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05/17/08(Sat)01:20 No.1754008 File :1211001626.jpg-(89 KB, 412x1020, zenrobot.jpg)
 >>1753809 He was odd, to say the least. We exchanged plesantries, Toto seemed to like him. Scarecrow didn't care, as long as he wasn't trying to kill him that was fine by me. Tin Man was a combination of metal and flesh, a little like Scare but obviously different. According to Tin he was once completly flesh, a full living, breathing Kin who took care of the metal forest. A combination of having to meet with ever growing demands for metal and several accidents had resulted in him over the years jury rigging and argumenting his body. Now that's dedication. Only a part of him was still "Alive". His left arm and upper body were still there, along with parts of his head. Everything else was piston, sheet metal and what I could only really describe as engine parts, all cobbled together. No ounce of Tecnomagic in him at all, just pure engineering marvel matched with a high pain threshold. I explained what had happened to us, how that thing chased us and got us lost in his forest. He offered to guide us back to the roadway in exchange for more stories and about our destination. Rest asured that "Talk myself hoarse to a Tin Man." was firmly crossed off the list of things to do before I die.
"...and by then half the building was rubble. The other half was on fire. Totaly Scarecrow's fault."
"They opened fire. They were enthralled. We were not causing fear or chaos. They showed hostility. We acted as purpose dictates."
"Those were shots of victory. They were shooting in the air, god damn it."
Tinman laughed, infact he had been laughing all the way, cheery as ever, Toto close beside him. That dog took a real liking to him, no idea why.
"Lass, you and the construct are a right royal bundle of laughs!"
The spires had begun to thin out, as were the stories, we would reach the road soon and would have to say our goodbyes. Yet the sound of battle in the distance quickened our step... |