03/22/08(Sat)17:25 No. 1383730 File :1206221113.jpg -(53 KB, 600x729, radmech.jpg ) DAZZLING MOUSTACHE Your facial hair is so elegant and glossy that it may be used to instill fear in your enemies. An amount of times per day equal to your charisma modifier, you may, as a free action, attempt to Dazzle everyone who can see you for 1d4 rounds. You may use 2 of your daily uses to attempt to Stun them for 1d4 rounds, and three of your daily uses to attempt to instill a Fear effect for 1d4 rounds. Prereqs: Supremely Dapper Moustache SUPERIOR DAZZLING MOUSTACHE Your facial hair is a sight to behold, legendary the world over. Your daily uses of the Dazzling Moustache effect doubles. Additionally, through the sheer virility your facial hair exumes, it now effects even those who cannot see you, as long as they are within 30 feet of you. You can use 1 daily use of your Dazzling Moustache to completely negate a fear effect against you. Prereq: Dazzling Moustache ANIMATE MOUSTACHE Through what can only be describe as a parodoxial space-time continuum fuck up, your facial hair has gained sentience. You may use it as a specialized Moustache Familiar (see nonexistant chart 1.3) Prereq: Supremely Dapper Moustache, the ability to use a familiar. ROTTEN MOUSTACHE Your facial hair can only be called a defect of nature. It is mishapen, scraggly, patchy, and sickly, and unfortunately for us, coarse and indestructible. You recieve a -2 penalty to Diplomacy, Bluff and Gather Information checks. Your facial hair can never be trimmed, shaven, or otherwise changed, except via powerful magicks. If your facial hair ever becomes non-repulsive, you lose this feat, as well as the bonus feat. Special: Choose 1 bonus feat that does not involve facial hair. *All facial hair feats are negated if your facial hair is damaged, and remain ineffective until it is repaired.