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  • File :1220999013.jpg-(311 KB, 950x1294, CDW_061062.jpg)
    311 KB Anonymous 09/09/08(Tue)18:23 No.2539076  
    So here's my not-so-original idea for a basic system

    Each character is represented by three stats: 'Action', 'Art' and 'Ability', and in each category there is a number of associated skills that, if selected, increase that character’s knowledge and expertise. To succeed in an action a player must roll (1d20) under their stat (the three base-stats being determined by 1d20 divided by 2 [no lower than 4]), with a chosen skill adding +4 to that roll.

    Some of you might recognise this as tri-stat Paranoia.
    The Player chooses 5 skills and 5 weaknesses (rolls must be lower than 3) from the following list:

    Agility| Strength| Hand Weapons| Ballistics| Throwing| Unarmed Combat| Mounted Combat| Fine Manipulation

    Playing or Performing| Penmanship| Engineering| Bureaucracy| Medicine| Astrology| Smithing| Masonry, Tanning or Tailoring| Alchemy| Domestic Work| Animal Care and Control| Construction/Demolition| Farming or Industrial Labour|

    Conceal| Spot Track| Sleight of Hand| Sneak| Intimidate| Negotiate| Charm| Convince|

    Essentially the system makes skills and basic stats one-and-the-same, or close enough. I was planning to run a generic hack-n-slash with some P&P virgins and thought this might work to keep things simple. Good so far?
    Is the skills list looking full and generally self-explanatory? Anything I’m vitally missing?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/08(Tue)18:29 No.2539114
    Putting time and effort into something then showing it to /tg/? bwha ha aha ahahahahahaha!!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/08(Tue)18:50 No.2539260
    So a sample character might be:

    Beard McGruffface

    Base Stats:
    Action: [8] Art: [6] Ability: [5]
    Hand Weapons, Strength, Throwing, Smithing, Spot
    Playing or Performing, Penmanship, Domestic Work, Sneak, Charm

    So this character could be played as a burly, gruff if not somewhat clumsy blacksmith.
    >> Anonymous 09/09/08(Tue)19:10 No.2539392
    A /tg/ relevant tread definately worthy of a bump or ten!

    Personally, I'd add Magic to the stat list because it seems to be missing and would be totally nessaciry for generic retrofun. Also I'd split art into art and acedamics, or acedemics and artifice - making the destinction between knowledge on different subjects and the ability to create or forge things. Smithing and knowledge of Bureaucracy shouldn't be in the same box.
    Also, languages? I guess that depends on the world. Or priestly duties?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/08(Tue)19:22 No.2539462
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    Thanks man. Sounds like a good idea and it means that the choice of 5 skills/weaknesses is more balanced now; a playing being able to have one per stat.

    I hadn;t thought about magic much. With simplicity in mind, just having things like 'Blast', 'Cure', 'Light' might be worth it and have them used like normal skills.

    Ideas anyone?
    >> Anonymous 09/09/08(Tue)19:25 No.2539481
    bump for potential
    >> Anonymous 09/09/08(Tue)19:29 No.2539501
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    I love retro crawlers! good luck op!
    >> Anonymous 09/09/08(Tue)19:56 No.2539645
    I wouldn't randomize those stat rolls, myself. Just give players 14 to 20 points to distribute between the three, and allow no stat to begin below 4.

    I don't see any particular reason to split up the stats any more, as obviously you're looking to abstract these statistics for the sake of streamlined gameplay. "Triple-A" is a little more arbitrary than Tri-Stat's Body, Mind, and Soul, but seems just fine.

    As for magic, you could take a thousand different approaches. In systems with very few statistics, I like to see supernatural abilities utilize every one, rather than just the mind/psyche/spirit stat.

    Blasting and shielding magic might require a person to channel lots of potentially dangerous energies, and so a high Action score might be necessary to cast.

    Transformation, divination, and summoning could fall under Art, as they require lots of preparation of materials and invocations.

    Illusions and suggestions require that you impose your own force of will upon another, meaning a good Ability score is needed for these spells.

    If all magic falls under Art or Ability, you'll have a whole lot of casters who are very, very similar.
    >> Stranger 09/09/08(Tue)20:06 No.2539689
    I'm liking this, nice and damn simple.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)03:45 No.2541606
    Rescued from page 10
    >> LogicNinja !X/WncDCXNA 09/10/08(Wed)03:47 No.2541618
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    >So here's my not-so-original idea for a basic system
    Stop right there, criminal scum.

    Before you start designing a system, you have to understand what you want it to do.

    If you want a light set of rules for a game for newbies, there are already ones out there, such as Risus and FATE.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)03:49 No.2541624

    Praise you for resurrecting this Anon, I like this system and am stealing it to sell to WoTC.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)03:51 No.2541637
    Light systems for Ico style adventures raise my boneration to maximum boneritude.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)03:54 No.2541651
    Rules light systems? I'm on board. I like your idea OP. Post the results on /tg/ sometime.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)10:26 No.2543505
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)10:57 No.2543680
    Right, OP here gents. Thanks for the various saves from the horrors of page ten.
    The 'Three-A' affair is, admittedly, a little arbitrary and I'm definitely considering adding in two more stats as anon suggested earlier. To clarify the tri-stat stats aren't particularly stats as D&D might define them but rather a 'base skill level'. All characters can take any 'Action' or 'Art' (for example) based activities they'd care to imagine and roll against the appropriate base score to determine a degree of success. The specialist skills just add bonuses.

