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02/07/08(Thu)16:12 No.1133389 File :1202418760.jpg-(43 KB, 475x400, Just as Ranned.jpg)
 >DM: You have 1d12+6 minutes before all reality is erased.
That's not what the DM's supposed to do. He's supposed to keep quiet and watch as the PCs recuperate and celebrate after having slain a demigod. Then, after 1d12+6 minutes, he informs the PCs that the sphere has erased all existence on the Material Plane (and possibly every other plane as well, since the description DOES say "everything in existence" and "all existence"). Game over, you lose, no continues, thank you for playing.
Also, I find it funny that the aftereffects of the Kyuss-summoning ritual are actually a billion times more dangerous than Kyuss himself. |