually prevent your troops from moving after they use a certain amount of TUs, (---> is move till run out, -> Pew is save enough for snapshot, --> PEW PEW PEW is save enough for an autoshot)

    but the game's reactionfire mechanics and initiative are slightly more complicated than that. Simply put, the more % your TU bar is filled in, in addition to a factor of your Reaction skill, determines your reaction initiative. Many aliens have very high reactions skills, (70+), but you can overcome by playing the waiting game.

    Motion sensor can help a lot in this regard, especially when you are coming up against a building or landed/downed UFO that you know is crawling with Xenos. Beware though, it can't tell the difference in altitude. Movement in multilevel UFOs is still sensed on the X axis.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:09 No.3552876
    I'm surprised we haven't seen more X-Com clones to be honest. Nobody's tried making a fantasy style one for example, where you defend against undead or some resurgent demon threat, like a kind of 40k-style Warp intrusion.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:12 No.3552896
    Thanks, that helped a lot. My entire squad just got wiped out by sectoids because the little fuckers were sniping me in the middle of a rural area at midnight. I REALLY should have waited for them to take off, or at least until nightfall..
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:15 No.3552911
    Fucking hell that guy is annoying.
    Yes we can all make fun of the silly intro thank you we get it he is angry and there are some lights okay yes good job there well done. I never get why people feel the need to talk all over this shit. Just play the fucking game with the occasional wry comment, or let us know what you're doing and what you're planning. Don't blather constantly just because you feel you need to fill the space.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:16 No.3552920
    This guy did an LP on the hardest difficulty Iron Man style with only one base.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:17 No.3552933
    Always bring at least 1 glowstick for every soldier, along with an autocannon with Incindiary ammo, in case of night missions.

    The HE ammo for the autocannon also makes a good long range door opener and tree/bush remover.

    Never open a door with a soldier. Open it with a grenade thrown by a soldier covered by an other soldier with a rifle.
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)09:22 No.3552960
    *for his benefit* once you get to laser/plasma tech, you can also open up earth buildings with autofire from afar and try to position your troops so that they can get a good view of any sardined aliens.

    also, never neglect to check for aliens on rooftops. you don't necessarily have to climb up and check, but back away from buildings and glance back every so often if you have the manpower.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:36 No.3553052
    Laser rifles are great for clearing enemy cover, since they don't use ammo you can have a couple soldiers who's job is to just do property damage.. You can destroy an entire city with autofire from the landing ramp. The outer hulls of alien space ships are resillient to everything except a blaster bomb. While internal walls of alien ships/bases can be destroyed with heavy plasmas or the laser cannon from the laser minitank.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:54 No.3553154
    Holy shit. My hilariously named sergeant (seriously, his randomly generated name was Tom Thompson) is fucking RIPPING SHIT UP. He currently has three confirmed kills, so I rewarded him with the first of my newly minted laser pistols. He then distinguished himself even further by using it to zap a Sectoid in the face while low on TU, and then taking the return fire TO THE FACE and not dying. When I checked his health afterwards, he'd taken a miniscule two damage. He's wearing standard armour.

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)09:57 No.3553170
    Oh my, I had completely forgotten how anal bleedingly hard this game is. Well, MORE MEN FOR THE MEAT GRINDER
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:11 No.3553270
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    anal probessssssss
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:16 No.3553308

    you think UFO is hard? play some TFTD
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:18 No.3553320
    Tales like this are why we need more X-com drawfags. So far I've only seen one posted in /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:21 No.3553345
    Amazing, truly.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:22 No.3553349

    The ammount of X-Com, MOO2 and assorted discussion makes me consider taking requests like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:26 No.3553373
    Come now, drawfriend. Take up the request!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)10:43 No.3553453
    Fuck you /tg/. I had to play this shit last time /tg/ had an X-Com boner, now I'm going to do it again. I am sure I will be as awful as a first-time player again, as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)11:28 No.3553682
    Thanks for the link

    In my current playthrough I got 2 randomly named soldiers called Arthur Day and John Smith. John Smith was is in fact extra smooth.