    Yeah, I suppose a point buy system could work too when drawing up these base stats. Perhaps I should change the names for easier conveyance of the primary concept:
    Action-type, Art-type (talent-type? Misc-type?) Covert-type, Social-type and Magic-type activities?
    >> Aegis 09/10/08(Wed)11:10 No.2543752
    You could call it Triple-A system

    that's actually quite a cool name
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)11:31 No.2543853
    Triple A? Ha! Characters must introduce themselves in the manner of newcomers to a AAA meeting.
    "Hi, I'm Ryan and I'm a quest-a-holic.'
    "Hi Ryan!"

    Although, while this system is quite cool, there are still some areas that need to be looked at. Classes, magic, combat, leveling etc etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)11:34 No.2543866
    AAA - American Automobile Association
    AA - Alcoholics Anonymous

    Confused anon is confused.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)11:52 No.2543943
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    I suddently envisioned a videogame title screen/rule book cover.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)11:56 No.2543966
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    Op here.
    Instead of having classes and levels as per a usual D&D clone I was going to have all the players fill the same broad role with characters and skill-choices being the defining factor. So characters can be beard-bound musclemen or effeminate socialites and any combination of shades in between.
    So no 'I'm a wizard lol' crap. I was going to place an emphasis on simple, easily-stored magic items in a Zelda style which the players can run'n'gun with then throw away when needed.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)11:59 No.2543979
    Confused Anon is British.

    AA = Automobile Association
    AAA = Anonymous Alcoholics Association
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)12:02 No.2543993
    By the way OP, where are these two images from?
    Looks kinda 'D&D meets Mario Party'.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)12:03 No.2543998

    OP'd better use this
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)12:05 No.2544010
    ...that's just weird.
    >> OP 09/10/08(Wed)12:15 No.2544070
    They're from an obscure capcom game, I believe. I think the latter image has the title.

    Woah, I'd missed that! Freekin' awesome man. I may just do that.

    Comic misunderstanding permeates every strata of our society.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)12:29 No.2544145
    I'm glad you like it. I'm not a very good drawfag, but I'd like to think I have a sense of design.

    Also, I think it would be nice to incorporate a magic system via item/ability fusion.
    Let's say there's an abstract item called Fire.
    Your character has the ACTION (caps makes it easier to avoid confusion with the generic use of the word) Unarmed Combat.
    By using Fire with this ACTION, he can now do flaming punches and kicks, as well as throw fireballs.
    If he wants to start doing Ice punches, he'll have to dequip his Fire item, and replace it. If you want to be cold (or just make the system a little harder), Fire could break after dequipping it.
    Maybe there's a way to have multiple elemental slots at the sacrifice of something else (stats? mobility? delicious cake?)
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)12:35 No.2544182
    Mmm, I actually rather like that idea.. Characters defined by what they do instead of their title.
    Since your characters are so defined by their various skill selections, I suggest a magic system that is point based. Say there's a brief amount of skills under Art/Ability that denote Fire, Water, Earth, etc. or some easily broken down set. You can "draw" from these skills once during a turn you cast a spell (let's say you can "draw" to build up back points as well). Drawing would basically take your Magic skill and add it's number to your magic points pool.
    In example, you wish to cast a fire spell that costs 3 MP, so you draw from your Fire skill, which has a base number of 5. So, you get 5 MP, 3 of which you use that turn to cast a fireball or something, then leaving you with 2 MP for later use.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)12:47 No.2544253
    How about linking magic in some way to the abilities/stats a character already has? For example, a character has access to the Fire magic, the ACTION ability Unarmed Combat, and the ART ability Performing. As it stands, all the character can cast Fire. However, after some training (e.g. after a level up), he can choose to link fire to ACTION or ART. Linking it to ACTION would give a bonus to situations involving fire with an ACTION roll, or could use MP to add a fire element to his Unarmed Combat attacks. Linking it to ART, however, would give the same bonus as with the ACTION link, but with ART rolls instead, and could expend MP to add fire to his Performing skill (pyrotechnics!)
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)12:51 No.2544283
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    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)13:02 No.2544342
    I love this thread so much.
    >> SetSail4Fail 09/10/08(Wed)13:29 No.2544440

    Do this. For simplicity's sake, you may want to have items share a lot of elements with character design.

    If everything in the setting's designed with the same rule's scheme, its easier for people to create exactly what they want, and harder for noobs to screw up their character creation.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)13:35 No.2544467

    Magic ought to be an exaggeration of the skill system. Starting out as something bland, like, giving a +10 to alchemy or something, and as the magic becomes more powerful, it adds descriptors and other abilities to the spell.


    Brew Potion 1
    +10 alchemy creation

    Brew Potion 2
    +10 Alchemy creation, add poison/healing descriptor to potion.

    Brew Potion 2
    +10 alchemy creation, add poison/healing/buff/debuff descriptor to potion.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)13:47 No.2544529
    bump, for great justice!
    >> Antihero King 09/10/08(Wed)13:49 No.2544542
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    >>2544182 here.
    >>2544253 I really dig this idea. If you don't mind me expanding upon it with a poorly done image, then how about this: with each of your "Magic" type stats, you have a category for each of the original "Action" "Arts" and "Ability" stats. You can allocate points to your Fire magic in this example to the places you want to be able to use fire, possibly even having skill trees for each possibilty. Taking from an earlier post, putting points in "Action" could give you a spell that surrounds your punches and kicks in powerful flame. Alternatively, putting points in "Arts" could let you stun enemies with bright flashes of light. This way you get your bonuses and skills from the same system.
    >> Antihero King 09/10/08(Wed)13:52 No.2544560
    Oops! I forgot to elaborate on the image in regards to MP. In this case, performing a Fire spell related ACTION would net you 2 MP to use that turn, whereas ARTS would give you 1 MP, and ABILITY would give you 3 MP.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)14:02 No.2544625
    So even when you have the item equipped, you need to put points into the A3, with an a maximum amount of points for each category?

