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    File :1207852423.jpg-(64 KB, 640x890, Comissar.jpg)
    64 KB Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)14:33 No.1505986  
    Imperial Guard.

    Drop troopers, lots of veterans, meltagun galore and as many democharges as I can get. 2 Basilisks and a Leman Demolisher.

    Is this a viable army?

    Picture related to how it's ment to work.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)14:36 No.1506001
    So you drop masses of special guns behind the enemy mspearhead, melta all the strong units to slag and then chuck huge ordance grenades on his infantry?

    It SOUNDS awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)14:40 No.1506016
    those are some hella expensive suicide units.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)14:57 No.1506074
    One of the only viable ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)15:01 No.1506091
    So how exactly is this ment to be played?
    HQ + 2 special gun teams + 3 vet teams deep strike?
    >> Salamanders Fanboi !!LlMVhamPMh6 04/10/08(Thu)15:02 No.1506095
    The pic is far more hilarious than it should be.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)15:04 No.1506102

    What do you mean? It seems pretty self explanatory.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)15:06 No.1506107

    HQ stays down for leadership to keep fireline fighting. Everything else drops and kills stuff. Platoon command squads can also be used for this purpose (4 plasma guns).
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)15:08 No.1506115
    I mean do i derp strike every god damn last man or just the meltateams?
    and what 3 other doctrines?
    -Drop infantry
    -Carapace Armour?
    -Close Order Drill?

    and what else should I include than 3 vet teams, HQ, minimum troops and the 3 tanks (2 Basi 1 Demo)?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)15:08 No.1506116
    If your HQ, hardened vets and special weapons squads are all DEAP STRIKING FOR DA EMPORAGH you'll need something to tie up your enemy while you make reserve rolls. Get some conscripts to spam lasfire while you're waiting for the bad boys to DEAP STRIEHK.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)15:11 No.1506126
    Take heavy weapon teams.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)15:18 No.1506144
    Now THAT is a deep strike.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:00 No.1506294
    Right. Initial list, no point costs.

    HSO, plasma pistol
    4 plasma guns

    2 special weapon squads
    -5 meltaguns, Democharge
    -5 meltaguns, Democharge

    3 hardened Veteran squads (5 men + Srg)
    -3 meltaguns, Lascannon
    -3 plasma guns, Heavy Bolter
    -3 plasma guns, Missile Launcher

    Troop platoon 1
    -4 plasmaguns, officer plasma pistol
    -plasmagun, lascannon
    -plamagun, lascannon

    Troop platoon 2
    -4 meltaguns, plasma pistol
    -meltagun, lascannon
    -meltagun, lascannon

    2 basilisks
    Leman Russ Demolisher
    -plasma sponsons, imp comms.

    >> Lord General Tann 04/10/08(Thu)16:01 No.1506301
    This strategy of ambush is a good one. However military strategy dictates that effective communication is better than firepower. have your men carry vox casters
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:02 No.1506306
    Heavy weapons are wasted on vet squads. They can't shoot them on the turn they deep strike and they'll rarely last longer than one turn if your opponent has any sense. Keep your deep striking units solely on assault weapons and cheap so when your opponent wastes 200 points of fire warriors shooting them you can laugh and tell him they only cost you 75 points.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:08 No.1506325
    meltaguns don't belong in guard, get something with range further than 12 inches. You can't kill enough enemies at that range.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:09 No.1506329
    HQ (D)
    HSO, plasma pistol
    3 plasma guns, master vox

    2 special weapon squads (D)
    -5 meltaguns, Democharge
    -5 meltaguns, Democharge

    3 hardened Veteran squads (4 men + Srg) (D)
    -3 meltaguns, plasma pistol or sarge
    -3 plasma guns, plasma pistol or sarge
    -3 plasma guns, plasma pistol or sarge

    Troop platoon 1
    -4 plasmaguns, officer plasma pistol (D)
    -lascannon, vox
    -lascannon, vox

    Troop platoon 2
    -4 meltaguns, plasma pistol (D)
    -lascannon, vox
    -lascannon, vox

    20 Conscripts

    2 basilisks
    Leman Russ Demolisher
    -plasma sponsons, imp comms.

