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  • File :1222234843.jpg-(136 KB, 860x1014, ThenDaddidthis!.jpg)
    136 KB Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:40 No.2653172  
    What happened before that, though?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:43 No.2653197
         File :1222234998.jpg-(263 KB, 1423x1222, Cronnapping.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:44 No.2653203
    You know Lolcron is pulling her out of the way of a speeding car or something.

    Necron or not, he doesn't seem the kidnapper type to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:45 No.2653210
    OH! I thought that was a loli Hellboy for a moment.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:45 No.2653213
    I'm not entirely sure where I was going with this post. I think my point is that Lolcron isn't evil.

    TL;DR: I'm a moron.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:46 No.2653218
         File :1222235169.jpg-(115 KB, 653x350, IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.jpg)
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    I chuckled, then thought of this.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:48 No.2653230
    You think Bowser is malicious every time he kidnaps Princess Peach?

    And besides- HE'S A NECRON.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:50 No.2653240
    Maybe he's the Drizzt of Necron.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:51 No.2653243
         File :1222235489.jpg-(18 KB, 576x435, AwesomeCat.jpg)
    18 KB
    >Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:51 No.2653246
    Wow, thanks for ruining it for me.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:52 No.2653248
         File :1222235536.jpg-(53 KB, 718x480, Kaneda.jpg.jpg)
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    >the Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:57 No.2653269
         File :1222235844.jpg-(140 KB, 600x429, GastonDoesNotApprove.jpg)
    140 KB
    >The Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!TZikiEEr0tg 09/24/08(Wed)01:58 No.2653275
         File :1222235901.png-(211 KB, 600x450, bird man what.png)
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    >The Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:58 No.2653276
    Requesting Lolcron with white hair, dual scimitars and a giant necron panther.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:59 No.2653281
         File :1222235967.png-(24 KB, 500x500, BLAM.png)
    24 KB
    >The Drizzt of the Necron

    That's it, persona over.
    >> Juba, The Baghdad Guardsman !1EVr3uyPJI 09/24/08(Wed)02:00 No.2653288
         File :1222236026.gif-(39 KB, 225x240, dont make me destroy you.gif)
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    >Drizzt of Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:00 No.2653289
    The Drizzt of the Necron.

    Oh but that is delicious. I'm going to be bringing that up at every opportunity now.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:01 No.2653294
         File :1222236078.png-(246 KB, 481x361, HoltGun.png)
    246 KB
    >Drizzt of Necron.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:01 No.2653295
    i keep seeing lolcron and reading lolicron ... where the hell is a lolicron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:01 No.2653297
    We've angered Putin.

    It's only a matter of time now before we are destroyed in a whirlwind of judo and bears.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:03 No.2653304
    A very young, rape able necron?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:04 No.2653316
    No, Bowser just does it out of habit now. His to-do list includes go shopping, get gas for clown flower thingie, kidnap princess, paint bedroom, etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:05 No.2653320
         File :1222236317.jpg-(116 KB, 800x800, Angrinator.jpg)
    116 KB
    >Drizzt of Necron.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:07 No.2653328
    sure, why not
    >> APM-E150d !VMI9Yqtp8w 09/24/08(Wed)02:12 No.2653353
         File :1222236771.gif-(2.29 MB, 432x288, 1210472028645.gif)
    2.29 MB
    >Drizzt of Necron.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:14 No.2653360
    And with but a single sentence, Lolcron was destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:18 No.2653375
    I gotta admit, that's gotta be one of the harshest things I've ever read on here, and that's saying something.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:21 No.2653387
    What's a Drizzt?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:22 No.2653395
    A miserable pile of chaotic good.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:23 No.2653405
         File :1222237434.jpg-(228 KB, 700x821, 1221998302928.jpg)
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    A loli
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:24 No.2653412
    But enough talk.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:25 No.2653415
    Oh ho what's this I see in thi
    >Drizzt of Necron.

    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:27 No.2653428
         File :1222237665.jpg-(6 KB, 149x178, Morganwow.jpg)
    6 KB
    >Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:28 No.2653431
         File :1222237700.jpg-(69 KB, 482x591, brigadier.jpg)
    69 KB
    >The Drizzt of the Necron
    >> I apologized on 4chan 09/24/08(Wed)02:28 No.2653434

    Thanks. I can now hear dracula's boss theme in my head.