    And then to do an Item/Skill fusion, you consume said points?

    Sounds cool to me. Do you blow all your points in one battle, or do you restrain your techniques to give you an elemental bonus in many battles? It also means those who want to be item adepts have a larger capacity for MP, so it works out nicely.

    On that note, what Magic items should we have? For sure we want

    but how about somthing a bit more out there?

    Sticky Sleight Of Hand ABILITY for top tier pickpocketing. Trap foes with a Glue Grenade made by your Engineering ART.
    >> Antihero King 09/10/08(Wed)14:26 No.2544743
    I could see running out of points in battle to be rather likely, though not in a good way. Ideally, all participants in the battle would start off with their low-cost, high-bonus spells, to build up extra MP with which to later drive the final blow with an extra powerful high-cost spell.

    Think throwing lots of fireballs that cost 2 MP each cast. Throwing fireballs would use the ACTION stat, let's say, and let's also say you have an ACTION stat of 3 for Fire. So each time you cast a fireball, you're gaining 3 MP and spending two. Eventually in the fight, those extra ones you've been building up can let you cast your big, 10 MP Hellbomber skill - a huge blast of white-hot fire erupts from your person, dealing major damage to any caught in its radius.

    I actually hadn't thought of the interaction with items, but that's a very good idea. Combining stats and effects like that allows for some fun, unforeseen abilities.

    Hmm, with magic types... I've always been fond of the following, elementally:
    A couple do sound similar at first, but conceptually, allow a lot of versatility. For others, I do think some odd ones would do well. I like Sound and Gravity, though I may need some convincing with Sticky. It sounds like an effect that could be produced through Earth magic or something. An alternative could be Technology magic. You could use that to make the odd chemical for your "Gluenades" (Haw.), or use a spell to research an enemy type (ie "It seems to be a lesser tribe of Ork, the Tormec. They aren't as brawny as their cousins, but they dabble in necromancy). Speakin' o' which... Necromancy? Yay? Nay? Would it go under something else?
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)14:32 No.2544771

    Shadow magic applied to Animal Care and Control? Hahaha
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)15:08 No.2544944

    More on basic stuff now, less about fightan magic
    >> Antihero King 09/10/08(Wed)15:55 No.2545199
    Buh, sorry, just got back from lunch.

    Haha, hells yes. I mean, besides the terms, that sounds technically correct. Silly, but correct.

    I agree, but what should we cover next? I'm a bit out of thought now that I've been gone for a bit.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)16:18 No.2545290
    A setting? Or rather, a context?
    I've always liked the idea of freelance mission solving team.
    Like there's a HQ somewhere, and all the adventurers - both rookie and veteran - go to help some people, gain some gold, and broaden their horizons. (I'm looking at the OP pic as I type this, I think it's affecting my opinion...) it's a hobby for some, and a lifestyle for others (kinda like /tg/?). Make a change hand have it bluesky. There are enough GRIMDARK games around already.

    As for a timeframe... anachronistic steam/medievil? For all the cloaks and armour there are regular getups, cars (or something of an equivalent), and computers. A mix-n-match of relatable fantasy that goes well with the mix-n-match gameplay.

    BTW, copying ideas into a notepad document in case I forget to archive. (not sure which one you use - the standard 4Chan one, or the other one you use. Er... suptg?)
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)16:21 No.2545305

    Some kind of experience system? It seems to be the next logical step. Some kind of usage based system seems to be more apt to this (i.e. the more you use a specific skill, the more powerful it becomes) rather than distinct separate levels
    >> Antihero King 09/10/08(Wed)16:57 No.2545459
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    >>2545290 Agreed. Pastels would be good, for once. And since this is for people new to RPGs to begin with, let's make it something engaging rather than frightening. Following the images in this thread so far, I'm most fond of the first and third. They have a Disgaea sort of appeal, which, while kind of grim, is certainly not that dark. Going by those, let's toss some idea out there.

    I like the HQ idea. How about something always prevalent in the world, like that castle in the sky of the first pic? Say that's the Central Citadel of Captures and Collection (lol I love ridiculous acronyms). Think of it as a place that instructs people in the ways of hunting treasure, capturing rare beasts, and otherwise gathering the oddities of the world, and then pays their alumni to fetch these things for their museums and libraries. It'd be like a widespread fantasy take on Indiana Jones. :D

    Also, anachronisms are awesome. Computers and scrolls in libraries, swordsmen wearing glasses and fairies packing old-school pistols. Hell yeah.