    Until I had him crouched behind a wall so that I couldn`t see him and he took a friendly fire blaster bomb to the ass. Poor basterd was completely vaporised.

    Arthur Day died on a ufo raid. Whilst fulfilling his door opening rookie duties he enters one of those little rooms that are 5x5 or so and have one alien power source in the middle. Sectoid with heavy plasma does a reaction auto shot, misses twice and the third hits the engine killing them both and ending the mission.

    Even in x-com losing is fun
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)11:33 No.3553705
    /tg/ where /v/ goes to die and have discussions instead of being it's own board.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)11:34 No.3553722
    Remember if you are having fun during a mission you are doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)11:42 No.3553774

    Inquisitor, but use smaller models.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)11:59 No.3553880
    anyone have the steam versions of xcom or TFTD?

    if you do post em here
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)12:16 No.3553968
    Recently I've had a lot of guys dual-wieldan, with a plasma pistol in one hand and a laser pistol in the other. Anyone else tried this? It's actually pretty effective.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)12:18 No.3553977
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    X-Com? Best. Game. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)12:27 No.3554051

    So I'm on a terror mission. I manage to take out two of them through ranked volley fire. Fucking Mordian Iron Guard style. Then two more of them appear and rush my two autocannon guys. One of them kills and zombifies the guy loaded with hi-ex, then in turn is lasored by a guy covering him. The other one stops in the square in front of my veteran autocannon guy, who is the best shot in the unit. He's loaded with AP ammo.

    Needless to say he fucking minces it. Meanwhile there's a HEADCRA- I MEAN CHRYSSALID ZOMBIE 3 squares away from him. Plan hatches, I open it up with a long range laser blast then use the autocannon guy's remaining AP to destroy the chrysallid that bursts out of the zombie. Except it doesn't work like that. The laser rifle shot I direct at it fucking misses and KILLS MY AUTOCANNON GUY WHO JUST KILLED A CHRYSSALID IN FACE TO FACE COMBAT.


    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)12:28 No.3554060
    Playing on beginner, just had my first terror mission. Lots of floaters and a few big beast-things. Thank god I brought a cannon with HE rounds with me; the one beast I shot took about 4 laser shots to down. Managed to sneak up on a floater and stun him, only lost 2 men - one shock-prod trooper to an alien grenade (fuck those things have a big blast radius) and another to a floater while clutching a primed grenade. There was no body to recover.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)12:35 No.3554092
    So. Laser or plasma?

    I've always used plasma myself. Unless I've missed something crucial, the only drawbacks it has are the need for ammo and the incapability of producing them myself, but they can be looted from the battlefield in high amounts anyway. And heavy laser doesn't have autofire.

    What about you, /tg/? Anyone here using laser? And why?
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 01/29/09(Thu)12:45 No.3554139
    Just keep ahold of lasers for the fucking sectopods.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)12:50 No.3554158
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    Steam version of X-Com: UFO Defense. No copy protection built-in, runs fine independently of Steam. Simply run dosbox.exe in the main folder. Vista compatible.


    anyone have the steam version of TFTD?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)12:57 No.3554191
    A quick question for all you X-perts.

    Is there any way to destroy the walls of crashed (Or landed) alien ships? My point-man almost always gets mangled when he tries to make it through the front door, no matter how careful I think I've been.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:00 No.3554203

    blaster launcher
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:01 No.3554211

    Alien homing missile can destroy diagonal walls... straight ones are invicible.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:02 No.3554219
    blaster bombs are the only thing that break exterior ufo walls
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:04 No.3554234
    Damn, guess for the early game I'll have to stick to one unlucky guy opening the door and attempting to leg it while the rest of the team pours explosives inside.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:05 No.3554241

    UFO structures
    Terrain Object Damage Rating
    Outer Wall/Door/Ceiling 100
    Inner Wall/Door 80
    Security Wall/Door 100
    UFO Power Source 50
    Elerium-115* 20
    Blue Chair 60
    Navigation Console (wall) 40
    Navigation Table (octagonal) 15
    Round Fuel Pod 20
    Oblong Fuel Pod 30
    Flashing Wall (Alien Entertainment) 60
    Pulsing Globe 20
    Green on Black Computer Panel 70
    Intact Metal Floor 80
    Damaged Metal Floor 50
    Intact Purple Floor 50
    Damaged Purple Floor 65


