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10/16/08(Thu)04:27 No.2813957 File :1224145626.jpg-(35 KB, 346x700, dwarf male miner.jpg)
 Uh, uh. This seems like the appropriate thread to ask some advice in.
I'm pretty new to Dorf Fortress, and I've just found my first magma. A vent, specifically. I've been using the wiki pretty heavily so far and it hasn't led me astray, but what happened next is baffling.
The vent was hidden underground, and I found it through a huge strip-mining project. Dorfs found warm stone, quit digging, all's well.
Or not.
All the miners very near to the vent stopped moving. The only orders they'll respond to are dig instructions very close by, and then they move back to where they were. Some are starting to complain of thirst.
Then, the magma. I did not, as far as I can tell, breach the vent, but now there are random spots of 1-deep magma cropping up in the same general area where the miners have stopped. I'm utterly baffled as to why.
So, any help, /tg/? I don't want to lose... three of my original seven, and the first mayor, to what looks like a glitch.
Oh, and I don't know if this is normal or relevant, but as soon as I discovered the vent, it became visible on all z-levels. |