    Experience-wise, I think it's a good idea to have separate points for your AAA stats and your skills list. basic experience could go toward growing your character in Action, Arts, and Ability, while other points are given for the things you did in-game. If you managed to build a Gluenade, you should be awarded points toward Engineering. If you happen to dodge a big attack, you should get points toward your agility. So on and so forth. It sounds like a lot to keep track of, but if your PCs are doing worthwhile things to reach their goal, I think everyone will remember well enough. *shrug* Or take notes. Wouldn't take that much time or paper.
    >> Antihero King 09/10/08(Wed)16:59 No.2545467
    Uh... by the way (and yes, I feel retarded for asking, thanks), I have no idea how I've done that green text in my posts. Anybody care to inform me what I'm not seeing? ^_^'
    >> Spring 09/10/08(Wed)18:09 No.2545870
    Hello folks, it's me OP. Sorry, I've been gallivanting about the countryside.
    This is all very exciting! You've had some great ideas; very impressive.
    As far as setting or context goes, I was definitely going for a bluesky approach. The players could be, depending on the general attitude of the group, somewhere between happy-go-lucky mercenaries to valorous hedge-knights for the classic fantasy small-kingdom setup (FFIX, Odin Sphere etc). I like the term 'Hedge-Knight'..
    I love the above idea of a floating magic college too. And anachronistic feel is also something I'd wanted, so while there's armor and swords, there could be also crystal-ball tellies and magi-steam engines. Some steampunk equipment, but not much of the aesthetic; more blocky baroque than high Gothic perhaps.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)18:14 No.2545913
    Whenever you do a 'More than' sign on 4Chan (and all boards like it), it'll kick in an alternative function.

    > One will make any text on that line green, which is good for quoting.

    >>2539076 Two are used for in-board post linking. Any text after that will also be green...
    ...Until you line break.

    >>>19853344(/v/) Three *should* do inter-board linking; i.e. quote posts on a different sub directory. You need to have the board at the end of the post number in brackets. 10 to 1 I've done it wrong here...

    There's an FAQ and Help page on the homepage of 4Chan, so when you have the time, take a look at it.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)18:35 No.2546073
    Here's my current list of magic/useful items:
    •Ring of Invisibility – A ring that grants the bearer Invisibility for about two minutes. The wearer cannot be seen, nor can any equipment he was wearing at the time of putting it on.
    •Ring of Flight - A ring that frees the bearer from gravity for about five minutes. The wearer may act as if he were suspended in water and will slowly sink without movement.
    •Ring of Strength - A ring that grants the bearer great strength for about two minutes.
    •Ring of Breath – A ring that grants the bearer the ability to breath normally in all conditions. This effect lasts until the bearer returns to breathable air.

    •Fire Crystal - Upon speaking the engraved command this deep-red crystal emits a powerful burst of flame in a radius of 1 foot and remains alight for about three minutes.
    •Light Crystal – Upon speaking the engraved command this clear crystal emits a blinding flash that stuns all those facing it and never ceases glowing strongly after that event.
    •Wind Crystal - Upon speaking the engraved command this light-blue crystal summons a strong wind to whip through the local area regardless of conceivability; the wind will last for approximately 1 minute.
    •Stone Crystal - Upon speaking the engraved command this jet-black crystal emits a blinding flash that turns all those who see it into stone. The crystal will then turn an opaque white, when the command-word is spoken again those petrified with return to flesh.

    I wrote these originally for a slightly darker game, so perhaps the effects might need to be a bit more 90's retro action-adventure gamish, but you get the idea; simple essentials for any adventurer. Always useful, but limited in supply, each item having only limited charges depending on quality.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)18:38 No.2546097
    •Dead Stone – Ghoulishly carved, this talisman will weakly animate any intact corpse it is held over. The dead may speak and gesture but may not know anything it did not know in life. The corpse will return to death once the stone is removed. Each stone has three uses before its dark charge is dissipated.
    •Lodestone – A pair of bluish pebbles that, if one is struck or rubbed, the other will resonate with a soft chime.
    •Starwatch – A dark crystal orb with the patterns of the night sky revolving within it; a small sun and moon appearing and submerging over time. A viewer may know the exact time of day.
    •Scrying Orb – A clear crystal orb. Focusing on an area you wish to see with the local area and looking into the glass presents a view of that place. Each orb has three uses before its power is dissipated.

    The first I'd always imagined was to, firstly, appease the 'I want to be a necromancer' crowd and, secondly, able a more morbid GM to have fun with witty, post-modern talking skeletons.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)18:44 No.2546124

    Hey, on a slight tangent, in terms of 'Subheadings under which to file information', what would be suitable ones for describing a tabletop game? Thread ideas need some organisation - and if the thread naturally pruges, we'd have a nice neat block of info to start off the next thread.

    I'd assume there would be
    - Setting
    - Characters/Character Types
    - Creation System
    - Battle System
    But I'm tired and drawing a blank on anything else. -_-
    >> OP 09/10/08(Wed)19:34 No.2546435
    My thoughts about experience would be something along the lines of allowing players to choose one or more specialist skills depending on how genuinely entertaining they were. Yeah, not very complex, but does it need to be? For awful stupidity and lame lolrandom I might award skill weakness..

    Perhaps for magic, characters can pay (or otherwise gain) magical charge, which would be to have a number of magic points. No character (apart from NPCs) can be innately magical, although as a major award I might offer a small, recharging permanent supply.
    I love the idea of abstract 'FIRE' that was suggested, but combinations with the possibly increasing number of stats and skills might be difficult for the rookies to manage.
    I was thinking that there could be, as someone said, magic elements (Fire, Water, Dark etc - perhaps 5-7 max) and characters would receive magic charges of a certain element.
    So, you could have 10 FIRE MP, or 5 WATER MP to spend at your leisure (although they wouldn't be interchangeable). For example spending 1 FIRE mp might light a illuminating flame in your palm, whereas 10 would be a powerful fireball.
    I hope this might allow an easy balance of the useful and the powerful, adding in a bit of player imagination without being needlessly complicated.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)19:42 No.2546481
    Before I go to bed, a compiled A3 Copypasta!
    Triple-A is an easy to pick up bluesky system, perfect for those who want to have fun and adventure, rather than be bogged down with the GRIMDARK.

