08/05/08(Tue)19:53 No. 2307622 When fighting an entrenched enemy, the Mole Marines will dig miles of convoluted trenches. The excavated earth will be dumped into huge piles, littering the landscape, and seemingly left unused. Little do many enemies know, that at the centre of these mounds of sod are heavily armoured bunkers from which armies are commanded, or underground raids launched into their networks of tunnels, which are often many more times as extensive as the trench network. There have been many times where an enemy has attacked a relatively undefended position, only to find themselves ambushed by elite Driller squads who assault through pre-made underground shortcuts. Even if the enemy does gain control of a trench system, they may find the ground sinking down as the Moles sabotage their own tunnels underneath the trenches. Even if the enemy has knowledge of the Mole Marines subterrainean ways, the marines networks of tunnels could be likened to a Hyrdas head. Even after destroying what looks to be the command bunker, the Moles reposition their forces, or even strike back, using specialised drilling vehicles. An even worse fate awaits the Moles foes if they dare take the fight down into the Moles own subsurface lairs...