    Projectile/energy weapons
    These are the damage ranges of these weapons vs. terrain objects (0.25 to 0.75 their normal rated damage). Their damage range vs. living creatures is between zero and twice rated damage.
    Pistol 6.5 - 19.5
    Rifle 7.5 - 22.5
    Autocannon-AP 10.5 - 31.5
    Laser Pistol 11.5 - 34.5
    Plasma Pistol 13 - 39
    Heavy Cannon-AP 14 - 42
    Laser Rifle 15 - 45
    HWP Cannon 15 - 45
    Plasma Rifle 20 - 60
    Heavy Laser 21.25 - 63.75
    HWP Laser or Plasma 27.5 - 82.5
    Heavy Plasma 28.75 - 86.25

    Explosive weapons
    Damage listed is for center of explosion, decreasing with distance. Damage range vs. living creatures is between one to three times these values.
    Autocannon-HE 22
    Grenade 25
    Heavy Cannon-HE 26
    Proximity Grenade 35
    Small Rocket 37.5
    HWP Rocket 42.5
    Alien Grenade 45
    Large Rocket 50
    High Explosive 55
    HWP Fusion Bomb 70
    Blaster Bomb 100
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:08 No.3554252
    First in, the easy way:
    Smoke grenade on the square near the door. Wait a turn. Move a soldier to the door entrance. Move a soldier behind him. Have him crouch, then open the door but not move. Have the soldier behind him throw a grenade primed for 0time or fire a stun launcher (preferable)

    Alternatively, clear the map around the ufo, wait until turn 20, aliens will now be running out of the ship trying to kill your soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:17 No.3554312

    >Alternatively, clear the map around the ufo, wait until turn 20, aliens will now be running out of the ship trying to kill your soldiers.

    Ever done that then suddenly realised you missed one of the fuckers hiding in a barn when he turns up behind your gunline and starts rapid-firing plasma into your troops?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:23 No.3554356
    If the rest of the map isn't a smoking crater or on fire, you're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)13:46 No.3554508


    BTW, I just built my first psy-lab. It says I have to wait until the end of the month to allocate soldiers to it. Questions: How long does it take to train soldiers in it? Will my soldiers be unavailable for an extended period of time? Will it automatically prompt me to select soldiers for training?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:01 No.3554620
    In my first encounter with Ethereals, I hit one directly with stun bombs 5 times and I still had to shoot him 3 times with a laser rifle afterwards (ran out of bombs) to drop him.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:02 No.3554626

    Laser rifles, plasma pistols. And 100% heavy plasmas for special occasions.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:03 No.3554629
    1 month training for psy results, prompt to chose soldiers at start of month, soldiers useable as normal
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:08 No.3554656
    Anyone interested in some MP tactical battles? http://ufo2000.sourceforge.net/
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:09 No.3554665
    Gotcha. And what's this I hear about psy-screening?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:09 No.3554669
    Holy shit. It's been a long time since I played X-Com, but I don't remember if I ever had as many guys as that. But that looks like the Mars mission so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:11 No.3554681
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    I'm playing on easy but I haven't been able to figure out why Chryssalids are so feared :3

    Fought them in several missions now (two of them were terror) and all they die in 1-2 laser shots and haven't even touched my dudes.

    Are they only scary in higher difficulty settings? Or later in the game?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:23 No.3554772
    They're fast as hell and if they get close, you're dead. And they can usually take a lot more damage too.

    You were just bloody lucky.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:27 No.3554794
    Build a base who's sole purpose is to screen new recruits with low psi strength.

    4 barracks with 4 psi labs, 200 recruits. Keep only the ones with 80+ psi strength. Make sure to screen all your soldiers, anyone with less than 80 psi is a liability.

    80+ is immune to enemy psi. 90+ psi strength are able to mind control etherials.

    Beyond that you can train up your 90+ psi guys to become psi-soldiers, after a few months they'll have 50+ psi-skill which allows them to destroy the enemy from the safety of the dropship. Just give them a psi-amp.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:30 No.3554809
    Holy fuck, that sounds broken as hell.

