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!X/WncDCXNA 10/22/08(Wed)23:43 No.2860394>>2859910 I posted that--it's from some guy I talked to, not someone I actually played with, but it remains absolutely the best SotC character I've heard of.
My group's longest-running SotC game was "Spirit of Eberron".
Malzen of Xen'drik, immensely notorious drow swashbuckler, had something like Intimidate +5, Weapons and Athletics +4, Survival, Endurance, and Deceit +3, Academics, Resolve, Stealth, and Resources +2, and Art, Alertness, Archery, Mysteries, and Might +1.
His Aspects were... uhh... let's see. As close as I can remember: Tiny Dinosaur, "I have *many* knives", Glorious Bastard, Civilized on the Inside, Master of Close Combat, Fearsome Savage, "Have *you* saved the Pontiff of Thrane?", Old Flames, Celebrity Status, and.... something related to being intimidating. A couple of Weapons stunts and three Intimidate ones.
Another PC's novel blurb and my responding guest-star blurb:
CAPTAIN MARINE AND THE DROW AMAZONS OF XEN'DRIK: Sky Captain Jean-Jacques Marine of His Majesty's Royal Air Service has been captured and enslaved by beautiful but evil Xen'driki drow maidens. On the Dark Continent, those who try to use swords or wits to defeat the drow are doomed to failure. Can Marine identify another tool that he can use to subdue the Maidens and free himself and his crew?
MALZEN OF XEN'DRIK, guest-starring in Captaine Marine and the Drow Amazons of Xen'drik: When a Royal airship captain is captured and pressed into bondage by Xen'driki natives, Malzen of Xen'drik is the natural choice to rescue him! Sent back to his homeland, Mal confronts an Amazon tribe! Stripped of his weapons and outnumbered by the domineering amazons, Mal has only his empty hands and his cunning tongue with which to ensure his and the Captain's release! |