    2.0, (D) marks the derp striking units.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:10 No.1506334
    what if I STEEL RHEEN behind enemy tanks and slag them?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:27 No.1506416
    The guardsmen were standing. There were enemies on the field, they knew. Long ago they had watched the armies kill xenos and said one day we want to kill too but the colonel had said NO YOU WILL BE KILL BY ENEMY. There was a time they had believed but no more but now they knew the colonel was right.
    And then the skies split apart as dozens of veterans, firing furiously with their plasma and melta weaponry, dived from the sky like human piledriver bombs with teratonnes of awesome in their warheads.

    After the firestorm died down, the guardsmen looked at the field before them. The enemy was no more, melted and incinerated to dust and slag. The veterans were nowhere to be found, seemingly destroyed alongside the enemy.
    A single tear rolled down the cheek of a guadsman. One day, he too would do that for the Emperor.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:28 No.1506423
    How the hell do you get 6 special weapons on your special weapon squads, if the max limit is 3?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:29 No.1506432

    Special weapon teams can have only 3 special weapons
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:30 No.1506439
    got my numbers fucked up, sry.
    2 special weapon squads (D)
    -2 meltaguns, Democharge
    -2 meltaguns, Democharge
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:34 No.1506468
    aaaaaand OP's army is now awesome.
    good job.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:40 No.1506500
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:44 No.1506519
    Make an ormy full of Ogryns and a Priest.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:46 No.1506527
    That's my other configuration.
    -feral ogryns
    -hardened fighters

    Comissars, priests and officers with power weapons EVERYWHERE.
    3 basilisks

    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:49 No.1506543
    OP needs more allied Inquisitor lords with huge gunplatform retinues.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:50 No.1506552
    We'll call that Plan Stupid. I named it after ya.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:54 No.1506566
    while >>1506519
    is plain stupid, what about >>1506527
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)16:57 No.1506588
    Not OP here, but I made a list for this STEEL REHN idea with calculated point costs:

    - Drop Troops
    - Veterans
    - Special Weapons Squads
    - Sharpshooters
    - Iron Disciple

    Command Platoon
    - Heroic Senior Command Squad (75), Iron Disciple (5), Plasma Pistol (10), 3 Meltaguns (3x10), Master-Vox (25)
    - Special Weapons Squad (35), 2 Meltaguns (2x15), Demolition Charge (10)
    - Special Weapons Squad (35), 2 Meltaguns (2x15), Demolition Charge (10)
    = 295

    Hardened Veterans (45) w/ Plasma Pistol (10), 3 Plasmaguns (3x10) = 85
    Hardened Veterans (45) w/ Plasma Pistol (10), 3 Plasmaguns (3x10) = 85
    Hardened Veterans (45) w/ Plasma Pistol (10), 3 Plasmaguns (3x10) = 85

    Infantry Platoon
    - Junior Command Squad (40), Plasma Pistol (10), 4 Plasmaguns (4x10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    = 270
    Infantry Platoon
    - Junior Command Squad (40), Plasma Pistol (10), 4 Plasmaguns (4x10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    = 270

    Basilisk (100), Improved Comms (20) = 120
    Basilisk (100), Improved Comms (20) = 120
    Leman Russ Demolisher (150), Heavy Bolter (5), Extra Armour (5), Plasma Cannons (20) = 180

    Total: 1500
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:01 No.1506606

    7 Meltaguns, 6 Plasma Pistols, 17 Plasmaguns, 2 Plasma Cannons, 4 Lascannons. After GW claridied how multiple Improved Comms work, you can now reroll 2 separate reserve-rolls for more certain STEEL REHN.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:03 No.1506613
    OP here, can you add another 500pts into that as I play mostly 2000?
    Much <3 to you.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:07 No.1506635
    Okay, working that in the list now...
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:12 No.1506654
    Ho-ley shite! That's some SERIOUS pain. I think this could REALLY kill stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:17 No.1506679
    Okay, correction to >>1506588 you have to remove the Plasma Pistol from the Senior Heroic officer to get it to 1500 points. That's what you get for planning a list while ill. Anyways, here's the 2000 point list, added some hellhounds for the firestorm.