    Will I even need ordinary soldiers after that?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:31 No.3554815

    If they kill one of your dudes he turns into a zombie which takes a few hits to kill, then a fresh chryssalid jumps out of him. They're scarier than carp.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:36 No.3554837
    Why would you even need normal soldiers when you have MIND BULLETS?

    They're fast. Insanely fast. They do a shitload of damage to the degree that if one gets in your face and melees, your guy is dead.

    That's bad, right? Sure, but it gets worse. That guy who just got killed is now a zombie and when he dies, or a few turns later, that zombie is going to turn into another Chryssalid.

    Now, factor in that the zombie is likely right next to your guys unless you booked it after getting zombified and you have to act quickly. Also factor in that Chryssalids are the terror weapon of Snakemen, so they pop up in terror missions, which mean a lot of wandering civilians and a growing horde of Chryssalids.

    This is why they are feared so much.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:41 No.3554858
    Yeah. After that the game basically goes on EASY MODE. That's the reason I don't do psi-labs that scan 200+ people a month. I just work with my regular troops: With a couple of powerful psychics it's still ridiculously easy, even if the rest of my bunch could be mind-controlled by a squirrel.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:43 No.3554869
    Not only they are damn hard to kill (though laser works exceptionally well - but just try doing it with any of the start-up weapons!), they turn your soldiers into more chryssalids and can move half a map in a turn.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:46 No.3554886
    >>, after a few months

    That's the whole problem with PSI. It's awesome, but it comes VERY late into the game, and before you have a couple decent psionics, you are more than enough to win the final attack. They are fun, but only if you're delaying the ending purposedly.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:50 No.3554913
    Civvies suck.

    I had one Terror mission. Half the team with psi-amps, the other half with blaster launchers and assorted junk. I swept the map nicely and left ONE alien. I kept panicking the alien, and mindcontrolled a civilian. I got the civilian to pick up a Heavy Plasma and a clip from the ground, stand 3-4 tiles from the alien, and try to kill the alien.

    30 rounds later, there was no fence behind the alien, half of the building (the big, multi-floor building block) was missing, and the civvie ran out of ammo. I had to finish the alien personally.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:51 No.3554918
    How long are games of Xcom supposed to last?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:55 No.3554946
    >I kept panicking the alien, and mindcontrolled a civilian.

    You know that you need to kill the said civilian later on?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:56 No.3554956

    A friend of mine was able to beat any Earth mission using two elite soldiers with about half a dozen prod-equipped expendable recruits to back them up. One guy was a psychic juggernaut, the other had 80+ psi strength and fucking crazy stats.

    He would have the recruits run out and scatter to spot all of the aliens. Then he would use Captain Gigabrain to mind-control whichever one had the biggest gun, use it to kill any other threatening ones (blaster launchers etc.), and then patiently cause each alien to march into the open, drop its weapon, and turn around so that Headshot McGee could snipe it from across the map while crouching inside the ship. If he saw anything he wanted to capture, he would just mind-control it into presenting its ass to the recruits so that they could sodomize it en masse with their prods.

    So, no, you will not need ordinary soldiers. You will need PSYCHIC BEHEMOTHS and shitty expendable redjackets.
    >> Fexy !Efchz00JLk 01/29/09(Thu)14:58 No.3554980
    I just started playing again today. Still January and I managed to take two UFOs, but I lose every single man so far.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)14:59 No.3554985
    Why has nobody modded TFTD? It sounds like it'd be fairly easy to tweak it to be more enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:00 No.3554996
    started to play this now where should i put my first base at?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:00 No.3555000
    >fucking crazy stats.
    Beware, they can overflow and your behemoths become children.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:01 No.3555005
    >started to play this now where should i put my first base at?