    - PCs are a team of mission-solving adventurers (One team out of many) who get their kicks and their cash by using their Artistry, Abilities, and stylish Actions to help out civilians, solve some crimes, and kick some ass.
    - The Central Citadel of Captures and Collection is a huge floating castle; a HQ for all mission-seeking adventure teams. They offer all kinds of interesting challenges from clean and simple, to mind-wrackingly challenging. It takes some experience to do the harder things, so adventurers are all about getting their rank and reputation up. Think of it as a place that instructs people in the ways of hunting treasure, capturing rare beasts, and otherwise gathering the oddities of the world, and then pays their alumni to fetch these things for their museums and libraries. It'd be like a widespread fantasy take on Indiana Jones.
    - The world is a crazy mix-up of anachronisms, both the mundane and the fantastical. Knights in shining armour rush home on their steam-powered motorcycle to check the latest posts on Hero's Blog.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)19:43 No.2546484
    - Instead of having classes and levels as per a usual D&D clone, all the players fill the same broad role with characters and skill-choices being the defining factor. So characters can be beard-bound musclemen or effeminate socialites and any combination of shades in between.
    - Each character is represented by three stats: 'Action', 'Art' and 'Ability', and in each category there is a number of associated skills that, if selected, increase that character’s knowledge and expertise. To succeed in an action a player must roll (1d20) under their stat (the three base-stats being determined by 1d20 divided by 2 [no lower than 4]), with a chosen skill adding +4 to that roll.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)19:45 No.2546500
    The Player chooses 5 skills and 5 weaknesses (rolls must be lower than 3) from lists that include, but aren't limited to:

    Agility | Strength | Hand Weapons | Ballistics | Throwing | Unarmed Combat | Mounted Combat | Fine Manipulation

    Playing or Performing | Penmanship | Engineering | Bureaucracy | Medicine | Astrology | Smithing | Masonry, Tanning or Tailoring | Alchemy | Domestic Work | Animal Care and Control | Construction/Demolition | Farming or Industrial Labour |

    Conceal | Spot Track | Sleight of Hand | Sneak | Intimidate | Negotiate | Charm | Convince |
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)19:45 No.2546505
    - You can use your ACTIONS, ARTISTRY, and ABILITIES on their own just fine, but interesting things happen once you start applying Magic (usually in the form of artifacts, to give them tangibility).
    - If you have the ACTION Unarmed Combat, and you invoke the power of a Fire artifact, you'll be able to perform fiery punches and kicks! Interesting combinations of your A3 and Magic will turn battles in your favour for sure.
    - Normally you can only equip one kind of magic at a time. If you make some sacrifices, you can hold more.
    - Magic isn't free, it requires MP to perform. You'll gather MP by fighting normally (most skills let you charge MP), but using Magic will drain some. Charge up your MP in battle, and unleash the big guns!
    - There are separate MP pools for each of your A3. Using ACTION magic won't detract from your ART magic, so it pays to mix it up.
    - Want do do something unorthadox, like Necromancy? Be imaginative! You'd be surprised what a "Shadow Animal Care and Control" ARTISTRY spell might do...
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/10/08(Wed)19:46 No.2546512
    - Your skills make up who you are, so it makes sense that improving your skills will improve yourself as a person. Start doing actions related to your A3 skills, and they'll level up.
    - Your Proficency at the A3 grow over time as you explore the world and do new things, but it takes a specific focus to increase a specific skill.
    - Your growth in the A3 will make you generally more effient in that category, you'll get more charged MP when using a skill, and other passive effects.

    And that's all I compiled, OP. Yours to do with what you will. Good night.
    >> OP 09/10/08(Wed)19:59 No.2546570
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    Congratulations Spadey, it's a boy!

    'Tis a nice summing-up, but there are skill more areas that I'd like to cut back and hack about so nothing's final as of yet and ideas from all fields are welcome.
    To speak truthfully, as far as setting's concerned, I'd like to keep the wacky to minimal. Admittedly anyone can run anything how they'd like, but knights on motorcycles ain't something I'd stat in good conscience. Besides, I'm trying to appeal to generic ever-so-slightly-weeaboo fantasy to keep my affected so-to-be players interested. Get them playing some Fire Emblem and make it hip to be lame.
    If you want knights on bikes, you have my blessing.

    I am,in my life away from 4chan, and Illustration Major and might be tempted to produce an illustrated rule-book if /tg/ is all that interested.
    >> OP 09/10/08(Wed)20:14 No.2546623
    Right, well, I'm off to bed! Great work today guys. /tg/ gets shit done.

    I'll put forward some suggestions for settings tomorrow. Oh, and a combat system.
    Save this from page ten.
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)20:26 No.2546668
    >> Anonymous 09/10/08(Wed)23:38 No.2547669
    Bump. Possibly start a new thread for combat?
    >> OP 09/11/08(Thu)02:32 No.2548626
    Pssh, no! We can do combat here. But listen (link! hey listen), I gotta go to class but I'll post my suggestion when I get back.
    I was thinking of keeping the triple-A stats but further dividing them into sub-categories into more manageable chunks.
    >> OP 09/11/08(Thu)02:42 No.2548686
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    Also low-fat steampunkery, now with 50% less dark.
    >> Jim Profit 09/11/08(Thu)03:06 No.2548811
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    I like it, especially sense it is basically tri-stat Paranoia..

