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05/22/08(Thu)15:31 No.1795368 File :1211484671.jpg-(114 KB, 810x575, robertson_header.jpg)
 Probably alot of Iain M Bank's Culture series (though I may be stuck in that mode since I haven't read to burn it off because of "work"). A sort of Sleek-Dark, a sort of uptopia grown from corporate ultra-modern, where the general populace live happily, but the things that hold it all up are willing to kill and bribe to keep it that way.
Physical combat has mostly been reduced down to short. Corporate espionage/hackery/politics, giving with one hand, with a knife ready in the other. Sometimes, something goes wrong, cities decimated by industrial "accidents". Real war exists out in space, over exploration, resources, system bottlenecks, mercenaries, piracy, mystery etc.
Technology is mainstream, iPod, cosemtic DNA-tweaking (hair, eyes, skin-colour), full cyborg body-modding is a subculture like punks use piercings, raw iron girders on building sites but a smooth rounded building of plastics and glass when finished. |