Listen up poorfags, let me make this clear to you: just because you're working at McDonald's and think sweatpants are the epitome of fashion doesn't mean High Fashion is "bullshit", "hipster faggotry" or "rich white people going mad with power". You know what it means when you complain about how the elite dress half the world away from your shitty basement? "No one wears that shit" = "I'm a provincial fuck that doesn't realize how different things are outside of the town I've never left in my life."* And another thing: High Fashion = timeless and unique. Trendy = Mexican kids spending all their money.**
High Fashion means turning yourself into a work of art that turns heads and speaks to the soul; you wear it to
be it. What you plebs think of as High Fashion (capital H, capital F) is just whatever scraps the Parisian masters toss at the yipping working class mutts like yourselves. Let me educate you:

This is High Fashion. I feel inadequate to even behold such beauty.

This is expensive cloth for gutter trash. Trash like you. Practical, functional, expensive? Ick. It looks like she could have just picked this out of a closet and put it on by herself! What High Art doesn't require a cadre of specialized fashionistas to assit you into the garments?

And this is you, you miserable philistines. Choke on your fat, salty tears. You will never be pretty, princess.
I hope we've gotten that all squared away now so I can stop correcting you mealy-mouthed embarrassments when your dirt-farmer upbringings start to
* Direct quote from /fa/
** Also a direct
quote from /fa/, in the same thread

This is why I love Etsy; such rich beauty and artistic vision would never see the light of day in a corporate store, shackled by oppression and fed to the lowest common denominator. Behold:

Yes, this is exactly what you think it looks like. No, that's not a typo in the domain name in the image. This amulet is just simply a sight to behold, and I have great respect and admiration for the artist. While the rest of you are scrawling "gotta go fast" sanics on your walls in Crayloa, Annie is forging truth out of glass. So beautiful.

As an addendum, I've also wholesale deleted all of the WAYWT (What Are You Wearing Today?) threads. Look, we have more than one of these
per hour, there's no need to save them for posterity. You either look fucking fantastic every day (like me) and therefore there's no need for this shit, or you're a scrub and shouldn't be posting anyway. I'm so fucking sick of these threads. They're banned. Stop archiving them!

So I was going through the archives and did a little MySQL-fu, and it turns out that 92% of all threads are tagged with the terms "hipster", "faggot", or "hipster faggot". That's not very helpful, guys. I've scrubbed these terms from the associated threads. Try to be a
little more creative.