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12/30/07(Sun)00:10 No.950362 File :1198991423.jpg-(296 KB, 800x438, Patchouli China Sunset.jpg)
 - I am heavily biased towards the d20 system. - I loathe GRIM AND DARK AND GRIM AND DARK settings, which is why I don't like the fluff and feel of both WFRP and 40k. - I dislike all White Wolf games, especially Exalted. - I am getting very impatient with Craig Cochrane, the author of the Immortals Handbook, because the release of Ascension is turning out to be Duke Nukem: Forever. - Although I regularly play D&D games over Fantasy Grounds, I have never actually played a game in-person. - I am much more of a min-maxer than a roleplayer, and I often end up playing quiet and reserved characters to minimize acting. - I seldom watch anime or read manga, maybe picking up a series once every other month or so. - I am so accustomed to seeing lots of anime pics that realistic Western art looks "unnatural" to me. - I really hate /a/, /b/, and /v/, though I sometimes forage /a/ for Touhou pics. - I only got into Touhou about six months ago, ironically, because of a thread on /tg/. - I never play the Touhou danmaku games, because I suck ass at them. - Attaching Touhou pics to all of my posts is borderline pseudo-tripfaggotry and attention whoring, but I'm fine with it. - I was somehow diagnosed with Aspergers when I was ~14 years old. Personally though, I don't think that Aspergers is a real disease. - I still live with my parents. To be fair though, my 32- and 33-year old brothers still do as well. - I attended a non-co-ed elementary school and was home-schooled for high school and college, so I have zero experience or exposure to women. - I only leave the house for work and never leave for anything else, so I'm a demi-hikikomori. - I'm on IRC as Adslahnit on the following channels and servers: #DungeonOOC @ irc.rizon.net, #shrinemaiden @ irc.bad-end.org, #zeal @ kanami.aniverse.com |