    - Drop Troops
    - Veterans
    - Special Weapons Squads
    - Sharpshooters
    - Iron Disciple

    Command Platoon
    - Heroic Senior Command Squad (75), Iron Disciple (5), 3 Meltaguns (3x10), Master-Vox (25)
    - Special Weapons Squad (35), 2 Meltaguns (2x15), Demolition Charge (10)
    - Special Weapons Squad (35), 2 Meltaguns (2x15), Demolition Charge (10)
    = 285

    Hardened Veterans (45) w/ Plasma Pistol (10), 3 Plasmaguns (3x10) = 85
    Hardened Veterans (45) w/ Plasma Pistol (10), 3 Plasmaguns (3x10) = 85
    Hardened Veterans (45) w/ Plasma Pistol (10), 3 Plasmaguns (3x10) = 85

    Infantry Platoon
    - Junior Command Squad (40), Plasma Pistol (10), 4 Plasmaguns (4x10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    = 270
    Infantry Platoon
    - Junior Command Squad (40), Plasma Pistol (10), 4 Plasmaguns (4x10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    = 270
    Infantry Platoon
    - Junior Command Squad (40), Plasma Pistol (10), 4 Plasmaguns (4x10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Lascannon (25), Vox-caster (5)
    = 270

    Hellhound (115) = 115
    Hellhound (115) = 115

    Basilisk (100), Improved Comms (20) = 120
    Basilisk (100), Improved Comms (20) = 120
    Leman Russ Demolisher (150), Heavy Bolter (5), Extra Armour (5), Plasma Cannons (20) = 180

    Total: 2000
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:23 No.1506704
    lovely <3
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:27 No.1506721

    By the Throne. Think that'd actually be competitive? It looks kick-ass but I'm not actually a warhamms player.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:34 No.1506754
    It's playable. The infantry blocks can soak fire especialy with Iron Dicipline and all the voxes going, while returning lascannon blasts, supported by 2 basilisks and the Demolisher spearheading alongside the Hellhounds. When the reserve rolls ARE managed, the sky will rain cheap units armed to the teeth with high-punch assault guns. Drop the meltas near vehicles and the plasmas elsewhere, unleash hell, laugh as the squad is wiped out by an enemy unit costing ten times its points. When in range, UNLEASH THE CAPS LOCK THAT IS THE DEMOLISHER.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:37 No.1506766

    Well, Deep Striking does give it a little risk on it, but let's look at what that list has against different types of enemies:

    Heavy Vechiles, Terminators etc. - 21 Plasmaguns, 6 Plasma Pistols, 7 Meltaguns, 6 Lascannons, 2 Plasma Cannons, 2 Earthshakers and the Demolisher. We can safely assume that this firepower will be enough to take on even the most vechile-heavy list.

    Swarms - 64 lasguns, 2 Earthshakers, 2 Inferno Cannons, Demolisher, 2 Demolition Charges, 2 Plasma Cannons, Heavy Bolter; and if that's not enough, we pull in all the Plasma & Melta weaponry.

    Fast assault things - Like all guard, this list has nothing that can survive against assault-oriented units, BUT we have two great ways to counteract them. Firstly, we prevent them from getting into melee with our tanks. Secondly, we prevent them from getting into melee by deep striking next to them and showing them the might of STEEL REHN.

    tl;dr: STEEL REHN for every situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:44 No.1506813

    *in the distance* Steel rehn, some stay dry and other feel the pehn...


    DEEPSTRIKE FOR THE EMPEROR! *meltameltameltameltamelta*
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:49 No.1506842
    Competitive? it might. Your opponent will spend so much time thinking wtf you doing that you will be able to take him down.

    Truth be told? It might. someone gotta run a few tests to see.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:49 No.1506848
    how would it work agains, say, NidZilla or Necrons?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:54 No.1506875
    Indeed. This is potentialy both the most fun and one of the most fun configurations of a IG army.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)17:57 No.1506887

    Nidzilla? This list would easily rape them. Just look at the sheer amount of weapons that ignore Tyrants' and 'Fexies' armour saves in here (hint: over 40) statistically you'd need 2,25 Veteran plasma squads to take down a tyrant or a fex in one turn. We get lots of those, and lascannons etc.

    Necrons, not so sure with them. The AP would be nice, but We'll Be Back would be a pain. At least you could deal with destroyers easily, by deepstriking few squads next to them and wiping them out, denying them their We'll Be back rolls. You'd just have to trust to the EMPEROR and STEEL REHN.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)18:06 No.1506925
    Also I think STEHL RHEN would be nice to drop around the monolith and nuke it to slag, then have the Negron between two fronts.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)18:12 No.1506951

    We'll have to rely on our Meltaguns, Lascannons and heavy artillery to take down the Monoliths, since Plasmaweaponry lacks the strenght to pierce the AV14. But we have lots of melta and firepower, so we don't have to worry about the monolith: once we destroy that it's ALL OVER.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)18:12 No.1506954
    ANY army is going to shit bricks when in the front you have a wall of lasguns and three tanks, and at the back you got like 40 special guns pointed at your ass
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)18:15 No.1506969
    If this army becomes any better it's going to need drawfaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)18:26 No.1506999
    Too bad one can't model an army to be as cool as this sounds...
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)18:32 No.1507028
    Melta's near useless versus a monolith because of the living metal rule. You lose the extra d6 on penetration.