    Jim Profit.
    Action: 8 (Hand Weapon Skill: 12)
    Art: 3 (Peform Skill: 7)
    Ability: 6 (Convince: 10)
    >> Stranger 09/11/08(Thu)03:29 No.2548963
    I'm off to bed, but trust the rest of you to keep this around for me to make a character tomorrow. I was worried it was gone after last night! Perhaps a 1d4chan entry should be made for this, if OP didn't make one already.
    >> Dagda !hTbo821v7U 09/11/08(Thu)05:52 No.2549817
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    So here's my initial thought after reading through this system. Note that I've got little interest in making the system accomplish anything in particular; rather, I'm starting with the interesting mechanics and intend to then see what they can best be used for.

    Right now the Action/Art/Ability breakdown seems to break down as physical/mundane mental/dramatic skill, just as a rough breakdown.What if Art was less about what your occupation was and more about your personality/interests/passions? In other words, your artistic side. That makes Action/Art/Ability more a matter of Physical Training/Passion/Mental Skill.

    Next, what if this system allowed for dramatic special actions which consisted of boosting a score by combining two of your scores with a complex action that ties into both of them? The player has to sell the DM on it- maybe they incorporate feats of strength into an attempt to charm or intimidate someone, for example. It doesn't work too well with the existing skill/weakness entries, I admit, but when you stick with the general scores it functions pretty nicely.

    Hope this all makes sense, I'm getting way too tired to write coherently. Will check in in the morning.
    >> Stranger 09/11/08(Thu)09:22 No.2550605
    Just making sure this thread is up again.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/11/08(Thu)12:14 No.2551513
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    I'd assume what skills fall under what A3 is pretty much up in the air, ATM.

    As for following what you just said; give some examples of what skills should be where, if you can.
    >> Stranger 09/11/08(Thu)13:14 No.2551807
    bumping, just cause
    >> Antihero King 09/11/08(Thu)13:39 No.2551948
    HOLY CRAP, the thread's still alive! You guys all rock! I'm at work, but as soon as I get time, I'm reading through the new stuff and hopping back on this creative train.

    Thanks for the info, btw. I really expected a refugee /b/tard to give me an "answer" on that one. ^_^'
    >> Spring 09/11/08(Thu)14:45 No.2552364
    OP here.
    That's not quite how characters are made, or at least how I originally considered they'd be made. Numbers only come into it when considering your three base stats; further specialist skills and weaknesses (5 of each) have no numerical rank, they simply add +4 to the roll.

    Regarding Dadga's comment, for the advancement of specialist skills I suppose players could indeed suggest that more than one skill applies to a roll in certain circumstance should that appeal to the GM's sense of the cinematic. Paranoia has an interesting system in which a further +4 might be added in a highly specific situation; effected in this system this may mean players could have five slots (,as it were,) for each specialist skill that would be filled when the proper dramatic situation arose.
    For example in the Action band a player could select the 'Throw' specialist skill and then, when the time called, fill that action slot with, for example, 'Throw a dagger precisely through the heart of Lt.Beneficent, Evil Mastermind' - which would equate to a +4 for that action roll up to a possible target of 18!
    >> Spring 09/11/08(Thu)15:20 No.2552550
    Here's how I'm currently dividing the specialist skills in the three stat bands (the Triple A).

    Agility| Strength| Hand Weapons| Ballistics| Throwing| Unarmed Combat| Mounted Combat| Fine Manipulation

    Playing or Performing| Penmanship| Engineering| Bureaucracy| Medicine| Astrology| Domestic Work| Animal Care and Control| Construction/Demolition| Farming or Industrial Labour|
    Smithing| Masonry, Tanning or Tailoring| Alchemy| Machining

    Conceal| Spot Track| Sleight of Hand| Sneak|
    Intimidate| Negotiate| Charm| Convince|

    So, essentially, there a five skill types (this is for easier communication) and my players would be asked to, perhaps, role up 5 base stats in creation rather than three.
    While I like tri-stat it feels a little shallow, perhaps, for more well-rounded characters. Action remains unsplit because, as everyone knows, the core of any RPG is running around cutting people in half. The illusive 'sixth stat' would be magic which, as I see it, runs separately from the central system. I'll post my ideas for combat soon.

    If anyone has any more suggestions for specialist skills, I'd love to hear them!
    Navigation, Piloting etc might be an idea.
    >> Spring 09/11/08(Thu)15:52 No.2552746
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    >> Spring 09/11/08(Thu)16:05 No.2552826
    OP here. I've finally remembered what the major inspiration for the project was:
    Secret of Mana
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)16:42 No.2553008
    FUCK YEAH! I loved that. I'm totally feeling the snes goodness.

    Just thinking action could be split into two part too. Combat actions, like hand weapons, and supporting actions. Supporting actions could be skills like agility or battle commands (or would that be social?) or maybe a defence skill?
    >> Antihero King 09/11/08(Thu)17:11 No.2553200
    Even if your players are weaboo, I would think they could appreciate an odd take like Knights on Motorcycles. Little quirks like that help set games apart from each other. And frankly, the thought of some heavily-armored guy trying to decapitate your team while riding on a horse, while cool, just doesn't have the imagination-grabbing flair that that same knight on a similarly armored, steam-powered chopper does. ;)

    Just saying, it's better to have the things and not need them than to need them and not have them. Offer the material, and let the GMs decide whether or not to use the odd concepts.

    And in regards to book-making, I'm quite a fan of this system thus far, and would be interested in helping in material production. I can get some character sheet designs made up when we get this thing worked out, and I'd have a lot of fun doing illustrations for this thing too. So, OP, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to contribute to this possible book.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/11/08(Thu)17:21 No.2553267
    Ditto. Only tabletop game I've seen so far that I'd actually completely want to play without feeling neckbeardy.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)17:22 No.2553280
    ugh, we need to hurry up and do combat and items.

    i want to playtest
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/11/08(Thu)17:26 No.2553303
    Could we take combat from an existing complementary system; and alter it to meet our specifications?

