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09/11/08(Thu)18:14 No.2553603 File :1221171247.jpg-(204 KB, 1024x753, Armabear.jpg)
 COMBAT (adapted from the "MurderMagic Academy," so sorry if there's any odd terms I missed.)
Actions are broken down into "payment categories." Let's look at something simple, like throwing a punch. The GM decides a punch consist of the following categories: Force (how hard you're punching) Aim (how targeted your attack is) The player rolls his D20, getting a 12. His character also has a stat of 3 in Unarmed Combat, and so gets a +3 to his roll, bringing the total to 15. What this equates to is this - the player now allocates those 15 "points" between the available categories, deciding in this case to keep things relatively even and putting 7 points into Force and 8 points into Aim.
The GM, meanwhile, has looked at affecting factors in this punch, and notes the following: -The target is close to the character, and won't require any movement persay other than the actual swing of the arm. Within Good Reach = a -1 difficulty modifier. -The PC specified that he wanted to hit the target in the jaw, in turn giving a +1 difficulty modifier. -The PC is wearing metal-plated gauntlets. While these are not weapons, technically, they would affect the punch, and therefore give a -1 modifier.
Overall, this gives a -1 to whatever difficulty the punch had. In this case, the GM first decides if the target will block or dodge (chooses dodge) and rolls a d20, getting a 10. However, dodge and block rolls are halved, thereby setting the total to 5. Since he chose dodge, the 5 points allocate there. If the target had any additional points to his Agility stat, he could add those to his points. The GM notes that he has two, which brings the comparison of: PC's 8 Aim vs. Target's 7 Dodge. The punch connects, and the PC deals his 7 Force in equivalent damage.
Buh. Sorry for the winded post. I'm off work, so when I get home I'll start posting the rest. Go ahead and start offering thoughts in the meantime. |