    Just avoid the monolith and deepstrike beside the warrior squads to kill them and force phase out.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)18:34 No.1507046
    he can still lob ordance and lascannons at it
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)18:42 No.1507082
    ITT: IG stops being I shoot and shoot and goes into I STEEL REH FOR THE EMPEROR AND DOESN'T AFRAID OF ANYTHING.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)19:04 No.1507201
    This is now the new epitomic IG. All earlier attempts at cool IG are now Null.
    >> Guardsman Gary 04/10/08(Thu)19:06 No.1507210
    ... shucks.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)19:06 No.1507212
    You only need a shirtless torso and a Commissar with a Mustache to make this work
    >> I apologized on 4chan 04/10/08(Thu)19:35 No.1507359
    I have a quick question about the plasma guns, aren't there some sort of inherent danger to them?
    Something that maybe Space Marines can get away with, but mundane people with flak armour might not?

    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)20:23 No.1507536

    I can write when I'm motivated, but does this deserve humorous writefaggotry or srs writefaggotry? I'm thinking srs.
    >> Salamanders Fanboi !!LlMVhamPMh6 04/10/08(Thu)20:29 No.1507567
    I've been playing an IG army like this for years. Took you fucks a while to figure out, I see. Ah well, I have no problem with you learning a thing or two from the Luridian 13th Penal Legion.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/08(Thu)20:30 No.1507571

    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)03:24 No.1509211
    The Rehnian 7th "Ironstorm"
    >> Salamanders Fanboi !!Wyx1pV1wpO9 04/11/08(Fri)03:34 No.1509234
    Man what.

    The Luridian 13th Penal Legion is formed of what's left over after 100 penal legions get tossed into battle for 10 years. All remainders were consolidated under the banner of the 13th Penal Legion, and they're now a unit of die-hard veterans who are (in finest penal legion tradition) sent on the suicide runs. Their battlecry is "Redemtion in death" and the unit motto is "None left alive" -- not the enemy, not them. A portion of the legion is left behind as cadre each time, and all the rest go out to die. I am aware that this is less than coherent, but it's rather late and I, true to form, haven't slept in quite some time.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)03:35 No.1509235
         File :1207899312.jpg-(27 KB, 500x376, madison twatter.jpg)
    27 KB

    Give him a 'tache like this guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)03:52 No.1509282
    Somehow I absolutelt love the idea of a regiment where the veterans lead by example, leaping out of low-flight valkyries witout grav-chutes and just fire like insane while in mid-drop, getting killed as soon as they land. The next wave is made up of the guardsmen who saw this act of unhinged awesome and wanted to do the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)03:54 No.1509291

    Welcome to the Elysian Drop-troops, soldier. Here's your las carbine. We jump in five minutes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)04:07 No.1509335
    not as cool as
    "Welcome to the Ironstorm. Shoot that way untill the vets arive"
    "What vets-"
    "...holey shit-"
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)04:33 No.1509444
    I'd join...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)14:07 No.1511257
    This is too good not to save.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)14:31 No.1511340
    STEEL RHEEN bump
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)15:41 No.1511613
    Listmaker here; well, since this thread is losing its flare, I have the lists saved and am willing to post them in future if required. Just remember to use the same awesome pic that the OP used.