    It would speed the process up by a great deal.
    >> Antihero King 09/11/08(Thu)17:38 No.2553391
    Very true. There's actually a combat system for another thread that had came and went that I had kept working on. It was for a Grimdark setting, but I see no reason why the mechanics wouldn't fit, thinking about it. Give me a bit to pull my data together and I'll post.
    >> Antihero King 09/11/08(Thu)18:14 No.2553603
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    COMBAT (adapted from the "MurderMagic Academy," so sorry if there's any odd terms I missed.)

    Actions are broken down into "payment categories." Let's look at something simple, like throwing a punch. The GM decides a punch consist of the following categories:
    Force (how hard you're punching)
    Aim (how targeted your attack is)
    The player rolls his D20, getting a 12. His character also has a stat of 3 in Unarmed Combat, and so gets a +3 to his roll, bringing the total to 15. What this equates to is this - the player now allocates those 15 "points" between the available categories, deciding in this case to keep things relatively even and putting 7 points into Force and 8 points into Aim.

    The GM, meanwhile, has looked at affecting factors in this punch, and notes the following:
    -The target is close to the character, and won't require any movement persay other than the actual swing of the arm. Within Good Reach = a -1 difficulty modifier.
    -The PC specified that he wanted to hit the target in the jaw, in turn giving a +1 difficulty modifier.
    -The PC is wearing metal-plated gauntlets. While these are not weapons, technically, they would affect the punch, and therefore give a -1 modifier.

    Overall, this gives a -1 to whatever difficulty the punch had. In this case, the GM first decides if the target will block or dodge (chooses dodge) and rolls a d20, getting a 10. However, dodge and block rolls are halved, thereby setting the total to 5. Since he chose dodge, the 5 points allocate there. If the target had any additional points to his Agility stat, he could add those to his points. The GM notes that he has two, which brings the comparison of: PC's 8 Aim vs. Target's 7 Dodge. The punch connects, and the PC deals his 7 Force in equivalent damage.

    Buh. Sorry for the winded post. I'm off work, so when I get home I'll start posting the rest. Go ahead and start offering thoughts in the meantime.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)18:18 No.2553627
    Wow that's pointlessly complicated
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/11/08(Thu)19:24 No.2554019
    I'd have to agree. Although I know more about RPG battle mechanics than tabletop ones, can't you just have a constant attack/defense with a 1d6 modifier, then calculate a hitrate (Possibly also with modifier rolls)? Easy to pull off multiple times without aid of a computer. Your A3 skills would create extra effects and complications.

    Not sure how to put this into technical dice-rollan terms, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)19:52 No.2554198
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    Ok, here's my (hilariously unoriginal) idea for combat.

    A combat situation begins, as you'd expect. The GM considers NPC combatants, their soon-to-occur action and describes anything of value ("Two guards leap up as you open the door and draw their swords."). He'll then go around the table and each player will swiftly choose a course of action. Actions are then resolved at the same time, because initiative-orders are so tiresome and not really useful. One round is the time it takes for the characters to do one interesting thing.
    If two attacks are made and succeed at the same time both wounds still count. There's no specific movement rules, just common sense as to where a character can go in the handful of moments that is a single round. If movement distance is contested (of course, the more entertaining and dramatic option should be chosen) then a Action role should be made.

    To lift incredibly from Paranoia player characters could have a 'status rank' : Alive, Stunned, Wounded, Down, Maimed, Killed, Horribly(/Hilariously/Spectacularly) Killed. Characters are all Alive normally (or undead, or otherwise operational) and all effects less than death are cumulative: You can be wounded and de-limbed multiple times..
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)19:53 No.2554209
    Damage is dealt-out thus: weapons deal ranks of damage, a hand weapon, for example, (sword, mace etc) could deal 4 ranks with the least severe being Wounded to the most being Killed. Which result is given is decided when looking at the target the player has to roll under with his skills then dividing the damage ranks into that:
    So dividing those four damage ranks into, say, a 12-or-lower-to-hit target means that 1-3=killed, 4-6=maimed, 7-9=downed, 10-12=wounded.
    Got it?

    I'd just have to work out the damage ranks for each type of weapon. So while handweapons can only make you dead, powerful magic can kill you spectacularly.

    Armour would come in ranks and reduce the damage rank by that number. Armour of '2' (semi-plate, perhaps) would drop 'killed' to 'down' (which still ain't a good position, on your back and bleeding).

    Oh, this is the OP, by the way. If you couldn't tell by my convoluted sentence structure.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)20:07 No.2554296
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    >> OP 09/11/08(Thu)20:20 No.2554378
    Oh, I forgot to mention. Damage could, perhaps, come in three types: STRIKING, ENERGY and MAGIC. Striking is physical blows of both cold steel and hot lead, Energy is damage by fire, lightning and other non-solid attacks, Magic is innately magical damage or coercion. All three can be combined, of course. Armor Ranks count only against damage for which they can defend - So metal plate could be Striking Armour 2 and so would only be damage-reducing against striking damage.
    For true energy protection you'd need a full suit of the ancient artifact 'Teff-Lon', and for magic protected you'd need the appropriate dispel wards. And, just as damage, armour types can be accumulative.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)20:25 No.2554411
    I think the right caption for that image is "MEGGAAAA BUUUMP!!!"
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)20:32 No.2554451
    Getting shit done. I would not have this thread die.
    >> OP 09/11/08(Thu)20:37 No.2554496
    Right, I'm off to bed. Stuff's slow, but you guys are awesome.