    In the more richer country obviously or nearby.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:05 No.3555027
    >>3552261save game editor
    where can I get this?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:32 No.3555227
    Has anyone played Laser Squad Nemesis?
    Anyone know if the max number of players is 2?
    Would be cool if it had some degree of management as an option like in the X-Com series but I sort of doubt it

    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 01/29/09(Thu)15:40 No.3555275
    You mean like this? >>3551523
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:43 No.3555294

    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:43 No.3555301
    why are you guys using the crappy versions of this game

    do to demonoid and download the new steam versions they get rid of all the bugs
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 01/29/09(Thu)15:50 No.3555338
    >do to demonoid and download the new steam versions they get rid of all the bugs
    >2k does not have access to X-COM's source code, and thus cannot furnish any patches or fixes, however there are possibly many third party sources you can look at for fixes.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)15:50 No.3555340
    registration required >.<
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 01/29/09(Thu)15:53 No.3555367
    I've only played single player, so I don't know about the first.
    At to the second question, you get forces based on point value solely for a mission. There isn't any real management.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:03 No.3555455
    i'll upload the steam versions give me 15 minutes
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 01/29/09(Thu)16:09 No.3555488
    Also, the Steam X-Com is just the DOS 1.4 version.
    >1) UFO Defense: This is the DOS-based version of 1.4. We use DOSBox
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:10 No.3555492
    Steam version of X-Com: UFO Defense. No native copy protection, no installation needed. Simply run dosbox.exe to open the program. Vista compatible

    Steam version of X-Com: Terror from the Deep. No native copy protection, no installation needed. Simply run dosbox.exe to open the program. Vista compatible
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:16 No.3555548

    Now if you do the same with X-Com Apocalypse, I'll love you long time.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:18 No.3555559
    I just noticed in one of my mission that I, too, have a godly soldier named TOM THOMPSON.

    Except mine is somewhat... less manly. Got shot in the face the second he stepped off the shuttle.

    Poor Tom.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:21 No.3555593
    I do have the steam version of that too but i can't upload it cause my upload is capped

    go to demonoid they have it up there
    >> Chaotic Cleric 01/29/09(Thu)16:38 No.3555707
    I just got a new recruit. His strength is 40. His Bravery is 60. His accuracy is 61.

    His name is Jurgen Malkovich.

    Goddamn it, I need a Melta!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)16:50 No.3555823
    He's going to step off the Skyranger and die straight away, you know.
    >> Unholy Clown Ninja Maid Anonymous, tl;dr Xom's Champion !!0aKrfPDoCW4 01/29/09(Thu)17:02 No.3555906
    I would laugh if he gets huge psi defense.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:21 No.3556082
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    So goes the story of Sveteran Winters...

    2 days ago we had 2 skyrangers, one full with 11 squaddies, 2 sergeants and a captain, while my other new skyranger had a re-named Sergeant Sveteran Winters recently transferred to their base along with 13 rookies ready to get their feet wet with alien blood. Both packing full sets of Heavy Plasma, and the experienced squad sporting mostly fly suits and a few pers. armors.

    Now, originally Sveteran Winters had some kind of Russian name. He earned his re-name through my first night-time terror encounter with the chryssalids. I wanted to get my rookies some experience, so i sent them. We landed in the North-West. About 2/5ths of the map was a big open street on the Western Side with street lights illuminating the emptiness (THANK GOD), but a lot of the map to the East was side-by-side buildings with very few windows / doors / openings facing the street. So while most of my forces funnel down the street and start punching holes in the buildings and throwing electro-flares down alleyways, one of my best-stat guys (Winters) has to suck it up and "lead by example", scouting down the alleyway. While my team encountered 1 chryssalid and 1 snakeman through the first 5 turns that were in the buildings by the street, we didn't see ANYTHING else (except for Sveteran Winters, who prod'ed a Snakeman that was walking in circles in the Northern Alley). Yet on the alien turns, there was always tons of hidden movement (including some bastard snakeman on a roof of a southern building that i couldn't see yet it kept showing me), and i heard a lot of nasty sounds happening (and very few shots fired).
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:28 No.3556137

    All of a sudden, shit hits the fan like a pack of birds getting sucked into multiple jet engines. Most of my men get in position in (what's left of) the first line of buildings and punch a few holes in the back of these buildings, and it's almost like the aliens were WAITING for me to do this. 4 Chryssalids pour through the openings and OM-NOM 2 of my guys. I return fire and down 2 of them, but my men keep shooting more holes in the walls, revealing 3 snake-men backing-up the chryssalids. When i retreat, 1 of the Snakemen reaction-fires and kills one of my fleeing troopers, and 2 of the Chryssalids run up and OM-NOM 2 more of my troopers. Meanwhile Winters hops out of his alleyway, turns south and through 2 lucky auto-fire rounds, brings down 2 of the 3 snakemen and MAGICALLY MISSED the damn civvie that was behind them (how the hell did that one not get OM-NOM'd i'll never know).

