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  • File :1220827847.jpg-(29 KB, 300x300, taupe.jpg)
    29 KB Colors Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)18:50 No.2524762  
    Anyone here every played the pool game colors? It's fun if you have enough people but i'm wondering which colors do you fa/tg/uys pick?

    Pic very related, I never get called with this little ace.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)18:54 No.2524775
    Tell me more, anon.

    Also, puce.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)18:55 No.2524782
    What a horrible petty little color.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)18:56 No.2524788

    GO RED
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)18:59 No.2524801
    OP here, I also use burgundy. Earth tones in general work really well though.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:15 No.2524864
    Burgundy has a really weak startgame. Use green. The early farming bonus is more than enough to get off a hoplite rush before your enemies can even get together anything but some clubs.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:17 No.2524880
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    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:21 No.2524894
    Don't bother with green, though, if you're against yellows. They'll just go into guerilla warfare until they can build up their forces enough to move into the endgame. When that happens, you're screwed. You need to go after the yellows with blues. The increased infantry and cavalry speed makes it so you can chase down the yellows before they can get too entrenched or too hidden. Also, blue has bonuses to flails, which are pretty cheap. With the bonus, they're really good for the price.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:32 No.2524941
    This is all good advice. thanks, i guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:37 No.2524961
    The red guy has a point, though. Red has the balance to stay on the offensive throughout most of the game, but you have to be really careful about playing against economic powerhouses like puce and burgundy. You won't be able to overwhelm them unless you can damage their food production, so you need to make sure you don't attack anywhere they have a good defense going. They'll wipe out your army, and that'll give them time to build up their economy even more.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:39 No.2524968
         File :1220830794.jpg-(221 KB, 1024x768, 1219127996556.jpg)
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    ITT: fa/tg/uys discuss imaginary games better than they do real ones. It's what we do best, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:42 No.2524981

    Yes, but they say taupe is very soothing.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:42 No.2524982
    Do this on taupe and gray, too. They're both sort of wildcards, so you need to try and damage them badly before they can pull out something unexpected. It's easier with taupe because of their weak defense, but you sort of need to be careful trying it with gray, because if they can repel that first rush, you're in trouble.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:47 No.2525000
    look guys, I'll make this simple for you
    earth tones are mid tier
    greens are high tier
    yellow mid
    blue low tier I dunno why idiots like you recommend them (even for fighting yellow, which is what they do best, greens are better)
    red are on the low end of high tier (they have some combos that really shine and are otherwise about as good as yellow)
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:50 No.2525023
    Well, greens are high tier until they get blown out of the water in the endgame by burgundy.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:52 No.2525032
    But how do they hold up against the extraterrestrial shapes? Like those tetrahedrons?
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:52 No.2525033
    What the fuck is this?

    tiers between the tiers? just play whatever color you like the most
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:53 No.2525038
    I like beige. It's been a more popular choice in recent months but I've been using it for longer than any of these newfags have and can get more out of its soothing tone than anyone else.

    Lacks firepower though. I'd give it a red or orange stripe but it'd kill my defense.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:56 No.2525057
    I play what I like to call a "bismuth" deck; silver and turquoise.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)19:56 No.2525058
    Yeah, just play straight beige. You can out turtle most people with it, and you can take them down eventually, even with sub-par attack.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)20:00 No.2525078
    Here's the thing though. Against a properly played green, the "end game" is a lot earlier than you think. Burgundy can't build up all that momentum if they've been taken out of the game.

    In casual I guess green wouldn't be the best choice. It would be like breaking out your zoo deck against your buddy's legendary creatures deck in MtG. (I dunno if Zoo is still good, I haven't played mtg in a while)
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)20:01 No.2525088
    I like to play tartan.

    I know it gets torn apart against everything except black, but I love putting on the silly fake scottish accent.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)20:07 No.2525143
    Actually, if you can rush falxmen early on, tartan can get viable. If you can just get in a good falxman rush, it can psyche out a lot of other players. No one expects you to make a good attack early in the game.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)20:37 No.2525343
    Real men go pink.
    >> Anonymous 09/07/08(Sun)22:46 No.2525802
    OP here,
    screw you guys for ruining my colors thread, i was looking for some obscure color suggestions, but i guess not.

    Also top tier goes to white for the highest all around defense in the game and the ability to regen pretty much any of its resources, which keeps it going strong in the start and by the endgame you will be able to crush your opponent with your massive collected resources.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)00:38 No.2526407
    colorless for the win.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)00:40 No.2526420
    Someone archive this.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)00:48 No.2526473
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)01:06 No.2526568
    Pink had awful defense. You'll get ripped apart by beige, even.

    Pink is only good in team games, where you hide inside your ally's base and function as a symbiont economy.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)01:13 No.2526598
    Done. I love suptg. CTRL+f "color wars"
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)01:13 No.2526599
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)01:15 No.2526608
    I prefer blackwatch plaid myself.
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)01:22 No.2526636
    I just realized that I said OP was going to use them in "a pool cage."

    What the fuck is with my typing, /tg/?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)01:25 No.2526648
    OP here, i realized this too.
    why did you write that?
    >> Anonymous 09/08/08(Mon)03:07 No.2527195
    album cover for Rush's moving pictures

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