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09/27/08(Sat)18:35 No.2681613 File :1222554932.jpg-(76 KB, 800x447, Slaanesh_break_time_by_Mr_Cule(...).jpg)
Listening to "Don't Stop Believing" and trawling the thread for juicy nuggets...
An Inquisitor is the school guidance counselor. He keeps tabs on everyone, for their own good. He knows about your home life, he has access to your records, he's heard all the rumors about everyone. If he calls you to his office for a talk, open up to him. He's here to help. He's creepy as hell.
Khorn Berzerker jocks are totally psyked and ready to crush the other team! Yeah, bro, let's do it! Some people say it's gay how they're so into getting physical with sweaty men and ignoring the cheerleaders... but it's just a male bonding thing. Maybe.
Imperial guard were in the story. Lots of them, in fact! The people they pushed past in the hall, a bunch of the crowd at the dance, the background in the lunchroom scene... the nameless nobodies, the ordinary kids, the underclassmen.
Commissar is a popular kid, and he stays that way by bullying. Don't like the right music? Heresy. Don't wear the right clothes? Heresy. Hang with the wrong crowd? Heresy. Have the audacity to try to come up with your own preferences and be your own person instead of caving to peer pressure? DOUBLE HERESY. |