    By this time my remaining 8 guys converge in the street to Volley-fire the 2 Chryssalids and 4-soon-to-be Chryssalids when they come out. But they don't - the 2 go out back and single-file up the alleyway towards Winters, and the Snakeman fires at Winters, HITS HIM IN THE FACE, and Winters shrugs it off like a champ. He then goes 2 Auto rounds, brings down BOTH Chryssalids, while the main squad dispatches 2 of the 4 new-Chryssalids.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:28 No.3556148
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:29 No.3556152

    So right when i think i'm in the clear, the game has to be "unforgiving". Remember that "bastard snakeman" on the roof of the southern building i couldn't see? I guess the whole time he was just waiting... waiting for me to bunch-up my guys so he could fuck them all up the ass with a Blaster Bomb. 5 guys were in the radius when it went off, 3 dead, 1 bleeding out, 1 unconscious. 1 of the remaining 3 in that pack sniped the bastard lizard with a lucky aimed shot, 1 medicated the wounded guy, and 1 went full-auto at the remaining 2 chryssalids now that they were hatched, killing 1. The other Chryssalid ran up and OM-NOM'd the guy i just healed (FFFFFF-).

    So at this point i'm thinking "there's no way, i have to evacuate what's left of this squad." So i have Winters rush back down his alley to meet the squad while the other 3 go full-auto to drop the Chryssalid and the zombified Chryssalid. Winters picks up the unconscious guy on the ground and stuffs him into his backpack, while the other 3 run north to the landing craft - to find one of the Lizardmen we "killed" near the beginning conscious again and unarmed. So they attempt to bum-rush him with Prod rods, and RIGHT when the 3rd one is 2 spaces away, he notices another Lizard sitting 6 spaces to the East, and gets reactionary-shot'd. Their turn, the Lizard shoots both my other Prod-rod guys, and the unarmed one runs towards my Skyranger (is he trying to hijack it or something?). Winters runs a couple steps and Full-Auto's the Lizard with the gun. Their turn. Unarmed Lizard moves back to his weapon and stands over it, looking at Winters. Not much, but still some movement i can't see... God i hope those are civilians. Winters runs up, and has JUST enough prod the guy. Right as i'm calculating if i can make it back to the skyranger next turn (Carrying his buddy, 2 weapons, and all that fighting does HELL to your Action bar), mission over. And somehow, 3 civilians lived.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:29 No.3556164

    Sveteran Winters. "S" for Special-class, "Veteran" for his experience, and "Winters" named after a hell of a man. Also sounds a bit Russian to me. The most upsetting thing about it all: Winters did not get a promotion for that shit. That bit of data deserves a Medal of Honor.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:35 No.3556212
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)17:42 No.3556266
    sadly, this thread is a hidden movement :(
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)18:03 No.3556468
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    TFTD is better
    >> MechanisMs !zsmtz5d4qs 01/29/09(Thu)18:22 No.3556653
    >TFTD is better
    >picture of Apocalypse box
    >Auto-saging thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)18:51 No.3556951
    So how long did he live until he get plasma'd in the face?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)18:54 No.3556988
    in WHICH cabin are you fuckers hiding THIS time!! no.. not the BELOW DECKS! FFFUUUUUU!!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/09(Thu)19:01 No.3557078
    "I heard this game is a lot harder than the first one"
    "haha it's true! they just blew up my whole squad with a grenade"
    "wow twice in a row! haha"
    "... ok this is getting old"
    "ok one or two aliens left I hope they don't have gr.. MOTHERFUCK!!"

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