    No seriously. Thanks. That tune is awesome!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:28 No.2653436
         File :1222237719.jpg-(16 KB, 381x365, Aku Awesome.jpg)
    16 KB
    >Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:28 No.2653437

    Sell it to Pillory for a fucktoy and be done with Drizzt forever.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:30 No.2653447
         File :1222237800.jpg-(41 KB, 800x533, stare.jpg)
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    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)02:30 No.2653449
         File :1222237818.jpg-(25 KB, 216x282, WhatDaZog.jpg)
    25 KB
    >Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:31 No.2653454
         File :1222237867.jpg-(165 KB, 800x600, Charge_by_Minako_Koizumi.jpg)
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    The Drizzt of the Necron, you say?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:32 No.2653462
    Oh fuck this thread

    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:33 No.2653472
         File :1222237997.jpg-(333 KB, 683x1024, yaayawesome.jpg)
    333 KB
    >The Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:33 No.2653473
    That's BASICALLY what lolcron is guys. Why does this surprise everyone?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:33 No.2653476
    He just serves the Deceiver guys. It's okay.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:34 No.2653478
    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)02:34 No.2653482
         File :1222238098.jpg-(23 KB, 287x498, DrForrester.jpg)
    23 KB
    >Drizzt of the Necron

    ... wait I already did one.
    >> Lolcron 09/24/08(Wed)02:36 No.2653491
    >Drizzt of Necron.

    God damn holy fuck.

    What did I ever do to you?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:36 No.2653493
         File :1222238170.jpg-(434 KB, 1084x960, burns.jpg)
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    >Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:36 No.2653494
         File :1222238185.jpg-(40 KB, 384x336, moobs6.jpg)
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    Hm... pretty nice thrOH SHIT DRIZZT OF THE NECRON
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:37 No.2653498
    Geez, why does everyone hate Drizzt so much?

    Personally I think it's refreshing to see a Necron Lord trying to do good and erase the evil of his race.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:37 No.2653502
         File :1222238277.jpg-(57 KB, 750x600, utter lunacy.jpg)
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    >The Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:39 No.2653505
    He's a Necron Lord. What the Lord says, goes. Doesn't contradict canon in any way. Deal with it.
    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)02:39 No.2653509
    .... Riiiiiight. Yea. That's what the Tau are for... sorta.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:39 No.2653510

    When does he do good? I don't remember Lolcron being a good guy in anything. In fact at one point /tg/ though he was in line to be another villain in LCB, chasing after Taldeer for escaping from Kronus.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:40 No.2653513
    inb4 emo vampire faggotry
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:40 No.2653516
         File :1222238428.jpg-(89 KB, 455x590, angry.jpg)
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    >Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:41 No.2653520
    The Necrontyr have always been portrayed as relatively sympathetic, just with the C'tan being dicks. Now, C'tan are just Baron Munchausen necrons.

    Also, a "good" Necron's STILL going to have to kill Imperials in self defense, so this doesn't actually change the play of the game any.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:41 No.2653521
    But Tau were never evil, really. Not to others at least.

    Lolcron is like..trying to singlehandedly erase the awful image of his people. I think thats way better than him being another generic evil Necron Lord.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:42 No.2653531
    Say /tg/, do you think Necron can fall in love with other races? I have an idea for a story that you might want to read...
    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)02:43 No.2653536
    >> Vicious Mole !!qsTYT+/pVNs 09/24/08(Wed)02:43 No.2653537

    Fuck yes, Ice Falcon!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:44 No.2653545
    No one wants to read your Necron X Human AI from the golden age fanfic.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:44 No.2653546
         File :1222238698.jpg-(141 KB, 684x499, LforLolcron.jpg)
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    Why would you do that?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:45 No.2653551
         File :1222238731.jpg-(239 KB, 1002x896, 1220786324605.jpg)
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    >the Drizzt of Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:45 No.2653554
    Oh c'mon. It's not like the Necron are actually robots. They're made out of living metal, LIVING. They must have feelings and emotions. I think it would be beautiful to explore that, with Lolcron who is in touch with his humanity.
    >> God-Emperor of Mankind 09/24/08(Wed)02:47 No.2653562
         File :1222238835.png-(20 KB, 466x389, Claude-Emperor.png)
    20 KB
    and the Drizzit comment
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:47 No.2653565
    See, he has a sense of humor.

    I was thinking that Eldar would be a better choice since it is the other ancient race.
    >> Lolcron 09/24/08(Wed)02:47 No.2653566
         File :1222238877.jpg-(3 KB, 92x126, TeeHee.jpg)
    3 KB
    >with Lolcron who is in touch with his humanity.

    >with his humanity.

    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:49 No.2653571
    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)02:50 No.2653579

    Also Gork n' Mork wouldn't like it much either.
    I don't think the Chaos Pantheon cares much for it either.

    The Ethereals might care... if only to try to recruit Lolcron.
    >> Vicious Mole !!qsTYT+/pVNs 09/24/08(Wed)02:50 No.2653583

    No, seriously, braiding the finger bones of your dead enemies into your hair: best tribal fetish, or best tribal fetish?
    >> Lolcron 09/24/08(Wed)02:50 No.2653584
         File :1222239046.jpg-(41 KB, 320x240, megatron.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:51 No.2653588
    I think a story about a Necron trying to get in touch with his lost Necrontyranity would be an epic story. As far as anyone can say, the Necrons might have been cancerous spider-people as lifers, and been crafted to resemble skeletons simply to inspire fear.