    Oh, more skills and magical elements perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)20:50 No.2554568
    Magi-Fire, Dispel, Illumin, Hold, Scry, Vanish, Sunder, Summon, Magi-Wind, Boon and Shield.

    I think this is all you'd actually need in an adventure. Classical Elements are so overused.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)20:55 No.2554605
    I sorta like this idea.
    This, however, is fucking stupid
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)21:02 No.2554649
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)21:17 No.2554717
    keep this shit alive
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)21:31 No.2554856
    indeed, fucking stupid.

    Bump, has this been archived yet?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/08(Thu)21:37 No.2554906
    I believe so, but keep it bumped anyway
    >> Antihero King 09/11/08(Thu)22:04 No.2555090
    Hey, it's cool if you don't like it, but there's no need to be /b/ about it.
    I like OP's considerably more, agreed. How about offering up new ideas like OP instead of repeating each other?

    Do you think you could give some more specific examples of your magic types? I like the ideas, but a couple sort of sound like they could be grouped together, like Dispel and Shield.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/08(Fri)02:26 No.2556545
    Ok! Oh, but hey, I thought your combat system had merit - it's just that maybe it's a little complex for a learner game.

    Magi-Fire - Conjure blue flame of various strengths
    Dispel - Anti-magic that cancels out the equivalent rank of power
    Illumin - Conjure light, from a low beam to a blinding solar display
    Hold - stopping people or objects magically
    Scry - Search magically for things you shouldn't know.
    Vanish - make things disappear, either into invisibility or to a safe place close at hand, depending on size.
    Sunder - physical breaking or outright destruction of things
    Summon - call up various helpful spirits and creatures
    Magi-Wind - conjure a powerful magic wind
    Boon - increase a targets physical skills
    Shield - protection from physical attacks

    oh, and possibly 'Heal'...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/08(Fri)02:35 No.2556590
    Bumping for sheer awesomeness
    >> Anonymous 09/12/08(Fri)02:40 No.2556612
    concurant bump
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/12/08(Fri)11:35 No.2558759
    Maybe make those a bit more abstract?
    Like Vanish could be about making things disappear, AND appear, depending on its aplication.

    This morning I thought of a character who was a Magician (in the performance sense, not the arcane sense). Assuming there was an 'illusion' type magic, he would combine it with the Animal Control ART, and summon a tiger out of a hat to rush the enemy; then the tiger vanishes. Shit would be so Vegas.

    Also, rescuing from page 10. Does /tg/ autosage?
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/12/08(Fri)18:23 No.2561358
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    Posting art to save from Page 10.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/08(Fri)18:30 No.2561429
    I was brainstorming last night before I went to sleep on this.
    I think instead of an ENERGY type we should have a TECHNOLOGY type and apply the 3 types to a rock, paper, scissors type system.


    Each enemy in the game would have an elemental type, with an appropriate weakness (fire type enemy being weak to water)
    and a basic type (STRIKING, TECH, MAGIC).

    So something like a Stone Golem would be a STRIKING/EARTH type monster that would be weak against MAGIC/WIND type attacks. If you used just a MAGIC or WIND type attack against it, you'd get a 2x bonus, but if you used a MAGIC/WIND attack you'd get a x5 bonus and a chance to stun it or something.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/12/08(Fri)18:39 No.2561488
    Hahaha, this might generate some controversy!

    I'm not so sure on standard elements having weaknesses; more them being resistant to its own kind.
    Hitting a fire monster with water magic will do 100% damage (as would light magic, wind magic, etc.) but hitting it with fire magic will do significantly less (how much less depends on the strength of the monster). It may even heal the target if they operate as such.

    This encorages players to make the sets they want and adapt via use of skills; as opposed to changing your skillset to get at the weaknesses; and playing the same way as you did before.

    Ever played Pokemon in the metagame sense (or at least so far as trying the Battle Tower)? In the main game, it's pretty common to just switch around your party to take advantage of whatever weakness is the Flavour of the Month - but in the Battle Tower, where you have fixed resources, you have to rely on clever strategy to get the goal.

    I do like the type triangle, though. =D
    >> Anonymous 09/12/08(Fri)18:41 No.2561507
    >> Anonymous 09/12/08(Fri)18:45 No.2561540
    Well I was thinking there would be some sort of point distibution into the different elements. So you COULD use a wind type move, but it wouldn't be that strong if you didn't have any points into it, or it just wouldn't be effective at all. Or you just wouldn't be able to use it if you didn't have points. More points in an element could grant you better abilities and effects with it.

    But I like your idea as well.
    >> Six Of Spades !!0Zf5GB/lYbP 09/12/08(Fri)18:48 No.2561575
    A slight tangent; but what's the appeal of Necromancy in tabletop games? Is it kind of like the early Heroes of Might and Magic or Guild Wars games; where you can make a set of skeletons do your work for you? Or is it just the 'image' they have?

    Since tabletop games seem to be all about player interaction with the environment and eachother, controlling the dead to do things in place of the player feels a little EZ MODO.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/08(Fri)18:58 No.2561667
    bumping this. Where is the OP???
    >> Anonymous 09/12/08(Fri)19:04 No.2561718
    one more final bump
    >> Dagda !hTbo821v7U 09/12/08(Fri)19:43 No.2561952
    The appeal of necromancy is the chance to lord of the primal forces of life and unlife while laughing maniacally.

    >> Anonymous 09/12/08(Fri)21:21 No.2562569

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