    Also, if you have a good idea for any army list (except for SPEESH MERIINESH), I'm willing to try to do all the calculating and micromanagment.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)15:43 No.1511621
    Thread archived.
    also you could try giving a Ork Armoured Krumpany / Stoel Ren (can orks deepstrike??) / Mass meganob + loota army, or the idea put out by >>1506527
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)15:46 No.1511635
    Hmm, missed that idea; have to work on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)16:54 No.1512009
    - Veterans
    - Sharpshooters
    - Hardened Fighters
    - Warrior Weapons
    - Light Infantry

    Command Platoon
    - Heroic Senior Officer (70) w/ Power weapon (5), Surveyor (2), 4 Veterans (4x6) w/ Laspistols & CCW, Frag Grenades (5x1), Meltabombs (5x5), Medic (5), Standard Bearer (5) w/ Regimental Standard (20), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infantry (10)
    = 186

    5 Hardened Veterans (45), Power Weapon (5), Laspistols & CCWs, Hardened Fighters (15) = 65
    5 Hardened Veterans (45), Power Weapon (5), Laspistols & CCWs, Hardened Fighters (15) = 65
    5 Hardened Veterans (45), Power Weapon (5), Laspistols & CCWs, Hardened Fighters (15) = 65
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)16:55 No.1512014
    Infanry Platoon
    - Junior Heroic Officer (40), 4 Veterans (4x6), Laspistols & CCW, Power weapon (5), Frag Grenades (5x1), Meltabombs (5x5), Medic (5), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infanry (10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Veteran Sergeant (6) w/ Power Weapon (5), Meltagun (10), Laspistols & CCWs (8x2), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infantry (10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Veteran Sergeant (6) w/ Power Weapon (5), Meltagun (10), Laspistols & CCWs (8x2), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infantry (10)
    = 373
    Infanry Platoon
    - Junior Heroic Officer (40), 4 Veterans (4x6), Laspistols & CCW, Power weapon (5), Frag Grenades (5x1), Meltabombs (5x5), Medic (5), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infanry (10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Veteran Sergeant (6) w/ Power Weapon (5), Meltagun (10), Laspistols & CCWs (8x2), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infantry (10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Veteran Sergeant (6) w/ Power Weapon (5), Meltagun (10), Laspistols & CCWs (8x2), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infantry (10)
    = 373
    Infanry Platoon
    - Junior Heroic Officer (40), 4 Veterans (4x6), Laspistols & CCW, Power weapon (5), Frag Grenades (5x1), Meltabombs (5x5), Medic (5), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infanry (10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Veteran Sergeant (6) w/ Power Weapon (5), Meltagun (10), Laspistols & CCWs (8x2), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infantry (10)
    - Infantry Squad (60), Veteran Sergeant (6) w/ Power Weapon (5), Meltagun (10), Laspistols & CCWs (8x2), Hardened Fighters (15), Light Infantry (10)
    = 373

    Total: 1500
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)16:55 No.1512017
    Allright, I TRIED to find a way how to use Ogryns and priests, but I couldn't find a way over their suckiness. But while doing that, I got the idea of a sneaky IG army. Really SNEAKY.

    Here's the thing: Every Single Mothafucking Model Infiltrates. That's right, you get 95 infiltrators in your army. I'd love to see the look on my opponent's face when I tell him that I don't have anything to deploy, since they all infiltrate. Anyways, time to sleep for a change.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)16:57 No.1512027
    Also, switch the Sharpshooters for Close Order Drill, if you want extra-melee'y guard.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)17:01 No.1512042
    This is so insane it is brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)17:57 No.1512294
         File :1207951021.jpg-(31 KB, 500x647, STEELRAHN.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)17:58 No.1512308
    For some reason this looked much more awesome in my head.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)17:59 No.1512314
    ... probably because in my head they didn't get the luxury of parachutes.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)17:59 No.1512319
    ... and were nose-diving face-first shooting crazy while looking all FOR THE EMPEROR.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)18:00 No.1512326

    sorry for the shittyness of the drawing, quick sketch + barely any art education does not really equal quality.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)18:04 No.1512357
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)18:08 No.1512388
    At first I was going to call you a gigantic faggot...

    But then I realized that this really DOES sound more awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)19:00 No.1512698
         File :1207954823.jpg-(809 KB, 1217x1643, Rehnian 7th.jpg)
    809 KB
    Listfag here; couldn't get sleep due to illness, decided to see what's going on, saw how the drawfag failed to capture the spirit.

    Took a pen, and scribbled Rhenian 7th
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)19:08 No.1512739
    This was also done in 5 minutes, after a good night's sleep I'll make a more accurate version.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)19:10 No.1512748
         File :1207955422.jpg-(11 KB, 347x345, Boreale Deep Strike.jpg)
    11 KB
    Oh wow.

    The old Force Commander would be proud.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/08(Fri)19:11 No.1512752
    Nice to know. Anyways, if this thread is alive tomorrow, I'll post a more detailed one. Now I'll try to sleep once more.

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