    So the Necron Lord reshapes his body to resemble a gigantic, freaky boneless spider-thing with an uneven number of limbs, and then seeks to find out if love can bloom with a female archaelogist that discovered him.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:51 No.2653596
         File :1222239113.jpg-(9 KB, 144x144, sadmarine.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:52 No.2653599
         File :1222239132.gif-(1000 KB, 260x146, nonononono.gif)
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    >The Drizzt of the Necron
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:53 No.2653605
         File :1222239182.jpg-(36 KB, 105x122, Oh3435.jpg)
    36 KB

    Just stop. Can't you see poor Lolcron is rolling in his tomb with every sentence that you post?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:53 No.2653611
    Good idea, she could be a null maybe because they get along well with Necron. And Lolcron woulod face a moral dilemma...his natural tendency to make her into a Pariah
    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)02:55 No.2653631
    Needs more Eversor.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:58 No.2653644
         File :1222239482.png-(17 KB, 144x144, fucking-plasma.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:05 No.2653676
         File :1222239925.jpg-(102 KB, 800x1033, pariah.jpg)
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    Necrodermis can definitely be supple and yielding. (Also see: liquid metal terminators)
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:07 No.2653686
         File :1222240022.jpg-(321 KB, 957x600, Adventurers.jpg)
    321 KB
    Wow, seriously... Wow.

    He's not a Drizzt wannabe, he's simply a Lord that tags along with a Chaos space marine, and they explore the galaxy.

    Plus he's got a wife still in the tomb who hasn't woken up yet. I doubt he wants a female flayed one angry at him.
    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)03:09 No.2653698
    They need a Blood Axe mercenary to join them.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:09 No.2653699
    Sorry but I gotta keep saying DRIZZT OF NECRON from now on.
    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)03:15 No.2653726
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:15 No.2653730
         File :1222240541.jpg-(139 KB, 636x800, drizztcron1 copy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:17 No.2653749
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:18 No.2653754
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:18 No.2653757
    Took me a moment.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:19 No.2653763
         File :1222240760.jpg-(68 KB, 610x1000, drizztcron2 copy.jpg)
    68 KB
    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)03:19 No.2653765
         File :1222240767.gif-(168 KB, 256x144, HorrorAnimated.gif)
    168 KB
    What have you done? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:19 No.2653766
         File :1222240772.jpg-(214 KB, 600x500, 1221498862499.jpg)
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    Poor Lolcron.

    If you're out there, don't worry you're not a mary sue.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:20 No.2653773
    That must be a Tomb Spyder!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:21 No.2653780
    Oh my fuck.

    A thousand internets!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:23 No.2653789

    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:25 No.2653799
    This thread is made out of victory and FFFFFFF.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:27 No.2653804
    While I have you...

    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:28 No.2653810
    >> Real Lolcron 09/24/08(Wed)03:31 No.2653831
    Give unto /tg/ what is /tg/'s.

    But I will not be wielding dual staves of light.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:34 No.2653852
    But what about...DUAL C'TAN PHASE BLADES?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:36 No.2653862
         File :1222241760.jpg-(5 KB, 150x165, horrified.jpg)
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    >> Epynonymous Rex !!taqDd9490Ip 09/24/08(Wed)03:39 No.2653885
         File :1222241955.gif-(712 KB, 480x268, phonesmash.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:44 No.2653916
    /r/ Dark heresy stats for Drizzt of the Necron.

    I'm thinking he can work for the good of the Imperium by taking quests from Inquisitor Elminster.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:59 No.2654007
    Mother of God.

    I used to like Lolcron.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:01 No.2654018
    I smell a conversion project!
    >> Yotian 34 09/24/08(Wed)04:06 No.2654056
    This entire thread makes me laugh to the point I can't see. You all win.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:09 No.2654392
    Drizztcron is my hero!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:16 No.2654409
    Drizzle, /tg/ed Drizzt
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:28 No.2654446
    I don't play Necrons, but this makes me wanna go buy a Necron Lord and convert it to look Drizzt-y.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:28 No.2654450

    Is that Lofn?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:29 No.2654453
    Fo' Drizzle mah nizzle!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:34 No.2654471

    suptg still likes her.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)09:24 No.2655128
    For a second I thought you meant Bowser was a necron.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)10:38 No.2655417
    bump'n because I haven't seen any draw fag of his kitteh
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)15:36 No.2657136
    It's just a tomb spyder.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)16:07 No.2657414
    Oh God funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)16:11 No.2657445
         File :1222287079.jpg-(80 KB, 742x350, drizztofnecron.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)16:29 No.2657598
         File :1222288154.jpg-(18 KB, 322x384, anguish-774111.jpg)
    18 KB
    >Drizzt. Drizzt of the Necron.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)16:37 No.2657651
         File :1222288630.jpg-(90 KB, 640x480, 1209989277251.jpg)
    90 KB
    >Drizzt of the Necron
    >> animooted Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)16:48 No.2657751
         File :1222289286.gif-(799 KB, 320x240, facepalm animated.gif)
    799 KB
    >>this thread

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